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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Contructivist Approach Transformative Approach Results chain PET/SPECT imaging Prime densitie Local GCD Equivalence Average ranks of elliptic curve Processo di prevenzione Giusto processo di prevenzione Mixer wagon OFF-period Down state Extensionalism Phenomenology of Time Time Flow Cinematic Model Tenseless content Phenomenal Modifier Veridicalism Japonica ric Genomic Wide Association Study (GWAS) Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) Meniscu Age-related variation Young’s modulu Photoreceptor Spatial Distribution Blue-noise Sampling Milk production of dairy cow Enteric methane emission Mafia infiltration Dissolution of Municipal Councils Alpe Veglia Forni Glacier Mercenarie SFAVAR SVAR, Emerging Markets, SFAVAR Arabidopsis, ALOG Food saftey Staphylococcus pseudintermediu Astroparticle physic Low counting experiment Evoluzione del diritto Evoluzione macrostorica nel diritto Evoluzione nel diritto Goguet Macrostoria Antropologia giuridica Vinogradoff Oxidative Phosphorilation CHCHD4 Criminalità ambientale Feline infectious peritoniti Canine leishmaniasia Leukocyte populations Boundedne Nonlocal equation Male ritual circumcision Parents' religious education Italian legal system Società partecipate Società in mano pubblica Partecipazioni pubbliche Testo unico Stato imprenditore Multiscale structural analysi Ti-humite Western Alp Audio synthesi Audio analysi Time series analysi Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídica Catarismo Catarismi Valutazioni tecnico-scientifiche Libertà della scienza Discrezionalità tecnica Discrezionalità legislativa Planet-disc interaction Child-adult relation Illne Longitudinal analysi European Pillar of Social Right European Unemployment Benefit cheme Victims' relative Affare Dreyfu Allerona Altoviti