Relevant bibliographies by topics

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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
PII leaks Privacy policy compliance Land titles – Western Samoa Customary law – Western Samoa Western Samoa – History Ayr (Queensland) Fitzroy River (Queensland) Vertical-slot design fishway Blue-catfish ( Arius graeffei [Ariidae]) Striped mullet (Mugil cephalus [Mugilidae]) Law (except legal practice and international law), n.e.c Law (except legal practice and international law) Systems physiology Oxygen-conserving reflexes Mammalian diving reflex Laryngeal chemoreflex Autonomic reflexes Rate-cost tradeoff Random communication delay Gaussian linear control systems with feedback Rate-distortion function for correlated sources Optimal LQG control under random delays Covariance-based fusion Kalman filtering with intermittent observations Te Tiriti O Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi) Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit Unit: Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit 180203 Te Tiriti O Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi) Expanding knowledge in Indigenous studies 280114 Expanding knowledge in Indigenous studies Lyall Bay Total Synthesis, Antibiotics Design stresses Timber species Bridled Nailtail Wallaby Onychogalea fraenata Taunton National Park Acacia habitat Juror beliefs Child witness credibility Peces intermareales Attack Resilience Attack Investigation Automated Data Capture Painful sex Latino Outdors Auto-ethnographic research Shock (Mechanics) – Mathematical models Concrete construction – Mathematical models Infant babble Canonical babble Early infant vocalizations Mean pitch Syllable duration Postgraduate international law EALP Flemma Te Reo Maori (Maori Language) Cross-cultural engagements Non-Māori Agriculture and eDNA Dementia support Migrant mental health Dementia carers Culturally appropriate interventions Dementia services Mental healthcare accessibility Dementia care accessibility Melt pool flow Defects formation Undergraduate accounting study The accounting profession Fishbein’s attitude theory Star designs Environmental aesthetics and experience RET Gene Hirshsprung Disease Data barriers Data localisation WTO general and security exceptions Digital trade 180117 International Trade Law 150101 International agreements on trade 230301 Defence and security policy Defence and security policy Electronic information storage and retrieval services 220302 Electronic information storage and retrieval services Interpreter competences Unit: Ferrier Research Institute Ferrier Research Institute