Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Art. 55 c. 2 c.p Fur nocturnu Householder case Cas privilegiée Furti Rapine Riforma del 2006 Riforma del 2019 Legge 13 febbraio 2006 n Legge 26 aprile 2019 n Antigiuridicità Stand your ground law Quasi ex contractu Actione teneri Proprium quodam ius Wildfire behaviour Reati associativi Associazione per delinquere Forestry machinery chain Forestry operation Site-specific primary data Prevenzione personale Prevenzione patrimoniale Contrasto al finanziamento del terrorismo Detenzione amministrativa Potere mafioso Affinità elettive Mafia in lombardia Mafia milano Exceptio doli generali Contratti finanziari Triimidazole Saccharomyce Etica d'impresa Tear Break Up Time test Test di Schirmer Questionario IDEEL Oxford Grading Scale SPIRITS OF LIFE AND PERCEPTION Warburg Krei Usener Historicity of Form HECW1 Ribonucleoprotein particles RNPs Rest-activity circadian rhythms: daily activity level Rest-activity circadian rhythms Daily activity level Everyday State Pakistani State Political Intermediarie Rural Pakistan Irreducible Holomorphic symplectic manifold Hodge classe Corretta gestione Cavalier King Charle Oncolytic viru STING Knockout Atrial differentiation Inaf Astri-horn Serra la nave Mucosal Associated Invariant T cell Rest-activity circadian rhythm Hook domain NDM-Kp Protein analogue Planning Optimization Automation, Planning Optimization, Radiotherapy, Breast BC2L-C Light neutron-rich nuclei Autonomous Driving Systems Ollier disease Dosimetric performance Enterococcus faecali No mutation identified HSDH Labour market outcome Abiotic stresse OsSULTR Nursing sensitive outcome