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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Storia dell'integrazione europea Affidabilità metodologica Morfologia verbale Multimodal Knowledge Representation Catalysis, gold, cascade reactions, cyclisations Montespertoli Geomofologia Information Value Method Statistica bivariata Acclività Area drenata Dicomano Figline Valdarno Corella Modelli deterministici Plant microbiology Lipid nanovectors Peptides Autoimmunity Pathologies Generalized Nash equilibrium problems Nonmonotone techniques Nonmonotonicity degree Parathyroid Hormone Receptor (PTH1R) Semantic variation Ground state redox potential Pechmann dyes Trade-off optimization Psychological trait Conoscenze indigene Programma di formazione all’imprenditorialità Competenze imprenditoriali Entrepreneurship education programs Ejector Chiller R1233zd(E) Felice Le Monnier Control Tower Operations Multimodal Concepts Remote Tower Operations Neutron-proton equilibration Event Detection, Event Calculus, Answer Set Programming SAFRANALE ISOPETASINA Degraded adhesion Railway, degraded adhesion, adhesion model Poggio Colla Epigrafia etrusca Informal and incidental learning Practice-based studies, transformative learning Storia Libro antico Corte costituzionale, forma di governo Foreign power International treatie Italian Constitutional Court, form of government Precision Agriculture Adoption, Digitalization, Smart Farming Hydrological failure Hydrologic flood risk Bivariate frequency analysis Bivariate Failure Return Period Competenze trasversali RIGID BRONCHOSCOPY Gestione ambulatoriale Scompenso cardiaco cronico Elderly, chronic heart failure, outpatient management Outpatient management Biblioteche digitali Organizzazione della conoscenza Televisioni musicali Music televisions DIREZIONE D'ORCHESTRA VITTORIO GUI MUSICA DEL NOVECENTO IFLA LRM