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Статті в журналах з теми "Modern"


Kearney, Fióna. "Moderna Museet/Modern Museum." Circa, no. 97 (2001): 44. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/25563735.

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Rizvonkulovich, Bakhriev Dilshod. "MODERN MODELS OF MODERNIZATION OF INSURANCE COMPANIES." European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies 4, no. 12 (December 1, 2024): 59–64. https://doi.org/10.55640/eijmrms-04-12-10.

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In this article, the influence of the management model of the company, which is one of the leaders in the insurance market, on the management of the company, their interdependence, the impact on the investment potential of the company, the financial activity of insurance companies organize to find sources, of the company reserves, their mechanism of formation, analysis of the main financial and economic indicators of the insurance company, participation of the insurance company in the insurance market, approaches and views of foreign scientists in this regard, investment policy of insurance companies, insurance market problem analysis, development prospects are described in detail. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations have been developed for the further development and improvement of their financial and economic competence, while modern management models are widely applied to insurance companies in Uzbekistan.
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Grenet, Mathieu. "Early Modern History – Histoire Moderne." European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 16, no. 4 (August 2009): 597–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13507480903063928.

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Harvey, Katherine. "Early Modern History – Histoire Moderne." European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire 16, no. 6 (December 2009): 917–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13507480903368269.

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Frias, Aníbal. "Fernando Pessoa as modern and anti-modern: greatness and «decadence» of modern times." Revista Estudos do Século XX, no. 10 (2010): 279–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.14195/1647-8622_10_17.

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Milfull, John. "Pre‐modern, post‐modern, counter‐modern?" Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 4, no. 1 (January 1996): 41–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09651569608454525.

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Bachmann, Peter, Simon Ammann, Beat Kunz, and Alfred Rupf. "Moderne forstbetriebliche Planung | Modern forest management planning." Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 153, no. 5 (May 1, 2002): 184–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.3188/szf.2002.0184.

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With the inception of a two-step forestry plan, forest management planning takes on a new, more important, meaning. The new plan aims to optimise production performance in forestry enterprises and is strongly oriented towards economic considerations. In the medium term the emphasis is on strategic planning and operative planning takes place within the annual plan. The content of modern forest management planning is very different to prevailing management plans and calls for new solutions. The examples of forest enterprises of the City of Winterthur(2000 ha) and the Exchequer of Württemberg (5200 ha) serve to show how – apart from traditional policies – a business plan in accordance with modern management doctrine becomes the main steering instrument. In smaller forest enterprises it probably makes good sense to convert the business plan into a strategic planning instrument with a strong economic orientation which, in addition to sovereign considerations, strongly builds on the goals of ownership. Strategic planning will be an important task for the manager. The influence of the state is limited to those aspects which concern binding regulations in the public interest. The supply of information needs to be partially re-regulated with regard to survey levels, accuracy, repartition of coasts and responsibilities.
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Korab, M. G., M. V. Yurzhenko, V. L. Demchenko, and Ye P. Mamunya. "Modern models of formation of polymer welded joints materials (Review)." Paton Welding Journal 2023, no. 1 (January 28, 2023): 39–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.37434/tpwj2023.01.06.

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Пахирова, Д. И. "ЗАМАНБАП МЕДИА ДИСКУРС ЖАНА БЕРҮҮ МОДЕЛДЕРИ". НАУКА, НОВЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ И ИННОВАЦИИ КЫРГЫЗСТАНА, № 4 (24 квітня 2023): 325–27. https://doi.org/10.26104/nntik.2023.77.90.077.

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Бул макалада заманбап маалымат коомунун медиа мейкиндигин уюштуруунун, айрыкча журналистика жана адабият жаатындагы өзгөчөлүктөрү каралат. Медиа маданиятынын аныктамасынан баштап, анын негизги милдетимаалыматты берүү, тилдин көйгөйлүү зоналары жана байланыш лидерлеринин маалыматты жеткирүү ыкмасы. Ар кайсы доордогу журналисттик дискурстар идеологиялык мамилелер, стилистикалык тоналдык, автордук типтеги, адресаттын түрү жана коммуникативдик стереотиптер менен айырмаланат. Дискурстун үч түрү бар: поли идеологиялык, идеологиялык эмес жана тоталитардык, акыркы экөө монидеологиялык башка пикирдин болушуна жол бергендиги менен айырмаланат. Мындан сырткары модерн жана постмодернисттик маданияттын негизги мүнөздүү өзгөчөлүктөрү адамдын жашоосунун өзгөрүшү жана анын социалдык-маданий идентификациясынын мүмкүнчүлүктөрү менен байланышта талдоого алынат. Медианын постмодернизмдин инсандыгына жана коомуна тийгизген таасири байкалат, постмодернизмдин виртуалдык мейкиндигиндеги симулятивдик мамилелерге карата заманбаптыктын чыныгы социалдык мамилелеринин түп-тамырынан бери өзгөргөн мүнөзү байкалат. В статье рассматривается особенность организации медийного пространства современного информационногосоциума, в частности, в области журналистики и литературы. Исходя из определения медиакультуры как знаковой системы, главной задачей которой является трансляция информации, формулируются проблемные зоны языка и методов подачи информациикоммуникационными проводниками.Журналистские дискурсы разных эр отличаются идейными установками, стилистической тональностью, типом авторства, типом адресата и коммуникативными стереотипами. Можно выделить три типа дискурсов: полиидеологический, моноидеологический и тоталитарный, где два последних различаются тем, чтомоноидеологический допускает существованиеиного суждения. Кроме того, анализируются основные характерные черты культуры модерна и постмодерна во связи с изменением жизнедеятельности человека и перспектив его социокультурной идентификации.Прослеживаетсявоздействиемассмедиаособаисообществопостмодерна, подчеркивается решительно изменившийсяхарактерреальныхобщественных взаимосвязеймодерна в сторону симулятивныхвзаимоотношений в виртуальном пространстве постмодерна. The article deals with the peculiarities of the organization of the media space of the modern information society, especially in the field of journalism and literature. Proceeding from the definition of media culture as an iconic system, the main task of which is to transmit information, the problem zones of the language and the way the communication leaders deliver information are formulated.Mediadiscourse reflects the certain epoch in a life of society through the type of the sender, the addressee, a stylistic tonality and communicative stereotypes. One may mark out 3 types of discourse: monoideological, polyideological and totalitarian. The discourse of modern media is monoideological and we can't say that it is totalitarian, because we can find the other opinion in it. The main characteristic features of Art Nouveau and Postmodern culture are analyzed in connection with the change of human life and the possibilities of its socio-cultural identification. The influence of the media on the personality and society of postmodernism is traced, the radically changed character of the real social relations of modernity towards simulative relations in the virtual space of postmodernism is observed.
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Eksteins, Modris, and Peter Conrad. "Modern Times, Modern Places." American Historical Review 104, no. 5 (December 1999): 1641. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2649368.

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Дисертації з теми "Modern"


Corato, Aline Coelho Sanches. "A obra e a trajetória do arquiteto Giancarlo Palanti: Itália e Brasil." Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18131/tde-24062008-100259/.

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Trata da obra do arquiteto italiano Giancarlo Palanti na Itália e no Brasil, resgatando sua trajetória, inserção e atuação no ambiente arquitetônico italiano do entre-guerras e brasileiro do final da década de 40 até meados da década de 70, localizando ainda sua importância e papel dentro de uma história da arquitetura moderna nestes dois países. Contribui também para a pesquisa dos arquitetos imigrantes, especialmente do período ligado aos acontecimentos da segunda guerra mundial e da investigação do trânsito das idéias entre Itália e Brasil. O trabalho identifica contribuições e especificidades na obra de Palanti em várias frentes: no desenho industrial, na arquitetura e no urbanismo, e numa produção marcada pelo trabalho em equipe.
This text deals about the work of italian architect Giancarlo Palanti in Italy and Brazil, gathering his paths, insertion and acting among italian between-wars and brazilian late forties to early seventies architectonical environment, also placing his importance into these countries\' modern architecture history. It is also important for the research on immigrant architects - mainly those related to post-war events - and for the investigation of cultural exchange between Italy and Brazil. It also identifies Giancarlo Palanti´s contributions and specificities on several aspects: industrial design, architecture and urbanism, and a career marked by team-made designs.
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Porto, Daniele Resende. "O Barreiro de Araxá - projetos para uma estância hidromineral em Minas Gerais." Universidade de São Paulo, 2005. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18131/tde-20112006-144038/.

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O trabalho investiga os projetos elaborados para a construção da estância hidromineral do Barreiro, em Araxá, Minas Gerais, compreendendo o plano urbanístico feito sob a orientação do engenheiro Lincoln Continentino, os diversos edifícios que constituem tal complexo, propostos pelo escritório de Luiz Signorelli e por Francisco Bolonha, e o parque concebido por Roberto Burle-Marx. Estabelece paralelos entre essa estância e outros planos semelhantes no Brasil e no exterior, buscando reconhecer seus modelos e referências; bem como observar a inserção do Barreiro como um dos vários balneários construídos no país entre 1920 e 1950, período de introdução e adaptação de idéias urbanísticas internacionais e de debate entre a arquitetura eclética e a moderna no Brasil.
The work investigates the projects elaborated for the construction of Barreiro hidromineral resort, in Araxá, Minas Gerais, compreending the urban plan, prepaired under engeneer Lincoln Continentino’s supervision, the buildings that constitute such ensemble, proposed by Luiz Signorelli’s office team and by Francisco Bolonha, and the park, conceived by Roberto Burle Marx. The text makes some comparisons between this complex and other similar plans in Brazil and in foreign countries, in order to recognize its models and references and to observe Barreiro’s role as one of the several watering-places built in Brazil between 1920 and 1950, a period of introduction and adaptation of international urbanistic ideas and of debate between ecletic and modern architecture in Brazil.
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Pita, Maria Eliza de Castro. "Le Corbusier: o cristal e a concha." Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/16/16133/tde-15052013-152203/.

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A produção de Le Corbusier a partir da década de 1930 sofre grande mudança se for comparada ao período das \"casas brancas\". Na historiografia não há consenso na análise do referido período, ou mesmo aqueles que tecem as análises extensivas ao racionalismo corbusiano para este período tem certa dificuldade. Partindo desta constatação, este trabalho oferece alternativas de interpretação através da vínculação da produção arquitetônica e urbanística com a produção artística de Le Corbusier.
Le Corbusier\'s production since the thirties passes through great transformation when compared with the period of the \"white houses\". There is no agreement between historians in their analysis of the period and even those who try to analyse it through the optics of the corbusian rationalism have difficulties. This work offers alternative interpretations linking Le Corbusier\'s architectural and urban production with his artistic production.
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Poyneer, Lisa A. (Lisa Ann) 1975. "Term rewriting system models of modern microprocessors." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/80566.

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PIACENZA, IRENE ALICE. "Simplified Dynamic Models for Modern Flying Vehicles." Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11583/2539693.

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This dissertation contributes to the definition of minimum–complexity approaches that allows for representing realistic effects typical of modern fixed- and rotary-wing configurations, limiting as much as possible increase in order and overall complexity of the dynamic model of the class of aerial vehicles considered. In particular, the thesis deals with (1) the development of a novel low–order mathematical model for including structural deformation effects in the analysis of response to control inputs of flexible aircraft; (2) the derivation of a simplified models for unsteady aerodynamic effects, with an application to helicopter main rotor; (3) modeling and assessment of the maneuvering potential for a novel quadrotor configuration with tilting rotors. A mixed Newtonian–Lagrangian approach is proposed for the derivation of flexible aircraft equations of motion, where Lagrange equations are used for flexible degrees of freedom, discretized by means of Gal¨erkin method, whereas the evolution of transport degrees of freedom (position and attitude variables) is obtained by means of Newton second law and generalized Euler equation. A strong link with conventional rigid aircraft equations of motion is maintained, that allows highlighting those terms less relevant for aircraft response. When negligible, these terms are removed and a minimum complexity flexible aircraft model is derived, suitable for real–time simulation and control law synthesis. Similarly, unsteady aerodynamic effects over a rotating blade are modeled by means of an available approach, namely the ONERA dynamic stall model. Some reasonable simplifying assumptions based on the comparison of simulation results with a quasi–static aerodynamic model are then derived and a minimum complexity, 6 degree–of–freedom helicopter model is proposed which takes into account the issues related to retreating blade stall. Finally, an existing inverse simulation algorithm is applied for the first time to the determination of the control laws for tracking desired maneuvers by means of an unconventional quad-rotor configuration featuring four tilting rotors. This novel configuration allow access to an extended maneuver envelope and ad hoc instruments are needed for assessing its maneuvering potential. For all the considered problems, the approaches developed are demonstrated by means of numerical results, applied to a particular class of modern fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft, but the possibility of extending the results to different classes of vehicles is also highlighted.
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Siqueira, Joelma Santana. "À procura de objetos gritantes: um estudo da narrativa de Clarice Lispector." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8149/tde-30072008-092614/.

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O presente trabalho detém-se na leitura de textos da escritora Clarice Lispector produzidos nos anos 1940, 1950 e 1960: Perto do coração selvagem, contos de Laços de família e textos e contos de A legião estrangeira. Com a finalidade de investigar inter-relações entre literatura e outras artes na obra da escritora, o corpus foi confrontado com textos sobre as fontes e tradições da arte moderna, trabalhos críticos sobre a arte moderna no Brasil e estudos sobre o espaço moderno. A partir do conceito de \"espaço polissensorial\", proposto por Pierre Francastel, e do conceito de \"espaço em obra\", proposto por Alberto Tassinari, buscamos discutir homologias estruturais entre o espaço da narrativa clariciana e o espaço da pintura moderna. Os dois conceitos se relacionam a duas funções complementares que pensamos existir nas narrativas estudadas: a figuração e a exposição. Pela primeira, a narrativa apresenta personagens, ações, acontecimentos, eventos etc; e pela segunda, apresenta sinais do fazer. O pintor Wassily Kandinsky escreveu que o artista criador busca na aproximação com a música, a mais imaterial de todas as artes, um modo de exprimir com seus próprios meios sem que a imitação seja um fim em si. Trata-se de um aspecto observável na narradora de Perto do coração selvagem, por isso procuramos discutir de que modo a música, aludida muitas vezes na narrativa, relaciona-se com a estrutura do romance.
This work is focused on readings of Clarice Lispector\'s writings produced in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s: the novel Perto do coração selvagem, short stories in Laços de família and texts and short stories in A legião estrangeira. Aiming at investigating the inter relations between literature and other forms of art, the writer\'s work corpus was confronted with texts on modern art\'s sources and traditions, Brazilian modern art critique and modern space studies. Based on the concepts of \"polysensorial space\" proposed by Pierre Francastel, and \"space at work\", proposed by Alberto Tassinari, structural homologies were studied between Ms. Lispector\' s narrative space and that of modern painting. The two concepts are related to two complementary functions which we believe exist in the narratives analyzed: figuration and exposition. The former introduces characters, actions, events, etc...in the narrative; the latter presents signs of acting. The painter Wassily Kandinsky wrote that the artist seeks to find in music, the most immaterial among the arts, a form of self-expression, without imitation being an end in itself. Since this is an aspect observed in the narrator of Perto do coração selvagem, we have attempted to discuss in which ways music, often alluded to in the narrative, is related to the novel\'s structure.
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Zhou, Xiao Yun. "Leadership in modern China old models to new /." Thesis, online access from Digital Dissertation Consortium access full-text, 2006. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/er/db/ddcdiss.pl?MR18491.

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Tkach, A. V. "The models of compound words in modern terminology." Thesis, БДМУ, 2017. http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/17378.

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Behramaj, Fisnik, and Daniel Albinsson. "Modern Träningsmaskin." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-29271.

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Detta projekt ämnar lösa problematiken med en användarvänlig träningsmaskin med målet attminska skador bland användarna. Detta ska ske genom att användarna själva inte ska behövaapplicera lösa vikter på en så kallad Smithmaskin. Projektets primära mål är att generera en kraftvia en teknisk lösning för att skapa motstånd på stången som kan användas under t.ex. bänkpress.Projektets syfte är att skapa en säker träningsmaskin ämnad för användare oavsett ålder, kön ellerfysiskt tillstånd. Ett annat mål med projektet är att skapa en prototyp på en redan befintligträningsmaskin men för en mindre kostnad. Metoden som tillämpas för projektet ärprocessbeskrivning, tester och undersökningar inom det kunskapsområde som berör studien.Projektgruppen har inhämtat kunskap och fakta via läroböcker samt vetenskapliga artiklar menockså via diskussioner med universitetsadjunkterna Hans-Erik Eldemark och Thomas Munther föratt sedan tillämpa denna information i arbetet. Projektet resulterade i en modifierad träningsmaskinämnad för att generera vikt via en växelströmsmotor där användaren kan välja vikt med ett intervallpå 5 kg via ett användarvänligt gränssnitt. Slutsatsen visar att projektet är genomförbart, att allahögprioriterade mål i kravspecifikationen uppfyllts samt att resultatet blev som förväntat.
This project intends to solve the problem with a training machine with the aim of reducing injuriesamong users. The users themselves shall not be applying the weights on this so calledSmithmachine. The project's primary goal is to generate a force via a technical solution to createresistance on the bar that can be used for e.g. bench press. The project aims to create a safe exercisemachine designed for users regardless of age, gender or physical condition. The goal of the projectis to create a prototype of an already existing exercise machine but for a small fee. The method isapplicable to the project's testing and exploration of the area of knowledge concerning the study.The project team has gathered knowledge and facts from Internet sources and through conversationswith two lecturers: Hans-Erik Eldemark and Thomas Munther to then apply this information in theirwork. The project resulted in a modified exercise machine designed to produce weight via an ACmotor in which the user can select the weight of 5 kg range via an user-friendly interface. Theconclusion shows that the project is practisable, that all high-priority targets in the specifications aremet and that the group got the expected results of the project.
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Corradetti, Valerie. "Modern Landscapes." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2014. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/1865.

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I explore nature in order to understand something that is becoming increasingly unfamiliar. I wonder about accelerated human transactions with nature: the control of animals, land, and resources for pleasure, consumption or survival; and how these actions manifest themselves visually in the modern world. Through images, I create new ideas about my surroundings. My questions about nature are documented through my work employing subtlety to narrate stories of contemporary environments.
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Книги з теми "Modern"


Jozefčiaková, Silvia. Moderné náboženstvo: Modern religion. Bratislava: Ústav pre vzt'ahy štátu a cirkví, 2005.

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1949-, Elliott David, ed. Moderna Museet: Modern museum. London: Scala, 1998.

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(Berlin), Starship, and Chelsea Art Museum (New York, N. Y.), eds. Modern modern. Berlin: STARSHIP, 2009.

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Demazet, Bertrand. Le marketing moderne =: Modern Marketing. Paris: Éditions Communications Actives, 1987.

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Riemann, Wolfgang. Modern Türk öyküleri: Moderne türkische Erzählungen. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2004.

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Henríquez, Raúl. Génesis del arte contemporáneo: Arquitectura y corrientes estilísticas en el arte moderno. México, D.F: Editorial Trillas, 2000.

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Provotorova, M. V. Modern arkhitektura: Modern architecture. 2nd ed. Saratov: Poligraficheskai︠a︡ studii︠a︡ Chara, 2008.

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Peter, Conrad. Modern times, modern places. New York: Knopf, 1999.

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Malaika, Baba. Modern Swahili, modern English. 2nd ed. Arusha, Tanzania: Training Centre for Development Co-operation, 1994.

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Peter, Conrad. Modern times, modern places. London: Thames and Hudson, 1998.

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Klinger, Cornelia. "Modern/Moderne/Modernismus." In Ästhetische Grundbegriffe, 121–67. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-476-00533-5_6.

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Jia, Daniel Lukui. "Modern Mainstream Macroeconomic Models." In Dynamic Macroeconomic Models in Emerging Market Economies, 53–62. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4588-7_4.

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Adir, Allon, Ehud Aharoni, Nir Drucker, Ronen Levy, Hayim Shaul, and Omri Soceanu. "Modern HE: Security Models." In Homomorphic Encryption for Data Science (HE4DS), 37–67. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-65494-7_3.

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Cai, Tianxin. "Modern Mathematics, Modern Art." In A Brief History of Mathematics, 227–69. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26841-0_7.

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Koeck, Richard. "Modern." In The Art of Spatial Illusion, 182–97. London: Routledge, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315171166-12.

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Schechtman, Anat. "Modern." In The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy, 41–52. New York: Routledge, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003008750-5.

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Niemann, Jörg, and Adrian Pisla. "Servitization and Modern Business Models." In Life-Cycle Management of Machines and Mechanisms, 75–89. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56449-0_7.

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Jia, Daniel Lukui. "Introduction to Modern Macroeconomic Models." In Dynamic Macroeconomic Models in Emerging Market Economies, 3–17. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4588-7_1.

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Sánchez, Manuel Sánchez. "Modern Forecasting of NOEM Models." In CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, 617–26. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16118-1_34.

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Condon, E. U. "Mathematical Models in Modern Physics." In Selected Popular Writings of E.U. Condon, 96–100. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1991. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-3066-3_16.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Modern"


Li, Yinheng, Han Ding, and Hang Chen. "Data Processing Techniques for Modern Multimodal Models." In 2024 IEEE Thirteenth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 1–6. IEEE, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ipta62886.2024.10755555.

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Fisher, Ken. "Modern Contracts For Modern Yachts." In The Modern Yacht. RINA, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.3940/rina.tmy.2003.02.

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Ivanyuk, Vera, Konstantin Shuvalov, Gurami Akhobadze, Victoria Malekova, Alexey Mikhailov, and Kiril Levchenko. "Development of Modern Forecasting Models." In 2023 16th International Conference Management of large-scale system development (MLSD). IEEE, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/mlsd58227.2023.10303848.

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Kinsner, Michael, Ben Ashbaugh, James Brodman, Greg Lueck, John Pennycook, and Roland Schulz. "Untangling Modern Parallel Programming Models." In IWOCL'22: International Workshop on OpenCL. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3529538.3529987.

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Kleen, Andi. "Mental models for modern program tuning." In Applicative 2016. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2959689.2960160.

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Kutuev, Artem Valerievich. "MODERN MODELS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT." In Russian science: actual researches and developments. Samara State University of Economics, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.46554/russian.science-2020.03-1-211/216.

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The article provides a comparative analysis of organizational change management models, the applicability of which in real conditions may differ under the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment of the company. In addition, the assessment of the impact of these factors on management decisions about which model should be followed when implementing a business transformation project is made.
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"Three Pricing Models in Modern Portfolio." In 2017 International Conference on Financial Management, Education and Social Science. Francis Academic Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.25236/fmess.2017.17.

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Aroca-Ouellette, Stéphane, and Frank Rudzicz. "On Losses for Modern Language Models." In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.403.

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This article deals with the most effective approach to improve teaching and learning outcomes is through advanced pedagogy. Globally, various cutting-edge teaching techniques are presently in use. E-learning is incorporated into hybrid teaching in addition to traditional face-to-face instruction. The use of creative teaching and learning techniques is essential if we want to inspire and cultivate a love of learning in students. The purpose of education is to make sure that while academic staff members are teaching, what they are teaching is also understandable to students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and that they quickly become familiar with the expected standards. In order to ensure that the learning process for the students is as free-flowing as possible and that the approach they choose is beneficial to learning, lecturers should devote themselves to using creative methods. Short lectures, simulations, role-playing, portfolio development, and problem-based learning (PBL) are just a few of the cutting-edge teaching and learning techniques that can be used to address the accelerating technological advancements and changing workplaces of the near future.
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Binns, Jonathan, and Paul Brandner. "Yacht Testing At The Australian Maritime College." In The Modern Yacht. RINA, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.3940/rina.tmy.2003.15.

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Звіти організацій з теми "Modern"


Kumfert, G., and T. Epperly. Modern Tools for Modern Software. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/15002233.

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Dalglish, Chris, and Sarah Tarlow, eds. Modern Scotland: Archaeology, the Modern past and the Modern present. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, September 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.9750/scarf.09.2012.163.

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The main recommendations of the panel report can be summarised under five key headings:  HUMANITY The Panel recommends recognition that research in this field should be geared towards the development of critical understandings of self and society in the modern world. Archaeological research into the modern past should be ambitious in seeking to contribute to understanding of the major social, economic and environmental developments through which the modern world came into being. Modern-world archaeology can add significantly to knowledge of Scotland’s historical relationships with the rest of the British Isles, Europe and the wider world. Archaeology offers a new perspective on what it has meant to be a modern person and a member of modern society, inhabiting a modern world.  MATERIALITY The Panel recommends approaches to research which focus on the materiality of the recent past (i.e. the character of relationships between people and their material world). Archaeology’s contribution to understandings of the modern world lies in its ability to situate, humanise and contextualise broader historical developments. Archaeological research can provide new insights into the modern past by investigating historical trends not as abstract phenomena but as changes to real lives, affecting different localities in different ways. Archaeology can take a long-term perspective on major modern developments, researching their ‘prehistory’ (which often extends back into the Middle Ages) and their material legacy in the present. Archaeology can humanise and contextualise long-term processes and global connections by working outwards from individual life stories, developing biographies of individual artefacts and buildings and evidencing the reciprocity of people, things, places and landscapes. The modern person and modern social relationships were formed in and through material environments and, to understand modern humanity, it is crucial that we understand humanity’s material relationships in the modern world.  PERSPECTIVE The Panel recommends the development, realisation and promotion of work which takes a critical perspective on the present from a deeper understanding of the recent past. Research into the modern past provides a critical perspective on the present, uncovering the origins of our current ways of life and of relating to each other and to the world around us. It is important that this relevance is acknowledged, understood, developed and mobilised to connect past, present and future. The material approach of archaeology can enhance understanding, challenge assumptions and develop new and alternative histories. Modern Scotland: Archaeology, the Modern past and the Modern present vi Archaeology can evidence varied experience of social, environmental and economic change in the past. It can consider questions of local distinctiveness and global homogeneity in complex and nuanced ways. It can reveal the hidden histories of those whose ways of life diverged from the historical mainstream. Archaeology can challenge simplistic, essentialist understandings of the recent Scottish past, providing insights into the historical character and interaction of Scottish, British and other identities and ideologies.  COLLABORATION The Panel recommends the development of integrated and collaborative research practices. Perhaps above all other periods of the past, the modern past is a field of enquiry where there is great potential benefit in collaboration between different specialist sectors within archaeology, between different disciplines, between Scottish-based researchers and researchers elsewhere in the world and between professionals and the public. The Panel advocates the development of new ways of working involving integrated and collaborative investigation of the modern past. Extending beyond previous modes of inter-disciplinary practice, these new approaches should involve active engagement between different interests developing collaborative responses to common questions and problems.  REFLECTION The Panel recommends that a reflexive approach is taken to the archaeology of the modern past, requiring research into the nature of academic, professional and public engagements with the modern past and the development of new reflexive modes of practice. Archaeology investigates the past but it does so from its position in the present. Research should develop a greater understanding of modern-period archaeology as a scholarly pursuit and social practice in the present. Research should provide insights into the ways in which the modern past is presented and represented in particular contexts. Work is required to better evidence popular understandings of and engagements with the modern past and to understand the politics of the recent past, particularly its material aspect. Research should seek to advance knowledge and understanding of the moral and ethical viewpoints held by professionals and members of the public in relation to the archaeology of the recent past. There is a need to critically review public engagement practices in modern-world archaeology and develop new modes of public-professional collaboration and to generate practices through which archaeology can make positive interventions in the world. And there is a need to embed processes of ethical reflection and beneficial action into archaeological practice relating to the modern past.
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Lee, Breanne. Modern Zen. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.31274/itaa_proceedings-180814-578.

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O'Neill, Michael. U.K. Defense Policy: Modern Forces for the Modern World. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada386030.

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Dimmock, Stephen, Neng Wang, and Jinqiang Yang. The Endowment Model and Modern Portfolio Theory. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3386/w25559.

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Shaw, Jason. China model: Energy modeling the modern dynasty. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/576765.

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Rodionov, A. I. Modern criminal policy. Ryazan State University named for S.Yesenin, December 2024. https://doi.org/10.12731/ofernio.2024.25419.

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Reed, Douglas J. Desert Storm: A Model for Modern Campaign Planning. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada401682.

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Buichik, A. G. QUESTIONS OF MODERN SCIENCE. PSYCHOLOGICAL CULTURAL STUDIES AS A NEW SCIENCE, QUESTIONS OF MODERN SCIENCE Vol. 11, 2016, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.18411/buichik-ag-doi-8.

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Gorton, Gary, Toomas Laarits, and Tyler Muir. 1930: First Modern Crisis. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3386/w25452.

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