Thematische Bibliographien
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Jede Auswahl beinhaltet bibliographische Angaben der relevanten Werken und ermöglicht es, die Quellenangaben nach den Regeln der nötigen Zitierweise (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver usw.) automatisch zu erstellen.
Sie können die Quellenannotationen in den Auswahlen durchschauen und den vollen Text im PDF-Format aus den Repositorien herunterladen.
Alle Auswahlen der Quellen:
Norovirus GI/GII
Building information modeling; facility management; decision-making
Expert heuristics
Fuzzy multicriteria decision-making
Workplace Control
Contextual Persona Method
Contextual Think-Aloud Method
Women on corporate boards
Sara kulturhus
Militär kreativitet
Organisatorisk miljö
Militär kontext
Ledarskap innovation
Organisation at work
Retain staff
Attract staff
Digital children’s literature
Developmental ecological niche theory
Transition from pre-school to preschool class
Övergång från förskola till förskoleklass
Future preschool teacher
Pedagogical roles
Pedagogiska roller
Professional roles in preschool
Förskolans yrkesroller
Stochastic Actor-Oriented Modelling
Digital lärobok
Climate worry
Climate friendly behaviour
Climate coping
Newly arrived refugee adolescents
Pathways to care
Children and youth’s participation
Critical futures studies
Burlesque violence
Cautionary effect
Cathartic effect
Fairy tale tradition
Food systems; Cape Town; transformative capacity
Critical Policy and Discourse Studies
Global Biodiversity Governance
Flex crops
Global Production Ecosystems; flex crops; resilience
Global Production Ecosystems
British Travel Literature
Sir William Gell
Illegal handel
Vienna Convention of 1983
Disputed archives
‘Migrated Archives’
More-open public libraries
Staff-less opening hours
Public libraries' role in society
Public libraries' role in a crisis
Swedish library law
The library as a meeting place
Folkbibliotekens uppdrag
Folkbibliotekens roll under en kris
Biblioteket som en mötesplats
New initiation
Rape script
Ne- oliberalism
Labour market negotiations
Employer organisations
Political econ- omy
Social fred
Effect of spray paints
Pattern quality
Wrinking effect
Production line optimization
Survey evaluation
AI health care planning
Picking route problem
Warehouse efficiency
Fungal fiber