Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Agricultural engineering Fields of Research – 300000 Agricultural, Veterinary and Environmental Sciences – 300500 Veterinary Medicine Fields of Research – 340000 Economics – 340200 Applied Economics Urban parks Benefits Beneficial outcomes approach Benefits-based management Leisure constraints Park planning and management Christchurch parks Recreation planning Plant improvement (selection, breeding and genetic engineering) Auditing and Accountability Fields of Research – 350000 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services – 350100 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Actinidin Eating quality Juiciness Kiwifruit juice Lamb Lipid oxidation Tenderness Volatile compounds Industrial Biotechnology and Food Sciences Fields of Research – 290000 Engineering and Technology – 290100 Industrial Biotechnology and Food Sciences Phytoptus avellanae Cecidophyopsis vermiformis Big bud mites Eriophyoids Corylus avellana Hazelnut Chemical control Degree-days Phenology DNA sequences Retrieval and management New Zealand pigeon Zoology Fields of Research – 270000 Biological Sciences – 270500 Zoology Organisational environment Management functions Mid micron wool Value proposition for consumers Operational excellence Product leadership Customer intimacy Supply value chain Fields of Research – 340000 Economics – 340100 Economic Theory Economic Theory Information systems organisation Other Studies In Human Society International trade Kiwi SPS Fields of Research – 340000 Economics Indigenous mapping Geographic Information System (GIS) Kaupapa Māori Research Indigenous intellectual property rights Mapping cultural heritage Denitrification Immobilisation Nitrous oxide emissions Lysimeter study Environmental effects Animal production (pests and pathogens) Vertebrate pest control Baits Aerial baiting Bait palatability Bait acceptance Bait aversion Bait shyness Sodium monofluoroacetate 1080 Cyanide Cholecalciferol Brodifacoum Health and diseases Fields of Research – 270000 Biological Sciences – 270200 Genetics Agronomy Lambs Weaning Suckling Nematode IgA IgM Antibody Abomasum Small intestine in vitro larval rejection Film tourism Film-induced tourism Movie tourism Movie-induced tourism Whale Rider Myths Tourist experience Tour guide Rural management and agribusiness Plant growth and development