Thematische Bibliographien

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Jede Auswahl beinhaltet bibliographische Angaben der relevanten Werken und ermöglicht es, die Quellenangaben nach den Regeln der nötigen Zitierweise (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver usw.) automatisch zu erstellen.

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Alle Auswahlen der Quellen:
Digital conference tools Multi-party conversations Procedurel generation Hierarchical Multi-label Text Classification Domain Specialization Metadata Features Contextualized Language Models Upper limb neurodynamic test Ledig tid Happy Face Advantage Betecknare Matematiska objekt Inom Organic battery; electrolyte flow; computer simulations Electrolyte flow Interactive audio Interaktivt ljud Recovery tools MOBILedit Data extractions Mobile forensic tools Cryptocurrency Wallets Crypto Wallet Kvantdator Ullman method Smoothening tool Lever-spring Industrial protocol Evaporator treatment Bicycle trolley Atran Velo Cykelvagn Byggentreprenader Aspects of sustainability Integration of sustainability Ekonomisk- och Social hållbarhet Interdependence of activities Beroende aktiviteter Planning permit risk Raw land valuation Planrisk Changes in project plan Ändringar i projektplan Land Code Semiautonom Sekventiell Exhaust gas treatment system Fault Diagnosis Toolbox Critical limb threatening ischemia ROI tracking Operator competence Complementary housing The Swedish Planning and Building Act The national Board of housing Building and planning’s building regulations Dubbel radie Slotted-in steel plate connections Python scripting Data-driven maintenance Wet blasting Statistisk processtyrning (SPS) Transportprocess Green-tech Stereo audio Resonance Audio Swerim AB Roll Spallings Spallings Roll Failure