Дисертації з теми "Tactiques (sports et jeux)"
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Darnis, Florence. "Place et rôle du développement cognitif et de l'interaction sociale dans l'acte tactique en jeux et sports collectifs : facteurs cognitifs et sociocognitifs du développement de compétences tactiques au handball." Bordeaux 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR21120.
Повний текст джерелаThis work aims at studying the role of the level of cognitive development and that of peer social interaction in the learning of tactics in handball. The theoretical framework unites genetic psychology, social development psychology and research into team sport didactics. A first study verifies the existence of a relationship between operative levels and tactical actions in fairly novice learners aged between 11 and 16 years old. The following study shows a favourable effect of verbal interaction on the learning of decision making in dyads. There is moreover the observation of the influence of cognitive level on progress made in the acquiring of tactical skills. Finally, a third study aims to study the effect of the degree of symmetrical or asymmetrical skills on results and reveals greater progress made by subjects working in a light asymmetrical dyadic situation. All the research carried out is in line with a socio-constructivist approach to the learning and teaching of team sports
Mortelier, Alexis. "Οbservatοire de la tactique en (e-)spοrt cοllectif". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMC245.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis explores game dynamics and collective performance by alternating between analyses of traditional sports, such as handball, and e-sports, such as DotA2 and OverWatch. The aim is to segment the data processing process into several stages, each providing a specific understanding. By adopting a comparative approach between sport and e-sport, this work not only distinguishes the different stages of data processing, but also offers an overview of (e-)sport analysis. The first contribution is the development of techniques for representing handball matches using dynamic graphs, and the simplification of trajectories in DotA2 using geometric indices. The second contribution focuses on the definition and calculation of performance metrics, essential for machine learning. Expected goal (xG) models for handball and commitment factors in OverWatch have been developed as targets for algorithms. The third contribution is the creation of a tactical observatory dedicated to handball, and the study of geometric configurations in DotA2 that lead to key events. These analyses deepen our understanding of the tactics that influence the course of matches
Le, Yondre François. "Vrais chômeurs et vrais sportifs : le sport face au chômage comme instrument disciplinaire ou support de tactiques identitaires : des catégories sociales en jeu." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00472512.
Повний текст джерелаKhmelevskaia, Inna Paveau Marie-Anne Putyrskaia Olga. "Étude comparative des termes des jeux sportifs en français et en russe et composition du dictionnaire franco-russe." Créteil : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne, 2006. http://doxa.scd.univ-paris12.fr:80/theses/th0241246.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThèse soutenue en co-tutelle. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Pagination : 415 f. Bibliogr. f. 305-331.
Khmelevskaya, Inna. "Étude comparative des termes des jeux sportifs en français et en russe et composition du dictionnaire franco-russe." Paris 12, 2006. https://athena.u-pec.fr/primo-explore/search?query=any,exact,990002412460204611&vid=upec.
Повний текст джерелаThis research aims at creating a French-Russian dictionary of sport games' terms but also at examining of sports' terminology in linguistic and epistemological aspects. We approach this terminology which is not explored as profoundly as it deserves, as a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon, from sociolinguistic and cultural point of view, but most of all, in the context of intercultural communication. We start our research by establishing specific features of the sport games' term; we study the functioning of the term in the discourse and define the sources of the enrichment of the terminology; then we realise a comparative analysis of French and Russian terms in order to establish the equivalence necessary for the construction of the dictionary, and raise the principal questions concerning it's microstructure. Our research results in creation of the program of the French-Russian dictionary of sport games' terms
Elloumi, Ali. "Analyse socioculturelle des jeux sportifs traditionnels tunisiens." Paris 5, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA05H058.
Повний текст джерелаMellal-Bounaas, Nouara. "Les jeux traditionnels des Touaregs d'Algérie : logique interne et culture." Paris 5, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA05H082.
Повний текст джерелаTuareg traditional games, which constitute the aim of the study, are investigated on the basis of a corpus of 93 play practices collected, in majority, at the occasion of several stays in Tamanrasset, Algeria. The structural analysis of the driving situations made it possible to identify the features of the internal logic of the games: thus, we have examined the relationship of the player with the play system, the relationship with others, the relationship with space, the relationship with time and the relationship with the objects that characterize each game situation. A link appears between the internal logic of the activities and their external logic. Thus it is possible to identify several cultural characteristics through the structure of the games: the Tuareg community is conservative, resists to modernism and gives a prominent place to the woman. Moreover, pawn games in particular made it possible to better understand the logic of the sport games, but also to shed light on the space conflicts and displacements of this, basically nomad, society
Bouniol, Romain. "Droit de la concurrence et spectacle sportif : contribution à l'étude des relations entre les réglementations sportives et les règles de concurrence." Perpignan, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PERP1143.
Повний текст джерелаThe sport show is an economic activity for the European law. Even if it rests on its own legal rules, it is thus submitted to the competition law. The relations between the sport rules and the competition rules are not paradoxical. They consider the peculiarity of the sport without bring however to a total exemption of the common law. The behavior of the actors of the sport show must inevitably be compatible with the competition law. At the same time physical and economic activity, the sport show presents a certain peculiarity. The relations between the sport rules and the competition rules reveal the existence of exclusive rules in the sport movement: the purely sport rules. They are imperceptible by the competition law because they represent the legal specificity of the sport show
D'Afflon, Aymeric. "Jeu et signification : pour une sémiotique générale de l'expression ludique." Paris 8, 2009. http://octaviana.fr/document/152621768#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Повний текст джерелаSemiotics is a young theory, no much more than one century old. Many fields of appliance are still uncovered, including games, seldom taken seriously, although they have provided major theoretical arguments for linguistics and other scientific fields. Semiotics concepts and tools prove their efficiency when applied to gaming expression, if only they are used for their pliability rather than taken as norms. In these conditions, the generative model guides the « ludologist » semiotic analysis, from the identification of perceptive, figurative and narrative syntaxes, to the axiological synthesis. The parameters of the relationship between the player and his game can be considered. The ludic text is the concrete result of strategic and passionate projections. Each game offers the experimentation of a form of life, which can give elements of explanation for individual and collective identities that are observed around gaming practices. The parameters of the relationship between the player and his game can be considered. The ludic text is the concrete result of strategic and passionate projections. Each game offers the experimentation of a form of life, which can give elements of explanation for individual and collective identities that are observed around gaming practices. The study of games, contests, and matches, shows that their authors, the players, can develop a style, even a revolting or subversive expression against this form of life. To transform or create a game is like promulgate a new way of social life. If game creators are so little known, is this because the perenniality of their work depends on its collective appropriation ? The semiotic approach, conducted here on more than one hundred and fifty games, contributes to renew, beyond typological considerations, the way of understanding gaming expression among other social languages
Dracon, Nadège. "@Modalités de prises de décision dans l'élaboration de choix tactiques chez les experts et les novices : application au rugby." Caen, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000CAEN1278.
Повний текст джерелаBerthet, Jean-Charles. "La raison des jeux : jeux et sports dans la littérature narrative française du Moyen âge (des origines au XIIIe siècle)." Grenoble 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003GRE39022.
Повний текст джерелаLesage, Thierry. "Les jeux de paume et de raquette : filiations, logique interne et déterminants culturels." Paris 5, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA05H086.
Повний текст джерелаWith a view to shedding light on their kinship, palm and racket games are considered according to both a diachronic and synchronic approach, based on a corpus of 217 practices. By putting the subject under study in its socio-historical context, the diachronic view clearly shows the main thread that notably links the original palm game of the late Middle Ages to present day sports like tennis, table tennis, squash or pelota. The synchronic view. Which does not rely directly on time-related changes, shows the true nature of these practices through the analysis oftheir internal logic. In the context ofa comparative process between diachrony and synchrony, the study of conceptual tools specific to systematics of evolution sciences could prove itself worthwhile to give an account of the characteristic features of sporting games considered in a chronological way. While bearing in mmd the cultural determiners of changes and filiations
Vigne, Mickaël. "Étude sociologique intraculturelle des jeux traditionnels dans l'espace linguistique picard." Paris 5, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA05H022.
Повний текст джерелаA lot of factors contribute to modelling a society’s cultural wealth. In this diversity, we include games, and more especially traditional games. Indeed, these hold the norms and values of the society which preserved them. In order to understand the significance of the North of France’s game culture, we led a detailed survey of 108 traditionnal games played in the “picard” linguistic space, and of 2154 exploitable questionnaires filled in by players. In order to do this, we emphasized and analyzed the internal logic traits of the traditional games belonging to the six families we have constituted. With the help of statistical crossings, we showed the interdependence of the different internal logic traits which take into account the players and the relationship they have with space, others, time and objects. While putting in relation the internal logic results with the external logic ones, we brought out the regional game culture’s significant expression. These significations take meaning through the role of feasts, carnivals, giants, fairs, fairs, taverns, animals, bets, material culture and the players’ social mix. Thus, we showed how traditional games participate in the interpretation of the reality while structuring the world and the operating thought of individuals from the north of France. This narrow link between the traditional games’ and Northern culture’s features, confers to these same games a fundamental role in the socialisation of the Nord-Pas-de –Calais and Picardie actors. Stating this makes it possible to establish that traditional games are witnesses and agents of the society which feeds them; they are its social mirror, which reflects all of society’s identity and cultural attributes
Scelles, Nicolas. "L'incertitude du résultat, facteur clé de succès du spectacle sportif professionnel : l'intensité compétitive des ligues : entre impacts mesurés et effets perçus." Caen, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009CAEN2061.
Повний текст джерелаThe economic literature on professional sport establishes a strong link between uncertainty of outcome and public demand (Andreff, 2008; Neale, 1964; Rottenberg, 1956). It corresponds to competitive balance concept. In the continuity of previous studies, this thesis starts from the following statement: under a set of sports rules, it must be envisageable to optimize the spectacular character of competitions and so public demand in favorising uncertainty of outcome, reversals and the existence of stakes. These three elements determine competitive intensity (CI) concept. The problem consists in wondering about rules which allow optimizing CI of professional sports leagues and the feasibility of their setting up considering leagues and clubs officials perception. Quantitative results reveal the clear-sightedness of specific rules: at the intra-match state, bonus systems lead to a stronger outcome uncertainty; at the intra-championship state, the existence of a greater number of ranks with stakes (playoffs, qualifying ranks for continental competitions, relegations) allow concerning more teams in regular season. Nevertheless officials’ interviews make perceived brakes about the introduction of these rules (illegibility of bonus systems, qualification of a too great number of teams in playoffs questioning the sports merit or even the posture of the regular season, economic risk related to relegations). Consequently CI optimization must integrate these constraints
Séguin, Benoît. "Représentations d'acteurs sociaux sur les relations entre le marketing et les jeux olympiques." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STR20024.
Повний текст джерелаThe Olympic property has generated more than US 15 billion dollars in marketing revenues since 1984. With such economic interests at stakes, ambush marketing has become a serious threat to the Olympic Movement. This study sought to ascertain consumer perceptions and sponsor/sponsee concerns of ambush marketing of the 2000 Olympic Games. A combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques was used to collect data. First, a forty-five-item survey instrument was developed and administered to a total of 2435 consumer respondents in Canada and in the United States. Scientific questions centered around seven key issues were asked and answered in this multi-variate study. Second, a comprehensive Delphi study was concurrently undertaken to glean managerial insights into the sport management of the IOC property from 24 sport marketing experts. A detailed analysis utilizing the statistical software SPSS and qualitative measures elicited a number of recommendations
Bocquet-Birchler, Anne. "Concours sportifs et autres jeux exécutés au cours des fêtes religieuses hittites." Paris 4, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA040216.
Повний текст джерелаAmong the numerous Hittite texts describing religious festivals, some of them mention entertainment rituals like athletic contests and mummer s plays. After the cuneiform tablets copies and other publications, texts are gathered, transliterated and translated. The aim of this survey is to ask and to try answering questions about their finalities: are they nothing but a propitiatory entertainment given to deities? Do they take a special part, a religious or a profane one? Beyond conscious purposes, don t they have latent functions too? An exam of the contexts in which they occur, replacements of these rituals in the Hittite culture are the tools used by the author
Epron, Aurélie Robène Luc. "Histoire du gouren (XIXe-XXIe siècles) l'invention de la lutte bretonne /." Rennes : Université Rennes 2, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00282462/fr.
Повний текст джерелаBouzid, Ezzeddine. "Etude des jeux sportifs d'adultes et d'enfants de deux périodes de l'histoire tunisienne : la période romaine et l'époque actuelle." Paris 5, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA05H054.
Повний текст джерелаSempé, Gaëlle. "Le sport carcéral en France et au Canada : entre contraintes et libertés, un espace au coeur des (en)jeux de pouvoir." Rennes 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007REN20012.
Повний текст джерелаBased on a franco-canadian comparative approach, this sociological investigation attempts to analyze the prison environment by using the analysis filter of sport. The study tends to question this political disposition of sentence development through institutional strategies for each country. To better define the power stakes which structure this sports space, the study also makes out the structural constraints and the domination games which delimit freedom margins of actors. Finally, it permits to reconsider overall the international penal system and its management. Our empirical approach relies on a qualitative approach in several prisons in France and federal penitentiaries in Canada. Results of this study first show a significant difference on the prisoners autonomy into the sports organization. On one hand, in France, prisoners are relieved from aIl sports responsibilities. Sports instructor is the central actor who deals with prisoner' s limited negotiations. On the other hand, the canadian system opted for a sports space self-managed by prisoners employed in this sector. Ln a fust time, the prisoner seems to take full advantage of this policy contibuting to socialize him at the image of the external realities. However, this system also contains loopholes since it reproduces inequalities and increases the ratio of strength between dominant and dominated prisoners into prison space. At last, in both countries, the study shows that if sport is instrumentalized by administration as an efficient tool to control people, it may also be explained by the fact that it reDresents a Dfecious Dledge of freedom and resistance for Drisoners
Bauthier, Isabelle. "La valorisation touristique des territoires par les évènements sportifs: une analyse sur le long terme. Le cas des Jeux Olympiques d'été (1984-2004)." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/241302.
Повний текст джерелаRoggero, Claude. "Le sport : guerre et paix, le désir mimétique." Nice, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NICE0009.
Повний текст джерелаCartier, Alice. "Mythe et réalités olympiques : les Jeux de 1900." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040165.
Повний текст джерелаCoubertin wished to organize the first games of the modern era in Paris in 1900, within the framework of, or in connection with, the World Fair. But from January 1894, Alfred Picard, the World Fair General Commissioner, rejected his proposal, rather choosing to organize physical exercises and sport competitions, thus depriving Coubertin of the supports who would have allowed him to organize Olympic Games. Therefore the only solution left for the IOC President was to keep up appearances, in order to ensure the survival of the rising Olympic movement. He made it so well that the myth of the 1900 Olympic Games still goes on, a myth preserved by the IOC itself. The purpose of this thesis is to separate fact from fiction about the so-called 1900 “Olympic Games” which n fact never occurred
Allain, Bernard. "Des jeux de balle traditionnels au rugby professionnel : histoire d'une domination économique et politique des corps." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010VERS023S.
Повний текст джерелаWhy did rugby turn professional more than a century after its football counterpart ? In order to understand such a time-lag, we shall evoke the history of ball games and that of their practitioners. They will tell us about the emergence of the two sports as the result of conflicts and struggles between social groups for the political, economic and symbolic domination of each of the two practices. Despite the split involved by this choice in 1895, the people in charge of rugby opted for an amateur ethos and thanks to various protections created by their institution or not, they managed to impose it, at least apparently. But in response to the inapplicability of that outdated dogma the “amateurisme marron” settled locally and rugby gradually unofficially made its production mode similar to that of the capitalistic society. The rationalization of its body production would both be the cause of its turning professional and its main consequence
Cartier, Alice. "Mythe et réalités olympiques : les Jeux de 1900." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040165.
Повний текст джерелаCoubertin wished to organize the first games of the modern era in Paris in 1900, within the framework of, or in connection with, the World Fair. But from January 1894, Alfred Picard, the World Fair General Commissioner, rejected his proposal, rather choosing to organize physical exercises and sport competitions, thus depriving Coubertin of the supports who would have allowed him to organize Olympic Games. Therefore the only solution left for the IOC President was to keep up appearances, in order to ensure the survival of the rising Olympic movement. He made it so well that the myth of the 1900 Olympic Games still goes on, a myth preserved by the IOC itself. The purpose of this thesis is to separate fact from fiction about the so-called 1900 “Olympic Games” which n fact never occurred
Martignoni-Hutin, Jean-Pierre. "Jeux, joueurs, espaces de jeu et formes ludiques : sociologie de certains jeux de hasard et d'argent (paris hippiques de chevaux, loteries, machines à sous ...)." Lyon 2, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992LYO20007.
Повний текст джерелаAGames of chance and gambling ( such as backing horses, raffles, slot machines represent an important phenomen in our society. A sociological analysis which connects the objective data of socially discriminated gaming procedures with the connotations involved in the act of gambling shows that such games reactivate behaviours in which belief, specific rationalities and peculiar symbolizations intertwine. If indeed different types prevail among the range of the observed behaviours and representations ( notably the purpose of winning money, or the superstitions attitude towards chance) the gambler's conduct reveals a more essential quest which allows the link between the practice of ordinary game and that of the subject's existential game face to the world and the human condition. At the same time, if a historical approach forbids us to impute the present gaming inflation to strictly circumstantial causes, we are witnessing a particular setting up which brings about a new definition of the notion of game
Baudrit, Alain. "L'éducation physique et sportive à l'école élémentaire : attitudes et représentations des élèves." Bordeaux 2, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990BOR21006.
Повний текст джерелаThe problems involved in the passage from games to sports begin to become apparent in the physical education taught in the elementary school. A pupil's age, sex, social class and the extent of his preschooling will all influence his perception of this evolution. At the same time, in physical education, the teacher modifies his method of teaching in relation to that used in the classroom. The teacher leaves aside his more rigorous pedagogical function and becomes more of an activity leader. The learners are more or less sensitive to this role change; the four parameters defined above make certain explanations and interpretations possible
Papanikolaou, Dimitri. "L'ordre juridique sportif : mythe ou réalité ? : contribution à une vision pluraliste du droit." Bordeaux 4, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR40054.
Повний текст джерелаThe subject of this thesis is the existence of an international sports' legal order and the measure of its regulatory autonomy. The first part of this thesis discusses the nature of the sports' system. Here is it shown that according to a pluralist vision, the sports' order is legal by reason of three of ita attributes : the rules that codifie the interdependence of rights and obligations, the judges who settle disputes in a sovereign capacity and, finally, the structure that has been built around one common goal : to organize sporting events. According to institutionnal theory, law exists even beyond state legal order. By applying this theory, the legal nature of the sports' order can be maintained independently of its state-like qualification. According to this view, the recognition of the legal nature of the international sports' is a condition for its participation in the normative and juridictional state network and not a condition for law. However, sports' legal order is not autonomous. As it is shown in the second part of the thesis, the State has subjected it to its principals through specific techniques and controlled sports' regulatory autonomy. Using conventional ways or introducing public law in sports, the authorities have subordinated the sports' system to pre-existing state legal categories. This was often done without taking into consideration the institutional attributes of the sports' order. However, in certain cases, States have recognized the existence of a sports' legal order. This has been demonstrated by the occasional derogations and through the collaboration in the anti-doping fight
Guiltat, Sébastien. "Le rôle des sports côtiers dans le développement territorial de l’Ouest de La Réunion : entre nouvelle maritimité et jeux d’acteurs." Thesis, La Réunion, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LARE0019/document.
Повний текст джерелаAs the world population gets more and more water loving, the coast territories have been organized in order to answer this new request. In this dynamic, coast sports have been constantly expanding massively and in various forms to concern a larger portion of the population today . Reunion Island –in the Indian Ocean- has also taken part in this move. Yet, while the evolution of maritimity between tradition and modernity seems to be taking place in many places all around the world, the West coast of Reunion Island –although full of assets- seems unable to transform its initial resource in a territorial resource. Our work suggests studying the link between a territory –the West coast of Reunion Island- and its coast from a sociogeographic point of view in order to analyze the brakes to the apparition of a new maritimity within this space.Our results show that contrary to the conveyed picture, Reunion island and particularly its West coast is the right place to practice coast sports. In spite of the favorable geographic context, the absence of developments and events able to structure this expansion, together with the domination of the representations conveying the picture of a population “with their backs to the sea” seem to be limiting factors. The different actors concerned are partly responsible and particularly the political actors who do not play their parts as they do not carry a real territory project aimed at coast sports.It remains that the change of maritimity is at work on this coast. Reunion island is building its own model. The use of the coast space is evolving, growing out of its usual uses, the organization of events is developing encouraged by the expansion of Stand Up Paddle and the outlines of new developments are being drawn. On a board or in the sand, the new generation is taking over the coast integrating outside influences
Ebba, Jean-Fidèle. "Analyse sociologique des activités physiques et sportives, des jeux, danses traditionnelles, et les problèmes de sous-développement en République du Congo." Paris 7, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA070061.
Повний текст джерелаCongo, like manay other countries in africa hasn't avoided the instalation of a sport organization based on the international model. Hence, the creation of a ministery of sports, and a national olympic comitee. The country had to have buildings for sports on its own ambitions scale. But the question is to know whether congo, a developing country can reconcile at the same time, a sociamedicy that attaches importance to the development of physical and sports activities and the necessity of it economical growth. As the country can't face both aspects, it knows a state of underdevelopment for it physical and sports activities, soit causes a lack of educational material and financial ways, so many handicals whose effects add themselves in a circumtance of world crisis. In the situation of domination and dependance, congo can't know levels of sport development comparable to western countries levels. That's we want to show the pressing necessizy to define again physical and sports activities in the whole politics of development. This has allowed us to see problems of sports in congo. So we can propose a pluridisciplinary analysis which could make appear traditional games
Dellal, Alexandre. "Analyse de l'activité physique du footballeur et de ses conséquences dans l'orientation de l'entraînement : application spécifique aux exercices intermittents courses à haute intensité et aux jeux réduits." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2008. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2008/DELLAL_Alexandre_2008.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThe optimization of the training in football needs a precise analyze of the soccer player activity during an official game. This thesis allowed to identify the physical implications in direct relationship with technical and tactical qualities according to the positions occupied on the pitch. Our results have shown the importance of the repeated sprints and repeated high intensity run capacity. .
Rilhac, Patrice. "Etude didactique comparative de pratiques d'élèves au collège en Mathématiques et en Education Physique et Sportive : vers la notion de jeux alternatifs." Rennes 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008REN20035.
Повний текст джерелаOur thesis seeks to analyse and understand students’ practices during ordinary maths and PE lessons. To do so, we focus on the comparative analysis of the didactic practices of some students evolving in didactic situations dense with specific knowledge: the “introduction to demonstration” and the “introduction to climbing”. The analyses of the didactic practices presented in our thesis rely on the transcription of five geometry and five climbing lessons recorded in a chronological order. To carry out our comparative analyses of the teachers and students, we use theoretical tools borrowed from the joint action theory in didactics elaborated within the comparative approach in didactics. In our empirical work, we carry out firstlevelled comparative intradisciplinary analyses of the didactic practices. Those practices are examined with respect to “didactic incidents” highlighted during the analysis of the first three geometry and PE lessons. To do so, we analyse those practices in terms of the “logic of knowledge” and in terms of the “transactional logic”. At a second level, we study the transactors in relation with the notion of learning games. At a third level, we try to clarify the mechanisms involved in the implementation of the identified learning games. As a synthesis, we produce elements of information potentially useful for the teaching and learning process
Papa, Françoise. "Jeux Olympiques et communication : Albertville 1992, de la communication de l'évènement à la communication généralisée." Université Stendhal (Grenoble ; 1970-2015), 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996GRE39004.
Повний текст джерелаThe olympic games are often described as a cultural show and a sport exhibition, but now they also became a media event. The communication understood as a set of techniques and as a device, but also the strategy and the policy of communication of the agents who organize the olympic games, have changed the rules of the construction of the olympics. This analysis, centered on the albertville olympic games, shows that the mass media have a specific part to play because of their central function in the organization of the event and in the construction of the image of the agents organizers, sportsmen, sponsors, public institutions etc, involved in the games. This study, which considers the albertville olympic games as a social construction, describes them as a space of communication, defines them again as a media event, and unders tands them as a specific moment of creation and activation of the values shared inside the french modern society
Latiri, Imed. "Effets de la pratique intensive des sports de balle sur les opérations de synchronisation-coîncidence et de jugement d'arrivée." Paris 5, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA05S035.
Повний текст джерелаLoyer, Frédéric. "La lutte en France : histoire d’une sportification contrariée." Caen, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CAEN2030.
Повний текст джерелаIt is usual to consider sport as the out come of play motor function. And jet, as regards the number of members Olympic wrestling, unjustly called “greco roman”, is superseded by Breton “gouren”. Trough a diachronic and synchronic approach we’ll be concerned with showing the workings of a thwarted “sportification”. The research is to be made through the deciphering of historical documents and the analysis of game sheets referring to the inner logic of two types of wrestling. Born from the show business, then borrowed by “catch” wrestling, the inner logic of “greco roman” has progressively got more strict as it became “sportification”. Sport competition is now its only form of expression. It goes trough a violence just as symbolic (violation of private space through the playing on the floor) as real (the important degree of shocks when falling), making a gap with the process of habits and ways getting wilder. By keeping its play tonality, the “gouren” is of a more flexible nature, and more open to a larger public, women and children can resort to it as an activity for leisure. Even in its competition form the “gouren” keep its strong regional identity. As regards the wrestling aspect of it, this sport is probably not the best there is when playing is concerned
Richard, Jean-François. "La mesure et l'évaluation de la performance en jeux et sports collectifs, la participation des élèves du primaire dans une perspective d'évaluation authentique." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/nq26090.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаGuiltat, Sébastien. "Le rôle des sports côtiers dans le développement territorial de l'Ouest de La Réunion : entre nouvelle maritimité et jeux d'acteurs." Phd thesis, Université de la Réunion, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00836410.
Повний текст джерелаPoupaux, Sandrine. "Performances économiques et transformations du secteur sportif dans les pays est-européens : une contribution à l'économie du sport." Paris 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA010049.
Повний текст джерелаLeyinda, Pascal Alain. "La motricité ludique d'une société africaine : analyse structurale des jeux traditionnels des peuples Ndzébi du Congo Brazzaville." Paris 5, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA05H019.
Повний текст джерелаThe detailed structural analysis of a corpus of traditional games played by Congo Brazzaville "Ndzebi" children allowed, by observations, by the study of game structure modelling and by semi directive interviews, to show characteristic traits, and social and cultural signification of the "Ndzebi" society. Their proximity with their natural and cultural environment from which they take out material to make game objects (object relationship) ; the existence of two parallel institutions "the men home" which is strictly forbidden to women and reserved for usual initiation and boys socialization by games. "The family kitchen" reserved for girl education, for mother and women life of the village is the community life basis. Men and women place, social compromise, in spite of the social relation dissymetric structure ; the birthright, the non subjection odf standards in these practices and their evolution in ritual characterize by motor action, identity and vestiges of game activities. Comparatively with institutionalized games, this other dissymetrical model reflects a difference with western societies which are based on equal opportunities - the symmetrical democartic model. Moreover, one notices a perceptible evolution towards this civilizational model, which tends towards custom cultural mixing. This close relation between game characteristics and local culture straits works towards the interpretation of reality in the "Ndzeba" child accomplishment by games
Meidani, Anastasia. "Des médias aux centres de la remise en forme : jeux et enjeux de la construction sociale de la corporéité." Toulouse 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOU20091.
Повний текст джерелаHow does the passageway from a corporeity socially allotted to a subjectively suitable corporeity take place? Observation and analysis take into account physical activities, food, dress practices and esthetics which define the privileged stakes of the social construction of the body, as shown through a follow-up within a period of time. To seize the post-modern somatic culture, the examination of 274 press magazines enables to distinguish six body esthetic models. An ethnographic study of Health Centers makes it possible to objectify the types of institutional order which conveys these models. Thanks to 57 interviews, the heterogeneity of the body practices which play with these models (and play about it) takes the contours of a typology where fragile and anachronistic bodies (those of the disease or old age) are confronted with bodies in search of physical excellence (in which the sense breaks up according to the gender), without forgetting the body-symptoms (worked by the bulimia and the anorexia) and the bodies burdens (of which obesity is the typical figure)
Patel, Parwine. "Genèse et développement d’une rivalité rugbystique entre la Nouvelle-Zélande et l’Afrique du Sud avant l’apartheid (1899-1948) : constructions identitaires, jeux de pouvoirs impériaux et discriminations raciales." Thesis, La Réunion, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LARE0006.
Повний текст джерелаSince its inception, the rugby rivalry between South Africa and New Zealand has been much written about because of its complex and peculiar nature. Over the years, a number of historians (Nauright, 1993; Buckley, 1996; Dobson, 1996), sports journalists (Labuschagne, 1974; Harding & Williams, 2000), activists (Thompson, 1975; Richards, 1999) and even politicians (Templeton, 1998) have examined its history. Most of them usually situate the starting point of this unique duel in 1921, when the first New Zealand tour by the South African national rugby team took place. In this thesis, I wish to show that competitions between these two former British colonies began much earlier, as soon as the first rugby matches were played between New Zealanders and South Africans during the Second Boer War (1899-1902). These tournaments raise at least three socio-political questions through which I analyze, in a chronological order, the history of rugby exchanges between two nations under, construction (Renan, 1882; Hobsbawm, 1990). The aim is, on the one hand, to highlight the process that led to the representation of the South African and New Zealand rugby unions within the international rugby body (International RugbyFootball Board). On the other hand, I examine the evolution of racial relations between players of European origin and indigenous players. Finally, I focus on the creation of national identities in two former territories of the British Empire, which emancipated themselves from the central London-based power at different rates. Using digitized archives, I thus attempt to trace the origins of this rugby rivalry and the racism that characterizes it while shedding light on the logic of imperial domination that were exercised on both the colonist and the colonized (Gleyse, 2004)
Bakehe, Délise Laurence. "Les conflits sportifs au Cameroun et leurs règlements." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018UBFCF009.
Повний текст джерелаThere is seldom any event as captivating, fascinating, touching and at the same time riddled with so many contradictions as sports in Cameroon. In fact, from one generation to another, sports has sometimes been considered as a factor of national cohesion and sometimes as a seed of division and all sorts of discord. If we look at it closely, the unexpected achievements, which no one dreamt of, that have been done in this field over the last three decades eventually led to the social tendency to portray Cameroon as a sports country, a great sports country. In concrete terms, this has resulted in the participation of its athletes and teams in international competitions. The resulting fame thus gave the country the opportunity to better organise its sports, in order to maintain this beautiful image earned by the selflessness of its athletes.Paradoxically, however, it is observed that the achievements of these athletes have not produced the expected results, due to the involvement of governing bodies in unending internal struggles and conflicts. In fact, the recurrence of conflicts and disputes within Cameroonian sports bodies is a real problem, both in terms of stakeholders` fulfilment and infrastructure development. These widespread and pernicious issues have thus prevented sports from developing in a professional way and enabling its main actors to make a decent living from it.This study aims to analyse the organisation and functioning of these bodies based on texts in force and facts on the ground, in order to better identify the origin of these conflicts and to understand the ways of resolving them.The documentary analysis that we used as theoretical framework for this study made it possible to highlight conflicts related to elections, sports proper and finally, administrative and financial litigation respectively. Moreover, defining the nature and type of sports conflicts in Cameroon has been undoubtedly a major epistemological obstacle since the review of related literature showed little or no previous work on this issue.Moreover, highlighting the question of whether or not these conflicts can be settled by arbitration has enabled an analysis of the institutions, methods, and procedures put in place for their resolution, based on facts and legal precedents.Finally, it is to be said that the sports movement in Cameroon is experiencing endless conflicts that significantly hamper its operation and, the various ways of regulation that are observed are a reflection of the confusion in which the country`s sports practice is mired
Evrard, Barbara. "La côte d'Albâtre comme terrain de jeux ? : aménagements, activités physiques et paysages vécus." Phd thesis, Rouen, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ROUEL006.
Повний текст джерелаThis work examines the meaning and impact of physical activities along the Upper-Normandy coast. The aim of this socio-geographical approach was to determine the types of territorial negotiations at work by analyzing the mediating factors from several angles : coastal transformations concern both usages and representations, as well as the management of choices in environmental planning. We sought to elucidate the reciprocal determination of the various cultures, social relationships, and spatial relations. The corpus contains 39 interviews, 949 completed questionnaires, 187 observation sheets, and documents from several sources (departments of urban planning, the journals of concerned parties, administrative reports). In addition to definig the physical activities, this work presents the profiles of the practitioners and identifies the various landscapes of experience. Four cases studies reconstruct the differences in scale, as well as the contradictory legitimacies that are involved (public/private, risk/security, sustainable development, etc. ). Beyond all discourse, is the Upper-Normandy coastline the object of "integrated management" ? What types of sharing and division do the recreational usages of this coastal area reflect ?
Evrard, Barbara. "LA CÔTE D'ALBÂTRE COMME TERRAIN DE JEUX ? AMÉNAGEMENTS, ACTIVITÉS PHYSIQUES ET PAYSAGES VÉCUS." Phd thesis, Université de Rouen, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00565235.
Повний текст джерелаLamothe, Mathilde. "De la neige à la terre battue : approche comparative ethnologique de pratiques sportives -." Thesis, Pau, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PAUU1008/document.
Повний текст джерелаAlthough at first sight they may appear diametrically opposed, the fields of heritage and sport invite us to reflect on their relationships and to look beyond the classical binary pattern of tradition/modernity. In this way, identifying of sport practices which may fall within the intangible cultural heritage (as defined by Unesco in 2003) can help to critically examine the processes of this new form of heritage, as well as the political, scientific and methodological issues associated with them. The hypothesis of this study is based on the postulate that the concept of intangible cultural heritage can be a heuristic tool to understand living cultures and appreciate the heritage value of cultural practices and manifestations. This hypothesis is empirically tested through an ethnographic study of traditional games and sports. It puts in perspective the concept of intangible cultural heritage through two different cultural practices : that of snowshoeing in Quebec (Canada) and that of the ninepins game in Gascogne (Aquitaine, France). The comparative study of these sporting activities provides a point of entry into an analysis of the production of new cultural activities from traditional practices and how local actors position themselves with relation to their cultural heritage. In so doing, they are reinventing new transmission processes in a syncretism involving both sport and heritage which questions the definitions of these practices and each fieldwork
Philippe, Tanguy. "Les Routes de la lutte." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN20014.
Повний текст джерелаWrestling is a play of strength between two antagonists who aim to master each other in a hand-to-hand opposition. The principle of this activity is fairly simple and well known in a majority of cultures and civilizations. It can be found in different elaborated forms. Wrestling symbolizes an imaginary representation of the fundamental opposition in mythology or acts as a ritual challenge in which the outcome foreshadows the collective wealth. Each wrestling style corresponds to one culture’s definition of the Strength concept, which takes into account an ideal imaginary, and a subtle construction of practical knowledge in a consistent and stimulating rules system.In addition to a universal presence and local original practices, we can easily notice similarities between styles and a wide set of common characteristics. It illustrates and implies a long-term diffusion. Elaborated forms have a steady geographical distribution, which corresponds to the roads of cultural circulation. Along the Silk Road styles spread out while they gradually evolved and grew apart. On the “Celtic Road” they experienced a complex History of identification and meeting that influenced the synthesis of international styles.Wrestling is an elementary and flexible system that has been deeply developed in more complex forms and spread out along the culture roads. This long-term progression illustrates the cultural character of sport and shows how its rooting and diffusion contribute into enriching the sport construction
Assaf, Tarek. "La place des jeux traditionnels dans l'EPS : analyse socio-historique de 1891 à nos jours; le cas de la Gironde." Thesis, Bordeaux 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BOR21708/document.
Повний текст джерелаWhat reasons justify the absence of traditional games in scholastic sessions of Physical and Sports Education (PSE)? Should we witness the absence of an educational tool without questioning the reasons behind its absence? Moreover, it would be unproductive to spend time resorting to outdated sports practices. Games belong to the realms of the past. Nowadays, we play sports. While games are disruptive because they provoke uncontrollable emotions, sports activities contain these unruly emotions and helps in channeling them out. This dissertation studies the importance of traditional games in the PSE and in official textbooks since the creation of traditional games at the end of the eighteenth century. This research study also traces the significance and effects of games as outlined by philosophers, psychologists, and anthropologists. Moreover, this study follows Pierre Palebas’s model that highlights the centrality of motricity in the analysis of traditional games. I also propose in this study the creation of a survey that quantitatively proves the marginal position that traditional games occupy in the scholastic world. Why are games, for instance, relegated to the appendices of the PSE? The lack of interest in these traditional games—a lack which presupposes that a student shifts interests in their academic progress as they grow up—is put in juxtaposition with sociodemophrahic variables, in addition to the influence of sports in general and the effect of didactic norms. This study considers all these factors as independent variables influenced by the training of instructors, the physical engagement of students, and the overall influence of modern technology
Ginelli, Ludovic. "Jeux de nature, natures en jeu. Des loisirs aux prises avec l'écologisation des sociétés." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0050/document.
Повний текст джерелаMore and more practiced, “nature sports and leisure” are affected by strong tensions of our societies. How ecologisation of societies – a cognitive, normative and political process – redefines them? This issue is addressed on the basis of various uses (traditional hunting, sea kayaking, submarine fishing, bowhunting) all affected by similar processes (naturalization of places, sportivisation of activities) in two major “places of nature” partly protected, the Arcachon bay and the creeks of Marseille. To analyse these socio-environmental processes, we have chosen a pragmatist approach, particularly with the key-concepts of experience, trouble, inquiry and “prise”. Our thesis refutes the apparent ecological consensus: when they are observed “in actions”, ecological normalisations create more tensions and splits between users than they federate them. In everyday life situations of co-presence, the users aloofs towards ecology - who belong to others social spheres and annoyed in their “cognitive passions” - are ambivalents towards ecological normalisations. They are torn between the social imperative of being ecologically exemplary and the refusal of the individual and expert machinery (“impact”, “ecocompatibility”, “ecoresponsability”) of this process. These norms are particularly strong in the protected areas (national park of Creeks, nature reserve of the Arcachon bay), where mandated actors support ecologisation and legal norms or rules are included in management devices. So it is only as experts that some users and spokesmen can be heard without real changes in the group of participants, nor the framing of the issues and decision-making. At a theoretical level, these results question some assumptions of pragmatism. From a more political point of view, they lead to discuss the normative machinery of contemporary ecologisations
Catala, Benoît. "La transmission-appropriation des savoirs stratégiques et tactiques en boxe thaïlandaise : médiation et résolution de problèmes au service de la performance sportive par la comparaison de deux modèles d'entraînement et l'étude de cas d'entraînés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023PAUU3066.
Повний текст джерелаThe research carried out explores the didactics of Thai boxing, focusing on the dual process of strategic, tactical and technical knowledge transmission and appropriation for the purposes of optimising sport performance . The aim is to train fighters' ability to thoughtfully address challenges presented by an opponent. Our approach centers on reflective thinking occurring before, during and after a training situation's actionin order to foster reasoned, conscious boxing. We seek to acquire innovative training methods and build new relationships between to knowledge, training and trainers, breaking with traditional training models.Our study focuses on comparing the effectiveness of two training models in terms of sport performance. The first model, called the Guided Decision Pedagogy Model (PMDG), involves reinforced coach guidance for solution selection. The second model, known as the Self-Adaptive Approach Pedagogy Model (PMAA), offers less guidance and encourages boxers to independently seek solutions for specific challenges.The originality of this study lies in its interdisciplinary approach, notably associating the didactics of scientific and technological disciplines with clinical research, in a methodological approach integrating quantitative analysis tracking performance evolution in training situations, and qualitative analysis delving into practitioners' subjective experiences.The experimental protocol involved implementing two unique training models to address problems posed by an attacking opponent, for which we had quantitative data on the boxer's defensive actions. This allowed us to assess participants' progress in each group through statistical analysis. Additionally, various variables were examined to assess the relationship between methods, rounds and types of problem.We also gathered trainees' subjective experiences through semi-structured interviews conducted before and after the protocol. Analysing this data provided insights into how each individual perceived and developed their relationship to knowledge, training and the coach during the experiment.In our comprehensive analysis of results, it appears that the PMDG method is more effective for group advancement, while the PMAA method appears to be more conducive to individual progress.Regarding the interviews and the trainees' relationships to training and the coach, participants highly appreciated having some degree of autonomy. They found satisfaction in seeking solutions independently, but they also relied on the coach, especially in opposition scenarios or for validation, advice, or motivation during training. The case studies underscored the distinct experiences of each fighter in their coach-student relationship, and for some, the evolution of their ideas.This study could be extended by applying the same protocol to offensive strategies or by comparing its effects with other established models.The objective is to corroborate current findings, uncover new insights, contribute to the advancement of training and research in the realm of sports and athletics, and more generally to foster the development and exploration of novel models of knowledge transmission and appropriation
Fantoni, Corinne. "Attentes, prises de décisions motrices et performances : impact des prophéties autoréalisatrices sur les choix d'étudiants STAPS soumis à un dilemme en action motrice." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCB082/document.
Повний текст джерелаNo abstract
Inglese, François-Xavier. "Contribution à l'analyse de l'interaction dynamique en environnement virtuel : primitives et aides logicielles." Angers, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ANGE0036.
Повний текст джерелаVirtual reality is a technology covering a large field of applications, among which are sports training and video games. In these domains, virtual reality techniques imply an interaction with moving virtual objects, or virtual objects to be set in movement. The contribution of the work presented in this report lies in the analysis of dynamic interaction in virtual environment, and more particularly during tasks implying the throw, the striking and the interception of moving objects. An original modelization is proposed. Besides, a structure of specific software cues, the objective of which is to facilitate the realization and the learning of dynamic tasks (that is implying moving objects or objects the human being has to set in movement), is presented. These software cues are then validated through experiments concerning the throw and the interception of ball, archery and tenpin bowling