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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Stiffness arteriosa Parentela e genere Distracter suppression Barren inflorescence173 Inflorescences architecture Multiple Code Theory Diritto punitivo Ente collettivo Mediazione penale Deferred prosecution agreement XML Retrieval Flexible XML matching Libertà di salute Autodeterminazione sanitaria Psichiatria e diritto penale Contenzione Exact Results in susy QFT T.U Ioflupano Aprassia Low Background systems High sensitivity measurements Peripheral neuropathy, murine models, bortezomib, multiple myeloma Bio-filler Dispersion.11 OMBE LiBH4 Mg2FeH6 Absorption/desorption kinetic Desorption kinetic Tribranched Phonological facilitation Sociologia dell'alimentazione Teoria della pratica Cucina commerciale Narrazioni sociali Renewable energy, Energy policy, Portfolio optimization Criterial subjects Multiple wh-questions Organizational accidents Predictors of reading ability Risk decomposition Mixed Tempered Stable Psychovisual experiments JPEG blockiness EndoTOFPET Ambito di applicazione Ospedalizzazioni Contrasti cromatici Visualizzazione e fruizione delle informazioni Advanced-Device Acromatopsia German Pandectist School Doppia diagnosi Psychiatry, Dual diagnosis, co-occurring disorders, drugs and alcohol AARS2 VARS2 TARS2 Mt-COI 2-crossed module Braided crossed module Crossed squares Geometric analysi Landesman-Lazer condition N-centre problem Solutions with exponential growth Almgren monotonicity formula 1-dimensional symmetry Moving planes method Extremal self-dual codes In0.53Ga0.47As(001) Saphenous Vein Graft Disease Ex Vivo Vein Culture System Intima Hyperplasia SAMDI MS Mass Spectrometry technique High-yield reaction Bioconjugation reaction D-separation criterion Gender gap indexes Do operator Causal graphs Educational Beliefs and Values