Thematische Bibliographien

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Jede Auswahl beinhaltet bibliographische Angaben der relevanten Werken und ermöglicht es, die Quellenangaben nach den Regeln der nötigen Zitierweise (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver usw.) automatisch zu erstellen.

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Alle Auswahlen der Quellen:
Relational databases Nurses Rating of Self-evaluation Decision making Rural health services Community health services Citizen participation Health planning Mediation and conciliation, Industrial Mediation and conciliation Industrial Law and legislation Labor disputes Chloride channels Muscle cells Cytochemistry Myotonia Etiology Earthquake effects Reinforced concrete construction Structural frames Communication in education Interaction analysis in education Oral communication Titania (Chemical) Pigments Surface chemistry Aborigines Aborigines, Australian Housing Torres Strait Islanders Health aspects Clitoridectomy Africa Female circumcision Sex customs Young adults with disabilities People with disabilities Medical ethics Social medicine Effect of imprisonment on Pre-release programs for prisoners Socialization Imprisonment Educational change College-school cooperation Teacher effectiveness In-service training Bible and feminism Women in the Bible Learning disabled children Stanford-Binet Test Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Narration (Rhetoric) Storytelling Identity (Psychology) Growth Human growth Automobile industry and trade South East Asia Pharmaceutical services Pharmacists Pharmacist and patient 420303 Culture, Gender, Sexuality Gender Sexuality Bisexual Transgender GLBT Suicidality Lesbian Symbolic interactionism Children's voices in research Abilities and Assessment Personality, Abilities and Assessment Early childhood Body image Health Applied Ethics (incl. Bioethics and Environmental Ethics) 440104 Applied Ethics (incl. Bioethics and Environmental Ethics) Ethical Theory Business and Management not elsewhere classified 350299 Business and Management not elsewhere classified Courage Ethics Golden Grove Urban and Regional Planning Housing development Suburban life Labour market Social policy Counselling, welfare and community services Counselling Welfare and community services Welfare providers Residualist conversion of social problems Mineral Processing Grinding