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Статті в журналах з теми "Switching ability"


ZHAO, Hong-ming, and Yan-ping DONG. "Interpreter advantages in switching ability." Advances in Psychological Science 29, no. 4 (2021): 625. http://dx.doi.org/10.3724/sp.j.1042.2021.00625.

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Yehene, Einat, and Nachshon Meiran. "Is there a general task switching ability?" Acta Psychologica 126, no. 3 (November 2007): 169–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2006.11.007.

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White, Holly A., and Priti Shah. "Training Attention-Switching Ability in Adults With ADHD." Journal of Attention Disorders 10, no. 1 (August 2006): 44–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1087054705286063.

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Ruggiero, Gennaro, Francesco Ruotolo, and Tina Iachini. "Congenital blindness limits allocentric to egocentric switching ability." Experimental Brain Research 236, no. 3 (January 16, 2018): 813–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00221-018-5176-8.

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Boerma, Tessel, Merel van Witteloostuijn, and Elma Blom. "Nonverbal Switching Ability of Monolingual and Bilingual Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder." Languages 7, no. 2 (April 28, 2022): 108. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/languages7020108.

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Bilingualism is associated with enhanced switching skills, while a developmental language disorder (DLD) may negatively impact switching ability. However, both studies with bilinguals as well as studies including children with DLD have revealed mixed results. Moreover, the interaction of bilingualism and DLD has not been addressed and the origin of the stronger or weaker switching performance is unknown. The current study aimed to fill these gaps. Monolingual and bilingual children with and without DLD (n = 32 in each of the four groups) completed a nonverbal color/shape switching task when they were 7 to 8 years old, and a Continuous Performance Task two years earlier. The latter tapped into their response inhibition and sustained attention skills, which may underlie switching ability. No differences between monolinguals and bilinguals were found on the switching task. Children with DLD had higher mixing costs than peers without DLD, which was driven by differences in sustained attention skills. These results add to the body of research indicating that the cognitive advantages of bilingualism are unstable. Additionally, the results substantiate the hypothesis that attention processes are foundational for complex cognitive skills, such as switching, and suggest cascading effects for children with weaker attention skills, such as children with DLD.
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Back, Mitja D., Stefan C. Schmukle, and Boris Egloff. "Measuring Task-Switching Ability in the Implicit Association Test." Experimental Psychology 52, no. 3 (January 2005): 167–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1618-3169.52.3.167.

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Abstract. Recently, the role of method-specific variance in the Implicit Association Test (IAT) was examined ( McFarland & Crouch, 2002 ; Mierke & Klauer, 2003 ). This article presents a new content-unspecific control task for the assessment of task-switching ability within the IAT methodology. Study 1 showed that this task exhibited good internal consistency and stability. Studies 2-4 examined method-specific variance in the IAT and showed that the control task is significantly associated with conventionally scored IAT effects of the IAT-Anxiety. Using the D measures proposed by Greenwald, Nosek, and Banaji (2003 ), the amount of method-specific variance in the IAT-Anxiety could be reduced. Possible directions for future research are outlined.
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Ramos, Sara, Yuriem Fernández García, Eneko Antón, Aina Casaponsa, and Jon Andoni Duñabeitia. "Does learning a language in the elderly enhance switching ability?" Journal of Neurolinguistics 43 (August 2017): 39–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jneuroling.2016.09.001.

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Simba, A. Y., M. Yamamoto, T. Nojima, and K. Itoh. "Circularly polarised proximity-fed microstrip antenna with polarisation switching ability." IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 1, no. 3 (2007): 658. http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-map:20050273.

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PRIOR, ANAT, and BRIAN MACWHINNEY. "A bilingual advantage in task switching." Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 13, no. 2 (December 17, 2009): 253–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1366728909990526.

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This study investigated the possibility that lifelong bilingualism may lead to enhanced efficiency in the ability to shift between mental sets. We compared the performance of monolingual and fluent bilingual college students in a task-switching paradigm. Bilinguals incurred reduced switching costs in the task-switching paradigm when compared with monolinguals, suggesting that lifelong experience in switching between languages may contribute to increased efficiency in the ability to shift flexibly between mental sets. On the other hand, bilinguals did not differ from monolinguals in the differential cost of performing mixed-task as opposed to single-task blocks. Together, these results indicate that bilingual advantages in executive function most likely extend beyond inhibition of competing responses, and encompass flexible mental shifting as well.
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Guerrero, A., N. Jain, D. L. Goldman, and B. C. Fries. "Phenotypic switching in Cryptococcus neoformans." Microbiology 152, no. 1 (January 1, 2006): 3–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/mic.0.28451-0.

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Phenotypic switching has been described in serotype A and D strains of Cryptococcus neoformans. It occurs in vivo during chronic infection and is associated with differential gene expression and changes in virulence. The switch involves changes in the polysaccharide capsule and cell wall that affect the yeast's ability to resist phagocytosis. In addition, the phenotypic switch variants elicit qualitatively different inflammatory responses in the host. In animal models of chronic cryptococosis, the immune response of the host ultimately determines which of the switch variants are selected and maintained. The importance of phenotypic switching is further underscored by several findings that are relevant in the setting of human disease. These include the ability of the mucoid colony variant of RC-2 (RC-2 MC) but not the smooth variant (RC-2 SM) to promote increased intracerebral pressure in a rat model of cryptococcal meningitis. Furthermore, chemotherapeutic and immunological antifungal interventions can promote the selection of the RC-2 MC variant during chronic murine infection.
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Дисертації з теми "Switching ability"


Karadag, Mehmet Ali. "Analysis Of Turkish Stock Market With Markov Regime Switching Volatility Models." Master's thesis, METU, 2008. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12609787/index.pdf.

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In this study, both uni-regime GARCH and Markov Regime Switching GARCH (SW-GARCH) models are examined to analyze Turkish Stock Market volatility. We investigate various models to find out whether SW-GARCH models are an improvement on the uni-regime GARCH models in terms of modelling and forecasting Turkish Stock Market volatility. As well as using seven statistical loss functions, we apply Superior Predictive Ability (SPA) test of Hansen (2005) and Reality Check test (RC) of White (2000) to compare forecast performance of various models.
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Omidire, Margaret Funke. "Investigating dynamic assessment as a means of addressing the assessment dilemma of additional language learners." Thesis, Pretoria : [s.n.], 2010. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-05012010-164506.

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Байда, Євген Іванович. "Мультифізичні моделі високовольтних вакуумних вимикачів з бістабільними поляризованими актуаторами в динамічних режимах". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/37466.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктор технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.01 "Електричні машини і апарати" (141 – електрична інженерія). – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", м. Харків, 2018 р. У дисертаційній роботі розглянуто проблеми створення мультифізичних моделей, що використовуються при дослідженні і проектуванні вакуумних вимикачів середньої напруги. Об'єкт дослідження – нестаціонарні електромагнітні процеси в неоднорідному, нелінійному, рухомому середовищі, що проводить електричний струм і включає в себе висококоерцитивні постійні магніти; процеси, пов'язані з теорією пружності, механікою твердого тіла, явищами в нестаціонарних теплових полях і теорією механіки суцільних середовищ. Предмет дослідження – вакуумні вимикачі з бістабільними поляризованими актуаторами та закономірності їхньої роботі в динамічних режимах; закономірності та механізм статичної і динамічної деформації контактної системи вимикача під впливом актуатора; здатність вимикача до вмикання та його термічна стійкість під дією аварійних надструмів; рідинні демпфери; електричні схеми керування актуатором. Методи дослідження – дослідження електромагнітних, механічних, теплових процесів і процесів течії рідини базуються на аналітичних і чисельних математичних моделях, які враховують найбільш суттєві лінійні та нелінійні взаємозв'язки між явищами. Чисельні розв'язання диференційних рівнянь в часткових похідних проводяться в спеціальних прикладних пакетах програм, достовірність результатів яких багаторазово перевірена і не викликає сумнівів, а також програмах, написаних здобувачем, які перевірені експериментально. В роботі отримані такі наукові результати. Вперше розроблена модель динаміки поляризованого бістабільного актуатора з постійними магнітами, що базується на розрахунках нестаціонарного електромагнітного поля в нелінійному неоднорідному середовищі, що проводить електричний струм та містить постійні магніти з урахуванням руху частин актуатора у взаємодії з нелінійними рівняннями електричного кола і руху. Розраховані параметри форсованого підключення актуаторів та надано рекомендації щодо конструкції та параметрів актуаторів. Розроблено мультифізичні моделі дослідження впливу параметрів актуаторів на статичні і динамічні механічні напруження в сильфоні вакуумної камери, отримані рекомендації з вибору оптимальної конструкції сильфона і його довговічності, розрахована його втомна витривалість. Розроблено модель впливу параметрів актуаторів на динамічні механічні напруження в контактній системі та механізмі вимикача, що базується на теорії пружності, завдяки чому була розрахована геометрія приводного вала та обраний його матеріал та підшипники. Вперше розроблено мультифізичні моделі, що дозволяють визначити вплив динамічних характеристик актуатора на здатність вимикача до вмикання аварійного надструму: визначена динаміка зіткнення і час вібрації контактів; вирішена теплова задача Стефана з урахуванням теплоти фазових переходів і визначена можлива сила зварювання контактів; надано рекомендації щодо зниження швидкості зіткнення контактів за рахунок застосування рідинного демпфера засновані на рівняннях Нав'є – Стокса і динаміки руху актуатора; розроблена модель нагріву і деформації контактної поверхні і на її основі надані рекомендації щодо розрахунків необхідної сили контактного натискання і геометрії контактів за умов термічної стійкості. Досліджено та проаналізовано оригінальні моделі схем підключення котушок актуатора до різних джерел електричної енергії, надано рекомендації щодо їх практичної реалізації. Результати дослідження були перевірені на макетах, дослідних зразках які підтвердили отримані рекомендації та висновки і використовувались при розробці вакуумних вимикачів. Впровадження основних наукових і практичних результатів дисертаційної роботи знайшло відображення: в договірній роботі з ТОВ «АВМ Ампер» договір № 33 / 98-12 між НТУ «ХПІ» та ТОВ «АВМ Ампер», «Вплив параметрів бістабільного поляризованого актуатора вакуумного вимикача на його здатність до вмикання», м. Кременчук; науково-дослідній та дослідно-конструкторській роботі, яка була виконаної на замовлення ТОВ НВП «Укренергокомплекс-2», «Бістабільні актуатори в установках контролю і розподілу потоків рідини», м. Харків та навчальному процесі. Акти впровадження додаються.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.01 "Electric Machines and Apparatus" (141 – Electrical Engineering). – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2018. In the dissertation work the problems of creation of multiphysical models used in the research and designing of medium voltage vacuum switching devices are considered. The object of the study is transient electromagnetic processes in a heterogeneous, nonlinear, moving medium conducting electric current and including high-coercive permanent magnets; processes related to the theory of elasticity, solid state mechanics, phenomena in non-stationary thermal fields, and the theory of continuum mechanics. Subject of research – vacuum switching devices with bistable polarized actuators; dynamics of actuators; static and dynamic deformation of the contact system of the circuit breaker and the mechanism under the influence of the actuator; the ability of the circuit breaker to switch on and the thermal stability of the circuit breaker under the influence of emergency overvoltage's; liquid dampers; electromagnetic actuator’s control circuit. Research methods – the investigations of electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal processes and fluid flow processes are based on analytical and numerical mathematical models that take into account the most significant linear and nonlinear interconnections between phenomena. Numerical solutions of partial differential equations are carried out using special application software packages, the reliability of which is repeatedly confirmed and does not cause doubts, as well as codes written by the applicant. The following scientific results have been obtained in the work. For the first time a model of dynamics of a polarized bistable actuator with permanent magnets has been developed based on calculations of transient electromagnetic field in a nonlinear non-uniform medium conducting electric current and containing permanent magnets taking into account the motion of parts of the actuator in conjunction with nonlinear equations of electric circuit and motion. The parameters of forced switching on of actuators are calculated and recommendations on the design and parameters of actuators are given. The multiphysical models of studying the influence of actuator parameters on static and dynamic mechanical stresses in a vacuum chamber bellows have been developed, recommendations have been obtained for choosing the optimal structure of a bellows and its durability, its fatigue endurance is calculated. A model of the influence of actuator parameters on dynamic mechanical stresses in the contact system and the switching mechanism based on the theory of elasticity was developed, due to which the geometry of the drive shaft was calculated and its material was chosen. For the first time, multiphysical models have been developed to determine the effect of the actuator's dynamic characteristics on the ability of the circuit breaker to activate the emergency overloads: shock dynamics and contact vibration time are defined; the Stefan thermal problem solved, the heat of phase transitions is taken into account, and the possible strength of contact welding is determined; recommendations for reducing the contact collision rate due to the use of a liquid damper based on the Navies-Stokes equation and dynamics of the actuator are given; the model of heating and deformation of the contact surface was developed and on its basis recommendations were given regarding calculations of the required force of contact pressure and the geometry of the contacts in the conditions of thermal stability. The original models of circuits connecting actuator coils to different sources of electric energy have been investigated and analyzed, and recommendations on their practical implementation have been given. The results of the study were checked on layouts, prototypes and used in the development of vacuum circuit breakers, tests of which models were confirmed by the obtained recommendations and conclusions. Implementation of the main scientific and practical results of the dissertation work was reflected: in agreement with «ABM Ampere», Kremenchk agreement No. 33/98-12 between NTU «KhPI» and «ABM Ampere» LLC «Influence of the parameters of a bistable polarized vacuum actuator of the circuit breaker on its ability to switch on», research and development work performed by order of Ukrenergokompleks-2 LLC, Kharkov «Bistable actuators in control plants and distribution of liquid flows», the acts of implementation are added.
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Войтович, Юрій Сергійович. "Трифазні багатопульсні випрямлячі з електронним зсувом фаз". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/41947.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.12 "Напівпровідникові перетворювачі електроенергії" – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2019. Дисертацію присвячено вирішенню важливої наукової задачі – створенню трифазних напівпровідникових перетворювачів з покращеними енергетичними та масовими характеристиками. Проведено аналіз характеристик існуючих типів трифазних випрямлячів з електронним зсувом фаз та показано, що трифазний випрямляч з електронним зсувом фаз пульсністю більш ніж 12 має містити узгоджувальний пристрій для балансування рівня вихідних напруг. Запропоновано використання низькочастотної широтно-імпульсної модуляції для балансування вихідної напруги модулів трифазного випрямляча, що дає можливість відмовитися від застосування автотрансформаторів на вході перетворювача. Проаналізовано електромагнітні процеси в перетворювачі на основі багатопульсних випрямлячів з електронним зсувом фаз та показано, що для розглянутого класу перетворювачів доцільно використовувати випрямлячі з пульсністю від 18 до 24 для мереж малої потужності. Запропоновані схемотехнічні рішення багатопульсних випрямлячів з електронним зсувом фаз, можуть бути використані в розробці та проектуванні перспективних джерел постійного струму, що вимагають покращених масових показників, відповідності вимогам по електромагнітній сумісності. Наприклад:– при розробці та проектуванні перспективних джерел постійного струму електрифікованих залізниць. – в наземному електрообладнанні аеропортів, як складова частина комплексу наземного живлення 3х115 В 400 Гц 30-90 кВт та ін.
thesis is devoted to the solution of an important scientific problem - the creation of three-phase semiconductor converters of alternating current to constant current with improved energy and mass characteristics. The characteristics of existing types of three-phase rectifiers with electronic phase shift are analyzed and it is shown that a three-phase rectifier with electronic phase shift with a pulse frequency of more than 12 should contain a matching device for balancing the output voltage level. The use of low-frequency pulse-width modulation for balancing the output voltage of three-phase rectifier modules is proposed, which eliminates the use of autotransformers at the input of the converter. Electromagnetic processes in the converter based on multipulse rectifiers with electronic phase shift are analyzed and it is shown that for the considered class of converters it is advisable to use rectifiers with a pulse range from 18 to 24. The proposed circuit solutions of multi-pulse rectifiers with electronic phase shift can be used in the development and design of promising sources of direct current, requiring improved mass performance and compliance with the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility. For example: - In the development and design of promising sources of direct current electrified railways. - In the ground electrical equipment of airports, as an integral part of the ground supply complex 3x115 V 400 Hz 30-90 kW, etc.
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Байда, Євген Іванович. "Мультифізичні моделі високовольтних вакуумних вимикачів з бістабільними поляризованими актуаторами в динамічних режимах". Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/37464.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктор технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.01 "Електричні машини і апарати" (141 – електрична інженерія). – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", м. Харків, 2018 р. У дисертаційній роботі розглянуто проблеми створення мультифізичних моделей, що використовуються при дослідженні і проектуванні вакуумних вимикачів середньої напруги. Об'єкт дослідження – нестаціонарні електромагнітні процеси в неоднорідному, нелінійному, рухомому середовищі, що проводить електричний струм і включає в себе висококоерцитивні постійні магніти; процеси, пов'язані з теорією пружності, механікою твердого тіла, явищами в нестаціонарних теплових полях і теорією механіки суцільних середовищ. Предмет дослідження – вакуумні вимикачі з бістабільними поляризованими актуаторами та закономірності їхньої роботі в динамічних режимах; закономірності та механізм статичної і динамічної деформації контактної системи вимикача під впливом актуатора; здатність вимикача до вмикання та його термічна стійкість під дією аварійних надструмів; рідинні демпфери; електричні схеми керування актуатором. Методи дослідження – дослідження електромагнітних, механічних, теплових процесів і процесів течії рідини базуються на аналітичних і чисельних математичних моделях, які враховують найбільш суттєві лінійні та нелінійні взаємозв'язки між явищами. Чисельні розв'язання диференційних рівнянь в часткових похідних проводяться в спеціальних прикладних пакетах програм, достовірність результатів яких багаторазово перевірена і не викликає сумнівів, а також програмах, написаних здобувачем, які перевірені експериментально. В роботі отримані такі наукові результати. Вперше розроблена модель динаміки поляризованого бістабільного актуатора з постійними магнітами, що базується на розрахунках нестаціонарного електромагнітного поля в нелінійному неоднорідному середовищі, що проводить електричний струм та містить постійні магніти з урахуванням руху частин актуатора у взаємодії з нелінійними рівняннями електричного кола і руху. Розраховані параметри форсованого підключення актуаторів та надано рекомендації щодо конструкції та параметрів актуаторів. Розроблено мультифізичні моделі дослідження впливу параметрів актуаторів на статичні і динамічні механічні напруження в сильфоні вакуумної камери, отримані рекомендації з вибору оптимальної конструкції сильфона і його довговічності, розрахована його втомна витривалість. Розроблено модель впливу параметрів актуаторів на динамічні механічні напруження в контактній системі та механізмі вимикача, що базується на теорії пружності, завдяки чому була розрахована геометрія приводного вала та обраний його матеріал та підшипники. Вперше розроблено мультифізичні моделі, що дозволяють визначити вплив динамічних характеристик актуатора на здатність вимикача до вмикання аварійного надструму: визначена динаміка зіткнення і час вібрації контактів; вирішена теплова задача Стефана з урахуванням теплоти фазових переходів і визначена можлива сила зварювання контактів; надано рекомендації щодо зниження швидкості зіткнення контактів за рахунок застосування рідинного демпфера засновані на рівняннях Нав'є – Стокса і динаміки руху актуатора; розроблена модель нагріву і деформації контактної поверхні і на її основі надані рекомендації щодо розрахунків необхідної сили контактного натискання і геометрії контактів за умов термічної стійкості. Досліджено та проаналізовано оригінальні моделі схем підключення котушок актуатора до різних джерел електричної енергії, надано рекомендації щодо їх практичної реалізації. Результати дослідження були перевірені на макетах, дослідних зразках які підтвердили отримані рекомендації та висновки і використовувались при розробці вакуумних вимикачів. Впровадження основних наукових і практичних результатів дисертаційної роботи знайшло відображення: в договірній роботі з ТОВ «АВМ Ампер» договір № 33 / 98-12 між НТУ «ХПІ» та ТОВ «АВМ Ампер», «Вплив параметрів бістабільного поляризованого актуатора вакуумного вимикача на його здатність до вмикання», м. Кременчук; науково-дослідній та дослідно-конструкторській роботі, яка була виконаної на замовлення ТОВ НВП «Укренергокомплекс-2», «Бістабільні актуатори в установках контролю і розподілу потоків рідини», м. Харків та навчальному процесі.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.01 "Electric Machines and Apparatus" (141 – Electrical Engineering). – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2018. In the dissertation work the problems of creation of multiphysical models used in the research and designing of medium voltage vacuum switching devices are considered. The object of the study is transient electromagnetic processes in a heterogeneous, nonlinear, moving medium conducting electric current and including high-coercive permanent magnets; processes related to the theory of elasticity, solid state mechanics, phenomena in non-stationary thermal fields, and the theory of continuum mechanics. Subject of research – vacuum switching devices with bistable polarized actuators; dynamics of actuators; static and dynamic deformation of the contact system of the circuit breaker and the mechanism under the influence of the actuator; the ability of the circuit breaker to switch on and the thermal stability of the circuit breaker under the influence of emergency overvoltage's; liquid dampers; electromagnetic actuator’s control circuit. Research methods – the investigations of electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal processes and fluid flow processes are based on analytical and numerical mathematical models that take into account the most significant linear and nonlinear interconnections between phenomena. Numerical solutions of partial differential equations are carried out using special application software packages, the reliability of which is repeatedly confirmed and does not cause doubts, as well as codes written by the applicant. The following scientific results have been obtained in the work. For the first time a model of dynamics of a polarized bistable actuator with permanent magnets has been developed based on calculations of transient electromagnetic field in a nonlinear non-uniform medium conducting electric current and containing permanent magnets taking into account the motion of parts of the actuator in conjunction with nonlinear equations of electric circuit and motion. The parameters of forced switching on of actuators are calculated and recommendations on the design and parameters of actuators are given. The multiphysical models of studying the influence of actuator parameters on static and dynamic mechanical stresses in a vacuum chamber bellows have been developed, recommendations have been obtained for choosing the optimal structure of a bellows and its durability, its fatigue endurance is calculated. A model of the influence of actuator parameters on dynamic mechanical stresses in the contact system and the switching mechanism based on the theory of elasticity was developed, due to which the geometry of the drive shaft was calculated and its material was chosen. For the first time, multiphysical models have been developed to determine the effect of the actuator's dynamic characteristics on the ability of the circuit breaker to activate the emergency overloads: shock dynamics and contact vibration time are defined; the Stefan thermal problem solved, the heat of phase transitions is taken into account, and the possible strength of contact welding is determined; recommendations for reducing the contact collision rate due to the use of a liquid damper based on the Navies-Stokes equation and dynamics of the actuator are given; the model of heating and deformation of the contact surface was developed and on its basis recommendations were given regarding calculations of the required force of contact pressure and the geometry of the contacts in the conditions of thermal stability. The original models of circuits connecting actuator coils to different sources of electric energy have been investigated and analyzed, and recommendations on their practical implementation have been given. The results of the study were checked on layouts, prototypes and used in the development of vacuum circuit breakers, tests of which models were confirmed by the obtained recommendations and conclusions. Implementation of the main scientific and practical results of the dissertation work was reflected: in agreement with «ABM Ampere», Kremenchk agreement No. 33/98-12 between NTU «KhPI» and «ABM Ampere» LLC «Influence of the parameters of a bistable polarized vacuum actuator of the circuit breaker on its ability to switch on», research and development work performed by order of Ukrenergokompleks-2 LLC, Kharkov «Bistable actuators in control plants and distribution of liquid flows».
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Войтович, Юрій Сергійович. "Трифазні багатопульсні випрямлячі з електронним зсувом фаз". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/41949.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.12 "Напівпровідникові перетворювачі електроенергії" – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2019. Дисертацію присвячено вирішенню важливої наукової задачі – створенню трифазних напівпровідникових перетворювачів з покращеними енергетичними та масовими характеристиками. У багатьох електричних мережах і системах напівпровідникові перетворювачі є одним з основних видів навантаження. Напівпровідникові перетворювачі є для мережі живлення нелінійним навантаженням, і його робота впливає на режими роботи мережі, особливо якщо потужність перетворювача і мережі співрозмірні. Тому при проектуванні як електричних мереж, так і напівпровідникових перетворювачів необхідно враховувати вплив роботи перетворювачів на мережу живлення. В силовій електроніці одним з найпоширеніших перетворювачів є трифазний випрямляч. Схеми випрямлячів трифазного живлення застосовуються в основному для живлення споживачів середньої й великої потужності. Покращення електромагнітної сумісності в цих системах можливе з використанням схем трифазних випрямлячів зі збільшеною пульсністю. Для роботи таких випрямлячів необхідним є використання фазозсувних трансформаторів або автотрансформаторів. Використання фазозсувних магнітних елементів погіршує масові характеристики перетворювача, а при збільшенні пульсності випрямляча ускладняється їх конструкція. Покращення масових характеристик та електромагнітної сумісності можливе з використанням електронного зсуву фаз в трифазних випрямлячах зі збільшеною пульсністю. В дисертаційній роботі запропоновано структуру багатопульсних випрямлячів з електронним зсувом фаз пульсністю більше 12-ти, що дозволяє поліпшити гармонійний склад споживаного струму за рахунок підвищення пульсності випрямляча, отримання високого коефіцієнту потужності за рахунок використання «відстаючих» і «випереджаючих» кутів керування. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання повністю керованих напівпровідникових ключів з зворотною блокуючою здібністю в трифазних випрямлячах з електронним зсувом фаз, що дозволяє отримати високий коефіцієнт зсуву між вживаним струмом і напругою джерела живлення за рахунок уніфікації використовуваних напівпровідникових ключів. Запропоновано використання низькочастотної широтно-імпульсної модуляції для балансування вихідних напруг модулів трифазного випрямляча, що дозволяє реалізувати схему перетворювача без використання вхідних узгоджувальних електромагнітних елементів. Досліджені електромагнітні процеси в трифазних багатопульсних випрямлячах з електронним зсувом фаз при використанні повністю керованих напівпровідникових ключів зі зворотною блокуючою здатністю, що дозволило отримати основні вирази для оцінки комутаційних втрат. Запропоновані схемотехнічні рішення багатопульсних випрямлячів з електронним зсувом фаз, можуть бути використані в розробці та проектуванні перспективних джерел постійного струму, що вимагають покращених масових показників, відповідності вимогам по електромагнітній сумісності. Наприклад: – в наземному електрообладнанні аеропортів, як складова частина комплексу наземного живлення літаків 3х115 В 400 Гц 30-90 кВт; – в перетворювачах частоти з ланкою постійного струму при підключенні AC/AC перетворювача безпосередньо до мережі живлення, тобто без використання масштабуючих трансформаторів.
Thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.09.12 "Semiconductor power converters" – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2019. The thesis is devoted to the solution of an important scientific problem - the creation of three-phase semiconductor converters of alternating current to constant current with improved energy and mass characteristics. In many electrical networks and systems, semiconductor transducers are one of the main types of load. Semiconductor transducers are nonlinear for the power supply, and its operation affects the network operating modes, especially if the power of the converter and the network are dimensional. Therefore, when designing both electrical networks and semiconductor converters, it is necessary to take into account the effect of converters on the power supply. In power electronics, one of the most common converters is a three-phase rectifier. Schemes of three-phase power rectifiers mainly used for power supply to consumers of medium and high power. Improvement of electromagnetic compatibility in these systems is possible using schemes of three-phase rectifiers with increased pulsativeness. The use of phase-shift transformers or autotransformers is necessary for such rectifiers. The use of phase-shift magnetic elements, worsens the mass characteristics of the converter, and when the rectifier pulsity increases, their design becomes more complicated. Improvement of mass characteristics and electromagnetic compatibility is possible with the use of electronic phase shift in three-phase rectifiers with increased pulsatility. In the dissertation work the structure of multipulse rectifiers with electron phase shift of pulses more than 12 is proposed, which allows to improve the harmonic composition of consumed current by increasing the rectifier pulsity, obtaining a high power factor by using the "lagging" and "outgoing" angles of control. The expediency of using fully controlled semiconductor keys with reverse blocking capability in three phase rectifiers with electron phase shift is substantiated. The use of low-frequency pulse-width modulation for balancing the output voltages of three-phase rectifier modules is proposed. The proposed circuitry solutions of multi-pulse rectifiers with electron phase shift can be used in the design of advanced DC sources requiring improved mass performance, compliance with electromagnetic compatibility requirements.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Sinai, Marco. "Task switching ability in mild cognitive impairment." Thesis, 2009. http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/976570/1/NR63352.pdf.

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There is growing evidence of executive function deficits in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and task switching ability has been shown to predict MCI transition to Alzheimer's disease. We tested task switching ability using a cued task switching paradigm in 27 MCI patients. Sixteen patients could perfume the task (MCI-able) and 11 could not (MCI-unable). Neuropsychological, electrophysiological, neuroanatomical, genetic, demographic, health-related data are presented for the MCI sub-groups and normal controls. The most significant finding of this study is that task-switching ability can be a powerful tool in characterizing this heterogeneous population. We found that most MCI patients exhibit some form of task-switching deficits, but to vastly different degrees. On the one hand there are individuals closer to the normal aging end of the cognitive spectrum; these individuals may present with memory deficits relative to their normal age peers but can compensate these with quasi-intact executive functions and have a high probability of remaining dementia free as long as their executive functions remain adequate. On the other side of the spectrum, there are individuals who perfume poorly on executive tasks as well as having significant episodic memory deficits. These individuals appear to have a high probability of developing AD or dying within four years. iii
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Parry, Thomas Edward. "An evaluation of task switching cost in simple motor tasks." 2006. http://www.oregonpdf.org.

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Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

"Cue switch vs. task switch: which aspect(s) of task switching ability changes with media multitasking experience?" 2013. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b5549275.

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有研究發現過度的媒界多任務處理者(HMMs)在多種認知任務上較輕度的媒界多任務處理者(LMMs)表現得遜色。這表示HMMs的多種認知功能,包括工作記憶的更新及維持、選擇性的注意力及作業轉換的能力,皆次於LMMs。有研究採用有線索的作業轉換典範時,為每一個作業設置了兩個線索,從而將總的作業轉換成本拆分為與作業轉換過程中兩個連續而不同的階段相關的部份。第一部份的成本由線索的改變導致,代表使用線索把作業心向從長期記憶抽出放於工作記憶這一階段所需要的成本。第二部份的成本由作業的改變導致,代表將作業規則應用於刺激這一階段所需的成本。第二階段的成本被大多數研究者視為真正的作業轉換成本。本研究想探討的問題是過度的媒界多任務處理所影響的是哪一階段的作業轉換能力。我們採用一份網上的媒界使用問卷選出二十名HMMs及二十名LMMs來參加實驗。實驗中,被試必須完成一個雙線索對單作業的作業轉換典範,當中的兩個作業分別為一個打字作業及一個性別判斷作業。反應時上的總作業轉換成本被拆成兩個部份: (甲)作業不變而線索改變所引起的線索轉換成本,及(乙)線索轉換成本所不能解釋的剩下的作業轉換成本。我們發現HMMs的線索轉換成本顯著地高於LMMs的線索轉換成本。然而,兩組人之間的作業轉換成本並沒有顯著差異。結果表明,HMMs只在使用線索把作業心向從長期記憶拿出來放在工作記憶這一階段遜色於LMMs。
Heavy media multitaskers (HMMs) are found to be inferior to light media multitaskers (LMMs) in cognitive functions such as updating and maintenance of working memory representations, selectively attention, and surprisingly, the ability to switch between tasks. Research on task-switching paradigm using a 2:1 mapping between cues and tasks separates the total switch cost into costs related to two distinct, serial processing stages. The first type of cost, relating to the stage of cue-driven retrieval of task-set from long-term memory into working memory, is caused by a change in the task-indicating cue. The second type of cost, relating to the stage of application of task-rules onto the stimuli, is caused by a change of the task-set and has been regarded by some as the actual task-switch cost. In the current study, we examine which stage(s) are affected by media multitasking experience. Twenty HMMs and twenty LMMs identified using an online media-use questionnaire participated in a cued task-switching experiment involving a word typing task and a face gender classification task. The overall switch cost in response time was decomposed into two components: (a) the cue-switch cost as a result of a change of the cue with the task unchanged; and (b) the task-switch cost, which represent the switch cost not accountable by the cue-switch cost. HMMs showed a significantly larger cue-switch cost than LMMs, while the task-switch cost was similar for the two groups. Results suggest that HMMs may only be inferior in the cue-driven retrieval process of task set but not in the task-rule application stage.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Lui, Fai Hong.
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 25-28).
Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Abstracts also in Chinese.
Chapter Chapter 1: --- Introduction --- p.1
Media multitasking and its chronic effects --- p.1
Effects of media multitasking on task switching ability --- p.4
The typical task-switching paradigm --- p.5
Task-switching paradigm using a 2:1 mapping between cues and tasks --- p.7
Design of the current study --- p.10
Hypotheses of the current study --- p.11
Chapter Chapter 2: --- 2: Experiment 1: Method --- p.15
Participants --- p.15
Apparatus --- p.15
Stimuli and procedure --- p.16
Chapter Chapter 3: --- Experiment 1: Results --- p.19
Chapter Chapter 4: --- Experiment 2 --- p.22
Chapter Chapter 5: --- Experiment 2: Method --- p.24
Participants --- p.24
Apparatus --- p.24
Stimuli and procedure --- p.24
Chapter Chapter 6: --- Experiment 2: Results --- p.26
Chapter Chapter 7: --- Discussions --- p.28
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Prashanth, S. B. Bhanu. "Development Of Instrumentation For Electrical Switching Studies And Investigations On Switching And Thermal Behavior Of Certain Glassy Chalcogenides." Thesis, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/735.

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The absence of long-range order in glassy chalcogenides provides the convenience of changing the elemental ratios and hence the properties over a wide range. The interesting properties exhibited by chalcogenide glasses make them suitable materials for Phase Change Memories (PCM) and other applications such as infrared optical devices, photo-receptors, sensors, waveguides, etc. One of the most remarkable properties of chalcogenides is their electrical switching behavior. Reversible (threshold type) or irreversible (memory type) switching from a high resistance OFF state to a low resistance ON state in glassy chalcogenides occurs at a critical voltage called the threshold/switching voltage (VT). Investigations on the switching behavior and its composition dependence throw light on the local structural effects of amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors and also help us in identifying suitable samples for PCM applications. Thermal analysis by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) has been extensively used in glass science, particularly for measurements of thermal parameters such as enthalpy of relaxation, specific heat change, etc., near glass transition. Quite recently, the conventional DSC has been sophisticated by employing a composite temperature profile for heating, resulting in the Temperature Modulated DSC (TMDSC) or Alternating DSC (ADSC). Measurements made using ADSC reveal thermal details with enhanced accuracy and resolution, and this has lead to a better understanding of the nature of glass transition. The thermal parameters obtained using DSC/ADSC are also vital for understanding the electrical switching behavior of glassy chalcogenides. The motivation of this thesis was twofold: The first was to develop a novel, high voltage programmable power supply for electrical switching analysis of samples exhibiting high VT, and second to investigate the thermal and electrical switching behavior of certain Se-Te based glasses with Ge and Sb additives. The thesis contains seven chapters: Chapter 1: This chapter provides an overview of amorphous semiconductors (a-SC) with an emphasis on preparation and properties of glassy chalcogenides. The various structural models and topological thresholds of a-SC are discussed with relations to the glass forming ability of materials. The electronic band models and defect states are also dealt with. The essentials of electrical switching behavior of chalcogenides are discussed suggesting the electronic nature of switching and the role of thermal properties on switching. Chapter 2: The second chapter essentially deals with theory and practice of the experimental techniques adopted in the thesis work. The details of the melt-quenching method of synthesizing glassy samples are provided. Considering the importance, the theory of thermal analysis by DSC & ADSC, are discussed in detail, highlighting the advantages of the latter method adopted in the thesis work. The instrumentation and electronics, developed and used for electrical switching analysis are also introduced at a block diagram level. Finally, the methods used for structural analysis are briefed. Chapter 3: This chapter is dedicated to the design and development details of the programmable High Voltage dc Power Supply (HVPS: 1750 V, 45 mA) undertaken in the thesis work. The guidelines used for power supply topology selection, the specifications and block diagram of the HVPS are provided in that sequence. The operation of the HVPS is discussed using the circuit diagram approach. The details of software control are also given. The performance validations of the HVPS, undertaken through voltage & current regulation tests, step & frequency response tests are discussed. Finally, the sample-test results on the electrical switching behavior of representative Al20As16Te64 and Ge25Te65Se10 samples, obtained using both the current & voltage sweep options of the HVPS developed are illustrated. Chapter 4: Results of the thermally induced transitions governed by structural changes which are driven by network connectivity in the GexSe35-xTe65 (17 ≤ x ≤ 25) glasses, as revealed by ADSC experiments, are discussed in this chapter. It is found that the GexSe35-xTe65 glasses with x ≤ 20 exhibit two crystallization exotherms (Tc1 & Tc2), whereas those with x ≥ 20.5, show a single crystallization reaction upon heating (Tc). The glass transition temperature of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses is found to show a linear, but not-steep increase, indicating a progressive and not an appreciable build-up in network connectivity with Ge addition. The exothermic reaction at Tc1 has been found to correspond to the partial crystallization of the glass into hexagonal Te and the reaction at Tc2 is associated with the additional crystallization of rhombohedral Ge-Te phase. It is also found that the first crystallization temperature Tc1 of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses of lower Ge concentrations (with x ≤ 20), increases progressively with Ge content and eventually merges with Tc2 at x = 20.5 ( = 2.41); this behavior has been understood on the basis of the reduction in Te-Te bonds of lower energy and an increase in Ge-Te bonds of higher energy, with increasing Ge content. Chapter 5: This chapter deals with the electrical switching studies on GexSe35-xTe65 (17 ≤ x ≤ 25) glasses, with an emphasis on the role of network connectivity/rigidity on the switching behavior. It is found that the switching voltage (VT) increases with Ge content, exhibiting a sudden jump at x=20, the Rigidity Percolation Threshold (RPT) of the system. In addition, the switching behavior changes from memory to threshold type at the RPT and the threshold switching is found to be repetitive for more than 1500 cycles. Chapter 6: In this chapter, the results of thermal analysis (by ADSC) and electrical switching investigations on SbxSe55-xTe45 (2 ≤ x ≤ 9) are discussed. It is found that the addition of trivalent Sb contributes very meagerly to network growth but directly affects the structural relaxation effects at Tg. Further, SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses exhibit memory type electrical switching, which is understood on the basis of poor thermal stability of the samples. The metallicity factor is observed to outweigh the network factor in the composition dependence of VT of SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses. Chapter 7: The chapter 7 summarizes the results obtained in the thesis work and provides the scope for future work. The references are cited in the text along with the first author’s name and year of publication, and are listed at the end of each chapter in alphabetical order.
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Книги з теми "Switching ability"


Bao, Yun, Carl Chiarella, and Boda Kang. Particle Filters for Markov-Switching Stochastic Volatility Models. Edited by Shu-Heng Chen, Mak Kaboudan, and Ye-Rong Du. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199844371.013.9.

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This chapter proposes an auxiliary particle filter algorithm for inference in regime switching stochastic volatility models in which the regime state is governed by a first-order Markov chain. It proposes an ongoing updated Dirichlet distribution to estimate the transition probabilities of the Markov chain in the auxiliary particle filter. A simulation-based algorithm is presented for the method that demonstrates the ability to estimate a class of models in which the probability that the system state transits from one regime to a different regime is relatively high. The methodology is implemented in order to analyze a real-time series, namely, the foreign exchange rate between the Australian dollar and the South Korean won.
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Shapiro, Kimron, and Simon Hanslmayr. The Role of Brain Oscillations in the Temporal Limits of Attention. Edited by Anna C. (Kia) Nobre and Sabine Kastner. Oxford University Press, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199675111.013.037.

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Attention is the ubiquitous construct referring to the ability of the brain to focus resources on a subset of perceptual input which it is trying to process for a response. Attention has for a long time been studied with reference to its distribution across space where, for example, visual input from an attentionally monitored location is given preference over non-monitored (i.e. attended) locations. More recently, attention has been studied for its ability to select targets from among rapidly, sequentially presented non-targets at a fixed location, e.g. in visual space. The present chapter explores this latter function of attention for its relevance to behaviour. In so doing, it highlights what is becoming one of the most popular approaches to studying communication across the brain—oscillations—at various frequency ranges. In particular the authors discuss the alpha frequency band (8–12 Hz), where recent evidence points to an important role in the switching between processing external vs. internal events.
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Частини книг з теми "Switching ability"


"6.2 Methods for Measuring Bilingual Ability." In Dutch-Moroccan Code Switching among Maroccans in the Netherlands, 96–111. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110877182-023.

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Lin, Lin, and Bill Lipsmeyer. "The Environmental and Technological Factors of Multitasking." In Human Performance Technology, 1–19. IGI Global, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-8356-1.ch001.

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Research on multitasking, that is, conducting two or more tasks simultaneously or switching quickly between two or more tasks, has focused mostly on a human's capacity to do so inside their brain. However, our daily life experience indicates that our ability to multitask is not only dependent on our brain capacity, but is also related to other factors such as our environments and available resources. Different individuals may have different abilities to multitask due to their expertise, situational awareness, or ability to plan ahead. This chapter discusses the environmental and technological factors of multitasking based on a prior study. The goal is to expand interdisciplinary dialogues and research methodologies to better understand this prevalent phenomenon in our society.
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Lin, Lin, and Bill Lipsmeyer. "The Environmental and Technological Factors of Multitasking." In Advances in Human and Social Aspects of Technology, 1–20. IGI Global, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-8450-8.ch001.

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Research on multitasking, that is, conducting two or more tasks simultaneously or switching quickly between two or more tasks, has focused mostly on a human's capacity to do so inside their brain. However, our daily life experience indicates that our ability to multitask is not only dependent on our brain capacity, but is also related to other factors such as our environments and available resources. Different individuals may have different abilities to multitask due to their expertise, situational awareness, or ability to plan ahead. This chapter discusses the environmental and technological factors of multitasking based on a prior study. The goal is to expand interdisciplinary dialogues and research methodologies to better understand this prevalent phenomenon in our society.
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Egri Ku-Mesu, Katalin. "Inscribing Difference: Code-Switching and the Metonymic Gap in Post-Colonial Literatures." In Narratives Crossing Borders: The Dynamics of Cultural Interaction, 169–88. Stockholm University Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.16993/bbj.h.

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In their seminal work The Empire Writes Back Ashcroft et al. (1989) identify code-switching between two or more codes in post-colonial literary texts as ‘the most common method of inscribing alterity’ (p.72). Ashcroft (2001) further develops the idea of installing cultural distinctiveness in the text and posits that, together with a wide range of other linguistic devices (e.g. neologisms, ethno-rhythmic prose), the use of code-switching – whether between the variants of the same language or between languages – has a metonymic function to inscribe cultural difference. In this chapter, I will examine the hybrid nature of post-colonial literary texts through the concepts of nativisation (Kachru, 1982a, 1982b, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1995) and indigenisation (Zabus, 1991, 2007). I will then focus on code-switching, adopting Myers-Scotton’s (1993) approach of matrix language vs. embedded language and considering that ‘EL [embedded language] material of any size, from a single morpheme or lexeme to several constituents, may be regarded as CS [code-switching] material’ (p.5). I will analyse examples of code-switching taken from modern Ghanaian English-language novels and short stories, and I will argue that a synecdochic relationship exists between the code-switched embedded language and the culture it originates from. I will contend that it is along the metonymic gap thus created by language variance that readers can be expected to be divided. I will briefly examine the types of authorial assistance that can be provided in order to make the text accessible to the reader, and I will illustrate, in Sperber and Wilson’s (1995) relevance theoretical framework, how different groups of readers cope with code-switched language left in the texts untranslated and/or unexplained. I will argue that by withdrawing assistance from the reader, the author makes it manifest that he concedes ‘the importance of meanibility’ (Ashcroft, 2001, p.76) and opts for the inscription of difference. I will conclude that the metonymic gap is not a simple bi-polar concept between coloniser and colonised culture but a multi-layered entity where the readers’ position in relation to the gap is indicative of their ability to interpret code-switched language unaided. Full appreciation of the writer’s meanings is shown by those readers who share both the writer’s cultural and linguistic experience. Other readers may be able to cross the metonymic gap to various degrees, but for them code-switched language will be the symbol of the writer’s difference of experience.
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Al-Rubaye, Saba, Anwer Al-Dulaimi, and John Cosmas. "Spectrum Handover Strategies for Cognitive Femtocell Networks." In Advances in Wireless Technologies and Telecommunication, 85–102. IGI Global, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-0092-8.ch006.

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Cognitive femtocell is a promising technology for the next generation wireless networks to improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization, coverage, and to attain higher data rates for indoor communications. In this chapter, the new Cognitive Femtocell Switching Unit (CFSU) is proposed to support handover management for 10-20 cognitive femtocells as a local geographical cluster. Thus, CFSU acts as a service coordinator between femtocells and macrocell areas to improve spectrum utilization and coexistence. Then, the chapter presents solutions for spectrum handover to achieve guaranteed quality of radio service, spectrum utilization, and enable an excellent local handover management to reduce unnecessary handovers between femtocell base stations. The challenges and solutions that are presented in this chapter have the ability to maintain services by evaluating the requested quality of services.
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Mukerji, Saugato, and Aditya K. Ghose. "Supply Chain Optimization Audit (SCOA) for Green ICT Opportunities." In Handbook of Research on Green ICT, 559–80. IGI Global, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-61692-834-6.ch041.

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Green ICT is a lot more than efficient air-conditioning of data centers and switching off monitors and desktop PCs. ICT has the ability to give rise to and continuously enable energy saving on a scale 50 to 100 times bigger by becoming the technology that detects and prevents process inefficiency of energy intensive supply chains. Energy efficiency that can only be sustainably achieved as a result of using ICT creatively is outlined in this chapter. The authors consider the optimization of supply chain as a crucial enabler of the overall effort of an organization to improve its environmental credentials. Therefore, undertaking the audits of an organization’s supply chains, and ensuring that the end result improves its efficiency is one way of limiting the carbon generated during its activities.
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Mukerji, Saugato, and Aditya K. Ghose. "Supply Chain Optimization Audit (SCOA) for Green ICT Opportunities." In Green Technologies, 1011–33. IGI Global, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-60960-472-1.ch424.

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Green ICT is a lot more than efficient air-conditioning of data centers and switching off monitors and desktop PCs. ICT has the ability to give rise to and continuously enable energy saving on a scale 50 to 100 times bigger by becoming the technology that detects and prevents process inefficiency of energy intensive supply chains. Energy efficiency that can only be sustainably achieved as a result of using ICT creatively is outlined in this chapter. The authors consider the optimization of supply chain as a crucial enabler of the overall effort of an organization to improve its environmental credentials. Therefore, undertaking the audits of an organization’s supply chains, and ensuring that the end result improves its efficiency is one way of limiting the carbon generated during its activities.
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Raghavan, Vijay V. "Load-Testing of Web Site Applications." In Successful Software Reengineering, 209–13. IGI Global, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-931777-12-4.ch014.

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The growth in e-commerce has been accompanied by an enormous need to host robust web sites. Electronic Commerce has changed the role of Information Technology (IT) function from its elementary business support to providing key competitive advantages. Rapid changes in several technologies, while improving the ability to develop and deliver web sites quickly, have also increased the complexity of designing and managing them. It is easy for a consumer or business partner to change to a different supplier if an in-house or outsourced E-Commerce site does not perform up to expectations. Implementing an appropriate web-application testing program is critical in an environment where barriers to switching suppliers of web sites are minimal. Developing robust web sites that perform well under varying loads can be ensured only by a rigorous testing of these web sites before launching them in a production environment.
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Dunmore, Stuart. "Linguistic Practice, Gaelic Use and Language Socialisation: Findings from Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses." In Language Revitalisation in Gaelic Scotland, 65–107. Edinburgh University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474443111.003.0004.

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Considering the overarching question of Gaelic language use, this chapter draws attention firstly to the varying degrees to which interview participants claim to use the Gaelic language in the present day. Three discernible categories or extents of use are apparent in interviewees’ accounts with respect to their present-day linguistic practices. The discussion subsequently considers two particular types of Gaelic use that are frequently reported within the interview corpus, relating to code-switching and use of Gaelic as a ‘secret’ language. As will be demonstrated, there exists a consistent relationship between higher levels of Gaelic ability and use in the present day, as there is between high levels of Gaelic use and past socialisation in the language at home and school. Triangulation of the qualitative and quantitative datasets thus produces a clear picture of limited ongoing Gaelic use among the majority of 130 Gaelic-medium educated adults who participated in the study, particularly in respect of the key domains of home and community.
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Y. Kariduraganavar, Mahadevappa, Radha V. Doddamani, Balachandar Waddar, and Saidi Reddy Parne. "Nonlinear Optical Responsive Molecular Switches." In Nonlinear Optics - From Solitons to Similaritons. IntechOpen, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.92675.

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Nonlinear optical (NLO) materials have gained much attention during the last two decades owing to their potentiality in the field of optical data storage, optical information processing, optical switching, and telecommunication. NLO responsive macroscopic devices possess extensive applications in our day to day life. Such devices are considered as assemblies of several macroscopic components designed to achieve specific functions. The extension of this concept to the molecular level forms the basis of molecular devices. In this context, the design of NLO switches, that is, molecules characterized by their ability to alternate between two or more chemical forms displaying contrasts in one of their NLO properties, has motivated many experimental and theoretical works. Thus, this chapter focuses on the rational design of molecular NLO switches based on stimuli and materials with extensive examples reported in the literature. The factors affecting the efficiency of optical switches are discussed. The device fabrication of optical switches and their efficiency based on the optical switch, internal architecture, and substrate materials are described. In the end, applications of switches and future prospectus of designing new molecules with references are suitably discussed.
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Тези доповідей конференцій з теми "Switching ability"


Porkar, S., P. Poure, S. Saadate, and A. Abbaspour-Tehrani-far. "A novel soft-switching seven-level converter topology with self-voltage balancing ability." In AFRICON 2009 (AFRICON). IEEE, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/afrcon.2009.5308097.

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Jeong, Min-Gyo, Seok-Min Kim, and Kyo-Beum Lee. "Discontinuous PWM scheme for a modular multilevel converter with advanced switching losses reduction ability." In 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). IEEE, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ecce.2017.8096779.

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Nakano, Tomoyuki, Kosuke Murai, Yasunori Tanaka, Yoshihiko Uesugi, Tatsuo Ishijima, Tatsuro Shiraishi, Takahiro Shimizu, Kentaro Tornita, Katsumi Suzuki, and Takeshi Shinkai. "Evaluation on current interruption ability of CO2 and SF6 using current and voltage application highly controlled by power semiconductors." In 2015 3rd International Conference on Electric Power Equipment - Switching Technology (ICEPE-ST). IEEE, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icepe-st.2015.7368391.

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Chen, Chao, Georgi M. Dimirovski, and Jun Zhao. "Safety Protection Control for the Aeroengines via Switching Strategy." In ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/esda2012-82340.

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For the simplified linear hypersonic air-breathing propulsion model, aiming at the safety boundaries existing during the working progressing, this paper considers the output regulation/ safety protection switching control problem. Several comments are given to the minimum control switching strategy studied in our previous work, and to make the designing of the switching controller more systematic, a novel command switching strategy is proposed, where discontinuous controllers are adapted. The protected output will be forced to escape from the safety boundary once the danger comes. The asymptotic tracking problem is transformed into the asymptotic stability problem of the linear switched and impulsive systems or that of the switched systems whose subsystems have different equilibrium points. The design of the dynamical output feedback controllers and the switching laws can be finished separately, and the principles guaranteeing asymptotic tracking are given, the decline of the candidate Lyapunov function can be checked by solving an optimal problem. Finally, simulations verify the effectiveness of the given results, which also indicate that the commands switching control can improve both the safety margin of the protected output and the tracking performance of the regulated output, the ability of tracking commands safely and quickly is thus enhanced.
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Ouyang, P. R., W. J. Zhang, and Madan M. Gupta. "An Adaptive Evolutionary Switching Control for Robot Manipulators." In ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2005-84333.

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In this paper, a new adaptive switching control approach, called adaptive evolutionary switching PD control (AES-PD), is proposed for iterative operations of robot manipulators. The proposed AES-PD control method is a combination of the feedback of PD control with gain switching and feedforward using the input torque profile obtained from the previous iteration. The asymptotic convergence of the AES-PD control method is theoretically proved using Lyapunov’s method. The philosophy of the switching control strategy is interpreted in the context of the iteration domain to increase the speed of the convergence for trajectory tracking of robot manipulators. The AES-PD control has a simple control structure that makes it easily implemented. The validity of the proposed control scheme is demonstrated for the trajectory tracking of robot manipulators through simulation studies. Simulation results show that the AES-PD control can improve the tracking performance with an increase of the iteration number. The EAS-PD control method has the adaptive and learning ability; therefore, it should be very attractive to applications of industrial robot control.
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Simba, A. Y., M. Yamamoto, S. Watanabe, T. Nojima, and K. Itoh. "Improving the input characteristics of a circularly polarized proximity-fed microstrip antenna with polarization switching ability." In 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. IEEE, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/aps.2006.1710851.

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Chen Der-fa, Liu Tian-hua, Yao Kai-chao, and Lee Yu-sen. "A current regulated switching strategy with auto-restarting ability during power grid interruptions for matrix converter." In 2009 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). IEEE, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iciea.2009.5138623.

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Larson, Gregg D., and Kenneth A. Cunefare. "Experimental Investigation of Control Logic for State-Switched Dampers." In ASME 2001 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/detc2001/vib-21461.

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Abstract Recently, significant interest has been generated by the possibilities of active vibration control through the implementation of state switching, or piezoceramic shunting. A state-switched absorber (SSA) is a vibration absorber that has the unique ability to change its resonant state amongst multiple distinct resonant states while in motion, thereby increasing the effective bandwidth over that of a single frequency device and allowing control of multi-frequency and transient disturbances. In contrast, a switch-shunted damper (SSD) is a variant of an SSA that is used to increase the damping of the structure to which the damper is applied. A prototype SSD has been built and tested to experimentally investigate switching control logic. For this prototype, the results indicate that switching states at a condition of maximum strain yields enhanced damping effectiveness but also leads to the generation of potentially undesirable mechanical transients.
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Nelson, Cartwright, Slesha Tuladhar, and Md Ahasan Habib. "Designing an Interchangeable Multi-Material Nozzle System for 3D Bioprinting Process." In ASME 2021 16th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/msec2021-63471.

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Abstract Three-dimensional bioprinting is a rapidly growing field attempting to recreate functional tissues for medical and pharmaceutical purposes. Development of functional tissue requires deposition of multiple biomaterials encapsulating multiple cell types i.e. bio-ink necessitating switching ability between bio-inks. Existing systems use more than one print head to achieve this complex interchangeable deposition, which decreases efficiency, structural integrity, and accuracy. In this research, we developed a nozzle system capable of switching between multiple bio-inks with continuous deposition ensuring the minimum transition distance so that precise deposition transitioning can be achieved. Finally, the effect of rheological properties of different bio-material compositions on the transition distance is investigated by fabricating the sample scaffolds.
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Nicora, Matteo Lavit, Roberto Ambrosetti, Gloria J. Wiens, and Irene Fassi. "Human-Robot Collaboration in Smart Manufacturing: Robot Reactive Behavior Intelligence." In ASME 2020 15th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/msec2020-8402.

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Abstract To enable safe and effective human-robot collaboration (HRC) in smart manufacturing, seamless integration of sensing, cognition and prediction into the robot controller is critical for real-time awareness, response and communication inside a heterogeneous environment (robots, humans, equipment). The specific research objective is to provide the robot Proactive Adaptive Collaboration Intelligence (PACI) and switching logic within its control architecture in order to give the robot the ability to optimally and dynamically adapt its motions, given a priori knowledge and predefined execution plans for its assigned tasks. The challenge lies in augmenting the robot’s decision-making process to have greater situation awareness and to yield smart robot behaviors/reactions when subject to different levels of human-robot interaction, while maintaining safety and production efficiency. Robot reactive behaviors were achieved via cost function-based switching logic activating the best suited high-level controller. The PACI’s underlying segmentation and switching logic framework is demonstrated to yield a high degree of modularity and flexibility. The performance of the developed control structure subjected to different levels of human-robot interactions was validated in a simulated environment. Open-loop commands were sent to the physical e.DO robot to demonstrate how the proposed framework would behave in a real application.
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Звіти організацій з теми "Switching ability"


Husson, Scott M., Viatcheslav Freger, and Moshe Herzberg. Antimicrobial and fouling-resistant membranes for treatment of agricultural and municipal wastewater. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2013.7598151.bard.

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This research project introduced a novel membrane coating strategy to combat biofouling, which is a major problem for the membrane-based treatment of agricultural and municipal wastewaters. The novelty of the strategy is that the membrane coatings have the unique ability to switch reversibly between passive (antifouling) and active (antimicrobial) fouling control mechanisms. This dual-mode approach differs fundamentally from other coating strategies that rely solely on one mode of fouling control. The research project had two complementary objectives: (1) preparation, characterization, and testing of dual-mode polymer nanolayers on planar surfaces and (2) evaluation of these nanolayers as membrane modifiers. The first objective was designed to provide a fundamental understanding of how polymer nanolayer chemistry and structure affect bacterial deposition and to demonstrate the reversibility of chemical switching. The second objective, which focused on membrane development, characterization, and testing, was designed to demonstrate methods for the production of water treatment membranes that couple passive and active biofouling control mechanisms. Both objectives were attained through synergistic collaboration among the three research groups. Using planar silicon and glass surfaces, we demonstrated using infrared spectroscopy that this new polymer coating can switch reversibly between the anti-fouling, zwitterion mode and an anti-microbial, quaternary amine mode. We showed that switching could be done more than 50 times without loss of activity and that the kinetics for switching from a low fouling zwitterion surface to an antimicrobial quaternary amine surface is practical for use. While a low pH was required for switching in the original polymer, we illustrated that by slightly altering the chemistry, it is possible to adjust the pH at which the switching occurs. A method was developed for applying the new zwitterionic surface chemistry onto polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration membranes. Bacteria deposition studies showed that the new chemistry performed better than other common anti-fouling chemistries. Biofilm studies showed that PESultrafiltration membranes coated with the new chemistry accumulated half the biomass volume as unmodified membranes. Biofilm studies also showed that PES membranes coated with the new chemistry in the anti-microbial mode attained higher biofilm mortality than PES membranes coated with a common, non-switchablezwitterionic polymer. Results from our research are expected to improve membrane performance for the purification of wastewaters prior to use in irrigation. Since reduction in flux due to biofouling is one of the largest costs associated with membrane processes in water treatment, using dual-mode nanolayer coatings that switch between passive and active control of biofouling and enable detachment of attached biofoulants would have significant economic and societal impacts. Specifically, this research program developed and tested advanced ultrafiltration membranes for the treatment of wastewaters. Such membranes could find use in membrane bioreactors treating municipal wastewater, a slightly upgraded version of what presently is used in Israel for irrigation. They also may find use for pretreatment of agricultural wastewaters, e.g., rendering facility wastewater, prior to reverse osmosis for desalination. The need to desalinate such impaired waters water for unlimited agricultural use is likely in the near future.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Seginer, Ido, Louis D. Albright, and Robert W. Langhans. On-line Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Greenhouse Environmental Control. United States Department of Agriculture, February 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.32747/2001.7575271.bard.

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Background Early detection and identification of faulty greenhouse operation is essential, if losses are to be minimized by taking immediate corrective actions. Automatic detection and identification would also free the greenhouse manager to tend to his other business. Original objectives The general objective was to develop a method, or methods, for the detection, identification and accommodation of faults in the greenhouse. More specific objectives were as follows: 1. Develop accurate systems models, which will enable the detection of small deviations from normal behavior (of sensors, control, structure and crop). 2. Using these models, develop algorithms for an early detection of deviations from the normal. 3. Develop identifying procedures for the most important faults. 4. Develop accommodation procedures while awaiting a repair. The Technion team focused on the shoot environment and the Cornell University team focused on the root environment. Achievements Models: Accurate models were developed for both shoot and root environment in the greenhouse, utilizing neural networks, sometimes combined with robust physical models (hybrid models). Suitable adaptation methods were also successfully developed. The accuracy was sufficient to allow detection of frequently occurring sensor and equipment faults from common measurements. A large data base, covering a wide range of weather conditions, is required for best results. This data base can be created from in-situ routine measurements. Detection and isolation: A robust detection and isolation (formerly referred to as 'identification') method has been developed, which is capable of separating the effect of faults from model inaccuracies and disturbance effects. Sensor and equipment faults: Good detection capabilities have been demonstrated for sensor and equipment failures in both the shoot and root environment. Water stress detection: An excitation method of the shoot environment has been developed, which successfully detected water stress, as soon as the transpiration rate dropped from its normal level. Due to unavailability of suitable monitoring equipment for the root environment, crop faults could not be detected from measurements in the root zone. Dust: The effect of screen clogging by dust has been quantified. Implications Sensor and equipment fault detection and isolation is at a stage where it could be introduced into well equipped and maintained commercial greenhouses on a trial basis. Detection of crop problems requires further work. Dr. Peleg was primarily responsible for developing and implementing the innovative data analysis tools. The cooperation was particularly enhanced by Dr. Peleg's three summer sabbaticals at the ARS, Northem Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, in Sidney, Montana. Switching from multi-band to hyperspectral remote sensing technology during the last 2 years of the project was advantageous by expanding the scope of detected plant growth attributes e.g. Yield, Leaf Nitrate, Biomass and Sugar Content of sugar beets. However, it disrupted the continuity of the project which was originally planned on a 2 year crop rotation cycle of sugar beets and multiple crops (com and wheat), as commonly planted in eastern Montana. Consequently, at the end of the second year we submitted a continuation BARD proposal which was turned down for funding. This severely hampered our ability to validate our findings as originally planned in a 4-year crop rotation cycle. Thankfully, BARD consented to our request for a one year extension of the project without additional funding. This enabled us to develop most of the methodology for implementing and running the hyperspectral remote sensing system and develop the new analytical tools for solving the non-repeatability problem and analyzing the huge hyperspectral image cube datasets. However, without validation of these tools over a ful14-year crop rotation cycle this project shall remain essentially unfinished. Should the findings of this report prompt the BARD management to encourage us to resubmit our continuation research proposal, we shall be happy to do so.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.
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