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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
PRC GAAP, IAS/IFRS Regolari Regular migrants Orientazione Processi inconsci Unconscious proce Food allergie Desulfurization, Biodesulfurization, dsz enzymes, 4S pathway 4S pathway Dsz enzymes QLAMP Agenzia di rating del credito Informazione economica Regolamento (CE) n. 1060/2009 Regolamento (UE) n Interattoma Drug eluting balloon Peripheral arterial obliterative disease Intelligent vehicles localization Percolative phenomena Almgren's function Right of access to State-held information Bar formation, galaxy evolution MiR129-5p MEF2D Communities of place, social media CML, NGS, aCML, SETBP1 Revisione prezzo Price revision Changes of contract Movemement Gaboye Human physical activity Physical activity transition model Post-'80 Landslide Size Distribution Magnitude-Frequency Curve 3D Runout Modeling Maritime piracy, high seas, insurance Creative citie M-quantile Radiative proce Conflitti territoriali F2A Cofelon Chia-PET HTS sequencing Frontiera di Produzione Ray Frontier Spatial omic Terapia CAR-T CXCR4 axi CXCL12/CXCR4 axi Eventi avversi Rischi competitivi Impatto antropico Donne attiviste Roma activism Elaborazione segnale Gestione feature Feature management Alta correlazione BKMR Correlated Exposure Retroattività NMR Multiquanto Defectivene Sequenziamento genom Algortimi Phylogentic Sintesi colloidale Scale-up industriale Colloidal synthesi Economia morale Sindrome post-COVID Impatto del COVID Long-term COVID Burden of COVID