Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Construal Self-categorization theory Identity management strategies Social representations theory Prion protein gene Prion protein Shadow of prion protein gene Shadow protein Prions Prion diseases Childbearing decisions Broadband frequency Beamforming Beampattern Frequency invariant beamformer GBB General broadband beamformer Nearfield Blind equalization Decision feedback equalization Error propagation Wireless Spatial correlation Multipath channels Non-isotropic scattering C-type lectin domain CTLD Protein structure analysis Multisite crystalline solid solutions Gibbs free energy minimization Forward modeling Inverse modeling Olivine and pyroxene thermodynamics Data detection Adaptive algorithms The West The United States Foreign policy Other (neo)realism Intimate enemy Equalization Intersymbol Interference Viterbi Algorithm Decision Feedback Equalizer Data Communications Balance of power Institutional Security complex Regional security analysis Applied environmental history Integrated research Feedback dynamics Cognitive adaptation Policy learning Irrigation salinity Aboriginal people White people White Australia White nation The half-caste Assimilation colonization Shock waves Hypersonic Science communication Computational science Arakan Burma Eastern India Arakanese culture Inscriptions Pali Pyu Copper-plate Votive inscriptions Coinage Kingship Buddhist and Hindu images Monuments Art and architecture East Bengal Australian Indigenous community Barker hypothesis Birthweight Cherbourg Child growth Thrifty genotype Western lifestyle Statistical learning theory Generalization bounds Data-dependent complexity Machine learning algorithms Empirical risk minimization Empirical process theory Concentration inequalities Rademacher averages Localized complexities Water quality modelling Hydrologic modelling Pollutant load estimation