Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Aluminium alloy Surface defects Quenching Microhardness Chemical activity Ceramic materials - Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity Ceramic materials - Electric properties Electric properties Ceramic materials - Thermal properties Electric resistance Graphics LEGO MINDSTORMS ROBOLAB OpenGL ODE Vineyard management Preference Sugar concentration Bird behaviour Foraging strategy European blackbird Turdus merula Song thrush Turdus philomelos Silvereye Zosterops lateralis Data driven model Surface waves Undular hydraulic jump Kernel Karhunen-Loéve Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Random flow field Regression coefficient function Covariance Navier-Stokes equations Water and sanitary engineering Environmental engineering modelling Fields of Research – 230000 Mathematical Sciences Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus IBV Broiler chickens Immune system Environmental stress Corticosterone Virology Psychosocial factors General (0621) Psychology, General (0621) Lévinas Race and ethnic relations 370103 Race and ethnic relations Cortisol Growth hormone Athlete 321401 Exercise physiology Museums and minorities 410000 The Arts Prolactin Lactogenesis Ovine Milk Bromocriptine 300505 Anatomy and physiology Data warehousing Database design Methane emissions Greenhouse gas emissions Animal physiology-systems Pea Cell hybridisation Ascochyta blight Grasspea Disease and pest resistance In vitro Toxicity testing Effect of chemicals on Human cell culture Human cell culture - Effect of chemicals on Copper oxide superconductors High temperature superconductivity Antiferromagnetism Megakaryocytes Fli-1 GATA-1 IFI16 Thrombopoietin Interferon Blood cells Blood platelets Steel alloys – Metallurgy Steel alloys – Mechanical properties Optical fibre sensors Wavelength-frequency multiplexing W*DM FBGs Testing of concrete