Дисертації з теми "Termes de Fourier"
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Han, Cundi. "Numerical method for non-integer order PDE : approximations and parameter identification." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourges, INSA Centre Val de Loire, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ISAB0004.
Повний текст джерелаThe main purpose of this thesis is to propose a novel and accurate numerical method based on Bernstein polynomials and Fourier terms. This method is used for the numerically process of fractional order linear and nonlinear structural models. Compared with the integer order, the fractional order has better time memory and can use fewer parameters to simulate the dynamic behavior of the model more accurately. However, it is very difficult to obtain the analytical solution of the structural model due to the existence of fractional order. To address this challenge, we derive the operator matrix associated with the structural model governing equations based on Bernstein polynomials and Fourier term function approximations. The fractional order partial differential governing equations are transformed into the form of an operator matrix. The least squares method by discrete variables is further applied to obtain approximate solutions to the system of linear equations. Some complex fractional order structural models are governed by multi-dimensional fractional partial differential equations. Therefore, we extend the method proposed in this thesis from a one-dimensional unknown function approximation to multi-dimensional unknown function. This allows the numerical method to better capture and analyze the dynamic characteristics of the structural model. Nonlinear partial differential governing equations are ubiquitous in many fractional order structural models. The existence of nonlinear terms introduces more interactions and dependencies between variables which increases the difficulty of calculation. Therefore, this thesis also effectively handles the nonlinear terms of the multi-dimensional fractional order model and corrects the errors. In addition, we not only calculated approximate solutions for different models but also effectively identified parameters for fractional order models. Through different fractional order numerical examples and comparison with other methods, the effectiveness, applicability and accuracy of the method proposed in this thesis are verified
Ichalalene, Zahia. "Étude par spectroscopies Fourier et Raman du matériau laser YVO[4] dopé au néodyme." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2000.
Знайти повний текст джерелаLi, Zhenghong. "The role of the counter rotating terms in spontaneous emission and the time evolution of lamb shift." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2012. https://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_ra/1419.
Повний текст джерелаFerreira, Ana Carolina dos Santos. "Previsão de séries temporais com períodos sazonais complexos : uma aplicação empírica." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/17494.
Повний текст джерелаO call center é, hoje em dia, um dos fatores estratégicos para o crescimento de uma empresa. Sendo a satisfação do cliente uma prioridade e o call center um dos primeiros pontos de contacto com o mesmo, garantir um bom serviço poderá melhorar a relação e gerar oportunidades de crescimento. Cada contacto com o cliente traz mais conhecimento e este conhecimento é precioso para gerar aproximação e comunicação mais assertiva. Conhecer as suas características e os motivos que o fazem ligar são pontos-chave para antecipar as suas necessidades. Assim, um call center bem estruturado e preparado para atender de forma rápida mostra eficiência e preocupação da empresa. A aplicação empírica mostra análises capazes de traçar o perfil do cliente ao nível sociodemográfico e ao nível de segmentações do negócio. Mostra também a interpretação de todas as interações entre motivos de chamada, capazes de criar inputs para a tomada de decisão ao nível operacional. Corrobora-se a presença de padrões sazonais através da análise espectral, que foi tida em conta na modelação da série. Conclui-se que o melhor método de previsão é o ARIMA cujo padrão sazonal é explicado por termos de uma série de Fourier.
Call center are nowadays one of the strategic factors for the growth of a company. As customer satisfaction is priority, and since call centers are one of the first contact points with a company's clients, ensuring a good service can improve customer-relationship and generate growth opportunities. Each contact with a client brings additional knowledge, and that knowledge is precious to generate proximity and increase communication assertivity. Knowing their characteristics and the motivations behind their call are key factors in the anticipation of their needs. Thus, a well-structured call center which is ready for quick call handling shows efficiency and concern from the company. The empirical application introduces analytical methods capable of tracing the client profile at the socio-demographic level and at the business segmentation level. It also presents the interpretations of all interactions between call reasons capable of creating inputs for decision-making at the operational level. Spectral analysis validates the presence of seasonal patterns, which we controlled for when modelling the series. It is concluded that the best prediction method is the ARIMA model whose seasonal pattern is explained by terms of a Fourier series.
Mercat, Benjamin. "Analyse temps-fréquence en mécanique cellulaire et adaptabilité du fuseau mitotique." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016REN1S124/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe mitotic spindle ensures the correct segregation of the sister chromatids to maintain ploidy in daughter cells. The spindle comprises dynamical microtubules (alternating polymerizing and depolymerizing), a variety of molecular motors, crosslinker and the regulators. Although the molecular grounds of spindle structure is well known, the link to its functions remain elusive, calling for including the dynamics of its components and their interactions. These questions were mostly investigated by in silico or in vitro approaches. But a detailed characterizing of spindle mechanics, in physiological conditions, is missing. We propose an image processing based, non invasive, method combined to an heuristic model to measure mechanical parameters of the mitotic spindle along time. We tracked fluorescently labeled spindle pole at high temporal and spatial resolution and measured the variations of spindle length, in vivo. We computed their power density spectrum using short time Fourier transform (sliding window) — a blueprint of spindle mechanics. Such a spectrum is then fitted with a Kelvin —Voigt model with inertia (a spring, a damper, an inertial element in parallel). We validated this method by recovering the mechanical parameters over time from simulated data and calibrated it uses laser and genetically induced spinlde cut. We characterized the mitotic spindle of the one-cell embryo of nematode C. elegans. Metaphase appeared dominated by damping element, consistent with the slow spindle elongation observed. But in contrast with the common thought that a mechanism maintains the spindle length during metaphase. At anaphase onset, all three parameters collapsed, before increasing about 50s later to reach a regime where damping dominated again, suggesting the overlapping spinlde microtubules may play a minor role in early anaphase spinlde elongation. In perspective of understanding how spindle mechanics emerge of molecular players interactions, we depleted one gene per splindle sub-structure — overlapped microtubules, kinetochore microtubules, central spindle and astral microtubules. We succefully recovered some known behavior but with the augmented insight offered by our method. This method paves the way not only towards understanding the fundamentals of spindle mechanics, superseding the degenerated modeling based on the sole spindle length but also towards acounting for spindle functional robustness towards defect as polyor aneuploidy
Taleb, Samir. "Génération de symptômes flous par FFT et SWT : applications à la détection de vibrations." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007INPG0022.
Повний текст джерелаThe purpose of this work is fault detection through changes detection in the measured signals. Our work presents a method making possible to build a behavioral model of the process, using historical process data, in order to detect abnormal situations resulting from dysfunctions. This method consists in generating on line progressive symptoms, making possible to follow the temporal evolution of the system operation to be supervised. These symptoms take into account uncertainties on the decision by aggregating the result of the detection test with that of its validity. STFT and SWT properties allow this method to extract relevant information from the analyzed signals. A gradual symptom is obtained according to the type and from of the extent fault. The fault detection method conceived was initially tested on signals containing simulated faults was then validate on industrial signals to detect the torsional vibrations in a reversing rolling mill
Daucé, Rachel. "Effets de l'irradiation sur les verres d'aluminosilicates de terres rares de type SiAlO(N) dans le contexte de la transmutation des actinides." Rennes 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003REN10100.
Повний текст джерелаPereira, Thieres Magaive Costa. "Aplicações da Espectrometria de Massas de Ressonância Ciclotrônica de Íons por Transformada de Fourier (FT-ICR MS) em Petroleômica." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013. http://repositorio.ufes.br/handle/10/6748.
Повний текст джерелаO petróleo é uma mistura complexa, sendo uma das misturas mais desafiadoras para as análises químicas. Muitas técnicas são empregadas para a caracterização dos constituintes do óleo. Entretanto, quando combinamos o altíssimo poder de resolução e exatidão da espectrometria de massas, em especial a Ressonância Ciclotrônica de Íons com Transformada de Fourier, (FT-ICR MS) com fontes de ionização a pressão atmosférica, uma atribuição precisa de mais de 20 000 compostos orgânicos do petróleo pode ser obtida. Na indústria do petróleo existe um grande interesse na análise de ácidos naftênicos e asfaltenos devido a problemas como corrosão e formação de depósitos, que aumentam os custos de produção. Portanto este trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação da termodegradação de ácidos naftênicos, além do emprego das fontes de ESI, APCI, APPI, LDI e MALDI para aquisição de novos dados relativos a caracterização de asfaltenos. Dois petróleos foram utilizados nos ensaios de termodegradação, o petróleo A com acidez de 2,38 mg KOH g-1 e o petróleo B com 4,79 mg KOH g-1 os quais foram tratados a 280, 300 e 350 ºC pelo período de 2, 4 e 6 horas. De uma maneira geral, as principais classes identificadas para ambas às amostras foram O2, N e NO2, respectivamente. Uma leve redução do NAT e da abundância relativa referente à classe O2 foram observado em função da temperatura e do tempo de envelhecimento (T = 280 → 300 oC e t = 2 → 6 h), sendo que a temperatura de tratamento térmico a 350 ºC demonstrou-se determinante na remoção de compostos da classe O2. O perfil químico de amostras de asfaltenos brasileiros foi avaliado utilizando-se cinco diferentes métodos de ionização em ambos os modos de ionização: positivo e negativo, depois, a distribuição de peso molecular, distribuição de classe, parcelas típicas de número de carbono contra DBE e diagramas van Krevelen foram obtidos e discutidos. Um comportamento atípico foi observado para a fonte de LDI e MALDI (±) FT-ICR MS. Um amplo perfil, de m/z 500-3000, apresentando espaçamento de 24 Da foi observado, e este corresponde a formas alotrópicas de fulereno, C60. Em geral, os asfaltenos apresentaram um elevada proporção de espécies heteroatómicas como: HC, HC [H], N, N [H], N2O, N2O [H], N2, N2 [H], O, O[H] para o modo (+) e N, N [H], NO, NO [H], NO, NO2[H], N2O, N2O[H] para o modo negativo. Nos diagramas de DBE contra o número de carbono, os asfaltenos mostraram para cada valor de DBE uma pequena amplitude de compostos com respeito à NC, proporcionando assim, imagens que formam uma linha de 45 ° entre os eixos CN e DBE. Isto indica que estes compostos não exibem grandes cadeias de alquílicas, sendo composta principalmente por anéis aromáticos. Em geral os diagramas de van Krevelen mostraram alta proporção de compostos com razão H/C ~0,7, corroborando com a existência de espécies altamente aromáticas
Petroleum is a complex mixture, being one of the most challenging mixtures for chemical analyzes. Many techniques are employed to characterize constituents of the oil. However , when we combine the highest resolving power and accuracy of mass spectrometry , especially Ion Cyclotron Resonance Fourier Transform ( FT - ICR MS ) with sources of atmospheric pressure ionization , an assignment need more than 20 000 organic compounds in the oil can be obtained. In the oil industry there is a great interest in the analysis of asphaltenes and naphthenic acids due to problems such as corrosion and deposit formation, which increases production costs. Therefore this study aims to evaluate the thermodegradation of naphthenic acids, besides the use of sources of ESI, APCI, APPI, MALDI and LDI for the acquisition of new data on the characterization of asphaltenes . Two test oils were used in thermodegradation of the oil with an acidity of 2.38 mg KOH g -1 and Oil B with 4.79 mg KOH g- 1 which were treated at 280 , 300 and 350 ° C for a period of 2 , 4 and 6 hours. Generally, the major classes identified for both samples O2, NO2, and C, respectively. A slight reduction of NAT and relative abundance refers to the class O2 were observed as a function of temperature and aging time (T = 280 → 300 ° C t = 2 → 6 h), and the heat treatment temperature at 350 ° C showed a determinant for the removal of class O2. The chemical asphaltenes Brazilian samples was evaluated using five different methods of ionization in both modes of ionization: positive and negative, then the molecular weight distribution, distribution class, typical plots versus carbon number and DBE van Krevelen diagrams were obtained and discussed. An unusual behavior was observed for the LDI and MALDI source ( ± ) FT - ICR MS . A comprehensive profile of m / z 500-3000, with spacing of 24 Da was observed, and this corresponds to allotropes of fullerene C60. In general, the asphaltenes had an heteroatómicas high proportion of species such as HC , HC [ H] , N, [ H] , N2O N2O [ H] N2, N2 [ M ] O O [ H] to mode (+) and N, [ H ] , NO [ H] , NO , NO2, [ H] , N2O N2O [ H ] for the negative mode . In the diagrams DBE against the carbon number , the asphaltenes shown for each value of DBE composed of a small amplitude with respect to NC, thus providing images that form a line of 45 ° between the axes CN and DBE. This indicates that these compounds do not exhibit large chain alkyl, composed mainly of aromatic rings. In general diagrams van Krevelen showed a high proportion of compounds ratio H / C ~ 0.7, confirming the existence of highly aromatic species
Taleb, Samir. "Génération de symptômes flous par FFT et SWT : applications à la détection de vibrations." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00239310.
Повний текст джерелаZongo, Sylvie Brizard. "Fluctuations multi-échelles et extrêmes dans les séries temporelles biogéochimiques à moyen et long terme en milieu marin côtier." Thesis, Lille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LIL10135/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis focuses on the study of biogeochemical time series in order to characterize the dynamics of their fluctuations on a wide range of scales, and in particular their extremes. The databases analyzed here are mainly provided by the MAREL and SOMLIT programmes. The MAREL program is a network of automatic measuring devices monitoring coastal marine environments implemented by Ifremer. The SOMLIT is a French national program operated by INSU. The measurements are made once every two weeks on the fixed stations. In order to analyze these time series, methods have been borrowed from the fields of numerical analysis and turbulence. The study was conducted in three parts. In the first part, we consider the high frequency time series. The Fourier spectral analysis reveals the influence of physical forcing on the distribution of the parameters. The second part of the study compares SOMLIT and MAREL results recorded from sites near Boulogne-sur-mer. The comparison of the two measuring systems (manual and automatic) showed that while they are complementary, the automatic MAREL system is more informative. The probability density functions (pdfs) of some ratios reveal extreme values in their dynamics. These pdfs reveal in all cases a hyperbolic behavior in the tail probability of the ratios. In the third part, we consider the influence of extremes events of the Seine flow on the distribution of some biogeochemical parameters. This section is also concerned with the analysis of data at high frequency in order to estimate of water masses state in the English Channel within the context of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
Silveira, Tiago da. "DETECÇÃO DO ESTADO DE SONOLÊNCIA VIA UM ÚNICO CANAL DE ELETROENCEFALOGRAFIA ATRAVÉS DA TRANSFORMADA WAVELET DISCRETA." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2012. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/5407.
Повний текст джерелаMany fatal traffic accidents are caused by fatigued and drowsy drivers. In this context, automatic drowsiness detection devices are an alternative to minimize this issue. In this work, two new methodologies to drowsiness detection are presented, considering a signal obtained from a single electroencephalography channel: (i) drowsiness detection through best m-term approximation, applied to the wavelet expansion of the analysed signal; (ii) drowsiness detection through Mahalanobis distance with wavelet coefficients. The results of both methodologies are compared with a method which uses Mahalanobis distance and Fourier coefficients to drowsiness detection. All methodologies consider the medical evaluation of the brain signal, given by the hypnogram, as a reference.
A sonolência diurna em motoristas, principal consequência da privação de sono, tem sido a causa de diversos acidentes graves de trânsito. Neste contexto, a utilização de dispositivos que alertem o condutor ao detectar automaticamente o estado de sonolência é uma alternativa para a minimização deste problema. Neste trabalho, duas novas metodologias para a detecção automática da sonolência são apresentadas, utilizando um único canal de eletroencefalografia para a obtenção do sinal: (i) detecção da sonolência via melhor aproximação por m-termos, aplicada aos coeficientes wavelets da expansão em série do sinal; e (ii) detecção da sonolência via distância de Mahalanobis e coeficientes wavelets. Os resultados de ambas as metodologias são comparados a uma implementação utilizando distância de Mahalanobis e coeficientes de Fourier. Para todas as metodologias, utiliza-se como referência a avaliação médica do sinal cerebral, dada pelo hipnograma.
Zhu, Beijia. "Analysis of non-stationary (seasonal/cyclical) long memory processes." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010013/document.
Повний текст джерелаLong memory, also called long range dependence (LRD), is commonly detected in the analysis of real-life time series data in many areas; for example, in finance, in econometrics, in hydrology, etc. Therefore the study of long-memory time series is of great value. The introduction of ARFIMA (fractionally autoregressive integrated moving average) process established a relationship between the fractional integration and long memory, and this model has found its power in long-term forecasting, hence it has become one of the most popular long-memory models in the statistical literature. Specifically, an ARFIMA(p,d,q) process X, is defined as follows: cD(B)(I - B)d X, = 8(B)c, , where cD(z)=l-~lz-•••-~pzP and 8(z)=1-B1z- .. •-Bqzq are polynomials of order $p$ and $q$, respectively, with roots outside the unit circle; and c, is Gaussian white noise with a constant variance a2 . When c" X, is stationary and invertible. However, the a priori assumption on stationarity of real-life data is not reasonable. Therefore many statisticians have made their efforts to propose estimators applicable to the non-stationary case. Then questions arise that which estimator should be chosen for applications; and what we should pay attention to when using these estimators. Therefore we make a comprehensive finite sample comparison of semi-parametric Fourier and wavelet estimators under the non-stationary ARFIMA setting. ln light of this comparison study, we have that (i) without proper scale trimming the wavelet estimators are heavily biased and the y generally have an inferior performance to the Fourier ones; (ii) ail the estimators under investigation are robust to the presence of a linear time trend in levels of XI and the GARCH effects in variance of XI; (iii) the consistency of the estimators still holds in the presence of regime switches in levels of XI , however, it tangibly contaminates the estimation results. Moreover, the log-regression wavelet estimator works badly in this situation with small and medium sample sizes; and (iv) fully-extended local polynomial Whittle Fourier (fextLPWF) estimator is preferred for a practical utilization, and the fextLPWF estimator requires a wider bandwidth than the other Fourier estimators
Huang, Tongtong. "Protein adsorption and denaturation in injectable devices for pharmaceutical applications." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016MULH8373.
Повний текст джерелаProteins are widely used in formulation in the pharmaceutical field and play a major role in biological functions. It is well known that protein adsorption on solid surface is always observed for a long-term storage, which will result in a reduced dose of active compound or a loss of biological activity. In some cases, only short time of contact are sufficient to drastically modify the protein conformation: for instance, insulin losses 52% of its biological activity after 5 minutes contacting with glass surface, as well as a loss of 30% of cetrorelix is observed after 2 hours. Among all parameters, the time frame of the denaturation process is strongly related to the protein stability and surface properties. The understanding of protein adsorption has therefore become a crucial issue in the pharmaceutical industry.To gain a better understanding of proteins’ behavior on the surface, adsorbed protein quantification and its conformation should be studied. The objective of our research in a first will be to understand proteins’ behaviors on various surfaces which composed a classical prefilled syringe.The main goal of this PhD project is to understand the behaviors of several model proteins like bovine serum albumin (BSA), lysozyme (LSZ) and myoglobin (MGB) in contact with the surfaces of prefilled syringes such as glass and elastomer. We propose to use the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to quantify the amount of protein adsorbed on a flat surface by determining the depletion of the proteins in solution. Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy was as well as employed to follow the structural changes of adsorbed BSA on solid surface. [...]
Hussain, Zahir M. "Adaptive instantaneous frequency estimation: Techniques and algorithms." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2002. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/36137/7/36137_Digitised%20Thesis.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаFourie, Christelle. "Revealing the emotion lexicon of the Setswana language within the South African Police Service / Christelle Fourie." Thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/13349.
Повний текст джерелаThesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010
"Análise de imagens termais AVHRR utilizando transformada de Fourier e ondaletas para determinação de padrões em vórtices e meandros." Tese, Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFV, 2004. http://www.tede.ufv.br/tedesimplificado/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=21.
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