Дисертації з теми "Trade-off optimization"
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Hawkins, Alicia. "DECISION-MAKER TRADE-OFFS IN MULTIPLE RESPONSE SURFACE OPTIMIZATION." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2007. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/2787.
Повний текст джерелаPh.D.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
Engineering and Computer Science
Industrial Engineering PhD
Pang, Xi. "Trade-off analysis of forest ecosystem services – A modelling approach." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Hållbarhet, utvärdering och styrning, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-216432.
Повний текст джерелаQC 20171023
Bettemir, Onder Halis. "Optimization Of Time-cost-resource Trade-off Problems In Project Scheduling Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms." Phd thesis, METU, 2009. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12611971/index.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаgenetic algorithm, genetic algorithm with simulated annealing, hybrid genetic algorithm with simulated annealing and particle swarm optimization meta-heuristic algorithms are implemented. The algorithms are tested by using the project sets of Kolisch and Sprecher (1996). Genetic algorithm with simulated annealing and hybrid genetic algorithm simulated annealing algorithm obtained very successful results when compared with the previous state of the art algorithms. 120-activity multi-mode problem set is produced by using the single mode problem set of Kolisch and Sprecher (1996) for the analysis of resource constrained time cost trade-off problem. Genetic algorithm with simulated annealing presented the least total project cost.
Aminbakhsh, Saman. "Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm For Obtaining Pareto Front Of Discrete Time-cost Trade-off Problem." Master's thesis, METU, 2013. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12615398/index.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаBam, Prayag. "Development and Implementation of Network Level Trade-off Analysis tool in Transportation Asset Management." University of Toledo / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=toledo1512227253641838.
Повний текст джерелаSjölund, Björn, and Alex Giang. "An optimization model for the allocation of mobile stroke units : Considering the trade-off between cost and benefit." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-24068.
Повний текст джерелаAfghari, Amir Pooyan. "Incorporation of road safety into road management systems." Thesis, Concordia University, 2012. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/79838/1/Afghari_MASc_S2012.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаAlkhwaildi, Hassan. "TRADE-OFF BETWEEN COST AND CO2 EMISSION IN OPTIMIZATION OF HYBRID RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS: A CASE STUDY IN SAUDI ARABIA." OpenSIUC, 2020. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/2789.
Повний текст джерелаHedgren, Amanda, and Daniel Genberg. "Multi criteria decision making approach for strategic evaluation of environmental trade-off solution in logistics : A case study at Northvolt." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik, konst och samhälle, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-85731.
Повний текст джерелаJaini, Nor. "An efficient ranking analysis in multi-criteria decision making." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2017. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/an-efficient-ranking-analysis-in-multicriteria-decision-making(c5a694d5-fd43-434f-9f9f-b86f7581b97c).html.
Повний текст джерелаSydney, Ali. "Characteristics of robust complex networks." Thesis, Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/1580.
Повний текст джерелаTiene, Sara. "Genetic algorithms for construction management: the case study of a building envelope design optimization." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.
Знайти повний текст джерелаLindh, Magnus. "Evolution of Plants : a mathematical perspective." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-119458.
Повний текст джерелаArtikel I: Arters reproduktionsframgång (fitness), till exempel antal avkommor eller frön som produceras under livet, är ofta avgörande för huruvida de är evolutionärt framgångsrika eller inte. Här undersöker vi hur ettåriga växter med eller utan tillväxtbegränsningar ska optimera sin blomningstid när produktivitet eller säsongslängd ändras. Det är optimalt att gå direkt från tillväxt till blomning när tillväxten är begränsad och dödligheten är konstant. Vid ökad produktivitet sker blomningen tidigare med tillväxtbegränsningar men senare utan tillväxtbegränsningar, vilket beror på att med tillväxtbegränsningar ökar den vegetativa massan långsamt. Därför är det bättre att blomma tidigare och ta tillvara på en längre reproduktionsperiod. Vi får samma resultat om säsongslängden ökar lika mycket i början och slutet av säsongen. Vår teori kan bidra till att förutsäga blomningstider vid produktivitetsförändringar och säsongsförändringar. Artikel II: Tillväxten hos träd kan begränsas av brist på ljus, vatten, och näring, men också genom förlust av grenar. Vi introducerar ett nytt mått på tillväxteffektiviteten hos trädkronor baserat på förlust av biomassa under trädets tillväxt. Ju mer massa trädet förlorar under tillväxt, desto mindre tillväxteffektiva är de. Topptunga former förlorar mer biomassa än bottentunga former. Vi studerar avvägningar mellan ljuseffektivitet och tillväxteffektivitet för trädformer, där ljuseffektiviteten definieras som medelljusupptaget för löven i kronan. Vi antar en konstant totalmassa, och en statisk vertikal skuggning som representerar skuggningen från en omgivande skog. Vi hittar stora skillnader i kronformer vid en medelhög skuggning, då både självskuggningen och medelskuggningen har betydelse. Vårt mått för tillväxteffektivitet kan enkelt integreras i existerande skogsmodeller. Studien visar att avvägningar mellan tillväxteffektivitet och ljuseffektivitetet kan vara viktig för mångfalden av trädformer i en skog. En överraskande upptäckt är att konformade eller sfäriska trädkronor aldrig är effektiva, men däremot timglasformade kronor. Artikel III: Växter kan försvara sig på olika sätt mot torka, till exempel genom att rulla ihop bladen eller genom att reproducera tidigare och därigenom undvika uttdragen torka. Här undersöker vi fördelarna med en pålrot vid torka. En pålrot är en rot som växer nedåt för att nå djupliggande grundvatten. Vi utvidgar en evolutionär modell av trädkronor med grundvatten och en pålrot, där träd med olika höjd konkurrerar om ljus. Det finns ingen konkurrens om vatten. Vi undersöker hur mångfalden hos träden beror på vattendjup, vattengradient och dödlighet orsakad av torka. Med hjälp av pålroten kan träden nå djupt vatten och därigenom minska dödligheten, men den medför också en kostnad, så en avvägning måste göras. Vi ser att pålrötter upprätthåller mångfalden hos växterna vid ökad mortalitet, och att pålrötter uppstår när grundvattnet är grunt. Det finns inga strategier som kan överleva om grundvattnet är djupt och dödligheten är hög. Vår modell kan förklara hur grundvatten kan förändra sammansättningen på trädsamhällen, när träd med och utan pålrot kan samexistera, och under vilka förutsättningar endast en av strategierna förväntas dominera. Artikel IV: Träd som växer upp i en skog måste konkurrera med andra träd om ljus, framförallt större träd. Detta ger upphov till en asymmetrisk ljuskonkurrens, där de små träden hämmas av större träd. Små träd har därmed små chanser att överleva utom då skogen nyligen störts och det öppnas upp en glänta. Vid denna ljuskonkurrens kan man anta att trädkronans form har stor betydelse för trädets framgång. Frågan är hur de evolutionärt fördelaktiga kronformerna beror på latituden och produktiviteten. Vi antar att latituden påverkar solens genomsnittliga vinkel och ljusrespons. Vi utvidgar en storleksstrukturerad trädmodell med självskuggning där två evolverande egenskaper beskriver kronans topptyngd och bredd. Med modellen kan vi undersöka vilka strategiska avvägningar som bestämmer om kronans form blir konkurrenskraftig. En topptung krona har högt ljusupptag eftersom det finns mest ljus högt upp i grenverket. Å andra sidan har den en låg tillväxteffektivitet eftersom topptunga kronor måste tappa mycket grenar för att behålla sin form. En bred krona har en låg självskuggning eftersom bladen är utspridda. Å andra sidan har den höga kostnader för de långa grenar som krävs. Vi finner att när dessa egenskaper evolverar tillsammans så finns endast en evolutionärt stabil strategi (ESS), långt från den högsta nettoproduktionen. När endast solvinkeln minskar med ökande latitud minskar både kronans bredd och topptyngd, men när både solvinkel och ljusrespons minskar med ökande latitud så är bredden nästan oförändrad utom vid låg produktivitet då den minskar med latituden. Kronans topptyngd minskar alltid med latituden. Slutligen ser vi hur kronans topptyngd alltid ökar med nettoproduktionen vid ESS, medan kronans bredd har ett maxium för ett mellanvärde hos nettoproduktionen vid ESS.
Oliveira, Alexandre de. "Controle ótimo de sistemas lineares com saltos Markovianos e ruídos multiplicativos sob o critério de média variância ao longo do tempo." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3139/tde-16042012-101655/.
Повний текст джерелаIn this work we consider the stochastic optimal control problem of discrete-time linear systems subject to Markov jumps and multiplicative noise under two criterions. First, we consider an unconstrained multiperiod mean-variance trade-off performance criterion. In the sequence, we consider a multiperiod minimum variance criterion subject to constraints on the minimum expected output along the time. We present explicit necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an optimal control strategy for the problems, generalizing previous results in the literature. The optimal control law is written as a state feedback added with a deterministic sequence. This solution is derived from a set of coupled generalized Riccati difference equations interconnected with a set of coupled linear recursive equations. As an application, we present some practical numerical examples on a multiperiod portfolio selection problem with regime switching, including an Asset and Liability Management strategy. In this problem it is desired to nd the best portfolio allocation in order to optimize its risk-return performance in every time step along the investment horizon, under one of the two criterions stated above.In this work we consider the stochastic optimal control problem of discrete-time linear systems subject to Markov jumps and multiplicative noise under two criterions. First, we consider an unconstrained multiperiod mean-variance trade-off performance criterion. In the sequence, we consider a multiperiod minimum variance criterion subject to constraints on the minimum expected output along the time. We present explicit necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an optimal control strategy for the problems, generalizing previous results in the literature. The optimal control law is written as a state feedback added with a deterministic sequence. This solution is derived from a set of coupled generalized Riccati difference equations interconnected with a set of coupled linear recursive equations. As an application, we present some practical numerical examples on a multiperiod portfolio selection problem with regime switching, including an Asset and Liability Management strategy. In this problem it is desired to nd the best portfolio allocation in order to optimize its risk-return performance in every time step along the investment horizon, under one of the two criterions stated above.
Häggbom, Marcus, and Shayan Nafar. "Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection Accounting for Financial Bubbles: A Mean-Field Type Approach." Thesis, KTH, Matematisk statistik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-252299.
Повний текст джерелаFinansiella bubblor är ett fenomen som har påverkat marknader sedan 1600-talet. Bubblor tenderar att skapas när marknaden kraftigt övervärderar en tillgång vilket orsakar en hyperbolisk tillväxt i marknadspriset. Detta följs av en plötslig kollaps. Därför är det viktigt för investerare att kunna minska sin exponering mot aktier som befinner sig i en bubbla, så att risken för stora plötsliga förluster reduceras. Således är portföljoptimering där aktiedynamiken tar hänsyn till bubblor av högt intresse för marknadsdeltagare. Portföljoptimering med avseende på medelfältet är ett relativt nytt tillvägagångssätt för att behandla bubbelfenomen. Av denna anledning undersöks i detta arbete en hittills oprövad lösningsmetod som möjliggör en medelfältslösning till avvägningen mellan förväntad avkastning och risk. Där-utöver presenteras även ett antal nya modeller för aktier som kan bortleda investerare från bubblor.
Silva, Claudio Rogerio Negri da. "Aplicação de modelos de redes de filas abertas no projeto e planejamento de sistemas discretos de manufatura." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2005. https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/3465.
Повний текст джерелаUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
The management of manufacturing systems have become more complex, once that new products are arising, product demands are uncertain, life cycles get shorter, and a wide variety of products compete for common resources. This thesis deals with the design and planning of discrete manufacturing systems, based on open queueing network models to support the decision making of capacity allocation. As manufacturing systems may be represented by generalized queueing networks, and there are no exact solution methods, here is employed the decomposition approximate method to evaluate the performance of systems under different configurations. It is shown in the thesis how these approximations are suitable and effective to estimate the work-in-process (WIP) and the production leadtime of an actual metallurgical industry queueing network. It is also shown that discrete capacity allocation models, based on the approximations, are effective to evaluate and optimize the performance of the case study under different configurations. Trade-off curves between capacity investment and WIP are generated and are useful not only to support a manager to estimate how much capacity he/she should allocate, but also to decide where it should be allocated in the queueing network. These curves also support the decision making in terms of capacity, if the variability of the external arrivals, the product mix and/or the throughput for the network change. Besides adding capacity, partitioning the facility is another alternative to reduce the system complexity. This thesis also approaches the focused factory design problem, involving the partition of the facility into smaller shops and the capacity allocation in each shop. Again, the decomposition approximations were employed to evaluate the system performance. Despite its importance, this problem has rarely been reported in the literature. In this thesis, the goal is to reduce the system complexity either from the product management point of view or from the workstation management point of view. From the product management point of view, a model whose complexity constraint is na upper limit on the production leadtime variance of the products passing through the network was studied. From the workstation management point of view, the complexity constraint of the model keeps constant the expected waiting time of a product at a workstation, once it waits for being served. It is shown through these models for some instances that the partition of the facility into smaller shops decreases the complexity system without necessary capacity additional investments. Futhermore, sometimes it is possible to keep the network performance (or even to improve it), partitioning the network into smaller shops which need less capacity than the original configuration with a single shop.
A gestão de sistemas de manufatura tem se tornado mais complexa na medida em que novos produtos estão surgindo, a demanda de produtos é incerta, os ciclos de vida são mais curtos e uma grande variedade de produtos competem pelos mesmos recursos. Esta tese trata o projeto e planejamento de sistemas discretos de manufatura, baseados em modelos de redes de filas abertas, para auxiliar no processo de tomada de decisões. Porque sistemas de manufatura podem ser representados por redes de filas genéricas, e não existem métodos exatos de solução, aqui é empregado o método aproximado de decomposição para avaliar o desempenho dos sistemas em diferentes configurações. Mostra-se nesta tese que estas aproximações são adequadas e efetivas para estimar os estoques em processo (WIP) e o leadtime de produção de uma rede de manufatura real de uma indústria metal-mecânica. Mostra-se ainda que os modelos de alocação de capacidade discreta, baseados nestas aproximações, também são efetivos para avaliar e otimizar o desempenho da rede do estudo de caso em diferentes configurações. Curvas de trade-off entre investimento em capacidade e WIP são geradas e são úteis não somente para auxiliar um gerente a estimar quanto alocar de capacidade, mas também para decidir onde alocá-la na rede de filas. As curvas também auxiliam a tomada de decisões em termos de capacidade, se a variabilidade das chegadas externas, o mix de produtos e/ou a taxa de produção da rede mudam. Além de adicionar capacidade, a partição da instalação é outra alternativa para reduzir a complexidade do sistema. Esta tese também aborda o problema de projeto de fábrica focalizada, envolvendo a partição da instalação em subplantas e a alocação de capacidade em cada estação das subplantas. Novamente, as aproximações por decomposição foram utilizadas para avaliar e otimizar o desempenho do sistema. Apesar de sua importância, este problema tem sido muito pouco reportado em literatura. Nesta tese, o objetivo é reduzir a complexidade do sistema do ponto de vista da gestão do produto, ou do ponto de vista da gestão da estação. Do ponto de vista da gestão do produto, é apresentado um modelo cuja restrição de complexidade é um limitante superior para a variância do leadtime dos produtos na rede. Do ponto de vista da gestão da estação, a restrição de complexidade do modelo fixa o tempo médio de espera de um produto na estação, quando há espera. Mostra-se, por meio destes modelos para alguns casos que, a partição da instalação em subplantas reduz a complexidade do sistema, sem necessidade de investimentos adicionais em capacidade. Além disso, algumas vezes, é possível manter (ou até melhorar) o desempenho da rede, particionando-a em subplantas que necessitam de menos capacidade do que a configuração original com uma planta única.
Lee, Ho. "Compression progressive et tatouage conjoint de maillages surfaciques avec attributs de couleur." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00863744.
Повний текст джерелаJulianto and 吳順來. "Discounted Cash Flows Time-Cost Trade-Off Problem Optimization with Uncertainty Cost." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/91125188295400824610.
Повний текст джерела國立交通大學
Optimization problems in time-cost trade-off (TCTO) analysis of construction management have been traditionally solved by two distinctive approaches: heuristic methods and optimization techniques. Although heuristic methods can handle large-size projects, they do not guarantee optimal solutions. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as genetic algorithms (GAs), ant colony optimization (ACO), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) have been introduced to overcome the problems associated with (1) large number of variables and constraints; (2) non linearity of time-cost functions; and (3) multi-objective optimization. Traditional time-cost trade-off (TCTO) analysis of construction management assumes the constant value of activities’ cost along the project time span. In fact, the value of money decreases with time or in other words, disregard time value of money. Therefore, discounted cash flows should be considered when solving TCTO optimization problems. Furthermore, in reality, due to different uncertainty, the actual cost of each option is also not known by the manager in advance as a risk. Hence, the total cost of the project may significantly because of these uncertainty. Unfortunately, traditional TCTO analysis also disregards this factor. This study tries to incorporate time value of money and uncertainty into TCTO analysis. Details of model formulation are illustrated by an example project. The model has the following features: (1) optimum solution is guaranteed; (2) precise discrete activity time-cost relationship is used; (3) time value of money is taken into consideration; and (4) uncertainty in the project also are involved. The results show that inclusion of discounted cash flow results in distinct optimal project duration. Nevertheless, through the Monte Carlo simulation, which is in order to involve uncertainty, this proposed model also lead to distinct optimal duration at the certain percentile level. The proposed model for this study can help the practitioners in considering time value of money and uncertainty cost, in order to make the best time-cost decision and to identify risks involved.
Huang, Chun-Wei, and 黃浚瑋. "Developing a Cell-based Spatial Optimization Model for Analyzing the Trade-off between Urban Development and Biological Conservation." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/37486051340096583548.
Повний текст джерела國立臺灣大學
Urbanization significantly drives land conversion and therefore may take up additional 1.8% of all biological hotspot areas by 2030. On the other hand, the establishment of protected areas for biological conservation often limits urban development. However, previous land use allocation models rarely take into account synergistic balance between urban development and biological conservation. This study develops a multi-objective spatial optimization model based on the cell-based Dynamically Dimensioned Search Landscape Optimization Planning Model for maximizing the consequential urban development suitability and habitat quality of resultant land-use patterns. As such, the trade-off between urban development and biological conservation can be revealed for assessing restorability and urbanization potential of planning areas in developing regional planning strategies. The model was applied to the Taipei-Taoyuan area for evaluating the conservation-development initiatives which maximize different weighted sums of suitabilities in accordance with the preferred landscape structures for buildings and the Taiwan Barbet. The results identified a number of cropland areas which had high urbanization potential and low habitat restorability for the target species, therefore these areas were suggested to be converted to urban land use. On the other hand, urban planning areas determined as a marginal habitat (i.e. high restorability) can be rezoned to fit the conservation needs as long as massive reforestation efforts were undertaken. The results showed that high restorability urban planning areas can be rezoned to fit the conservation needs. In doing so, green space can penetrate into the urban area from an ecological perspective. Furthermore, the study also revealed that spatial optimization at a cellular level can enhance habitat structures at a finer resolution compared to patch-level landscape optimization. The findings provide insights into the applications of optimal landscape patterns for not only regional rezoning but also built environment design.
Laurita, Beatrice. "Modelling dynamics of water conflicts: the case of Carracillo region (Spain)." Doctoral thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/1202807.
Повний текст джерелаGolzarpoor, Behrooz. "Time-Cost Optimization of Large-Scale Construction Projects Using Constraint Programming." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10012/6762.
Повний текст джерелаHsiao, Kuo-Su, and 蕭國樹. "Wakeup Logic Optimizations and Trade-off in High-performance Superscalar Processors." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/31350162196367680486.
Повний текст джерела國立成功大學
In a high-performance superscalar processor, the dynamic instruction scheduler often comes with poor scalability and high complexity due to the expensive instruction wakeup operation. This thesis presents three optimizations for wakeup logic to improve the power consumption, wakeup latency, area cost, and scalability. First, a wakeup design that pre-decodes the source tag is proposed. This design removes the reads of the destination tag and eliminates the redundant tag matches by matching the source tag directly with only the selected grant line. Next, the second design exploits the wakeup locality that most of the wakeup distances between two dependent instructions are short. By limiting the wakeup operation within a small wakeup range, the load capacitance and circuit activities can be alleviated. Third, a scheduling technique is proposed to schedule instructions into the segmented issue window based on their wakeup addresses. During wakeup process, the wakeup operation is only performed in the segment selected by the wakeup address of the result tag. The experimental results show that the proposed designs save the power consumption, and reduce the wakeup latency compared to the conventional designs. The results also show that the proposed designs have excellent scalability.