Thematische Bibliographien

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Jede Auswahl beinhaltet bibliographische Angaben der relevanten Werken und ermöglicht es, die Quellenangaben nach den Regeln der nötigen Zitierweise (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver usw.) automatisch zu erstellen.

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Alle Auswahlen der Quellen:
Infant behaviours Feeling safe Reactive light Pulsing light Sensors and controls Programming light Circadian light Light for bipolar disease Light design. Light for bipolar disease. Circadian light Human centric light Light design in behavioral health clinics Human centric light. Light design in behavioral health clinics Lighting as orientation KTH Architecture building The guardians of democracy Aimed government grants National equality Felony disenfranchisement Flaky Pytest Automatic flaky Test flakiness Flaky dataset Låneprocess NGO-business Internationalisation degree Partners search April effect Sell in May effect Monthly Anomalies Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) Nordic Stock markets Immigrant-Native Employment Gap Sustainability objectives Budget and communication Budget och kommunikation International operation Physical- and Virtual presence The project environment Hantera komplexitet Image outpainting Fashion images Image cropping Phycological health Vocational design Work situation of the special educational needs coordinator Work tasks of the special educational needs coordinator Oxford Stringency Index Forensic immigrant patients Immigrant labelling Immigrant beliefs Elever och effekter Digitala samlingar Multi-club ownership Player trading Team Upholding Persuasive system design model International Federation of the Red Cross IFRC The theory of the Public Sphere Cover-19 pandemic Writing Promotion Indirekta metoden Za'atari Refugee mobilization Geografisk kontext Förskola barnsyn förskollärare förhållningssätt Police officers in field service Poliser i yttre tjänst Digital teamwork Digitalt teamarbete Employment recruiter’s and socialization Workplace belongingness Vocatives Svenska ämnet Formativ pedagogik