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Crosbie, Ross Andrew. "Quantitative non-destructive evaluation using laser generated ultrasonic pulses." Thesis, University of Hull, 1987. http://hydra.hull.ac.uk/resources/hull:5393.

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The work presented here utilises features of laser generated ultrasound for the detection of defects in solids. Ultrasound is generated noncontactively by this method and likewise many of the detection devices used do not require direct coupling to the test pieces, thus acoustic pulses with high frequency components are able to be produced and monitored on a range of samples. Steel samples coated with between 3 and 7mm of plasma-transferred arc depositions are examined for bond quality via measurements of attenuation caused by porosity in the coatings, found to be related to weld current. Surface breaking cracks, (of depth < 3mm), in such claddings are quantitatively detected by a method which utilises Rayleigh pulses. A two sided automated scanning system is described which examines samples for subsurface defects. Results from the examinations of a dural test piece, plasma sprayed steel bars and carbon fibre composite samples are presented. Resolution of defects is shown to be within 0.5mm for a 1mm thick section of the composite material. A second scanning technique, requiring access to only one sample face, is presented which employs an interferometer for detection and is thus a truly remote system. Laminar flaws are modelled using flat-bottomed holes, the dimensions of which are measured using the resonance of the bodies. A theoretical investigation using various boundary conditions suggests possible applications for quantitative NDE of structures with well defined natural vibration frequencies. The propagation of acoustic transients in plates is also examined. Possible future work concerning laser/ultrasonic NDE is discussed.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Smith, Philip F. "Surface evaluation by the signal processing of ultrasonic pulses." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1990. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk/R?func=search-advanced-go&find_code1=WSN&request1=AAIU024863.

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The development of a surface texture evaluation technique for the study of roughnesses of the order of a few microns using the signal processing of ultrasonic pulse-echo signals is described. The technique of extracting surface information by means of deconvolution is introduced. Strictly, a solution to the deconvolution problem normally does not exist or is not unique. The chosen method of approaching a solution is by the nonlinear Maximum Entropy Method (MEM), which offers superior image quality over many other filters. The algorithm is described and translated into a standalone computer programme-the development of this software is described in detail. The performance of the algorithm in the field of ultrasonics is assessed by means of the study of simulations involving images similar to those obtainable in a real application. Comparison with the linear Wiener-Hopf filter is provided particularly in instances where the comparison shows weaknesses of either technique. Also examined is the frequency restoration property of the algorithm (not shown by the Wiener-Hopf filter)-potential applications of this property are also described. The final part of the study of the MEM is an examination of the effect on performance of some of the algorithm's parameters and on computer system dependencies. A brief overview of some of the surface metrology techniques currently used is given. The aim is an introduction to surface metrology and an assessment of where the technique described here fits into the general surface metrology field. The experimental system, which of course is essential to practical applications, is considered in some detail. Also considered is a wide range of ultrasonic transducers available for the research. These show a considerable variety of characteristics. Some assessment is carried out using the Maximum Entropy Method with simulated and real data to try and establish the properties of a transducer best suited to the application intended. Finally, results from grating-type test surfaces and more general rough surfaces are presented. The former are intended as a means of establishing the potential performance of the technique; the latter build on the grating results to analyse real surfaces as made by a variety of engineering techniques. Results are compared with those obtained by a stylus instrument. Generally good agreement is found, with roughnesses of around 2 microns being accurately assessed. With the accuracy of these results being less than a micron, it is concluded that this technique has a valuable contribution to the surface metrology field.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Engman, Zoie. "Design and Validation of a Wearable, Continuous, and Non-Invasive Hydration Monitor that uses Ultrasonic Pulses to Detect Changes in Tissue Hydration Status." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2014. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1218.

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Chronic dehydration is an endemic problem for many population groups. Current methods of monitoring hydration status are invasive, time consuming, cannot be performed while exercising, and require lab resources. A proposed solution is a wearable, continuous, and non-invasive device that uses harm-free ultrasonic pulses to detect changes in tissue hydration status over time. Customer and engineering requirements were defined and used to guide the design process. Literature reviews were performed to identify essential information on dehydration, assess current methods, discover state of the art devices, and describe ultrasonic theory. Market research was performed to identify athletes as the target population group. An adjustable elastic nylon bicep band prototype was manufactured and the integration of more advanced components was proposed. The theoretical signal processing method used to detect hydration status was validated through initial tests with a prototype electrical system composed of a Teensy 3.1 board, two 18 kHz piezoceramic disc elements, and an Arduino/LabVIEW interface. Tests with aluminum, rubber, and sponge materials were performed to compare the signal response to propagation through materials with different acoustic properties and water contents. Finally, tests performed with dehydrated bovine muscle tissue revealed a statistically significant difference between hydrated and dehydrated tissue, a promising indication for future device refinement.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Nadkarni, Aditya. "Reflector geometry specific modeling of an annular array based ultrasound pulse-echo system." Link to electronic thesis, 2007. http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/Available/etd-091207-114218/.

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Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Mehra, Sumat. "Frequency modulated pulse for ultrasonic B-scan imaging in attenuating medium /." Online version of thesis, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/1850/11641.

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Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Bonaventura, Leeann R. "Ontogeny of circadian and diurnal rhythms effects of light pulses on ultrasonic vocalizations, locomotor activity and Fos/pCREB expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and intergeniculate leaflet of the neonatal rat /." Diss., Online access via UMI:, 2006.

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Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Салам, Буссі. "Електромагнітно-акустичні перетворювачі для ультразвукового контролю металовиробів". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48184.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук (доктора філософії) за спеціальністю 05.11.13 «Прилади і методи контролю та визначення складу речовин» – Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут». Дисертація присвячена розробці нових ультразвукових електромагнітно-акустичних перетворювачів з джерелом імпульсного поляризуючого магнітного поля, методів підвищення чутливості контролю та діагностики металовиробів з використанням перетворювачів такого типу. Виконано аналітичний огляд та аналіз сучасних засобів і методів контролю та діагностики електромагнітно-акустичним методом [1–3] феромагнітних і електропровідних або тільки електропровідних виробів в умовах дії постійних та імпульсних поляризуючих магнітних полів з урахуванням наявності когерентних завад різного типу, технічного рівня сучасних електромагнітно – акустичних перетворювачів, схемотехнічних рішень засобів їх живлення, прийому з виробів ультразвукових імпульсів та їх обробки, визначення відомих переваг, недоліків та можливостей використання в дослідженнях і розробках. Визначені та обґрунтовані напрямки дисертаційного дослідження: розробка електромагнітно-акустичного перетворювача у вигляді спрощеної одновиткової моделі [4] джерела магнітного поляризуючого поля з феромагнітним осердям та високочастотною котушкою, яка розміщена між осердям та металовиробом; шляхом моделювання [5] розподілення індукції поляризуючого магнітного поля на торці осердя джерела магнітного поля та в поверхневому шарі як феромагнітного так і неферомагнітного металовиробу визначено особливості розташування високочастотної котушки індуктивності під джерелом магнітного поля для ефективного збудження зсувних ультразвукових імпульсів (в центральній частині торця феромагнітного осердя) або поздовжніх ультразвукових імпульсів (біля периферійної частини торця феромагнітного осердя) [6]. Збільшення кількості витків котушки намагнічування при наявності феромагнітного осердя призводить до значного збільшення часу перехідних процесів при включенні живлення імпульсного джерела поляризуючого магнітного поля і при його виключенні. В результаті час дії імпульсу живлення збільшується до 1 мс і більше, що призводить до збільшення сили притягування ЕМАП до феромагнітного виробу, додаткових втрат електроенергії, погіршенню температурного режиму перетворювача. Для зменшення часу дії імпульсу живлення джерела магнітного поля необхідно зменшувати кількість витків котушки намагнічування, але це призводить до зменшення величини магнітної індукції навіть при наявності феромагнітного осердя. В результаті раціонального вибору конструкції джерела магнітного поля встановлена необхідність виконання його котушки намагнічування плоскою двовіконною трьохвитковою і виготовляти з високоелектропровідного високотеплопровідного матеріалу [7-9]. Осердя повинно бути розміщено в вікнах котушки намагнічування тільки торцями. В результаті час дії імпульсу намагнічування зменшено до 200 мкс, що достатньо для контролю виробів товщиною до 300 мм. Високочастотна котушка індуктивності виконана з двома лінійними робочими ділянками, які розташовуються під вікнами котушки намагнічування [9]. При протилежних напрямках високочастотного струму в цих робочих ділянках в поверхневому шарі виробу збуджуються синфазні потужні імпульси зсувних ультразвукових хвиль. При цьому відношення збуджуваних амплітуд зсувних та поздовжніх імпульсів перевищує 30 дБ. Тобто когерентні імпульси поздовжніх хвиль при контролі луна методом практично не будуть впливати на результати діагностики феромагнітних виробів. Розроблені варіанти конструкцій електромагнітно-акустичних перетворювачів з одновитковими [7], двовитковими [8] та трьохвитковими [9] котушками намагнічування джерела імпульсного поляризуючого магнітного поля. При одновитковій котушці [7] перехідні процеси при включенні імпульсу живлення мінімальні. Проте необхідно збуджувати в котушці струм з силою в кілька кА, що ускладнює температурний режим перетворювача та апаратуру живлення. При трьохвитковій котушці [9] намагнічування амплітуда донних імпульсів по відношенню до амплітуди завад перевищує 24 дБ, що дозволяє проводити контроль та діагностику значної кількості металовиробів. При використанні шихтованого осердя [9] відношення амплітуд корисного сигналу і шуму збільшилося до 38 дБ, що дає можливість проводити ультразвуковий контроль лунаметодом. Розроблено метод [10 ] ультразвукового електромагнітно- акустичного контролю феромагнітних виробів, суть якого заключається в збудженні ультразвукових імпульсів шляхом формування в поверхневому шарі феромагнітного виробу двох рядом розташованих короткочасно намагнічених ділянок з протилежним напрямком векторів магнітної індукції поляризуючого поля, збудженні в намагнічених ділянках пакетних імпульсів електромагнітного поля з протилежно направленими векторами напруженості тривалістю в кілька періодів високої частоти заповнення, при цьому збудження імпульсів електромагнітного поля виконують в момент часу, який дорівнює часу перехідних процесів з встановлення робочої величини індукції поляризуючого магнітного поля, а прийом ультразвукових імпульсів відбитих з виробу виконується в період часу tпр, який визначається за виразом T – t1 – t2 – t3 < tпр = t1 + t2 + t3 + 2H/C, де Т – тривалість імпульсу намагнічування; t1 – час перехідних процесів з встановлення робочої величини індукції поляризуючого магнітного поля; t2 – час дії пакетного імпульсу електромагнітного поля; t3 – час затухаючих коливань в плоскій високочастотній котушці індуктивності; Н – товщина виробу або відстань в об’ємі виробу, які підлягають ультразвуковому контролю; С – швидкість поширення зсувних ультразвукових хвиль в матеріалі виробу. Встановлено [9] [9], що завади в феромагнітному осерді, обумовлені ефектом Баркгаузена та магнітострикційним перетворенням електромагнітної енергії в ультразвукову при збудженні ультразвукових імпульсів, практично виключаються за рахунок виготовлення осердя шихтованим, матеріал пластин осердя повинен мати низький коефіцієнт магнітострикційного перетворення, пластини осердя повинні бути орієнтовані перпендикулярно провідникам робочих ділянок плоскої високочастотної котушки індуктивності, а також заповненням щілин між пластинами осердя рідиною із значною густиною, наприклад гліцерином. Показано, що чутливість прямих ЕМА перетворювачів з імпульсним намагнічуванням при живленні розробленим генератором пакетних зондуючих високочастотних імпульсів [11 ] та прийомі малошумлячим підсилювачем [12 ] забезпечують виявлення плоскодонних відбивачів діаметром 3 мм і більше при частоті зондування 40 Гц, піковому високочастотному струмі 120 А, частоті зсувних лінійно поляризованих ультразвукових коливань 2,3 МГц, тривалості високочастотного пакетного імпульсу 6…7 періодів частоти заповнення, тривалості імпульсу намагнічування 200 мкс, густині струму намагнічування 600 А/мм2 та при зазорі між ЕМАП і виробом 0,2 мм [9] [9]. При цьому амплітуда луна імпульсу відбитого від дефекту по відношенню до амплітуди завад досягає 20 дБ. Розроблені ЕМАП захищені 2 патентами на корисну модель.
Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Engineering (Doctor of Philosophy), specialty 05.11.13 "Devices and methods of testing and determination of composition of substances" - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". The dissertation is devoted to development of new ultrasonic electromagnetic-acoustic transducers with a source of pulsed polarizing magnetic field, methods of sensitive testing and diagnostics of metalware with the use of transducers of this type. Analytical review and analysis of modern means and methods of testing and diagnostics via electromagnetic-acoustic method [1-3] of ferromagnetic and electrically conductive or strictly electrically conductive products under conditions of impact of constant and pulse polarizing magnetic fields taking into account the presence of coherent interferences of different types, technical level of modern electromagnetic circuits, means of their power supply, reception of ultrasonic pulses from metalware and their processing, determination of known advantages and disadvantages, and opportunities of their use in research and development. The direction of the research is defined and justified: development of electromagnetic-acoustic transducer in the form of a simplified single-wind coil model [4] of a source of a magnetic polarizing field with a ferromagnetic core and a high-frequency coil, which is located between the core and the sample; by modeling [5] the distribution of induction of polarizing magnetic field at the end face of the core of the magnetic field source and in the surface layer of both ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic metallurgy the features of the location of the high frequency coil of inductance under the magnetic field source are effectively determined for the effective excitation of shear ultrasonic pulses (near the peripheral end of the ferromagnetic core) [6]. The increase in number of winds of magnetization coil in presence of a ferromagnetic core leads to a significant increase in time of transients during the process of powering of a pulsed source of a polarizing magnetic field and during its switching off. As a result, the duration of the power pulse increases to 1 ms or more, which leads to an increase in the force of attraction of EMAP to the ferromagnetic product, additional losses of electricity, deterioration of temperature conditions of the transducer. To reduce the duration of powering pulse of magnetic field it is necessary to reduce the number of winds of the magnetizing coil, but this leads to a decrease in magnetic induction magnitude, even in presence of a ferromagnetic core. As a result of rational choice of the design of the magnetic field source, the flat coil of magnetization must be made with a two-window three-wind and made of high-conductive high-heat-conducting material [7-9]. The core should be placed in the windows of the magnet coil only by the ends. As a result, the action time of the magnetization pulse is reduced to 200 μs, which is sufficient for testing of samples up to 300 mm thick. The high-frequency inductor coil is made of two linear working sections that are located under the windows of the coil [9]. In opposite directions of high-frequency current in these working areas, in-phase powerful pulses of shear ultrasonic waves are excited in the surface layer of the product. The ratio of the excited amplitudes of the shear and longitudinal pulses exceeds 30 dB. That is, the coherent pulses of longitudinal waves in the testing of the moon by the method will practically not affect the results of the diagnosis of ferromagnetic products. Design variants of electromagnetic-acoustic transducers with one-wind [7], two-wind [8] and three-wind magnetization coils [9] of a source of a pulsed polarizing magnetic field are developed. With a single-coil [7], the transients are minimal when the power pulse is winded on. However, it is necessary to excite in the coil a current of several kA, which complicates the temperature conditions of the transducer and power equipment. With a three-coil [9] magnetization, the amplitude of the bottom pulses in relation to the amplitude of the interference exceeds 24 dB, which allows for testing and diagnostics of large variety of samples. When using the charge core [9], the ratio of amplitudes increased to 38 dB, which makes it possible to monitor the echo by the method. The method [10] of ultrasonic electromagnetic - acoustic testing of ferromagnetic products is developed. vectors of intensity with duration of several periods of high filling frequency, n and this excitation of the pulses of the electromagnetic field is performed at a time equal to the time of transients to establish the operating value of the induction of the polarizing magnetic field, and the reception of ultrasonic pulses reflected from the product is performed in the time period tпр, which is determined by the expression T – t1 – t2 – t3 < tпр = t1 + t2 + t3 + 2H/C, where T is the duration of the magnetization pulse; t1 is the time of transients to establish the working value of the induction of a polarizing magnetic field; t2 - time of packet pulse of electromagnetic field; t3 is the time of damping oscillations in the flat high frequency inductor; H is the thickness of the product or the distance in volume of the product to be ultrasound; C is the velocity of propagation of shear ultrasonic waves in the material of the product. It is established [9] that the interferences in the ferromagnetic core caused by the Barkhausen effect and magnetostrictive transformation of electromagnetic energy into ultrasound are practically excluded by production of the core blended, usage of the material of the core plates which has a low coefficient of magnetostrictive conversion, perpendicular core plates orientation in relation to the conductors of the working areas of the flat high-frequency inductor, as well as filling of the gaps between the plates with a high density fluid, such as glycerol. It is shown that the sensitivity of direct EMA transducers with pulse magnetization when powered by a batch high frequency probe pulse generator [11] and when receiving via a low noise amplifier [12] provide detection of flat-bottomed reflectors with a diameter of 3 mm or more, probe frequency of 40 Hz, peak high-frequency current of 120A, shear linearly polarized ultrasonic oscillations of 2.3 MHz, high frequency packet pulse duration 6…7 filling frequency periods, magnetization pulse duration 200 μs, magnetization current density of 600 A / mm2 and at the gap between the EMAP and the product of 0.2 mm [9]. The amplitude of the echo momentum reflected from the flaw in relation to the noise amplitude reaches 20 dB. The EMATs developed are protected with 2 utility model patents.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Салам, Буссі. "Електромагнітно-акустичні перетворювачі для ультразвукового контролю металовиробів". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48181.

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Дисертація на здобуття вченого ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.11.13 – прилади і методи контролю та визначення складу речовин. Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Харків, 2020. В дисертаційній роботі вирішено актуальну науково-практичну задачу з розробки нових типів ЕМАП для ефективного ультразвукового контролю металовиробів. В роботі виконано комп’ютерне моделювання розподілу магнітних полів ЕМАП при імпульсному намагнічуванні феромагнітних та немагнітних виробів. Встановлені шляхи побудови перетворювачів з максимальною чутливістю. Розроблено метод збудження імпульсних пакетних ультразвукових імпульсів за рахунок послідовного в часі формування імпульсного магнітного та електромагнітного полів. Розроблено технічні рішення пригнічення когерентних завад в осерді та у виробі. Визначені геометричні та конструктивні параметри джерела імпульсного магнітного поля, що дало можливість збуджувати потужні синфазні пакетні імпульси високочастотних зсувних коливань в ОК. Показано, що чутливість прямих ЕМА перетворювачів з імпульсним намагнічуванням забезпечують виявлення плоскодонних відбивачів діаметром 3 мм і більше при частоті зондування 40 Гц, частоті зсувних лінійно поляризованих ультразвукових коливань 2,3 МГц, піковому струмі високочастотних пакетних імпульсів 120 А, тривалості пакетних високочастотних імпульсів струму в 6 періодів частоти заповнення, тривалості імпульсу намагнічування 200 мкс, щільності струму намагнічування 600 А/мм2 та при зазорі між ЕМАП і виробом 0,2 мм. При цьому амплітуда луна-імпульсу від дефекту по відношенню до амплітуди завад досягає 20 дБ, що дає можливість забезпечити якісну дефектоскопію металовиробів.
Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Engineering, specialty 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and determination of composition of substances. National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, 2020. A relevant scientific – practical problem on development of new types of EMAP for effective ultrasonic control of metal products is solved in the dissertation. Computer simulation of EMAT magnetic fields distribution in pulse magnetization of ferromagnetic and non-magnetic products is performed. Ways to build transducers with maximum sensitivity are established. The method of excitation of pulsed batch ultrasonic pulses due to the sequential formation of pulsed magnetic and electromagnetic fields is developed. Technical solutions for suppression of coherent interference in the core and in the product have been developed. The geometrical and structural parameters of pulsed magnetic field source were determined, which made it possible to excite powerful in-phase packet pulses of high-frequency shear oscillations in a sample. It is shown that the sensitivity of direct EMA transducers with pulse magnetization provide detection of flat-bottom reflectors with a diameter of 3 mm and more at a probing frequency of 40 Hz, a frequency of shear linearly polarized ultrasonic oscillations of 2.3 MHz, a peak current of high-frequency packet pulses of 120 A, duration of batch high frequency current pulses in 6 periods of filling frequency, magnetization pulse duration of 200 μs, magnetization current of 600 A and at the gap between EMAP and product of 0.2 mm.
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林鴻耀 and Hung-yiu Lam. "Pulse compression filter design for ultrasonic non-destructivetesting." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1994. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B3121423X.

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Nguyen, San Boi. "Development and use of a miniature ultrasonic pulser receiver." Thesis, McGill University, 2008. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=112581.

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The field of restorative dentistry and the problem of ultrasonic airframe corrosion in aerospace are introduced as motivation for the construction of a miniature ultrasonic pulser/receiver.
A broadly applicable ultrasonic pulser and receiver system is developed. Two pulsers, a 5V square and a 100V spike, and a 52dB amplifier with a 57MHz 6dB bandwidth were constructed as a result. These battery powered devices are tailored for compatibility with a custom built wireless data transmission system, also driven by the same voltage. It is demonstrated that the new pulser/receiver is comparable to the commercial system in performance in certain areas.
The new pulsers/receiver and a commercial one are used in this work. The data is acquired and analyzed using LabView and Matlab. It is shown that the ultrasonic technique can be used to follow the reaction in time as well as to gauge the cure of dental composites. The current work in ultrasonic airframe corrosion detection is furthered and the wireless system's functionality is affirmed.
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Long, Robert. "Improvement of ultrasonic apparatus for the routine inspection of concrete." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.343846.

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Lam, Hung-yiu. "Pulse compression filter design for ultrasonic non-destructive testing /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1994. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B18933580.

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Benane, Mehdi Yanis. "Ultrafast, broadband and multi-pulse transmissions for ultrasonic imaging." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSE1268/document.

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L'échographie est un outil de diagnostic largement utilisé grâce à des vertus telles que l'acquisition / traitement de données en temps réel, la facilité d'utilisation et la sécurité pour le patient / praticien pendant l'examen. Cependant, comparée à d'autres méthodes d'imagerie telles que la tomographie à rayons X et l'imagerie par résonance magnétique, l'échographie présente l'inconvénient de fournir une qualité d'image relativement basse. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions une méthode capable d'augmenter la qualité d'image, permettant ainsi de meilleurs diagnostics échographiques. Afin d'augmenter le rapport signal / bruit des signaux reçus, nous proposons d'utiliser des signaux modulés en fréquence (chirps). Pour éviter l'effet négatif de la bande passante limitée de la sonde, nous modulons en amplitude les signaux d'excitations afin d'augmenter l'énergie du signal dans les bandes de fréquences où la sonde est moins efficace. Pour compresser l'énergie des échos, nous utilisons des filtres de Wiener afin d'obtenir un bon compromis résolution spatiale / stabilité du bruit. Nous combinons cette méthode appelée REC (Resolution Enhancement Technique) avec l’imagerie ultrarapide. Nous montrons des résultats simulés et expérimentaux (in-vitro, ex-vivo et in-vivo) prometteurs. De plus, nous adaptons REC afin de compenser l'effet d'atténuation tissulaire. Cette amélioration est validée expérimentalement sur des phantoms. Nous adaptons également REC à la propagation non linéaire des ondes ultrasonores, en proposant une technique d'inversion d'impulsions qui utilise REC pour fournir une meilleure résolution et un meilleur rapport contraste / bruit. Ensuite, nous appliquons REC à différents schémas d’acquisition tels que les ondes divergentes et la transmission multi-lignes (MLT). Nous montrons également que la qualité d’image peut être augmentée davantage en tenant compte de la réponse impulsionnelle spatiale de la sonde lorsque REC et MLT sont combinés
Ultrasound imaging is a diagnostic tool widely used thanks to such virtues as real-time data acquisition / processing, ease of use and safety for the patient / practitioner during examination. However, when compared to other imaging methods such as X-ray tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the echography has the disadvantage to provide relatively low image quality. In this thesis, we study a method that is able to increase the ultrasound image quality, thus paving the way towards improved diagnostics based on echography and novel ultrasound applications. In order to increase the echo signal to noise ratio of the received signals, we propose to use linear frequency modulated signals, also called chirps. To avoid the negative effect of the bandlimited acquisition probe, we apply a pre-enhancement step on the probe excitation signals in order to boost the signal energy in the frequency bands where the probe is less efficient. To compress the echo energy in reception, we use Wiener filters that allow obtaining a good trade-off between the spatial resolution and noise stability. We apply the previously detailed pipeline, also called REC (Resolution Enhancement Technique) on ultrafast imaging schemes. We show promising results in simulation and in-vitro, ex-vivo, in-vivo acquisitions. Furthermore, we adapt REC in such way that the frequency dependent tissue attenuation effect is compensated for. This improvement is validated in simulation and phantom experiments. We also adapt REC to the nonlinear propagation of ultrasound waves, by proposing a pulse inversion technique that uses REC to provide a better image resolution and contrast to noise ratio. Then, we demonstrate the generality of the REC method by applying it to different acquisition schemes such as diverging wave compounding and Multi Line Transmit (MLT). We also show that the image quality can be increased more by taking into account the spatial impulse response of the ultrasound probe when REC and MLT are combined
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Gatchell, Peter A. "Experimental hardware development for a pulsed ultrasonic data collection facility." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1994. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA283331.

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Forsslund, Ola. "Automatic trimming of ultrasonic pulse in fiber-optical power spectrometer." Thesis, Uppsala University, Signals and Systems Group, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-121735.

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The aim of this master's thesis is to develop a method that fully automates a trimming step in the production of a fiber-optical power spectrometer, based on a unique Acusto-Optical Scanning Filter.

The filter is created by letting an ultrasonic mechanical pulse pass through a chirped Fiber Bragg Grating. The pulse introduces a disturbance in the grating, creating a thin optical transmission window in the otherwise reflective bandwidth. The high demands on the window requires a precise, unit dependent pulse form with unknown properties. Thus each unit needs to be trimmed to reach required performance.

The manual trimming is largely a trial and error process, that contains two performance tests. We redefine one, eliminating the need to reroute the optical path and reducing the number of fiber weldings. The tests are then quantified, allowing a figure of merit to be based on weighted performance values.

A brute force method, testing a large set of pulses, is implemented. The set is defined by the parameter space spanned by previously produced units. Due to the large space, the method is too time consuming. Instead it is used to measure the performance spaces of three units. An attempt to largely reduce the parameter space using PCA failed.

An alternating variables method that finds local performance optima in the parameter space is developed. By using a set of several starting points, the method tends to find several qualified pulses. The method is implemented and successfully verified by trimming new units.

Finally we propose where to focus improvements of the method in a production ramp up.

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Wan, Li. "Modeling and optimal design of annular array based ultrasound pulse-echo system." Link to electronic thesis, 2001. http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/Available/etd-0418101-100413/.

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Thesis (M.S.)--Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Title from title screen. Keywords: optimal design; modeling; object identification; ultrasound pulse-echo system; annular array. Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-162).
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He, Yin, and A. N. Kalashnikov. "An electronic architecture for intelligent portable pulse-echo ultrasonic instrument." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2013. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31770.

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This design aims to reduce the required measurement time and size of the instrument by modifying its electronic architecture in terms of components used, configuration of programmable logic and firmware. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31770
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Mong, Seng Ming. "Non-destructive evaluation with ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) in concrete structure." access abstract and table of contents access full-text, 2005. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/ezdb/dissert.pl?msc-ap-b21175032a.pdf.

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Thesis (M.Sc.)--City University of Hong Kong, 2005.
At head of title: City University of Hong Kong, Department of Physics and Materials Science, Master of Science in materials engineering & nanotechnology dissertation. Title from title screen (viewed on Sept. 4, 2006) Includes bibliographical references.
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Lau, Connie K. Y. "Non-destructive evaluation with ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) in concrete structure." access abstract and table of contents access full-text, 2005. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/ezdb/dissert.pl?msc-ap-b21174441a.pdf.

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Thesis (M.Sc.)--City University of Hong Kong, 2005.
At head of title: City University of Hong Kong, Department of Physics and Materials Science, Master of Science in materials engineering & nanotechnology dissertation. Title from title screen (viewed on Sept. 1, 2006) Includes bibliographical references.
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Hussein, Salah A.-R. Ahmed. "Characterisation of planar defects in solids using ultrasonic pulse echo techniques." Thesis, City University London, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.389705.

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Messer, Matthias. "Pulsed ultrasonic doppler velocimetry for measurement of velocity profiles in small channels and capplilaries." Thesis, Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005, 2005. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-09022005-131744/.

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Thesis (M. S.)--Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006.
Cyrus K. Aidun, Committee Member ; Farrokh Mistree, Committee Member ; Yves H. Berthelot, Committee Member ; Philip J. W. Roberts, Committee Member. Includes bibliographical references.
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Atkins, Timothy John. "Investigation of ultrasonic properties of MAGIC gels for pulse-echo gel dosimetry." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2014. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/371793/.

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This thesis describes investigations into the design and evaluation of novel ultrasonic methods for 3-dimensional ionising radiation dose verification. Pulse-echo ultrasound methods were investigated for the measurement and analysis of complex radiation therapy dose delivery. The physical properties of MAGIC (Methacrylic and Ascorbic acid in Gelatin Initiated by Copper) polymer gel dosimeters have been characterized. The variations of speed of sound, ultrasonic attenuation coefficient and density of MAGIC gel with radiation dose and temperature have been quantified. This extends work that has previously been reported for the properties of this gel to the effect of measurement temperature on the results. The facilities to perform these measurements were specified, constructed and evaluated as part of the project. The measurement of radiation dose using ultrasound back scatter from an interface between the polymer gel dosimeter and an inert reflector is demonstrated. To enable the measurement of radiation dose using pulse-echo ultrasound methods a novel inert material has been specified, manufactured and characterised. This material is matched to the acoustic impedance of MAGIC gel to produce the most dose-sensitive reflections. The reflections from the interface between the inert reflector and dose-dependent MAGIC gel have been analysed using both a single element transducer and a commercial ultrasound scanner. Both measurement systems demonstrate the same dose and temperature dependence of the ultrasonic reflection. A methodology has been developed to relate pixel values from the ultrasound scanner to the amplitude of the reflected ultrasound signal. A phantom consisting of an array of threads formed from the inert backscattering material has been designed and constructed and a method of extracting pixel data from images of the array acquired using a commercial ultrasound scanner has been developed, so that multiple imaging positions could be used to perform a 3-dimensional assessment of radiation dose distributions. It has been demonstrated that a pulse-echo technique using a commercial ultrasound scanner shows promise for radiation gel dosimetry. Further investigation and alternative polymer gel and inert reflector combinations may improve these techniques.
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Fateri, Sina. "Advanced signal processing techniques for multimodal ultrasonic guided wave response." Thesis, Brunel University, 2015. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/11657.

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Ultrasonic technology is commonly used in the eld of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of metal structures such as steel, aluminium, etc. Compared to ultrasonic bulk waves that travel in infinite media with no boundary influence, Ultrasonic Guided Waves (UGWs) require a structural boundary for propagation such that they can be used to inspect and monitor long elements of a structure from a single position. The greatest challenges for any UGW system are the plethora of wave modes arising from the geometry of the structural element which propagate with a range of frequency dependent velocities and the interpretation of these combined signals reflected by discontinuities in the structural element. In this thesis, a technique is developed which facilitates the measurement of Time of Arrival (ToA) and group velocity dispersion curves of wave modes for one dimensional structures as far as wave propagation is concerned. A second technique is also presented which employs the dispersion curves to deliver enhanced range measurements in complex multimodal UGW responses. Ultimately, the aforementioned techniques are used as a part of the analysis of previously unreported signals arising from interactions of UGWs with piezoelectric transducers. The first signal processing technique is presented which used a combination of frequency-sweep measurement, sampling rate conversion and the Fourier transform. The technique is applied to synthesized and experimental data in order to identify different wave modes in complex UGW signals. It is demonstrated that the technique has the capability to derive the ToA and group velocity dispersion curve of the wave modes of interest. The second signal processing technique uses broad band excitation, dispersion compensation and cross-correlation. The technique is applied to synthesized and experimental data in order to identify different wave modes in complex UGW signals. It is demonstrated that the technique noticeably improves the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of the UGW response using a priori knowledge of the dispersion curve. It is also able to derive accurate quantitative information about the ToA and the propagation distance. During the development of the aforementioned signal processing techniques, some unwanted wave-packets are identified in the UGW responses which are found to be induced by the coupling of a shear mode piezoelectric transducer at the free edge of the waveguide. Accordingly, the effect of the force on the piezoelectric transducers and the corresponding reflections and mode conversions are studied experimentally. The aforementioned signal processing techniques are also employed as a part of the study. A Finite Element Analysis (FEA) procedure is also presented which can potentially improve the theoretical predictions and converge to results found in experimental routines. The approach enhances the con dence in the FEA models compared to traditional approaches. The outcome of the research conducted in this thesis paves the way to enhance the reliability of UGW inspections by utilizing the signal processing techniques and studying the multimodal responses.
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Jong, Petrus Godefridus Maria de. "Measurement of myocardial tissue deformation by correlation interpolation of pulsed ultrasonic echo signals." Maastricht : Maastricht : Universiteit Maastricht ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 1991. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=5676.

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Dvorský, Petr. "Využití ultrazvukové impulsové metody-nástroj pro stanovení pevností cementů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-225672.

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Shao, Hong. "Thickness measurement of curved multilayered polymer structures using the ultrasonic pulse-echo method." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/MQ31002.pdf.

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Tyler, N. J. "Investigation of a piezo-polymer array transducer for pulse-echo ultrasonic material examinations." Thesis, Cranfield University, 1992. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/4182.

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The aim of this investigation was to make a flexible array of pulse-echo ultrasound transducers by etching two orthogonal linear arrays of conducting elements into the metallisation of either side of a sheet of PVdF. These would then be multiplexed under computer control in an X-Y raster, thereby forming an image of subsurface defects in a material specimen. A potential source model was used to predict the sensitivity of a single element air-backed transducer far from resonance. Initial investigations confirmed the predictions, and reaffirmed the results of previous workers. In making a prototype array, it was found necessary to use a bi-laminar arrangement with a central ground plane, due to difficulties with crosstalk and charge leakage into the specimen materials. The radiation pattern of this array was tested and found to agree with the predictions for Fraunhofer (Far-Field) radiation. A 10 MHz analogue to digital converter was constructed to interface with the IBM-PC clone as a transient recorder, through a data capture program written in 'C'. However, the electrical noise generated by the PC was found to interfere strongly with the signal from the array transducer. A wide-band amplifier and full-wave rectifier was then added to the multiplexer and A/D converter, and the system enclosed in an electrically isolated environment, which made it possible to obtain clear signal data from the transducer. Non-linear regression was implemented in the software, to smooth the data and locate echo peaks, and the most frequently occurring peak separation was used to indicate sample thickness at that location in a false-colour mapping on the screen of the PC.
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Bellis, Stephen John. "VLSI implementation of a spectral estimator for use with pulsed ultrasonic blood flow detectors." Thesis, Bangor University, 1996. https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/vlsi-implementation-of-a-spectral-estimator-for-use-with-pulsed-ultrasonic-blood-flow-detectors(aada8831-f06d-4e23-94d6-341d021a3e62).html.

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The focus of this thesis is on the design and selection of systolic architectures for ASIC implementation of the real-time digital signal processing task of Modi- fied Covariance spectral estimation. When used with pulsed Doppler ultrasound blood flow detectors, the Modified Covariance spectral estimator offers increased sensitivity in the detection of arterial disease over conventional Fourier transform based methods. The systolic model of computation is considered because through pipelining and parallel processing high levels of concurrency can be achieved to attain the nec- essary throughput for real-time operation. Systolic arrays of simple processing units are also well suited for implementation on VLSI. The versatility of the de- sign of systolic arrays using the rigorous data dependence graph methodology is demonstrated throughout the thesis by application to all sections of the spectral estimator design at both word and bit levels. Systolic array design for the model order 4 Modified Covariance spectral estima- tor, known to offer accurate estimation of blood flow mean velocity and d1stur- bance at an acceptable computational burden, is initially discussed. A variety of problem size dependent systolic arrays for real-time implementation of the fixed model order spectral estimator are designed using data dependence graph mapping methods. Optimal designs are chosen by comparison of hardware, com- munication and control costs, as well as efficiency, timing, data flow and accuracy considerations. A cost/benefit analysis, based on results from structural simula- tion of the arrays, allows the most suitable word-lengths to be chosen. Problem size independent systolic arrays are then discussed as means of coping with the huge increases in computational burden for a Modified Covariance spec- tral estimator which is programmable up to high model orders. This type of array can be used to reduce the number of PEs and increase efficiency when compared to the problem size dependent arrays and the research culminates in the proposal of a novel spiral systolic array for Cholesky decomposition.
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Abbagoni, Baba Musa. "Experimental investigations of two-phase flow measurement using ultrasonic sensors." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2016. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/11832.

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This thesis presents the investigations conducted in the use of ultrasonic technology to measure two-phase flow in both horizontal and vertical pipe flows which is important for the petroleum industry. However, there are still key challenges to measure parameters of the multiphase flow accurately. Four methods of ultrasonic technologies were explored. The Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) was first applied to the ultrasound signals of air-water flow on horizontal flow for measurement of the parameters of the two- phase slug flow. The use of the HHT technique is sensitive enough to detect the hydrodynamics of the slug flow. The results of the experiments are compared with correlations in the literature and are in good agreement. Next, experimental data of air-water two-phase flow under slug, elongated bubble, stratified-wavy and stratified flow regimes were used to develop an objective flow regime classification of two-phase flow using the ultrasonic Doppler sensor and artificial neural network (ANN). The classifications using the power spectral density (PSD) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) features have accuracies of 87% and 95.6% respectively. This is considerably more promising as it uses non-invasive and non-radioactive sensors. Moreover, ultrasonic pulse wave transducers with centre frequencies of 1MHz and 7.5MHz were used to measure two-phase flow both in horizontal and vertical flow pipes. The liquid level measurement was compared with the conductivity probes technique and agreed qualitatively. However, in the vertical with a gas volume fraction (GVF) higher than 20%, the ultrasound signals were attenuated. Furthermore, gas-liquid and oil-water two-phase flow rates in a vertical upward flow were measured using a combination of an ultrasound Doppler sensor and gamma densitometer. The results showed that the flow gas and liquid flow rates measured are within ±10% for low void fraction tests, water-cut measurements are within ±10%, densities within ±5%, and void fractions within ±10%. These findings are good results for a relatively fast flowing multiphase flow.
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Wei, Coach K. (Coach Kecheng) 1973. "Cepstrum-based deconvolution techniques for ultrasonic pulse-echo imaging of flaws in composite laminates." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/79992.

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Xu, Hanjiang. "Measurement of fiber suspension flow and forming jet velocity profile by pulsed ultrasonic doppler velocimetry." Diss., Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005, 2003. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/ipstetd-1071/.

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Widman, Erik. "Ultrasonic Methods for Quantitative Carotid Plaque Characterization." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Medicinsk bildteknik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-192339.

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Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide and improved diagnostic methods are needed for early intervention and to select the most suitable treatment for patients. Currently, carotid artery plaque vulnerability is typically determined by visually assessing ultrasound B-mode images, which is influenced by user-subjectivity. Since plaque vulnerability is correlated to the mechanical properties of the plaque, quantitative techniques are needed to estimate plaque stiffness as a surrogate for plaque vulnerability, which would reduce subjectivity during plaque assessment. The work in this thesis focused on three noninvasive ultrasound-based techniques to quantitatively assess plaque vulnerability and measure arterial stiffness. In Study I, a speckle tracking algorithm was validated in vitro to assess strain in common carotid artery (CCA) phantom plaques and thereafter applied in vivo to carotid atherosclerotic plaques where the strain results were compared to visual assessments by experienced physicians. In Study II, hard and soft CCA phantom plaques were characterized with shear wave elastography (SWE) by using phase and group velocity analysis while being hydrostatically pressurized followed by validating the results with mechanical tensile testing. In Study III, feasibility of assessing the stiffness of simulated plaques and the arterial wall with SWE was demonstrated in an ex vivo setup in small porcine aortas used as a human CCA model. In Study IV, SWE and pulse wave imaging (PWI) were compared when characterizing homogeneous CCA soft phantom plaques. The techniques developed in this thesis have demonstrated potential to characterize carotid artery plaques. The results show that the techniques have the ability to noninvasively evaluate the mechanical properties of carotid artery plaques, provide additional data when visually assessing B-mode images, and potentially provide improved diagnoses for patients suffering from cerebrovascular diseases.

Doctoral thesis in medical technology and medical sciences

QC 20160921

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Chan, Denny Yuk. "Structural integrity assessment of cantilevered type concrete structures by instrumented impact hammer (IIH) technique & ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) technique." access abstract and table of contents access full-text, 2005. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/ezdb/dissert.pl?msc-ap-b21174088a.pdf.

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Thesis (M.Sc.)--City University of Hong Kong, 2005.
At head of title: City University of Hong Kong, Department of Physics and Materials Science, Master of Science in materials engineering & nanotechnology dissertation. Title from title screen (viewed on Aug. 31, 2006) Includes bibliographical references.
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Graça, Cristo dos Santos Lopes Ruano Maria da. "Investigation of real-time spectral analysis techniques for use with pulsed ultrasonic Doppler blood flow detectors." Thesis, Bangor University, 1992. https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/investigation-of-realtime-spectral-analysis-techniques-for-use-with-pulsed-ultrasonic-doppler-blood-flow-detectors(f184d2a8-bde7-492a-b487-438704d3ea04).html.

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The goals of the work described here were the development of a method of selection of spectral estimation for use with pulsed Doppler ultrasonic blood flow instruments, and the use of this method to select an estimator and its implementation in a form suitable for real-time applications. A study of estimation accuracy of the mean frequency and bandwidth using a number of spectral estimators was carried out. Fourier based, parametric, and, minimum variance estimators were considered. A Doppler signal simulator was developed to allow the accuracy tests required. A method of selection of spectral estimators based on the accuracy of estimation of decisive signal parameters, under the constraint of low computational complexity has been proposed. This novel cost/benefit criterion, allows the possibility of weighting appropriate to estimator (mean frequency and bandwidth) and signal frequency importance (across the range of signal characteristics). For parametric spectral estimators, this criterion may also be used to select model order, leading to lower orders than FPE, AIC and CAT criteria. Its use led to the selection of a 4t' order modified covariance parametric method. A new version of the modified covariance method for spectral estimation of real signals was developed. This was created with a view to the parallel partitioning of the algorithm for parallel implementation on a transputer-based system, using OCCAM. A number of parallel topologies were implemented. Their performance was evaluated considering estimation of a single, and a sequence of Doppler signal segments, revealing the feasibility of these parallel implementations to be achieved in real-time.
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Kocak, Okan Okay. "Defect Assessment Of Spot Welds By Ndi." Master's thesis, METU, 2003. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/4/1027382/index.pdf.

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Resistance spot welding is used frequently as a successful joining method for a variety of work commonly in automotive and other manufacturing processes. Spot weld nugget is generally hidden between two sheets, causing its inspection difficult and expensive. Undersized nuggets, brittle or cracked nuggets, and excessive indentation of electrodes reveals the lack of fusion between the parts that can make the weld sub-standard. Visual inspection, pry testing and physical teardown with chisel and hammer method or a combination of them are being used traditionally. However, this study presents a more effective nondestructive inspection method based upon an ultrasonic pulse-echo technique. The theory of the technique together with the experimental verification are presented and its advantages over the other destructive and nondestructive techniques are considered.
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Kotze, Reinhardt. "Detailed non-Newtonian flow behaviour measurements using a pulsed ultrasound velocimetry method: Evaluation, optimisation and application." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/2183.

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Thesis (DTech (Electrical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011
Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling (UVP) is both a method and a device to measure an instantaneous one-dimensional velocity profile along a measurement axis by using Doppler echography. UVP is an ideal technique since it is non-invasive, works with opaque systems, inexpensive, portable and easy to implement relative to other velocity profile measurement methods. Studies have suggested that the accuracy of the measured velocity gradient close to wall interfaces need to be improved. The reason for this is due to, depending on the installation method, distortion caused by cavities situated in front of ultrasonic transducers, measurement volumes overlapping wall interfaces, refraction of the ultrasonic wave as well as sound velocity variations. A new ultrasonic transducer, which incorporates a delay line material optimised for beam forming could reduce these problems (Wiklund, 2007). If these could be addressed, UVP could be used for the measurement of velocity profiles in complex geometries (e.g. contractions, valves, bends and other pipe fittings) where the shape of the velocity profile is critical to derive models for estimating fluid momentum and kinetic energy for energy efficient designs. The objective of this research work was to optimise the UVP system for accurate complex flow measurements by evaluating a specially designed delay line transducer and implementing advanced signal processing techniques. The experimental work was conducted at the Material Science and Technology (MST) group at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). This work also formed part of a collaborative project with SIK - The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology. Acoustic characterisation of the ultrasonic transducers using an advanced robotic setup was done at SI K. Different concentrations of the following non-Newtonian fluids exhibiting different rheological characteristics were used for testing: carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) solutions, kaolin and bentonite suspensions. Water was used for calibration purposes.
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Peycheva, Kira. "Nondestructive testing of metals and composite materials using ultrasound thermography : Comparison with pulse-echo ultrasonics." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/29592/29592.pdf.

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WAN, Li. "Modeling and Optimal Design of Annular Array Based Ultrasound Pulse-Echo System." Digital WPI, 2001. https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/etd-theses/219.

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The ability to numerically determine the received signal in an ultrasound pulse-echo system is very important for the development of new ultrasound applications, such as tissue characterization, complex object recognition, and identification of surface topology. The output signal from an ultrasound pulse-echo system depends on the transducer geometry, reflector shape, location and orientation, among others, therefore, only by numerical modeling can the output signal for a given measurement configuration be predicted. This thesis concerns about the numerical modeling and optimal design of annular array based ultrasound pulse-echo system for object recognition. Two numerical modeling methods have been implemented and evaluated for calculating received signal in a pulse-echo system. One is the simple, but computationally demanding Huygens Method and the other one is the computationally more efficient Diffraction Response for Extended Area Method (DREAM). The modeling concept is further extended for pulse-echo system with planar annular array. The optimal design of the ultrasound pulse-echo system is based on annular array transducer that gives us the flexibility to create a wide variety of insonifying fields and receiver characteristics. As the first step towards solving the optimization problem for general conditions, the problem of optimally identifying two specific reflectors is investigated. Two optimization methods, the straightforward, but computationally intensive Global Search Method and the efficient Waveform Alignment Method, have been investigated and compared.
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Somaglino, Lucie. "Délivrance par ultrasons de chimiothérapie encapsulée dans des liposomes sono-sensibles : contrôle et dosage de la cavitation inertielle ultrasonore." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00771305.

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L'application d'ultrasons sur une tumeur, où des liposomes se sont accumulés, permet potentiellement de libérer le médicament mais aussi d'en favoriser l'absorption dans les cellules. La cavitation inertielle ultrasonore est le phénomène pressenti pour la libération sous ultrasons de médicament encapsulé dans de petits liposomes solides. Elle est très dépendante des conditions expérimentales et peut-être intense et imprévisible. L'objectif principal du travail réalisé dans le cadre de cette thèse est de contrôler et quantifier la cavitation inertielle, pour induire le largage de médicaments encapsulés dans des liposomes. Dans cette optique, une dose de cavitation inertielle (DC), basée sur le filtrage du bruit large bande émis lors de ce régime de cavitation, est mise au point in vitro pour suivre le largage de médicament encapsulé. Sous divers régimes d'ultrasons pulsés, la DC a été validée en dosant chimiquement les radicaux hydroxyles générés lors de l'implosion des bulles. Les tests menés sur diverses formulations de liposomes contenant de la doxorubicine (dox) ont montrés une haute corrélation entre le taux de largage de dox et la DC permettant de conclure que la cavitation inertielle est impliquée dans ce largage. Le rôle de la température sur la production de radicaux hydroxyles et la libération de dox a également été exploré. Les expériences réalisées ont permis de sélectionner les formulations les plus sensibles aux ultrasons pour les tester sur des rats implantés avec des tumeurs prostatiques. Après plusieurs expériences in vivo menées avec différents dispositifs ultrasonores et formulations de liposomes, le bénéfice du traitement combiné a pu être démontré.
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Chitti, Abhishek. "ASSESS MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE USING COMBINED NDT METHODS." OpenSIUC, 2019. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/2490.

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The aim of this research is to assess the material properties of concrete like modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, and Poisson’s ratio using various nondestructive Testing (NDT) methods like Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) and Rebound Hammer (RH). Assessment of material properties of concrete is very important as they are used for structural design process. Various NDT methods are applied to ensure the quality of concrete specimens but they can also be used to find material properties. UPV is a NDT method which is used to test the internal condition of the concrete specimen. RH is a surface hardness testing method and can be used to test the homogeneity of the specimen. For this study, several batches of concrete samples with three different design strengths of 6000 psi, 8000 psi, and 12000 psi were casted. Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio were calculated from UPV P-wave and S-wave velocities. A Nomogram was developed by combining the longitudinal ultrasonic pulse velocities, rebound numbers, and compressive strengths measured from UPV, RH, and compressive strength tests respectively. This combined NDT correlation curve (Nomogram) can be used to estimate compressive strength of concrete if UPV and rebound values are known. The accuracy of these NDT methods were determined by comparing estimated strength to the actual strength. Furthermore, the effect of moisture content on UPV and rebound values was reviewed and also studied dynamic modulus of elasticity and its relation with static modulus of elasticity of the concrete was investigated for better understanding.
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梁平 and Ping Maurice Leung. "The role of cross-sectional and pulsed Doppler echocardiography in themanagement of patients with congenital heart disease: a changing practice." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1991. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B30408908.

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Chandrana, Chaitanya K. "Development of A Focused Broadband Ultrasonic Transducer for High Resolution Fundamental and Harmonic Intravascular Imaging." Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2008. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1244664717.

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Aguirre, Quispe Luis Edgar. "Resistencia a la compresión del concreto a partir de la velocidad de pulsos de ultrasonido." Civilizate, 2016. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/114614.

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La prueba ultrasónica ahora se utiliza extensamente a través del mundo y está claro que las ventajas de este método sobre los métodos tradicionales de prueba, son probables a aumentar en su aplicación mucho más. En particular su capacidad al examinar el estado del concreto en intensidad es incomparable.
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Leung, Ping Maurice. "The role of cross-sectional and pulsed Doppler echocardiography in the management of patients with congenital heart disease : a changing practice /." [Hong Kong] : University of Hong Kong, 1991. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B14763825.

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Bortolotto, Marina Schnaider. "Bender elements, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and local gauges for the analysis of stiffness degradation of an artificially cemented soil." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/172327.

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A rigidez a pequenas deformações e sua respectiva degradação são informações cruciais para se determinar parâmetros de projeto mais precisos. Apesar de sua importância, estas propriedades não são usualmente investigadas. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi de estudar a degradação da rigidez da areia de Osório artificialmente cimentada por meio de diferentes métodos de laboratório. A escolha por um material cimentado ocorreu baseada em apelos ambientais, econômicos e técnicos. O presente estudo também objetiva desenvolver e validar um sistema de Bender Elements (BE), que forneça resultados confiáveis na avaliação da degradação do solo. Pares de BE foram construídos para serem utilizados em testes de bancada e ensaios triaxiais. Além disso, um amplificador de sinal, assim como scripts foram desenvolvidos especialmente para a interpretação dos dados no domínio do tempo. O aumento da rigidez durante o processo de cura foi avaliado por meio da velocidade de onda cisalhante, medida pelos BE e por um equipamento de ondas ultrassônicas (UPV), sob condições de pressão atmosférica. Ensaios de degradação da rigidez, por sua vez, foram conduzidos em uma câmara triaxial especialmente modificada para a instalação dos BE Após sete dias de cura atmosférica, os corpos-de-prova foram cisalhados no equipamento triaxial modificado enquanto mudanças de rigidez eram obtidas por meio de testes de BE e instrumentação interna. Os resultados demonstraram que o sistema BE desenvolvido foi bem sucedido na avaliação da rigidez do solo estudado. A comparação entre os resultados do BE e UPV não foi conclusiva no que se refere à dependência do solo à frequência. A degradação do módulo obtida por ambas as metodologias apresentou uma adequada concordância para o corpo-deprova com menor quantidade de cimento. Módulos obtidos por BE foram pouco maiores que os obtidos por medidas internas. Ainda, a interpretação no domínio do tempo dos resultados de BE para corpos-de-prova cimentados, especialmente durante ensaios triaxiais, foi difícil de ser executada, reforçando a necessidade de se combinar diferentes métodos de interpretação quando BE forem utilizados.
Stiffness at small strains and its respective degradation are crucial information to determine more precise design parameters. Despite their importance, these properties are not usually investigated. Thus, the objective of the present work was to study the stiffness degradation of artificially cemented Osorio sand by means of different laboratory methods. The choice for a cemented material was based on environmental, economic, and technical appeals. The present study also aimed to develop and validate a Bender Elements (BE) system that can provide reliable results in the evaluation of soil degradation. BE pairs were built for bench and triaxial tests. In addition, a signal amplifier, as well as scripts were specially developed for the interpretation of data in the time domain. Increase in stiffness during the curing process was evaluated by shear wave velocity measured by BE and an ultrasonic pulse wave velocity (UPV) equipment under atmospheric pressure conditions. Stiffness degradation tests were conducted in a specially modified triaxial chamber for BE installation After seven days of atmospheric curing, specimens were sheared in the modified triaxial equipment, while stiffness changes were obtained by BE tests and internal instrumentation. The results showed that the developed BE system was capable of successfully evaluating the studied soil. The comparison between BE and UPV results was not conclusive regarding soil dependence on frequency. Shear module degradation obtained with the two methodologies presented an adequate agreement for the specimen with the smaller amount of cement. Shear moduli obtained with BE were slightly larger than those obtained with internal measurements. Also, BE results interpretation in the time domain for cemented specimens, especially in the triaxial tests, was difficult to perform, reinforcing the need to combine different interpretation methods when BE are used.
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Robin, Justine. "Development of a 3D time reversal cavity for pulsed cavitational ultrasound : application to non-invasive cardiac therapy." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC273/document.

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L'objectif de cette thèse était d'explorer de nouvelles applications cardiaques pour l'histotripsie et de développer les outils permettant leur mise en place non-invasive. La thérapie ultrasonore cardiaque est en effet encore assez peu développée aujourd’hui, à cause de la difficulté à traiter un organe en mouvement permanent, et très bien protégé derrière la cage thoracique.Nous avons d'abord montré in vivo, sur un modèle ovin, que l’on pouvait sectionner les cordages mitraux de manière non-invasive ainsi que traiter la sténose aortique calcifiée. Engendrer de la cavitation sur les feuillets valvulaires permet effectivement d’agir à distance sur les calcifications, et de globalement assouplir la valve.Simultanément, nous avons développé un dispositif pour la thérapie cardiaque non invasive, fondé sur le concept de cavité à retournement temporel. Ce dispositif permet l'émission d'impulsions ultrasonores de haute intensité dans un très grand volume d’intérêt. L’on peut ainsi déplacer le point de thérapie en 3 dimensions de manière entièrement électronique, et sans déplacer mécaniquement l’appareil. Après optimisation, ce dispositif a permis de créer des lésions mécaniques bien contrôlées dans une région d'intérêt de 2 000 cm3.Pour faire face au défi que représente la cage thoracique, nous avons développé une méthode de focalisation adaptative et l'avons mise en œuvre dans un prototype 2D du dispositif. Avec cette méthode, nous pouvons non seulement construire un front d'onde ultrasonore adaptatif qui se propage de manière préférentielle à travers les espaces intercostaux, mais grâce aux propriétés des cavités à retournement temporel, nous pouvons également augmenter la pression focale obtenue sur la cible de thérapie.Enfin, pour approfondir ce travail sur la focalisation adaptative, et nous avons considéré le cas de l'imagerie transcrânienne. Pour cette application, nous avons choisi d’utiliser la focalisation par retournement temporel dans le bruit de speckle, pour corriger les aberrations induites par le crâne. En simulations numériques, nous avons pu calculer les modulations de phase et d'amplitude induites par les os et améliorer le contraste et la résolution d'une image B-mode
The objective of this thesis was to explore new applications for cardiac histotripsy, and to develop the tools making it possible non-invasively. Cardiac ultrasound therapy indeed still remains limited due to the tremendous challenge of treating a constantly and rapidly moving organ, well protected behind the ribcage.We first showed in vivo, on a large animal model, that histotripsy could be used non-invasively to cut mitral chordae, and to treat calcified aortic stenosis in a beating heart. Cavitation on the valve leaflets can indeed locally and remotely act on the calcifications, and globally soften the valve. Simultaneously, we developed a therapeutic device allowing completely non-invasive cardiac shock-wave therapy based on the time reversal cavity concept. In particular, this device allows the emission of high intensity ultrasound pulses, and provides 3D electronical steering of the therapy focal spot in a large volume. After a thorough optimisation process, this device was capable of creating well controlled mechanical lesions over a 2 000 cm3 region of interest. To tackle the challenge of ultrasound propagation through the rib cage, we developed an adaptive focusing method (DORT method through a time reversal cavity), and implemented it in a 2D prototype of the device. With this method, we not only could build an adaptive ultrasonic wavefront propagating preferentially through the intercostal spaces, but due to time reversal cavities properties, we could also increase the peak pressure obtained on target.Finally, we pushed our work on adaptive focusing further, and considered the case of transcranial imaging. For this application, we chose to use the time reversal of speckle noise technique, to correct the aberrations induced by the skull. In numerical simulations, we were able to derive the phase and amplitude modulations induced by the bones, and could improve the contrast and resolution of a B-mode image
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Hu, Chennan. "Two Innovative Applications Combining Fiber Optics and High Power Pulsed Laser: Active Ultrasonic Based Structural Health Monitoring and Guided Laser Micromachining." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/94130.

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This dissertation presents the exploration of two fiber optics techniques involving high power pulse laser delivery. The first research topic is "Embedded Active Fiber Optic Sensing Network for Structural Health Monitoring in Harsh Environments", which uses the fiber delivered pulse laser for acoustic generation. The second research topic is "Fiber Optics Guided Laser Micromachining", which uses the fiber delivered pulse laser for material ablation. The objective of the first research topic is to develop a first-of-a-kind technology for remote fiber optic generation and detection of acoustic waves for structural health monitoring in harsh environments. Three different acoustic generation mechanisms were studied in detail, including laser induced plasma breakdown (LIB), Erbium-doped fiber laser absorption, and metal laser absorption. By comparing the performance of the acoustic generation units built based on these three mechanisms, the metal laser absorption method was selected to build a complete fiber optic structure health monitoring (FO-SHM) system. Based on the simulation results of elastic wave propagation and fiber Bragg grating acoustic pulse detection, an FO-SHM sensing system was designed and built. This system was first tested on an aluminum piece in the room temperature range and successfully demonstrated its capability of multi-parameter monitoring and multi-point sensing. With additional studies, the upgraded FO-SHM element was successfully demonstrated at high temperatures up to 600oC on P-91 high temperature steels. During the studies of high power pulse laser delivery, it was discovered that with proper laser-to-fiber coupling, the output laser from a multimode fiber can directly ablate materials around the fiber tip. Therefore, it is possible to use a fiber-guided laser beam instead of free space laser beams for micromachining, and this solves the aspect ratio limitation rooted in a traditional laser beam micromachining method. In this dissertation, this Guided Laser MicroMachining (GLMM) concept was developed and experimentally demonstrated by applying it to high aspect ratio micro-drilling. It was achieved that an aspect ratio of 40 on aluminum and an aspect ratio of 100 on PET, with a hole diameter less than 200 um.
This dissertation presents two research topics both related to high power laser and fiber optic. The first topic studies the application of using optical fiber and high power laser for ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation. The general idea is to use fiber optic to remotely generate and monitor ultrasonic waves on a workpiece. Due to the fact that there are no electronic components involved in the sensing part of the system, this system can work at high temperature and is unsusceptible to EMI. The second topic studies the usage of optical fiber in high aspect ratio micromachining. The key concept is to use a fiber tip and the output high power laser as a "drilling tip", which eliminate the aspect ratio limitation rooted in the traditional free-space laser micromachining method. With this concept and a demonstrative micromachining system, we achieved record-breaking aspect ratio on both aluminum and plastic.
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Kaynak, Mehmet. "Non-destructive Testing Of Columns Under Axial Compression Using Tranverse Vibration Technique, And Ultrasonic Approaches." Master's thesis, METU, 2004. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/1260465/index.pdf.

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The level of axial compressive load on an existing column is one of the most important parameters to be known. This thesis aims to investigate current state of the art of NDT techniques, their application, and investigate alternative ways of using current technology to estimate the axial compressive load on columns. For this purpose, transverse vibration technique, ultrasonic pulse velocity method, and waveform and frequency content evaluation of ultrasound are investigated and implemented. Analytical and experimental studies on column transverse vibration frequency and axial load relationship are conducted and presented. The measured experimental lateral vibration frequency of the first bending mode decreased under increased axial compressive load as expected from analytical studies. Relationships between axial load and vibration frequency are derived and defined for different boundary conditions. Relationship charts are prepared for complicated solution sets. Numerical calculations, laboratory and field tests revealed that natural frequencies of slender columns are more sensitive to axial load changes. The available ultrasonic methods are investigated and described. Stress wave propagation in anisotropic solids is studied. Previous works have shown that the propogation velocity of stress waves depends on the density, Poisson&rsquo
s ratio, modulus of elasticity of the medium, and the state of stress. The orientation of the loading direction to the wave propogation direction, the couplant (ultrasonic transmission gel) uniformity, variability in the pressure applied to hold the transducers, alignment of the transmitting and recieving transducers, accuracy and modelling of Poisson&rsquo
s ratio make the ultrasonic testing more complicated.
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Leary, Del M. "Negative group velocity of ultrasonic pulses in a bubbly liquid /." 2001.

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Li, Ronny Xi. "Ultrasonic Pulse Wave Imaging for in vivo Assessment of Vascular Wall Dynamics and Characterization of Arterial Pathologies." Thesis, 2016. https://doi.org/10.7916/D83T9H2R.

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Arterial diseases such as hypertension, carotid stenosis, and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) may progress silently without symptoms and contribute to acute cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, and aneurysm rupture, which are consistently among the leading causes of death worldwide. The arterial pulse wave, regarded as one of the fundamental vital signs of clinical medicine, originates from the heart and propagates throughout the arterial tree as a pressure, flow velocity, and wall displacement wave, giving rise to the natural pulsation of the arteries. The dynamic properties of the pulse wave are intimately related to the physical state of the cardiovascular system. Thus, the assessment of the arterial wall dynamics driven by the pulse wave may provide valuable insights into vascular mechanical properties for the early detection and characterization of arterial pathologies. The focus of this dissertation was to develop and clinically implement Pulse Wave Imaging (PWI), an ultrasound elasticity imaging-based method for the visualization and spatio-temporal mapping of the pulse wave propagation at any accessible arterial location. Motion estimation algorithms based on cross-correlation of the ultrasound radio-frequency (RF) signals were used to track the arterial walls and capture the pulse wave-induced displacements over the cardiac cycle. PWI facilitates the image-guided measurement of clinically relevant pulse wave features such as propagation speed (pulse wave velocity, or PWV), uniformity, and morphology as well as derivation of the pulse pressure waveform. A parametric study investigating the performance of PWI in two canine aortas ex vivo and 10 normal, healthy human arteries in vivo established the optimal image acquisition and signal processing parameters for reliable measurement of the PWV and wave propagation uniformity. Using this framework, three separate clinical feasibility studies were conducted in patients diagnosed with hypertension, AAA, and carotid stenosis. In a pilot study comparing hypertensive and aneurysmal abdominal aortas with normal controls, the AAA group exhibited significantly higher PWV and lower wave propagation uniformity. A “teetering” motion upon pulse wave arrival was detected in the smaller aneurysms (< 5 cm in diameter) but not in the larger aneurysms (> 5.5 cm in diameter). While no significant difference in PWV or propagation uniformity was observed between normal and hypertensive aortas, qualitative differences in the pulse wave morphology along the imaged aortic segment may be an indicator of increased wave reflection caused by elevated blood pressure and/or arterial stiffness. Pulse Wave Ultrasound Manometry (PWUM) was introduced as an extension of the PWI method for the derivation of the pulse pressure (PP) waveform in large central arteries. A feasibility study in 5 normotensive, 9 pre-hypertensive, and 5 hypertensive subjects indicated that a significantly higher PP in the hypertensive group was detected in the abdominal aorta by PWUM but not in the peripheral arteries by alternative devices (i.e. a radial applanation tonometer and the brachial sphygmomanometer cuff). A relatively strong positive correlation between aortic PP and both radial and brachial PP was observed in the hypertensive group but not in the normal and pre-hypertensive groups, confirming the notion that PP variation throughout the arterial tree may not be uniform in relatively compliant arteries. The application of PWI in 10 stenotic carotid arteries identified phenomenon such as wave convergence, elevated PWV, and decreased cumulative displacement around and/or within regions of atherosclerotic plaque. Intra-plaque mapping of the PWV and cumulative strain demonstrated the potential to quantitatively differentiate stable (i.e. calcified) and vulnerable (i.e. lipid) plaque components. The lack of correlation between quantitative measurements (PWV, modulus, displacement, and strain) and expected plaque stiffness illuminates to need to consider several physiological and imaging-related factors such as turbulent flow, wave reflection, imaging location, and the applicability of established theoretical models in vivo. PWI presents a highly translational method for visualization of the arterial pulse wave and the image-guided measurement of several clinically relevant pulse wave features. The aforementioned findings collectively demonstrated the potential of PWI to detect, diagnose, and characterize vascular disease based on qualitative and quantitative information about arterial wall dynamics under pathological conditions.
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