Bibliografías temáticas

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Lista completa de bibliografías temáticas:
Coping Physical health Maori service provision Indigenous governance Indigenous studies 420306 Maori cultural studies Maori cultural studies Organisational identity Feminist identity Group identity Subjectivity Psychoanalysis Zizek 370106 Sociological methodology and research methods Sociological methodology and research methods Commons-based peer production Information Subjective well-being Happiness Trust World Values Survey SETI@home Middle aged persons Age discrimination in employment Lord of the Rings Harry Potter Heroic fantasy Commodification Brand Middle Earth Literature Studies 420200 Literature Studies The Yellow Wallpaper The Singing Detective Power relations Psychoanalytic interpretation Literature, English (0593) English (0593) Citizenship Education Race Relations Rangatiratanga Agile methods Systems development methodologies Extreme programming Software development methodologies XP 280300 Computer Software Roots Routes Routines Support for mothers Parenting support Early childhood centres 330110 Early childhood education Early childhood education Community of learners Knowledge creation Environmental education Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy Posttraumatic stress disorder Child abuse Psychotraumatology Child protection Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences Clinical and counselling psychology Community of inquiry Funds of knowledge Education Studies Gender analysis Fields of Research – 370000 Studies in Human Society Studies in Human Society Female-headed households Workplace humour Formality Informality Fields of Research – 350000 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services – 350200 Business and Management Scholarship schemes Customer relationship management Customer knowledge capability Privacy practices Resource-based view theory Fields of Research – 280000 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences – 280100 Information Systems Computing and Communication Sciences Infinte products Jacobi triple product identity Quintuple product identity Macdonald identity Winquist identity Mathematical Sciences Facilities management Outsourcing Property management Strategic management In-house facilities management Construction engineering Engineering and Technology Civil Engineering Current limiting devices Passive Magnetic Current Limiter High Temperature Superconductor Fault Current Limiter Simulation