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Wszystkie bibliografie:
New South Wales coast Estuarine wetland Floodgates Vegetation changes Motor task acquisition Novel task transfer Variable practice Schema formation Information processing Contextual interference Language teaching German language Game based grammar instruction Teaching strategies Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy SERS Raman scattering Thiosulfate Electrochemical experiments Surface processes Public enterprise management Political economy State owned business Political influence Accident denominators Accident construct Age group Hazard Mitigating denominators Energy exchange Damage class Damage type Traffic crashes Constructionism National youth roundtable Youth participation CCTV Art education Implicit theories Dissociation Ritual abuse DID Learning content management Rule based systems Asynchronous Learning objects Neuropathic pain Post-structuralist Neuroplasticity Self-referential Aporia PowerCranks Cyclists Cycling efficiency Oxygen uptake Muscle activation pattern Small and medium retailers Small business strategies SME in Thailand Cognitive linguistics Colour terminology EIMD Muscle damage Nitrogen stable isotopes Spatial subsidies Domestic violence measurement Instructors' beliefs Students' beliefs Student's goals and motivation Studying physics Rajabhat universities Self-perceptions Pedometers Peer acceptance Folklore Multicultural philosophy Indigenous peoples' copyright Native title Aboriginal art Child second language aquisition SLA Japanese as a second language JSL Processability theory Rural australian schools Oecd learning communities Knowledge society environment Abstraction Conceptual models State modules B-nodes Mental models Workplace bullying University settings End-of-life decision making Private values Interdependence Role of dominant values Cognitive dissonance Critical knowledge