Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Deiectum Suspensum Effusum Positum Cultural motivated crime Comparative study on the cultural defense Cultural evidence Nullità processuali Prosecutorio Atto processuale Tutela giurisdizionale civile minorile Competenza in materia minorile Rito camerale Convenzione ONU del 1989 Convenzione di Strasburgo del 1996 Reg. 2201/2003 Acute Respiratry Distress Syndrome Confisca del profitto Art. 240 cod. pen Principio del netto Principio del lordo Regole organizzative Sistema di controllo interno Nephrosphere Statistical visualisation Sox2 transcription factor Telencephalic enhancers of the Sox2 gene Immaginario turistico Favignana Superlensing Metal-semiconductor field effect transistor (MESFET) Everyday life democratisation The possible concrete process of the Good Analisi fattoriale confermativa Challenging student standard questionnaire Studenti difficili Organizzazioni educative Biomaterials, neural stem cell Mountain soil Biological soil quality Shape replica process Soil PLFA analysis DNDC model Partitioning of soil respiration Instrumentation for Astronomy Plant protection product Tecnica clinica Molecular biology, Hematopoiesis, Gene regulation Agent-based data simulation Web service contract Mixed data types Software architecture reconstruction Software micro-structures Design pattern detection Dissipative cellular automata Carote di Ghiaccio Automatic white balance Color space conversion Color rendition accuracy Servizi per l'infanzia Housing policies, mortgage system, first-time-buyers Equation of state, carbon, shock waves Application to cancer therapy Laser Based Proton acceleration Shower Monte Carlo NLO Calculations Galvanic caps Intraoral luting NIEL Dose Plasma treatment, PECVD, plasma deposition, biocompatibility Impaired river Restoration strategie Triazine herbicide Pesticide transformation product Non-thermal pasteurization High permittivity ceramics In-school drop-out The transition to parenthood DYADIC AND TRIADIC INTERACTIONS The trasmission gap Apnee notturne Distensibilità arteriosa