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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Hector’s dolphin Tour boats Theodolite Boat-based observations Fields of Research – 260000 Earth Sciences Bioindicator Environmental health assessment Atrazine Zinc sulphate 96h acute and full life-cycle chronic toxicity bioassays Water quality guideline values Copepod life-cycle Copepod culture Standard operating procedures Socio-ecological resilience New Economic Space Fs Fs/QCA QCA Cultural economy Nodulation Inoculation Dry matter accumulation Primers FC RD Agrobacterium Pseudomonas species Micro-environment analysis Moving boundary Composting science Calorimetry Reactor Waste treatment Rate constant Body size Medicalisation Formative assessment Open-ended Written assignments 280000 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences 419900 Other Arts Other Arts Gothic literature Gothic film Gothic studies Janet Frame New Zealand literature 420201 New Zealand literature in English New Zealand literature in English Alertness Napping Political marketing Political advertising Market orientation New Zealand elections Political communication 360100 Political Science Contracting Third sector Health services 321204 Mental health Sociocultural theory Classroom learning Transformation of participation Primary teaching 330100 Education Studies Art galleries Provincial Consultants Management consulting Community of consultants Granulation Population balance modelling Liquid bridges Coalescence Computational geometry 240500 Classical Physics Exhibition development Non-governmental Organisations Fields of Research – 360000 Policy and Political Science – 360100 Political Science NCEA Recovered fibre Papermaking Daio Daishowa Woodchips DMI Waste paper Pulpwood Oji Industry structure Pulp Paperboard Political ecology MITI Lubicon Alaska Pulp Co