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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Necrotizing enterocolitis, infants, treatment Retorica medievale Libro-fonte Romanzi francesi medievali Romanzo cavalleresco Algorithmic probability theory Typical sequences Politiche di welfare Prodotti italiani "cytogenetic markers" "bio-bank" Poisoning, Biological Marker Gene-nutrient interaction Method for DNA methylation 5-methylTHF Multi-site collaborative studie Neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor Incidental nonfunctioning endocrine pancreatic tumor Skeletal Dysplasie Association studie Helping figures Storia del veneto Neuroacanthocytosi Acanthocyte Electrophoresi Hybrid systems modeling and verification Embedded controllers design Embedded software design and verification Silicate glasse Glass doping Micro-structure investigation Romanzo testamento Testamento letterario Henry Roth Roberto Raviola Magnu Guido Morselli Andrea Pazienza The Pornography of Death Deux anglaises et le continent Mercy of a Rude Stream MORS The Captain Is Out to Lunch Ravelstein Il cavaliere e la morte Una storia semplice Nel frattempo Le soleil des mourant Le feu follet Dissipatio H.G Good Old Neon Gli ultimi giorni di Pompeo The Last Dance Encountering Death and Dying The Last Dance. Encountering Death and Dying Albert Strickland Robert Kastenbaum Elasticitie Risaie Tartaro Andrea Tron Lactobacillu Uropatia malformativa Focu Contrastive topics Multivariate risk measure Concordance measure Analisi di dati multivariata Metaboliti volatili Storia del diritto internazionale Institut de Droit International Pasquale Stanislao Mancini Pietro Esperson Pasquale Fiore Cesare Norsa Emilio Brusa Giuseppe Carle Adolfo Sacerdoti Giulio Buzzati Luigi Olivi Alessandro Corsi Dionisio Anzilotti