Thematische Bibliographien
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Jede Auswahl beinhaltet bibliographische Angaben der relevanten Werken und ermöglicht es, die Quellenangaben nach den Regeln der nötigen Zitierweise (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver usw.) automatisch zu erstellen.
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Alle Auswahlen der Quellen:
Economic foreign policy
Arbete på distans
Live Video Shopping
Viking Age swords
Mars Makalös
Women in ancient Egypt
Depictions of aging
Oppositional knowledge
Theme specific frames
Dagens Nyheter (DN)
Lifestyle changing
The governing of social work
Styrningen av socialt arbete
Surrogacy Mother
Decisional autonomy
Practical autonomy
Praktisk autonomi
Non-financial Reporting (NFR)
Encounters with others
Global challenges
Vacciner mot covid-19
Globala utmaningar
Lärarens kunskaper
The environment as a third educator
Miljön som tredje pedagog
Indoor positional navigation
Piste maps
Digital social interactions
Socialt välmående
Digitala sociala interaktioner
Reduce climate impact
Minskad klimatpåverkan
Feminist and norm-critical pedagogy
Gender and trade
Gender-explicit provisions
Civic turn
The effects of environmental performance
Environmental performance and corporate profitability
Capitalism critique
Familjeägda bolag
Women’s violence
Michelle Paver
Visable learning
Didactic skills
Packaging of real estate
Transaction costs and information problems
Qualitative migration studies
Health care migration
Shock Mobility
International repeat mobility
Feminist and emotional geography
Sanctuary Policy in New York
Civic Policy and Immigrant Affairs
U.S. Federalism
Nature conservation managers
Skåne county
Corporate store image and customer loyalty
Metal elements in soils
Riparian soils
Product recall process
Kvinnliga VDs
Kvinnor på toppen