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Wszystkie bibliografie:
Hypoglycemia – Epidemiology Carbenes (Methylene compounds) Cyclophanes Organometallic compounds – Synthesis Palladium Silver N-Heterocyclic carbenes complexes Mercury Hakea – Physiology Hakea Proteaceae – Western Australia – Southwestern Southwestern Rare plants – Western Australia – Southwestern Rarity Ecophysiology Bone marrow – Transplantation Bone marrow HLA histocompatibility antigens Killer cells Killer immunoglobulin like receptors (KIR) Anisotropy Ferromagnetic resonance Ferromagnetism Interface effects Inductive magnetometry Automatic speech recognition – Statistical methods Mathematical linguistics Language modelling Trematoda Life cycles Parasites Coitocaecum parvum Porphyra Effect of stress Intertidal ecology Seashore biology Dunedin Genetic code College student development programs College student orientation College freshmen Services for college students Durkheimian school of sociology Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Echinodermata Starfishes Sea urchins Sclerasterias mollis Thigh muscles Buttocks muscles Hamstring muscle Raman spectroscopy Protons Bacillus (bacteria) Hydrogen-ion concentration Dysgalacticin Bacteriocins Streptococcus pyogenes Meiofauna Nematodes Fideism Radical fideism Theism Learning Strategy Queer Veterinary Crisis journalism Crisis Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) media Psychological capital Household Income and labour dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA) Reference condition approach Aquatic ecosystem Young adult literature Late 20th century Novels Amphetamines Methamphetamine New Public Management (NPM) Bali bombings National Recovery Program Terrorism Bali Civil Aviation Authority CAA Government agency Restructure Golf tourism Golf Active sport tourism Head of department (HOD) ACT non-government secondary schools River system Still water areas Microhabitat