Thematische Bibliographien

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Alle Auswahlen der Quellen:
Fort Washington Way Facilitating conversations Application for facilitating conversations Racial transformation Online racial conversations Emergency Airway Management Curvature mode shape Curvature damage index City within a City Facade articulation Model-informed precision dosing Smoothed Finite Element Gradient Smoothing Phase Field Fracture Sexual and Physical Abuse Classroom layout Proximity, innovation, business model, topic modeling Helical Dichroism Nano-ripples Remote meetings Pre-screener Förskollärarkompetenser FPEP framework Uneven productions of space Sustainable and just energy transitions Informationsvisualiseringar Organmat Aid Relief Workers Visual consciousnes Aircraft engine bracket Multi-objective topology optimization High-Rise Residential Buildings Bioeconomía circular Sustancias activas Active Substances, Antimicrobials, Antioxidants Henry III of Nassau-Breda 16th century architecture Marquisate of Zenete Valencian religious architecture Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza Arquitectura del siglo XVI Enrique III de Nassau-Breda Marquesado de Zenete Parroquia de San Lorenzo Mártir (Alberique, Valencia) Judía Garrofon Tolerancia a la salinidad Parámetros de crecimiento Mejoramiento de plantas, déficit hídrico THE INFLUENCE OF THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN PERSONALITY SELF-ACTUALIZATION PECULIARITIES OF SELF-ACTUALIZATION LEVEL OF ASPIRATIONS MOTIVATION TO AVOID FAILURES BURNOUT FACTORS EMOTIONAL BURNOUT SYNDROME Massively Parallel Reporter Assay Legislative budgeting Renal stone composition Mycobacterium tuberculosis sequencing Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) ONT sequencing Medicine – Historiography Zapata, Luis, 1951- 1959-2006 Galán, Julio, 1959-2006 Zenil, Nahum B., 1947- Zenil Nahum B Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich, 1933-2017 Sachsen, Grundschule, Jahrgangsüberreifender Unterricht Jahrgangsübergreifender Unterricht Schulversuch ERINA Inklusiver Unterricht