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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Sicurezza nel trasporto aereo Pratica lavorativa CBMP Progetto di convergenza Principi contabili internazionali IAS Wobbler mice Human Skeletal muscle derived stem cells Type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells Type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells, Cytotoxicity, Immune regulation, granzyme B Electron Cyclotron Waves O-X-B Mode Conversion Higher integrability Higher differentiability Irregular integral General growth conditions Occult economy DIFFERENTIATION, NGF, TUBULOGENESIS, PERIPHERIN Modulation of cell size Far1 Thrust-and-fault belt Calc-alkaline magmatism Structural analysis, calc-alkaline magmatism U/Pb zircon age Pb zircon age Apatite fission tracks Bulk petrography Quantitative provenance analysis Bioindicator,electromagnetic fields, genotoxicity Sialidase NEU4 Fine chemical Bulk chemical Adaptation, mitotic slippage RSC complex RSC complex, Rsc2 Rsc2 Spindle position checkpoint Genomic biomarker Unconventional samples "a" loop Sanzioni Consob Diritto di regresso Responsabilità amministratori Non usus Adaptive or fitness landscapes J huxley Gavrilets Modern and extended evolutionary synthesis Pigliucci Children's subjective wellbeing Benessere insegnanti Insegnanti italiani Wheathered Altered volcanic rock N.B.P ClinProt Spettrometria di Massa Imaging Fluidi Biologici Nano-sensor Protein-Antibody recognition Relazioni di concorrenza e collaborazione Relazioni distribuzione GaAs, quantum nanostructures, molecular beam epitaxy, droplet epitaxy Quantum nanostructures CT quantification Magnesium borohydride Pregnancy, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Outcome SYNTHESIS, BIOMATERIAL, PEPTIDE, CARBOHYDRATE Model quality indices Amyloid-beta peptide (A-beta) Ethics professional mandate International Criminal Accountability Povertà assoluta Povertà relativa Linea di povertà Povertà milano Integrated Early Warning Systems Bilancio delle acque sotterranee Griglia di calcolo 3D