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Wszystkie bibliografie:
Phenanthroline Break junction Self-assembled monolayer DPPZ Azine linker Physisorbed Chemisorbed Surface pitting Adatom Thiol binding Gold electrode Molecular conduction Marguerite Porete Patched Gene Familial aggregation Steel storage racks Cold-formed steel structures Perforations Experimental testing Buckling capacity Open Courseware Learning standards Information Extraction Melons SAR Postharvest Double perovskites X-ray diffraction Neutron diffraction XANES Oxygen vacancy Phase transition Solid state chemistry RF high power amplifiers NMR spectrometers Electrical and Electronic Engineering Fields of Research – 290000 Engineering and Technology – 290900 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Limitlessness Concept of change Heuristic research Expressionist art Abused children Adaptability Ethniehub(s) Ethnic stores Place branding Place marketing Integrable Lax pair Sustainability, industrial ecology, complex systems Industrial ecology COMPUTER MEDIATED COLLABORATIVE DESIGN PROTOCOL ANALYSIS Children's hospitals Paediatric healthcare design Adolescents in hospital Children in hospital Children's hospital design Yeild Mapping Crop Cane Chopper Harvesters Juridicalism Classical Realism Mixed Ability Mauritius Middle school years Primary teacher training Practicum Australian Catholic University Chronic pain Mother-child interactions Animal repellants Motor vehicles Catholic Secondary Schooling Primary school principals Psychosocial issues Orphans Back pain Vertical jumping Developmental Coordination Disorder Australian Higher Education Policy Social development Latter-day Saint Seminary Polypropionates Polyketides Tridachiapyrone 10-deoxytridachione Tandem conjugate addition-Dieckmann condensation Cuprate addition Grignard-mediated reduction Allylic alcohols Tridachiahydropyrone Cyclohexenones Variable temperature NMR