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Bolz, S., and B. Kahle. "Einfluss der apparativen intermittierenden Kompression auf die venöse Hämodynamik." Phlebologie 33, no. 03 (2004): 71–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1617276.

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ZusammenfassungZiel der Arbeit war, den hämodynamischen Effekt von apparativer intermittierender Kompression (AIK) bei Phlebödemen mittels des veno-arteriellen Flow-Index (VAFI) zu quantifizieren. Patienten, Methode: Bei 33 Patienten (C3-6, EP,S, AS,D,P, PO,R), die trotz Kompression Phlebödeme aufwiesen und 20 Venengesunden wurde vor (VAFI-0), 30 min (VAFI-1) und 2 h nach AIK (VAFI-2) der VAFI als Quotient aus venösem und arteriellem Stromzeitvolumen der Vena und Arteria femoralis communis berechnet. In der Patientengruppe erfolgte eine Woche nach 19 ambulant durchgeführten AIK (2-3 pro Woche) eine erneute Messung (VAFI-20). Ergebnisse: Bei den Patienten mit Plebödem war der mittlere VAFI-0 mit 1,49 ± 0,29 signifikant erhöht (p <0,001). Nach AIK zeigte sich eine signifikante Reduktion (p <0,001) auf 0,96 ± 0,25 (VAFI-1), die stabil blieb. VAFI-2 betrug 1,07 ± 0,15, VAFI-20 1,07 ± 0,18. Bei Venengesunden waren VAFI-0 0,87 ± 0,07, VAFI-1 0,84 ± 0,07 und VAFI-2 0,86 ± 0,07. Es zeigte sich keine signifikante Änderung (p = 0,40). Schlussfolgerung: Die zusätzlich zur Kompression durchgeführte AIK bewirkt bei Phlebödemen eine dauerhafte Verbesserung der venösen Hämodynamik, erkennbar an der signifikanten Reduktion des VAFI.
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Bolz, S., K. Feise, and B. Kahle. "Quantitative Analyse des Einflusses von standardisiertem Gehen auf die venöse Hämodynamik bei postthrombotischem Syndrom." Phlebologie 31, no. 06 (June 2002): 126–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1617352.

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ZusammenfassungZiel der Arbeit war, den hämodynamischen Einfluss von ruhigem Gehen mit und ohne Kompression bei postthrombotischem Syndrom (PTS). Patienten und Methode: Bei 30 PTS-Patienten (C4-6, ES, ADSP, PRO) und 20 Gesunden wurde duplexsonographisch das Stromzeitvolumen der Vena und Arteria femoralis communis gemessen und aus dem Quotient der venoarterielle Flow-Index (VAFI-1) berechnet. Nach standardisierter Gehleistung (10 min; 2,0 km/h) wurde VAFI-2 gemessen. Anschließend wurde für 30 min ein Kompressionsverband angelegt und unter Kompression VAFI-3 bestimmt. Die Gehleistung wurde mit Kompression wiederholt und danach VAFI-4 gemessen. Ergebnisse: Bei PTS war der mittlere VAFI 1,56 ± 0,32. Nach 10-minütigem Gehen reduzierte sich VAFI-2 auf 1,27 ± 0,37 und nach 30-minütiger Kompression (VAFI-3) auf 1,12 ± 0,27. Nach Gehen mit Kompression reduzierte sich VAFI-4 weiter auf 1,05 ± 0,26. Alle Indexwerte nach Gehen und/oder Kompression unterschieden sich hoch signifikant von VAFI-1 (p <0,001), nicht jedoch untereinander. VAFI-4 bei PTS unterschied sich nicht von den Indexwerten der Kontrollgruppe (p = 0,09). VAFI war in der Kontrollgruppe 0,94 ± 0,18 und änderte sich nicht nach Gehen mit oder ohne Kompression. Schlussfolgerung: Gehen ohne Kompression sowie eine 30-minütige Kompression führen zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der venöser Hämodynamik bei PTS. Die Kombination von Kompression und Gehen bewirkt eine Absenkung des VAFI auf ein nahezu gesundes Niveau.
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Kahle, Hennies, Bolz, and Pritsch. "Die Reproduzierbarkeit des veno-arteriellen FlowIndex für die quantitative Erfassung des hämodynamischen Schweregrads von venösen Erkrankungen." Vasa 32, no. 4 (November 1, 2003): 199–203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1024/0301-1526.32.4.199.

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Background: The ratio of volume flow in the common femoral vein and artery denoted as venous-arterial Flowindex (VAFI) is significantly increased in venous insufficiency according the clinical grade of the disease. This study was done to investigate the reliability and reproducibility of VAFI as quantitative pattern. Patients and methods: In 43 patients with varicose veins C4–6 EPAS,D,PPR (PVV), 40 with postthrombotic syndrome C4–6 ESAS,D,PPR,O (PTS) and 48 healthy volunteers volume flow in the common femoral vein (VFV) and artery (VFA) were measured by duplex. Division of VFV by VFA calculated VAFI. VAFI-measurement was repeated 5 times at an interval of ten minutes in 63 subjects (23 PVV, 20 PTS, 20 healthy) and it was performed at three different days in 68 subjects (20 PVV, 20 PTS, 28 healthy). Results: Mean VAFI ± standard deviation was 1.39 ± 0.26 in PVV, 1.42 ± 0.26 in PTS and 0.93 ± 0.13 in healthy veins (p < 0.001). VAFI remained stable and significantly increased (p < 0.001) in PVV and PTS compared to healthy veins during 40 minutes and also within three different days. Conclusion: The venous-arterial flowindex VAFI is a reproducible pattern of the hemodynamic severity in venous insufficiency.
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Hennies, F., and B. Kahle. "Bleibt der Korrelationsindex aus venösem und arteriellem Stromzeitvolumen (VAFI) über einen längeren Messzeitraum stabil?" Phlebologie 30, no. 03 (March 2001): 53–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1617273.

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Zusammenfassung Fragestellung: In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob der Korrelationsindex (VAFI) aus den Stromzeitvolumina der Vena und Arteria femoralis communis über 40 min Liegezeit stabil bleibt. Methode: 63 Patienten wurden in 3 Kollektive eingeteilt: 20 Venengesunde (Kollektiv 1), 23 Patienten mit primärer Stammvarikosis (Kollektiv 2) und 20 Patienten mit postthrombotischem Syndrom (PTS) (Kollektiv 3). Über einen Untersuchungszeitraum von 40 min wurde duplexsonographisch in 10-minütigen Abständen unter standardisierten Messbedingungen der VAFI bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Der VAFI blieb in allen drei Kollektiven über den gesamten Messzeitraum konstant. Der Mittelwert der venengesunden Patienten betrug 0,898, jener der Patienten mit Stammvarikosis 1,338 und der bei den Patienten mit PTS 1,402. Dabei unterschieden sich die Ergebnisse der Venengesunden von denen der beiden anderen Kollektive zu sämtlichen Untersuchungszeitpunkten signifikant (p < 0,005). Schlussfolgerung: Der Korrelationsindex (VAFI) bleibt über einen längeren Untersuchungszeitraum stabil und eignet sich zur quantitativen Erfassung von venösen Abflussstörungen bei Patienten mit venösen Erkrankungen.
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Hummel, S., P. Kirchner, and B. Kahle. "Quantifizierung des Effekts von Varizenoperationen auf die venöse Hämodynamik mittels des veno-arteriellen Flow-Index (VAFI)." Phlebologie 30, no. 01 (January 2001): 1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1617261.

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Zusammenfassung Ziel: Quantifizierung des Effekts von Varizenoperationen auf die venöse Hämodynamik anhand des Quotienten der Stromzeitvolumina aus Vena und Arteria femoralis communis (VSV, ASV). Methode: 46 Patienten wurden in drei Kollektive eingeteilt. Von 22 Patienten mit kompletter Stammvarikosis der V. saphena magna erhielten 12 eine Krossektomie mit Stripping-Operation (Kollektiv 1) und 10 Patienten auf Wunsch eine Exhärese der Varikosis am Unterschenkel (Kollektiv 2). 24 Patienten mit inkompletter Stammvarikosis (Kollektiv 3) erhielten die selektive Exhärese ihrer Varizen. Bei allen Patienten wurde jeweils unter standardisierten Bedingungen VSV und ASV direkt präoperativ, 2 und 8 Wochen postoperativ duplexsonographisch gemessen und der Korrelationsindex (VAFI) als Quotient aus VSV und ASV berechnet. Verwendet wurde das Gerät Apogee 800 (Advanced Technologies Laboratories) mit 7,5-MHz- Linearschallkopf. Ergebnisse: Präoperativ war das mittlere VSV des Gesamtkollektivs 0,42 l/min, postoperativ nach 2 Wochen 0,30 l/min und 0,28 l/min nach 8 Wochen (p<0,001). ASV zeigte keine signifikante Änderung. Der VAFI des Gesamtkollektivs nahm signifikant von 1,19 auf 0,86 und 0,77 nach 8 Wochen ab (p<0,001). Die einzelnen Kollektive zeigten in der Höhe des VAFI deutliche Unterschiede. Kollektiv 1: 1,28 präoperativ, 0,83 und 0,73 postoperativ – Kollektiv 2: 1,34 präoperativ, 1,01 und 0,87 postoperativ, und Kollektiv 3: 1,02 präoperativ, 0,86 und 0,73 postoperativ. Schlussfolgerung: Varizenoperationen bewirken eine signifikante Abnahme von VSV und VAFI. Der bessere Parameter zur Quantifizierung des hämodynamischen Effekts ist der VAFI.
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Cavanaugh, Robert, Chen Yanover, Chelsea Wong, Tal El-Hay, Ariela Orkaby, Maytal Bivas-Benita, Pinchas Akiva, and Brianne Olivieri-Mui. "EVALUATING FRAILTY INDEX INTEGRITY: INSIGHTS FROM AN INTERNATIONAL NETWORK STUDY." Innovation in Aging 8, Supplement_1 (December 2024): 1239–40. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igae098.3966.

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Abstract Deficit-accumulation Frailty indices (FIs) are a key tool in population-level translational geroscience approaches to understanding function, health, and aging. International applications of Fis have been enabled by the uptake of common data models (CDMs) but the validity of such applications is not guaranteed. We compared frailty prevalence using two validated electronic health record based FIs - the United States (US)-based Veterans Affairs FI (VAFI) and United Kingdom (UK)-based electronic FI (eFI) across 5 Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership CDM databases. Frailty was calculated by age for patient-records 40+ years old with 1+ years of data in the 1) US All of Us database (n=211,568), 2) US IQVIA Pharmetrics+ (n=5,292,854), 3) UK IMRD-THIN (n=3,080,557), 4) UK IMRD-EMIS (n=843,928), 5) UK BioBank (n=209,566). Code and results are available in an open-source R package and interactive website. The VAFI identified higher prevalence of frailty in US databases (All of US: VAFI 10.3% v eFI 2.5%, Pharmetrics+: 9.6% v 2%) while the eFI identified higher prevalence in UK databases (IMRD-THIN: &lt; 0.003% v 0.08%, IMRD-EMIS: 0.09% v 0.4%, UK BioBank: 0.03% v 0.1%). eFI prevalence was lower than previously reported (2.2% v 15-20%, &gt;65 years old; Clegg et al., 2016). FIs appear to be dependent on their development context, limiting external validity for international network studies. FIs must be vetted for consistency and validity when used across CDM sources if they are to contribute to the study of health and aging at scale. Future work will extend this comparison to additional international data sources.
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Reina Leal, Liliana Marcela, and Manuel Amezcua. "CUIDEN Citación y el valor de ajuste del Factor de Impacto (vaFI)." Index de Enfermería 21, no. 3 (September 2012): 119–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.4321/s1132-12962012000200002.

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Saunders, Thomas George, Matthew Llewelyn Gibbins, Fiona Elizabeth Kelly, Christopher Adrian Seller, and Timothy Mark Cook. "Videolaryngoscope-assisted flexible intubation (VAFI) tracheal tube exchange in a patient with a difficult airway." Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 30 (February 2020): e10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tacc.2019.12.027.

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Yousefabadi, Abdulbasit Arab, Faezeh Arab Yousefabadi, and Foad Abdolahzadeh. "Investigating the Feminine Language Features in the Novels "Adore Me" and "My Bird" Based on Robin Lakoff's Model." Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 52, no. 3 (February 2, 2025): 6099. https://doi.org/10.35516/hum.v52i3.6099.

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Objectives: This study aimed to examine the gender markers of female language in two contemporary Arabic and Persian novels. The gender markers of women's language in these novels include: frequent usage of hedges, intensifiers, polite language, approximate adjectives, woman's vocabularies, detailed illustrations and color words. Methods: To accomplish this objective, the present article employs a descriptive-analytical methodology. Drawing on Lakoff's model, it examines the gender markers in the two novels, namely "Adore Me" by Sanaa Shalan (2013) and "My Bird" by Fariba Vafi (2002). Results: The study's findings reveal a notable prevalence of women-specific vocabulary in both novels. Additionally, women's language in these literary works is characterized by intricate and detailed descriptions, along with a profusion of tone color. Hedges, intensifiers, and approximate adjectives are more frequently employed by the female characters in both novels. Furthermore, the avoidance of profanity and the preference for indirect requests illustrate the women's inclination towards a polite linguistic demeanor in their interactions. Conclusions: This investigation underscores the existence of direct correlations between language and the speaker's gender in both Arabic and Persian, contributing to discernible linguistic differentiations between men and women. The outcomes of this research hold potential value for linguists seeking insights into the distinctions within the language patterns of men and women.
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Asín, Francisco Javier Marqués, Maria Victoria Carvajal Nunez, Sergio Guerra Gomez, Cristina Gonzalez Diaz, Victor Lama Paniego, and Antonio Ontanilla Lopez. "31 Videolaryngoscope-assisted flexible intubation (VAFI) in a patient with airway obstruction due to a giant oral tumour. A case report." Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 57 (September 2024): 101459. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tacc.2024.101459.

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Bekius, Annike, Coen S. Zandvoort, Jennifer N. Kerkman, Laura A. van de Pol, R. Jeroen Vermeulen, Jaap Harlaar, Andreas Daffertshofer, Annemieke I. Buizer, and Nadia Dominici. "Neuromuscular Control before and after Independent Walking Onset in Children with Cerebral Palsy." Sensors 21, no. 8 (April 12, 2021): 2714. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s21082714.

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Early brain lesions which produce cerebral palsy (CP) may affect the development of walking. It is unclear whether or how neuromuscular control, as evaluated by muscle synergy analysis, differs in young children with CP compared to typically developing (TD) children with the same walking ability, before and after the onset of independent walking. Here we grouped twenty children with (high risk of) CP and twenty TD children (age 6.5–52.4 months) based on their walking ability, supported or independent walking. Muscle synergies were extracted from electromyography data of bilateral leg muscles using non-negative matrix factorization. Number, synergies’ structure and variability accounted for when extracting one (VAF1) or two (VAF2) synergies were compared between CP and TD. Children in the CP group recruited fewer synergies with higher VAF1 and VAF2 compared to TD children in the supported and independent walking group. The most affected side in children with asymmetric CP walking independently recruited fewer synergies with higher VAF1 compared to the least affected side. Our findings suggest that early brain lesions result in early alterations of neuromuscular control, specific for the most affected side in asymmetric CP.
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Eyvazi, Mojgan, Mohsen Momen, and Homa Poorkaramali. "A Study of Selected Works of Iranian Female Novelists Based on Elaine Showalter’s Gynocriticism." International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 6, no. 4 (May 2, 2017): 211. http://dx.doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.4p.211.

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Iranian literature, like other literary works throughout the world, follows the social issues in society and attempt to depict them. One of such issues is portraying women position in the society. The present study focuses on three different novels by Iranian female writers to show three stages of female writing development in them based on Elain Showalter’s theory of gynocriticism: Feminine stage which is represented through concepts like home, immovability, consumption, reading, house chores, dependence and past, feminist stage dealing with concepts like mobility, production, independence and future, and female stage that presents a new awareness of women consciousness. The chosen works are: Hangover Dawn (1995) by Fataneh Haj Sejed Javadi that portrays the tragic life of a woman who insisted on marrying a person who is not a suitable match for her. The author has shown the pains that this woman has to suffer because of her wrong choice in patriarchal society. The next novel is titled Don’t Worry (2008) by Mahsa Moheb Ali which deals with the life of an addicted girl named Shadi. She is the main character whose life is corrupted by family issues. Shadi wanders throughout the streets to find drug and ironically herself. My Bird (2002) by Fariba Vafi shows the life of an anonymous married woman who is stuck in her matrimonial life. The woman is neglected and cheated by her own husband. However, gradually she can come to a realization of her own self as a woman and redefines her own role. Having analyzed these three stories, it can be said that these three chosen novels match Showalter’s model of female writing development. It can be concluded that Hangover Dawn follows the first stage – feminine stage - Don’t Worry follows the second stage – feminist stage – and My Bird follows the third stage – female stage – that Showalter has proposed.
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Larinà, Giusy. "Le forme della farmacia nell'allestimento del nuovo Museo della Ceramica di Caltagirone e gli antichi corredi da spezieria tra Sicilia e Malta." ARCHIVIO STORICO PER LA SICILIA ORIENTALE, no. 1 (May 2021): 120–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.3280/asso2020-001013.

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Il saggio espone l'idea progettuale dell'allestimento del Museo Regionale della Ceramica di Caltagirone nella nuova sede in Sant'Agostino, che per la prima volta trova una sua divulgazione. Il tracciato rende nota la metodologia utilizzata per la fruizione delle collezioni musealidal ‘500 all'800, costituite da materiali eterogenei e prevalentemente da vasi da farmacia, attraverso un innovativo percorso scientifico suddiviso in cinque tematiche. La storia della maiolica moderna, supportata dalle conoscenze acquisite dalla scrivente tra Sicilia e Malta è stata presentata ripercorrendo le svariate applicazioni della ceramica calatina in vari settori.
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Cascallo, Manel, Alena Gros, Neus Bayo, Teresa Serrano, Gabriel Capella, and Ramon Alemany. "Deletion of VAI and VAII RNA Genes in the Design of Oncolytic Adenoviruses." Human Gene Therapy 17, no. 9 (September 2006): 929–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/hum.2006.17.929.

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Väliaho, Pasi. "The light of God: Notes on the visual economy of drones." NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies 3, no. 2 (December 31, 2014): 99–111. http://dx.doi.org/10.5117/necsus2014.2.vali.

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Rode, Priscila de Andrade, Matheus Schussler, Gabriel Lima Bizarro, and Noeli Juarez Ferla. "How do different agricultural managements interfere with the Phytoseiidae mite (Acari: Phytoseiidae) community in apple trees?" Acarologia 64, no. 1 (March 30, 2024): 221–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.24349/zvdf-vafz.

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In this study we performed the sampling of phytoseiid mites in different apple production orchards, and we evaluated the richness and abundance of these mites, as well as their distribution in the different strata of the plants. Furthermore, we studied how the different apple tree cultivars affect the diversity and distribution of these predatory mites. Collections were carried out in apple orchards in three different production areas: 1- organic agriculture (Antônio Prado, RS); 2- conventional agriculture (Muitos Capões, RS); 3- regenerative agriculture (São Joaquim, SC). In total, seven orchards were evaluated, in Muitos Capões and São Joaquim, two orchards of the Fuji and Gala, whereas in Antônio Prado, three cultivars (Eva, Fuji and Gala) were considered. In each orchard, 40 plants were evaluated, and from each plant a median branch was randomly chosen from which a leaf was removed from the apical, median and basal thirds. The collected leaves were taken to the laboratory, they were observed and the mites found mounted in Hoyer's medium and identified. A total of 695 phytoseiid specimens were collected. Greater abundance was noted in the apical stratum of plants of the Gala cultivar, demonstrating the effect of cultivar and stratum on phytoseiid richness, abundance and distribution. Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) (Phytoseiidae) was the main species in areas of conventional and regenerative cultivation, being present in all evaluated orchards, but with low occurrence in areas of organic management. In organic orchards, species of the genus Euseius [Euseius mesembrinus (Dean) and Euseius inouei (Ehara and Moraes)] (Phytoseiidae) were more abundant. The results suggest that producers consider less intensive use of pesticides and herbicides in orchards in order to maintain populations of predatory mites due to their potential for biological control.
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Furuse, Yuki, David A. Ornelles, and Bryan R. Cullen. "Persistently adenovirus-infected lymphoid cells express microRNAs derived from the viral VAI and especially VAII RNA." Virology 447, no. 1-2 (December 2013): 140–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.virol.2013.08.024.

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Mori, Ken-ichi, Ruth Jüttermann, Ulla Wienhues, Kayoko Kobayashi, Michiko Yagi, Toshiyuki Sugimoto, Sian T. Tjia, Walter Doerfler, and Keiichi Hosokawa. "Anti-interferon activity of adenovirus-2-encoded VAI and VAII RNAs in translation in cultured human cells." Virus Research 42, no. 1-2 (June 1996): 53–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0168-1702(95)01309-1.

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Livingstone, Rodney, Peter Schneider, and Colin Riordan. "Vati." Modern Language Review 90, no. 2 (April 1995): 529. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3734666.

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Toslali, Mert, Emre Ates, Darby Huye, Zhaoqi Zhang, Lan Liu, Samantha Puterman, Ayse K. Coskun, and Raja R. Sambasivan. "VAIF." ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 56, no. 1 (June 14, 2022): 42–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3544497.3544504.

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Developers use logs to diagnose performance problems in distributed applications. But, it is difficult to know a priori where logs are needed and what information in them is needed to help diagnose problems that may occur in the future. We summarize our work on the Variance-driven Automated Instrumentation Framework (VAIF), which runs alongside distributed applications. In response to newly-observed performance problems, VAIF automatically searches the space of possible instrumentation choices to enable the logs needed to help diagnose them. To work, VAIF combines distributed tracing (an enhanced form of logging) with insights about how response-time variance can be decomposed on the criticalpath portions of requests' traces.
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Schwarz, Robert, and Peter Schneider. "Vati." World Literature Today 62, no. 2 (1988): 280. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/40143632.

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KARATAŞ-, Atilla. "Vadi Morfometrisi ve Vadi Kazılım Oranı." Turkish Studies-Social Sciences Volume 14 Issue 3, Volume 14 Issue 3 (2019): 709–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/turkishstudies.22773.

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Zaim-de-Melo, Rogério. "Vai, vai, vai começar a brincadeira." Revista Em Extensão 18, no. 2 (January 22, 2020): 178–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.14393/ree-v18n22019-47997.

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O presente texto tem o objetivo de apresentar os resultados obtidos pelo projeto de extensão “Ginástica Geral e Atividades Circenses” (GGAC), a população atingida e os produtos gerados. O GGAC foi criado com a intenção de ampliar a formação dos acadêmicos do curso de Educação Física do Campus do Pantanal da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) e, ao mesmo tempo, oferecer aos acadêmicos dos outros cursos e comunidade externa a possibilidade de conhecer e vivenciar as atividades circenses. As atividades circenses no projeto foram pensadas para fomentar o aprendizado de habilidades técnicas (principalmente as gímnicas) e capacidades físicas necessárias para sua execução, uma educação estética no que concerne a formas e gestos e, na medida do possível, instigar a criatividade artística. Durante o primeiro ano do GGAC foram realizadas quatro apresentações artísticas, criado um grupo de estudos e pesquisa, quatro trabalhos apresentados em congressos e três trabalhos de conclusão de curso.
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Lee, Hyun-Seung, Sang-Mi Kim, Ja-Hyun Jang, Hyung-Doo Park, and Soo-Youn Lee. "Serum 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid and Ratio of 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid to Serotonin as Metabolomics Indicators for Acute Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Vancomycin-Associated Acute Kidney Injury." Antioxidants 10, no. 6 (June 2, 2021): 895. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/antiox10060895.

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The incidence of vancomycin-associated acute kidney injury (VAKI) varies from 5–43%, and early detection of VAKI is important in deciding whether to discontinue nephrotoxic agents. Oxidative stress is the main mechanism of VAKI, and serotonin (5-HT) and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) have been examined with respect to their involvement in ischemia/reperfusion damage in experimental animal models. In the current study, we assessed 5-HT and 5-HIAA as novel biomarkers for detecting VAKI in patients who have infections or compromised renal function, using a mass spectrometry–based metabolomics approach. We conducted amino acid profiling analysis and measurements of 5-HT and 5-HIAA using serum from subjects with VAKI (n = 28) and non-VAKI control subjects (n = 69), consisting of the infection subgroup (n = 23), CKD subgroup (n = 23), and healthy controls (HCs, n = 23). 5-HT was significantly lower in the VAKI group than in the non-VAKI groups, and the concentration of 5-HIAA and the ratio of 5-HIAA to 5-HT (5-HIAA/5-HT) showed higher values in the VAKI group. The infection subgroup presented a significantly greater 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio compared with the HC subgroup. Our study revealed that increased 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio has the potential to act as a VAKI surrogate marker, reflecting acute oxidative stress and inflammation.
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Harti, S. S., B. S. Prasad, R. S. Hiremath, and M. Gundkalle. "PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS OF VEERYASTHAMBHA VATI." INDIAN DRUGS 51, no. 03 (March 28, 2014): 24–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.53879/id.51.03.p0024.

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Veeryasthamba Vati is used as Shukrasthambaka in premature ejaculation. The present work deals with the preparation of Veeryasthambaka Vati as per the procedure prescribed in ancient texts, starting with the procurement, authentification of raw drugs, purification of raw drug, preparation of Vati and physicochemical and TLC analysis of the Vati.
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Wolkerstorfer, Albert, Melinda J. Gooderham, Michael Sebastian, David Rosmarin, Andrew Blauvelt, Maryam Shayesteh Alam, Jacek Zdybski, et al. "519 - Efficacy of prolonged ruxolitinib cream treatment for vitiligo among patients with limited or no initial response at 6 months." British Journal of Dermatology 190, Supplement_2 (February 2024): ii66—ii68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjd/ljad498.067.

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Abstract Introduction/Background Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by melanocyte destruction, leading to skin depigmentation. Limited data are available regarding the efficacy of long-term topical vitiligo treatment. In 2 randomized, double-blinded, vehicle-controlled phase 3 studies in adults and adolescents (aged ≥12 y) with nonsegmental vitiligo (TRuE-V1 [NCT04052425]; TRuE-V2 [NCT04057573]), ruxolitinib cream application resulted in statistically superior improvements in repigmentation versus vehicle in the primary and all key secondary endpoints at Week 24 and was well tolerated. In the open-label period of TRuE-V1/TRuE-V2 (Weeks 24–52) and the TRuE-V long-term extension (LTE; Weeks 52–104) study (NCT04530344), further improvements in facial and body repigmentation (as assessed by Vitiligo Area Scoring Index [VASI] responses) were observed through Week 104 among patients who continued to apply ruxolitinib cream. Objectives In this pooled analysis, we evaluated shifts in facial and total body VASI (F-VASI/T-VASI) responses among patients with vitiligo who had limited or no repigmentation at Week 24 and who continued to apply ruxolitinib cream for an additional 80 weeks. Methods In TRuE-V1/TRuE-V2, patients were randomized 2:1 to apply twice-daily 1.5% ruxolitinib cream or vehicle for 24 weeks, after which all patients could apply 1.5% ruxolitinib cream through Week 52. Patients who completed TRuE-V1/TRuE-V2 were eligible to enroll in the TRuE-V LTE. Patients who did not achieve ≥90% improvement in F-VASI at Week 52 continued to apply open-label 1.5% ruxolitinib cream until Week 104. Patients initially randomized to apply ruxolitinib cream who had &lt;25% improvement from baseline in F-VASI or T-VASI at Week 24 and had non-missing VASI assessments at the evaluated time points were included in this analysis. Shifts in F-VASI and T-VASI were assessed among patients with no facial/body repigmentation or worsening depigmentation (≤0% improvement in F-VASI/T-VASI) and patients with limited facial/body repigmentation (&gt;0%–&lt;25% improvement in F-VASI/T-VASI) at Week 24. Results Among patients with no facial repigmentation at Week 24, improvements in F-VASI at Weeks 52 and 104 were observed in 77.8% (49/63) and 97.1% (34/35) of patients, respectively. Among patients with limited facial repigmentation at Week 24, F-VASI improvements at Weeks 52 and 104 were observed in 64.0% (32/50) and 83.3% (30/36) of patients, respectively. Across both groups, 54.9% (39/71) of patients achieved ≥75% improvement from baseline in F-VASI (F-VASI75) at Week 104. Among those with no body repigmentation at Week 24, T-VASI improvements at Weeks 52 and 104 were observed in 79.6% (39/49) and 93.3% (28/30) of patients, respectively. For those with limited body repigmentation at Week 24, T-VASI improvements at Weeks 52 and 104 were observed in 64.5% (80/124) and 81.6% (62/76) of patients, respectively. Across both groups who had &lt;25% improvement in total body repigmentation at Week 24, 50.0% (53/106) of patients achieved ≥50% improvement in T-VASI (T-VASI50) at Week 104. Conclusions In the TRuE-V studies, ruxolitinib cream application for an additional 80 weeks resulted in improved repigmentation among patients with nonsegmental vitiligo who had limited or no repigmentation at Week 24. These 2-year TRuE-V results highlight the importance of prolonged treatment in patients with vitiligo, even when minimal or no repigmentation is achieved after 6 months of treatment.
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Passeron, Thierry, Khaled Ezzedine, Iltefat Hamzavi, Nanja van Geel, Bethanee J. Schlosser, Xiaofei Hu, Xiaohong Huang, et al. "501 - Efficacy and safety of upadacitinib in a phase 2 randomized, double-blind, dose-ranging study of adults with extensive non-segmental vitiligo." British Journal of Dermatology 190, Supplement_2 (February 2024): ii65—ii66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bjd/ljad498.066.

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Abstract Introduction & Objectives Janus kinase (JAK) inhibition is a promising approach for the treatment of vitiligo. Here, we report the clinical efficacy and safety of upadacitinib (UPA), an oral JAK inhibitor, in a phase 2b multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of adults with extensive non-segmental vitiligo (NSV). Materials & Methods Eligible patients were aged 18–65 years with NSV, a Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (F-VASI) of ≥0.5, and a Total Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (T-VASI) of ≥5 at baseline. This 52-week study (NCT04927975) comprised 2 periods. In period 1, patients were randomly assigned to once daily UPA 22 mg (UPA22), UPA 11 mg (UPA11), UPA 6 mg (UPA6), or placebo (PBO) for 24 weeks of treatment. In a 28-week blinded extension (period 2), patients receiving UPA during period 1 continued their respective regimens; patients who received PBO in period 1 were pre-assigned to either UPA11 or UPA22. Clinical efficacy endpoints evaluated through week 36 included percent change from baseline (%CFB) in F-VASI (week 24, primary endpoint), reductions from baseline in F-VASI of ≥50% (F-VASI 50) and ≥75% (F-VASI 75), %CFB in T-VASI, and reduction from baseline in T-VASI of ≥50% (T-VASI 50). Safety data as of January 13, 2023 (data cutoff date) are presented. Results Of the 185 patients enrolled in period 1, 165 (89.2%) continued to period 2. At baseline, 68% of patients had extensive vitiligo (T-VASI &gt; 10), and 71% had active vitiligo. At week 24, the %CFB in F-VASI was greater with UPA11 (−35.6%) and UPA22 (−34.0%) vs PBO (−14.4%; nominal P = .005 and P = .013, respectively). A greater proportion of patients achieved F-VASI 50 and F-VASI 75 with UPA11 (38.3%, 19.1%) and UPA22 (39.5%, 14.0%) vs PBO (10.9%, 2.2%; nominal P &lt; .05 for both doses and for both endpoints). Likewise, the %CFB in T-VASI was greater with UPA11 (−17.3%) and UPA22 (−20.7%) vs PBO (−6.4%; nominal P = .026 and P = .005, respectively). A higher percentage of patients achieved T-VASI 50 with UPA22 (11.6%) than with PBO (2.2%; nominal P = .027). UPA efficacy continued to improve through week 36, with %CFB in F-VASI for UPA6, UPA11, and UPA22 of −20.8%, −44.9% and −47.7%, respectively. At week 36, F-VASI 50 was achieved with UPA6, UPA11, and UPA22 by 34.2%, 54.3% and 61.5% of patients and F-VASI 75 by 15.8%, 40.0%, and 30.8%, respectively. At week 36, %CFB in T-VASI for UPA6, UPA11 and UPA22 were −24.3%, −32.0% and −37.6%, with 10.5%, 20.0% and 19.2% of patients, respectively, achieving T-VASI 50. Treatment-emergent adverse event (TEAE) rates were generally similar with UPA and PBO in period 1 (most common TEAEs: COVID-19, acne, fatigue, and headache) and were similar across treatment arms in period 2. One death adjudicated as undetermined/unknown cause and deemed by the investigator to have no reasonable possibility of being related to study drug occurred in the UPA22 group (period 1). One adjudicated event of nonfatal ischemic stroke occurred with UPA11 (period 2). There were no adjudicated events of venous thromboembolism, gastrointestinal perforation, or events of opportunistic infection, active tuberculosis, or malignancy. Conclusion Treatment with UPA for 24 weeks resulted in greater improvements vs PBO in the clinical outcomes of adults with extensive NSV. Observed clinical efficacy continued to improve through week 36 with UPA treatment. UPA was generally well tolerated, with no new safety signals ­identified.
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Sheth, Sachin, Gangaprasad Asore, and Sujata Haribhau Sankpal. "CRITICAL REVIEW OF NAGARJUN VATI (RASA YOG SAGAR): A HERBO - MINERAL FORMULATION." December 2020 8, no. 12 (December 18, 2020): 5405–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.46607/iamj3608122020.

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One of the oldest systems of medicine, Ayurveda is momentous in audience of worldwide on virtue of its holistic approach of life. Formulations of Ayurveda consist of substances of herbal, mineral/metal and an-imal origin which are processed pharmaceutical to have therapeutic effects. This is attribute of processes of Shodhan (purification/potentiation), Bhavana (impregnation /levigation) and Marana (incinera-tion/calcinations) of Rasa Shastra which acclimatize these toxic industrial matters to an effective remedy known as herbo-mineral formulations (Rasaushadhies) of Ayurveda. Nagarjun Vati is a herbo-mineral formulation indicated in various diseases. It is one of the Khalveeya Rasayana and comes under Murcchita Parada Aushadha Yogas i.e. Sagandha Niragni Murchana of Parada. This study aims of detailed literary study of Nagarjun Vati. In Ayurvedic classics 7 different references of Nagarjun Vati are found. The actu-al reference of Nagarjun Vati originated from Rasa Yog Sagar. In different classics Nagarjun Vati has been present with different composition. Variations found in Dravya, Bhavana Dravya, Size of Vati, Anupana and Rogadhikar of Nagarjun Vati among all classics. This paper given the detailed study of lit-erature review of Nagarjun Vati.
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Varghese, Anjali, Anil Kumar Rai, and Ravi Prasad Hegde. "COMPARATIVE CLINICAL EVALUATION ON THE EFFECT OF GUDUCHI VATI AND YASTIMADHU VATI ON MEDHA (ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE) IN SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN." International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 9, no. 10 (October 15, 2021): 2378–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.46607/iamj1309102021.

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Medha is a concept in Ayurveda where man has always failed to arrive at a definite conclusion. As per the ayurvedic classics, Medha is the retention power of an individual or is the unobstructed and uninterrupted perception and retention of knowledge in all the aspects of an object [1] Academic Performance of an individual is an outcome of his mental and physical potential. Recent studies show that the intellectual abilities of students have a positive association with their scholastic achievement.[2] Acharya Charaka has mentioned 4 individual drugs under Chara- koktha Medhya Rasayanas for their action on Medha [3] and Guduchi Swarasa and Yastimadhu Ksheerapaka are mentioned among them. In this study, an attempt was made to evaluate the Medhya effect of Guduchi Vati and Yastimadhu Vati. The study was a comparative clinical study with a total subject of 40, where 20 patients were administered with Guduchi Vati and the other 20 with Yastimadhu Vati. The study showed a statistically significant result where the Guduchi Vati is having similar action to that of Yastimadhu Vati on Medha (Academic Perfor- mance) in School going children. Keywords: Guduchi Vati, Yastimadhu Vati, Medha, Academic Performance
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OLANIRAN VICTOR OLAGOKE, JAMIU OLAKUNLE JIMOH, OYEKUNLE OPEYEMI OYEWALE, TOLULOPE OLAMIDE ILORI, BOLANLE SAIDAT ADESINA, and OLUWASEYI MARIA ABIODUN. "Perceived effectiveness of village alive development initiative (Vadi) programme among arable crop farmers in Kwara state, Nigeria." International Journal of Life Science Research Archive 6, no. 2 (April 30, 2024): 001–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.53771/ijlsra.2024.6.2.0041.

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The study analyzed the perceived effectiveness of Village Alive Development Initiative (VADI) Programme among Arable Crop Farmers in Kwara State. The specific objectives of the study were to describe socio-economic characteristics of arable crop farmers in the study area, examine the perceived effectiveness of VADI programme in the study area, and identify the constraints faced by arable crop farmers in accessing VADI programme in the study area. Primary data were collected from 120 VADI beneficial through purposive and random sampling techniques. Descriptive and inferential statistics tool such as mean scores derived from a 3 – point likert scales, were used as analytical tools. The study revealed that majority (71.67%) of the respondents was male. The study showed that the most perceived effectiveness of VADI activities as indicated by the respondents was VADI cooperative/savings (MS=1.426) which was ranked first. Furthermore, result on constraints facing arable crop farmers in accessing VADI programme revealed that the most severe constraints was poor road network with a Mean Score of 1.252. This study recommends that more rural communities in Nigeria should be given equal opportunity to enjoy this VADI programme.
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Crane, Rufus S., and Andrea Canobbio. "Vasi cinesi." World Literature Today 65, no. 1 (1991): 94. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/40146168.

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Megat Mohamed Nazir, Megat Najib, Razak Terhem, Ahmad R. Norhisham, Sheriza Mohd Razali, and Roger Meder. "Early Monitoring of Health Status of Plantation-Grown Eucalyptus pellita at Large Spatial Scale via Visible Spectrum Imaging of Canopy Foliage Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." Forests 12, no. 10 (October 13, 2021): 1393. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f12101393.

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Eucalyptus is a diverse genus from which several species are often deployed for commercial industrial tree plantation due to their desirable wood properties for utilization in both solid wood and fiber products, as well as their growth and productivity in many environments. In this study, a method for monitoring the health status of a 22.78 ha Eucalyptus pellita plantation stand was developed using the red-green-blue channels captured using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The ortho-image was generated, and visual atmospheric resistance index (VARI) indices were developed. Herein, four classification levels of pest and disease were generated using the VARI-green algorithm. The range of normalized VARI-green indices was between −2.0 and 2.0. The results identified seven dead trees (VARI-green index −2 to 0), five trees that were severely infected (VARI-green index 0 to 0.05), 967 trees that were mildly infected (VARI-green index 0.06 to 0.16), and 10,090 trees that were considered healthy (VARI-green index 0.17 to 2.00). The VARI-green indices were verified by manual ground-truthing and by comparison with normalized difference vegetation index which showed a mean correlation of 0.73. This study has shown practical application of aerial survey of a large-scale operational area of industrial tree plantation via low-cost UAV and RGB camera, to analyze VARI-green images in the detection of pest and disease.
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Varini, Diego. "Baretti, o dell’impazienza." Colloquium 9788879168946 (October 2019): 99–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.7359/894-2019-vari.

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González Espítia, Juan Carlos. "Vallejo, Vargas Vila. Oposición, redundancia." Cuadernos de Literatura 19, no. 37 (December 31, 2014): 185. http://dx.doi.org/10.11144/javeriana.cl19-37.vavi.

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En este artículo, Juan Carlos González Espítia interroga el papel de Vallejo como intelectual. A través de un análisis de las filiaciones del discurso de Vallejo con Vargas Vila, el artículo evalúa lo que la tensa división de opiniones en el ámbito público con respecto a estos dos autores separados por un siglo puede aportar en la definición de lo que es el intelectual en América Latina. Su análisis explora las formas en que tanto Vargas Vila como Vallejo ejercen su papel de polémicos y heterodoxos productores de opinión. Al enfocarse principalmente en la repetición que satura la obra y la opinión de Vallejo como una forma de oposición a la redundancia totalizante del discurso hegemónico, González Espítia hace un importante aporte a la comprensión de la compleja dimensión política del discurso de Vallejo.
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Wang, Weirong, Ting Jing, Xiaofeng Yang, Yanhao He, Bo Wang, Yunfang Xiao, Chenxu Shang, Jiye Zhang, and Rong Lin. "Hydroxytyrosol regulates the autophagy of vascular adventitial fibroblasts through the SIRT1-mediated signaling pathway." Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 96, no. 1 (January 2018): 88–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjpp-2016-0676.

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Hydroxytyrosol (HT), a phenolic compound in olive oil, exerts an anti-inflammatory effect in cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies found that autophagy was a therapeutic target of diseases. However, the effect of HT on autophagy in vascular adventitial fibroblasts (VAFs) remains unknown. Thus, in this study, we aimed to determine the effect of HT on cell autophagy and related signaling pathway and whether HT regulates the inflammatory response through autophagy in VAFs. Our results showed that HT promoted cell autophagy by increasing the conversion of LC3 and Beclin1 expression and the autophagic flux in VAFs stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). HT also upregulated the expression of the deacetylase sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) protein and mRNA compared with the TNF-α group. The molecular docking studies showed the good compatibility between HT and SIRT1, indicating that HT might act through SIRT1. Further study found that HT regulated autophagy through SIRT1-mediated Akt/mTOR suppression in VAFs. In addition, HT inhibited TNF-α-induced inflammatory response in VAFs through SIRT1. Furthermore, the study showed that HT inhibited the inflammatory response of VAFs through autophagy. These findings indicate that HT regulates the autophagy of VAFs through SIRT1-mediated Akt/mTOR suppression and then inhibits the inflammatory response of VAFs.
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A. Tupe, Kadambari, and Ashvini Y. Deshmukh. "PREPARATION AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY (IN VITRO) OF PURANDAR VATI." International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 11, no. 11 (November 15, 2023): 2659–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.46607/iamj0311112023.

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Objective To prepare and evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Purandar vati (An Ayurvedic traditional formulation )against some of the bacterial stains. Method, Purandar vati was prepared using the classical reference of Bhaishajyaratnavali. Parada (Mercury) and Gandhaara (sulphur) were purified and then triturated to form Kajjali. Then raw drugs of Triphala and trikatu were converted into powder form, and all the ingredients were mixed and triturated with the help of aja dughdha (goat milk) and tablets were formed. The final product of Purandara vati was dried and stored. Antimicrobial activity of Purandar vati against streptococcus pneumonia and morxella catarrahlis bacteria was evaluated using the agar cup diffusion method. Result: Purandar vati shows a significant antibacterial spectrum against streptococcus pneumonia and morxella catarrahlis. Conclusion: This study shows that Purandara vati has antimicrobial potency and it can be clinically used for infectious respiratory disorders.
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Martin, Karen, Rajal Mody, Malini Desilva, Emily Banerjee, Anna Strain, Stacy Holzbauer, Cynthia Kenyon, et al. "Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff: Vaccine-Associated Rash Illness Occurring amidst a Large Measles Outbreak—Minnesota, 2017." Open Forum Infectious Diseases 4, suppl_1 (2017): S736—S737. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofx180.007.

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Abstract Background During April–June 2017, Minnesota experienced the state’s largest measles outbreak in 27 years. A vaccination campaign was implemented. Numerous vaccine-associated rash illnesses (VARI) were detected. VARI is non-contagious, but difficult to distinguish from measles clinically. Often, public health control measures need to be implemented before wild-type measles can be differentiated from VARI by viral genotyping. We compared clinical characteristics of VARI and confirmed measles cases to inform testing practices. Methods We defined measles cases per the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. VARI was defined as a rash occurring in a person within 21 days after receipt of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, and in whom a measles vaccine strain (genotype A) was detected in naso/oro- pharyngeal swab or urine samples. Minnesota’s immunization information system monitored MMR doses administered. We collected clinical information through routine case investigation. Results Over 42,000 MMR doses above expected were administered during the outbreak. We identified 71 measles cases and 30 VARI. The median age of VARI patients was 1.2 years (range 10 months–48 years) and for measles cases 2.8 years (range 3 months–57 years). VARI diagnosis increased with rising MMR administration (figure); rash onset occurred a median of 11 (range 7–18) days after MMR receipt. Most VARI (97%) occurred following first MMR dose. The presence of fever was similar among VARI and measles cases (97% of VARI vs. 100% of measles cases; P = 0.12), but differences were seen in the proportion with cough (30% vs. 96%; P &lt; 0.001), coryza (47% vs. 85%; P &lt; 0.001), conjunctivitis (23% vs. 68%; P &lt; 0.001), and exposure to infectious measles cases (0% vs. 96%). Conclusions Surges in MMR administration and heightened community awareness during a measles outbreak can result in a large number of VARI, consuming considerable public health resources. When evaluating the need to suspect measles among patients with febrile rash, clinicians should consider time since MMR administration, clinical presentation, and history of measles exposure. Collecting appropriate specimens for timely virus genotyping could inform appropriate public health action. Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.
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Kar, Sarbeswar, Madhusudan BG, and Ashok Kumar Panda. "A single-arm pilot study to analyse the hepatic safety of Samshamani Vati / Guduchi Ghana Vati (Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers) for the Prevention of COVID-19." International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine 15, no. 4 (January 9, 2025): 911–16. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v15i4.5348.

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Background - The distribution of Samshamani Vati / Guduchi Ghana Vati (A preparation of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers) to a large population as a prophylaxis medicine for COVID-19 was carried out by the Ministry of AYUSH. This drive was based on the promising clinical outcome in asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 infections. A small report has recently confused the public by showing an association between Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers) use and the development of herb-induced liver injury (HILI) with autoimmune features in some patients. There is no hepatic safety literature to clear up the confusion. Therefore, in the present pilot study, an attempt was made to create a primary database on the hepatic safety of Samshamani Vati / Guduchi Ghana Vati (Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers). Objectives- To create a primary database on the hepatic safety of Samshamani Vati / Guduchi Ghana Vati (Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers). Materials and Methods – Samshamani Vati was administered to subjects selected from the OPD of JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru, by pre-set inclusion and exclusion criteria, in the dose of four tablets in two divided doses after food with lukewarm water for one month for the assessment of hepatic safety clinically and bio-chemically. Study design – The study design was a single-arm, open-prospective, interventional study. Result- Fifty patients were approached for inclusion in the study. Thirty-one healthy persons fulfilled the criteria, and thirty subjects completed the study. The maximum number of studied participants were females between the age of 20 to 30 years. There is no significant change in liver function test (SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline Phosphatase), complete blood count (Hb% and PLT count) and Serum Creatinine before and after one-month of administration of Samshamani Vati. Conclusion- Samshamani Vati / Guduchi Ghana Vati (TC) has not induced any hepatic dysfunction in terms of clinical symptoms or abnormal liver function tests and is relatively safe.
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Rathi, Renu B., Amit Gulhane, and Bharat Rathi. "A Comparative Study on the efficacy of Tryushanadi Vati with and without Pathya in children suffering from Pratishyaya (~Allergic Rhinitis)." International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine 13, no. 3 (October 9, 2022): 770–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v13i3.2649.

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Background: Pratishyaya is one of the most common disorders in the pediatric age group. The accumulated Vatadi doshas get to reside in the nose and produce various types of discharges from it which is called Pratishyaya. Pratishyaya is discussed under the 31 Nasagataroga by Acharya Sushruta. It is a disease of KaphaVata dominance characterized by Nasasrava (Nasal discharge), Nasanaha (Nasal Congestion), Shirogourava (Heaviness), Anadhvapihita Nasa (Intermittent nasal Obstruction) and is difficult to cure. Aim: To study the effect of Tryushanadi vati in Pratishyaya. Material & Method: 30 children were randomly selected according to a computer-generated randomized chart and assigned to two groups. In which Tryushanadi Vati and Tryushanadi Vati with Pathya were given according to the age group of 7 days. The results are then interpreted and analyzed statistically. Results: There was a significant improvement in Nasasrava, Nasanaha, Kshwathu (sneezing), and Klama (fatigue). It is the treatment principle that is effective in the Sampraptivighatan (breaking the pathogenesis) of Pratishyaya resulting in the alleviation of features. The overall result after treatment by statistical analysis was 46.87 % in the group of T vati and 57.51% in T vati+P. Statistically, both the groups T vati and T vati +P have shown significant results as per subjective and objective criteria but T vati+P has more efficacy owing to the synergistic effect of Pathya.
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Swaminath, Meenu, Hiremath R S, and Mannur V S. "Development and Evaluation of Lavangadi Vati in the Form of Suspension- A Polyherbal Novel Liquid Dosage Form." International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine 14, no. 4 (January 7, 2024): 1026–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v14i4.3977.

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Introduction: The demand of the herbal medicine is increasing worldwide due to its lesser toxicity and side effects. Though so many formulations are there in ayurveda, the patient compliance for its palatability and acceptability need to consider. The present study focused on the modification of lavangadi vati into suspension, a liquid dosage form, which is effective in prana vaha sroto vikaras (disorders related to respiratory system) and standardising its quality parameters. Aims: To develop lavangadi vati suspension from the classical lavangadi vati dosage form and standardising the process by the evaluation of the micrometric properties, quality control parameters and TLC finger printing. Materials and Method: Among the six trials, the suspension containing lavangadi vati churna in a dose of 1gm/5ml and 4% sodium CMC as the suspending agent with a specific formula and using suitable excipients were selected as master formula. Result: As per the criteria lavangadi vati shown with particle size of 433.7nm, Haussner ratio with 1.06, Carr’s index about 6% and angle of repose with 28. 770.Lavangadi vati suspension shown a pH in the normal range about 6.28 and having high sedimentation range and good redispersibility. Both the vati and modified suspension almost shown similar bands in TLC. Conclusion: After the evaluation of the various quality control parameters, prepared suspension having appropriate properties of a standard suspension without deviating from the classical lavangadi vati formulation.
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Rathod, Priyanka, and Shripathi Acharya. "THERAPEUTIC USES OF AROGYAVARDHINI VATI - A SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERIMENTAL VIEW." International Ayurvedic Medical Journal p9, no. 02 (January 14, 2025): 142–45. https://doi.org/10.46607/iamj07p9022025.

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Herbo mineral formulations are commonly used by physicians in modern India to manage various disorders. Gutikas, Kharaliya Rasayana, and Kupipakva Rasayanas are frequently used in General practice. Agnitundi vati, Ashtakshari gutika, Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa, Vata Vidhwamsana Rasa, Chandanadi Lauha, Eladi Vati, Gandhaka Rasayana, Icchabhedi Rasa, Putapakwa Jwarantaka Lauha, Prabhakara vati, Yakridari Lauha, Yakrit Plihari Lauha, Mrityunjaya Rasa, Tribhuvana Kirti Rasa, Ananda Bhairava Rasa, Hinguleshwara Rasa, Kapha Ketu Rasa, Krimi Mudgara Rasa, Krimi Kuthara Rasa, Gulma Kalanala Rasa, Kankayana vati, Arsha Kuthara Rasa, Shwasa Kuthara Rasa, Shwasa Kaara Chintamani Rasa, Swarna Malini Vasanta Rasa and Vasanta Kusumakara Rasa, are some of the commonly used Aushadhis in Clinical practice. Arogyavardhini vati is usually given in Kamala, Kumbha Kamala, Purana jwara, Pandu, Sluggish Liver, Anaemia, Skin disorders and diseases associated with Agnimandya. It has actions like Dipana, Pachana, Pitta Virechana, Jwarahara, Krimighna, Antiinfection, Bactericidal, Antibacterial, Raktashodhaka and Rasayana action. The present paper highlights the therapeutic uses of Arogyavardhini vati in scientific and experimental views.
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Nurtiasto, T. S., F. A. Wandono, N. L. Muzayadah, and R. Fazabik. "Variation of Mesh Peel Ply and Gelcoat on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Twill-Vinyl Ester Composites Using Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Manufacturing Method." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2243, no. 1 (June 1, 2022): 012048. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2243/1/012048.

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Abstract This study discussed the modifications made to the Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion (VARI) method to make composites. Composites made using the standard VARI method sometimes have values that have not reached the desired standard. In addition, there was a modification to add Gelcoat and mesh peel ply from previous studies that used e-glass fiber and epoxy resin, which positively affected the mechanical properties of the composite. In this study, carbon twill material was used, which is relatively better in mechanical properties than e-glass fiber and vinyl ester resin with different viscosity from epoxy. The finite element simulation was also performed to compare the load versus displacement graph with the testing. The tensile test results of the VARI with double mesh peel ply increased by 1.61%, while VARI with the addition of gelcoat increased 4.34% from the composite with the standard method of 527.62 MPa. The tensile test results of the VARI with double mesh peel ply decreased 17.20%, while the VARI with the addition of gelcoat decreased 30.24% from the composite with the standard method of 29.97 MPa.
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Wulandary, Septie. "Vector Autoregressive Integrated (VARI) Method for Forecasting the Number of Internasional Visitor in Batam and Jakarta." Jurnal Matematika, Statistika dan Komputasi 17, no. 1 (August 24, 2020): 94–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.20956/jmsk.v17i1.10536.

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Forecasting methods that are often used are time series analysis, the Autoregressive (AR) method. The AR method only carries out univariate analysis, meaning that it carries out a separate model between the number of international visitor coming to Indonesia through Batam and Jakarta. Though there is a possibility, the number of international visitor arriving through Jakarta affects the number of international visitor arriving through Batam. Therefore, in this study the Vector Autoregressive Integrated (VARI) method is used. The VARI model is used on the number of international visitor arrivals per month at Batam and Jakarta for the period Januari 2014 – December 2019. VARI model formation through several stages, namely stationarity test, autoregressive order determination, VARI model formation, and diagnostic checking of the model. With the VARI model, VARI(5,1), the two significant simultaneously equation results are obtained. The Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) in this model are as follows 1,98% and 2,48% in predicting the number of international visitor arrivals in Batam and Jakarta. In this study also forecasting the number of international visitor arrivals in Batam and Jakarta in January – December 2020
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Pasi, Bhaveshkumar N., Subhash K. Mahajan, and Santosh B. Rane. "A Method for Performing Forging Operation: A Perspective of Industry 4.0." Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 14, no. 3 (August 9, 2021): 423–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2212797614666210120110548.

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Background: Cold forging operation is done on small as well as large scale in manufacturing industries. These industries are facing problems such as higher rejection rate of the final product, low productivity, the high number of accidents during production, etc. Objective: The purpose of this research work is to develop a Voice-Assisted Forging System (VAFS) with a lower rejection rate, higher productivity, and lower number of accidents during production. Methods: Based on recently published journals and patents, traditional and automatic forging operations, Industry 4.0, and voice assisted systems are reviewed and VAFS is designed and developed. Then, the trial is taken on VAFS to investigate its performance. Finally, limitations and future research of the VAFS are proposed. Results: It is found that after implementation of the VAFS the average rejection count is reduced by 90.3 percentage, the operational productivity is increased by 71.2 percentage, and process accuracy is increased from 92.75 percentage to 99.30 percentage. Also, the number of accidents is reduced to zero. In comparison with the manual forging operation, the VAFS occupies less space, and it is easy to operate. Conclusion: This system will help the workers as well as the owner of industries to create a better man and machine relationship and to have a human-friendly working environment. VAFS reduces exhaustion and hassle of employees, components rejection, and energy consumptions in the production line.
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Wang, Ruoyu, Xianjun Yu, Ke Zhao, Baojie Liu, and Guangfeng An. "Development and Validation of a Novel Control-Volume Model for the Injection Flow in a Variable Cycle Engine." Aerospace 9, no. 8 (August 5, 2022): 431. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/aerospace9080431.

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The variable area bypass injector (VABI) plays a crucial role in variable cycle engines by regulating the flow mixing process in complex bypass ducts, and low-dimensional theoretical models are the key to revealing its working mechanism while estimating its aerodynamic performance. An improved VABI model using the control volume method is established, through which the feature parameters that determine the VABI aerodynamic performance are summarized. To acquire an accurate prediction of the injection ratio, a calibration item is introduced to the governing equations to consider the static pressure discrepancy on the mixing plane, and a numerical database is developed to obtain the calibration item. Results show that the aerodynamic parameters that determine the VABI performance include the bypass total pressure ratio, bypass backpressure, and the injection ratio, while the injection angle and the VABI opening area also influence the injection flow characteristics. The injection ratio is increased by reducing the bypass total pressure ratio, decreasing the bypass backpressure, and closing the VABI. Numerical validation shows that the calculation error of the improved model is generally below 3%. The improved VABI model is then validated by a well-arranged experiment, for which the annular flow is simplified into a rectangular duct flow with an error of less than 5%. The experimental validation also proves the accuracy of the model.
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Jaiswal, Ritika, Deepak Raghuwanshi, and Raj Kishore Pati. "PHARMACEUTICAL STUDY OF ROHITAKADI VATI W.S.R. TO ITS HEPATOPROTECTIVE ACTION." October 2023 11, no. 10 (October 16, 2023): 2440–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.46607/iamj0711102023.

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Rohitakadi vati is an ayurvedic formulation mentioned in the classical text of Bhaishajya Ratnavali in the treatment of hepatic disorders. This article aims to prepare the Rohitakadi vati as per the text and review its hepatoprotective action. The organoleptic parameters of Rohitakadi vati are as follows, colour dark brown, mild odour of yamanika, salty in taste, smooth in touch and appearance is round and uncoated. The development of the present study will serve as reference standard for drug preparation and help in further research studies to evaluate the effect of Rohitakadi vati in hepatic disorder cases.
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Baker, Melissa M., Theresa D. Procter, Lisa Belzak, and Susanna Ogunnaike-Cooke. "Vaping-associated lung illness (VALI) in Canada: a descriptive analysis of VALI cases reported from September 2019 to December 2020." Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada 42, no. 1 (January 2022): 37–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.24095/hpcdp.42.1.06.

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Introduction The aim of this study was to explore demographic and clinical characteristics of vaping-associated lung illness (VALI) cases reported in Canada from September 2019 to December 2020; compare the epidemiology of VALI cases in Canada to e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) cases in the US; and examine possible explanations for differences between the two countries. Methods A federal/provincial/territorial task group developed a national outbreak definition, minimum dataset and case report form for identification and surveillance of VALI cases in Canada. Descriptive analysis explored the characteristics and epidemiology of reported VALI cases. Results Of the 20 VALI cases reported, none resulted in a death. Of all cases, 5 (25%) involved youth aged 15 to 19 years, 10 (50%) adults aged 20 to 49 years and 5 (25%) aged 50 years and older. Sixty percent of patients were men. Half (50%) required breathing assistance. Three-quarters (75%) reported using nicotine-containing vaping products, and 40% reported use of cannabis-containing vaping products; of those who reported frequency of vaping, most (71%) reported vaping daily. VALI cases were reported at a lower prevalence (0.9 per million) than EVALI (8.5 per million). Demographics and vaping behaviour also differed. Conclusion VALI cases were reported in Canada between September 2019 and December 2020; however, there was a much lower prevalence and they may have been caused by different factors from the EVALI outbreak in the US. The factors influencing VALI in Canada are complex and multifactorial. Research is needed to understand the short- and long-term health effects of nicotine and cannabis vaping.
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Nonas, Stephanie A., Liliana Moreno Vinasco, Shwu Fan Ma, Jeffrey R. Jacobson, Ankit A. Desai, Steven M. Dudek, Carlos Flores, et al. "Use of consomic rats for genomic insights into ventilator-associated lung injury." American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 293, no. 2 (August 2007): L292—L302. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/ajplung.00481.2006.

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Increasing evidence supports the contribution of genetic influences on susceptibility/severity in acute lung injury (ALI), a devastating syndrome requiring mechanical ventilation with subsequent risk for ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI). To identify VALI candidate genes, we determined that Brown Norway (BN) and Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) rat strains were differentially sensitive to VALI (tidal volume of 20 ml/kg, 85 breaths/min, 2 h) defined by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) protein and leukocytes. We next exploited differential sensitivities and phenotyped both the VALI-sensitive BN and the VALI-resistant SS rat strains by expression profiling coupled to a bioinformatic-intense candidate gene approach (Significance Analysis of Microarrays, i.e., SAM). We identified 106 differentially expressed VALI genes representing gene ontologies such as “transcription” and “chemotaxis/cell motility.” We mapped the chromosomal location of the differentially expressed probe sets and selected consomic SS rats with single BN introgressions of chromosomes 2, 13, and 16 (based on the highest density of probe sets) while also choosing chromosome 20 (low probe sets density). VALI exposure of consomic rats with introgressions of BN chromosomes 13 and 16 resulted in significant increases in both BAL cells and protein (compared to parental SS strain), whereas introgression of BN chromosome 2 displayed a large increase only in BAL protein. Introgression of BN chromosome 20 had a minimal effect. These results suggest that genes residing on BN chromosomes 2, 13, and 16 confer increased sensitivity to high tidal volume ventilation. We speculate that the consomic-microarray-SAM approach is a time- and resource-efficient tool for the genetic dissection of complex diseases including VALI.
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Tsao, Che-Chih, Ho-Hsin Chang, Meng-Hao Liu, Ho-Chia Chen, Yun-Tang Hsu, Pei-Ying Lin, Yih-Lin Chou, et al. "Freeform additive manufacturing by vari-directional vari-dimensional material deposition." Rapid Prototyping Journal 24, no. 2 (March 12, 2018): 379–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/rpj-01-2017-0014.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose and demonstrate a new additive manufacturing approach that breaks the layer-based point scanning limitations to increase fabrication speed, obtain better surface finish, achieve material flexibility and reduce equipment costs. Design/methodology/approach The freeform additive manufacturing approach conceptually views a 3D article as an assembly of freeform elements distributed spatially following a flexible 3D assembly structure, which conforms to the surface of the article and physically builds the article by sequentially forming the freeform elements by a vari-directional vari-dimensional capable material deposition mechanism. Vari-directional building along tangential directions of part surface gives surface smoothness. Vari-dimensional deposition maximizes material output to increase build rate wherever allowed and minimizes deposition sizes for resolution whenever needed. Findings Process steps based on geometric and data processing considerations were described. Dispensing and forming of basic vari-directional and vari-dimensional freeform elements and basic operations of joining them were developed using thermoplastics. Forming of 3D articles at build rates of 2-5 times the fused deposition modeling (FDM) rate was demonstrated and improvement over ten times was shown to be feasible. FDM compatible operations using 0.7 mm wire depositions from a variable exit-dispensing unit were demonstrated. Preliminary tests of a surface finishing process showed a result of 0.8-1.9 um Ra. Initial results of dispensing wax, tin alloy and steel were also shown. Originality/value This is the first time that both vari-directional and vari-dimensional material depositions are combined in a new freeform building method, which has potential impact on the FDM and other additive manufacturing methods.
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Pimpalshende, Preeti, and Mrudula B. Kulkarni. "EFFICACY OF ASHWAGANDHA AND YASHTIMADHU VATI WITH SHARKARAYUKTA DUGDHA IN INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RETARDATION (IUGR)." International Ayurvedic Medical Journal 9, no. 7 (July 15, 2021): 1383–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.46607/iamj1009072021.

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Background and Objective: To study the Efficacy of Ashwagandha and Yashtimadhu Vati with Sharkarayukta Dugdha in Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) and to see the side effects and adverse effects of Ashwagan- dha & Yashtimadhu during treatment. Methodology: The research was carried out at the Prasuti Avum StreeRoga Vibhag of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Ayurved Hospital, Dhankawadi, Pune 43. In the clinical randomized study, a total of 25 patients, where they received Ashwagandha-2 BD (each vati 500mg) Yashtimadhu - 1 BD (each vati 500mg) with Sharkarayuktadugdhaand follow up after every 7 days for 1 month. Results: Comparing the as- sessment criteria before and after treatment, it was seen that there was significant action on IUGR. Treatment had no adverse effects in a clinical trial. Statistical Analysis: As per statistical analysis, Ashwagandha and Yash- timadhu Vati with Sharkarayukta Dugdha showed a significant effect. Conclusion: 1. In the present study, it has been proved that Ashwagandha Vati and Yashtimadhu Vati with Sharkarayukta Dugdha had a good effect on IUGR. 2. No adverse and side effects were found during or after the treatment neither on the mother nor on the fetus. Keywords: Ayurveda treatment, IUGR.
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