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Minář, Pavel. "Effect of late summer treatments by strobilurines on storage diseases of apples." Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 54, no. 4 (2006): 39–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.11118/actaun200654040039.

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Biological efficacy of strobilurines (trifloxystrobin and kresoxim-methyl) was evaluated to compare the effect of late treatments of apples against post-harvest diseases with the effect of widely used reference products (captan, tolylfluanid, dithianone, dodine). One treatment 3–4 weeks before the harvest was applied (1000 l/ha water). Tested and reference products were used in doses authorised in the Czech Republic against the apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). Strobilurines effectiveness overcame all the products compared and showed an effect on reduction of weight decrease during the storage. In total 8 field tests were performed in 2000–2004 were efficacy, effect on fruit quality and weight decrease during storage was assessed.
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This paper presents the results of state testing for new fungicide remedies on the basis of: triazoles (AGFun-2, EW, and FUN 4 SC), strobilurins (Arkheon, SC, and FUN 3 SC), and triazole + strobilurin combinations (F2024-azodif, SC, Binazol 300 SC, AGFun-10, SC, and Spireel, SC), aimed at combating obligate parasitic pathogens (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici and Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici) that cause brown rust and powdery mildew, the two key diseases of winter wheat, based on the specific conditions of the Republic of Moldova. The action of these products, studied within state trials, demonstrated a significantly high biological efficacy for their approval and inclusion as fungicidal preparations in the integrated management of winter wheat protection and in the State Register of Plant Protection Products and Fertilizers developed for the Republic of Moldova.În prezenta lucrare sunt redate rezultatele aferente testării de stat, reieșind din condițiile specifice Republicii Moldova, a unor noi remedii fungicide pe bază de triazoli (AGFun-2, EW și FUN 4 SC), strobilurine (Arkheon, SC și FUN 3 SC), triazol + strobilurină (F2024-azodif, SC, Binazol 300 SC, AGFun-10, SC și Spireel, SC), împotriva agenților patogeni paraziți obligați (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici și Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici), care provoacă rugina brună și făinarea, cele două boli-cheie ale grâului de toamnă. Acțiunea produselor de uz fitosanitar, cercetate în cadrul încercărilor de stat, a arătat o eficiență biologică destul de sporită, care permite recomandarea lor în scopul omologării și includerii drept preparate fungicide în managementul integrat de protecție a grâului de toamnă și în Registrul de Stat al produselor de uz fitosanitar și al fertilizanților, elaborat pentru Republica Moldova.
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Anke, T. "The antifungal strobilurins and their possible ecological role." Canadian Journal of Botany 73, S1 (December 31, 1995): 940–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/b95-342.

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The strobilurins and the closely related oudemansins are new respiration inhibitors, binding to the Qp centre of cytochrome b. Their high antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi and their low toxicity towards mammals make them attractive lead compounds for the synthesis of agricultural fungicides. The strobilurins have been isolated from a great number of Basidiomycetes belonging to the genera Strobilurus, Oudemansiella, Xerula, Hydropus, Mycena, Filoboletus, Crepidotus, and Cyphellopsis as well as one Ascomycete, Bolinea lutea. Strobilurin-producing species occur in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Australia. Most of the producing fungi grow on wood. Since under sterile conditions strobilurin production could be detected in the natural substrate it appears that the strobilurins play a role in securing nutrient resources for the producers from competing fungi. Key words: strobilurins, oudemansins, antibiotics, antifungal, Basidiomycetes.
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McGrath, M. T., and N. Shishkoff. "First Report of the Cucurbit Powdery Mildew Fungus (Podosphaera xanthii) Resistant to Strobilurin Fungicides in the United States." Plant Disease 87, no. 8 (August 2003): 1007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/pdis.2003.87.8.1007a.

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Resistance to strobilurin fungicides was documented in isolates collected from three fungicide efficacy experiments conducted in research fields in Georgia (GA), North Carolina (NC), and New York (NY). In these fields in 2002, strobilurins (fungicide group 11, quinone outside inhibitors [QoI]) when used alone on a 7-day schedule (use pattern not labeled) did not effectively control cucurbit powdery mildew. Strobilurin efficacy declined dramatically after the second application in New York (3). Efficacy also was reduced in commercial fields in Kentucky and research fields in Arizona, California, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, and Virginia in 2002 where strobilurins were used predominantly or exclusively. Isolates were collected on 22 July and 8 and 17 October after the last of four, five, and five applications of strobilurin (trifloxystrobin formulated as Flint or azoxystrobin formulated as Quadris) in experiments conducted by J. D. Moore in Chula, GA, M. McGrath in Riverhead, NY, and G. J. Holmes in Clayton, NC, respectively. A leaf-disk bioassay was used to determine fungicide sensitivity (2). Strobilurin sensitivity was determined using trifloxystrobin at 0, 0.5, 5, 50, and 100 μg/ml. Four of nine NY isolates, 19 of 21 GA isolates, and 13 of 15 NC isolates were resistant to strobilurins (grew well on disks treated with trifloxystrobin at 100 μg/ml). The geometric mean of the azoxystrobin baseline was 0.258 μg/ml for Podosphaera xanthii isolates collected in 1998 and 1999 in North America (4). Poor control with strobilurins under field conditions was associated with reduced sensitivity in vitro. Strobilurin sensitivity appeared to be qualitative as reported elsewhere (1). Two sensitive and three resistant isolates responded similarly when tested in another laboratory using kresoxim-methyl and pyraclostrobin (H. Ypema, personal communication). These findings and experiences elsewhere with QoI-resistant P. xanthii indicate that cross-resistance probably extends among multiple QoI's (1). Strobilurins have been available for commercial use in the United States since 1998, when azoxystrobin received Section 18 registration in some states. Federal registration was granted in March 1999. Strobilurin resistance was detected after 2 years of commercial use elsewhere in the world (1). All isolates tested in the current study were from research fields where selection pressure for resistance could have been higher than in commercial fields where strobilurins are used with demethylation inhibitors (DMIs; fungicide group 3) and contact fungicides in alternation or tank mixtures to prevent or delay resistance development. Resistance in commercial fields will reduce the utility of strobilurins, including those not yet registered, and eliminate an important tool for managing DMI resistance. Strobilurins and DMIs are the only systemic fungicides registered for cucurbit powdery mildew in the United States. Managing DMI resistance may be challenged by multiresistant strains. Strobilurin-resistant isolates also exhibited reduced sensitivity to DMIs, tolerating triadimefon at 50 to 100 μg/ml (2). One suggestion to improve resistance management is to apply a contact fungicide with strobilurins as well as DMIs. References: (1) H. Ishii et al. Phytopathology 91:1166, 2001. (2) M. T. McGrath et al. Plant Dis. 80:697, 1996. (3) M. T. McGrath and N. Shishkoff. Fungic. Nematic. Tests. (In press). (4) G. Olaya et al. Phytopathology (Abstr.) 90 (suppl):S57, 2000.
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Mónika Fazekas, Ferenc Abonyi, Barbara Balla, and Imre Holb. "Preliminary studies on in vitro sensitivity of Venturia inaequalis populations to some fungicide active ingredients." Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, no. 50 (December 16, 2012): 165–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.34101/actaagrar/50/2583.

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Aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of conidia of Spilocaea pomi to main fungicide active ingredients (cyprodinil, pirimethanil, fluquinconazole, tebuconazole, difenoconazole, dodine és trifloxistrobin) at dosages of 0.5, 1 and 2 times incubated in vitro at 24 and 48 hours collected from three integrated apple orchards. Results showed that degree of conidial germinations at the fungicide treatnemts decreased in the order of dosages of untreated, 0.5, 1 and 2 times. Considerable conidial germination was observed at higher dosages of some fungicides (e.g. groups of strobilurines and EBI) which confirmed the possibilities of sensitivity reduction of Spilocaea pomi to some funigicides in the sampled Hungarian apple orchards.
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Volkova, G. V., and Ya V. Yakhnik. "Sensitivity of the causative agent of net blotch of barley (Pyrenophora teres Drechsler) to fungicides." Rossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka, no. 6 (December 15, 2023): 33–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.31857/s2500262723060078.

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The research was carried to study the effect of fungicides of various classes on the intrapopulation structure of Pyrenophora teres in terms of sensitivity to toxicants, virulence and racial composition. The work was performed using eight treatment options in different doses (control without fungicide, 25 %, 50 %, 75 %, 100 % (the norm), 125 %, 150 %, 175 %, 200 %) fungicides Magnello, EC (1 l/ha), Capella, M (1 l/ha), Kolosal Pro, MC (0.4 l/ha), Quadris, SC (1.2 l/ha), Amistar Trio, EC (1 l/ha), Orgamika C, L (0.4 l/ha) of plants and introduction to a nutrient medium with a pure culture of P. teres. The racial composition of the populations was determined using an international set of differentiator varieties. When treating plants with fungicides with the norm allowed for use in agriculture, the minimum efficiency values were found in the preparations Quadris, SC (52.3 %), Orgamika C, L (66.8 %), the maximum - Magnello, EC (88.2 %) and Kolosal Pro, MC (97.0 %). The average virulence of the population isolated after Quadris, SC treatment was revealed to be maximum - 3.4 points (at the control level). The greatest racial diversity was found in P. teres populations isolated after treatment with fungicides based on triazoles Magnello, EC (CF=0.10) and strobilurines Quadris, SC (CF=0.10). The maximum intrapopulation heterogeneity was revealed in populations isolated after treatment with fungicides based on triazoles and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens: Kolosal Pro, MC (Sh=2.16), Capella, M (Sh=2.14), Magnello, EC (Sh=2.10)) and Orgamika C, L (Sh=2.12). When introducing the permitted rate of drugs into the pure culture of P. teres, on average, the growth of colonies slowed down from 86.1 % (Quadris, SC) to 100 % (Amistar Trio, EC). Preparations based on strobilurines and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens completely prevented sporulation. The results obtained allow us to conclude that there is a shift in sensitivity to the studied drugs.
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Kunova, Andrea, Luca Palazzolo, Fabio Forlani, Giorgia Catinella, Loana Musso, Paolo Cortesi, Ivano Eberini, Andrea Pinto, and Sabrina Dallavalle. "Structural Investigation and Molecular Modeling Studies of Strobilurin-Based Fungicides Active against the Rice Blast Pathogen Pyricularia oryzae." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, no. 7 (April 2, 2021): 3731. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms22073731.

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The increasing emergence of fungicide-resistant pathogens requires urgent solutions for crop disease management. Here, we describe a structural investigation of new fungicides obtained by combining strobilurin and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor pharmacophores. We identified compounds endowed with very good activity against wild-type Pyricularia oryzae, combined in some cases with promising activity against strobilurin-resistant strains. The first three-dimensional model of P. oryzae cytochrome bc1 complex containing azoxystrobin as a ligand was developed. The model was validated with a set of commercially available strobilurins, and it well explains both the resistance mechanism to strobilurins mediated by the mutation G143A and the activity of metyltetraprole against strobilurin-resistant strains. The obtained results shed light on the key recognition determinants of strobilurin-like derivatives in the cytochrome bc1 active site and will guide the further rational design of new fungicides able to overcome resistance caused by G143A mutation in the rice blast pathogen.
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Rasha E, Selim, and Khalil Mohamed S. "Strobilurins: New group of fungicides." Journal of Plant Science and Phytopathology 5, no. 2 (August 10, 2021): 063–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.29328/journal.jpsp.1001062.

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Strobilurin is a group of natural products and their synthetic analogs have been widely used to control and prevent fungal diseases. Strobilurins were firstly isolated in 1977 from the mycelium of Strobilurus tenacellus, a saprobic Basidiomycete fungus causing wood-rotting on forest trees. This group of pesticides was designed to manage fungal pathogens classes such as Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Oomycetes. Also, Strobilurin commercialized included derivatives such as are azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl, picoxystrobin, fluoxastrobin, oryzastrobin, dimoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin and trifloxystrobin. This group is a part of the larger group of QoI inhibitors, which act to inhibit the respiratory chain at the level of Complex III. Strobilurins group control an unusually wide array of fungal diseases, included water molds, downy mildews, powdery mildews, leaf spotting and rusts. This group are used on cereals, field crops, fruits, tree nuts, vegetables, turfgrasses and ornamentals. Also, Strobilurins found to enhance the plant growth in some cases.
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Weaver, Cole R., Meghan Brockman, Neal D. Mundahl, William A. Arnold, Dylan Blumentritt, Will L. Varela, and Jeanne L. Franz. "Detection of Strobilurin Fungicides in Trout Streams within an Agricultural Watershed." Hydrology 11, no. 2 (January 25, 2024): 13. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/hydrology11020013.

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The use of strobilurin fungicides in agriculture has increased steadily during the past 25 years, and although strobilurins have minimal water solubility, they regularly appear in surface waters, at times in concentrations approaching toxic levels for aquatic life. The present study examined concentrations of strobilurin fungicides in designated trout streams draining an agricultural watershed in southeastern Minnesota, USA, where fungicides may have contributed to a recent fish kill. Water samples (n = 131) were analyzed for the presence of five different strobilurin fungicides (azoxystrobin, fluoxastrobin, picoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin, trifloxystrobin). Samples were collected via grab and automated sampling during baseflow and stormflow events throughout an entire crop-growing season from sites on each of the three forks of the Whitewater River. Detection frequencies for the five strobilurins ranged from 44 to 82%. Fluoxastrobin and pyraclostrobin concentrations were above known toxic levels in 3% and 15% of total samples analyzed, respectively. The highest concentrations were detected in mid-summer (mid-June to mid-August) samples, coincident with likely strobilurin applications. Lower concentrations were present in water samples collected during the nonapplication periods in spring and fall, suggesting groundwater–stream interactions or steady leaching of fungicides from watershed soils or stream sediments. Further study is required to determine strobilurin concentrations in sediments, soils, and groundwater. Better tracking and guidance regarding strobilurin use is necessary to adequately protect aquatic life as fungicide use continues to increase.
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Askhadullin, D. F., D. F. Askhadullin, N. Z. Vasilova, E. Z. Bagavieva, M. R. Tazutdinova, and I. I. Khusainova. "EFFECT OF THE USE OF STROBILURINE-BASED FUNGICIDES ON THE QUALITY OF SPRING SOFT WHEAT GRAIN." AGRO-INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES OF THE CENTRAL RUSSIA 18, no. 4 (December 2020): 23–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.24888/2541-7835-2020-18-23-31.

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The effect of fungicide class strobilurine on "effect gardening" plants is undeniable. Most research on this class of drugs focuses on their effects on plant growth and physiology. There is little information about the effect of strobilurine on the rheological properties of the dough when applied to wheat. In our work, we tried to identify their role. The objects of the study were 5 varieties of spring soft wheat, with different grain and flour quality. To study the effect strobilurins was selected fungicide containing pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole. The use of a preparation based on pyraclostrobin does not lead to a strong change in the grain quality and rheological properties of the dough in rust-resistant varieties, this indicates that strobilurins almost do not affect the grain quality. In varieties that are highly and medium susceptible to leaf-stem diseases, not only the yield increases significantly, but also the grain quality and rheological properties of the test improve when using a fungicide based on pyraclostrobin 62.5 g/l + epoxiconazole 62.5 g/l at a dose of 1.5 l/ha.
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Jaskulska, Iwona, Jarosław Kamieniarz, Dariusz Jaskulski, Maja Radziemska, and Martin Brtnický. "Fungicidal Protection as Part of the Integrated Cultivation of Sugar Beet: An Assessment of the Influence on Root Yield in a Long-Term Study." Agriculture 13, no. 7 (July 22, 2023): 1449. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13071449.

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Despite the major role of non-chemical treatments in integrated plant protection, fungicides often need to be applied as a crop protection treatment in sugar beet farming. They should be used based on a good understanding of the requirements and effectiveness of the active ingredients. In 11-year field experiments, the effect that one and three foliar applications of fungicides containing various active ingredients (triazoles, benzimidazoles, strobilurines) had on sugar beet root yields was assessed, depending on various thermal and rainfall conditions. It was found that in eight of the 11 years, foliar application of fungicides increased yields compared to unprotected plants, and three foliar treatments during the growing season were more effective than a single application. The negative correlation of the root yield of fungicidally protected plants with total June rainfall was weaker than the same relationship for unprotected plants. At the same time, the positive correlation between the yield of fungicidally protected sugar beets and average June air temperature was stronger than the same relationship for unprotected plants. The research results indicate the need to conduct long-term field experiments and to continuously improve integrated production principles for sugar beet, especially regarding the rational use of pesticides.
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Harvey, I. C. "Epidemiology and control of leaf and awn spot of barley caused by Ramularia collocygni." New Zealand Plant Protection 55 (August 1, 2002): 331–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.30843/nzpp.2002.55.3901.

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Leaf and awn spot of barley caused by the fungus Ramularia collocygni (Ovularia hordei) has been prevalent in crops in Canterbury New Zealand over the last few seasons causing rapid leaf senescence late in the season Control can readily be achieved with a single triazole and strobilurin fungicide application but timing of application at late booting is important A rate response to a triazole fungicide was noted but there was no response to the rates of the strobilurin fungicides tested Good control is achieved at both high and low application rates with strobilurins The correlation between disease severity and grain yield shows a nonlinear relationship with low levels of disease having a major influence on grain yield Seed infection has also been noted but the significance has not been evaluated
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Turechek, William W., and Wolfram Köller. "Managing Resistance of Venturia inaequalis to the Strobilurin Fungicides." Plant Health Progress 5, no. 1 (January 2004): 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/php-2004-0908-01-rs.

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Over the past thirty years, fungicide resistance has been cited as the cause of large-scale crop losses due to apple scab in a number of commercial orchards in the Northeast. The strobilurins represent the most recent class of fungicides for which the threat of resistance exists. In this article we examine the use of strobilurin fungicides at their highest and lowest labeled rates and as a mixture of the lowest labeled rate with a protectant fungicide in commercial spray programs for efficacy against apple scab as well as their utility in a resistance management program. Our results suggest that anti-resistance properties of high strobilurin rates are superior to low rates and low rate mixtures with a protectant fungicide. Accepted for publication 26 August 2004. Published 8 September 2004.
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Nassar, C., M. Boulanger, Y. Lecluse, M. Renier, S. Tual, P. Lebailly, I. Baldi, Agrican group, and B. Clin. "CO9.1 - Cancer du rein et exposition aux fongicides mitotoxiques (SDHI et strobilurines) dans la cohorte AGRIculture et CANcer (AGRICAN)." Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 71 (May 2023): 101625. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.respe.2023.101625.

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Aguiar, Renata Alves, Marcos Gomes Cunha, Fernando Godinho Araújo, Luciana Celeste Carneiro, Edson Pereira Borges, and Valtemir José Carlin. "EFFICIENCY LOSS OF RECORDED FUNGICIDES FOR THE CONTROL OF ASIAN SOYBEAN RUST IN CENTRAL REGION OF BRAZIL." JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL AGRICULTURE 3, no. 2 (September 2, 2016): 41–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.32404/rean.v3i2.1066.

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Due to grower allege of low efficiency of triazole fungicides in recent years in Central Brazil on the control of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi), this study was undertaken to demonstrate the efficiency loss of products registered for rust and applied alone and to evaluate the efficiency of fungicides mixtures. The trials were carried out in five locations in Brazil, in the 2009/10 growing season. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with four replications. Ten mixtures of triazole + strobilurin and two applications of pure triazoles were evaluated and the control without application. The application of fungicides started in the R1/R2 stage or in any vegetative stage if infections occurred early. The mixtures of fungicides were effective in controlling Asian soybean rust. Application of sole triazole fungicides was less effective in controlling the rust than the mixtures of triazoles + strobilurins. The use of commercial mixtures of triazole with strobilurin for rust control is recommended.
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Sedlák, P., R. Vávra, P. Vejl, S. Boček, and J. Kloutvorová. "Efficacy loss of strobilurins used in protection against apple scab in Czech orchards." Horticultural Science 40, No. 2 (May 23, 2013): 45–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.17221/22/2013-hortsci.

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The apple scab caused by Venturia inaequalis is important apple disease in temperate zone. Economical losses caused by the pathogen are effectively reduced by intensive chemical protection and breeding. Occurrences of pathogen resistence to strobilurin fungicides were noted in some Czech orchards in the past. In 2007–2011, collection of 136 isolates V. inaequalis was tested with the aim to detect presence of single-point mutations of cytochrom b (cytb) gene causing efficacy loss of strobilurins. Consequently occurrence of beta-tubulin (beta-tub) gene mutation causing resistance to benomyl was studied with the aim to obtain comparative data about frequency of mutation in non-selective environment. Therefore simple and highly repeatable PCR based mutation detecting methods were optimised. Analysis brought knowledge about high similarity of cytb and beta-tub genes mutations occurrence. Whilst the frequency of the G143A substitution in cytb gene was 65% the E198A substitution of beta-tub gene occurred in 54% within pathogen population. This high frequency of resistant population necessitates revision of the way of strobilurins use in apple scab management.    
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Shcherbakova, L. A. "FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE OF PLANT PATHOGENIC FUNGI AND THEIR CHEMOSENSITIZATION AS A TOOL TO INCREASE ANTI-DISEASE EFFECTS OF TRIAZOLES AND STROBILURINES." Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya 54, no. 5 (November 2019): 875–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.15389/agrobiology.2019.5.875eng.

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Ishii, H., B. A. Fraaije, T. Sugiyama, K. Noguchi, K. Nishimura, T. Takeda, T. Amano, and D. W. Hollomon. "Occurrence and Molecular Characterization of Strobilurin Resistance in Cucumber Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew." Phytopathology® 91, no. 12 (December 2001): 1166–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/phyto.2001.91.12.1166.

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Between 1998 and 1999, control failure of powdery mildew (Podosphaera fusca) and downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) by the strobilurin fungicides azoxystrobin and kresoxim-methyl was observed in cucumber-growing areas of Japan. Results from inoculation tests carried out on intact cucumber plants and leaf disks clearly showed the distribution of pathogen isolates highly resistant to azoxystrobin and kresoximmethyl. Fragments of the fungicide-targeted mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were polymerase chain reaction amplified from total pathogen DNA and their sequences analyzed to elucidate the molecular mechanism of resistance. A single point mutation (GGT to GCT) in the cytochrome b gene, resulting in substitution of glycine by alanine at position 143, was found in resistant isolates of downy mildew. This substitution in cytochrome b seemed to result in high resistance to strobilurins in this pathogen. The same mutation was found in some but not all resistant isolates of powdery mildew. This study suggests that a mutation at position 143 in the target-encoding gene, resulting in an amino acid substitution, was probably a major cause of the rapid development of high strobilurin resistance in these two pathogens.
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Weisz, Randy, Christina Cowger, Gaylon Ambrose, and Andrew Gardner. "Multiple Mid-Atlantic Field Experiments Show No Economic Benefit to Fungicide Application When Fungal Disease Is Absent in Winter Wheat." Phytopathology® 101, no. 3 (March 2011): 323–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/phyto-03-10-0096.

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Strobilurin fungicides produce intensified greening and delayed senescence in plants, and have been claimed to enhance yields of field crops in the absence of disease. To help evaluate this claim, available publicly sponsored tests of fungicides on soft red winter wheat in Virginia and North Carolina (n = 42) were analyzed for the period 1994 to 2010. All tests were replicated and had a randomized complete block, split-plot, or split-block design. Each test included 1 to 32 cultivars and one to five fungicides (two strobilurins, one triazole, and two strobilurin-triazole mixtures). There was a total of 311 test–cultivar–fungicide treatment comparisons, where a comparison was the reported yield difference between sprayed and unsprayed treatments of a given cultivar in a given test. Parameters used to calculate the economic benefit or loss associated with fungicide application included a grain price range of $73.49 to 257.21 Mg–1 ($2 to 7 bu–1), a total fungicide application cost of $24.71 to 74.13 ha–1 ($10 to 30 acre–1), and a 0.14 to 0.21 Mg ha–1 (2.3 to 3.4 bu acre–1) loss in yield from driving over wheat during application (with a sprayer 27.4 or 18.3 m [90 or 60 feet] wide, respectively). The yield increase needed to pay for a fungicide application at each combination of cost and price was calculated, and the cumulative probability function for the fungicide yield-response data was modeled. The model was used to predict the probability of achieving a break-even yield, and the probabilities were graphed against each cost–price combination. Tests were categorized as “no-disease” or “diseased” based on reports of the researchers rating the tests. Subsets of the data were analyzed to assess the profitability of the triazole fungicide and the strobilurin-containing fungicides separately in no-disease versus diseased experiments. From the results, it was concluded that, with routine fungicide application based solely on wheat growth stage, total fungicide application costs had to be <$24.71 ha–1 ($10 acre–1) in order to average a ≥50% probability of breaking even or making a profit (compared with not spraying). By contrast, if fungicides were applied when fungal disease was present, total application costs of ≤$47 ha–1 ($19 acre–1) for strobilurins and ≤$72 ha–1 ($29 acre–1) for propiconazole alone were associated with a ≥50% probability of breaking even or making a profit at a wheat price of $184 Mg–1. The results do not support the application of strobilurin or triazole fungicides to mid-Atlantic wheat crops for “plant health” in the absence of disease. Rather, they support basing the decision to apply fungicide on observation of disease, if an economic return for the input is desired.
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Raj, K. S. Austin, Saru Sara Sam, A. Mary Sharmila, G. Heera, T. Anuradha, Ambily Paul, N. V. Radhakrishnan, and Joy Michal Johnson. "Piriformospora indica Suppresses Natural Incidence and Severity of Black Leaf Mold of Tomato Incited by Pseudocercospora fuligena Over Strobilurin and Triazole Fungicides with Enhanced Growth and Yield." International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36, no. 12 (December 26, 2024): 477–87. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i125222.

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Aim: To study the effect of Piriformospora indica-root colonisation and spraying of azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin (strobilurins), propiconazole and tebuconazole (triazoles) fungicides for the management of black leaf mold of tomato. Study Design: Completely randomized design for lab; Randomized block design for field studies. Place and Duration of Study: College of Agriculture (Kerala Agricultural University), Vellayani and Coconut Reserarch Station, Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram during 2022-2024. Methodology: In vitro evaluation of strobilurin and triazole fungicides against Pseudocercospora fuligena was done by poisoned food technique. Field evaluation of P. indica-colonized plants var. Vellayani Vijai was performed to assess the incidence and severity of black leaf mold of tomato over systemic fungicides. Results: The strobilurin fungicides partially and the triazoles completely inhibited the mycelial growth of the pathogen. P. fuligena was completely inhibited at 100 ppm of triazole fungicides, but at least 25 per cent growth was observed in strobilurin fungicides even at 1000 ppm. P. indica significantly reduced the natural incidence and severity of black leaf mold disease at 45 DAT and it extended to the entire crop period in the field condition. The disease incidence was 15.00 per cent in the P. indica-colonised plants; whereas it ranged from 28.12 to 31.85 per cent in the systemic fungicides sprayed plants; and in control plants, it was significantly high with 47.50 per cent. Similarly, the disease severity was least (PDI: 7.99) in the P. indica-colonised plants at 45 DAT. But the disease severity in the fungicides alone sprayed plants were 15.89 to 18.96; whereas in control plants, the severity was 40.83. Moreover, P. indica enhanced plant height, early flowering, fruit setting, flowers, fruits and average yield over control and systemic fungicides sprayed plants. Conclusion: P. indica confers tolerance to black leaf mold disease over the strobilurin and triazole fungicides apart from the enhanced crop yield.
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Maurer, K., R. S. Cowles, and J. A. LaMondia. "Sensitivity of Calonectria pseudonaviculata, the Pathogen of Boxwood Blight, to Strobilurin and Demethylation Inhibitor Fungicides in Connecticut1." Journal of Environmental Horticulture 35, no. 4 (December 1, 2017): 138–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.24266/jeh-d-17-00006.1.

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Abstract Calonectria pseudonaviculata (Lombard, Crous, Wingfield & Wingfield) causes a severe blight disease on boxwood known as “boxwood blight”. Three isolates: 11-9-4a and CTWH1 - wild types from Connecticut landscapes, and FC1 - an isolate of 11-9-4a that was selected for ability to grow on up to 250 μg a.i./ml pyraclostrobin fungicide, were evaluated for sensitivity to nine fungicides belonging to the demethylation inhibitor ([DMI] propiconazole, tebuconazole, triflumizole, myclobutanil, tetraconazole) and strobilurin (pyraclostrobin, azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl) groups. The effects of fungicides on mycelial growth and conidial germination were analyzed using in vitro assays. All DMI fungicides strongly inhibited radial growth, but did not prevent conidial germination. Of the strobilurins, only pyraclostrobin inhibited mycelial growth and conidial germination of the 11-9-4a and CTWH1 isolates within label use rates. Pyraclostrobin, kresoxim-methyl, and trifloxystrobin inhibited mycelial growth for 11-9-4a and pyraclostrobin and kresoxim-methyl for CTWH1. All strobilurin fungicides inhibited the conidial germination of 11-9-4a and FC1; only pyraclostrobin affected CTWH1. FC1 and CTWH1 exhibited reduced sensitivity to strobilurin fungicides for mycelial growth. For effective control of mycelial growth and conidial germination, and to reduce the risk of resistance development, fungicides from both FRAC groups should be used and integrated with other best management practices. Index words: fungicide resistance; Buxus; chemical disease management. Chemicals used in this study: azoxystrobin (Heritage 50 WG); kresoxim-methyl (Cygnus 50 WG); myclobutanil (Rally 40WSP); propiconazole (Procon-Z 14.3 L); pyraclostrobin (Insignia 20 WG); tebuconazole (Torque 38.7 SC); tetraconazole (Minerva 11.6 SC); trifloxystrobin (Flint 50 WG); triflumizole (Procure 480 SC). Species used in this study: boxwood (Buxus L.); boxwood blight (Calonectria pseudonaviculata).
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Gvozdeva, M. S., A. V. Danilova, O. A. Kudinova, V. D. Rudenko, and G. V. Volkova. "Sensitivity of the pathogen of barley brown rust (<i>Puccinia hordei</i> G.H. Otth.) to fungicides – derivatives of triazoles and strobilurins." Agrohimiâ, no. 11 (November 30, 2024): 32–38. https://doi.org/10.31857/s0002188124110051.

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The sensitivity of the North Caucasian population of the pathogen of barley brown rust (Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth.) to fungicides derived from triazoles and strobilurines (preparations Amistar Gold, SK; Amistar Extra, SK; Baliy, KME; Delaro, KS) was determined. The work was carried out under controlled conditions of the greenhouse complex of the Federal National Research and Development Fund on winter barley of the susceptible Vivat variety of the Agricultural Scientific Center “Donskoy”. Winter barley plants in the germination phase were infected with the North Caucasian population of the barley brown rust pathogen. Fungicide treatment was carried out at the first signs of the disease with application rates of 0 (control, without treatment), 50, 100, 150 and 200% (the recommended application rate is assumed to be 100%). It was found that when treating infected barley plants with the fungicide Baliy, KME with different application standards, the biological effectiveness varied from 87.3 to 100%, Delaro, KS – from 78.1 to 100%, Amistar Extra, SK – from 79.2 to 100%, Amistar Gold, SK – from 85.3 to 100%. The use of the recommended dose of treatment(100%) contributed to a decrease in the development of brown rust in all variants by more than 96.9%. When using increased rates of fungicides (150, 200%), the biological efficiency was 100%. The high sensitivity of the North Caucasian population of the pathogen P. hordei to the active substances of the studied fungicides has been proven. For all the studied drugs, the values of LC50 and LC95 were significantly lower in comparison with the recommended concentration in the working solution. The result obtained was due to the content of active substances in fungicides from different chemical classes with different mechanisms of action, which provided high efficiency in suppressing the development of barley brown rust and reduced the risk of resistance.
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Castroagudín, Vanina L., Paulo C. Ceresini, Samanta C. de Oliveira, Juliana T. A. Reges, João L. N. Maciel, Ana L. V. Bonato, Adriano F. Dorigan, and Bruce A. McDonald. "Resistance to QoI Fungicides Is Widespread in Brazilian Populations of the Wheat Blast Pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae." Phytopathology® 105, no. 3 (March 2015): 284–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/phyto-06-14-0184-r.

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Wheat blast, caused by Magnaporthe oryzae, is an important disease across central and southern Brazil. Control has relied mainly on strobilurin fungicides (quinone-outside inhibitors [QoIs]). Here, we report the widespread distribution of QoI resistance in M. oryzae populations sampled from wheat fields and poaceous hosts across central and southern Brazil and the evolution of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene. Sequence analysis of the cyt b gene distinguished nine haplotypes, with four haplotypes carrying the G143A mutation associated with QoI resistance and two haplotypes shared between isolates sampled from wheat and other poaceous hosts. The frequency of the G143A mutation in the wheat-infecting population increased from 36% in 2005 to 90% in 2012. The G143A mutation was found in many different nuclear genetic backgrounds of M. oryzae. Our findings indicate an urgent need to reexamine the use of strobilurins to manage fungal wheat diseases in Brazil.
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Ruela, Viviane Maria, Adriano Bortolotti da Silva, André Delly Veiga, Thiago Corrêa de Souza, Daniele Maria Marques, Carlos Emanuel De Melo Costa, and Tiago Teruel Rezende. "GROWTH AND PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF COFFEE SEEDLINGS TREATED WITH FUNGICIDES." Coffee Science 14, no. 2 (June 28, 2019): 138. http://dx.doi.org/10.25186/cs.v14i2.1549.

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Research has shown that, in addition to the fungicidal action already known, strobilurins have positive physiological effects on the yield of some crops. Boscalid has also shown positive effects on plants, applied together or associated with strobilurin. The objective in this study was to evaluate the effect of fungicide application on growth and physiological behavior of coffee seedlings. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five replicates. There were five treatments: T1-Control, T2-Boscalid, T3-Pyraclostrobin, T4- Boscalid+ Pyraclostrobin and T5- Azoxystrobin applied in coffee seedlings. The application was at the “orelha de onça” stage (two round-shaped leaves), repeated every 15 days, counting 5 applications in total. Were evaluated shoot length, root length, stem diameter, shoot and root fresh matter, shoot and root dry matter, leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration, intercellular CO2 concentration, water use efficiency and carboxylation efficiency. The application of fungicides promotes greater vegetative growth of coffee seedlings due to increased CO2 assimilation rate, reduced transpiration rates and increased water use efficiency, associated to the increased levels of auxin and cytokinins in leaves
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Syrota, A. I., O. P. Vavrinevych, S. T. Omelchuk, and A. V. Blagaia. "Hygienic assessment of the population risk after consumption of agricultural products grown with the application of triazole class-based fungicides." Environment & Health, no. 4 (105) (December 2022): 20–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.32402/dovkil2022.04.020.

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The problem of pesticide poisoning is particularly acute among countries whose primary source of income is agriculture (India, China, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina etc.). About 3 million cases of intentional and unintentional pesticide poisoning are reported in the world annually, resulting in the death of more than 250000 people. In Ukraine, by 2020, more than 250 pesticide preparations containing active substances of the triazole class. Aim of the work. Hygienic assessment of the population risk after consumption of agricultural products grown with the application of triazole class-based fungicides. Materials and methods. We analyzed the resistance parameters of triazole fungicides (difenoconazole, prothioconazole, cyproconazole, and metconazole) and strobilurin (azoxystrobin) in various crops. To determine the content of active substances in crops, we used modern methods of high-performance liquid and gas chromatography. For the integral assessment of the hazard indicators was used, the indicators of the allowable daily intake, the half-life periods in plants and the average daily consumption of the product were evaluated. Research results. The risk assessment for the population, calculated according to the methodology showed that the risk values of triazoles were 0.0002-0.2239, strobilurins – 0.0002-0.0016, which does not exceed the acceptable (less than 1). Calculations carried out according to the method show that all studied compounds of triazoles class belong to the moderately hazardous when consuming treated products of rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, sugar beet and hazardous when consuming cereals; strobilurin - low hazard when consumed the most of the studied cultures. Differences in hazard classes are primarily due to differences in the behaviour of pesticides in different crops and the length of the vegetative season.
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Hellwig, Veronika, Johannes Dasenbrock, Dörte Klostermeyer, Stefan Kroiß, Tilman Sindlinger, Peter Spiteller, Bert Steffan та ін. "New benzodioxepin type strobilurins from basidiomycetes. Structural revision and determination of the absolute configuration of strobilurin D and related β-methoxyacrylate antibiotics". Tetrahedron 55, № 33 (серпень 1999): 10101–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0040-4020(99)00563-3.

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Amrutha, Padhiyil, Elizabeth T. Jojy, Joy Michal Johnson, Sarada S., Sajeena A., Radhakrishnan N. V., and Swapna Alex. "Compatibility of Fungal Root Endophyte Piriformospora indica with New Generation Fungicides." International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36, no. 6 (May 19, 2024): 709–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i64675.

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Colletotrichum gloeospoiodes causing anthracnose is an important fungal disease of yard long bean infecting leaf, stem, petiole, flower and pod leading to significant yield loss. New generation fungicides viz. strobilurins and triazoles are widely used in the management of the disease. Piriformospora indica is a widely used beneficial root endophytic fungus that suppresses plant diseases in addition to enhanced growth promotion. The present study was outlined in completely randomized design (CRD) to test the compatibility of P. indica with the new generation fungicides commonly used in managing yard long bean anthracnose by poison food technique in petri dishes and broth media and by calculating the percentage of chlamydopsore germinated. The results revealed that P. indica was compatible with strobilurins, combination fungicides of strobilurins and triazoles, carbendazim and pencycuron upto 90 per cent till 350 ppm in poison food and broth experiments. Moreover, germination of the chlamydospores was significant in number in these fungicides. But, triazole fungicides completely inhibited the mycelial growth and chlamydopsore germination of P. indica. Thus, from the present experiment it was clear that P. indica is compatible with strobilurins and combination fungicides.
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Park, Subin, and Heung Tae Kim. "Cross-resistance of Colletotrichum acutatum s. lat. to Strobilurin Fungicides and Inhibitory Effect of Fungicides with Other Mechanisms on C. acutatum s. lat. Resistant to Pyraclostrobin." Research in Plant Disease 28, no. 3 (September 30, 2022): 122–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.5423/rpd.2022.28.3.122.

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<i>Colletotrichum acutatum s. lat.</i> 20JDS8 sensitive and 20CDJ6 resistant to pylaclostrobin were used to investigate the cross-resistance with fungicides belonging to the strobilurins and the characteristics of fungicidal controlling activities with different mechanisms against the isolate resistant to the fungicide. The resistant isolate of 20CDJ6 also showed the resistance to azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, and kresoxim-methyl, suggesting that there is a cross-resistance relationship. All fungicides with different action mechanisms inhibited mycelial growth of both susceptible and resistant isolates of <i>C. acutatum s. lat.,</i> but their disease control effects in fruits were different according to the fungicides. The disease control effect of isopyrazam against 20JDS8 and 20CDJ6 was very low, and fluazinam showed a control effect of 91.9% and 88.1% against 20JDS8 and 20CDJ6 only when it was treated before inoculation by spraying spore suspensions on pepper fruits without wounds. Tebuconazole and prochloraz effectively inhibited not only the mycelial growth of 20JDS8 and 20CDJ6 on potato dextrose agar medium, but also disease incidence in red pepper fruits. As a result of this study, <i>C. acutatum s. lat.</i> 20CDJ6 resistant to pyraclostrobin showed cross-resistance with other strobilurin fungicides. In addition, we think that fluazinam, tebuconazole, and prochloraz can be recommended as alternative fungicides for the control of red-pepper pyranthracnose pathogens resistant pyraclostrobin. However, fluazinam can be effective only if it is treated protectively before the occurrence of the disease.
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Kolotova, O. V., I. V. Mogilevskaya, E. E. Nefedieva, and V. F. Zheltobryukhov. "Obtaining effective biodestructors of fungicidal drugs for environmental agrobiocenoses’ maintenance sustainability." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 981, no. 3 (February 1, 2022): 032082. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/981/3/032082.

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Abstract Agrobiocenoses are highly productive communities. However, their resistance is low due to the artificially limited species diversity, susceptibility to diseases and pests, and the impossibility of self-recovery. The constant use of pesticides for plant protection further reduces the resistance of agrocenoses due to the toxicity of the components for the soil microbiota and pollinating insects. The accumulation and migration of toxic components of pesticides leads to an increase in the environmental load on surface water bodies and aquatic organisms. The impossibility of abandoning the use of fungicidal preparations and the need to develop ways to increase the ecological stability of agrobiocenoses determined the relevance of the studies described in the article. In the course of the experiment, pure cultures of 9 microbial strains-destructors of strobilurins and triazoles - active substances of widely used fungicides -were isolated from environmental objects. A comparative assessment of the ability of the isolated strains to consume high concentrations of azoxystrobin and cyproconazole was carried out. It was found that the Bacillus thuringiensis strain, which is capable of growing on media containing up to 100 APC for soil in the absence of other carbon sources, has the greatest activity. B. thuringiensis is promising as the basis of a biological product for the recultivation of soils contaminated with fungicides of the strobilurin and triazole classes. To obtain the biomass of the biodestructor, the optimal cultivation parameters were determined: temperature 37 ºC and the composition of the nutrient medium based on glucose and peptone with microelements: Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, B.
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TORMEN, NÉDIO RODRIGO, and LUIZ EDUARDO BASSAY BLUM. "Ramularia leaf spot effect on yield and fiber quality of cotton submitted to fungicide application." Revista Caatinga 32, no. 3 (September 2019): 634–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1983-21252019v32n308rc.

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ABSTRACT Ramularia leaf spot (RLS) is the major cotton disease in Brazil and one of the main causes of crop yield reduction. The disease causes defoliation reduces photosynthetic capacity and causes premature opening of bolls. Due to the impact of RLS on the production of Brazilian cotton and the lack of scientific publications investigating the disease, the present work aims to evaluate the efficiency of fungicides in controlling disease and their impact on yield and fiber quality. Three field experiments were carried out during the 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 seasons in Planaltina, Federal District and Cristalina, Goiás. Experiments followed a randomized complete block design (4 blocks) and treatments consisted of the application of fungicides, plus a non-treated plot. The fungicide applications began preventively and were repeated every 14 days until six sprays had been completed. Severity of RLS was assessed and used to calculate the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). Yield and cotton fiber quality were also evaluated. All fungicides had reduced AUDPC and obtained higher cotton yields in relation to the non-treated plot. Strobilurin-group fungicides (azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin and picoxystrobin) showed low effectiveness when sprayed alone. The demethylation inhibitor fungicides (difenoconazole, epoxiconazol, tetraconazol and metconazole) were more effective than the strobilurins. The highest efficiency rates were achieved by application of pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad, pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole + fluxapyroxad and fentin hydroxide. Disease severity affected cotton yield, causing losses from 14.8% to 31.7%. Resultant reductions in cotton fiber quality negatively affect the micronaire composition, altering the length, strength and uniformity of fibers.
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Bolanos-Carriel, Carlos, Stephen N. Wegulo, Heather Hallen-Adams, P. Stephen Baenziger, Kent M. Eskridge, Deanna Funnell-Harris, Niki McMaster, and David G. Schmale. "Effects of field-applied fungicides, grain moisture, and time on deoxynivalenol during postharvest storage of winter wheat grain." Canadian Journal of Plant Science 100, no. 3 (June 1, 2020): 304–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjps-2019-0075.

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Fusarium head blight, caused mainly by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, results in major losses in wheat. In two separate field experiments, spikes of winter wheat cultivars ‘Overland’ (moderately resistant) and ‘Overley’ (susceptible) were sprayed at anthesis with the triazole fungicide Prosaro (prothioconazole + tebuconazole) or the strobilurin fungicide Headline (pyraclostrobin) or not sprayed. Following harvest, deoxynivalenol (DON) concentrations were monitored during 120 d of grain storage at 10 °C, 40% relative humidity, and 10%, 16%, or 20% grain moisture. In ‘Overland’, DON decreased significantly at P = 0.05 from an average of 3.6 to 3.0 μg g−1 in the check and decreased from 2.7 to 2.2 μg g−1 in the Prosaro treatment. DON did not significantly decrease (4.4–4.1 μg g−1) in the Headline treatment. DON concentrations did not differ between 16% (3.1 μg g−1) and 20% (3.0 μg g−1) grain moisture. In ‘Overley’, DON increased significantly from 3.1 to 3.6 μg g−1 in the check and from 2.9 to 3.5 μg g−1 in the Headline treatment, but remained the same at 2.2 μg g−1 in the Prosaro treatment. DON concentrations were not different between 16% (3.2 μg g−1) and 20% (3.1 μg g−1) grain moisture but were significantly lower (2.7 μg g−1) at 10% grain moisture. These results indicate that the effects of fungicides applied at anthesis in the field can impact DON concentrations through grain storage. Triazoles are recommended over strobilurins to achieve this extended postharvest protection from DON, and grain moisture during storage should be below the maximum safe level of 13.5% at 10 °C.
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Kettering, Melanie, Olov Sterner, and Timm Anke. "Antibiotics in the Chemical Communication of Fungi." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 59, no. 11-12 (December 1, 2004): 816–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/znc-2004-11-1209.

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In dual cultures Oudemansiella mucida and Xerula melanotricha (basidiomycetes) react to the presence of living Penicillium notatum or P. turbatum with an increased production of strobilurin A (1) or X (2). P. notatum in turn reacts to the two basidiomycetes or their antibiotic strobilurin A alone with the production of N-(2-hydroxypropanoyl)-2-aminobenzoic acid amide (3) or chrysogine (4). P. melinii and P. urticae overgrow O. mucida due to complete resistance to strobilurin A. P. brevicompactum, P. citrinum, P. janczewskii and the other Penicillium strains are all sensitive but apparently do not induce O. mucida to produce the amounts of strobilurin A needed to inhibit their growth.
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Steglich, Wolfgang, та et al et al. "ChemInform Abstract: New Benzodioxepin Type Strobilurins from Basidiomycetes. Structural Revision and Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Strobilurin D and Related β-Methoxyacrylate Antibiotics." ChemInform 30, № 50 (12 червня 2010): no. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199950227.

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Buchanan, Malcolm S., Wolfgang Steglich, and Timm Anke. "Strobilurin N and Two Metabolites Related to Chorismic Acid from the Fruit Bodies of Mycena crocata (Agaricales)." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 54, no. 7-8 (August 1, 1999): 463–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/znc-1999-7-801.

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Abstract Strobilurin N (1), a new member of the strobilurin family of antibiotics, has been isolated from the toadstool Mycena crocata, together with dehydrochorismic acid lactone (5) and 3-[1-carboxyvinyl)oxy]benzoic acid (6), which are closely related to chorismic acid (10). Their structures were determined mainly by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Interestingly, strobi­lurin N is the first strobilurin without antifungal activity
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Anke, Timm, and Wolfgang Steglich. "ChemInform Abstract: Strobilurins and Oudemansins." ChemInform 30, no. 28 (June 14, 2010): no. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199928304.

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Sauter, Hubert, Wolfgang Steglich, and Timm Anke. "Strobilurine: Evolution einer neuen Wirkstoffklasse." Angewandte Chemie 111, no. 10 (May 17, 1999): 1416–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/(sici)1521-3757(19990517)111:10<1416::aid-ange1416>3.0.co;2-o.

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Engler, Michaela, Timm Anke, and Olov Sterner. "Production of Antibiotics by Collybia nivalis, Omphalotus olearius, a Favolaschia and a Pterula Species on Natural Substrates." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 53, no. 5-6 (June 1, 1998): 318–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/znc-1998-5-604.

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Abstract Collybia nivalis, Favolaschia sp. 87129, Pterula sp. 82168 and Omphalotus olearius were cultivated on natural substrates. The antibiotic metabolites oudemansin A, strobilurins A, D. illudin S and pterulone were isolated and identified. A new antifungal metabolite, pterulone B, was described from cultures of Pterula sp. 82168 on wood. Collybia nivalis was found to be the first species of this genus to produce strobilurins and oudemansin A. As compared to rich media the cultivation on natural substrates resulted in the production of fewer metabolites. The concentrations of the antibiotics, however, were sufficient to inhibit other saprophytic fungi.
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RUSKE, R. E., M. J. GOODING, and S. A. JONES. "The effects of triazole and strobilurin fungicide programmes on nitrogen uptake, partitioning, remobilization and grain N accumulation in winter wheat cultivars." Journal of Agricultural Science 140, no. 4 (June 2003): 395–407. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021859603003228.

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Field experiments were conducted over 3 years to assess the effect of a triazole fungicide programme, and additions of strobilurin fungicides to it, on nitrogen uptake, accumulation and partitioning in a range of winter wheat cultivars. Commensurate with delayed senescence, fungicide programmes, particularly when including strobilurins, improved grain yield through improvements in both crop biomass and harvest index, although the relationship with green area duration of the flag leaf (GFLAD) depended on year and in some cases, cultivar. In all years fungicide treatments significantly increased the amount of nitrogen in the above-ground biomass, the amount of nitrogen in the grain and the nitrogen harvest index. All these effects could be linearly related to the fungicide effect on GFLAD. These relationships occasionally interacted with cultivar but there was no evidence that fungicide mode of action affected the relationship between GFLAD and yield of nitrogen in the grain. Fungicide treatments significantly reduced the amount of soil mineral N at harvest and when severe disease had been controlled, the net remobilization of N from the vegetation to the grain after anthesis. Fungicide maintained the filling of grain with both dry matter and nitrogen. The proportionate accumulation of nitrogen in the grain was later than that of dry matter and this difference was greater when fungicide had been applied. Effects of fungicide on grain protein concentration and its relationship with GFLAD were inconsistent over year and cultivar. There were several instances where grain protein concentration was unaffected despite large (1·5 t/ha) increases in grain yield following fungicide use. Dilution of grain protein concentration following fungicide use, when it did occur, was small compared with what would be predicted by adoption of other yield increasing techniques such as the selection of high yielding cultivars (based on currently available cultivars) or by growing wheat in favourable climates.
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Jaskulska, Iwona, Dariusz Jaskulski, Jarosław Kamieniarz, Maja Radziemska, Martin Brtnický, and Emilian Różniak. "Effect of Fungicide Protection of Sugar Beet Leaves (Beta vulgaris L.): Results of Many Years Experiments." Agronomy 13, no. 2 (January 25, 2023): 346. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13020346.

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The rosette is the above-ground morphological part of sugar beet in the first year of its ontogenesis. The size and health of the leaves determine photosynthesis and the production of sugars and their redistribution throughout the plant and thus the yields and quality of individual organs. One means of protecting leaves is to apply fungicides. Their efficacy and effects of use depend on, among other things, the active ingredient and number of sprayings, as well as environmental conditions. The aim of the 11-year study was to evaluate the effect that the foliar application of fungicides in sugar beet cultivation had on leaf infestation and damage, the Leaf Area Index (LAI), leaf yield, and a plant foliage index (FI) expressed as the ratio of leaf mass to root mass. In field experiments, six treatments were compared: a control without fungicides; three sprayings with triazoles, benzimidazoles, and strobilurins as the active ingredients; and a single application of tebuconazole, epoxiconazole, strobilurin, and an epoxiconazole + thiophanate-methyl mixture. The efficacy and effects of the fungicide protection depended on its method of application and environmental conditions. Applying fungicides weakened the positive correlation of sugar beet leaf infestation and leaf damage to the sum of precipitation relative to the unprotected plants. In ten of the eleven years of the study, fungicide protection significantly increased leaf yields of plants and decreased their FI. In only three years did three sprayings increase leaf yield more than single sprayings, and, in six years, at least one of the active ingredients or the epoxiconazole + thiophanate-methyl mixture was as effective as triple sprayings. It is therefore warranted to permanently monitor the condition of plants and to select the fungicide application method depending on conditions.
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Carucci, Federica, Giuseppe Gatta, Anna Gagliardi, Pasquale De Vita, and Marcella Michela Giuliani. "Strobilurin Effects on Nitrogen Use Efficiency for the Yield and Protein in Durum Wheat Grown Under Rainfed Mediterranean Conditions." Agronomy 10, no. 10 (October 3, 2020): 1508. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10101508.

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In wheat, the increase in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and optimization of the nitrogen doses to be used are both very important aspects for improving sustainable and productive agriculture. The aim of this study was to investigate, under rainfed Mediterranean conditions, the influence of strobilurin treatment and N fertilization on durum wheat N use efficiency for yield (NUEy) and protein (NUEp) and on the contribution of their components, nitrogen uptake efficiency (UPE) and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE). Two durum wheat cultivars (Saragolla and Sfinge) were grown for two years in field conditions under five nitrogen treatments (60 kg ha−1 N60; 90 and 120 kg ha−1 given two and three times; N90, N90T3, N120 and N120T3) comparing a control without strobilurin treatment (ST0) and one application of strobilurin (STaz). In Sfinge, STaz caused a decrease in UPE and NUEp and an increase in NUtE and NUEy. In Saragolla, the opposite behavior was observed. Moreover, strobilurin positively affected the contribution of UPE and negatively that of NUtE to NUEy only in Saragolla. Furthermore, strobilurin determined higher NUEy and NUEp values under most of the N treatments adopted in the drier year. With this study, we supported the hypothesis that in Mediterranean conditions, the possibility of reducing N rate application from 120 to 90 kg ha−1 with a strobilurin-based treatment, even in the absence of fungal diseases, could represent a useful agronomic strategy for durum wheat grown under drought conditions as those predicted under the ongoing climate change.
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Bartlett, Dave W., John M. Clough, Jeremy R. Godwin, Alison A. Hall, Mick Hamer, and Bob Parr-Dobrzanski. "The strobilurin fungicides." Pest Management Science 58, no. 7 (2002): 649–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ps.520.

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Palmer, C. L., M. R. Bonde, S. E. Nester, J. M. Revell, and D. G. Luster. "Fungicide Impact on in vitro Germination of Basidiospores of Puccinia horiana, the Causal Agent of Chrysanthemum White Rust." Plant Health Progress 16, no. 2 (January 2015): 73–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/php-rs-14-0032.

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Puccinia horiana is an actionable pathogen that, upon diagnosis, triggers an eradication protocol combining destruction of symptomatic chrysanthemums and a strict fungicide regime for asymptomatic plants. Symptoms typically appear during the fall as growers prepare to ship their crops. To expand the list of effective fungicides and develop fungicide sensitivity baselines, we screened in vitro germination of P. horiana basidiospores in 0.05% water agar solution amended with varying concentrations of 14 fungicides: azoxystrobin, boscalid + pyraclostrobin, fluoxastrobin, mancozeb, mandestrobin, metconazole, myclobutanil, propiconazole, tebuconazole, triadimefon, trifloxystrobin, trifloxystrobin + triadimefon, and triticonazole. Leaves with pustules ready to sporulate were affixed to petri plate lids over bases containing fungicide-amended agar. After 2 days in the dark, percent basidiospore germination was assessed. Concentrations required for 50% germination (EC50) grouped according to fungicide mode of action. Benzimidazoles exhibited EC50 values ranging from 9 to 244 ppm, while strobilurins ranged from 2 to 27 ppb. Mancozeb exhibited an EC50 of 7 ppm, and chlorothalonil was 205 ppb. Combinations of strobilurins with other modes of action exhibited EC50 values in the same range as the strobilurins. These data provide a baseline for monitoring resistance development to P. horiana over time. Accepted for publication 15 January 2015. Published 7 April 2015.
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FELIPE-VICTORIANO, Moisés, José L. ARISPE-VAZQUEZ, Martha SANTIS-SANTIS, Reinaldo MÉNDEZ-AGUILAR, César A. ESPINOZA-AHUMADA, Carolina DELGADO-LUNA, William ZÁRATE-MARTÍNEZ, and Juan PATISHTAN-PÉREZ. "Chemical management of Phakopsora pachyrhizi: Effect on incidence, severity, and yield in soybean." Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 52, no. 2 (June 12, 2024): 13635. http://dx.doi.org/10.15835/nbha52213635.

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Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) is one of the main diseases in soybean crops. In Mexico, there is limited knowledge regarding its management, therefore the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of mixtures of fungicides of the families: Carboxamides, Strobilurins, and Triazoles on incidence, severity, fungicide efficiency, and yield in soybean variety ‘Huasteca 700’. Three commercial combinations of fungicides were evaluated: Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin, Fluxapyroxad + Pyraclostrobin, Cyproconazole + Azoxystrobin, with surfactant (Agrega®) at 0.1%, and a control which consisted only of surfactant. The highest incidence and severity occurred in the control treatment; fungicide application formulated with Strobilurins, and Triazoles significantly reduced incidence (54 to 98%) and severity (82 to 100%) and provided a crop protection period of 35 to 54 days post-application. The incidence and severity by stratum plant were lower in the second evaluation cycle, with respect the first evaluation. Damage remained below 1.24, 0.5, and 0.03% in the low, middle, and upper stratum, respectively in treatments treated with fungicides 56 days after the first application. With two applications of chemical fungicides formulated with Strobilurins and Triazoles, in a natural infestation of Asian soybean rust, the damage and incidence were significantly reduced compared to the control treatment.
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Meamiche Neddaf, Hayet, Lamia Aouini, Zouaoui Bouznad, and Gert H. J. Kema. "Equal Distribution of Mating Type Alleles and the Presence of Strobilurin Resistance in Algerian Zymoseptoria tritici Field Populations." Plant Disease 101, no. 4 (April 2017): 544–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/pdis-03-16-0298-re.

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Zymoseptoria tritici, the causal agent of septoria tritici blotch, is an important wheat pathogen responsible for high yield losses worldwide. The assessment of the distribution of both mating type idiomorphs was studied in several wheat-growing areas in North Algeria. Both mating types occurred at all spatial scales tested and showed an equal frequency distribution at the country level, with 53% for Mat1-1 and 47% for Mat1-2. At finer scales, co-occurrence of both mating types was found in 38% of leaves analyzed and 44% of the studied lesions. Additionally, efficacy reduction of strobilurin applications prompted us to study strobilurin resistance conferred by the G143A substitution in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, which was found for the first time in six strains. The results suggest that the Algerian Z. tritici population undergoes frequent sexual reproduction mirrored by co-occurrence of both mating types, which likely will rapidly increase the fraction of strobilurin-resistant isolates in the Algerian population, as has been shown in all other regions where strobilurin resistance surfaced.
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Park, Eun-Jeong, Ju-Hee Lee, Tae-Hwa Kim, and Jang-Eok Kim. "Residual Patterns of Strobilurin Fungicides in Korean Melon under Plastic Film House Condition." Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 28, no. 3 (September 30, 2009): 281–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.5338/kjea.2009.28.3.281.

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Carbone, Mélina, Barbara Mathieu, Yasmine Vandensande, and Bernard Gallez. "Impact of Exposure to Pyraclostrobin and to a Pyraclostrobin/Boscalid Mixture on the Mitochondrial Function of Human Hepatocytes." Molecules 28, no. 20 (October 10, 2023): 7013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28207013.

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Fungicides are widely used in agriculture for crop protection. Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs) and strobilurins inhibit mitochondria electron transport chain (ETC) in fungi, by blocking complex II and complex III, respectively. Questions regarding their selectivity of action for fungi have been raised in the literature, and we previously showed that boscalid and bixafen (SDHIs) alter the mitochondrial function of human hepatocytes. Here, we analyzed the impact of the exposure of human hepatocytes to pyraclostrobin, a fungicide belonging to the class of strobilurins. Using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), we observed a decrease in oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and an increase in mitochondrial superoxide levels after 24 h exposure to 0.5 µM concentration. As a consequence, the content in ATP amount in the cells was reduced, the ratio reduced/oxidized glutathione was decreased, and a decrease in cell viability was observed using three different assays (PrestoBlue, crystal violet, and annexin V assays). In addition, as SDHIs and strobilurins are commonly associated in commercial preparations, we evaluated a potential “cocktail” toxic effect. We selected low concentrations of boscalid (0.5 µM) and pyraclostrobin (0.25 µM) that did not induce a mitochondrial dysfunction in liver cells when used separately. In sharp contrast, when both compounds were used in combination at the same concentration, we observed a decrease in OCR, an increase in mitochondrial superoxide production, a decrease in the ratio reduced/oxidized glutathione, and a decrease in cell viability in three different assays.
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Karadimos, D. A., and G. S. Karaoglanidis. "Comparative Efficacy, Selection of Effective Partners, and Application Time of Strobilurin Fungicides for Control of Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet." Plant Disease 90, no. 6 (June 2006): 820–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/pd-90-0820.

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In this study, we attempt to optimize the use of strobilurin fungicides by testing the efficacy of azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and trifloxystrobin under field conditions, by testing for the most efficient partners in fungicide mixtures, and by testing control efficacy of strobilurin fungicides applied at several application times to determine the better options for disease management. Results showed that trifloxystrobin was the most efficient strobilurin fungicide, followed by pyraclostrobin. Azoxystrobin provided a modest to poor control efficacy, whereas kresoxim-methyl provided only poor disease control efficacy. Mixtures of azoxystrobin and trifloxystrobin with either chlorothalonil or maneb and difenoconazole or flutriafol were tested for their efficacy in controlling the disease. The results showed that the azoxystrobin-containing mixtures provided significantly better control compared with that obtained by single applications of each mixture component. The mixtures of trifloxystrobin with maneb or with difenoconazole or flutriafol provided control efficacy similar to that obtained by single applications of trifloxystrobin, whereas the mixture of trifloxystrobin and chlorothalonil provided significantly lower control efficacy compared with the other trifloxystrobin-containing mixtures tested. For both strobilurin fungicides tested, the calculated ratio between the observed and the expected control efficacy ranged around the value of 1, suggesting additive interactions between the mixtures' components. To determine the most appropriate time for strobilurin fungicides application, trifloxystrobin was applied as the first two, the middle two, or the final two consecutive treatments of six fungicide applications. The remaining fungicide treatments in the spray schedules were carried out by applying the systemic fungicide difenoconazole. Results showed that a higher control efficacy was obtained when trifloxystrobin was applied in either of the earlier applications.
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Bartett, Dave W., John M. Clough, Chris R. A. Godfrey, Jeremy R. Godwin, Alison A. Hall, Steve P. Heaney, and Steve J. Maund. "Understanding the strobilurin fungicides." Pesticide Outlook 12, no. 4 (November 6, 2001): 143–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b106300f.

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Coleman, R., and X. Lu. "Synthesis of Strobilurin B." Synfacts 2006, no. 7 (June 2006): 0638. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-2006-941824.

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Zhang, Cheng, Tongtong Zhou, Yaqi Xu, Zhongkun Du, Bing Li, Jinhua Wang, Jun Wang, and Lusheng Zhu. "Ecotoxicology of strobilurin fungicides." Science of The Total Environment 742 (November 2020): 140611. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140611.

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