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Олійник, Ольга Юріївна. "Науково-методологічні засади віброчастотного контролю технологічних параметрів в умовах вібрації". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42234.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.11.13 – прилади і методи контролю та визначення складу речовин» ‒ Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет», МОН України, Дніпро, 2019. Дисертація присвячена вирішенню науково-прикладної проблеми підвищення достовірності контролю технологічних параметрів (густини, в’язкості, зусилля (тиску)) в умовах вібрації за рахунок розроблення нових математичних моделей та методів визначення технологічних параметрів, застосування нових багатопараметричних віброчастотних перетворювачів з універсальною характеристикою та змінним співвідношенням сигнал-шум, розробки програмних засобів фільтрації зашумленої вимірювальної інформації з невідомими законами розподілу. Розроблено віброчастотний метод контролю та вимірювання густини, в’язкості, зусилля (тиску) газорідинних середовищ у виробничих умовах, який реалізується за допомогою віброчастотного вимірювального перетворювача з трубчатим, циліндричним резонатором у якості якого може використовуватись частина технологічного апарату, отримано математичні моделі амплітудно- частотних характеристик технологічних параметрів в апаратах різного типа конструкції. Розроблено теоретичні основи проектування неметалевих трубчатих проточних резонаторів з широкою сферою застосування. Розроблено багатофункціональний віброчастотний перетворювач для вимірювання густини, в’язкості, зусилля (тиску) з циліндричним резонатором, який має універсальну характеристику. Виконані дослідницькі роботи щодо попередньої ідентифікації законів розподілу, розроблено алгоритм фільтрації Калмана вимірювальної інформації з підвищеними завадами та структура багатопараметричної системи контролю технологічних параметрів з системою діагностики форми коливань резонатора; вдосконалено пристрій для ідентифікації активного стану оператора. Здійснені впровадження інженерних розробок дисертаційної роботи на провідних підприємствах Дніпра та за кордоном.
Thesis for a degree of Doctor of Science (Technology), Specialty 05.11.13 – Instruments and Methods of Control and compounds` composition determination. – State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University», Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipro, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientific and applied problem of increasing the reliability of the control of technological parameters (density, viscosity, force (pressure)) in a production environment through the development of new mathematical models and methods for determining technological parameters from the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillatory environment of apparatuses, the use of new multiparameter vibration frequency converters with a universal characteristic and variable signal-to-noise ratio, as well as software development STV filtering noisy measurement information with unknown distribution laws. A vibration frequency method has been developed for monitoring and measuring the density, viscosity, force (pressure) of gas-liquid media under industrial conditions using a measuring transducer with a tubular, cylindrical resonator, mathematical models of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of technological parameters in devices of various designs are obtained. Theoretical foundations have been developed for the design of non-metallic tubular flow resonators with a wide scope. A multifunctional vibration frequency converter has been developed for measuring density, viscosity, force (pressure) with a cylindrical resonator, which has a universal characteristic. Research work on the identification of distribution laws has been completed, an Kalman filtering algorithm has been developed for measuring information with increased noise, and the structure of a multidimensional control system for technological parameters with a system for diagnosing the shape of resonator vibrations; improved device for identifying the active state of the operator. Implementation of engineering developments of the thesis was carried out at the leading enterprises of the Dnieper and abroad.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Олійник, Ольга Юріївна. "Науково-методологічні засади віброчастотного контролю технологічних параметрів в умовах вібрації". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/42235.

Повний текст джерела
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.11.13 – «прилади і методи контролю та визначення складу речовин». ‒ Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет» Міністерства освіти і науки України, Дніпро, 2019. ‒ Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут» Міністерства освіти і науки України. Дисертація присвячена вирішенню науково-прикладної проблеми впідвищення достовірності контролю технологічних параметрів (густини, в’язкості, зусилля (тиску)) в умовах выбрації (технологічних апратах та обладнанні) за рахунок розроблення нових математичних моделей та методів визначення технологічних параметрів за амплітудно-частотними характеристиками коливального середовища апаратів, застосування нових багатопараметричних віброчастотних перетворювачів з універсальною характеристикою та змінним співвідношенням сигнал-шум, отриманих завдяки використанню автоколивальної системи зі стабільними характеристиками на першій гармоніці без застосування додаткових частотних фільтрів, розробки програмних засобів фільтрації зашумленої вимірювальної інформації з невідомими законами розподілу Проведено аналіз сучасних підходів до вимірювання технологічних параметрів (густини, в’язкості, зусилля (тиску) у виробничих умовах, що характеризуються підвищеною вібрацією, встановлені фактори, що вносять найсуттєвіший вплив на викривлення результатів вимірювання і створюють додаткові похибки, запропоновані методи компенсації впливу зазначених факторів. Існуючі методи неруйнівного контролю не задовольняють поставленим завданням, оскільки не дають можливості контролювати швидкоплинні технологічні процеси, а створення штучної коливальної системи не дає змогу контролювати амплітудно-частотні характеристики природної коливальної системи, що виникає в апараті. Вперше отримано математичні моделі статичних характеристик перетворення для розробленого віброчастотного методу вимірювання технологічних параметрів (густини, в’язкості, зусилля (тиску) в апаратах з природними коливальними системам для типу конструкції апаратів «труба», «циліндр» та для апаратів з барботажем та пульсацією середовища на основі гіпотез Сорокіна та Кірхгофа-Лява у виробничих умовах, що дозволяють визначати вказані параметри за амплітудно-частотними характеристиками природних коливальних систем у апаратах та зменшити динамічну похибку каналу вимірювання параметру більш ніж у 10 разів (0,012 %). Запропановано теоретичні основи проектування неметалевих трубчатих проточних резонаторів з широкою сферою застосування (вимірювання густини рідких і газоподібних середовищ, концентрації розчинів, температурного коефіцієнта, модуля пружності матеріалу) конструкція яких дозволяє підвищити точність вимірювання за рахунок регулювання активної частини резонатора з урахуванням жорсткості (піддатливості) типу кріплення і його розташування. Метод визначення частоти та форми коливань дозволяє 17% точніше визначати місця максимальних напружень між кріпленнями та одночасно зменшити вплив віброакустичний вплив трубопроводів на результат вимірювання амплитудно-частотних характеристик апарату. Після розроблення і виготовлення дослідних зразків багатофункціонального віброчастотного давача для вимірювання густини, в’язкості, зусилля (тиску) з циліндричним резонатором було проведено серію експериментів для визначення густини та зусилля з використанням двіброчастотного методу методу Результати експериментів показали покращені метрологічні характеристики ЗВТ та дієвість методу. Результати проведених теоретичних і експериментальних досліджень впроваджено у практику таких підприємств і організацій: ТОВ «Укртехавіа» (Павлоград, Україна), «ММС Інтернешнл Белград» (Белград, Республіка Сербія); ВАТ «РПК «АДМІРАЛ»» (Дніпро, Україна), навчальний процесс Українського державного хіміко-технологічного університету, Дніпровського державного аграрно-економічного університету.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Technology), Specialty 05.11.13 – «Instruments and Methods of Control and compounds` composition determination». ‒ State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University» of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipro, 2019. ‒ National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientific and applied problem of increasing the reliability of the control of technological parameters (density, viscosity, force (pressure)) in a production environment through the development of new mathematical models and methods for determining technological parameters from the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillatory environment of apparatuses, the use of new multiparameter vibration frequency converters with a universal characteristic and variable signal-to-noise ratio, as well as software development STV filtering noisy measurement information with unknown distribution laws. A vibrational frequency method has been developed for monitoring and measuring the density, viscosity, force (pressure) of gas-liquid media under industrial conditions using a measuring transducer with a tubular, cylindrical resonator, mathematical models of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of technological parameters in devices of various designs are obtained. Theoretical foundations have been developed for the design of non-metallic tubular flow resonators with a wide scope. A multifunctional vibration frequency converter has been developed for measuring density, viscosity, force (pressure) with a cylindrical resonator, which has a universal characteristic. Research work on the identification of distribution laws has been completed, an Kalman filtering algorithm has been developed for measuring information with increased noise, and the structure of a multidimensional control system for technological parameters with a system for diagnosing the shape of resonator vibrations; improved device for identifying the active state of the operator. Implementation of engineering developments of the thesis was carried out at the leading enterprises of the Dnieper and abroad.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Abdul, Muthalif Asan Gani. "Active control of high-frequency vibration." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.612225.

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Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Ho, C. "Nonlinear vibration control : a frequency domain approach." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2014. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/5157/.

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A vibration isolator, sometimes called an isolating mount, is the device situating between the vibration source and the sensitive system preventing the transmission of undesired disturbances. The performance is measured by the force or the displacement transmissibility, both functions of frequency. A good vibration isolation system has three main properties - a low resonant peak, a large isolation range and low transmissibility at non-resonant regions. Unfortunately, these characteristics cannot be achieved simultaneously by a simple linear vibration isolation system. The thesis addresses this problem for single-degree-of-freedom (sdof) vibration isolation systems by introducing nonlinear damping and stiffness devices into the system. First, theoretical studies were carried out to rigorously reveal the benefits of the proposed nonlinear vibration isolation systems over linear ones. Next, the performance of these nonlinear systems were analysed by simulations. Then, experimental studies were conducted to verify the theoretical and simulations results. Finally, a systematic approach was developed to design the parameters of the nonlinear damping and stiffness devices in order to satisfy specific vibration isolation requirements. Many vibration isolators can be modelled as a single-degree-of-freedom mass-spring-damper system. Many researchers have attempted to enhance the vibration isolation performance by designing springs with nonlinear stiffness. Others have focused on different types of damping nonlinearities. The new vibration isolation system proposed in the thesis combines both spring and damping nonlinearities in one system to exploit the advantages of both components while avoiding their undesirable effects. The theoretical properties of this proposed nonlinear vibration isolation system were analysed rigorously using the output frequency response function (OFRF) approach, a novel and unique method recently proposed at Sheeld. The stiffness nonlinearity is already a well researched area and can readily be realised in practice. Therefore, the implementation of the proposed nonlinear vibration suppression system focused on the realisation of the nonlinear damping component using commercially available magneto-rheological (MR) dampers which provide a damping force that is dependent on a control current. With feedback control, the force-velocity relationship of an MR damper can be shaped into a designed function. This implementation has been incorporated first in a vibration isolation system by simulation, then in a physical experimental rig which has a moving mass. The simulation and experimental data not only showed the successful realisation of a damping device with a particular nonlinear damping characteristic, but also confirmed the theoretical findings on the beneficial effects of nonlinear damping on a vibration isolation application. The final part of the thesis is devoted to the practical design of the proposed vibration isolation system. Given specific transmissibility requirements at certain critical frequencies, the values of the linear parameters are first designed, then the OFRF approach is applied to determine the nonlinear parameters. This pragmatic method simplifies the design of a complicated nonlinear system, which was traditionally difficult to work with, into a step-by-step guide and, therefore, has significant potential of industrial applications. The thesis has exploited the special effects of two nonlinear components on the performance of a passive sdof vibration isolation system. With the support of theoretical, simulation and experimental studies, the newly proposed configuration has shown substantial benefits to many vibration isolation problems. The simple yet effective design and implementation has significant implications for a wide range of engineering applications such as car suspension designs and building protection against earthquakes.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Luo, Jian. "Frequency domain iterative tuning for active noise and vibration control." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2008. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/63858/.

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In this thesis a new adaptive control method, called Iterative Tuning in the Frequency Domain (FD-IT), is proposed for Active Noise and Vibration Control (ANVC). This approach is a gradient based self-tuning method which completely relies on analysis of the frequency response of system dynamics and the spectrum of signals. The new method is based on a new gradient estimation theory in the frequency domain. In this theory the gradient of the output spectrum with respect to controller parameters is expressed with the frequency response of dynamics and the spectrum of signals. When the performance gradient with respect to controller parameters can be expressed as some function of the signals’ spectrum, it can be computed out completely in the frequency domain. Similar to audio compression, when the system’s signals contain few frequencies, the computation of performance gradient can be greatly simplified by making ”partial modelling” with respect to those frequencies. According to the proposed theory, the new iterative tuning method, i.e., FD-IT, is developed for ANVC problems with periodic disturbances. It can tune the feedback/feed-forward controllers simultaneously with one experiment per iteration except some extra experiments for initial tuning. It covers both Single Input Single Output (SISO) and Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems. Furthermore, it can be extended to nonlinear systems as well. Some issues about the implementation of the iterative method are discussed. Through the comparison with some other popular active control methods in ANVC, the advantages of the new method, including: the flexibility in selecting controllers, the simplicity in control structure, and the convenience in implementation, are emphasized. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed iterative tuning method are tested through simulated SISO and MIMO Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems. Two simulated nonlinearities are used to illustrate the usefulness of the methods in nonlinear system as well. To show the practicability, the linear and nonlinear FD-ITs are implemented in an air-duct system with a PC-DSP based agent-architecture. All the results illustrate that FD-IT is an easy and effective approach to solve ANVC problems with periodic disturbances.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Jeon, Byung Ho. "Proposed automobile steering wheel test method for vibration." Thesis, Brunel University, 2010. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/4623.

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This thesis proposes a test method for evaluating the perceived vibration which occurs at the driver's hand in automotive steering wheel interface. The objective of the research was to develop frequency weightings for quantifying the human perception of steering wheel hand-arm vibration. Family of frequency weightings were developed from equal sensation curves obtained from the psychophysical laboratory experimental tests. The previous literature suggests that the only internationally standardised frequency weighting Wh is not accurate to predict human perception of steering wheel hand-arm vibration (Amman et. al, 2005) because Wh was developed originally for health effects, not for the human perception. In addition, most of the data in hand-arm vibration are based upon responses from male subjects (Neely and Burström, 2006) and previous studies based only on sinusoidal stimuli. Further, it has been continuously suggested by researchers (Gnanasekarna et al., 2006; Morioka and Griffin, 2006; Ajovalasit and Giacomin, 2009) that only one weighting is not optimal to estimate the human perception at all vibrational magnitudes. In order to address these problems, the investigation of the effect of gender, body mass and the signal type on the equal sensation curves has been performed by means of psychophysical laboratory experimental tests. The test participants were seated on a steering wheel simulator which consists of a rigid frame, a rigid steering wheel, an automobile seat, an electrodynamic shaker unit, a power amplifier and a signal generator. The category-ratio Borg CR10 scale procedure was used to quantify the perceived vibration intensity. A same test protocol was used for each test and for each test subject. The first experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of gender using sinusoidal vibration with 40 test participants (20 males and 20 females). The results suggested that the male participants provided generally lower subjective ratings than the female participants. The second experiment was conducted using band-limited random vibration to investigate the effect of signal type between sinusoidal and band-limited random vibration with 30 test participants (15 males and 15 females). The results suggested that the equal sensation curves obtained using random vibration were generally steeper and deeper in the shape of the curves than those obtained using sinusoidal vibration. These differences may be due to the characteristics of random vibration which produce generally higher crest factors than sinusoidal vibration. The third experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of physical body mass with 40 test participants (20 light and 20 heavy participants) using sinusoidal vibration. The results suggested that the light participants produced generally higher subjective ratings than the heavy participants. From the results it can be suggested that the equal sensation curves for steering wheel rotational vibration differ mainly due to differences of body size rather than differences of gender. The final experiments was conducted using real road signals to quantify the human subjective response to representative driving condition and to use the results to define the selection method for choosing the adequate frequency weightings for the road signals by means of correlation analysis. The final experiment was performed with 40 test participants (20 light and 20 heavy participants) using 21 real road signals obtained from the road tests. From the results the hypothesis was established that different amplitude groups may require different frequency weightings. Three amplitude groups were defined and the frequency weightings were selected for each amplitude group. The following findings can be drawn from the research: • the equal sensation curves suggest a nonlinear dependency on both the frequency and the amplitude. • the subjective responses obtained from band-limited random stimuli were steeper and the deeper in the shape of the equal sensation curves than those obtained using sinusoidal vibration stimuli. • females provided higher perceived intensity values than the males for the same physical stimulus at most frequencies. • light test participants provided higher perceived intensity than the heavy test participants for the same physical stimulus at most frequencies. • the equal sensation curves for steering wheel rotational vibration differ mainly due to differences in body size, rather than differences of gender. • at least three frequency weightings may be necessary to estimate the subjective intensity for road surface stimuli.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Tehrani, Maryam Ghandchi. "Passive modification and active vibration control by receptance method." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.441935.

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Rafique, Sajid. "Piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting and its application to vibration control." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2012. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/piezoelectric-vibration-energy-harvesting-and-its-application-to-vibration-control(d9edcedf-054e-4921-9ba3-5e015b9bbd8f).html.

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Vibration-based energy harvesting using piezoelectric materials have been investigated by several research groups with the aim of harvesting maximum energy and providing power to low-powered wireless electronic systems for their entire operational life. The electromechanical coupling effect introduced by the piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting (PVEH) mechanism presents modelling challenges. For this reason, there has been a continuous effort to develop different modelling techniques to describe the PVEH mechanism and its effects on the dynamics of the system. The overall aims of this thesis are twofold: (1) a thorough theoretical and experimental analysis of a PVEH beam or assembly of beams; (2) an in-depth analytical and experimental investigation of the novel concept of a dual function piezoelectric vibration energy harvester beam/tuned vibration absorber (PVEH/TVA) or 'electromechanical TVA' and its potential application to vibration control. The salient novel contributions of this thesis can be summarised as follows: (i) An in-depth experimental validation of a PVEH beam model based on the analytical modal analysis method (AMAM), with the investigations conducted over a wider frequency range than previously tested. (ii) The precise identification of the electrical loads that harvest maximum power and that induce maximum electrical damping. (iii) A thorough investigation of the influence of mechanical damping on PVEH beams. (iv) A procedure for the exact modelling of PVEH beams, and assemblies of such beams, using the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) method. (v) A procedure to enhance the power output from a PVEH beam through the application of a tip rotational restraint and the use of segmented electrodes. (vi) The theoretical basis for the novel concept of a dual function PVEH beam/TVA, and its realisation and experimental validation for a prototype device. A thorough experimental validation of a cantilever piezoelectric bimorph energy harvester without a tip mass is presented under random excitation. The study provided a deep insight into the effect of PVEH on the dynamics of the system for variations in electrical load. An alternative modelling technique to AMAM, based on the DSM, is introduced for PVEH beams. Unlike AMAM, the DSM is exact, since it is based on the exact solution to the bending wave equation. It also readily lends itself to the modelling of beams with different boundary conditions or assemblies of beams of different crosssections. AMAM is shown to converge to DSM if a sufficiency of modes is used. Finally, an in-depth theoretical and experimental investigation of a prototype PVEHbeam/TVA device is presented. This device comprises a pair of bimorphs shunted by R-L-C circuitry and can be used as a tuned mass damper (TMD) to attenuate a vibration mode of a generic structure. The optimal damping required by this TMD is generated by the PVEH effect of the bimorphs. Such a device combines the advantages of conventional mechanical and electrical TVAs, overcoming their relative disadvantages. The results demonstrate that the ideal degree of attenuation can be achieved by the proposed device through appropriate tuning of the circuitry, thereby presenting the prospect of a novel class of 'electromechanical' tuned vibration absorbers.
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Jamal, Ahmad Mohammad Hafiz Fazl Elahi. "An automated frequency tracking method for structural health monitoring using vibration data." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/42779.

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The process of extracting modal parameters using vibration response data from aerospace, civil and mechanical structures is well-established and many techniques exist to cater for the availability of spatial and temporal data. These techniques need extensive interaction with an expert user to guide them towards an acceptable set of solutions and are not adequate for structural health monitoring which fundamentally requires an automated process. Research into automated algorithms for the extraction and tracking of modal parameters started to gather momentum recently due to advances in technology and computing. Currently there is a lack of automated procedures due to the difficulty of replacing the interactions of an expert user with software algorithms and those that have been proposed have not yet been widely adopted. In this thesis, we propose a new automated method to track resonant frequencies for the purpose of detecting change. The method uses wavelet decomposition, principal component analysis, spectrum estimation and adaptive filtering. The aim is to identify resonant frequencies and then to monitor their magnitudes and frequencies in an automated fashion without user interaction for the detection of change in performance. The proposed method is validated on several benchmark problems widely studied in the literature, one simulated and four experimental. It is shown that using the new method it is possible to detect all the data cases for these benchmark structures because they produce changes in the resonant frequencies or in their magnitudes. The new method is also compared with an existing automated method called frequency domain decomposition (FDD) and it is shown that for the benchmark problems considered in this thesis the frequency tracking performance of the new method is superior.
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Hwang, HaDong. "Extension de la méthode SmEdA par la prise en compte des matériaux dissipatifs en moyennes fréquences." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ISAL0048/document.

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Le projet CLIC (City Lightweight Innovative Cab) dans lequel s’inscrit cette thèse de doctorat vise à développer une cabine de camion allégée sans dégrader les performances vibratoires et acoustiques. Pour cela il est nécessaire d’établir dans un premier temps un modèle de prédiction vibroacoustique du système couplé structure/espace intérieur incluant l’influence des matériaux dissipatifs (amortissement ou absorption) dans le domaine des moyennes fréquences. Les méthodes basées sur les éléments finis et les approches statistiques les plus couramment utilisées étant peu adaptées pour ce domaine de fréquence (coût de calcul important, méthodes peu flexibles), nous utiliserons le formalisme de la méthode SmEdA (Statistical modal Energy distribution Analysis). L’objectif principal de cette thèse de doctorat est dès lors, d’étendre cette méthode à la prise en compte de l’effet d’amortissement induit par des matériaux dissipatifs. La méthodologie se divise en trois étapes: 1. Les modèles équivalents des matériaux dissipatifs sont établis: (1) un modèle de plaque équivalent pour décrire la plaque amortie par un ou plusieurs patch(s) viscoélastique(s) et (2) un modèle de fluide équivalent pour décrire un matériau poreux agissant dans la cavité. 2. Chaque sous-système amorti est modélisé par éléments finis. Les méthodes MSE (Modal Strain Energy) et MSKE (Modal Strain Kinetic Energy) sont ensuite utilisées pour estimer les facteurs de perte modaux de chaque sous-système. 3. Le calcul SmEdA est effectué sur le système couplé en prenant en compte les facteurs de pertes modaux de chaque sous-système estimés dans la deuxième étape. Le point d’excitation est appliquée à la plaque, en supposant la force stationnaire et large bande. Afin de valider la méthodologie proposée un cas semi-complexe composé d’une plaque rectangulaire couplée à une cavité parallélépipédique est considéré. Ce système peut être utilisé pour étudier l’interaction vibroacoustique entre la structure de la cabine et l’intérieur de l’habitacle. Deux cas d’amortissement sont étudiés pour le système semi-complexe plaque-cavité: (1) un cas où la plaque est amortie avec un (ou plusieurs) patch(s) viscoélastique(s) et (2) un cas où un matériau poreux est placé dans la cavité. Le problème vibroacoustique est pour chaque cas modélisé suivant les trois étapes proposées et analyses dans le formalisme de la méthode SmEdA. Les résultats sont ensuite comparés au cas de référence (sans matériau dissipatif). La dernière partie de la thèse porte sur la validation expérimentale pour chaque cas test de la méthodologie numérique proposée. a mobilité d’éntrée, la puissance injectée et les énergies des sous-systèmes sont comparées aux prédictions numériques. Enfin les facteurs de pertes modaux des sous-systèmes estimés par les méthodes MSE et MSKE sont comparés aux résultats expérimentaux obtenus par la méthode d’analyse modale à haute résolution (méthode ESPRIT)
The project CLIC (City Lightweight Innovative Cab) aims to develop a lighter-weighted truck that maintains NVH performances of the initial design. This PhD research is then to establish a vibroacoustic prediction model of a complex structure-bounded fluid system (cabin structure coupled to cabin space) including dissipative treatments (damping or absorbing materials) for the mid-frequency domain. Since most commonly used element based and statistical methods are not suitable for this frequency domain, a proper prediction tool, which should be flexible in modeling capabilities and feasible in computational cost, must be implemented. The SmEdA (Statistical modal Energy distribution Analysis) method is considered in this thesis to comply with these requirements. The main objective of this research is to extend this method for taking account of the damping effect induced by dissipative materials. Development and validation of the methodology are carried out. 1. Dissipative materials are represented by simplified equivalent models: (1) the equivalent single layer model for describing the plate covered with a viscoelastic layer and (2) the equivalent fluid model for describing a porous material into the cavity. 2. Each subsystem including the equivalent models of the dissipative materials is modeled with FEM(Finite Element Model). The FE matrices including the energy dissipation are then computed. The MSE (Modal Strain Energy) and MSKE (Modal Strain Kinetic Energy) methods are used to estimate the modal damping loss factor of each subsystem mode. 3. The SmEdA calculation is performed on a whole system considering the modal damping loss factors estimated in the second step for each subsystem. The power is injected into the plate at a localized point by the stationary white noise force and subsequently, the SmEdA parameters are computed. To validate the proposed methodology, laboratory test cases of the structure-fluid problem composed of a rectangular plate coupled to a parallelepipedic cavity are considered. Such system can be used to study the vibroacoustic interaction between structure and fluid. Two damped test cases of the plate-cavity system are studied: (1) a system with a viscoelastic damping pad on the plate and (2) a system with a composite fibre in the cavity. The damped test cases are modeled following the three steps and are analyzed in the framework of SmEdA. The results are then compared to the original case with no damping treatment. The last part of the thesis presents an experimental validation of the numerical computation results on each test case. Measured quantities such as input mobility, injected power and subsystem energies are compared to the numerical predictions. The modal damping loss factors of the damped subsystems estimated with MSE and MSKE methods are compared to the experimental results estimated by a high-resolution modal analysis method (ESPRIT method)
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Cambou, Pierre E. "A Distributed Active Vibration Absorber (DAVA) for Active-Passive Vibration and Sound Radiation Control." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/10105.

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This thesis presents a new active-passive treatment developed to reduce structural vibrations and their associated radiated sound. It is a contribution to the research of efficient and low cost devices that implement the advantages of active and passive noise control techniques. A theoretical model has been developed to investigate the potential of this new "active-passive distributed absorber". The model integrates new functions that make it extremely stable numerically. Using this model, a genetic algorithm has been used to optimize the shape of the active-passive distributed absorber. Prototypes have been designed and their potential investigated. The device subsequently developed can be described as a skin that can be mechanically and electrically tuned to reduce unwanted vibration and/or sound. It is constructed from the piezoelectric material polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and thin layers of lead. The tested device is designed to weight less than 10% of the main structure and has a resonance frequency around 1000 Hz. Experiments have been conducted on a simply supported steal beam (24"x2"x1/4"). Preliminary results show that the new treatment out-performs active-passive point absorbers and conventional constrained layer damping material. The compact design and its efficiency make it suitable for many applications especially in the transportation industry. This new type of distributed absorber is totally original and represent a potential breakthrough in the field of acoustics and vibration control.
Master of Science
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Tjahyadi, Hendra, and hendramega@yahoo com. "Adaptive Multi Mode Vibration Control of Dynamically Loaded Flexible Structures." Flinders University. Engineering, 2006. http://catalogue.flinders.edu.au./local/adt/public/adt-SFU20070130.192707.

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In this thesis, three control methodologies are proposed for suppressing multi-mode vibration in flexible structures. Controllers developed using these methods are designed to (i) be able to cope with large and sudden changes in the system's parameters, (ii) be robust to unmodelled dynamics, and (iii) have a fast transient response. In addition, the controllers are designed to employ a minimum number of sensor-actuator pairs, and yet pose a minimum computational demand so as to allow real-time implementation. A cantilever beam with magnetically clamped loads is designed and constructed as the research vehicle for evaluation of the proposed controllers. Using this set-up, sudden and large dynamic variations of the beam loading can be tested, and the corresponding changes in the plant's parameters can be observed. Modal testing reveals that the first three modes of the plant are the most significant and need to be suppressed. It is also identified that the first and third modes are spaced more than a decade apart in frequency. The latter characteristic increases the difficulty of effectively controlling all three modes simultaneously using one controller. To overcome this problem, the resonant control method is chosen as the basis for the control methodologies discussed in this thesis. The key advantage of resonant control is that it can be tuned to provide specific attenuation only at and immediately close to the resonant frequency of concern. Consequently, it does not cause control spillover to other modes owing to unmodeled dynamics. Because of these properties, a resonant controller can be configured to form a parallel structure with the objective of targeting and cancelling multiple modes individually. This is possible regardless of the mode spacing. In addition, resonant control requires only a minimum number of collocated sensor-actuator pairs for multi-mode vibration cancellation. All these characteristics make resonant control a suitable candidate for multi-mode vibration cancellation of flexible structures. Since a resonant controller provides negligible attenuation away from the natural frequencies that it has been specifically designed for, it is very sensitive to changes of a system's natural frequencies and becomes ineffective when these mode frequencies change. Hence, for the case of a dynamically loaded structure with consequent variations in mode frequencies, the resonant control method must be modified to allow tracking of system parameter changes. This consideration forms the theme of this thesis, which is to allow adaptive multi-mode vibration control of dynamically-loaded flexible structures. Three controller design methodologies based on the resonant control principle are consequently proposed and evaluated. In the first approach, all possible loading conditions are assumed to be a priori known. Based on this assumption, a multi-model multi-mode resonant control (M4RC) method is proposed. The basis of the M4RC approach is that it comprises a bank of known loading models that are designed such that each model gives optimum attenuation for a particular loading condition. Conceptually, each model is implemented as a set of fixed-parameter controllers, one for each mode of concern. In reality, each mode controller is implemented as an adjustable resonant controller that is loaded with the fixed-model parameters of the corresponding mode. The M4RC method takes advantage of the highly frequency-sensitive nature of resonant control to allow simple and rapid selection of the optimum controller. Identification of the set of resonant frequencies is implemented using a bank of band-pass filters that correspond to the mode frequencies of the known models. At each time interval a supervisor scheme determines for each mode which model has the closest frequency to the observed vibration frequency and switches the corresponding model controller output to attenuate the mode. Selection is handled on a mode-by-mode basis, such that for each mode the closest model is selected. The proposed M4RC is relatively simple and less computationally complex compared to other multi-model methods reported in the literature. In particular, the M4RC uses a simple supervisor scheme and requires only a single controller per mode. Other multi-model methods use more complex supervision schemes and require one controller per model. The M4RC method is evaluated through both simulation and experimental studies. The results reveal that the proposed M4RC is very effective for controlling multi-mode vibration of a flexible structure with known loading conditions, but is ineffective for unmodeled loading conditions. In the second approach, the assumption that all loading conditions are a priori known is relaxed. An adaptive multi-mode resonant control (ARC) method is proposed to control the flexible structure for all possible (including unknown) loading conditions. On-line estimation of the structure's natural frequencies is used to update the adaptive resonant controller's parameters. The estimation of the natural frequencies is achieved using a parallel set of second-order recursive least-squares estimators, each of which is designed for a specific mode of concern. To optimise the estimation accuracy for each mode frequency, a different sampling rate suitable for that mode is used for the corresponding estimator. Simulation and experiment results show that the proposed adaptive method can achieve better performance, as measured by attenuation level, over its fixed-parameter counterpart for a range of unmodeled dynamics. The results also reveal that, for the same sequences of known loading changes, the transient responses of the ARC are slower than those of the M4RC. In the third approach, a hybrid multi-model and adaptive resonant control is utilized to improve the transient response of the ARC. The proposed multi-model multi-mode adaptive resonant control (M4ARC) method is designed as a combination of the M4RC and ARC methods. The basis of the proposed method is to use the M4RC fixed-parameter model scheme to deal with transient conditions while the ARC adaptive parameter estimator is still in a state of fluctuation. Then, once the estimator has reached the vicinity of its steady-state, the adaptive model is switched in place of the fixed model to achieve optimum control of the unforeseen loading condition. Whenever a loading change is experienced, the simple M4RC supervisor scheme is used to identify the closest model and to load the adjustable resonant controllers with the fixed parameters for that model. Meanwhile, the mode estimators developed for the ARC method are used to identify the exact plant parameters for the modes of concern. As soon as these parameters stop rapidly evolving and reach their steady-state, they are loaded into the respective adjustable controllers. The same process is repeated whenever a loading change occurs. Given the simplicity of the M4ARC method and its minimal computation demand, it is easily applicable for real-time implementation. Simulation and experiment results show that the proposed M4ARC outperforms both the ARC with respect to transient performance, and the M4RC with respect to unmodeled loading conditions. The outcomes of this thesis provide a basis for further development of the theory and application of active control for flexible structures with unforeseen configuration variations. Moreover, the basis for the proposed multi-model adaptive control can be used in other areas of control (not limited to vibration cancellation) where fast dynamic reconfiguration of the controller is necessary to accommodate structural changes and fluctuating external disturbances.
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Clontz, Matthew Christopher. "A Novel Method for Vibration Analysis of the Tire-Vehicle System via Frequency Based Substructuring." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/83482.

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Noise and vibration transmitted through the tire and suspension system are strong indicators of overall vehicle ride quality. Often, during the tire design process, target specifications are used to achieve the desired ride performance. To validate the design, subjective evaluations are performed by expert drivers. These evaluations are usually done on a test track and are both quite expensive and time consuming due to the several experimental sets of tires that must be manufactured, installed, and then tested on the target vehicle. In order to evaluate the performance, expert drivers tune themselves to the frequency response of the tire/vehicle combination. Provided the right models exist, this evaluation can also be achieved in a laboratory. The research presented here is a method which utilizes the principles of frequency based substructuring (FBS) to separate or combine frequency response data for the tire and suspension. This method allows for the possibility of combining high fidelity tire models with analytical or experimental suspension data in order to obtain an overall response of the combined system without requiring an experimental setup or comprehensive simulations. Though high fidelity models are not combined with experimental data in the present work, these coupling/decoupling techniques are applied independently to several quarter car models of varying complexity and to experimental data. These models range from a simplified spring-mass model to a generalized 3D model including rotation. Further, decoupling techniques were applied to simulations of a rigid ring tire model, which allows for inclusion of nonlinearities present in the tire subsystem and provides meaningful information for a loaded tire. By reducing the need for time consuming simulations and experiments, this research has the potential to significantly reduce the time and cost associated with tire design for ride performance. In order to validate the process experimentally, a small-scale quarter car test rig was developed. This novel setup was specifically designed for the challenges associated with the testing necessary to apply FBS techniques to the tire and suspension systems. The small-scale quarter car system was then used to validate both the models and the testing processes unique to this application. By validating the coupling/decoupling process for the first time on the tire/vehicle system with experimental data, this research can potentially improve the current process of tire design for ride performance.
Ph. D.
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Buck, Nicholas V. "Minimum vibration maneuvers using input shaping and pulse-width, pulse frequency modulated thruster control." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1996. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA325615.

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Thesis (Degree of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineer) Naval Postgraduate School, December 1996.
Thesis advisor(s): B.N. Agrawal. "December 1996." Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-150). Also available online.
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Ao, Wai Kei. "Electromagnetic damping for control of vibration in civil structures." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10871/31145.

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This thesis investigates an alternative solution to deal with the civil structure vibration. Non-contact electromagnetic or Eddy current damping is selected as a score of vibration suppression. Electromagnetic damping relies on the interaction between a permanent magnet and conductor. An electromagnetic damper (EMD) is applied both to a laboratory footbridge structure and 6-storey model-scale aluminium moment resisting frame (AMRF). In this first study the EMD is connected in series with an electronic shunt circuit to construct an electromagnetic shunt damper (EMSD). A robust optimisation method is applied to develop the corresponding optimal design formula of the EMSD. The principle of an EMSD is to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. Hence, the induced electromotive force (emf) is generated by electromagnetic induction. This emf induces an amount of shunt damping, which is fedback to the structure to achieve vibration suppression. It was found that when the impedance was applied, the shunt damping feature was of a similar nature to viscous dampers. In contrast, when an RLC (resistance-inductance-capacitance) circuit is connected, the shunt damping is analogous to a tuned mass damper. A second form of EMD is Eddy current damper (ECD), which relies on a geometrical arrangement of permanent magnets and conductors to produce damping forces. The vertical and horizontal orientation of the magnet, unidirectional and alternative pole projection and moving different direction of the conductor are investigated. A theoretical study involving the infinite boundary and finite boundary (the method of images current) is carried out to obtain an analytical calculation of the damping force. On the basis of this analysis, one type of ECD prototype was physically built. A performance test was carried out to determine the damping characteristics of the ECD, which agreed with the results of the numerical analysis. In addition, the ECD was applied to control the dynamics of the 6-storey AMRF. It was found that, the ECD can effectively increase system damping and have a satisfactory control effect.
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Pantling, Carey M. "Active vibration control method for space truss using piezoelectric actuators and finite elements." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1999. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA374451.

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Thesis (M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. in Astronautical Engineering) Naval Postgraduate School, December 1999.
"December 1999". Thesis advisor(s): Young S. Shin, Brij N. Agrawal. Includes bibliographical references (p. 105-107). Also available online.
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Negvesky, Daniel. "Finite Element Analysis and Active Vibration Control of a Cantilevered Beam." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 1997. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETH/id/403.

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This item is only available in print in the UCF Libraries. If this is your Honors Thesis, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world by following the instructions on the distribution consent form at http://library.ucf
Electrical Engineering
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Desai, D. A., R. C. Aylward, C. J. Smith, and J. Erasmus. "Prediction of low-frequency vibration transmission through an automotive door mount system using the finite element method." Journal for New Generation Sciences, Vol 7, Issue 2: Central University of Technology, Free State, Bloemfontein, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11462/532.

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Published Article
The phenomenon of automotive door panel vibration is complex, because it comprises the simultaneous interaction of many competing factors. Numerical simulation of such behaviour is not simplistic and is challenging at both the scientific and technical levels. Anecdotal evidence suggests that, until now, the characterisation of door panel vibration in terms of its door mount system has not yet been contemplated. This paper describes a numerical model and its application to a case study to investigate the vibrational behaviour of a door panel in terms of its door mount system. Results of the numerical model are compared with those obtained from physical measurements and are found to be satisfactory.
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Kim, Yong Y. "Flexural-Torsional Coupled Vibration of Rotating Beams Using Orthogonal Polynomials." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/32616.

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Dynamic behavior of flexural-torsional coupled vibration of rotating beams using the Rayleigh-Ritz method with orthogonal polynomials as basis functions is studied. The present work starts from a review of the development and analysis of four basic types of beam theories: the Euler-Bernoulli, Rayleigh, Shear and Timoshenko and goes over to a study of flexural-torsional coupled vibration analysis using basic beam theories. In obtaining natural frequencies, orthogonal polynomials used in the Rayleigh-Ritz method are studied as an efficient way of getting results. The study is also performed for both non-rotating and rotating beams. Orthogonal polynomials and functions studied in the present work are : Legendre, Chebyshev, integrated Legendre, modified Duncan polynomials, the eigenfunctions of a pinned-free uniform beam, and the special trigonometric functions used in conjunction with Hermite cubics. Studied cases are non-rotating and rotating Timoshenko beams, bending-torsion coupled beam with free-free boundary conditions, a cantilever beam, and a rotating cantilever beam. The obtained natural frequencies and mode shapes are compared to those available in various references and results for coupled flexural-torsional vibrations are compared to both previously available references and with those obtained using NASTRAN finite element package.
Master of Science
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Kircali, Omer Faruk. "Active Vibration Control Of A Smart Beam: A Spatial Approach." Master's thesis, METU, 2006. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12607555/index.pdf.

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This study presented the design and implementation of a spatial Hinf controller to suppress the free and forced vibrations of a cantilevered smart beam. The smart beam consists of a passive aluminum beam with surface bonded PZT (Lead-Zirconate-Titanate) patches. In this study, the PZT patches were used as the actuators and a laser displacement sensor was used as the sensor. In the first part of the study, the modeling of the smart beam by the assumed-modes method was conducted. The model correction technique was applied to include the effect of out-of-range modes on the dynamics of the system. Later, spatial system identification work was performed in order to clarify the spatial characteristics of the smart beam. In the second part of the study, a spatial Hinf controller was designed for suppressing the first two flexural vibrations of the smart beam. The efficiency of the controller was verified both by simulations and experimental implementation. As a final step, the comparison of the spatial and pointwise Hinf controllers was employed. A pointwise Hinf controller was designed and experimentally implemented. The efficiency of the both controllers was compared by simulations.
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Kim, Taeho, and Monika Ivantysynova. "Active Vibration Control of Axial Piston Machine using Higher Harmonic Least Mean Square Control of Swash Plate." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-199412.

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Noise emission is a major drawback of the positive displacement machine. The noise source can be divided into structure borne noise source (SBNS) and fluid borne noise source (FBNS). Passive techniques such as valve plate optimization have been used for noise reduction of axial piston machines. However, passive techniques are only effective for limited operating conditions or at least need compromises in design. In this paper, active vibration control of swash plate is investigated for vibration and noise reduction over a wide range of operating conditions as an additional method to passive noise reduction techniques. A 75cc pump has been modified for implementation of active vibration control using the swash plate. One tri-axial acceleration sensor and one angle sensor are installed on the swash plate and a high speed servovalve is used for the swash plate actuation. The multi-frequency two-weight least mean square (LMS) filter synthesizes the servovalve input signal to generate a destructive interference force which minimizes the swash plate vibration. An experimental test setup has been realized using Labview field-programmable gate array (FPGA) via cRIO. Simulation and experimental studies are conducted to investigate the possibility of active vibration control.
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Kasap, Huseyin. "Investigation Of Stockbridge Dampers For Vibration Control Of Overhead Transmission Lines." Master's thesis, METU, 2012. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12614865/index.pdf.

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This thesis aims to examine the performance of Stockbridge dampers used to suppress aeolian vibrations on overhead transmission lines arising from the wind. In this respect, a computer program, based on the Energy Balance Method, is developed using MATLAB. The developed computer program has also a graphical user interface (GUI), which allows the program to interactively simulate Stockbridge damper performance for vibration control of overhead transmission lines. Field tests results obtained from literature are used in various case studies in order to validate and evaluate the developed software. Moreover, sample Stockbridge damper characterization tests, which then could be introduced to the software, are performed. A custom test fixture is designed due to its unavailability of commercial alternatives in the market. In the design of the test fixture, modal and transmissibility analyses are done by using ANSYS Workbench. To further validate the test setup, transmissibility test is done and consistent results with the transmissibility analyses are observed in the range of expected aeolian vibration frequencies. Finally, the stepped-sine and swept-sine tests are performed with and without damper for the characterization test, where the latter one is performed to eliminate the negative effects of the test setup. Both tests yield almost same damper power dissipation curves.
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Inoa, Ernesto. "A New High-Frequency Injection Method for Sensorless Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Machines." The Ohio State University, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1338345508.

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McLeod, Ronald Walter. "The effects of low frequency z-axis whole-body vibration on performance of a complex manual control task." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1986. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/52294/.

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This thesis investigates continous manual control performance during exposure to z-axis whole-body vibration at frequencies between 0.5 and 10.0 Hz. The task involved first-order pursuit tracking with a simultaneous discrete target acquisition task. A major aim of the work was to determine the mechanisms underlying any vibration-induced impairment which occurred. The iterature is first reviewed (Chapter 2) and a model is presented summarising the mechanisms by which vibration has been suggested to disrupt performance (Chapter 3). Six experiments are then reported. Experiment 1 (Chapter 5) measured vibration-induced activity at the head, hand and the output of the system dynamics. The results are discussed with reference to the mechanisms which could disrupt performance. Experiment 2 (Chapter 6) investigated performance during exposure to vibration at frequencies from 0.5 to 5.0 Hz. The magnitude of performance disruption was approximately constant at vibration frequencies below 2 Hz, and increased with the frequency of vibration to 5.0 Hz. Experiments 3 (Chapter 7) and 4 (Chapter 8) showed that the disruption at frequencies above 2.0 Hz could be attributed to visual impairment arising from relative translational movement between subjects' eyes and the display: collimating the display removed the impairment. Linear spectral analysis techniques were used to separate root-mean-square (rms) tracking error into components linearly and not linearly correlated with movements of the target. Changes in total rms error were mainly accompanied by changes in the linear components: closed-loop system transfer functions showed increased phase lags between movements of the target and the response of the controlled element. In experiment 5 (Chapter 9), three simple tasks were used to isolate non-visual mechanisms of disruption. The results suggested that whole-body vibration at 0.5 and 4.0 Hz could interfere with neuro-muscular processes. The results of experiment 5, and the increased phase lag observed in experiment 4, indicate changes in the way the task was performed during vibration: these are described as secondary vibration effects. Experiment 6 investigated whether the effect of vibration on the system studied would be time-dependent. One-octave-band random vibration centred on 4 Hz was presented at a magnitude considerably above the ISO 2631 (1985) `fatigue-decreased-proficiency' limit for 180 minute vibration exposures. Performance declined with time, but vibration did not alter the time-dependence. The effect of duration was reduced when the task was performed over the entire duration on a second occasion. It is concluded that impairments in continuous tracking performance during whole-body vibration exposure were mainly caused by interference with visual and neuro-muscular processes. The results also show secondary effects which may represent adaptive change in performance during vibration. The behavioural model developed in Chapter 3 is used to summarise the mechanisms which were shown to be important, and to indicate other effects which could occur. Some suggstions for further research are offered.
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Barrett, Anthony R. "Dynamic Testing of In-Situ Composite Floors and Evaluation of Vibration Serviceability Using the Finite Element Method." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/28879.

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The presented research examined three areas: best practices in high quality dynamic testing of in-situ floor systems, extensive dynamic testing of three bare (non-fit out) in-situ multi-bay steel composite floors to estimate their dynamic parameters/response and to identify trends in dynamic behavior, and development of a set of fundamental finite element (FE) modeling techniques to adequately represent the dynamic response of steel composite floors for the purpose of evaluating vibration serviceability. The measurement, analysis, and computation of a floor's accelerance frequency response function (FRF) is the core premise linking all areas of the presented research. The burst chirp signal using an electrodynamic shaker is recommended as the most accurate and consistent source of excitation for acquiring high quality measurements suitable for use in parameter estimation, operating deflection shape animation, and calibration/validation of FE models. A reduced mid-bay testing scheme is recommended as a time-saving alternative to modal testing over a full coverage area, provided the only desired estimated parameters are frequencies, damping, and mid-bay acceleration response. Accelerance FRFs were measured with an electrodynamic shaker located within 23 unique bays on the three tested floors. Dominant frequencies ranged from 4.85 Hz to 9 Hz and measured estimates of damping varied considerably, ranging from 0.44% to 2.4% of critical (0.5%-1.15% was typical). Testing showed several mode shapes were localized to just a few bays and not all modes were adequately excited by forcing at a single location. The quality of the estimated mode shapes was significantly improved using multi-reference modal testing. FE models for the tested floors were developed based on high quality measured data and were shown to provide adequate representations of measured floor behavior. Fundamental techniques are presented for modeling mass, stiffness, boundary conditions, and performing dynamic analysis. A method of evaluating vibration serviceability was proposed using the FE model's computed accelerance FRF for comparison with a design accelerance curve that represents an acceleration response threshold in the frequency domain. An example design accelerance curve is presented based on current serviceability guidelines for acceleration tolerance and effective harmonic forces due to human activities such as walking.
Ph. D.
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Krauss, Ryan Walter. "An Improved Technique for Modeling and Control of Flexible Structures." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/11519.

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Control design for flexible robots is a challenging problem. Part of the difficulty comes from a lack of controls-focused modeling tools. Practical flexible robots have several aspects that make them difficult to model: continuous elements, complicated actuators, multiple feedback loops, non-collocated sensors and actuators, and the ability to take on arbitrary three-dimensional poses. Even if existing techniques for modeling flexible structures could model the closed-loop response of a hydraulically-actuated flexible robot with a vibration suppression controller, how would such a model be used for control design? This work presents the development of a modeling approach that meets the needs of a controls engineer. The approach is based on the transfer matrix method (TMM). The TMM has been expanded in several ways to enable it to accurately model practical flexible robots. Quantitative agreement is shown between model and experiment for the interaction of a hydraulic actuator and a flexible structure as well as for the closed-loop response of a system with vibration suppression. Once the ability to model the closed-loop response of the system has been demonstrated, this work focuses on using the model for control design. Control design is facilitated by symbolic implementation of the TMM, which allows closed-form expressions for the closed-loop response of the system to be found without discretization. These closed-form expressions will be transcendental transfer functions for systems with continuous elements. These transfer functions can then be used in various optimization approaches for designing the closed-loop system response.
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Rocha, Ryan D. "A Frequency-Domain Method for Active Acoustic Cancellation of Known Audio Sources." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2014. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1240.

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Active noise control (ANC) is a real-time process in which a system measures an external, unwanted sound source and produces a canceling waveform. The cancellation is due to destructive interference by a perfect copy of the received signal phase-shifted by 180 degrees. Existing active noise control systems process the incoming and outgoing audio on a sample-by-sample basis, requiring a high-speed digital signal processor (DSP) and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with strict timing requirements on the order of tens of microseconds. These timing requirements determine the maximum sample rate and bit size as well as the maximum attenuation that the system can achieve. In traditional noise cancellation systems, the general assumption is that all unwanted sound is indeterminate. However, there are many instances in which an unwanted sound source is predictable, such as in the case of a song. This thesis presents a method for active acoustic cancellation of a known audio signal using the frequency characteristics of the known audio signal compared to that of a sampled, filtered excerpt of the same known audio signal. In this procedure, we must first correctly locate the sample index for which a measured audio excerpt begins via the cross-correlation function. Next, we obtain the frequency characteristics of both the known source (WAVE file of the song) and the measured unwanted audio by taking the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of each signal, and calculate the effective environmental transfer function (degradation function) by taking the ratio of the two complex frequency-domain results. Finally, we attempt to recreate the environmental audio from the known data and produce an inverted, synchronized, and amplitude-matched signal to cancel the audio via destructive interference. Throughout the process, we employ many signal conditioning methods such as FIR filtering, median filtering, windowing, and deconvolution. We illustrate this frequency-domain method in Native Instruments’ LabVIEW running on the Windows operating system, and discuss its reliability, areas for improvement, and potential future applications in mobile technologies. We show that under ideal conditions (unwanted sound is a known white noise source, and microphone, loudspeaker, and environmental filter frequency responses are all perfectly flat), we can achieve a theoretical maximum attenuation of approximately 300 dB. If we replace the white noise source with an actual song and the environmental filter with a low-order linear filter, then we can achieve maximum attenuation in the range of 50-70 dB. However, in a real-world environment, with additional noise and imperfect microphones, speakers, synchronization, and amplitude-matching, we can expect to see attenuation values in the range of 10-20 dB.
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Luleci, Ibrahim Furkan. "Active Vibration Control Of Beam And Plates By Using Piezoelectric Patch Actuators." Master's thesis, METU, 2013. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12615491/index.pdf.

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Conformal airborne antennas have several advantages compared to externally mounted antennas, and they will play an important role in future aircrafts. However, they are subjected to vibration induced deformations which degrade their electromagnetic performances. With the motivation of suppressing such vibrations, use of active vibration control techniques with piezoelectric actuators is investigated in this study. At first, it is aimed to control the first three bending modes of a cantilever beam. In this scope, four different modal controllers
positive position feedback (PPF), resonant control (RC), integral resonant control (IRC) and positive position feedback with feed-through (PPFFT) are designed based on both reduced order finite element model and the system identification model. PPFFT, is a modified version of PPF which is proposed as a new controller in this study. Results of real- time control experiments show that PPFFT presents superior performance compared to its predecessor, PPF, and other two methods. In the second part of the study, it is focused on controlling the first three modes of a rectangular plate with four clamped edges. Best location alternatives for three piezoelectric actuators are determined with modal strain energy method. Based on the reduced order finite element model, three PPFFT controllers are designed for three collocated transfer functions. Disturbance rejection performances show the convenience of PPFFT in multi-input multi-output control systems. Performance of the control system is also verified by discrete-time simulations for a random disturbance representing the in-flight aircraft vibration characteristics.
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Peairs, Daniel Marsden. "High Frequency Modeling and Experimental Analysis for Implementation of Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/27925.

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A promising structural health monitoring (SHM) method for implementation on real world structures is impedance-based health monitoring. An in-service system is envisioned to include on board processing and perhaps wireless transfer of data. Ideally, a system could be produced as a slap-on or automatically installed addition to a structure. The research presented in this dissertation addresses issues that will help make such a system a reality. Although impedance-based SHM does not typically use an analytical model for basic damage identification, a model is necessary for more advanced features of SHM, such as damage prognosis, and to evaluate system parameters when installing on various structures. A model was developed based on circuit analysis of the previously proposed low-cost circuit for impedance-based SHM in combination with spectral elements. When a three-layer spectral element representing a piezoceramic bonded to a base beam is used, the model can predict the large peaks in the impedance response due to resonances of the bonded active sensor. Parallel and series connections of distributed sensor systems are investigated both experimentally and with the developed model. Additionally, the distribution of baseline damage metrics is determined to assess how the large quantities of data produced by a monitoring system can be handled statistically. A modification of the RMSD damage metric has also been proposed that is essentially the squared sum of the Z-statistic for each frequency point. Preferred excitation frequencies for macro-fiber composite (MFC) active sensors are statistically determined for a long composite boom under development for use in rigidizable inflatable space structures.
Ph. D.
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Yavuzbalkan, Erdem. "Free Vibration Analysis Of Anisotropic Laminated Composite Shells Of Revolution." Master's thesis, METU, 2005. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12606505/index.pdf.

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In this thesis, the free vibration analysis of anisotropic laminated composite shells of revolution (ALCSOR) is studied. The governing equations are kinematic, constitutive, and motion equations. Geometrically linear strain-displacement equations of Reissner-Naghdi shell theory in combination with first-order shear deformation theory in which transverse shear and rotatory inertia effects are taken into consideration. The constitutive relations are for macrosopically ALCSOR in which statically equivalent force and moment resultants, instead of internal stresses for a single layer, are introduced. Equations of motion for the free vibration problem are obtained by the Hamilton&
s principle. The derived governing equations for the free vibration analysis of ALCSOR are initially formulated into a system of partial differential equations in terms of fundamental variables. Then, those partial differential equations are reduced to a system of first order ordinary differential equations by applying finite exponential Fourier Transform method resulting in a two point boundary value problem. It has been demonstrated that the application of the finite exponential Fourier transform made it possible to solve the governing equations, comprising the full anisotropic form of the constitutive equations, which was otherwise impossible to solve with the classical Fourier decomposition method. First, the boundary value problem formulated is reduced to a series of initial value problems, then the multisegment numerical integration is used in combination with the frequency trial method in order to find the critical modes within a given range of natural frequencies. A computer code DALSOR is written for the solution of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of mascroscopically ALCSOR. DALSOR is applicable to any general boundary condition at both ends of the shell, and allows for variation of all elastic and geometric properties in the meridional direction. Numerical results are presented, and mainly discussions on the method of solution and the effect of macroscopic anisotropy on modal characteristics, mainly natural frequencies, are made. Various case studies are performed primarily on cylindrical shells in order to investigate the effects of mainly fiber orientation angle, stacking sequence, arbitrary boundary conditions at the edges of the shell, thickness-to-radius ratio on the modal characteristics, mainly natural frequencies. Application of the method of solution has also been demonstrated for a truncated composite spherical shell.
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Zúñiga, Sebastián, Javier Garcés, Laird M. Close, Jared R. Males, Katie M. Morzinski, Pedro Escárate, Mario Castro, José Marchioni, and Diego Zagals. "Vibrations in MagAO: frequency-based analysis of on-sky data, resonance sources identification, and future challenges in vibrations mitigation." SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/622052.

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Frequency-based analysis and comparisons of tip-tilt on-sky data registered with 6.5 Magellan Telescope Adaptive Optics (MagAO) system on April and Oct 2014 was performed. Twelve tests are conducted under different operation conditions in order to observe the influence of system instrumentation (such as fans, pumps and louvers). Vibration peaks can be detected, power spectral densities (PSDs) are presented to reveal their presence. Instrumentation-induced resonances, close-loop gain and future challenges in vibrations mitigation techniques are discussed.
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Iourtchenko, Daniil V. "Optimal bounded control and relevant response analysis for random vibrations." Link to electronic thesis, 2001. http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/Available/etd-0525101-111407.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Keywords: Stochastic optimal control; dynamic programming; Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation; Random vibration. Keywords: Stochastic optimal control; dynamic programming; Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation; Random vibration; energy balance method. Includes bibliographical references (p. 86-89).
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Upadhyay, Abhishek Kumar. "A GENERALIZED CONTROL METHOD FOR CONSTANT SWITCHING FREQUENCY THREE PHASE PWM BOOST RECTIFIER UNDER EXTREME UNBALANCED OPERATION CONDITION." Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2015. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1449719352.

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Fodor, Szabolcs. "Towards semi-automation of forestry cranes : automated trajectory planning and active vibration damping." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-140256.

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Forests represent one of the biggest terrestrial ecosystems of Earth, that can produce important raw renewable materials such as wood with the help of sun, air and water. To efficiently extract these raw materials, the tree harvesting process is highly mechanized in developed countries, meaning that advanced forestry machines are continuously used to fell, to process and to transport the logs and biomass obtained from the forests. However, working with these machines is demanding both mentally and physically, which are known factors to negatively affect operator productivity. Mental fatigue is mostly due to the manual operation of the on-board knuckleboom crane, which requires advanced cognitive work with two joystick levers, while the most serious physical strains arise from cabin vibrations. These vibrations are generated from knuckleboom crane vibrations as a result of aggressive manual operation. To enhance operator workload, well-being, and to increase productivity of the logging process, semi-automation functions are suggested, which are supervised automatic executions of specific work elements. Some of the related issues are addressed in the current thesis. Therefore, the content is divided into: (1) the design and development of a semi-automation function focused only on the base joint actuator (slewing actuator) of a knuckleboom crane, and (2) active vibration damping solutions to treat crane structure vibrations induced by the main lift cylinder (inner boom actuator). The considered reference machine is a downsized knuckleboom crane of a forwarder machine, which is used to pick up log assortments from a harvesting site. The proposed semi-automation function presented in the first part could be beneficial for operators to use during log loading/unloading scenarios. It consists from a closed-loop position control architecture, to which smooth reference slewing trajectories are provided by a trajectory planner that is automated via operator commands. The used trajectory generation algorithms are taken from conventional robotics and adapted to semi-automation context with proposed modifications that can be customizable by operators. Further, the proposed active vibration damping solutions are aimed to reduce vibrations of the knuckleboom crane excited by the inner boom actuator due to aggressive manual commands. First, a popular input shaping control technique combined with a practical switching logic was investigated to deal with the excited payload oscillations. This technique proved to be useful with a fixed crane pose, however it did not provide much robustness in terms of different link configurations. To tackle this problem an H2-optimal controller is developed, which is active in the pressure feedback-loop and its solely purpose is to damp the same payload oscillations. During the design process, operator commands are treated and explained from input disturbance viewpoint. All of the hypothesis throughout this thesis were verified with extensive experimental studies using the reference machine.
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Remillieux, Marcel C. "Development of a Model for Predicting the Transmission of Sonic Booms into Buildings at Low Frequency." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/27543.

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Recent progresses by the aircraft industry in the development of a quieter supersonic transport have opened the possibility of overland supersonic flights, which are currently banned by aviation authorities in most countries. For the ban to be lifted, the sonic booms the aircraft generate at supersonic speed must be acceptable from a human-perception point of view, in particular inside buildings. The problem of the transmission of sonic booms inside buildings can be divided in several aspects such as the external pressure loading, structure vibration, and interior acoustic response. Past investigations on this problem have tackled all these aspects but were limited to simple structures and often did not account for the coupled fluid-structure interaction. A more comprehensive work that includes all the effects of sonic booms to ultimately predict the noise exposure inside realistic building structures, e.g. residential houses, has never been reported. Thus far, these effects could only be investigated experimentally, e.g. flight tests. In this research, a numerical model and a computer code are developed within the above context to predict the vibro-acoustic response of simplified building structures exposed to sonic booms, at low frequency. The model is applicable to structures with multiple rectangular cavities, isolated or interconnected with openings. The response of the fluid-structure system, including their fully coupled interaction, is computed in the time domain using a modal-decomposition approach for both the structural and acoustic systems. In the dynamic equations, the structural displacement is expressed in terms of summations over the â in vacuoâ normal modes of vibration. The interior pressure is expressed in terms of summations over the acoustic modes of the rooms with perfectly reflecting surfaces (hard walls). This approach is simple to implement and computationally efficient at low frequency, when the modal density is relatively low. The numerical model is designed specifically for this application and includes several novel formulations. Firstly, a new shell finite-element is derived to model the structural components typically used in building construction that have orthotropic characteristics such as plaster-wood walls, floors, and siding panels. The constitutive matrix for these types of components is formulated using simple analytical expressions based on the orthotropic constants of an equivalent orthotropic plate. This approach is computationally efficient since there is no need to model all the individual subcomponents of the assembly (studs, sheathing, etc.) and their interconnections. Secondly, a dedicated finite-element module is developed that implements the new shell element for orthotropic components as well as a conventional shell element for isotropic components, e.g. window panels and doors. The finite element module computes the â in vacuoâ structural modes of vibration. The modes and external pressure distribution are then used to compute modal loads. This dedicated finite-element module has the main advantage of overcoming the need, and subsequent complications, for using a large commercial finite-element program. Lastly, a novel formulation is developed for the fully coupled fluid-structure model to handle room openings and compute the acoustic response of interconnected rooms. The formulation is based on the Helmholtz resonator approach and is applicable to the very low frequency-range, when the acoustic wavelength is much larger than the opening dimensions. Experimental validation of the numerical model and computer code is presented for three test cases of increasing complexity. The first test structure consists of a single plaster-wood wall backed by a rigid rectangular enclosure. The structure is excited by sonic booms generated with a speaker. The second test structure is a single room made of plaster-wood walls with two double-panel windows and a door. The third test structure consists of the first room to which a second room with a large window assembly was added. Several door configurations of the structure are tested to validate the formulation for room openings. This latter case is the most realistic one as it involves the interaction of several structural components with several interior cavities. For the last two test cases, sonic booms with realistic durations and amplitudes were generated using an explosive technique. Numerical predictions are compared to the experimental data for the three test cases and show a good overall agreement. Finally, results from a parametric study are presented for the case of the single wall backed by a rigid enclosure. The effects of sonic-boom shape, e.g. rise time and duration, and effects of the structure geometry on the fluid-structure response to sonic booms are investigated.
Ph. D.
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Gonzalez, Ramos Paola 1987. "Controle de vibração para uma viga flexível longa." [s.n.], 2013. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/264527.

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Orientador: Paulo Roberto Gardel Kurka
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T16:15:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GonzalezRamos_Paola_M.pdf: 2350436 bytes, checksum: 0bb7c5bf390b9cfd31a3794e71412581 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: O uso de manipuladores longos e flexíveis em veículos de exploração autônoma, ao contrário dos braços curtos e rígidos, pode ser uma forma de obter dados de um ambiente específico de longo alcance, como encostas de terreno e penhascos. A desvantagem de se utilizar uma estrutura flexível é a dificuldade de controlar os seus movimentos de vibração durante a operação. Este trabalho, portanto, tem como objetivo principal projetar um controle de vibração ativa para uma viga flexível longa, deformável pela ação de um cabo fixado em sua extremidade. O controle pretende minimizar os movimentos oscilatórios da ponta da viga decorrentes de perturbações externas. A projeção do controle baseia-se no modelo matemático em tempo continua da viga, realizado pelo método de elementos finitos. A estratégia de controle é calculada com um modelo reduzido do sistema, no qual estão contidos os modos dominantes do mesmo. Mostra-se que uma resposta desejada de controle é obtida aplicando-se o método de alocação de pólos
Abstract: The use of long manipulators in autonomous exploration vehicles, as opposed to short and rigid arms, may be an attractive way to collect data in specific long range environments such as terrain slopes and cliff sides. The drawback of employing such a flexible structure is the fact that its vibrations cannot be easily controlled in real time operation. This work has the principal objective to project an active vibration control of a long flexible beam which is deformed by action of a pulling cable, fixed to its extremity. The control aims to minimize the oscillatory movements of the bean's tip caused by external disturbances. The control strategy is based on the continuous time mathematical model of the beam, using the finite element method. The control strategy is calculated in a reduced model system which contains the dominant modes of the same. It is shown that an adequate control response is obtained using the method of allocation of poles
Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico
Mestra em Engenharia Mecânica
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Sari, Ibrahim. "Design, Fabrication And Implementation Of A Vibration Based Mems Energy Scavenger For Wireless Microsystems." Phd thesis, METU, 2008. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12610096/index.pdf.

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This thesis study presents the design, simulation, micro fabrication, and testing steps of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based electromagnetic micro power generators. These generators are capable of generating power using already available environmental vibrations, by implementing the electromagnetic induction technique. There are mainly two objectives of the study: (i) to increase the bandwidth of the traditional micro generators and (ii) to improve their efficiency at low frequency environmental vibrations of 1-100 Hz where most vibrations exist. Four main types of generators have been proposed within the scope of this thesis study. The first type of generator is mainly composed of 20 parylene cantilevers on which coils are fabricated, where the cantilevers are capable of resonating with external vibrations with respect to a stationary magnet. This generator has dimensions of 9.5×

6 mm3, and it has been shown that 0.67 mV of voltage and 56 pW of power output can be obtained from a single cantilever of this design at a vibration frequency of 3.45 kHz. The second type generator aims to increase the bandwidth of the traditional designs by implementing cantilevers with varying length. This generator is sized 14×
8 mm3, and the mechanical design and energy generation concept is similar to the first design. The test results show that by using 40 cantilevers with a length increment of 3 &
m, the overall bandwidth of the generator can be increased to 1000 Hz. It has also been shown that 9 mV of constant voltage and 1.7 nW of constant power output can be obtained from the overall device in a vibration frequency range of 3.5 to 4.5 kHz. The third type is a standard large mass coil type generator that has been widely used in the literature. In this case, the generator is composed of a stationary base with a coil and a magnet-diaphragm assembly capable of resonating with vibrations. The fabricated device has dimensions of 8.5×

2.5 mm3, and it has been considered in this study for benchmarking purposes only. The test results show that 0.3 mV of voltage and 40 pW of power output can be obtained from the fabricated design at a vibration frequency of 113 Hz. The final design aims to mechanically up-convert low frequency environmental vibrations of 1-100 Hz to a much higher frequency range of 2-3 kHz. This type of generator has been implemented for the first time in the literature. The generator is composed of two parts
a diaphragm-magnet assembly on the top, and 20 cantilevers that have coils connected in series at the base. The diaphragm oscillates by low frequency environmental vibrations, and catches and releases the cantilevers from the tip points where magnetic nickel (Ni) areas are deposited. The released cantilevers then start decaying out oscillations that is at their damped natural frequency of 2-3 kHz. It has been shown with tests that frequency up-conversion is realized in micro scale. The fabricated device has dimensions of 8.5×

2.5 mm3, and a maximum voltage and power output of 0.57 mV and 0.25 nW can be obtained, respectively, from a single cantilever of the fabricated prototype at a vibration frequency of 113 Hz.
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Zdunek, Agnieszka Izabela. "Prediction of natural frequencies of turbine blades for turbocharger application : an investigation of the finite element method, mathematical modelling and frequency survey methods applied to turbocharger blade vibration in order to predict natural frequencies of turbocharger blades." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/7328.

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Methods of determining natural frequencies of the D76D88, B76D88, A86E93, C86G90, C86L90 and C125L89 turbine wheel designs for various environmental conditions were investigated by application of Finite Element Analysis and beam theory. Modelling and simulation methods were developed ; the first method composed of 15 finite element simulations ; the second composed of 15 finite element simulations and a set of experimental frequency survey results; the third composed of 5 simulations , an incorporated mathematical model and a set of experimental frequency survey results. Each of these methods was designed to allow prediction of resonant frequency changes across a range of exhaust gas temperature and shaft rotational speed. For the new modelling and simulation methods, an analysis template and a plotting tool were developed using Microsoft Excel and MATLAB software. A graph showing a frequency-temperature-speed variations and a Campbell Diagram that incorporates material stiffening and softening effects across a range of rotational speeds was designed, and applied to the D76D88, B76D88, A86E93, C86G90, C86L90 and C125L89 turbine wheel designs. New design methodologies for turbine wheels were formulated and validated, showing a good agreement with a range of data points from frequency survey, strain-gauge telemetry and laser tip-timing test results. The results from the new design method were compared with existing single compensation factor methodology, and showed a great improvement in accuracy of prediction of modal vibration. A new nomenclature for the mode shapes of a turbocharger’s blade was proposed, designed and demonstrated to allow direct identification of associated mode shape. It is concluded that Finite Element Analysis combined with the frequency survey is capable of predicting changes in turbine natural frequencies and, when incorporated into the existing turbine design methodology, resulted in a major improvement in the accuracy of the predictions of vibration frequency.
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Williams, Carrie. "Influence of Sensory Feedback on Rhythmic Movement: A Computational Study of Resonance Tuning in Biological Systems." Diss., Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006, 2006. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-11172006-180642/.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007.
DeWeerth, Stephen, Committee Chair ; Lee, Robert, Committee Member ; Ting, Lena, Committee Member ; Katz, Paul, Committee Member ; Butera, Robert, Committee Member.
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Dhuness, Kahesh. "An offset modulation method used to control the PAPR of an OFDM transmission." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/27258.

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Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has become a very popular method for high-data-rate communication. However, it is well known that OFDM is plagued by a large peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem. This high PAPR results in overdesigned power amplifiers, which amongst other things leads to inefficient amplifier usage, which is undesirable. Various methods have been recommended to reduce the PAPR of an OFDM transmission; however, all these methods result in a number of drawbacks. In this thesis, a novel method called offset modulation (OM-OFDM) is proposed to control the PAPR of an OFDM signal. The proposed OM-OFDM method does not result in a number of the drawbacks being experienced by current methods in the field. The theoretical bandwidth occupancy and theoretical bit error rate (BER) expression for an OM-OFDM transmission is derived. A newly applied power performance decision metric is also introduced, which can be utilised throughout the PAPR field, in order to compare various methods. The proposed OM-OFDM method appears to be similar to a well-known constant envelope OFDM (CE-OFDM) transmission. The modulation, structural and performance differences between an OM-OFDM and a CE-OFDM method are discussed. By applying the power performance decision metric, the OM-OFDM method is shown to offer significant performance gains when compared to CE-OFDM and traditional OFDM transmissions. In addition, the OM-OFDM method is able to accurately control the PAPR of a transmission for a targeted BER. By applying the power performance decision metric and complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), the proposed OM-OFDM method is shown to offer further performance gains when compared to existing PAPR methods, under frequency selective fading conditions. In this thesis, the OM-OFDM method has been combined with an existing active constellation extended (ACE) PAPR reduction method. To introduce a novel method called offset modulation with active constellation extension (OM-ACE), to control the PAPR of an OFDM signal. The theoretical BER expression for an OM-ACE transmission is presented and validated. Thereafter, by applying the decision metric and CCDF, the OM-ACE method is shown to offer performance improvements when compared to various PAPR methods. The use of OM-OFDM for cognitive radio applications is also investigated. Cognitive radio applications require transmissions that are easily detectable. The detection characteristics of an OM-OFDM and OFDM transmission are studied by using receiver operating characteristic curves. A derivation of a simplified theoretical closed-form expression, which relates the probability of a missed detection to the probability of a false alarm, for an unknown deterministic signal, at various signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values is derived and validated. Previous expressions have been derived, which relate the probability of a missed detection to the probability of a false alarm. However, they have not been presented in such a generic closed-form expression that can be used for any unknown deterministic signal (for instance OFDM and OM-OFDM). Thereafter, an examination of the spectrum characteristics of an OM-OFDM transmission indicates its attractive detection characteristics. The proposed OM-OFDM method is further shown to operate at a significantly lower SNR value than an OFDM transmission, while still offering better detection characteristics than that of an OFDM transmission under Rician, Rayleigh and frequency selective fading channel conditions. In addition to its attractive PAPR properties, OM-OFDM also offers good detection characteristics for cognitive radio applications. These aspects make OM-OFDM a promising candidate for future deployment.
Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012.
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
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Chouaki, Amar. "Recalage de modèles dynamiques de structures avec amortissement." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997DENS0034.

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La maitrise de modèles de plus en plus complexes en mécanique est une préoccupation constante tant au niveau industriel qu'en recherche. Le problème auquel nous nous intéressons ici concerne le recalage de l'amortissement dans les modèles dynamiques de structures à partir de fonctions de réponses en fréquences. D'une manière plus générale, l'appréciation de la qualité d'un modèle est le problème central. Bien des propositions ont été faites mais peu ont une interprétation mécanique forte ; la méthode développée au LMT, depuis le début des années quatre vingt, est basée sur la notion d'erreur en relation de comportement. Après de récents développements (voir le rapport interne 150), cette approche tient compte des effets d'amortissement, et plus généralement des effets non-linéaires dus au comportement des matériaux. De plus, elle intègre tous type de résultats expérimentaux disponibles (statiques, forces et vibrations libres). L'étude présentée s'intéresse particulièrement à l'amortissement. Le recalage de l'amortissement dans le comportement dynamique des structures nécessite une représentation correcte de celui-ci. Son influence peut apparaitre tant au niveau structural qu'au niveau des liaisons entre sous-structures. La première partie de l'exposé concerne l'étude de la sensibilité de l'erreur en relation de comportement aux effets d'amortissement. Puis, dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons à l'influence du bruit de mesure sur le processus de recalage. Enfin, nous montrons sur différents exemples l'aptitude de la méthode à recaler l'amortissement et à l'identifier dans les liaisons entre sous-structures. Les modèles considérés sont linéaires et les résultats d'essais exploités sont de type fonctions de réponses en fréquences, incomplets et entaches de bruit de mesure.
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Partial enclosures are commonly used to reduce machinery noise. However, it is well known in industry that enclosures sometimes amplify the sound at low frequencies due to strong acoustic resonances compromising the performance. These noise issues are preventable if predicted prior to prototyping and production. Though boundary and finite element approaches can be used to accurately predict partial enclosure insertion loss, modifications to the model require time for remeshing and solving. In this work, partial enclosure performance at low frequencies is simulated using a plane wave transfer matrix approach. Models can be constructed and the effect of design modifications can be predicted rapidly. Results are compared to finite element analysis and measurement with good agreement. The approach is then used to design and place resonators into a sample enclosure. Improvements in enclosure performance are predicted using plane wave simulation, compared with acoustic finite element analysis, and then validated via measurement.
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Fan, Yu. "Multi-scale approaches for the vibration and energy flow through piezoelectric waveguides : simulation strategies, control mechanisms and circuits optimization." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSEC019/document.

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Cette thèse s’interesse au contrôle des flux d’énergie mécanique dans les structures périodiques. Les problèmes de dynamiques des structures considérés dans cette thèse sont abordés sous l'angle d'une description ondulatoire : la réponse forcée d’un système est calculée comme une superposition d’ondes dans la structure, tandis que les modes propres sont interprétés comme des ondes stationnaires.Un des avantages de l’approche ondulatoire est qu’elle permet de réduire de manière importante la taille des problèmes de dynamique. Ceci se révèle particulièrement utile dans le domaine des hautes et moyennes fréquences, où les calculs par éléments finis deviennent très coûteux en temps à cause du grand nombre de degrés de liberté nécessaire à la convergence du modèle. Afin de contourner ce problème, cette thèse s'appuie sur la méthode des éléments finis ondulatoires (Wave Finite Element Method (WFEM)). Une des principales améliorations proposées est l’utilisation de plusieurs méthodes de synthèses modales (Component Mode Synthesis (CMS)) pour accélérer l’analyse des guides d’ondes généraux en présence d’amortissement ou de matériaux piézo-électriques. Les erreurs numériques restent faibles du fait de l’utilisation d'une base de projection réduite constituée d'ondes propagatives. Une autre contribution est le procédé de modélisation multi-échelle pour les assemblages de structures périodiques et non-périodiques. L’idée principale est de modéliser les parties non-périodiques par la méthode des éléments finis, et les parties périodiques par WFEM. Les interactions entre les différentes sous-structures sont modélisées par des coefficients de réflexion ou des impédances mécaniques. Ces travaux réalisent une extension de la WFEM à des structures plus complexes et plus proches des applications industrielles. Un autre intérêt de la vision ondulatoire est qu’elle mène à de nouvelles idées pour le contrôle des vibrations. Dans cette thèse, des matériaux piézo-électriques et des circuits de shunt, distribués de façon périodique sont utilisés afin de modifier artificiellement la propagation des ondes grâce au couplage électromécanique. Un nouveau critère, nommé « Wave Electromechanical Coupling Factor (WEMCF) », est proposé pour évaluer, en termes énergétiques, l’intensité du couplage entre le champ électrique et le champ mécanique lors du passage d'une onde. Ce facteur peut être obtenu à partir des caractéristiques ondulatoires obtenues par la WFEM. On montre que le WEMCF est fortement lié à l'atténuation dans le guide d’ondes piézo-électrique. La conception des paramètres géométriques et électriques peut être ainsi être effectuée séparément. Ce principe est appliqué à la réduction des vibrations d’une poutre encastrée. Le WEMCF est utilisé comme fonction objectif pour l'optimisation durant la conception géométrique, la masse totale de matériau piézo-électriques étant contrainte. Un circuit à capacité négative est utilisé pour élargir le band-gap de Bragg. La stabilité du système est prise en compte comme une contrainte sur la valeur de cette capacité. Les vibrations sont localisées et facilement dissipées par l’introduction d’absorbeurs sur la frontière. Ce procédé de conception basée sur une approche ondulatoire aboutit à des solutions stables, légères, et insensibles aux conditions aux limites dans une large gamme de fréquence. Par conséquent, il est prometteur pour analyser les structures en moyenne et haute fréquence où il est difficile d’accéder aux informations modales exactes
This thesis describes analysis and control approaches for the vibration and energy flow through periodic structures. The wave description is mainly used to address the structural dynamic problems considered in the thesis: forced response is calculated as the superposition of the wave motions; natural modes are understood as standing waves induced by the propagating waves that recover to the same phase after traveling a whole circle of the finite structure. One advantage of the wave description is that they can remarkably reduce the dimensions of structural dynamic problems. This feature is especially useful in mid- and high frequencies where directly computing the full Finite Element Method (FEM) model is rather time-consuming because of the enormous number of degree-of-freedoms. This thesis extends one widely used wave-based numerical tool termed Wave Finite Element Method (WFEM). The major improvements are the use of several Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) methods to accelerate the analysis for general waveguides with proportional damping or piezoelectric waveguides. The numerical error is reduced by using the proposed eigenvalue schemes, the left eigenvectors and the reduced wave basis. Another contribution is the multi-scale modeling approach for the built-up structures with both periodic and non-periodic parts. The main idea is to model the non-periodic parts by FEM, and model the periodic parts by WFEM. By interfacing different substructures as reflection coefficients or mechanical impedance, the response of the waveguide is calculated in terms of different scales. These two contributions extend WFEM to more complex structures and to more realistic models of the engineering applications.Another benefit of the wave perception is that it leads to new ideas for vibration control. In this thesis periodically distributed piezoelectric materials and shunt circuit are used to artificially modify the wave properties by electric impedance. A novel metrics termed the Wave Electromechanical Coupling Factor (WEMCF) is proposed, to quantitatively evaluate the coupling strength between the electric and mechanical fields during the passage of a wave. This factor can be post-processed from the wave characteristics obtained from WFEM through an energy formula. We show that WEMCF is strongly correlated to the best performance of the piezoelectric waveguide. Hence the design for the geometric and electric parameters can be done separately. An application is given, concerning the vibration reduction of a cantilever beam. WEMCF is used as an optimization objective during the geometric design, when the overall mass of the piezoelectric materials is constrained. Then the negative capacitance is used with a stability consideration to enlarge the Bragg band gap. The vibration is localized and efficiently dissipated by few boundary dampers. The wave-based design process yields several broadband, stable, lightweight and boundary condition insensitive solutions. Therefore, it is promising at mid- and high frequencies where exact modal information is difficult to access
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Min, Byung-Young. "A physics based investigation of gurney flaps for enhancement of rotorcraft flight characteristics." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/33851.

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Helicopters are versatile vehicles that can vertically take off and land, hover, and perform maneuver at very low forward speeds. These characteristics make them unique for a number of civilian and military applications. However, the radial and azimuthal variation of dynamic pressure causes rotors to experience adverse phenomena such as transonic shocks and 3-D dynamic stall. Adverse interactions such as blade vortex interaction and rotor-airframe interaction may also occur. These phenomena contribute to noise and vibrations. Finally, in the event of an engine failure, rotorcraft tends to descend at high vertical velocities causing structural damage and loss of lives. A variety of techniques have been proposed for reducing the noise and vibrations. These techniques include on-board control (OBC) devices, individual blade control (IBC), and higher harmonic control (HHC). Addition of these devices adds to the weight, cost, and complexity of the rotor system, and reduces the reliability of operations. Simpler OBC concepts will greatly alleviate these drawbacks and enhance the operating envelope of vehicles. In this study, the use of Gurney flaps is explored as an OBC concept using a physics based approach. A three dimensional Navier-Stokes solver developed by the present investigator is coupled to an existing free wake model of the wake structure. The method is further enhanced for modeling of Blade-Vortex-Interactions (BVI). Loose coupling with an existing comprehensive structural dynamics analysis solver (DYMORE) is implemented for the purpose of rotor trim and modeling of aeroelastic effects. Results are presented for Gurney flaps as an OBC concept for improvements in autorotation, rotor vibration reduction, and BVI characteristics. As a representative rotor, the HART-II model rotor is used. It is found that the Gurney flap increases propulsive force in the driving region while the drag force is increased in the driven region. It is concluded that the deployable Gurney flap may improve autorotation characteristics if deployed only over the driving region. Although the net effect of the increased propulsive and drag force results in a faster descent rate when the trim state is maintained for identical thrust, it is found that permanently deployed Gurney flaps with fixed control settings may be useful in flare operations before landing by increasing thrust and lowering the descent rate. The potential of deployable Gurney flap is demonstrated for rotor vibration reduction. The 4P harmonic of the vertical vibratory load is reduced by 80% or more, while maintaining the trim state. The 4P and 8P harmonic loads are successfully suppressed simultaneously using individually controlled multi-segmented flaps. Finally, simulations aimed at BVI avoidance using deployable Gurney flaps are also presented.
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Yilmaz, Tansu. "Acoustical Analysis Of A Multipurpose Hall By Computer Simulation Method: Metu Northern Cyprus Campus Auditorium (ncca) As A Case Study." Master's thesis, METU, 2005. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12605957/index.pdf.

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In this study, impulse response of a multipurpose hall, namely METU Northern Cyprus Campus Auditorium (NCCA) is analyzed and the acoustical quality of the auditorium is evaluated. Suggestions to increase the acoustical satisfaction has been made and to overcome the probability of bass-rise caused by the noise of HVAC systems, a proposal has been made to control low frequency sounds by introducing the volume resonators for the specified frequency. For the study, Odeon, which is used effectively in computer based acoustical simulation studies, is used for the analysis part. In the analysis, a 3D drawing of the hall has been produced by the help of the exact dimensions derived from the original submission of the project by the permission of the authorities.
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Jenkinas, Piotras. "Tiesiaeigės dažninės pavaros tyrimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2004. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2004~D_20040608_172437-19296.

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The properties of linear induction motor and areas of its application are analyzed; frequency converters and their control methods are discussed in this final work. Methods to realize a pulse width modulation are analyzed, scalar and vector control principles as well as perspectives of perfection of semiconductor commutating elements and control systems are discussed. The principle of operation of control systems applied in frequency converters is analyzed On the base of analysis mathematical and Simulink model of linear induction motor in α-β reference frame is developed, mathematical and Simulink models of frequency controlled linear induction drives are carried out. Two models of linear frequency controlled induction drive: scalar and vector control are investigated, transient characteristics of inverter output voltage, currents of linear motor, developed force and linear speed are analyzed and results of different control principles are compared.
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Marchetti, Fabien. "Modelling and characterisation of anisotropic multilayered plates on a wide frequency range." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSEI130.

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Le présent travail de thèse traite de la modélisation vibratoire et de la caractérisation dynamique de matériaux multicouches anisotropes. Dans le premier chapitre, une classification de quelques modèles analytiques de multicouche et techniques de caractérisation expérimentales de structures planes est établie sous la forme d'une synthèse bibliographique. Elle regroupe les récents résultats publiés autour du sujet. Le second chapitre propose une extension d'un modèle équivalent de multicouche au cas des structures anisotropes. Ce modèle décrit les premières courbes de dispersion de la structure et tient compte des phénomènes de cisaillement pouvant agir sur le mode de flexion en hautes fréquences. Le principal avantage du modèle réside dans sa simplicité et sa rapidité grâce à son nombre de variables cinématiques indépendant du nombre de couches. Les caractéristiques du multicouche sont définies par les 5 rigidités de flexion d'une plaque équivalente mince qui est comparée à ce dernier. L'extension de modèle est validée à l'aide d'une étude expérimentale réalisée sur des plaques composites en fibres de carbone. Un intérêt tout particulier est porté sur la modélisation de l'amortissement structurel. Une définition énergétique du facteur de perte, décrite par une formulation spatiale et temporelle de l'atténuation, est comparée à une définition équivalente. Une nouvelle définition de la formulation spatiale est proposée dans le cas de structures très amorties et est comparée aux résultats de la littérature. Dans le troisième chapitre, la technique de caractérisation RIC est étendue au cas des structures anisotropes. Cette méthode inverse s'appuie sur l'analyse du champ de déplacement de la structure et possède, grâce à son aspect local, des atouts non négligeables pour des applications industrielles. La méthodologie est tout d'abord présentée pour l'identification de sources (objectif initial de la méthode) et est ensuite adaptée à la caractérisation. Plusieurs applications numériques et expérimentales sont présentées afin de valider cette extension. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre porte sur la caractérisation expérimentale d'un sandwich en nids d'abeille sur une large bande fréquentielle (1 à 300 kHz). Le comportement dynamique complexe de cette structure épaisse est décrit au travers des résultats prometteurs fournis par les simulations de notre modèle et les estimations de RIC. Ces résultats sont également comparés à ceux d'un modèle de référence et d'autres méthodes de caractérisation
This PhD thesis concerns the modelling and the dynamic characterisation of anisotropic multilayered structures. In the first chapter, a classification of some analytical models and experimental methods of characterisation is presented in the form of a bibliographical synthesis where the main published results are gathered. The second chapter introduces an extension of an equivalent model of multilayered structures to the case of anisotropic materials. This model describes the first dispersion curves of the structure and considers the shear phenomena that can affect the bending mode in high frequencies. The main advantage of the model lies in its simplicity and rapidity thanks to a number of kinematic variables independent of the number of layers. The characteristics of the multilayer are defined by the 5 flexural rigidities of a thin equivalent plate which is compared to the multilayer. The results of the model are validated by means of an experimental study on carbon fiber composite plates. A particular interest is dedicated to the modelling of structural damping. An energetic loss factor, based on a temporal and spatial definition of the attenuation, is compared to an equivalent one. A new definition of the spatial attenuation is suggested for high damped structures and is compared to literature. In the third chapter, the methodology of the characterisation technique CFAT is adapted for anisotropic plates. This inverse method is based on the displacement field analysis of the structure and has, by means of its local aspect, relevant advantages for industrial applications. This adaptation is, as a first step, introduced for the identification of sources (initial objective of the method) and applied, in a second step, for the characterisation. Several numerical and experimental applications are presented to validate the results of the method. Finally, the fourth chapter deals with the experimental characterisation of a honey comb sandwich on a high frequency range (1 to 300 kHz). The complex dynamic behaviour of this thick structure is described through the promissing results given by the simulations of our model and the estimations of RIC. These results are also compared to the ones of a reference model and other characterisation methods
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Olsson, Andreas. "Target recognition by vibrometry with a coherent laser radar." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-1730.

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Laser vibration sensing can be used to classify military targets by its unique vibration signature. A coherent laser radar receives the target´s rapidly oscillating surface vibrations and by using proper demodulation and Doppler technique, stationary, radially moving and even accelerating targets can be taken care of.

A frequency demodulation method developed at the former FOA, is for the first time validated against real data with turbulence, scattering, rain etc. The issue is to find a robust and reliable system for target recognition and its performance is therefore compared with some frequency distribution methods. The time frequency distributions have got a crucial drawback, they are affected by interference between the frequency and amplitude modulated multicomponent signals. The system requirements are believed to be fulfilled by combining the FOA method with the new statistical method proposed here, the combination being suggested as aimpoint for future investigations.

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Hora, Otakar. "Vnitřní akustika traktoru." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-241671.

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The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of the internal acoustics of a tractor using the finite element method. The thesis also contains the analysis of excitation effects from individual sources of vibrations and evaluating the response in the internal acoustic chamber with special focus on the driver’s head. The conclusion should suggest appropriate structural modifications to reduce interior noise.
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