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Wszystkie bibliografie:
Distress Psychodynamic Speech act Sustainable Energy Strategic Alignment Gulf Cooperation Council John Stubley Jack Kerouac Spontaneous prose Beat Generation Beat Spiritual quest Encroachment Facilitation Browsing regime Fire r Community boundaries Exclosure Biotic refuge Allocasuarina huegeliana Outer membrane protein OMP Catarrhalis M. catarrhalis M35 Antibody recognition Human resource organisations Readiness for change Readiness drivers Change efficacy Appropriateness of the change Understanding of the change Personal valence Principal support Need for change Behavioural change intention Supervisor Subordinate Dynamic change models Microsatellites Repetitive DNA sequence X and Y chromosomes Macropus eugenii South Eastern Australia Riverine landscape Hierarchical patch dynamics Barwon-Darling River Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Censorship Information flow Bushfires Tourism recovery Large Machines Emotion experiences First-person research Indo-Pacific Astragalus Membranaceus Whooping Cough Bordetella Pertussis Non GMO Infusion Film script Author Authorship studies Aquatic pollution Organisms In situ Macroinvertebrates Retrieval models Personalized Web search Contextual search User profile Relevance feedback Query formulation Asian immigrants Qualitative Methodology Korean self-employed business people Semi-structured and structured in-depth interviews English language proficiency 5DN (Radio station : Adelaide, S. Aust.) 5AN (Radio station : Adelaide, S. Aust.) Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio journalism Australia Radio journalism South Australia Adelaide Debts Debts, External United States External United States External Argentina Debts, External Argentina External Korea (South) Debts, External Korea (South) Energy policy Australia Mathematical models Power resources Australia Mathematical models