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Статті в журналах з теми "Analyse du sport"


Müller-Lietzkow, Jörg. "Sport im Jahr 2050: E-Sport! Oder: Ist E-Sport Sport?" merz | medien + erziehung 50, no. 6 (December 1, 2006): 102–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.21240/merz/2006.6.11.

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Die nachfolgende Untersuchung stellt sich die Frage, wie zukünftig das wettkampfmäßige Spielen von interaktiven digitalen Unterhaltungsprogrammen, also Computer- und Videospielen, in den Kanon von Medienaktivitäten einzuordnen ist. Vieles spricht dafür, von einem neuen Sport, dem E-Sport, auszugehen. Um allerdings ein Gleichheitszeichen zwischen E-Sport und Sport zu setzen, bedarf es einer entsprechenden Analyse des Ist-Standes. Anhand einer empirischen Erhebung (n = 195) sowie einer über sieben Vergleichsebenen angelegten Analyse wird eine definitorische Einordnung von E-Sport vorgenommen. Die Quintessenz an dieser Stelle ist, dass es sich bei E-Sport eindeutig um eine moderne Form von Sport handelt, die 2050, ebenso wie heute Fußball oder Tennis, ganz normal sein dürfte.
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Jha, Sonal. "From Skill to Spectacle: Sport as Commodity in the Age of Television in India." Society and Culture in South Asia 7, no. 2 (May 26, 2021): 338–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/23938617211014644.

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Through an examination of sports ads on television, this article attempts to analyse the process of commodification that sport in India has undergone with the advent of television in the 1980s and the economic liberalisation in 1991, which forms the context for the formation of the sport–media complex in the country. It identifies consumerism, exchange value and commodity fetishism as the key elements of commodification and analyses the ads through these categories in order to eventually establish the changes in the ideas and values about sport, which have occurred as a result of the production of sport for mass consumption.
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Rojo, Jeferson Roberto, Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques, and Fernando Augusto Starepravo. "A Systematic Review of Research on Sport Migration." Migration & Diversity 1, no. 1 (November 19, 2022): 58–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.33182/md.v1i1.2847.

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Research on sport migration spans many disciplines and strands of inquiry, with some studies seeking to analyse the academic outputs. However, these studies sometimes are focused on certain specific contexts or offer only qualitative analysis. This present study aimed to analyse the literature on sport migration. Through a systematic review, we combined data from the articles to propose a classification of the sport migration research field. The results show that research in sport migration have focused on athletes who are mostly men, working in elite sports, and with attention to more globally practiced sports, such as football. Regarding migratory flows, they are often carried out from peripheral countries to central countries. Considering all advances in academic output on sport migration, this line of research needs to broaden, observing other dynamics involved, such as other migratory routes, groups of migrants, and social agents.
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Lenartowicz, Michał, and Anna Ciok. "Foreign players in Polish table tennis clubs: differences between sports cultures and coaches’ perception of the impact of foreign players on Polish table tennis." Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, no. 75 (December 30, 2020): 15–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/0208-600x.75.02.

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The paper presents results of empirical study on elite international athletes and Polish coaches working in the Polish top table tennis clubs. It focuses on foreign players and investigated Polish the perceptions of coaches with regard to the differences between sports cultures in foreign players’ countries of origin and Poland, and their consequences for efficiency of sport training and competition results. Major research findings concerned Chinese athletes. Another issue analysed in the paper concerns on-going discussion on the limits, costs and benefits of introducing international players into national sport leagues. Based on the research results and literature review, we analyse the perceived impact of foreign players on the table tennis training system in Poland, relationships between Polish and foreign players and the role of international players in club competition. Applying qualitative research allowed the authors to present the insights and views of the investigated athletes and coaches, and to analyse problems occurring in the sport careers of international sport migrants a sport discipline that has hitherto not received much scrutiny.
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ÖZMAN, Cemal, and Serdar CEYHUN. "Avrupa Birliği Erasmus+ Sport Projelerinin Analizi ve Türkiye ile Diğer Avrupa Ülkelerinin Karşılaştırılması." Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 25, no. 3 (December 31, 2023): 517–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.15314/tsed.1362849.

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The Erasmus+ Sport project is a European initiative that aims to support various aspects of sport development and inclusion. It covers a wide range of projects focussing on different areas in the field of sport. This study aims to analyse the Erasmus+ Sport projects funded by the European Union and to compare Turkey with other European countries. In our research, a document analysis research method was used. In the first period of Erasmus+ Sport projects, 874 sports projects between 2014 and 2020 were analysed. The data were obtained from the details and results page of the projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union Commission. As a result of the document analyses, Italy was the coordinator of the most projects with 188 projects. Spain was the coordinator in 60 projects, Croatia 47, Greece 46, Bulgaria and France 45, Slovenia 40 and Romania 35. Turkey, on the other hand, ranked 18th with 18 projects. Among the institutions applying for projects, non-governmental organisations stand out with 407 projects, followed by universities, sports federations and sports clubs. According to the years, the highest number of projects was finalised in 2020 with 465 projects. A budget of 196,936,797 euros was allocated to 874 projects in total. Turkey has received project support worth 2.068.076 euros with 18 projects from this budget.
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Berengüí, Rosendo, Francisco J. Parra-Plaza, and María Á. Castejón. "Values Scale for Positive Youth Development in Sport." European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 14, no. 10 (September 25, 2024): 2657–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ejihpe14100175.

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Adolescence is a period of special significance for the development of personal and social values. Positive adolescent development (PYD) can be an ideal perspective from which to promote values in young people through their sports practice. The aim of the study was to adapt and analyse the measurement properties of the Values Scale for Positive Youth Development for use in the context of sport in young athletes. A total of 599 adolescents, competitors of different sports modalities, participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability and invariance analyses were performed. The results confirmed a good model fit, with adjustment indexes (CFI, GFI and AGFI) above 0.90 and error (RMSEA and SRMR) below 0.08. The factor loadings above 0.50 were obtained for all items. Adequate reliability of the scales was also confirmed, between 0.72 and 0.89, and gender, age and sport invariance were confirmed. In conclusion, the analysed scale is a valid and reliable instrument with adequate psychometric properties, which makes it an appropriate assessment tool to be used in sports contexts, based on the positive adolescent development approach.
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Badiane, Sidia Diaouma. "PAYSAGES NATURELS SUPPORTS DE PRATIQUESSPORTIVES : UNE ANALYSE Á PARTIR DE TROISESPACES À DAKAR (SÉNÉGAL)." Liens, revue internationale des sciences et technologies de l'éducation 1, no. 1 (December 5, 2021): 139–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.61585/pud-liens-v1n120.

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Abstract This reflection focuses on the landscape/sport binomial. Although this issue has been little documented in Senegal, it has been widely studied in other parts of the world. The contemporary practice of sport in a city like Dakar is obviously subject to the smallness of public spaces. The landscapes sought by urban athletes are therefore those that are generally open with some natural content.Three sites located in the agglomeration of Dakar were selected for this study. These were the Corniche Ouest de Dakar, the Hann Forest and Zoological Park, and Grande Niaye de Pikine (Technopôle). The analysiscombined elements of field observation and surveys of people practicing a popular sport. One hundred and fifty people (150) were interviewed about their relationship to landscapes in the practice of sport. This is necessary to appreciate the influence of landscapes in the use of these sites and the type of sport. The study showed that landscape elements such as the beach, the sea breeze, the presence of vegetation constitute the main reason for visiting these areas. A proportion of 78% of the people surveyed consider that sports contribute to the enhancement of the natural landscape. At the same time, some people think that the installations give more assets for an optimal frequentation of the athletes. Keywords: Landscapes, sports, western corniche, natural spaces, Dakar
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Pedersen, Inge Kryger. "Bagom talentbegrebet. En sociologisk analyse af forudsætninger for den excellente sportspræsentation." Dansk Sociologi 10, no. 1 (August 25, 2006): 7–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.22439/dansoc.v10i1.673.

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Beyond the concept of talent: A sociological analysis of the path to achievement of excellence in sport. This article starts with an analysis of the concept of talent, because this concept is usually employed in such a way that talent itself is indistinguishable from its effect. This obstructs any rational analysis of the actual paths to achievement that are pursued in the field of sport. An alternative concept of talent is presented, that refers to a particular kind of praxis as well as to particular conditions that must be fulfilled in order to establish and maintain a career in the sphere of elite sport. Both literature analyses and own interviews indicate that the achievement of excellence in sport is characterized by success in sustained employment and perfectionization of technique (both as regards the sport and as regards psychological techniques), by discipline in relation to all aspects of sports work (from training to arriving on time), and by attitude (training is not considered boring or mere-ly obligatory). It appears that there is nothing extra-ordinary or superhuman about the many minor acti-vities on the path to achievement of excellence. What produces the mundane state in which achievement of excellence occurs is that these activities are performed consistently and correctly under the right conditions.
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Pantaléon, Nathalie, and Gérard Bruant. "Rôle socialisateur de la pratique sportive : étude différencielle des représentations des policiers et des travailleurs sociaux." STAPS 20, no. 50 (1999): 99–112. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/staps.1999.1151.

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Die sozialisierende Rolle des Sports : differentielle Untersuchung zu den Repräsentationen von Polizisten und Sozialarbeitern Nach den Aufständen in den Vorstädten Lyons von 1982, hat die französische Regierung eine neue Politik gegenüber der Jugend eingeschlagen : Der Bereich des Sports wird zu einem konsensuellen Ort, wo Polizisten und Sozialarbeiter, Träger unterschiedlicher professioneller Identitäten, sich um die Jugend kümmern, indem sie den Sport als Mittel der Sozialisation benutzen. Unsere Untersuchung versucht, Repräsentationen zu erfassen, die Polizisten und Sozialarbeiter vom Sport und seinem Einsatz als Erziehungs-und Sozialisations Mittel haben. Wir stellen die Flypothese auf, daß diese sozialen Repräsentationen von der Berufsgruppen Zugehörigkeit abhängt. Um sie zu testen, haben wir halboffene Interviews mit 9 Polizisten und 9 Sozialarbeitern durchgeführt, die in den Sozialisations Einrichtungen arbeiten. Unsere Analyse (mit dem Programm «Analyse der kookkurrenzen Lexeme in einfachen Aussagen eines Textes », ergänzt durch eine thematische Analyse) erlaubte es, identische Repräsentationen aufzuzeigen, was den Sport und unterschiedliche was die Modelle der Sozialisation betrifft. Die Polizisten valorisieren ein heteronomes Modell in ihren Repräsentationen von der Sozialisation durch den Sport. Die Sozialarbeiter haben Repräsentationen zweischneidiger Art : ein Sozialisationsmodell autonomen Typs, wobei sie Dimensionen totalitärer Ideologien benutzen.
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Silva, Alfredo. "The effect of sport consumption on citizens national pride and subjective well-being." SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte 13 (April 17, 2024): 31. http://dx.doi.org/10.6018/sportk.549691.

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The objective of this study was to disentangle the relationships that exist between sporting success, sports consumption (i.e., sport participation, sport spectating and sport media viewing), national pride and subjective well-being. Data was collected from 374 respondents. Structural Equation Modelling was used to analyse the variables that were measured in accordance with previous studies. The model which centred on sports consumption showed a great explanatory capacity (73% and 43%). Sport participation was the factor with the highest impact on national pride and subjective well-being, even greater than the effects of sporting success and sport spectating. Another reason for the importance of citizens being physically active was noted. These results have managerial implications for sports policymakers and managers responsible for national teams and sport participation programmes. No evidence was found that higher levels of national pride directly affect subjective well-being.
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Дисертації з теми "Analyse du sport"


Neveu, Quentin. "Buzz et sport : des liaisons dangereuses ? : analyse sémiotique, émotionnelle et virale du buzz sportif." Thesis, Dijon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016DIJOL025.

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Aujourd’hui très employé par le monde médiatique, notamment sportif, dont les usages et formats s’orientent vers le récepteur, le terme buzz reste paradoxalement peu étudié du côté de l’émission comme de la réception. Le buzz caractérise une réduction de la durée des formats médiatiques, favorisant par la même une viralité accrue. La réduction des formats s’accompagne d’une multiplication des offres, tant produites par des diffuseurs traditionnels que par les usagers eux-mêmes, qui provoque chez le récepteur un effet d’habitude. Ce travail doctoral montre que l’objet buzz sportif se démarque des autres objets médiatiques malgré l’importance des facteurs démographiques dans la réception des messages. Par cette habitude qui s’installe, la perception des valeurs du sport se trouve lissée et moins saillante dans la diffusion de buzz sportifs. À travers une approche empirique combinant méthodologies qualitatives et quantitatives ayant permis d’établir une caractérisation sémiotique de différentes catégories de buzz sportifs dépendantes du degré de buzzabilité des images, ainsi qu’une typologie de récepteurs, cette recherche a montré que la réception de ce type de message et son partage ainsi que son impact par rapport aux valeurs du sport ne semblent pas dépendre des données individuelles de chacun, mais bien du contenu même du message (célébrité, geste inattendu, caractère non reproductible…)
Today widely used by the media world, especially in sport, which uses and formats are moving towards the receiver, the term buzz paradoxically remains little studied by the transmission and also by the reception side. The buzz characterizes a reduction of length of media formats, promoting by the way an increased virality. Shorter formats are accompanied by an increase in supply, both produced by traditional broadcasters and by the users themselves, which give to the receiver an habit effect. This doctoral work shows that the sports buzz object is different from other media objects despite the importance of demographic factors in receiving messages. With this habit, the perception of sport values is smoothed and less prominent in the distribution of sports buzz. Through an empirical approach combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies, that work has enabled a semiotic characterization of different categories of sports buzz, depending on the degree of buzzability of the images. It also permit to draw a typology of receivers. This research showed that the reception of that kind of message as well as the sharing and its impact compared to the sport values don’t seem to depend on the individual data of each, but on the message content itself (celebrity, unexpected gesture, unrepeatable nature ...)
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Nassif, Nadim. "Analyse de la politique du sport au Liban (1991/2012)." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01062233.

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Analyse de la Politique Sportive au Liban, 1991-2012 Résumé: 1991 marque la première année après la fin de la guerre civile libanaise. Pour le gouvernement, l'heure était à la reconstruction du pays. Le sport, secteur traditionnellement considéré au Liban comme " secondaire ", a de facto été mis de côté. Il a fallu environ dix ans pour que le gouvernement libanais commence à promulguer les premiers articles de loi précisant le fonctionnement et la relation entre les différents organismes sportifs du pays. Bien que ces mesures aient défini le mécanisme sportif libanais, la structuration des rapports entre les acteurs de ce système a souvent été perturbée par les luttes politiques internes de ce pays. Ce climat politique a également empêché la mise en place d'un mode de financement transparent. Cet état des choses a fortement affecté les fédérations et associations sportives qui rencontrent beaucoup de difficultés pour développer leurs disciplines et obtenir des résultats remarquables dans les compétitions internationales. Les élections législatives de juin 2009 ont vu l'émergence d'une nouvelle " équipe " à la tête du sport libanais : Président du Comité de la Jeunesse et des Sports au Parlement, Ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports, Ministre de l'Education et Président du Comité Olympique Libanais. Quelles sont aujourd'hui, en 2012, les mesures entreprises par ces nouveaux leaders du sport libanais ? Ont-ils pu établir une politique sportive exempte de toute politisation ? Ou bien est-ce que le secteur sportif est toujours un dossier mineur, délaissé, faisant juste l'objet, comme toutes les structures gouvernementales de ce pays, de la lutte entre les différents partis politiques ?
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Langer, Mathias [Verfasser]. "Öffentliche Förderung des Sports. : Eine ordnungspolitische Analyse. / Mathias Langer." Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1238353959/34.

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Schafmeister, Guido. "Sport im Fernsehen : eine Analyse der Kundenpräferenzen für mediale Dienstleistungen /." Wiesbaden : Dt. Univ.-Verl, 2007. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=015925370&line_number=0002&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Baik, Il-Bong. "Analyse structurale des jeux sportifs traditionnels de la Corée du Sud." Paris 5, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA05H015.

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L'objet de la recherche vise à modéliser la logique d'organisation interne des jeux sportifs traditionnels de la Corée du sud. Par + jeux sportifs, il faut entendre tous les jeux qui impliquent de façon décisive la motricité des joueurs. La motricité est donc ici le critère pertinent d'analyse qui est retenu. Quatre-vingt-dix jeux sont analysés. Le travail effectue s'inscrit dans les perspectives de recherche ouvertes par P. Palebas et se fonde sur les principaux concepts de la science de l'action motrice. Chaque jeu sportif représente une micro-société caractérisée par sa clôture dans l'espace, dans le temps, dans le nombre de ses participants et leurs modalités d'interaction. La variable indépendante "logique interne du jeu" offre à l'observateur une variété de cas attestés de longue date dans la société coréenne. L'étude de l'organisation des jeux sportifs permet de comprendre le mécanisme de certaines interactions sociales et fournit d'importantes informations sur la société coréenne. Les types d'affrontements, de contacts et de violence observés, les variétés d'actions motrices mises en scène montrent la société coréenne sous un éclairage inhabituel. De tradition confucéenne, la classe aristocratique de la Corée valorisait le travail intellectuel d'érudition et n'accordait que peu d'intérêt aux pratiques corporelles et aux jeux sportifs. Mais l'analyse des pratiques sportives populaires montrent les limites de cette représentation en révélant des jeux collectifs guerriers et violents. L'examen des résultats obtenus permet de valider les principales hypothèses retenues et confirme que les jeux sportifs sont des révélateurs pertinents du type de société qui les produit ou les adopte en assurant leur diffusion sociale
The object of the research aims to build the logic of internal organization of athletic games traditional of southern Korea. By " athletic games ", it is necessary to hear all games that imply decisive manner the motivity of players. The motivity is therefore here the relevant analysis criterion that is retained. Ninety games are analyzed. The undertaken work entered in open research perspectives by p. Palebas and is based on the main concepts of the science of the motor action. Each athletic game represents a micro-society characterized by its enclosure in the space and time, in the number of its participants and their modes of interaction. The independent variable " internal logic of the game" offer to the observer a variety of certified cases for a long time in the Korean society. The study of the athletic game organization allows to understand the mechanism of some social interactions and provides important information on the Korean company. Types of confrontations, contacts and observed violence, varieties of motor action production show the Korean company under a unusual lighting. Linked to confudanism, major system of thought in Korea concerned with the principles of good conduct, practical wisdom, and proper social relationships, the aristocratic class valorized the intellectual erudition work and granted only few interest to practice them corporal and to athletic games. But the analysis of the athletic popular practices show the limit of this representation by revealing violent and warlike collective games. The investigation of obtained results allows to validate the main hypotheses retained and confirmed that athletic games are relevant developers of the type of society that produces or adopts them by insuring their social distribution
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Lück-Schneider, Dagmar. "Sportberufe im Kontext neuerer Sportentwicklungen : Analyse öffentlicher Arbeitsmarktdaten (1997-2006)." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2007. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2008/1842/.

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Expansion und Pluralisierung des Sports lassen sich auch in öffentlichen Arbeitsmarktstatistiken nachweisen. Dies zeigen Analysen öffentlich eingesetzter Berufsverzeichnisse ab 1927 sowie Beschäftigungsdaten, Arbeitslosenzahlen und Daten zu offen gemeldeten Stellen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Diese wurden für eine Vielzahl von Sportberufen ab 1997 erstmals ausgewertet. Die Bedeutung von Sportberufen in Berufsverzeichnissen ist gewachsen. Neue Berufe fanden bei entsprechender Arbeitsmarktbedeutung Eingang in die Verzeichnisse. Vereinzelt zeigen sich auch neuere Sporttrends. Ferner gab es seit 1999 eine außergewöhnliche Zunahme geringfügig Beschäftigter in allen betrachteten Berufsordnungen mit Sportberufen, teils auch eine Zunahme der sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten. Fast ausnahmslos waren die Entwicklungen in beiden Beschäftigungsarten in den untersuchten Berufsordnungen weit günstiger als im übergeordneten Berufsumfeld. Für den überwiegenden Teil der Sportberufe ergab sich ein solches Ergebnis auch bei Betrachtung der Arbeitslosenzahlen, die von Anfang 1998 bis Ende 2004 ausgewertet wurden. Demgegenüber wurden der Bundesagentur für Arbeit für fast alle sportbezogenen Berufsklassen 2006 weniger offene ungeförderte Stellen gemeldet als noch 2000. Diese Entwicklung war jedoch nicht ausschließlich für die Berufsklassen im Sport zu beobachten. So sprechen die Ergebnisse zumindest für eine vergleichsweise gute Arbeitsmarktentwicklung in den meisten untersuchten Sportberufen. Die große Zunahme geringfügiger Beschäftigung zeigt aber, dass hier vor allem keine als Haupterwerbsquelle geeigneten Beschäftigungen entstanden sind. Dies reduziert zugleich die Chancen, mit diesen Berufen Arbeitslosigkeit zu reduzieren.
The expansion and increasing pluralism in the field of sports-related occupations and career-paths are both evident in the official labour market statistics. This view is supported by the analysis of publicly accessible career indexes since 1927, as well as employment data of the German Federal Employment Agency. The latter first evaluated occupations associated with sports from 1997 onwards. The public standing or recognition of occupations and career paths in the field of sports has since increased substantially. New occupations found their way into career indexes and there are also a growing number of new sports trends. Furthermore there has been an extraordinary increase in the field of part-time or low-income employment in the field of sport. A more moderate increase in the number of full-time positions has been noticed. This was also supported by the analysis of employment data covering the years from 1998 to 2004. In contrast, the Federal Employment Agency registered fewer open positions during 2006 than in 2000. This development was, however, not only observed in the field of sports associated occupations. Consequently the results suggest a comparatively positive labour market development for sports occupations. Yet, the great increase among the part-time and low-income positions indicates that almost no full-time, high-income positions have been generated. This simultaneously reduces the chances of reducing unemployment through promoting such occupations and careers.
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Gouda, Souaïbou. "Analyse organisationnelle des activités physiques et sportives dans un pays d'afrique noire : le Bénin." Grenoble 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986GRE10149.

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La recherche entreprise tente de repondre a plusieurs questions:- quel est le niveau quantitatif et qualitatif de pratiques sportives au benin. - qel est le fonctionnement reel du systeme sportif beninois. - quelle politique sportive pourrait envisager le benin pour repondre a la fois aux attentes et desirs de ses habitants, aux ambitions de l'etat et aux contraintes d'un pays d'afrique noire.
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Bourgain, Maxime. "Analyse biomécanique du swing de golf." Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018ENAM0010/document.

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L'étude de la biomécanique du geste sport a pour double objectif d'améliorer la performance et de minimiser le risque de blessures. De multiples études ont appliqué les principes de la biomécanique au mouvement du swing de golf. Toutefois, des biais méthodologiques et un manque de consensus ont conduit à des résultats parfois contradictoires. Ainsi, l'objectif premier de cette thèse a été d'effectuer une analyse exhaustive de l'état de l'art de la biomécanique appliquée au swing de golf. Le second objectif a été de concevoir et de mettre en place un protocole expérimental qui permette l'analyse du swing de golf. Et le troisième objectif a été de développer les modèles et analyses permettant l'étude du swing de golf. Cette partie a été effectuée à l'aide du développement d'un modèle musculo-squelettique via le logiciel OpenSim.34 joueurs ont été analysés dans le cadre de cette thèse. Les analyses ont porté sur de multiples éléments : géométriques, cinématiques, dynamiques et énergétiques. Différents critères ont été pris en compte, dont certains couramment pris en compte dans l'analyse du swing de golf (e.g. X-factor), dans l'analyse du mouvement (e.g. dynamique articulaire), mais aussi de nouveaux critères tels que le moment moteur ou le moment cinétique moteur.Des perspectives en termes de transferts vers les équipes médicales et les entraîneurs ont été proposées
Studying biomechanics aspects of sport movements is aiming at improving performance and reducing injury risk. Several studies have used biomechanics concepts to study golf swing. However, several methodological biases and the lack of consensus have driven to contradictions. Thus, the first objective of this thesis was to do an exhaustive literature review of the biomechanics applied to golf swing. The second objective was to establish an experimental protocol for studying golf swing. And the third objective was to develop models and analysis to study golf swing. This part was done by a musculoskeletal model developed with OpenSim software.34 golf players have been analyzed for this thesis. Those analyses tackled multiples aspects : geometries, kinematics, kinetics and energetics. Several criteria have been taken into account, some from golf swing analysis (e.g. X-factor), from movement analysis (e.g. articular kinetics) and some new ones such as motor moment and motor kinetic moment.Perspectives for transferring results to medical staff and coaches were proposed
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Vaugrand, Henri. "Constructions d'un champ sociologique : Le sport : analyse de l'espace des pratiques et théorie critique de l'institution." Montpellier 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON30061.

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A partir d'une cartographie de la sociologie francaise du sport, la theorie du champ sportif, issue des travaux de pierre bourdieu, et la theorie critique du sport, initiee par jean-marie brohm, sont apprehendees selon un triple point de vue: - une analyse formelle de leurs schemes d'intelligibilite (scheme fonctionnel, scheme structural et scheme dialectique pour le premier paradigme ; scheme dialectique, scheme fonctionnel et scheme structural pour le second paradigme); - un bilan thematique : institutionnel, politique et theorique (le militantisme de la revue + quel corps ? ; dans un cas ; une orthodoxie dans les sciences et techniques des activites physiques et sportives dans l'autre cas) ; - une comparaison dialectique axee sur la complementarite, l'implication mutuelle, l'ambiguite, la polarisation, et la reciprocite de perspectives
From a cartography of the french sociology of sport, the sporting field theory, based upon pierre bourdieu's works, and the critical theory of sport, introduced by jean- marie brohm, are apprehended from a threefold standpoint. - a formal analysis of their explanatory schema (functional schema, structural schema and dialectical schema for the first paradigm; dialectical schema, fonctional schema and structural schema for the second paradigm); -a thematic evaluation: institutional political and theoretical (the militancy of the journal "quel corps?" on one hand; an orthodoxy in the sciences and techniques of sports and physical activities on the other hand); -a dialectical comparison based upon complementarity, mutual involvement, ambiguousness, polarization, and reciprocity of perspectives
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Saulière, Guillaume. "Analyse du rapport bénéfices/risques et des déterminants de la performance dans les sports collectifs." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLS594/document.

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Les données ont massivement investi le monde du sport de haut niveau. Les sports collectifs comme le football et le rugby à 15 qui sont parmi les sports les plus médiatisés sont particulièrement concernés par ce phénomène. De plus, les performances dans un sport collectif sont multifactorielles et multidimensionnelles et sont étroitement liées à la survenue de blessures. Les sport scientists cherchent à comprendre et à contextualiser au mieux ces performances. Pour se faire, ils demandent et consomment énormément de données dont les sources sont multiples car émanant de la concertation des différents membres du staff entourant les athlètes. La participation de l’ensemble du staff, et des joueurs, fait des sciences du sport une thématique de recherche pluridisciplinaire. Dans ce contexte, les biostatistiques trouvent naturellement leur place en collaboration directe avec les sport scientitsts, à l’interface entre les données produites et les problématiques posées par le staff afin d’aider à la prise de décision.Les sports collectifs impliquent des individus qui jouent en équipe. Par définition, analyser ces sports nécessite un regard à la fois individuel et collectif. C’est cette double analyse qui a été réalisée au cours de cette thèse. L’individualisation du suivi des performances et de l’état de santé des joueurs est clairement indispensable et il implique l’élaboration d’outils statistiques adaptés aux problématiques soulevées. Le développement de méthodes basées sur le z-score pour l’analyse de marqueurs biologiques issus d’un suivi longitudinal est un exemple de l’apport réciproque qu’une collaboration entre biostatistiques et science du sport peut produire : une meilleure compréhension de l’état de santé des joueurs indispensable à l’optimisation de leur performance et à la minimisation de l’exposition aux facteurs de risques de blessure et les perspectives d’optimisation d’outils statistiques existants. La correction d’un test largement utilisé, le test de Mann-Whitney trouve aussi sa place dans la volonté de comparer des performances individuelles évoluant au cours du temps, problématique rencontrée dans la détection, la sélection ou encore les protocoles de soins. C’est ensuite la dimension collective qui a été investiguée. L’individualisation des suivis permet de comprendre ce qu’il se passe au sein de chaque joueur et de personnaliser les prises en charges par le staff. Mais qu’en est-il de la gestion du collectif ? Comment la gestion d’une équipe, d’un groupe peut optimiser sa performance et impacter la survenue de blessures ? A travers deux études sur le rugby à XV, nous avons montré à travers l’application d’outils statistiques adaptés que la dimension collective de l’analyse de la performance était indispensable à sa compréhension. En effet une gestion de groupe optimisée, favorable à la création d’expérience collective, de cohésion, répartissant intelligemment le temps de jeu entre les joueurs participe à la réalisation de meilleures performances. Les perspectives soulevées par ces analyses quantitatives de l’expérience collective dans un sport collectif ont été discutées. Dont l’impact sur la survenue des blessures qui est une problématique majeure soulevée par les staffs car impactant directement la performance du groupe. Mais les relations entre gestion d’effectif et blessures sont à ce jour peu analysées.Les études présentées dans cette thèse illustrent certaines étapes de l’échange nécessaire entre les différentes disciplines rassemblées autour des sciences du sport et montrent comment les biostatistiques s’inscrivent dans le processus de décision des staffs
Data has massively invaded the world of high-level sport. Team sports such as football and rugby union, which are among the most publicized sports, are particularly concerned by this phenomenon. In addition, performance in a team sport is multifactorial and multidimensional and are deeply linked to the injuries. Sports scientists seek to understand and contextualize these performances as well as possible. To do so, a lot of data are needed and consumed. Those data are coming from many sources as they are the results of a global thinking between staff members surrounding the athletes. The participation of all the staff, and players, makes sports science answering the call of interdisciplinary research. In this context, biostatistics naturally find their place in direct collaboration with sports scientist, at the interface between data produced and the issues raised by the staff in order to help decision-making.Team sports involve individuals who play as a team. By definition, analyzing these sports requires both individual and collective assessment. It is this double analysis that was carried out during this thesis. The individualization of performance monitoring and health condition of players is clearly essential and it involves the development of statistical tools adapted to the issues raised. Z-score-based methods development for the analysis of biomarkers derived from longitudinal monitoring is an example of the reciprocal contribution that a collaboration between biostatistics and sports science can produce: a better understanding of players' state of health, which is essential for optimizing their performance and minimizing exposure to injury risk factors, and the prospects for optimizing existing statistical tools. The correction of a widely used test, the Mann-Whitney test also finds its place in the will to compare individual performance evolving over time, an issue encountered in detection, selection or rehabilitation protocols.Then, the collective dimension has been investigated. The individualization of the monitoring makes it possible to understand what is happening within each player and to personalize support by the staff. But what about team management? How can managing a group optimize its performance and impact the occurrence of injuries? Through two studies on rugby union, we have shown through the application of adapted statistical tools that the collective dimension of the analysis of the performance was essential to its understanding. Indeed, an optimized group management, favorable to the creation of collective experience, cohesion, and cleverly spreading playing time between the players contributes to better performance. The perspectives raised by these quantitative analyzes of collective experience in a collective sport were discussed. Including the impact on the occurrence of injuries which is a major issue raised by staffs because directly impacting the performance of the group. But the relationship between workforce management and injuries is poorly analyzed.Studies presented in this thesis illustrate some stapes of the necessary exchange between the different disciplines gathered around sports sciences and show how biostatistics fit into the decision-making process of the staffs
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Книги з теми "Analyse du sport"


Bourg, Jean-François. Analyse économique du sport. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1998.

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Hahn, Peter. Analyse des Konfliktes - Umwelt/Sport - aus landschaftsplanerischer Sicht. Berlin: Tech.Univ.Berlin, 1989.

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Gouguet, Jean-Jacques. Sport et développement économique régional: Analyse théorique, cas pratiques. Paris: Dalloz, 1993.

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Dierkes, Ekkehard. Jugendverbandsarbeit im Sport: Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse der konzeptionellen Grundlagen. Schorndorf: Hofmann, 1985.

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Michael, Gaitanides, and Kruse Jörn, eds. Stars in Film und Sport: Ökonomische Analyse des Starphänomens. München: Reinhard Fischer, 2001.

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Beard, Adrian. The language of sport. London: Routledge, 1998.

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Jean-Jacques, Gouguet, and Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Limoges. Centre de droit et d'économie du sport., eds. Le sport professionnel après l'arrêt Bosman: Une analyse économique internationale. Limoges: PULIM. Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2004.

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Porte, Pierre-Alain. La VALEUR DU SPORT - Analyse des innovations dans les pratiques sportives. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2006.

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Ralf-Rainer, Karhausen, Meier Rolf, and Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, eds. Verbände im Sport: Eine empirische Analyse des Deutschen Sportbundes und ausgewahlter Mitgliedsorganisationen. Schorndorf: Hofmann, 1985.

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Sportbund, Deutscher Olympischer, ed. Mädchen und Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund im organisierten Sport: Ergebnisse zur Sportsozialisation : Analyse ausgewählter Massnahmen zur Integration in den Sport. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2007.

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Частини книг з теми "Analyse du sport"


Adjouri, Nicholas, and Petr Stastny. "Erste Phase: Analyse." In Sport-Branding, 221–27. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-06216-3_11.

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Adjouri, Nicholas, and Petr Stastny. "Analyse des FC Wacker Innsbruck." In Sport-Branding, 109–30. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-06216-3_4.

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Sobiech, Gabriele. "Typenbildung durch die Analyse der Habitusformen." In Sport – Gesellschaft – Kultur, 189–238. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-40770-4_6.

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Jongert, M. W. A., and G. van der Poel. "Analyse van sport- en bewegingsactiviteiten." In Paramedische trainingsbegeleiding;, 1–14. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-313-9599-6_1.

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Rübner, Anne. "Darstellung und Analyse der Projektprozessverläufe – Empirische Ergebnisse." In Sport – Gesellschaft – Kultur, 119–241. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-46606-0_5.

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Cullinane, Adam, Gemma Davies, and Peter O'Donoghue. "What to analyse?" In An Introduction to Performance Analysis of Sport, 38–52. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003375463-3.

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Drengner, Jan. "Analyse der Wirkungen der Markenkommunikation mit Sport auf die Markenstärke." In Markenkommunikation mit Sport, 185–311. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8349-4198-5_5.

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Schüttoff, Ute, Tim Pawlowski, and Michael Lechner. "Die ökonomische Analyse des individuellen Sporttreibens." In Sport in Kultur und Gesellschaft, 1–17. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53385-7_5-1.

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Schüttoff, Ute, Tim Pawlowski, and Michael Lechner. "Die ökonomische Analyse des individuellen Sporttreibens." In Sport in Kultur und Gesellschaft, 661–77. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53407-6_5.

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Schüttoff, Ute, Tim Pawlowski, and Michael Lechner. "Die ökonomische Analyse des individuellen Sporttreibens." In Sport in Kultur und Gesellschaft, 661–77. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53407-6_5.

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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Analyse du sport"


Swarén, Mikael, Quirin Söhnlein, Thomas Stöggl, and Glenn Björklund. "Using 3D Motion Capture to Analyse Ice Hockey Shooting Technique on Ice." In 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0008351602040208.

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Mihaila, Constanta-Valentina, Gabriela Alina Paraschiva, and Laurentiu Mihai Mihail. "How Efficient are the Romanian Sports Federations? A Theoretical and Experimental Approach." In World Lumen Congress 2021, May 26-30, 2021, Iasi, Romania. LUMEN Publishing House, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/wlc2021/44.

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Examining the links between performance and financial issues has been, and still is, subject of a great number of researches both in the business and in the non-profit environment. In this respect, the world of sports has not been bypassed either, using concepts and / or instruments from accounting, economics or statistic areas in order to analyse a firm or an NGO in the sport industry and his success. The present study represents one of the first attempt to value the Romanian sports federations’ activity which is not based solely on the scores attained following places and medals won by athletes participating in the national and international competition system. And it is intended to identify an appropriate methodology to highlight how efficient the sports federations have been in 2019 year, reporting the results obtained to the resources used, from a domestic perspective (meaning the participation in national sports events and the scores obtained). This paper addresses 12 Romanian sports federations (out of 75 federations on sport branches) and their efficiency, through the lens of several input, output and outcome indicators, using public data gathered from various sources - the Romanian Ministry of Finance, the National Institute of Statistics, the Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sports. Using statistical tools, such as Spearman rank correlation, as well as statistical methods, such as standardization, we developed an efficiency calculation methodology, which could be used to support managerial team to improve and / or reshape federations' activities, if necessary.
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Gimunová, Marta, Tomáš Vodička, Kristián Jánsky, Miriam Kalichová, Antonín Zderčík, Alena Skotáková, Petr Hedbávný, and Kateřina Kolářová. "The effect of classical ballet, Slovakian folklore dance and sport dance on static postural control in female and male dancers." In 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/cz.muni.p210-9631-2020-4.

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Purpose: Classical ballet, Slovakian folklore dance, and sport dance training differ in their way how to master the art of dance; however, postural control is essential for the correct exe-cution of complex movements used in all types of dance. The aim of this study was to analyse the differences in static postural control between classical ballet dancers, Slovakian folklore dancers and sport dancers and to analyse the effect of body mass, body height and toe grip strength on postural control. Methods: 68 dancers, between 17 to 28 years of age, participated in this study: 21 dancers from Slovakian folklore dance group VSLPT Poľana Brno (12 females, 9 males), 22 dancers from Brno Dance conservatory (16 females, 6 males) and 25 sport dancers competing at Brno Dance Open 2019 (12 females, 13 males). All participants were asked to stand upright, barefooted, arms along the body, both feet on the Emed-at platform (Novel GmbH, Germany) for 10 seconds with their eyes open to obtain the length of COP line (cm), average velocity of COP (cm/s), the elliptic area (mm2) and numerical eccentricity of the ellipse. The toe grip strength was measured for each foot when sitting using toe grip dynamometer (Takei Scien-tific Instruments, Niigata, Japan). To analyse the effect of dance style, to grip strength, body mass, body height, and gender on postural control variables, Kruskal Wallis test, and Spear-man Rank Order Correlation were used. Results: Abetter postural stability measured by the length and average velocity of COP was observed in sport dancers, compared to classical ballet and Slovakian folklore dancers. Sport dancers are used to a greater load on the forefoot and to a special foot roll-of pattern when dancing, which may lead together with a constantly changing environment during competi-tions to their enhanced postural stability. Despite the differences in dance training and dance footwear of female and male dancers (high-heel shoes in sport and Slovakian folklore female dancers, pointe shoes in female ballet dancers), no statistically significant difference in pos-tural variables between genders was observed. Similarly, in analysed dancers, no effect of age, body mass, and body weight on postural control were observed. The toe grip strength was not observed to affect the postural variables in this study. The greatest toe grip strength was observed in female ballet dancers, despite their younger age. Ballet dance training in-cludes repetitive exercises focused on foot and toes such as battement tendu or demi-pointe and en pointe positions probably resulting in the greater strength of the toes. Conclusion: In this study, better postural stability measured by the length and average ve-locity of COP was observed in sport dancers, compared to classical ballet and Slovakian folklore dancers. In analysed dancers, no effect of body mass, body weight, gender, and toe grip strength on postural control variables was observed. Future studies focused on postural stability changes in non-dancers after a sport dance, classical ballet and Slovakian folklore dance training program would provide additional knowledge about the process how each type of dance enhance the balance and other coordinative skills.
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Bonci, Mattia, Amelin Begovic, Dario Governatori, Daniele Marchini, and Francesco Vivio. "An Analytical Procedure to Analyse Efficiency, Cooling and Thermal Management of a BEV Sport Car Transmission." In Conference on Sustainable Mobility. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/2020-24-0023.

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Keune, B. M., H. Welp, and A. Niski. "P35 - IoT-Feedback-System zur Analyse und Optimierung von Bewegungsabläufen im Sport mittels E-Textiles und KI." In 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024. AMA Service GmbH, Von-Münchhausen-Str. 49, 31515 Wunstorf, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.5162/sensoren2024/p35.

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Mataruna-Dos-Santos, Leonardo José, Carlos Eugênio Zardini-Filho, and Asli Cazorla Milla. "Youth Olympic Games: Using marketing tools to analyse the reality of GCC countries beyond Agenda 2020." In Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2019 - Rio 2016 Olympic Games Second Anniversary Special Edition. Universidad de Alicante, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2019.14.proc3.12.

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Grigoroiu, Carmen, Raluca anca Pelin, Camelia Branet, Adriandaniel Pricop, and Wesselly Teodora. "USEFULNESS OF THE KAHOOT! DIGITAL TOOL IN THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT LESSON IN ONLINE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION." In eLSE 2021. ADL Romania, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.12753/2066-026x-21-186.

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The purpose of the study was to analyse the perception of students from the Politehnica University of Bucharest on the usefulness of implementing gamification through the Kahoot! tool for assessing their theoretical knowledge acquired during online physical education and sport lessons. The study was conducted during online physical education and sport classes in the 2020-2021 academic year on a sample din 934 first-year students (aged 18-20) from the Politehnica University of Bucharest. To consolidate and verify their theoretical knowledge acquired during classes, we used the Kahoot! digital tool. In the first semester, 10 educational games were designed on the Kahoot! platform. In order to assess the level of student satisfaction with the usefulness of the Kahoot! tool during online physical education and sport lessons, we used an 8-item questionnaire survey. Through this questionnaire, students confirmed that the use of Kahoot! had a positive impact on the acquisition and assessment of their theoretical knowledge in the field of physical education and sport, as well as on increasing their ability to focus and actively participate in the lesson. The results of this study highlight that the Kahoot! educational game is a practical and feasible instrument for knowledge assessment, which has increased the attractiveness of online physical education and sport lessons and allowed the teacher to perform a formative assessment of the information acquired by students. Based on the feedback provided by students, we can state that the Kahoot! tool is a viable, easy and fun e-learning option, which can be successfully used as an additional element in the physical education and sport lesson conducted in the online environment. Implementation of the Kahoot! tool fostered the teaching-learning process by improving the acquisition of new content and providing an appropriate assessment system.
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Ortega-Zayas, Miguel, Otín Castellar, De Pradas, and Alejandro Moreno-Azze. "Analysis of the temporal structure in pickleball." In Antropološki i teoantropološki pogled na fizičke aktivnosti (11), 230–33. Univerzitet u Prištini-Kosovska Mitrovica - Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje u Leposaviću, Leposavić, 2025. https://doi.org/10.5937/atavpa25230o.

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Pickleball is a racket sport that originated in the United States. It can be played individually or in pairs. In the last decade its practice has experienced a remarkable growth, expanding rapidly from the United States to Europe. The aim of this study is to analyse the temporal structure of the sport of pickleball. To carry out this research, an ad hoc observational tool composed of a notational system was designed using LINCE Plus 2.1 software. Two experienced observers with a high reliability index (k-index >0.9) observed the matches corresponding to the men's and women's finals of the Pickleball World Championship 2023 (USA). The time variables recorded in this study were total playing time (TT), real playing time (PT) and rest time (RT), which included breaks between points and between games as well as requested time-outs. The results obtained indicate a TT of 35.2 min for the men's competition and 44.8 min for the women's competition. The PT values were 15±11.6 s for men and 10.6±5.2 s for women, while the RT values were 14±8.4 s for men and 11.4±6.5 s for women. Statistically significant differences were found in all the time variables analysed (p<0.05). The total duration of the matches is longer in the women's competition; however, the men's competition has higher activity and rest times than the women's competition. The time parameters studied are very interesting markers to analyse more accurately the physical, metabolic and physiological requirements necessary in pickleball.
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Abelkalns, Ilvis, Laura Capranica, Mojca Doupona, Anda Paegle, Janis Stonis, Ugis Bisenieks, Antonio Sánchez-Pato, et al. "Dual Career Support Activities of High-Performance Students-Athletes in the Project “More than Gold”." In 79th International Scientific Conference of University of Latvia. University of Latvia, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.22364/htqe.2021.90.

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One of the European Union’s (EU) priorities in sports is the holistic development of athletes through combining high-performance sports with higher education. Within the ERASMUS+Sport Collaborative Partnership “More than Gold” (MTG, 603346-EPP-1-2018-1-LV-SPO-SCP), the aim of the empirical research was to clarify and analyse the opinions of high-performance athletes of five Member States on the opportunities for Dual Career (DC) implementation as well as support provision for high-performance athletes within their DC implementation. Survey as the research method was chosen applying questionnaire, interview and focus-group discussion as data collection methods. The research sample included in this work comprised 284 athletes. The data obtained revealed the challenges related to overlapping schedules, long distance from the university to the training venue, and the lack of understanding and flexibility from the academic staff, which was especially challenging in the first academic year. The respondents appreciated the support of DC tutors. Finally, the opinion of experts allowed to identify 9 aspects to be implemented within the DC perspective (e. g., access to educational facilities, tutorship, psychological support). Findings urge to implement DC programmes at higher education institutions (HEIs) comprising DC guidance, flexible study and training schedules, customized curricula, distance learning, proximity of training facilities and sports services, psychological and career support services tailored for elite-athletes. Therefore, the More Than Gold Guidelines for HEIs are crucial for the development of the European DC culture.
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Kuzmina-Rimša, Irina, and Rihards Parandjuks. "Analysis of Tennis Training Opportunities in the System of Latvian Sport Education." In 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. University of Latvia Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.22364/htqe.2022.75.

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Tennis, a sport that can be played at any age, has become very popular in Latvia, and its prestige and commercialization have promoted the development of the sport in Latvia as well. However, taking into consideration that the tennis infrastructure is still not sufficient in quantity, there are not many opportunities to play it in sports schools. The study’s authors wanted to find out why public sports schools do not choose to include tennis in their range of sports sections. Currently, most young tennis players train in private tennis clubs. To clarify the situation, quantitative data surveys were conducted with representatives of sports schools, as well as qualitative interviews with specialists in the field of tennis. The results showed the impact of different aspects – the competence of coaches in the regions, infrastructure availability, and the funding model specifics. Based on the study’s results, the authors develop recommendations that should be followed so that tennis is more included in state sports schools. In this way, the mass formation of the sport would be promoted. Thus there is a higher probability of tending to a sport of increased achievement.
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Звіти організацій з теми "Analyse du sport"


Malhoa, Sara, Hugo Sarmento, João Lameiras, and António Rosado. Dual Careers – reconciling sporting and academic success: systematic review of the literature. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, May 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.37766/inplasy2023.5.0032.

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Review question / Objective: A systematic review carried out intends to carefully analyze the literature on the relationship between demographic and psychosocial determinants and the conciliation of studies with sports life. It aims to analyse, synthesize and update existing research on career management and development, namely, the dual careers of high-performance sports athletes who, at the same time, attend secondary education, starting from the research question - What is the profile of European students-athletes who simultaneously practice high performance sport and study in secondary education?. Condition being studied: The educational experience facilitates sports development and the skills trained in a sports context are transferable to the world of education and work. Being an elite athlete becomes more and more demanding as the number of training hours increases (20-30h/week) and the frequency of competitions, which has immediate implications for lifestyle and time management, requiring greater effort and commitment to fulfill your role as a student and athlete. Succeeding in both careers is highly demanding and challenging.
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Guillen, Joel, Lluis Capdevila, Josep-Maria Losilla, and Eva Parrado. Ecological Momentary Assessment of the stress-recovery process through technology mHealth in sports: a scoping review protocol. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, March 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.37766/inplasy2023.3.0089.

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Review question / Objective: The objective of this scoping review is to identify the EMA methodologies through mHealth technology to monitor the sport load or the stress-recovery process in athletes. The specific objectives are: - To describe the relationship between the external (distance, accelerations, decelerations, etc.) and internal (physiological, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, subjective, etc.) parameters, and the technology used for the monitoring. - To describe and classify the methodologies and the technology used according to individual or team sports. - To analyse the relationship between the subjective and objective parameters of the internal measures.
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Bueno, João, Heloiana Faro, Seth Lenetsky, Aleksandro Gonçalves, Stefane Dias, André Ribeiro, Bruno Victor Corrêa Silva, et al. Exploratory systematic review of Mixed Martial Arts: an overview of performance of importance factors with over 20,000 athletes. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.37766/inplasy2022.4.0158.

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Review question / Objective: The objective of the present study was to analyze the findings of the scientific literature related to MMA through an exploratory systematic review on the subject and to present the state of the art of the sport from a multifactorial perspective. Condition being studied: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a full contact combat sport characterized by its high degree of freedom in offensive and defensive approaches resulting in the inclusion of techniques and tactics from multiple combat sport styles. MMA has gained legitimacy and uniformity of rule sets after a tumultuous and unregulated introduction in North America as well as it is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are still no methodical, comprehensive, transparent, and replicable studies that have summarized the overall perspective of MMA athletes, resulting in an integrated analysis for a better scientific understanding and more efficient practical applications.
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Gibson, Tom, Michael Henderson, and Christine Bethwaite. Australian Motor Sport Crash Data Collection and Analysis. Warrendale, PA: SAE International, December 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/2008-01-2980.

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Vilim, R. Reactor hot spot analysis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1985. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/711952.

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Koroma, Michael Samsu, Abdulrahman Alwosheel, and Yagyavalk Bhatt. Climate and Cost Analysis of SUVs in Saudi Arabia A Life Cycle Analysis Approach. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, September 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.30573/ks--2024-dp39.

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This study is conducted within the framework of the Saudi Vision 2030 agenda to diversify its economy and promote sustainable technologies, specifically examining the life-­cycle ­performance of hybrid and conventional sport utility vehicles (SUVs) in the Kingdom (KSA).
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Bielinskyi, Andrii O., ,. Vladimir N. Soloviev, Viktoria V. Solovieva, Serhiy O. Semerikov, and Michael A. Radin. Recurrence quantification analysis of energy market crises: a nonlinear approach to risk management. Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.31812/123456789/7733.

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The energy market is characterized by unstable price dynamics, which challenge the quantitative models of pricing processes and result in abnormal shocks and crashes. We use recurrence quantification analysis(RQA) to analyze and construct indicators of intermittent events in energy indices, where regular patterns are interrupted by chaotic fluctuations, which could signal the onset of crisis events. We apply RQA to daily data of Henry Hub natural gas spot prices, WTI spot prices, and Europe Brent spot prices. Our empirical results show that the recurrence measures capture the distinctive features of crashes and can be used for effective risk management strategies.
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Dickman, Martin B., and Oded Yarden. Role of Phosphorylation in Fungal Spore Germination. United States Department of Agriculture, August 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/1993.7568761.bard.

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Spore germination is a common and fundamental event in fungal development and in many instances an essential phase of fungal infection and dissemination. Spore germination is also critical for hyperparasites to function as biocontrol agents as well as in fermentation proceses. Our common objective is to understand the mechanisms which regulated spore germination and identify factors involved in pathogenicity related prepenetration development. Our approach is to exploit the overall similarity among filamentous fungi using both a plant pathogen (Colletotricum trifolii) and a model system that is genetically sophisticated (Neurospora crassa). The simulataneous use of two organisms has the advantage of the available tools in Neurospora to rapidly advance the functional analysis of genes involved in spore germination and development of an economically important fungal phytopathogen. Towards this we have isolated a protein kinase gene from C. trifolii (TB3) that is maximally expressed during the first hour of conidial germination and prior to any visible gene tube formation. Based on sequence similarities with other organisms, this gene is likely to be involved in the proliferative response in the fungus. In addition, TB3 was able to functionally complement a N. crassa mutant (COT-1). Pharmacological studies indicated the importance of calmodulin in both germination and appressorium differentiation. Using an antisense vector from N. crassa, direct inhibition of calmodulin results in prevention of differentiation as well as pathogenicity. Both cAMP dependent protein kinase (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) like genes have been cloned from C. trifolii. Biochemical inhibition of PKA prevents germination; biochemical inhibitors of PKC prevents appressorium differentiation. In order to analyze reversible phosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism, some ser.thr dephosphorylative events have also been analyzed. Type 2A and Type 2B (calcineurin) phosphatases have been identified and structurally and functionally analyzed in N. crassa during this project. Both phosphatases are essential for hyphal growth and maintenance of proper hyphal architecture. In addition, a first novel-type (PPT/PP5-like) ser/thr phosphatase has been identified in a filamentous fungus. The highly collaborative project has improved our understanding of a fundamental process in fungi, and has identified targets which can be used to develop new approaches for control of fungal plant pathogens as well as improve the performance of beneficial fungi in the field and in industry. In addition, the feasibility of molecular technology transfer in comparative mycology has been demonstrated.
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Lunn, Pete, and Richard Layte. Sporting Lives: An Analysis of a Lifetime of Irish Sport. Dublin, Ireland: ESRI, May 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.26504/rs2.

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Sakamoto, Moriyuki, Eiichi Yagi, Tetsuya Kubota, Hiroshi Takata, and Takeshi Tadokoro. Analysis on Sport All-Terrain Vehicle Jumping with Multibody Dynamic Simulations. Warrendale, PA: SAE International, October 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/2005-32-0013.

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