Bibliografías temáticas

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Lista completa de bibliografías temáticas:
Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) Protection and Control (WAMPAC) Phasor Estimation Algorithms Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) Hybrid Control Design Panaginsene Macroline Davanoids Endosomolytic peptide Active Phase Converter (APC) Single Phase Grid-Tied Systems Double-cone flow Shock-wave and separation- region interaction Small-amplitude oscillations AMPK-WNT Pathway Hardware identification E-GIUH Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrographs Hershfield Method: Tropical dry-forest community Bacteria colony SH2 domain family Domain-architecture specific residues Minimal replacement Translocation breakpoint regions Extracellular polymeric saccharides Giant intracellular vesicular structures Extracellular Bacterial Protein (EBP) Extracellular Bacterial Polysaccharides (ECP) Flocculation and Flotation Microbe-mineral Interaction Milkyway Milkyway Halo Dwarf Satellites Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy SDSS Globular Clusters Stellar Relics Automotive Conducted DNA-based secure data storage Secure omniscience Primate V1 Parabolic Driving Forces Linearized Driving Forces Zener Theory Cross-linked Polyesters Poly(anhydride esters) B2B platform NAND SSD Write data Read data In-vivo Skin analysis Leakage resilient secret sharing Composition of biomass Predicting biogas yields from biomass Anomaly reasoning Performance of Heterogeneous networks Mesh of Things Noisy-OR model 4G cellular systems 5G Cellular systems CuInS2 QD CdS QD Biomedical and chemical applications Modeling Magnetic Anisotropy Kinetic Monte Carlo Methods Sensor Designing Conjugated Molecules for Sensors Sequential controlled sensing Odd arm identification Anomalous process Controlled Markov chain Detection and estimation theory Volume Surface Integral Equation Multi-Level Fast Multipole Ultrafast PCR NMR Methodologies Development Selective Pulses DNA repair, helicase, G-quadruplex Stochastic Differential Geometry Stochastic Differential Algebraic Equations Annulation reactions Ethynyl benzoxazinanones Bi1Se1 2H-MoTe2 Fic Proteins Valine Catabolism Y2NiMnO6 Global Fore- cast System Distributed Selection Schemes Imperfect Power Control Celular Networks