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All relevant bibliographies by topic:
Incomplete Survey
Two way classification
True class effect
Rotatable design
Multi factor response surface
Expectational Model
Non overlapping clusters
Minimum residual sum of squares
Nested analysis
Symmetric fractional factorial experiments
Confounded design
Contrasts of observations
Balanced Ternary Designs
Efficiency of Stratification
Input output relationship
First system of Estimation
Second system of Estimation
Quasi-independent tests
Additive loss functions
Ratio Type Estimators
Multiple Regression Estimate
Multi Stage Design
Rotatable designs
Symmetrical Designs
Asymmetrical Designs
Two phase multistage Sampling
Quantitative Inheritance
Sire Index
Ratio estimators
Manorial trials
Varietal trials
Additivity of the Effects
Linear Prediction Formula
Curvilinear Regression
Stage sampling Design
One stage rotation
Two stage rotation
Rao Hartley and Cochran procedure
Symmetrical fractional factorials
Asymmetrical fractional factorials
Single Replacement Design
Optimum Replacement Fraction
Fractional Replicate
Asymmetrical Factorial Design
Modified Systematic Sampling
Geometrical Partition
Unbiased Estimation of Estimator Variance
Sampling of Single Character
Sampling of Two Characters
Staircase Design
Two stage sampling design
Symmetric mean
Ratio type estimator
Confounded fractional factorials design
Single stage design
Asymmetrical factorial experiments
Confounded symmetrical factorial design
Single Stage Sampling
Sampling on Successive Occasion
Optimum Sampling Design
Regression of Proportion
Relative Survival Coefficient
Overlapping Clusters
Multivariate Ratio
Incomplete Block Plans
Quadratic Response Surface
Multivariate Response Surface
Ordered Cluster Sampling
Multi variate ratio
Multi variate regression
A-optimal Design
E-optimal Design
Single phase sampling
Second phase sampling
Sampling with varying probabilities
Osborne’s index
Progeny test value
Half-sib average
Full-sib average
Control Variable
Multiple Stratification
3-P sampling
Domain Studies
Estimator Procedure
Restrictive correlation Model
Soil and Water Engineering
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