Bibliografías temáticas

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Lista completa de bibliografías temáticas:
Oxidation reduction Sulphide minerals Sulfide Philosophy of Mind (excl. Cognition) Reflection Reflective learning Journals Macroeconomics (incl. Monetary and Fiscal Theory) 340208 Macroeconomics (incl. Monetary and Fiscal Theory) Financial Institutions (incl. Banking) Structural breaks Cointegration Interest rates Price transmission Education and Extension 309902 Education and Extension Educational Policy 330104 Educational Policy, Administration and Management Administration and Management Education Studies not elsewhere classified 330199 Education Studies not elsewhere classified 330299 Curriculum Studies not elsewhere classified Curriculum Studies not elsewhere classified 330305 Teacher Education: Higher Education Professional Development of Teachers not elsewhere classified 330399 Professional Development of Teachers not elsewhere classified 330304 Teacher Education: Vocational Education and Training Vocational Education and Training Internationalisation Professional development Transnational teaching Colloid and Surface Chemistry 250103 Colloid and Surface Chemistry Emulsion droplets Educational Psychology Gender Specific Studies Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics Japanese Japanese language Linguistic/cultural distance Linguistic Cultural distance Teacher Education: Higher Education Professional Development of Teachers Other Education Insider research Paramedical education 321214 Health and Community Services Health and Community Services Health Care Administration 321215 Health Care Administration 321299 Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified 329999 Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified 350201 Human Resources Management Human Resources Management Professional Services (Legal, Management Consulting, etc.) Public Policy 360201 Public Policy History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine not elsewhere classified 370699 History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine not elsewhere classified Studies in Human Society not elsewhere classified 379999 Studies in Human Society not elsewhere classified 390303 Human Rights Human Rights Social Philosophy Patient self-determination Responsibility Professional ethic Accountability Nursing ethic Nursing not elsewhere classified 321199 Nursing not elsewhere classified Human Bioethics Dynamical Systems Operations Research Optimisation Systems Theory and Control Decision Support and Group Support Systems Systems Theory Other Artificial Intelligence Complex systems Systems-of-systems Minerals Froth flotation Froth recovery Transportation not elsewhere classified Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified Transport Engineering Data Storage Representations Simulation and Modelling Bus stops