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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Modelli di Equazioni Strutturali Generalizzati Ungulati Face recognition, 3D Face Reconstruction, 3D Morphable Model, Deep Learning Governo del territorio, mafia Modelli di genere Relazioni di genere Gender models Antipattern Computer vision, object detection, action recognition Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Object Detection Protoplanetary disks, planet formation, radio interferometry Deadwood decomposition dynamics Slope exposure Subalpine ecosystems Roland Penrose XX Century Art Mesens E.L.T London Gallery Fungal bioreactors Free sorting task Nuclear Structure, Gamma Spectroscopy, Nuclear Physics Heteroscedastic Multivariate Linear Regression Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition Palynological analysis ODP Site 976 Past interglacials II CLASS MALOCCLUSION MORPHOMETRIC COVARIATION MALOCCLUSIONE DI II CLASSE FORMA PALATALE CRANIOFACIAL PATTERN PALATAL SHAPE CrisprCas9 Deaminases Path Ensemble Average Narrazione autobiografica Adultità emergente Building professional profiles HCI Systems, Human Factors, Digital Traces HCI Systems Diritto dei consumatori tutela collettiva Donazione di Organi e Tessuti Teorie della comunicazione Twitter data analytics TUTELA PENALE DEL PATRIMONIO VALORE DEL PATRIMONIO SCOPI DI TUTELA DELITTO CONTRO IL PATRIMONIO TIPOLOGIE AGGRESSIVE Ultrasonic analog front end Piezopolymer film transducers Ultrasonic transducer driver P-concavity Geometric-analytic inequalities Equality condition Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequalities Condizioni di uguaglianza P-concavità Stereo baseline Tilting vehicle Decalibration Low on-treatment platelet reactivity High on-treatment platelet reactivity High on-aspirin platelet reactivity High on-clopidogrel platelet reactivity Synthetic spin-orbit coupling Chiral currents Clock transition spectroscopy Orbital Feshbach resonance Transoral thyroidectomy Taste responsiveness 2D-DIGE ( Two Dimensional Differential In Gel Electrophoresis) Modelli murino