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Статті в журналах з теми "Sociology"


Escobar, Luis A. "Proyectando una sociología latinoamericana: el Boletín del Instituto de Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Francisco Ayala." Revista Temas Sociológicos, no. 21 (November 29, 2017): 119. http://dx.doi.org/10.29344/07194145.21.1049.

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El presente artículo plantea recuperar la experiencia del Instituto de Sociolo­gía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y su órgano de publicación, el Boletín del Instituto de Sociología, como punto de apertura a ciertas configuraciones regionales que se direccionaron en la búsqueda de innovaciones en el campo de la sociología. Esta exploración propone re-articular algunos trayectos de una historia social de la sociología latinoamericana en la década del cuarenta del siglo XX y para ello focaliza en las intervenciones, vínculos, búsquedas y propuestas del español Francisco Ayala en el Boletín, puesto que es uno de los referentes en la conformación de un diálogo regional. Palabras clave: sociología latinoamericana, renovación disciplinar, diálogos regionales, tradiciones sociológicas, estatuto científico, Ayala. Projecting a latin american sociology: the Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Buenos Aires and Francisco Ayala Abstract This article aims to recover the experience of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Buenos Aires and its publication body, the Bulletin of the Insti­tute of Sociology as an opening to certain regional configurations directed in the search for innovations in the sociology field. This exploration proposes to re-articulate some trajectories of a social history of Latin American sociology in 1940’s and to that end it focuses on interven­tions, links, searches and proposals of the Spaniard Francisco Ayala in the Newspaper, since he is one of the referents in the formation of a regional dialogue. Key words: Latin American sociology, disciplinary renewal, regional dia­logues, sociological traditions, scientific status, Ayala. Projetando uma sociologia latino-americana: o Boletim do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade de Buenos Aires e Francisco Ayala Resumo O presente artigo planteia recuperar a experiência do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade de Buenos Aires e seu órgão de publicação, o Boletim do Institu­to de Sociologia, como ponto de abertura para certas configurações regionais que foram direcionadas para a busca de inovações no campo de sociologia. Esta exploração propõe a rearticular algumas trajetórias de uma história social da sociologia latino-americana na década do 40 do século XX e para isso se concentra nas intervenções, vínculos, buscas e propostas do espanhol Francisco Ayala no Boletim, já que é um dos referentes para a conformação de um diálogo regional. Palavras-chave: sociologia latino-americana, renovação disciplinar, diálogos regionais, tradições sociológicas, código científico, Ayala.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Escobar, Luis A. "Proyectando una sociología latinoamericana: el Boletín del Instituto de Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Francisco Ayala." Revista Temas Sociológicos, no. 21 (November 29, 2017): 119. http://dx.doi.org/10.29344/07196458.21.1049.

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El presente artículo plantea recuperar la experiencia del Instituto de Sociolo­gía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y su órgano de publicación, el Boletín del Instituto de Sociología, como punto de apertura a ciertas configuraciones regionales que se direccionaron en la búsqueda de innovaciones en el campo de la sociología. Esta exploración propone re-articular algunos trayectos de una historia social de la sociología latinoamericana en la década del cuarenta del siglo XX y para ello focaliza en las intervenciones, vínculos, búsquedas y propuestas del español Francisco Ayala en el Boletín, puesto que es uno de los referentes en la conformación de un diálogo regional. Palabras clave: sociología latinoamericana, renovación disciplinar, diálogos regionales, tradiciones sociológicas, estatuto científico, Ayala. Projecting a latin american sociology: the Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Buenos Aires and Francisco Ayala Abstract This article aims to recover the experience of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Buenos Aires and its publication body, the Bulletin of the Insti­tute of Sociology as an opening to certain regional configurations directed in the search for innovations in the sociology field. This exploration proposes to re-articulate some trajectories of a social history of Latin American sociology in 1940’s and to that end it focuses on interven­tions, links, searches and proposals of the Spaniard Francisco Ayala in the Newspaper, since he is one of the referents in the formation of a regional dialogue. Key words: Latin American sociology, disciplinary renewal, regional dia­logues, sociological traditions, scientific status, Ayala. Projetando uma sociologia latino-americana: o Boletim do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade de Buenos Aires e Francisco Ayala Resumo O presente artigo planteia recuperar a experiência do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade de Buenos Aires e seu órgão de publicação, o Boletim do Institu­to de Sociologia, como ponto de abertura para certas configurações regionais que foram direcionadas para a busca de inovações no campo de sociologia. Esta exploração propõe a rearticular algumas trajetórias de uma história social da sociologia latino-americana na década do 40 do século XX e para isso se concentra nas intervenções, vínculos, buscas e propostas do espanhol Francisco Ayala no Boletim, já que é um dos referentes para a conformação de um diálogo regional. Palavras-chave: sociologia latino-americana, renovação disciplinar, diálogos regionais, tradições sociológicas, código científico, Ayala.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Kropp, Kristoffer, Gry Malling Loehr, and Heine Andersen. "Dansk Sociologis rolle i dansk sociologi – vidensdeling og inspiration gennem 25 år." Dansk Sociologi 25, no. 3 (October 9, 2014): 9–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.22439/dansoc.v25i3.4870.

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Artiklen skildrer historien om Dansk Sociologi fra etableringen i 1989-1990 til jubilæumsåret 2014. Initiativet blev taget af Dansk Sociologforening under den institutionelle krise i faget, der kulminerede da undervisningsminister Bertel Haarder besluttede at lukke uddannelsen. Tidsskriftet har været benyttet som publiceringskanal af en meget stor andel af danske sociologer og oplagstal har været stigende frem til omkring 2006. De seneste 10-15 år har man kunnet se et skift i indholdsprofilen, fra en dominans af teoretisk orienterede emner over mod en bred vifte af empiriske emner og en tilpasning til en mainstream akademisk, upersonlig form. Dansk Sociologi er et udpræget pluralistisk tidsskrift og kontroverser mellem forskellige teoretiske retninger eller om specifikke spørgsmål har man ikke set. Artiklen drøfter også fremtidige udfordringer som især er internationalisering, de nye digitale medier og krav om open access. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kristoffer Kropp, Gry Malling Loehr and Heine Andersen: The Role of Dansk Sociologi in the Development of Danish Sociology. Dissemination of Knowledge and Inspiration for 25 years This article describes and evaluates the journal Dansk Sociologi (Danish Sociology) from its inception in 1989-1990 until its 25th anniversary in 2014. The Danish Sociological Association took the initiative to set up the journal during sociology’s institutional crisis due to fact that the Minister of Education had decided to close the sociology department at the University of Copenhagen, the only place in Denmark with the discipline. The article discusses the evolution of the journal’s organizational framework, its authors, editors, and content. The journal has been used as a vehicle for publication by a large proportion of Danish sociologists. Subscriptions have been growing until 2006. There has been a shift from theoretical articles to a wider range of empirical ones, and from a more discussion-based form to a more detached and standardized academic one. There has been considerable pluralism, and there have been no major controversies. The challenges that the journal must address are an internationalization pressure that could weaken authors’ incentives to write for a Danish journal, the transition to internet media, and finally requirements for open access that could threaten the journal’s economy. Keywords: the journal Dansk Sociologi, the Danish Sociological Association, sociology’s history.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Horák, Vít. "Za návrat k ranému Durkheimovi. Kulturněsociologické inspirace v Pravidlech sociologické metody a Společenské dělbě práce." Sociální studia / Social Studies 9, no. 4 (October 19, 2012): 13–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/soc2012-4-13.

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Myšlenku kulturní sociologie odstartoval nový pohled na francouzského sociologického klasika Émila Durkheima prezentovaný ve sborníku Durkheimian Sociology: Cultural Studies editovaným Jeffreym Alexanderem (1988). Odmítnut byl Durkheim - positivista, materialista, předchůdce strukturního funkcionalismu a teorie systémů, a pro kulturní sociologii byl objeven Durkheim jako teoretik náboženství a kultury, Durkheim subjektivistický. S tím Alexander spojil svébytnou periodizaci klasikova díla, která je založena na radikálním rozporu mezi pozdními a ranými pracemi. Inspirace pro kulturní sociologii byly čerpány téměř výlučně z pozdějšího období kolem díla Elementární formy náboženského života. Tento článek se bude snažit prozkoumat i rané Durkheimovy práce – Pravidla sociologické metody a Společenskou dělbu práce – a hledat v nich nové zdroje inspirace pro kulturní sociologii. V první zmíněné knize bych chtěl rehabilitovat Durkheimův positivismus, který nemusí být nutně chápan jako rozporný s kulturní sociologií. Naopak by mohl přispět k diskuzi o kulturní autonomii. Ve druhé zmíněné knize chci výrazněji odlišit ekonomickou a kulturní rovinu a diskutovat, jak by kulturní sociologie mohla chápat pojmy solidarity a dělby práce. Zvláštní důraz kladu na dva typy mezilidské vzájemnosti (sounáležitost/doplňující se různost), jež Durkheimovi slouží jako základ pro pojmy mechanické a organické solidarity. Kulturní sociologie by tyto typy podle mého názoru mohla dobře využít pro pojem kulturní identity.
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House, James S. "The Culminating Crisis of American Sociology and Its Role in Social Science and Public Policy: An Autobiographical, Multimethod, Reflexive Perspective." Annual Review of Sociology 45, no. 1 (July 30, 2019): 1–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev-soc-073117-041052.

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For over 50 years I have been, and remain, an interdisciplinary social scientist seeking to develop and apply social science to improve the well-being of human individuals and social life. Sociology has been my disciplinary home for 48 of these years. As a researcher/scholar, teacher, administrator, and member of review panels in both sociology and interdisciplinary organizations that include and/or intersect with sociology, I have sought to improve the quality and quantity of sociolog ists and sociolog y. This article offers my assessment as a participant observer of what (largely American) sociology has been over the course of my lifetime, which is virtually coterminous with the history of modern (post–World War II) sociology, and what it might become. I supplement my participant observations with those of others with similarly broad perspectives, and with broader literature and quantitative indicators on the state of sociology, social science, and society over this period. I entered sociology and social science at a time (the 1960s and early 1970s) when they were arguably their most dynamic and impactful, both within themselves and also with respect to intersections with other disciplines and the larger society. Whereas the third quarter of the twentieth century was a golden age of growth and development for sociology and the social sciences, the last quarter of that century saw sociology and much of social science—excepting economics and, to some extent, psychology—decline in size, coherence, and extradisciplinary connections and impact, not returning until the beginning of the twenty-first century, if at all, to levels reached in the early 1970s. Over this latter period, I and numerous other observers have bemoaned sociology's lack of intellectual unity (i.e., coherence and cohesion), along with attendant dissension and problems within the discipline and in its relation to the other social sciences and public policy. The twenty-first century has seen much of the discipline, and its American Sociological Association (ASA), turn toward public and critical sociology, yet this shift has come with no clear indicators of improvement of the state of the discipline and some suggestions of further decline. The reasons for and implications of all of this are complex, reflecting changes within the discipline and in its academic, scientific, and societal environments. This article can only offer initial thoughts and directions for future discussion, research, and action. I do, however, believe that sociology's problems are serious, arguably a crisis, and have been going on for almost a half-century, at the outset of which the future looked much brighter. It is unclear whether the discipline as now constituted can effectively confront, much less resolve, these problems. Sociolog ists continue to do excellent work, arguably in spite of rather than because of their location within the current discipline of sociolog y. They might realize the brighter future that appeared in the offing as of the early 1970s for sociology and its impact on other disciplines and society if they assumed new organizational and/or disciplinary forms, as has been increasingly occurring in other social sciences, the natural sciences, and even the humanities. Society needs more and better sociology. The question is how can we deliver it.
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Colturato Festi, Ricardo. "MICHAEL LÖWY E A SOCIOLOGIA DO TRABALHO: a descoberta da consciência de classe do operariado." Caderno CRH 31, no. 83 (January 24, 2019): 239–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.9771/ccrh.v31i83.25112.

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O artigo busca analisar e problematizar a rápida passagem do jovem Michael Löwy pela sociologia do trabalho, quando realizou, em 1959, uma pesquisa sobre as atitudes e a consciência operária entre dirigentes sindicais metalúrgicos. Para isso, contextualiza esse estudo no curso do processo de institucionalização da sociologia brasileira, em particular o desenvolvimento das pesquisas acerca da indústria e do trabalho realizadas na Universidade de São Paulo, nas décadas de 1950 e 1960. Como conclusão, pode-se afirmar que Löwy apresentou, já àquela época, num manuscrito até então desconhecido, uma possível alternativa ao estilo de sociologia vigente na USP. As reflexões e conclusões deste artigo estão ancoradas em consultas realizadas em arquivos e numa entrevista com o próprio autor.MICHAEL LÖWY AND THE SOCIOLOGY OF WORK: the discovery of the class consciousness of the working class The article analyzes and problematizes the rapid passage of the young Michael Löwy by the sociology of the work, when in 1959 realized research on the attitudes and the workers’ conscience among metallurgical union leaders. We contextualize this study in the course of the process of institutionalization of Brazilian sociology, in particular the development of research on industry and work, carried out at the University of São Paulo in the 1950s and 1960s. We affirm that the author presented, in a manuscript unknown, a possible alternative to the style of sociology in force at USP. The reflections and conclusions of this article are anchored in consultations carried out in archives and in an interview with the author. Keywords: Michael Löwy. Sociology of work. Worker consciousness. Social thought. Intellectual historyMICHAEL LÖWY ET LA SOCIOLOGIE DU TRAVAIL: la découverte de la conscience de classe de la classe ouvrière L’article analyse et problématise le passage du jeune Michael Löwy par la sociologie du travail, lorsqu’en 1959 il réalise une recherche sur les attitudes et la conscience ouvrière parmi les dirigeants syndicaux métallurgiques. Nous contextualisons cette étude au cours du processus d’institutionnalisation de la sociologie brésilienne, en particulier le développement de la recherche sur l’industrie et le travail, menée à l’Université de São Paulo dans les années 1950 et 1960. Nous affirmons que l’auteur a présenté, dans un manuscrit inconnu, une alternative possible au style de sociologie en vigueur à l’USP. Les réflexions et les conclusions de cet article sont ancrées dans des consultations menées dans les archives et dans une interview avec l’auteur. Mots-clés: Michael Löwy. Sociologie du travail. Conscience ouvrière. Pensée sociale. Histoire intellectuelle.
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Canavieira, Fabiana Oliveira. "Uma nova sociologia em defesa das crianças e suas infâncias." Revista Educação e Emancipação 10, no. 1 (June 13, 2017): 125. http://dx.doi.org/10.18764/2358-4319.v10n1p125-149.

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O artigo se apresenta como uma revisão de literatura da teoria sociológica tida como clássica, buscando estabelecer relações e destacar as contribuições dos principais fundamentos sociológicos à consolidação do campo da Sociologia da Infância, como novo paradigma teórico que têm as crianças e a infância como foco de seus estudos e atuação profissional. Sem a pretensão de se constituir como um estado da arte, faz-se um desvelamento das primeiras delimitações do novo campo teórico, ao passo que se exerce a reflexividade sociológica inspirada em Bourdieu, mas percorrendo outros sociólogos.Palavras-chave: Sociologia da Infância; Sociologia da Educação; Educação InfantilA new sociology in defense of children and their childhoodsABSTRACTThe article presents a literature review of the classical sociological theory, seeking to establish relationships and highlight the contributions of the main sociological foundations to the consolidation of the field of Sociology of Childhood as a new theoretical paradigm that children and childhood are the focus of its studies and professional performance. Without intending to be a state of art, we unveil the first delimitations of the new theoretical field, while the sociological reflexivity inspired by Bourdieu is exercised, but using other sociologists equally important for the present reflection.Keywords: Sociology of Childhood; Sociology of Education; Early Children Education.Una nueva sociología en defensa de los niños y sus infanciasRESUMENEl artículo se presenta como una revisión de la literatura de la teoria sociológica clásica, buscando establecer relaciones y poner de relieve las contribuciones de los principales fundamentos sociológicos para la consolidación del campo de la sociología de la infancia como un nuevo paradigma teórico que tienen los niños y la infancia como el foco de su estudios y desempeño profesional. Sin la pretensión de constituirse como un estado de la técnica, se trata de una presentación de los primeros límites del nuevo campo teórico, mientras lleva a cabo la reflexividad sociológica inspirado por Bourdieu, pero utilizando otros sociólogos de igual importancia a esta refl exión.Palabras clave: Sociología de la Infancia; Sociología de la Educación; Educación infantil
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Persson, Marcus, and Christian Ståhl. "Sociologisk Forskning ger ut sin 60:e årgång!" Sociologisk Forskning 60, no. 2 (October 27, 2023): 121–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.37062/sf.60.25480.

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I äktenskapssammanhang brukar jämna årsfiranden kläs i någon form av materialistisk symbolik, ju högre siffra desto ädlare och mer statusfylld materia. Siffran 60 förknippas vanligtvis med diamanter, som är en symbol för det okrossbara och det exceptionella tålamodet. Oavsett om det handlar om äktenskap eller om tidskrifter är det ingen självklarhet att uppnå 60 år, och detta är därför något att uppmärksamma och fira. När nu ger ut sin 60:e årgång vill vi rikta tacksamma och stolta tankar mot alla de sociologer som under åren haft ansvaret att verka för svensk sociologi och upprätthålla en nationell sociologisk tidskrift. Periodvis har det ekonomiska läget varit svårt för tidskriften, ibland har det varit svårt att rekrytera redaktionsmedlemmar såväl som granskare, och inte sällan har det saknats gott manusunderlag. Vissa av problemen kvarstår – redaktionen behöver fortfarande flera inskickade bidrag – men liksom våra företrädare kämpar vi på för att vi anser att tidskriften är en viktig fackla för svensk sociologi. I samband med tidskriftens femtioårsjubileum 2013 återpublicerades tre artiklar från tidigare årgångar som har haft betydelse för svensk sociologi- och kunskapsutveckling, skrivna av Hans L Zetterberg, Walter Korpi och Rita Liljeström. Under 2014 blickade tidskriften återigen bakåt för att kunna reflektera över sociologins tillstånd i Sverige. Den gången fick en skara sociologiprofessorer skriva om sin akademiska resa och gärning. I detta jubileumsnummer vill vi rikta blicken mot samtiden och framtiden, som en intressant fortsättning på tidigare jubileumsnummer, med reflektioner över ämnets historia och utveckling. Bland annat har vi bjudit in juniora sociologer att diskutera hur sociologin, i form av forskning, undervisning och samhällsengagemang, kan bidra till förståelsen av vår samtid. Under ledning av Lisa Ferm genomfördes en gruppintervju med Mattis Karlsson, Johanna Köpsén, Isa Norvell Gustavsson, Josefin Persdotter, Jon Sunnerfjell och Emanuel Wittberg. Det blev ett engagerat samtal om sociologins potential att hjälpa människor att tolka och förstå sin omvärld, till exempel genom att låta sociologiska perspektiv genomsyra undervisningen redan i skolans tidiga år. Vidare diskuteras sociologins väsen, identiteten som sociolog och ämnets utmaningar. Sammantaget präglas samtalet av en tro på och passion för sociologiämnets värde, både vad gäller dess bredd och dess djup. Därutöver har flera hörsammat utlysningen för numret och bidragit skriftligt med personliga reflektioner om sociologiämnets roll i ett vidare sammanhang och i anslutning till antingen forskning, utbildning eller samhällsdebatt. Bidragen har genomgått en redaktionell granskning med syftet att helheten ska spegla en mångfacetterad och samtida sociologi. Josef Ginnerskov skriver om hur sociologi lärs ut och därigenom vad sociologi är. Han reflekterar kring sociologins institutionalisering och hur ämnets självbild utvecklats genom åren. Sociologin har ofta blivit krisförklarad. Likväl fortsätter ämnet att läras ut och beforskas. Ginnerskov drar paralleller mellan hur sociologiämnet utvecklats och hur det åskådliggjorts för andra genom undervisning. På detta sätt knyts ämnesdidaktik samman med ämnesidentitet, vilket han diskuterar med hjälp av begreppet sociologididaktik. Anna Engstam skriver ett upprop för en ”öppen sociologi” – en sociologi driven av det lilla men ack så viktiga prefixet ”för”. Hon diskuterar betydelsen av förmågan till för-reflexivitet och förvetenskapliga impulser som ett grundelement i det sociologiska tänkandet och görandet. Texten uppmuntrar läsaren att för stunden våga sjunka ner under ytan av fastslagna metodologiska standarder och teoretiska modeller och förnimma det kreativa teoretiserandet. I samma anda skriver Colm Flaherty om en ”nyfiken sociologi”. Mot bakgrund av den personliga erfarenheten att som student upptäcka sociologins tjusning diskuterar han den sociologiska visionen att professionellt och nyfiket utforska samhället och samtidens olika sociala problem. Framförallt lägger han stor vikt vid det sociologiska görandet, då den kan väcka nyfikenhet och sporra till reflexivet hos andra människor och därigenom även bidra till att påverka samhället. Patrik Aspers skriver om den humboldtska andan att förena forskning och undervisning och om varför det tycks vara så svårt att berika de båda elementen genom korsbefruktning. Utifrån egna erfarenheter, från Sverige och utomlands, skriver han om strukturella och kulturella svårigheter att förverkliga det humboldtska idealet, men också̊ om de visioner och goda ambitioner som behövs för att skapa ett livskraftigt ämne. Den uppmärksamme läsaren tänker: Patrik Aspers är väl inte en junior sociolog! Nej det är han givetvis inte. Aspers är professor och har bjudits in till detta nummer som representant för tidskriftens redaktionsråd att reflektera kring temat för numret. Och han är inte den ende seniora sociologen i sammanhanget. Till vår stora glädje kan vi också presentera två intervjuer med internationellt erkända sociologer: professor Eva Illouz och professor Hartmut Rosa. Eva Illouz har under många år utforskat känslornas strukturella betydelse i samhället. I flera böcker har hon problematiserat teman som kärlek och relationer i vår samtida konsumtionskultur. Illouz är aktuell med en ny bok om populismens känsloliv, som kom ut på engelska i somras (och som kommer i svensk översättning nästa år). Därmed tar hon sig an en helt annan typ av känslor än tidigare, närmare bestämt rädsla, avsky och förbittring. I denna intervju fick Poul Poder och Marcus Persson en exklusiv möjlighet att samtala med Illouz om nya boken och hennes tankar om den populistiska samtidens känslor som frodas i såväl politiska rum som i sociala medier. Därmed kretsar samtalet kring hur samtidens stora frågor och känslor hänger samman, och hur vi bör känna, och tänka, för att odla det goda demokratiska samhället. Hartmut Rosa har etablerat sig som en av samtidens mest uppmärksammade sociologer genom sina böcker om social acceleration och resonans. Hans senaste bok är en sociologisk analys av heavy metal. I samband med en föreläsning vid Göteborgs universitet i mars 2023 fick Carl Cassegård, Karl Malmqvist och Christian Ståhl tillfälle att genomföra en intervju som kom att röra sig kring ämnen som sociologin och dess framtid, kritisk teori, klimatförändringar samt möjligheten till en resonant demokrati. Utifrån sitt begrepp resonans resonerar han kring vikten av ett lyssnande och tillitsfullt samhälle med människor som känner att de besitter en politisk egenförmåga för att undkomma populism och främlingsfientlighet. Det finns ett hundratal sociologiska tidskrifter på engelska men bara en på svenska. I ”förbundet har ordet” skriver Åsa Lundqvist, Åsa Wettergren och Ylva Wallinder om utmaningarna, men också̊ om fördelarna, med en svensk sociologisk tidskrift i en era av internationalisering. Att skriva på svenska för en svensk publik kan vara kreativt och lustfyllt – intellektuellt och språkligt – och dessutom gynna spridningen av forskning både i undervisning och i samhällsdebatt. Numret innehåller också recensioner av nya böcker och avhandlingar: Miguel A. Martínez recension av Elton Chans avhandling; Johan Alfonssons recension av Kohei Saitos bok Marx in the Anthropocene; samt Jonas Bååths recension av Michael Carolans The Sociology of Food and Agriculture. Sammantaget bjuder vi på en mix av reflekterande texter med ambitionen att sporra till tankar och fortsatta diskussioner om sociologins roll i samhället och dess förmåga att ta sig an samtidens utmaningar. Trevlig läsning! Marcus Persson och Christian Ståhl Redaktörer för Sociologisk Forskning
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Zafirovski, Milan. "Convergent origins, divergent destinations: sociology's contributions and connections to economics in a historical and interdisciplinary framework." Social Science Information 46, no. 2 (June 2007): 305–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0539018407076651.

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English This article explores selected significant instances of sociology's contributions and connections to economics. These contributions are framed and analyzed within a historical and interdisciplinary setting of the originally common or convergent roots (Enlightenment philosophical rationalism and liberalism) and early co-developments, and yet the subsequently (especially since the 1930s) divergent trajectories and destinations of sociology and economics. These contributions are divided into two general categories: theoretical-substantive and methodological-epistemological. Sociological analyses of market phenomena, societal development and institutions are adduced as examples of sociology's theoretical contribution to economics. Ideal-types, Verstehen, and sociology of knowledge exemplify its methodological contributions and connections to economics. The article aims to help bridge a gap in the current literature in which such contributions and connections of sociology to economics are rarely recognized and considered in favor of those in the opposite (“rational-choice”) direction. French L'article explore certains apports importants de la sociologie à l'économie et les interrelations entre les deux disciplines. Ces apports sont analysés dans une perspective historique et interdisciplinaire, des racines originellement communes ou convergentes des deux disciplines (le rationalisme philosophique des Lumières et le libéralisme) et de leur développement initial commun à leurs trajectoires et destinations par la suite - en particulier depuis les années trente - divergentes. Ces apports se répartissent en deux grandes catégories: théoriques-formels et méthodologiques-épistémologiques. Les analyses sociologiques des phénomènes de marché, du développement de la société et des institutions sont donnés en exemples de contributions théoriques de la sociologie à l'économie. Les types-idéaux, Verstehen, et la sociologie de la connaissance témoignent de son apport méthodologique à l'économie et de ses liens avec celle-ci. L'article a pour ambition de combler un vide dans la littérature qui n'atteste que rarement l'existence de tels apports de la sociologie à l'économie, en privilégiant plutôt à l'inverse les apports de l'économie à la sociologie ("choix rationnel").
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Zavaleta Betancourt, José Alfredo. "Lahire, Bernard (2016). En defensa de la sociología." Clivajes. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, no. 12 (February 10, 2020): 171–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.25009/clivajes-rcs.v0i12.2587.

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Es posible que entre el apoyo a los chalecos amarillos, el rechazo a la pena de muerte, la petición de libertad para Josu Urrutikoetxea y “La defensa de la sociología” haya un vaso comunicante.Allende la tendencia a interrogarse acerca de la utilidad de la sociología, encabezada por Dubet (2012): ¿Para qué sirve realmente un sociólogo?,[1] seguido por Bauman (2014): ¿Para qué sirve realmente…? un sociólogo,[2] Bernard Lahire (2016), quien diez años atrás se ocupó del tema: ¿Para qué sirve la sociología?,[3] y propuso la integración de la sociología experimental y social, emprende ahora la defensa de nuestra disciplina, mediante una estrategia de comprensión de los ataques políticos “recurrentes” de quienes la consideran parte de una “cultura de la excusa”. Lahire, Bernard (2016). In defense of sociologySummaryIt is possible that between the support for the yellow vests, the rejection of the death penalty, the request for freedom for Josu Urrutikoetxea and “The defense of sociology” there is a communion cup.Beyond the tendency to question oneself about the usefulness of sociology, headed by Dubet (2012): What is a sociologist really for? [1] followed by Bauman (2014): What is it really for ...? a sociologist, [2] Bernard Lahire (2016), who ten years ago dealt with the subject: What is sociology for? [3] and proposed the integration of experimental and social sociology, now undertakes the defense of our discipline, through a strategy of understanding the “recurrent” political attacks of those who consider it part of a “culture of excuse”. Lahire, Bernard (2016). En défense de la sociologie.RésuméIl est possible que parmi l’appui aux gilets jaunes, le rejet de la peine de mort, la demande de liberté pour Josu Urrutikoetxea et « La défense de la sociologie » il y ait des vases communicants.Au-delà de la tendance à s’interroger sur l’utilité de la sociologie, dirigée par Dubet (2012) : ¿Para qué sirve realmente un sociólogo?, [1] suivi par Bauman (2014): ¿Para qué sirve realmente…? un sociólogo, [2] Bernard Lahire (2016), qui dix ans avant il s’est occupé du thème: ¿Para qué sirve la sociología?, [3] et il a proposé l’intégration de la sociologie expérimentale et sociale, il entreprend actuellement la défense de notre discipline à travers une stratégie de compréhension des attaques politiques « récurrents » de qui la considèrent comme une partie d’une « culture de l’excuse ». [1] Dubet, F. (2012). ¿Para qué sirve realmente un sociólogo? Buenos Aires, Argentina: Siglo XXI Editores. 136 pp.[2] Bauman, Zygmunt. 2014. ¿Para qué sirve realmente...? un sociólogo. Madrid: Paidós.160 pp.[3] Lahire, B. (2006). ¿Para qué sirve la sociología? Buenos Aires, Argentina: Siglo XXI Editores. 208 pp.
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Дисертації з теми "Sociology"


Jones, Charles W. "Sociology in Sport." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/3961.

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Halvorsen, Rune. "The Paradox of Self Organisation among Disadvantaged People: A study of marginal citizenship." Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of sociology and political science, 2002. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-478.

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This dissertation compares the emerging attempts at social mobilisation among Travellers and people out of work claiming social-security benefits in Norway. This analysis is carried out against the backdrop of a discussion of social marginality, integration and citizenship. It traces how the organisations could promote fuller citizenship on the part of marginalized sections of the population, in spite of the obstacles they might face.

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Awes, Mio. "In Dubai: Traders, In Somalia: Conflict Escalators : A Study of Diasporic Influences on Civil War." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskap, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-11163.

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Abstract I have used diaspora theory with a sociological perspective. This perspective has given insight to the importance that a diaspora community can play in conflicts in their country of origin while they are absent. My main research question is: What roles do Somali traders in Dubai play in the Somali clan conflict? My material consists of interviews with three Somali Diaspora traders in Dubai. The aim of this study is to examine how they are involved in the clan conflict in Somalia through their trading activities. Questions have been asked about which precautions that must be taken in order to export and import to/from a country ridden by conflict. Their answers showed that they were dependent on their clan in order to secure their products and, thereby, they were forced to be involved in the conflict in different ways. A reciprocal relationship evolved since also their clans in Somalia became dependent on the traders in Dubai for their position in the conflict. Regarding.
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Dal, Pezzo Rolando. "Photography, sociology & anthropology." FIU Digital Commons, 1999. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/2708.

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An analysis of the social research done to date using photographs shows that photography, although used both in anthropology and sociology for data collection, as visual evidence and illustration, in photoelicitation or in time-studies, has not been fully exploited as an aid to see further and deeper in the social arena. Most social researchers still perceive photography as being simultaneously too complicated as a research aid and too creative and therefore unscientific to use as a research method. This project is exploratory and argumentative and not directed towards the formulation of a model. I propose that the camera is the proper tool to obtain more precise, detailed, and complete date, to uncover and clarify meaning, to investigate and clarify the research question, and to help in the presentation of the results of social investigation. Therefore the camera should become more accepted as a tool for the modern social researcher notwithstanding its creative component and even because of it. Indeed, as any individual in a culture oversaturated with images, although trained to observe precisely and record objectively, the social scientist has learned to see only a few v things while editing and blocking out the rest. The camera, because of its ability to record the world with richness of detail, is the proper tool to obtain a more precise and more complete visual documentation, which is essential for an accurate reconstruction of meaning. Lastly, I propose that the sociologist-anthropologist who accepts the challenge of integrating photography in his work should become also a skilled photographer, cultivating with practice the ability to intuitively perceive potential opportunities that may escape direct observation and developing a visual and emotional acuity that bridges the gap between intuition and the physical limitations of human perception. This new skill seems to be the result of an inner propensity to visual investigation combined with photographic practice and systematic studying of the history of photography and represents a jump of sophistication in the use of photography in more creative ways in social research, both conceptually and technically. In looking at the body of work produced in visual social research as well as in photographic social analysis, it seems that the most successful and compelling outcomes have been produced by authors who explored the unique opportunities of in depth analysis offered by the synergy of images and text to conduct a social, autoethnographic or psychological discourse. This appears to me a most promising area of development for the immediate future of visual social research.
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Mahon-Haft, Taj. "Is standardization silencing sociology?" Online access for everyone, 2007. http://www.dissertations.wsu.edu/Thesis/Spring2007/T_Mahon-Haft_040307.pdf.

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Brito, Simone Magalhaes. "Negative Morality : Adorn's Sociology." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.507083.

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Solms-Laubach, Franz. "Towards a sociology of culture : on Nietzsche and early German and Austrian sociology." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.270390.

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Andersson, Caroline, Malin Kristensson, and Maria Nilsson. "”Ett papper som hamnar någonstans?” En kvalitativ undersökning om åtgärdsprogram i förskolan." Thesis, Kristianstad University College, Department of Behavioural Sciences, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-3837.

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Alla barn i förskolan har rätt till stimulans efter sina behov och förutsättningar. De barn som behöver extra stöd ska få det. För barn i behov av särskilt stöd och deras föräldrar samt lärare kanske åtgärdsprogram kan vara ett hjälpmedel i arbetet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förekomsten, användandet samt behovet av åtgärdsprogram i förskolan. Vi vill även undersöka specialpedagogens roll och delaktighet i upprättandet av åtgärdsprogram. I litteraturbearbetningen belyses förskolans historia, förskolans ansvar, specialpedagogik, utvecklingsekologi, barn i behov av särskilt stöd, åtgärdsprogram och individuella utvecklingsplaner. Den empiriska delen av uppsatsen har utförts med kvalitativa enskilda intervjuer. Målgruppen består av tolv lärare från tre olika småstäder.

Studien visar att alla förskolorna i undersökningen använder sig av åtgärdsprogram, trots att de till skillnad från skolan inte är skyldiga att göra detta enligt lag. Åtgärdsprogrammen används dock i skiftande omfattning. Det är inte alla förskolor som har hjälp och handledning av specialpedagoger inför och under samtal angående åtgärdsprogram. Några av respondenterna framhåller att dokumenten inte alltid är anpassade till förskolan utan att de får använda sig av de dokument som är utformade till skolan. Flertalet av lärarna menar att det finns ett behov av åtgärdsprogram. De anser att det framför allt gynnar barnet, men att åtgärdsprogrammet också kan vara till hjälp för personal och föräldrar.

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Tjora, Aksel Hagen. "Caring machines : Emerging practices of work and coordination in the use of medical emergency communication technology." Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology Management, 1997. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-13.

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Stadig mer forskning fokuserer på utviklingen og bruken av teknologi, ikke minst i forbindelse med den stadige mer utbredte bruken av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi. Mange av disse studiene har vært motivert av ønsket om å vise til de fantastiske mulighetene som organisasjoner (særlig bedrifter) har ved å nyttiggjøre seg nyvinningene (se f.eks. Davidow og Malone, 1992 og Scott Morton, 1991). Mange samfunnsvitenskapelige studier har imidlertid inntatt en mye mer kritisk holdning til de teknologiske nyvinningene. Innenfor sosiologien er det flere slike tilnærminger.

Sosiologiske perspektiver på teknologi

I de funksjonalistiske tilnærmingene fokuseres det på hvilke effekter de tekniske systemene har på brukerne av dem, og spesielt hvordan alle systemer medfører uintenderte konsekvenser, blant annet ved at de nye systemenes latente funksjoner (Merton, 1967) trer fram i dagen etterhvert som systemene kommer i bruk. I disse studiene betrakter man de tekniske systemene som makrostrukturer som følger sin egen utvikling mer eller mindre uavhengig av brukerne (dvs de er teknologideterministiske).

I Marxistiske tilnærminger unngår man en ensidig determinisme ved at teknologiene antas å være i dialektisk motsetning til de sosiale systemene. Spesielt betraktes teknologiske nyvinninger som kapitalistenes middel for å beholde sitt herredømme over arbeiderklassen. I nyere perspektiver (se f.eks. Winner, 1977; 1986, Hirschorn, 1984; Feenberg, 1991) påpeker man at det er de kulturelle verdiene som er knyttet til teknologidesign som medfører uheldige konsekvenser (som for eksempel degradering av arbeidskraft), og ikke teknologien i seg selv.

Tilsvarende fokuserer de sosialkonstruktivistiske studiene (Bijker, Hughes og Pinch, 1987; Bijker og Law, 1992; Law, 1991) på hvordan den teknologiske utviklingen eller de teknologiske nnovasjonene ikke følger naturlige utviklingsveier, men konstrueres i nettverk av aktører som hver på sin måte presser fram sine interesser i forhold til et teknologisk artefakt. Mange av konstruktivistene benekter et skille mellom tekniske og sosiale systemer (eller aktører). De mener at det er umulig å egentlig separere det tekniske og sosiale, og velger i stedet å betrakte de totale relasjonene som et sømløst vev. Konstruktivistene bruker spesielt historiske studier av teknologi-utvikling for å identifisere aktører i slike vev, og dermed undersøke hva som ligger bak de løsninger som velges i utviklingen av tekniske artefakter.

I de senere årene er det blitt flere forskere som ved å bruke etnografiske studier av teknologisk praksis undersøker hvordan tekniske og sosiale aktører samhandler. I disse studiene er man i motsetning til de konstruktivistiske tilnærmingene mer opptatt av bruken av teknologi enn utviklingen av den. Men i samme ånd som konstruktivistene er man opptatt av å vise hvordan den teknologiske praksis i sterk grad utvikles ved hjelp av sosiale mekanismer, for eksempel i arbeidsgrupper, og hvordan tekniske praksisimperativer rekonstrueres i daglig sosial praksis (se f.eks. Suchman, 1987; Hutchins, 1988; 1990; 1995; Hutchins og Klausen, 1996; Heath og Luff, 1992; 1996; Orr, 1996; Engeström og Middleton, 1996).

Alle disse tilnærmingene har viktige bidrag til sosiologiske studier av utvikling og bruk av teknologi. Imidlertid ser det ut til at det er vanskelig å skape en teoretisk syntese av teorier som bygger på såpass forskjellige antakelser. I denne avhandlingen kombinerer jeg imidlertid deler fra teoriene ved et feltstudium der én type teknologi benyttes i flere ulike kontekster, slik at både aktør-perspektiver og struktur-perspektiver blir relevante. Et empirisk felt som gir denne muligheten er bruken av medisinske nødmeldesentraler i Norge.

The study of technology has recently become more focused in various schools of sociology. However, Marxist, functionalist, social constructivist, and ethnographic research, have tended to explain technological development either from macro or micro perspectives. Further research is needed to increase our understanding of technology as situated in its social and institutional contexts, where individual and professional relations are considered. In this thesis, elements from several approaches are applied to the study of communication technology in Norwegian medical emergency communication centres.

About ten years ago, LV (doctor-on-call) centres, each manned by one nurse to handle local requests for a doctor, were established in nursing homes. AMK (acute medical communication) centres were introduced in hospitals, and are manned by teams of two to four nurses and ambulance coordinators to handle medical emergency calls (113), internal hospital alarms and local requests for a doctor. Even though the intensity and work loads are very different between the LV and AMK centres, the technical artefacts that are used are basically similar in both types of centre.

Using a comparative case approach, the use of technology was studied through interviews with nurses, doctors and administrative personnel and by observations of the work in six LV and three AMK centres.

There are three main findings in this thesis. First, the operation of LV centres in nursing homes conflicts with the general nursing home practice, and many LV centres are redefined by its users as switchboards to decrease the burden that is placed upon them.

Second, the nurses who work with requests for doctors in a similar way in the AMK centres in fact manage to solve many problems on the phone. The thesis discusses how these differences have emerged from performing the same job with the same technological tools.

Third, the handling of emergency calls at the AMK centres is accomplished through intense social and technically coordinated work. An ideal model of this kind of coordination, “the coordinated climate”, is developed from the observations in the AMK centres, and results from control room studies are applied.

The three findings are summarised in a discussion of how structures constrain and facilitate social and technological practice.

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Cullen, John-Paul. "A reflexive sociology of death." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/mq30459.pdf.

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Книги з теми "Sociology"


Goode, Erich. Sociology. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall, 1988.

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Nešpor, Zdeněk R. Dějiny české sociologie: History of Czech sociology. Praha: Academia, 2014.

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Smelser, Neil J. Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.

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El'nikova, Galina, and Yuliya Laamarti. Sociology. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/1086531.

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The manual contains a full and systematic presentation of the University course of sociology. It is aimed at forming students ' General cultural competence, facilitating independent development of the whole scientific Outlook, and a clear civil position, the mastery of basic sociological concepts and the acquisition of research skills. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation. For students enrolled in asociological bachelor.
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Macionis, John J. Sociology. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1991.

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Giddens, Anthony. Sociology. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-18521-4.

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Taylor, Steve, ed. Sociology. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-27552-6.

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Bassis, Michael S., Richard J. Gelles, and Ann Levine. Sociology. New York: Mc Graw Hill, 1991.

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Townroe, Christopher. Sociology. 4th ed. Harlow: Longman, 1999.

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Brinkerhoff, David B. Sociology. St. Paul, MN: West Pub. Co., 1985.

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Частини книг з теми "Sociology"


Scott, Wilbur J., Karin Modesto De Angelis, and David R. Segal. "Sociology and Military Sociology." In Military Sociology, 20–37. London: Routledge, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003282549-2.

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Howe, P. David. "Sociology." In The Paralympic Athlete, 102–15. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781444328356.ch6.

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L’Abate, Alberto. "Sociology." In Paradigms in Theory Construction, 147–65. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-0914-4_8.

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Gil-Riaño, Sebastián. "Sociology." In A Companion to the History of American Science, 263–75. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781119072218.ch21.

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O’Shaughnessy, John. "Sociology." In Consumer Behavior, 416–40. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-137-00377-5_13.

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Meyer, Rodolphe, Jean-Claude Berset, Jean-François Emeri, and Daniel Simmen. "Sociology." In Secondary Rhinoplasty, 7. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-56267-9_3.

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Healy, Kieran. "Sociology." In A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, 88–117. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781405177245.ch4.

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White, Helene Raskin. "Sociology." In Recent Developments in Alcoholism, 7–27. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-1742-3_1.

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Raynaud, Dominique. "Sociology." In The Future of Sociology, 21–37. London: Routledge, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003193517-3.

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Hobson, J. A., and Morris Ginsberg. "Sociology." In L. T. Hobhouse, 123–77. London: Routledge, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003325260-11.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Sociology"


Akkol, Mumtaz. "A LOOK AT ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY THROUGH CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGY THEORIES." In 4th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS Proceedings. STEF92 Technology, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.5593/sgemsocial2017/33/s12.002.

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Tsvetkov, Angel Metodiev. "Sociology and epistemology." In 2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.32591/coas.e-conf.02.10115t.

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Kron, Thomas. "Fuzzy-logic for sociology." In NAFIPS 2008 - 2008 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/nafips.2008.4531331.

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Tracz, W. J., and R. Belgard. "The sociology of microprogramming." In the 19th annual workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/19551.19543.

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Zhang, Mingbo. "The Development and Evolution of Marxist Sociology since the Reconstruction of Chinese Sociology." In 2017 International Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (HSMET 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.2991/hsmet-17.2017.156.

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Bradley-Munn, Sharon R., Katina Michael, and M. G. Michael. "Sociology of the docile body." In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS). IEEE, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/istas.2016.7764047.

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Wang, Zehua. "Probabilities and Statistics in Sociology." In 2019 International Conference on Economic Management and Model Engineering (ICEMME). IEEE, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icemme49371.2019.00012.

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Demir, Murat Cem. "CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY AND IBN KHALDUN." In 30th International Academic Conference, Venice. International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.20472/iac.2017.030.012.

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Zhou, Minghui, Yuxia Zhang, and Xin Tan. "Open Source Software Digital Sociology." In MSR '24: 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3643991.3649105.

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Muzakar, Abdullah, Nurdin Ibrahim, and Priyono Priyono. "Critical Thinking Ability and Students’ Learning Achievement of Sociology Education in the Industrial Sociology Courses." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2991/icetep-18.2019.66.

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Звіти організацій з теми "Sociology"


Jenkins, Keith. Sociology / Demographics - Cornell University. Purdue University Libraries, March 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284315013.

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Moskos, Charles C. The Sociology of the Army Reserves. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada226718.

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Kuhlmann, Stefan, Anne Beaulieu, and Andreas Weber. A New Political Sociology of Science. Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.3990/4.2666-2892.2021.01.

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Panchenko, Liubov F., Andrii O. Khomiak, and Andrey V. Pikilnyak. Using Twitter in Ukrainian sociology majors training. [б. в.], July 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.31812/123456789/3863.

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The article deals with the problem of using cloud technologies in the training of sociology students in Ukraine. The popularity of Twitter in Ukraine is analyzed. The possibilities of using Twitter as a learning tool in classroom are discussed. List of recommended tweeters, including Ukrainian resources as well as resources related to population censuses is proposed. The article offers examples of student activities for Social Statistics and Demographics courses. The article demonstrates that new forms of student’s activity related to data analysis introduced by academics and practitioners (building art objects and storytelling based on data; shared data collection by citizens through mobile devices, “play with data” modern data visualization services) can be realized with Twitter resources and can help overcome the barriers that arise while studying quantitative methods.
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Adygezalova, G. E. Electronic working program of discipline "Sociology of Law". Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, June 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/adygezalova.14062016.21924.

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Moskos, Charles. The Sociology of Army Reserves: An Organizational Assessment. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada226888.

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Vasilenko, L. A. Sociology of information processes in conditions of social change. In the collection: IV All-Russian Sociological Congress Materials of the Congress, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.18411/vasilenko-3-11.

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Vasilenko, L. A. Sociology in Public Administration: The Use of Internet Research. Sociology and society: social inequality and social justice (Yekaterinburg, October 19-21, 2016) [Electronic resource], 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.18411/vasilenko-3-8.

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Moskos, Charles C. The Sociology of the Army Reserves: A Comparative Assessment. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada226717.

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Mayer, Karl Ulrich. Aspects of a sociology of the pandemic: Inequalities and the life course. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, July 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1553/populationyearbook2022.per01.

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Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the contributions of the social sciences to discussions about pandemic management have become more visible and more significant. In this essay, I review major aspects of a sociology of the pandemic. After providing an overview of the potential contributions of the different fields of sociology (the “toolbox” of sociology), I discuss two main domains: first, social inequalities and how they relate to the process of the spread of COVID-19 from exposure and infection, and to the consequences of the pandemic in the wider population; and, second, the potential long-term effects of the pandemic on the life course.
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