Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
HIRES Videointerview Fake-Interview Pietra serena Acquasantiera Lavabo Funzione liturgica Real symmetric tensors Complex rank Real ternary forms Real binary forms Carboni Anhydrases Saccharide derivatives FT-IR spectra Paraloid Italian Context Born Global Approach Tessuto Adiposo Viscerale Preadipociti Surface sciences Bio-mineralization Autophagy dysfunction Oleuropein aglycone Enthesitis-related arthritis Adenosine receptors, A1, A2B Santa maria nuova METODOLOGIA ADATTIVA DI PROGETTAZIONE PLANNING ADAPTIVE METHODOLOGY REQUISITI MINIMI PER L’ABITAZIONE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR HOUSING ESSENTIAL HOUSING MODELS HOUSING EMERGENCY Disturbi Spettro Autistico Memoria collettiva, ricordo, natura South Tyrrhenian Sea Paola Basin Liquid crystalline elastomer Vehicle component Cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, harmful algal blooms, subalpine lakes Subalpine lakes Cleaning, protection, historical documents Heart Failure, Machine Learning, Decision Support, Telemonitoring Sclerosi multipla peptides Resilienza economica regionale Procedure in materia di immigrazione Portali pubblici Accesso alle informazioni pubbliche Immigration procedures Public Web Portal Vibrational communication Papi umanisti Miniatori romani Paolo II Papal Library Manoscritto umanistico Storia dell'America latina Appliance classification Visual oscillations Behavioral oscillations Action and perception Somma-Vesuvio Vent Opening Probability map Ostilità Inciviltà Laterale Orizzontale Nutraceutici Microalgae Aptameri Hachsharot Jewish DPs Post-war displacement Plant abiotic stresses BENESSERE EUDAIMONICO RICERCA E INTERVENTO INTRAPRENEURIAL SELF-CAPITAL Piramo e Tisbe Reati tributati Crisi di liquidità Rotor dynamics, Tilting Pad Journal Bearing, Turbomachinery Simulation models reliability assessment gas turbine auxiliary systems Green Dyes Carboxy Pyridine