Bibliographies thématiques

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Liste complète de bibliographies thématiques :
Transgender people – Social aspects – Turkey Prostitution – Social aspects – Turkey Non-governmental organizations – International cooperation Micobatteri Feature Recognition Methods Methods of representation Real conjugacy classes Libro d'Ore Salterio Tipologie librarie Storia sociale del libro Istruzione medievale Iconografia cristologica e mariana Miniatura medievale Trattati morali G-Quadrupex Stone protection Blanching on Natural and artificial ageing Of easel painting Binocular observations Fe4SMe Bis-a-amino acids 2D RFA model Band-superposition approach Nonlinear buffeting Trunk surgery Fomitiporia mediterranea Microgram samples Hydrothermal carbonization, sewage sludge, food waste, energy recovery Krebs von den Lungen 6 KL6 Neurosarcoidosis Sarcoid myopathy Covid-19, communication Crescita radiale Sensor decoding Misure in tempo reale Flusso di linfa Tree monitoring Bartolomeo Cesi Cinquecento bolognese Arte bolognese Bolognese painting Seicento bolognese Pittura bolognese Counter-Reformation art Albergati Vincenzo Cartari Malvasia Pittura della controriforma Scipione e Annibale Carlo Cesare Malvasia Alberto Graziani Transferability analysis Electrodic surfaces Usage phase of buildings The construction phase of buildings Construction and demolition waste prevention Demolition phase of buildings Duchenne, animal models, DMD Cambogia CHROMATIC RESTITUTION MORPHOMETRIC DETAIL Annunziata complex Partnership pubblico-privato Regione Piemonte Assistenza Familiare Smart bricks Self-sensing structural materials REATI OMISSIVI Agro-forestry territory Plant innovation