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Mead, Geoffrey. "'Scattered squalor' and 'downland homes' : interwar housing at Patcham, Brighton." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2012. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/40308/.

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The Brighton suburb of Patcham is an area which was transforming rapidly into a suburban housing district in the interwar period. An urban fringe area, where the distinction between the various housing areas is largely explained by the differential ownership and sale of the former agricultural land, and the subsequent development as suburban housing under different developers. The factors bringing about the urban expansion, particularly in relation to Brighton and its growing economy are discussed, as is the declining agricultural economy. A variety of suburban housing types emerged, ranging from army huts and architect-designed detached villas in the early post-World War One period, to large corporate housing developments during the 1930s. This period was one where largely uncontrolled building was taking place outside Brighton municipal control, a situation partly resolved by the extension of borough boundaries in the late 1920s, and the social and legislative factors pertinent to urban housing issues and suburban growth are discussed. This pattern of areal difference is readily discernible in the 21st century where the palimpsest of earlier patterns still influences the later building. The economic situation and the various architectural styles of the interwar are reviewed, as is the postwar development of the district which is described to give the post-World War Two context. Suburbs are more complex than is apparent at first consideration and this study aims to unpick the fabric of suburbia through the case study of a selected area of Patcham setting it all in the wider context of local and national issues. The patterns of building that are recorded for Patcham can be seen to operate across Britain in the same period and serve as an exemplar of wider processes.
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Ardic, Sara. "The Troubled Young Man in J.D Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and “For Esmé - with Love and Squalor”." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-19181.

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The aim of this essay was to show that the theme of how a troubled young man in a crisis who is saved by the love of a little girl is central in J.D Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, as well as in his short story “For Esmé - with Love and Squalor”. Furthermore, the argument was that there is a strong kinship between the protagonists of both stories as well as the little girl, thereby supporting the existing opinion of critics that Salinger is a writer who returns to favored themes and characters.

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Sviatko, Courtney. "“Rampant Signs and Symbols”: Artifacts of Language in J.D. Salinger’s “For Esmé—With Love and Squalor” and Glass Family Stories." VCU Scholars Compass, 2014. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/3487.

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This thesis explores the use of language in J.D. Salinger’s “For Esmé—With Love and Squalor,” “A Perfect Day for Bananafish,” and Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters. It establishes a narrative pattern in which sensitive individuals such as Seymour Glass and Sergeant X are isolated by the insensitivity of the superficial modern world, attempt to communicate their concerns to others through an exchange of language in material forms, and ultimately find relief in silence. By analyzing various examples of linguistic artifacts and the impact they have on both sender and receiver, this thesis identifies criteria for successful communication as well as reasons for the failure of language which may be useful for the study of these and other works by Salinger. This thesis also considers the intersection of binaries such as silence and noise, and the ways Salinger presents them both thematically and formally.
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Martin, William Alejandro. "Let squalor be turned into tragedy, a Nietzschean reading of Edward Morgan Forster's, The longest journey, A room with a view, and Howards end." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/mq30517.pdf.

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Červenáková, Alžběta. "Zhodnocení finanční situace stavební firmy Squalo, a.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-2144.

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V práci je popsán vývoj hospodaření firmy od jejího založení v roce 2000 až do roku 2006. Na základě výsledků řady metod a postupů finanční analýzy je zhodnocena současná finanční situace a celkový stav podniku a předpokládaný budoucí vývoj hospodaření firmy.
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Scarcelli, Faustino. "Biologia ed ecologia dello squalo di profondità Dalatias licha (Bonnaterre, 1788)." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/8957/.

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La presente tesi vuole colmare le conoscenze biologiche ed ecologiche dello squalo di profondità Dalatias licha. Attualmente le conoscenze riguardanti le popolazioni di questo squalo nel Mediterraneo sono scarse dato il numero limitato di studi affrontati. La biologia e l’ecologia di questo squalo è stata studiata attraverso la stima di alcune caratteristiche importanti come la sex ratio, la maturità sessuale degli individui, gli indici di condizione (epatosomatico e gonadosomatico) e le analisi dei contenuti stomacali. I 78 esemplari (16 femmine e 62 maschi) osservati sono stati campionati tra il 2001 e il 2003 dal bycatch di motopescherecci a strascico della marineria di Genova porto, operanti sul piano batiale del Golfo di Genova (Mar Ligure). Le catture sono state eseguite ad una batimetria compresa tra -450 e -800 m, tra Genova e Sestri Levante. I risultati, sebbene basati su un numero limitato di individui, sono di particolare interesse visto il deficit conoscitivo inerente a questa specie in ambito nazionale e mediterraneo
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Figueirêdo, Sarah Tházia Viana de. "Revisão taxonômica e morfológica do gênero Squalus Linnaeus, 1758 do Oceano Atlântico Sul Ocidental (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Squalidae)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/41/41133/tde-21102011-161727/.

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O gênero Squalus Linnaeus, 1758 (Elasmobranchii: Squaliformes) compreende um grupo cosmopolita de tubarões com alta complexidade taxonômica devido à dificuldade de distinção morfológica entre os representantes, exigindo revisão. Atualmente, há cerca de 24 espécies listadas como válidas que estão divididas em três complexos de espécies de acordo com a similaridade morfológica entre elas: grupos S. acanthias, S. megalops e S. mitsukurii. A perda do holótipo de espécies nominais, identificações equivocadas na literatura e dificuldade de obtenção de séries representativas consistem em empecilhos secundários que interferem na realização de uma revisão mundial do gênero. Esta problemática também serve para as espécies distribuídas ao longo do oceano Atlântico Sul Ocidental, incluindo as espécies brasileiras, pois estas carecem de uma caracterização morfológica precisa. Desta maneira, acompanhando uma tendência mundial contemporânea, uma revisão taxonômica regional do gênero Squalus foi desenvolvida com o intuito de investigar quais são as espécies válidas para o oceano Atlântico Sul Ocidental bem como elucidar quais caracteres diagnósticos são eficientes para a separação de espécies. O estudo ora proposto analisou detalhadamente a morfologia externa e interna (esquelética) de grandes séries representativas de espécimes de Squalus e validou quatro espécies nominais disponíveis para o oceano Atlântico Sul Ocidental, entre elas, Squalus acanthias, S. blainvillei, S. megalops e S. cubensis, incluindo também a caracterização de Squalus sp. Aspectos da morfometria externa, dentição, padrão de coloração, dados merísticos relevantes e caracteres do esqueleto dos espécimes analisados foram ilustrados e comparados, posteriormente, com exemplares de outras regiões geográficas.
The genus Squalus Linnaeus, 1758 (Elasmobranchii: Squalidae) comprises a group of cosmopolitan sharks species with a high taxonomic complexity due to difficulties in morphologically differentiating its component species, many of which must be taxonomically reviewed. Currently, there are 24 valid species of Squalus which have been divided into three species-complexes according to morphological similarity: the S. acanthias group, the S. megalops group, and the S. mitsukurii group. Loss of type-specimens of nominal species, the propagation of erroneous identifications in the literature, and difficulties in obtaining representative series for comparison are secondary challenges that impede a global taxonomical revision of Squalus. This problem applies very clearly to species from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean as well, including species that occur off Brazil, mostly because of a complete lack of detailed morphological revisions. Following a current global tendency, a regional taxonomic review of Squalus was conducted in order to investigate which species are valid in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean as well elucidate which diagnostic morphological characters can be efficiently used to separate species. The present proposal aimed to conduct a taxonomic review of the genus Squalus from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean through a comparative and detailed analysis of external and skeletal morphology from representative series of specimens of Squalus from the region. The results obtained validate four available nominal species, Squalus acanthias, S. blainvillei, S. megalops, S. cubensis, and also includes characterization of Squalus sp. The results are based on aspects of external morphometry, dentition, color pattern, meristic data, and characters from the skeleton (primarily neurocrania) which were illustrated and compared with specimens of Squalus from other geographic regions.
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Ceneri, Fabrizio. "Valutazione dell'interazione tra delfinidi e squalo bianco (Carcharodon carcharias) in Sud Africa." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/7874/.

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Lo studio dell’utilizzo dell’habitat, sebbene ci dia principalmente informazioni di come gli organismi interagiscono con esso o indirettamente tra di loro, è un aspetto molto importante dell’ecologia sia terrestre che marina in quanto può essere utilizzato per scopi conservativi ma anche per uno sviluppo di quello che può essere un turismo legato alla presenza di tali organismi. Scopo del presente lavoro è verificare come la presenza di un predatore come lo squalo bianco possa modificare la distribuzione dei delfinidi nell’area di Mossel Bay, Sudafrica. A tal fine si sono analizzati i dati relativi alle presenze di squalo bianco e di delfinidi per un periodo di circa un anno e si sono analizzate le distribuzioni delle specie considerate e le eventuali sovrapposizioni, per valutare come le due specie interagiscono e si influenzano a vicenda. Da quanto osservato nella presente ricerca si può concludere che le specie di cetacei considerate adottino una strategia di avoidance dagli squali basata principalmente sull’utilizzo di acque a profondità diversa rispetto a quelle utilizzate dagli elasmobranchi. L’aver considerato la batimetria come parametro di discriminazione tra le specie ha evitato di valutare in maniera non corretta le distribuzioni delle stesse, in quanto ha fornito una sorta di terza dimensione che ha permesso di dettagliare meglio la stratificazione nella colonna d’acqua delle specie considerate. L’analisi effettuata ha interessato i dati relativi ad un solo anno di monitoraggio, e quindi non possono essere presi come riferimento assoluto per valutare la reale distribuzione delle specie considerate. Può però essere ritenuta un primo step per meglio comprendere quali siano le strategie difensive messe in atto dai cetacei nei confronti degli attacchi da squalo e, con ulteriori analisi e monitoraggi, quali invece possono essere le strategie attuate dagli elasmobranchi.
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Peristeri, Maria. "ENTWICKLUNG VON SQUALL-LINES IM ALPENVORLAND." Diss., lmu, 1999. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-4044.

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Blaskovic, Miriam. "Mesoscale study of a squall line system." Thesis, McGill University, 1985. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63308.

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Smith, Walter Prestont. "Tropical squall lines of the Arizona monsoon." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/184868.

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Squall lines possessing nearly all the characteristics of tropical squall lines occasionally develop during the summer monsoon over southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico. Initial thunderstorm formation is over the mountains along the Continental Divide in the late afternoon. Satellite imagery, cloud-to-ground lightning strike data, and surface observations indicate the squall lines move from east to west or northeast to southwest by discrete propagation faster than all the winds below 20 kPa so that most of the anvil clouds lag behind. The synoptic-scale circulation is anomalous with a strong ridge located over the western United States and a deep trough located over the eastern United States. West to northwest winds are found in the boundary layer over southern Arizona and northwest Mexico while a deep layer of east winds are observed above. As a result, most of the environmental wind shear is confined to the lowest 2.5 km above the ground. The low-level wind shear seems to be required for the westward propagation of thunderstorms and the formation of the squall lines. Extremely dry midtropospheric air develops in the easterly flow through some combination of advection and subsidence and also appears to be an important factor in the development of the squall lines. A two-dimensional, nonhydrostatic, numerical model was able to simulate many of the features observed in these squall lines. Solar heating of the elevated terrain in the model caused the initial thunderstorm to develop over the Continental Divide. Continued development of new thunderstorms to the west of the Divide produced a squall line that travelled westward by translation of cells and discrete propagation, wherein new cells would develop 10-25 km ahead of the old ones, at a speed greater than all the winds below 30 kPa. Upward motion produced by westward propagating gravity waves and by the strong low-level convergence found just ahead of the gust front appeared to cause several episodes of discrete propagation. The creation of horizontal potential temperature gradients and the vertical and horizontal advection of preexisting vorticity gradients combined to produce the vorticity field associated with the rear inflow jet that developed beneath the simulated squall line.
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Rajendran, Saranya. "Biologically active protein hydrolysates from dogfish «Squalus acanthias» skin." Thesis, McGill University, 2013. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=117208.

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In this study, dogfish (Squalus acanthias) skins were hydrolyzed with three different proteases, α-chymotrypsin, trypsin and papain, and evaluated for antioxidant, antimicrobial and enzyme inhibitory effects. The protein hydrolysates were produced by treating the skins with 1% enzyme for 4 h at 37˚C, followed by ultrafiltration using 10 kDa ultra filtration membranes. The antioxidant capacity of the hydrolysates based on their IC50 values for the α-Chymotrypsin treated protein hydrolysate (CPH) were calculated as 0.095 mg/mL, 0.116 mg/mL and 0.349 mg/mL, for superoxide anion scavenging, hydroxyl radical scavenging and metal ion chelating power, respectively; the corresponding values obtained with the trypsin treated protein hydrolysate (TPH) were 0.198 mg/mL, 0.186 mg/mL and 0.211 mg/mL; and the values for the papain treated protein hydrolysate (PPH) were 4.388 mg/mL, 0.096 mg/mL and 0.286 mg/ml, respectively. A reducing power of 0.5 was achieved with 0.940 mg/mL PPH, 1.083 mg/mL CPH and 3.70 mg/ml TPH. Initial antimicrobial testing with DH5α -E.coli, Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus subtilis with polymyxin B as positive control did not appear to have any antimicrobial activity by CPH, TPH and PPH. With the presence of these three hydrolysates survival of these probiotic bacteria (Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus subtilis) increased compared to their negative control. At 0.35mg/mL CPH produced 65% of inhibition against porcine pancreatic lipase, while TPH and PPH appeared to be enhancing the enzyme activity. At 40μg/mL, the inhibition (%) of α-chymotrypsin by the three hydrolysates was 32.5% (CPH), 16.4% (TPH) and 8.5% (PPH). The present study shows that enzymatically produced protein hydrolysates from dogfish skin have antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties as well as potential to improve probiotic bacteria survival. Further studies are needed to explore the antimicrobial effects, and to characterize the individual peptides in the hydrolysates to verify their potential as food processing aids.
Dans cette étude, trois différents enzymes protéolytiques, soit α-chymotrypsine, trypsine, et papaine, ont été utilisés pour hydrolyser des échantillons de peau provenant d'aiguillat commun (Squalus acanthias). Les activités antioxidante, antimicrobienne et inhibitrice ont été mesurées sur les hydrolysats ainsi obtenus. Les réactions protéolytiques ont été conduites en traitant les échantillons de peau avec une concentration dènzyme de 1 % durant 4 heures à 37oC, suivi d'ultrafiltration sur membranes 10 kDa. La capacité antioxidante des hydrolysats par α-chymotrypsine (CPH), basé sur les valeurs IC50 a été calculée comme suit : 0.095 mg/mL, 0.116 mg/mL et 0.349 mg/mL, respectivement envers l'anion superoxide, le radical hydroxyle, et pour le pouvoir de chélation minérale. Ces mêmes valeurs dans le cas des hydrolysats par trypsine (TPH) étaient respectivement de 0.198 mg/mL, 0.186 mg/mL et 0.211 mg/mL. Enfin, pour les hydrolysats par papaïne (PPH), des résultats correspondants de 4.388 mg/mL, 0.096 mg/mL et 0.286 mg/ml ont été mesurés. L'atteinte d`un pouvoir réducteur de 0.5 a exigé les concentrations suivantes de chaque hydrolysat: 0.940 mg/mL de PPH, 1.083 mg/mL de CPH et 3.70 mg/ml de TPH. Nos essais initiaux d`activité antimicrobienne DH5- E.coli, Lactococcus lactis et Bacillus subtilis avec polymyxine B comme témoin positif, n`ont mis aucune activité en évidence. En présence de chacun de ces trois hydrolysats, le taux de survie des bactéries probiotiques (Lactococcus lactis et Bacillus subtilis) a augmenté par rapport au témoin négatif. Pour une concentration de 0.35mg/mL le CPH a montré un taux d`inhibition de 65% envers la lipase pancréatique du porc, alors que TPH et PPH ont plutôt favorisé l`activité de cet enzyme. A 40μg/mL, le % d`inhibition de l'α-chymotrypsine observé pour ces trois hydrolysats était de 32.5% (CPH), 16.4% (TPH) et 8.5% (PPH). La présente étude a démontré que les hydrolysats protéiques obtenus à partir de la peau d`aiguillat par voie enzymatique possèdent des propriétés antioxidantes et inhibitrices, de même qu'une capactié à augmenter le taux de survie de certaines bactéries probiotiques. Des travaux supplémentaires sont requis afin de caractériser les peptides constitutifs de ces hydrolysats et également leurs effets antimicrobiens spécifiques; ceci permettra dèn valider le potentiel comme bioadditifs en transformation alimentaire.
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FISCHER, Alessandra Fonseca. "Biologia reprodutiva das espécies do gênero Squalus, capturadas na costa Nordeste do Brasil." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2003. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/876.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:06:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo1828_1.pdf: 2041906 bytes, checksum: c3ee26ba0eb794e989b40f205d56f39b (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003
No período de março de 1997 a agosto de 2002, 623 exemplares de Squalus spp, foram capturados pelos Barco de Pesquisa Prof Martins Filho (LABOMAR/UFC), Barco de Pesquisa Natureza (CEPENE/IBAMA) e Barco de Pesquisa Sinuelo (Dept. Pesca/ UFRPE), vinculados ao programa REVIZEE. A área de atuação dos barcos localizou-se entre as latitudes de 00 a 150 S e longitudes de 300 a 450 W, utilizandose como aparelhos de pesca o espinhel e armadilhas de fundo, em profundidades aproximadas de 50 a 700 m. Os espécimens do gênero Squalus possuem características distintas, como: olhos grandes, 1 espinho nas nadadeiras dorsais e ausência de nadadeira anal, sendo os mesmos vivíparos aplacentários e, como a maioria dos elasmobrânquios, apresentam baixa fecundidade e maturação sexual tardia, tornando-se assim de extrema importância o estudo acerca da sua biologia reprodutiva, a fim de que se possa garantir em bases sustentáveis uma exploração adequada desse recurso. Do total de 93 S. asper analisados, 43 eram fêmeas e 50 machos, com CT variando de 51,0 cm a 123,5 cm. Das fêmeas, 29 encontravam-se juvenis, 6 pré-ovulatórias, e 8 prenhes. As fêmeas juvenis apresentavam as glândulas oviducais e os úteros filiformes e os ovários não diferenciados do órgão epigonal, enquanto as pré-ovulatórias encontravam-se com o maior folículo medindo entre 2,7 e 4,0 cm de diâmetro e os úteros dilatados. Nas fêmeas prenhes o maior folículo ovariano (MFO) media 1,9 cm de diâmetro, enquanto os embriões variaram de 17,0 e 23,0 cm CT. Dos 50 machos, 10 eram juvenis, apresentando o clásper flexível, 6 sub-adultos e 34 adultos, com os cláspers bem calcificados e os testículos bastantes desenvolvidos, apresentando, também, grande volume de líquido seminal nas ampolas dos ductos deferentes. Os machos alcançam a maturação sexual próximo a 95,0 cm, enquanto que as fêmeas, com 110,0 cm. Do total de 206 S. mitsukurii analisados, 37 eram machos, com comprimento total (CT) variando de 56,0 a 73,0 cm de comprimento total (CT), peso variando entre 559,9 e 1760 g, onde 4 eram juvenis, 8 subadultos e 25 adultos. Entre esses machos o clásper variou de 1,2 a 6,0 cm e o peso do testículo apresentou uma variação entre 1,0 e 10,5 g. As fêmeas amostradas totalizaram 169 exemplares, com CT de 50,5 a 94,3 cm, peso entre 575,0 e 4470 g, sendo 61 juvenis, 26 pré-ovulatórias I, 13 pré-ovulatórias II, 25 em início de gestação, 38 prenhes e 6 a termo. Dentre os 318 embriões encontrados nas fêmeas prenhes, foi possível a sexagem de 271, dos quais 132 eram machos e 139 eram fêmeas. Por fim, os 324 exemplares restantes eram Squalus sp com 275 fêmeas e 49 machos e CT variando de 31,0 a 81,2 cm e peso entre 115,0 e 3.280,0 g. Das fêmeas amostradas 52 eram juvenis, 47 pré-ovulatória, 50 em início de gestação, 17 prenhes e 2 pós-parto. O MFO dessas fêmeas variou de 0,1 a 4,4, glândulas oviducais apresentaram uma largura entre 0,9 e 1,9 e úteros com 1,0 a 6,9 cm de largura. As fêmeas prenhes possuíam 420 embriões com CT entre 2,4 e 22,5 cm, com proporção sexual de machos para fêmeas de 1:1,22. Os 49 machos analisados, 3 eram juvenis, 6 subadultos e 40 adultos,com CT entre 31,0 e 64,5 cm, com peso dos testículos variando entre 0,5 e 5,5 g e os indivíduos adultos com clásper medindo entre 2,5 e 5,5 cm
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Read, Robert. "A squalid-looking place: poverty row films of the 1930s." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=96833.

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Film scholarship has generally assumed that the low-budget independent film studios, commonly known as Poverty Row, originated in the early sound-era to take advantage of the growing popularity of double feature exhibition programs. However, the emergence of the independent Poverty Row studios of the 1930s was actually the result of a complex interplay between the emerging Hollywood studios and independent film production during the late 1910s and 1920s. As the Hollywood studios expanded their production, as well as their distribution networks and exhibition circuits, the independent producers that remained outside of the studio system became increasingly marginalized and cut-off from the most profitable aspects of film exhibition. By the late 1920s, non-Hollywood independent film production became reduced to the making of low-budget action films (westerns, adventure films and serials) for the small profit, suburban neighbourhood and small town markets. With the economic hardships of the Depression, the dominant Hollywood studios were forced to cut-back on their lower budgeted films, thus inadvertently allowing the independent production companies now referred to in the trade press as Poverty Row to expand their film practice.This dissertation examines the history of the 1930s independent Poverty Row studios from the introduction of sound film production to the end of the independent companies in 1940. Through archival research and textual analysis, this project documents the declining fortunes of independent film production and contrasts this decline to the rise of the Hollywood studios, and the gradual transformation of silent era independent film production into the Poverty Row studios. Moreover, this dissertation examines how the residual positioning of Poverty Row within the field of 1930s American cinema determines its relationship with the larger, dominant Hollywood studios, as well as its distinct film practice. Although independent Poverty Row film production took place at the same time as that of the classical Hollywood cinema, it did not directly participate in the artistic and technological innovations of the classical Hollywood model of film practice. Instead, these low-budget producers perpetuated the established film aesthetics of the silent period into the sound cinema. As a result, the films produced by the independent Poverty Row studios of the 1930s take on lingering elements of the silent cinema, including genres, film styles, film stars, and outmoded representations of modernity. This perpetuation of a past cinema into the sound era not only defines Poverty Row film practice, but it also defines its relationship with the larger Hollywood studios and its position within the 1930s film industry.
La littérature en études cinématographiques présume que les studios indépendants de films à petit budget, plus connus sous le vocable Poverty Row, prennent leur origine aux débuts du cinéma sonore, afin de bénéficier de la popularité croissante des projections à programme double. Cependant, l'émergence des studios indépendants de Poverty Row est en fait le résultat d'interactions complexes entre les studios naissants d'Hollywood et la production cinématographique indépendante durant la fin des années 1910 et durant les années 1920. À mesure que les studios hollywoodiens augmentent leur production, tout comme leurs réseaux de distribution et leurs circuits de projection, les producteurs indépendants restés en dehors du système de studios, deviennent de plus en plus marginalisés et coupés des secteurs les plus profitables de la projection de films. À la fin des années 1920, la production indépendante non-hollywoodienne en est réduite à des films d'action de série B (des westerns, des films d'aventure ou des séries) comptant de maigres profits réalisés dans des marchés de petites villes et villages. Avec les difficultés économiques causées par la Dépression, les studios hollywoodiens dominants sont forcés de couper la production de leurs films à petit budget, permettant ainsi involontairement aux compagnies de production indépendante, aujourd'hui connues sous le nom de Poverty Row, d'augmenter leur création.Cette thèse porte sur l'histoire des studios indépendants de Poverty Row des années 1930, depuis l'introduction du son dans les films, jusqu'à la fin de ces compagnies indépendantes en 1940. À travers une recherche d'archives et des analyses textuelles, ce projet documente le sort déclinant de la production indépendante de films et contraste ce déclin avec la montée des studios d'Hollywood, et la transformation graduelle de la production cinématographique indépendante de l'époque muette vers les studios de Poverty Row. De plus, cette thèse analyse comment le positionnement résiduel de Poverty Row à l'intérieur du champ du cinéma américain des années 1930 détermine sa relation avec les importants studios hollywoodiens dominants, tout comme sa production cinématographique distinctive. Même si la production indépendante de Poverty Row a lieu en même temps que le cinéma hollywoodien classique, elle n'a pas participé directement aux innovations artistiques et technologiques du modèle classique de production de films hollywoodiens. À la place, ces productions à petit budget ont perpétué l'esthétique établie durant la période muette au sein du cinéma sonore. En conséquence, les films produits par les studios indépendants de Poverty Row durant les années 1930 démontrent des éléments persistants du cinéma muet, incluant les genres, les styles de film et des représentations démodées de la modernité. Cette perpétuation d'un cinéma du passé au sein du cinéma sonore définit non seulement la production des films de Poverty Row, elle détermine également sa relation avec les importants studios d'Hollywood et sa position à l'intérieur de l'industrie du film des années 1930.
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Merkofer, Thorsten. "Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Funktion der Squalen-Hopen-Cyclase aus Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius." [S.l. : s.n.], 2004. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=973286539.

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Lemoine, Renaud. "Diagnostic studies of the May 9-10 squall line during SESAME." Thesis, McGill University, 1985. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=65944.

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Alkindi, Mohammed. "Effects of soluble factors released by oral squamos cell carcinoma on osteoclasts." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=103726.

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Objective: Bone invasion represent significant problem in managing head and neck cancers, however the mechanisms of interactions between oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and bone cells are poorly understood. We hypothesized that tumor cells can directly stimulate osteoclastogenesis. Methods: OSCC cell lines, bone-invasive BHY and metastatic but not bone-invasive HN were cultured and conditioned medium (CM) was collected. Osteoclast formation from RAW 264.7 mouse monocytic cell-line was assessed. Results: When RAW 264.7 were primed with receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) and then treated with BHY-CM, marked 2-6 fold induction of osteoclastogenesis was observed. In contrast, HN-CM did not significantly affect osteoclastogenesis. In addition, BHY-CM, but not HN-CM promoted survival of mature osteoclasts. Using pharmacological inhibitors, we found that Protein kinase C (PKC)/Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2/Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38 as well as Phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinases (PI3K)/Serine/threonine protein kinase Akt/Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathways mediate BHY-CM induced osteoclastogenesis. Conclusion: OSCC-cells produce soluble factors that stimulate osteoclastogenesis from RANKL-primed precursors. Tumor-derived factors act by stimulating ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways in osteoclast precursors.
Objectif: L'invasion du tissu osseux est un problème majeur dans le traitement des cancers de la tête et du cou, cependant les mécanismes d'interactions entre le carcinome de cellules de squamous oral (OSCC) et les cellules du tissu osseux sont mal compris. Nous avons posé comme hypothèse que les cellules tumorales peuvent stimuler directement le phénomène d'ostéoclastogenèse. Méthodes: Deux différentes populations cellulaires de la lignée OSCC furent utilisées: les cellules BHY ayant un potentiel de colonisation du tissu osseux et les cellules HN ayant un potentiel métastatique mais non colonisant. Ces deux lignées cellulaires ont été cultivées et le milieu de culture conditionné (CM) a été collecté. La formation de cellules ostéoclastiques à partir de cellules de la lignée monocytaire de souris RAW 264.7 a été évaluée. Résultats: Une augmentation significative du phénomène d'ostéoclastogenèse d'un facteur 2 à 6 fut observée lors d'une activation des cellules RAW 264.7 avec RANKL suivit d'un traitement avec BHY-CM. De plus, la survie des cellules ostéoclastiques matures était favorisée en présence de BHY-CM uniquement. L'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques nous a permis de mettre en évidence que la stimulation du phénomène d'ostéoclastogenèse induite par BHY-CM est médiée par les voies de signalisations PKC/ERK/p38 et PI3K/AKT/mTOR. Conclusion : Les cellules OSCC produisent des facteurs solubles stimulant la formation d'ostéoclastes à partir de précurseurs activées par RANKL. Les facteurs dérivés de tumeurs agissent en stimulant les voies de signalisation ERK1/2 et p38 dans les précurseurs ostéoclastiques.
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Henche, Sabrina [Verfasser], and Bernhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Hauer. "Squalen-Hopen Zyklasen vermittelte Friedel-Crafts Alkylierung / Sabrina Henche ; Betreuer: Bernhard Hauer." Stuttgart : Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1196095248/34.

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Marques, Alessandra Resende. "O gênero Squalus no Brasil : caracterização do grupo megalops e determinação do status taxonômico das formas brasileiras." Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/11422/3574.

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Submitted by Alberto Vieira (martins_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2018-01-31T00:29:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 569925.pdf: 15086841 bytes, checksum: 89e5e3ae8d68f6aded9ed24d43c96b31 (MD5)
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No presente estudo são definidos três grupos de espécies de Squalus para o litoral brasileiro, e é feita uma caracterização do grupo megalops. A partir da análise da morfologia externa (formato das nadadeiras pélvicas, comprimento do espinho das nadadeiras dorsais em relação a altura das nadadeiras e posição das nadadeiras pélvicas em relação as nadadeiras dorsais), dentículos dérmicos, condrocrânio, coluna vertebral, dentição e mixopterígios, verifica-se que o Squalus megalops do sul do Brasil (sensu Vooren, 1992), o Squalus cubensis do sudeste do Brasil (sensu Figueiredo, 1977) e Squalus sp. do sudeste (sensu Figueiredo, 1981) constituem uma única espécie, que foi denominada Squalus sp. do grupo megalops. Os caracteres que se mostraram mais importantes para a definição da espécie foram: morfologia externa, dentículos dérmicos, condrocrânio e mixopterígios. O estudo indica ainda que outras duas formas ocorrem na costa brasileira: Squalus acanthias e Squalus sp. do grupo blainvillei.
Three species groups of Squalus from the Brazilian coast are defined and the megalops group is characterized. According to analysis of external morphology (pectoral fins shape, dorsal fins spines length in comparison with the high of these fins and position of pelvic fins in comparison with dorsal fins), dermal denticles, chondrocranium, vertebral column, dentition and claspers, it is demonstrated that southern species Squalus megalops (sensu Vooren, 1992), southeastern Squalus cubensis (sensu Figueiredo, 1977) and Squalus sp. (sensu Figueiredo, 1981 ), from central and southern Brazil, represents a single species, wherein Squalus sp. of the megalops group. The most important characters to define this species were external morphology, dermal denticles, chondrocranium and claspers. The study also indicated two aditional species occurs in Brazilian waters: Squalus acanthias and Squalus sp. of the blainvillei group.
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Karimi, Layla B. "Regulation of the Epstein-Barr virus BZLF1 promoter in stratified squamos epithelial cells." Thesis, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (University of London), 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.536906.

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Chang, Chia-Yung. "Momentum transport due to a squall line system over the tropical oceans." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/51464.

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Pandya, Rajul Edward. "The influence of convectively generated thermal forcing on the mesoscale circulation around squall lines /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/10032.

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Deck, Courtney. "Regulation of Glucose Uptake and Transporter Expression in the North Pacific Spiny Dogfish (Squalus suckleyi)." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/35625.

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Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) are a primarily carnivorous group of vertebrates that consume very few carbohydrates and have little reliance on glucose as an oxidative fuel, the one exception being the rectal gland. This has led to a dearth of information on glucose transport and metabolism in these fish, as well as the presumption of glucose intolerance. Given their location on the evolutionary tree however, understanding these aspects of their physiology could provide valuable insights into the evolution of glucose homeostasis in vertebrates. In this thesis, the presence of glucose transporters in an elasmobranch was determined and factors regulating their expression were investigated in the North Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi). In particular, the presence of a putative GLUT4 transporter, which was previously thought to have been lost in these fish, was established and its mRNA levels were shown to be upregulated by feeding (intestine, liver, and muscle), glucose injections (liver and muscle), and insulin injections (muscle). These findings, along with that of increases in muscle glycogen synthase mRNA levels and muscle and liver glycogen content, indicate a potentially conserved mechanism for glucose homeostasis in vertebrates, and argue against glucose intolerance in elasmobranchs. In contrast to the other tissues examined, there was a decrease in glut4 mRNA levels within the rectal gland in response to natural feeding, a factor known to activate the gland, suggesting mRNA storage for rapid protein synthesis upon activation. A similar trend was also shown for sglt1 in the rectal gland, and the ability of GLUT and SGLT inhibitors to prevent chloride secretion solidified the importance of glucose uptake for gland function. The exogenous factor of salinity was also investigated and high levels of glut mRNA were observed within the rectal glands of low salinity-acclimated fish relative to control and high salinity fish, reiterating the idea of mRNA storage when the gland is expected to be inactive. Taken together, the results of this thesis demonstrate that glucose is an important fuel in the dogfish (and likely other elasmobranchs) and that the dogfish is fully capable of regulating its storage and circulation, contrary to prior beliefs.
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Pickering, Maria. "Species boundaries and temporal patterns in the tapeworm fauna of sharks in the genus Squalus." Thesis, University of Connecticut, 2013. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3569981.

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This project explores species boundaries, coevolution, biodiversity, parasite life cycles, and ecology using the cestode (tapeworm) fauna parasitizing the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, and several of its close relatives. One of the aims was to verify the species identity of all the shark specimens from which cestodes were collected. Chapter 1 details use of the elasmobranch "barcoding" gene, NADH2, to verify host identifications, as well as to raise doubt about the wisdom of recognizing the Black Sea population of S. acanthias as a distinct subspecies. Chapter 2 examines diversity in the monotypic cestode genus, Trilocularia, throughout the widespread anti-tropical distribution of S. acanthias (i.e., the North and South Pacific, the North Atlantic, and the Black Sea), and in its congeners. An integrative approach, including morphological (i.e., light microscopy, histology, and scanning electron microscopy) and molecular methods (i.e., 28S, ITS1, 16S genes), was employed. Results reveal a large amount of undiscovered diversity in this genus and suggest that species of Trilocularia may be undergoing speciation more rapidly than their hosts. Chapter 3 describes one of the new species discovered, Trilocularia eberti n. sp. from S. cf. mitsukurii, and provides a prototype for future descriptions of species in this genus. Chapter 4 investigates microthrix variation in Trilocularia from the stomach and the spiral intestine of S. acanthias off Rhode Island. Results suggest that variation seen within a host individual is likely due to developmental changes rather than species differences. Chapter 5 aims to further the understanding of cestode infections in a marine environment through space and time by examining seasonal infection parameters in the cestode community of S. acanthias from Rhode Island across three years. While some general trends may be maintained across disparate localities, spatial variation is likely due to differences in accessibility to intermediate hosts and host diet across sites. The knowledge gained from understanding cestode infections in the vast ocean environment allows us to speculate about the factors driving fluctuations in parasite infections in elasmobranchs.

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D'Agnese, Riccardo. "Influenza delle condizioni meteorologiche sul comportamento sociale del grande squalo bianco (Carcharodon carcharias) nella riserva marina di Dyer Island in Sudafrica." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.

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Il grande squalo bianco (Carcharodon carcharias) è una specie ecologicamente molto importante, tuttavia risulta essere ancora poco studiata sotto un profilo etologico-sociale. Dal 2009 al 2016 sono state condotte delle spedizioni scientifiche nella riserva marina di Dyer Island (Sudafrica) allo scopo di studiare le dinamiche sociali di questa specie in presenza di preda passiva e valutare l’influenza di fattori quali sesso, dimensioni e variabili meteo-marine (condizioni del mare, nuvolosità, marea, visibilità nell'acqua e fascia oraria) sulla frequenza e complessità delle interazioni. Le osservazioni sono state fatte grazie ad un catamarano di 14 m e dall'interno di una gabbia d’acciaio attirando gli squali con chumming e zimbelli dalle fattezze di cuccioli di otaria, registrando giornalmente i fattori ambientali. Nel complesso sono stati fotoidentificati 427 squali, di cui 161 interagenti, e 509 interazioni, con i moduli Swim by, Parallel swimming, Follow give way e Follow i più frequenti. Non è stata rilevata alcuna significatività nelle relazioni tra la frequenza di ciascun modulo e la variabile sesso, a differenza di quelle tra le frequenze delle interazioni e le dimensioni. Inoltre le variabili ambientali non sembrano influenzare significativamente la complessità dei moduli sociali, mentre sembra condizionino significativamente la frequenza delle interazioni sociali. Il confronto tra le relazioni frequenza-variabili ambientali e quelle tra le medesime variabili e la frequenza degli attacchi predatori, mostra una totale opposizione e rivela un numero di interazioni sociali maggiore in condizioni ambientali meno adatte ad eventuali attacchi predatori. Ciò è dovuto al fatto che in condizioni non favorevoli per la caccia ma che offrono possibilità di scavenging più squali potrebbero trovarsi contemporaneamente a sfruttare una medesima risorsa, generando interazioni atte minimizzare la competizione e la manifestazione di comportamenti aggressivi verso conspecifici.
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BARBATO, MATTEO. "Ecologia del movimento e determinazione di habitat essenziali negli squali del Mar Mediterraneo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3459358.

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Nell'ultimo secolo è stato documentato un esaurimento complessivo delle risorse marine in molti oceani e in particolare nel Mar Mediterraneo. Questo esaurimento è stato determinato da molte attività antropiche, tra le quali le attività di pesca hanno uno degli impatti diretti più forti. Le specie elasmobranchi sono tra i più importanti predatori apicali e meso della catena alimentare, contribuendo all'equilibrio e al funzionamento degli ecosistemi marini. Il Mar Mediterraneo ospita un'ampia diversità di elasmobranchi che vivono in tutti gli ecosistemi marini. Tipicamente, il ciclo di vita degli elasmobranchi consiste in un tasso di crescita più lento rispetto ad altri organismi marini. Ciò implica anche che il tempo per raggiungere la maturità sessuale in cui un organismo può riprodursi per la prima volta richiede molto più tempo rispetto ad altre specie marine. All'interno del loro ciclo di vita, le specie di elasmobranchi richiedono spesso habitat specifici per completare le loro esigenze di riproduzione o di foraggiamento e la scelta non casuale porta a una specifica correttezza nell'uso dello spazio come ad esempio la filopatria, la fedeltà al sito e l'homing natale. La ricerca scientifica ha riportato come gli habitat essenziali, utilizzati in diverse fasi del loro ciclo di vita e attraverso le generazioni, possono essere soggetti a un'elevata pressione di pesca, in particolare le aree costiere di diversi sottobacini come il Mar Adriatico, dove si trova una delle pressioni di pesca più elevate. Come diretta conseguenza di un lungo periodo di pesca eccessiva, molte specie di elasmobranchi sono state minacciate di estinzione. L'attuale scenario nel Mar Mediterraneo richiede adeguate strategie di gestione e conservazione dirette alle specie di elasmobranchi commercialmente rilevanti e in via di estinzione. La conoscenza dell'uso dello spazio degli elasmobranchi durante tutto l'anno e tra le fasi della vita potrebbe contribuire notevolmente alla definizione di una gestione spazialmente esplicita che si è rivelata vincente in altri oceani per gestire in modo sostenibile la pesca degli elasmobranchi, arrestando o invertendo così lo scenario in declino . Con l'approccio multidisciplinare applicato per realizzare questa tesi di dottorato, i risultati raggiunti hanno fatto luce per definire periodi e luoghi critici in cui elasmobranchi commercialmente rilevanti come il palombo (Mustelus spp.) o grandi squali costieri in via di estinzione come lo squalo grigio (Carcharhinus plumbeus ) completare le fasi critiche del loro ciclo di vita come il parto, l'accoppiamento e la crescita utilizzando l'area del vivaio a fini di foraggiamento. Tale approccio multidisciplinare potrebbe essere fondamentale per fornire le informazioni mancanti sulle specie di elasmobranchi nel Mar Mediterraneo e supportare l'istituzione di una gestione su misura per la conservazione degli elasmobranchi.
Over the last century, an overall depletion of the marine resources has been documented in many oceans and in particular in the Mediterranean Sea. This depletion has been driven by many anthropogenic activities among which fishing activities have one of the strongest direct impacts. The elasmobranch species are among the most important apex- and meso- predators in the food web, contributing to the balance and functioning of the marine ecosystems. The Mediterranean Sea hosts a wide diversity of elasmobranchs that live in all marine ecosystems. Typically, the elasmobranch life cycle consists in a slower growth rate compared to other marine organisms. This also implies that the time to reach sexual maturity at which an organism can reproduce for the first time takes much longer than other marine species. Within their life cycle, elasmobranch species often require specific habitats to complete their reproduction or foraging needs and no-random choice leads to a specific propriety in the use of space as for instance philopatry, site fidelity and natal homing. Scientific research has reported how essential habitats, used in different stages of their life cycle and across generations, can be subjected to high fishing pressure, especially the coastal areas of several subbasins like the Adriatic Sea where one of the highest fishing pressures is found. As the direct consequence of long period of overfishing, many elasmobranch species have been threatened by extinction. The current scenario in the Mediterranean Sea calls for appropriate management and conservation strategies directed to the commercially-relevant and endangered elasmobranch species. The knowledge of the use of space of elasmobranch throughout the year and among life stages could greatly contribute to the definition of a spatially explicit management which has resulted to be successful in other oceans to sustainably manage the elasmobranch fishery, thus halting or reversing the declining scenario. With the multidisciplinary approach applied to accomplish this PhD thesis, the achieved results have shed some light to define critical periods and locations in which commercially relevant elasmobranchs like the smooth hounds (Mustelus spp.) or endangered large coastal shark like the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) complete critical steps of their life cycle like birthing, mating and growing using nursery area for foraging purposes. Such multidisciplinary approach could be paramount to provide missing information of elasmobranch species in the Mediterranean Sea and support the establishment of tailored management towards elasmobranch conservation.
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Fines, Glenn Alexander. "Urea retention mechanisms in the branchial epithelium of a marine elasmobranch, the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape2/PQDD_0016/MQ55672.pdf.

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Murray, Debra Lee. "Aquaporin 3 water channel protein gene expression in squalis acanthias dogfish shark by Debra Lee Murray." Click here to access thesis, 2008. http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/etd/archive/fall2007/debra_l_murray/murray_debra_l_200808_MS.pdf.

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Thesis (M.S.)--Georgia Southern University, 2008.
"A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science." Directed by Christopher P. Cutler. ETD. INDEX WORDS: Aquaporin, Aquaglyceroporin, Osmoregulation, Water Homeostasis, Elasmobranch, Biological Transport, Molecular Sequence, Sequence Homology, Kidney, Rectal Gland Includes bibliographical references (p. 116-120) and appendices.
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Bélair, Stéphane. "A numerical study of midlatitude squall lines with the Canadian regional finite-element model." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=28676.

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A research version of the Canadian regional finite-element (RFE) model is used to evaluate the capability of the operational model in reproducing the meso-$ beta$-scale structure and evolution of three different types of midlatitude squall-line systems, and to advance our understanding on the development of these features.
In this thesis, we use the well-documented 10-11 June 1985 squall line as a test bed to examine the appropriate incorporation of various physical representations and their coupling with RFE's model components. It is demonstrated through a series of sensitivity studies that the operational prediction of squall lines can be improved if more realistic model physics, reasonable initial conditions, and high resolution are used. It is shown that subgrid-scale moist convection and grid-scale moist physics must be adequately treated in order to reproduce the internal structures of the squall line.
Then, the improved version of the RFE model is used to study the role of gravity waves in the development of a prefrontal squall line associated with the 14 July 1987 Montreal flood. It is found that the gravity waves and convection propagate in a "phase-locked" manner and that the wave-CISK mechanism accounts for the maintenance and intensification of the system. It is also found that frontogenetical processes and release of conditional symmetric instability are responsible for the development of a trailing stratiform rainband associated with the July 1987 Montreal flood. Numerous sensitivity experiments are conducted, and they show that the meso-$ beta$-scale structures and the wave-convection system are very sensitive to the interaction of the parameterized convection with grid-scale physical processes.
In the last part of the thesis, the along-line variability 26-27 June 1985 squall line during PRE-STORM is examined. It is found that the three-dimensional structures of the squall's circulations are determined by both a large-scale trough and convectively generated disturbances. In particular, it is shown that rear inflows in the stratiform region tend to be more intense to the south of the mesolow and neat the base of the large-scale trough.
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Harvey, Richard. "A numerical study of the impact of an intense squall system on surface cyclogenesis /." Thesis, McGill University, 1993. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=68182.

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Considerable progress has been made in the past decades on the life cycle of rapidly deepening winter cyclones. However, little attention has been paid to the roles of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) in extratropical cyclogenesis that occurs within weak baroclinic environments. In this thesis, the impact of an MCS on the subsequent surface cyclogenesis is investigated, using a 36-h three-dimensional, high-resolution simulations of the famous 10-12 June squall line that occurred during PRE-STORM. The model simulates remarkably well the initiation of the squall line, numerous mesoscale surface pressure perturbations and midlevel circulation structures during the mature stage, and the subsequent surface cyclogenesis after the dissipation of the system.
It is found that the squall line is initiated ahead of a weak surface front with the aid of baroclinic forcing. Once initiated, the squall system is more or less driven by the interaction of convectively generated circulations with the potential unstable environment ahead. The baroclinic forcing only provides a favorable environment for the evolution of the squall system. As the squall system rapidly intensifies and accelerates eastward, it enhances the larger-scale baroclinicity and produces a phase-lag between the pressure and thermal waves so that the baroclinic environment is more favorable for surface cyclogenesis.
To isolate the roles of moist convection in the surface cyclogenesis, a "moist" and a "dry" simulation are compared. It is found that in the absence of moist convection the model could also produce a surface cyclone, but with much weaker intensity, much smaller extent and slower displacement. The effects of moist convection are shown not only to increase the upper-level and decrease the lower-level height of isobaric surfaces, but also to condition the baroclinic environment by increasing the phase lag between the pressure and thermal waves and enhancing the large-scale baroclinicity.
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De, Simone Matteo. "Interazione tra squalo bianco (Carcharadon carcharias) e otaria orsina del Capo (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) nell'area di Seal Island a Mossel Bay, Sud Africa." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/8327/.

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Gli squali bianchi sono tra i più importanti predatori dei Pinnipedi (Klimley et al., 2001; Kock, 2002). La loro principale strategia di caccia consiste nel pattugliare le acque circostanti ad una colonia di otarie e nell’attaccarle quando queste sono in movimento, mentre si allontanano o avvicinano all’isola (Klimley et al., 2001; Kock, 2002). Tuttavia, la strategia e la dinamica della predazione osservate anche in relazione al ciclo riproduttivo della preda e le tattiche comportamentali messe in atto dalla preda per ridurre la probabilità di predazione, e quindi diminuire la sua mortalità, sono ancora poco conosciute. Con questo studio, effettuato nell’area di Seal Island all’interno della baia di Mossel Bay in Sud Africa, abbiamo cercato di definire proprio questi punti ancora poco conosciuti. Per studiare la strategia e le dinamica di predazione dello squalo bianco abbiamo utilizzato il sistema di monitoraggio acustico, in modo da poter approfondire le conoscenze sui loro movimenti e quindi sulle loro abitudini. Per dare un maggiore supporto ai dati ottenuti con la telemetria acustica abbiamo effettuato anche un monitoraggio visivo attraverso l’attrazione (chumming) e l’identificazione fotografica degli squali bianchi. Per comprendere invece i loro movimenti e le tattiche comportamentali messi in atto dalle otarie orsine del capo per ridurre la probabilità di predazione nella baia di Mossel Bay, abbiamo utilizzato il monitoraggio visivo di 24 ore, effettuato almeno una volta al mese, dalla barca nell’area di Seal Island. Anche se gli squali bianchi sono sempre presenti intorno all’isola i dati ottenuti suggeriscono che la maggior presenza di squali/h si verifica da Maggio a Settembre che coincide con l’ultima fase di svezzamento dei cuccioli delle otarie del capo, cioè quando questi iniziano a foraggiare lontano dall'isola per la prima volta; durante il sunrise (alba) durante il sunset (tramonto) quando il livello di luce ambientale è bassa e soprattutto quando la presenza delle prede in acqua è maggiore. Quindi possiamo affermare che gli squali bianchi a Seal Island prendono delle decisioni che vanno ad ottimizzare la loro probabilità di catturare una preda. I risultati preliminari del nostro studio indicano anche che il numero di gruppi di otarie in partenza dall'isola di notte sono di gran lunga maggiori di quelle che partono durante il giorno, forse questo potrebbe riflettere una diminuzione del rischio di predazione; per beneficiare di una vigilanza condivisa, le otarie tendono in media a formare gruppi di 3-5 o 6-9 individui quando si allontanano dall’isola e questo probabilmente le rende meno vulnerabili e più attente dall’essere predate. Successivamente ritornano all’isola da sole o in piccoli gruppi di 2 o 3 individui. I gruppi più piccoli probabilmente riflettono la difficoltà delle singole otarie a riunirsi in gruppi coordinati all'interno della baia.
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Giera, Martin. "Entwicklung neuer Testsysteme zur Charakterisierung von Enzym-Inhibitoren des Post-Squalen-Abschnitts der Cholesterol- und Ergosterol-Biosynthese." München Verl. Dr. Hut, 2007. http://d-nb.info/987776045/04.

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Bastian, Silke A. [Verfasser], and Bernhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Hauer. "Stereoselektive enzymatische Brønsted-Säure-Katalyse unter Verwendung einer Squalen-Hopen Cyclase / Silke A. Bastian ; Betreuer: Bernhard Hauer." Stuttgart : Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1124841369/34.

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Verissimo, Ana Christina Pimenta. "Patterns of Population Structure and Historical Dispersal in Squaloid Sharks: A Species-Level Approach using Molecular Markers." W&M ScholarWorks, 2012. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539616812.

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Squaloids (Order Squaliformes) are a highle diverse group of mostly deepwater habitats (> 200 m). Many species are regularly caught in commercial fisheries worldwide but their low productivity and correspondingly low intrinsic rebound potentials make them particularly vulnerable to population depletion and overexploitation. of special concern to fisheries management and conservation efforts are the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias, the leafscale gulper shark Centrophorus squamosus and the Portuguese dogfish Centroscymnus coelolepis. These taxa have recently been declared overfished in several parts of each species' distribution but management efforts have been made to recover the "stocks" without a good understanding of the species' population structure and the level of connectivity among populations. as such, the goal of this dissertation is to elucidate the intraspecific patterns of population structure of each species, for future inclusion in fisheries management efforts, and to infer the patterns of historical dispersal of the three species of squaloid sharks. to this end, I have developed a suite of highly polymorphic molecular markers (including nuclear microsatellites and nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA gene regions) and have collected tissues samples from throughout each species geographic range. The genetic population structure of S. acanthias was characterized by high genetic divergence across the equatorial Pacific, and by comparatively higher genetic homogeneity among the sample collections from the South Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Nevertheless, small but significant genetic differentiation was detected by both nuclear and mitochondrial markers among spiny dogfish collections from either side of the equatorial Atlantic. Genetic differentiation in the spiny dogfish occurred across low latitude regions characterized by warm-temperate and tropical waters, suggesting that such regions may act as effective barriers to gene flow among populations. Regarding C. coelolepis and C. squamosus, the pattern of genetic population structure uncovered for the eastern Atlantic was similar between species. Within this region, no evidence of genetic differentiation was found among sample collections ranging from off Ireland to South Africa, and including the Azores, consistent with the existence of a single genetic stock for each species within the sampled region. Furthermore, evidence for inter-oceanic dispersal between Atlantic and New Zealand populations was also found for the leafscale gulper. These results strongly suggest that both C. coelolepis and C. squamosus have high dispersal potential and no major barriers to gene flow within the deep eastern Atlantic. Overall, high genetic homogeneity was observed over large geographic areas (i.e. in the order of thousands of miles) in all three target species consistent with long-distance dispersal with gene flow. However, there were differences between the coastal and the deepwater squaloids regarding the regions of genetic discontinuity, which may be associated with adaptations to their respective habitats. In the coastal spiny dogfish, environmental factors such as unsuitable water temperatures appear to exert a strong influence in the species' distribution and in its genetic population structure. In the deepwater squaloids, stable environmental conditions but limited food supply may result in widely distributed populations as a strategy to maximizing resource partitioning while minimizing resource competition among individuals.
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Sandström, Karl. "Radioimmunodiagnosis of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas : Preclinical Studies." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Öron-, näs- och halssjukdomar, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-156523.

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Despite improvements in treatment, the prognosis for patients with advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) has only improved to a minor degree. To raise the success rate and minimize morbidity further developments in diagnostics are highly desired. Radioimmunodiagnosis could offer a more specific and sensitive diagnostic method. Herein, we have evaluated different radioimmunoconjugates directed against CD44v6 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) for imaging of HNSCC. The studies were performed in a murine HNSCC xenograft model. Initially, the 111In-labeled anti CD44v6 chimeric monoclonal antibody U36 (cMAb U36) was evaluated. The novel radioimmunoconjugate showed high and accumulating tumor uptake. Since small molecules might be advantageous for imaging, due mainly to their shorter circulation half-life in the bloodstream, we then investigated antibody fragments F(ab’)2 and Fab’ derived from cMAb U36. The highest tumor-to-blood ratio was achieved with the dimeric antibody fragment F(ab’)2, compared with both the intact anti-body and monomeric Fab’. Furthermore, the possibility of improving EGFR-targeted imaging was explored by pre-blocking EGFR. The liver uptake of injected labeled human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) was significantly reduced when an excess of unlabeled hEGF was injected 30 minutes in advance. However, as hEGF stimulates cell proliferation it may be inadvisable to treat cancer patients with large amounts. Alternatively, pre-blocking with an anti-EGFR Affibody molecule (ZEGFR:955)2 demonstrated similar decrease in liver uptake as unlabeled hEGF. Finally, (ZEGFR:955)2 was compared with other Affibody molecules with higher affinity to EGFR, ZEGFR:1907 and (ZEGFR:1907)2, as pre-blocking agents. In addition, a novel hEGF radioimmunoconjugate, [67Ga]Ga-NOTA-Bn-NCS-hEGF was used for EGFR targeting. The dimeric (ZEGFR:1907)2 showed greatest reduction in non-tumor uptake, and highest tumor-to-organ ratio in EGFR expressing organs, when injected in advance of the radioimmunoconjugate. To summarize, the results presented here demonstrate how different radioimmunoconjugates as well as pre-blocking EGFR can improve the radioimmunodiagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
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Wade, Ryan. "A CLIMATOLOGICAL AND THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF SEVERE SQUALL LINES IN THE LOWER MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY." MSSTATE, 2003. http://sun.library.msstate.edu/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-07072003-120549/.

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The squall line is generally accepted to be the most commonly observed mesoscale convective system (MCS). Squall lines in the Southeastern United States account for a considerable amount of the total severe weather observed in this region (48%), including the production of localized severe wind events (known as Bow Echoes and Downbursts), long-lived severe wind events (known as Derechoes), as well as tornadoes. This study is the beginning of a baseline severe squall line climatology for the county warning areas (CWAs) of the National Weather Service Forecast Offices (NWSFO) located in Jackson, MS and Memphis, TN. This climatology will focus on the seasonal distribution of severe weather events associated with squall lines, as well as the thermodynamic forcing associated with the initiation and life spans of severe squall lines in Mississippi and West Tennessee.
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Squair, Timothy Edwin. "Serviço de controle de acesso utilizando modelo de provisionamento / Timothy Edwin Squair ; orientador, Edgard Jamhour." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_PR, 2005. http://www.biblioteca.pucpr.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=356.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, 2005
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Este trabalho tem como função apresentar um modelo capaz de representar, distribuir e aplicar políticas de controle de acesso aplicados a ambientes heterogêneos e distribuídos. O modelo hora apresentado é baseado na estratégia de provisionamento definido
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Pan, Da-Gang Lin Yeong-Jer. "Structure and evolution of a midwestern storm during VORTEX-95 as determined from airborne doppler data /." SLU electronic book. Click to access, 1999. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=731937091&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=26447&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Andreatta, Francesca. "Proposta di traduzione commentata di due libri per l’infanzia - “La notte degli animali inventati” e “Lo squalo nella vasca da bagno” - dello scrittore portoghese David Machado." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.

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L’oggetto del presente elaborato è una proposta di traduzione in italiano dei libri per bambini “A noite dos animais inventados” e “O tubarão na banheira” dello scrittore portoghese David Machado, pubblicati da Editorial Presença, rispettivamente nel 2006 e nel 2009. Nei primi capitoli viene tracciato un breve excursus sulla letteratura per l’infanzia e sul Piano Nazionale di Lettura portoghese. Nei capitoli 4 e 5 sono presentati l’autore e le opere. A seguire vengono forniti una proposta di traduzione ed un commento in cui sono spiegati il processo e le scelte traduttive effettuate.
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Whiting, James Gerald Holland. "Development and validation of a gastroenterology probe capable of measuring the position of the squamo-columnar junction." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2014. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23200.

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The squamo-columnar junction is an important landmark in the upper gastro-oesophageal anatomy, acid reflux occurring above this causes heartburn and may lead to oesophageal cancer if prolonged. Currently no medical device takes into account the position of the squamo-columnar junction despite its importance. The aim of this doctoral work is to develop and validate a device which is capable of monitoring the position of the squamocolumnar junction with respect to simultaneous acid reflux and pressure measurements. Using Hall effect sensors on a custom flexible circuit board, and a magnet attached to the squamo-columnar junction, a device was produced which when inserted into the oesophagus, measured the relative position of the squamocolumnar junction to manometry and pH-metry catheters. The accuracy of the measurement was at most 5 millimetres, often better; a better resolution than either the high resolution manometer or custom pH device. The device was validated in-vivo, demonstra ting a capability of measuring significant movement of the squamo-columnar junction during transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations. The accuracy of the high resolution manometer was tested, which showed significant drift, capable of causing misdiagnosis. A correction algorithm was produced which corrected linear drift, removing time dependant drift leading to significantly more accurate pressure readings. Catheter based upper gastro-oesophageal measurements have the potential to cause transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations by triggering mechanoreceptors in the pharynx; therefore a non-catheter based squamo-columnar junction locator was designed and tested. Using a larger magnet and significantly more sensitive Hall effect sensors and custom analogue circuitry, the squamo-columnar junction could be detected. The distance between the oesophagus and the skin is estimated to be between 8 and 9 centimetres for a healthy, non-obese male adult, the detection range for the non-catheter based squamo-columnar junction locator was 10.4 centimetres. The devices developed for this doctoral work has improved the field of gastroenterology research.
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Takemi, Tetsuya. "Studies on the Structure, Evolution, and Maintenance Mechanism of a Severe Squall Line in an Arid Region." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/86315.

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Thorburn, James Alexander. "Aspects of movement, habitat use and connectivity in two North East Atlantic sharks : spurdog Squalus acanthias and tope Galeorhinus galeus." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2015. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk:80/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=230064.

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Hammer, Stephan C. [Verfasser], and Bernhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Hauer. "Zur Anwendbarkeit von Squalen-Hopen-Zyklasen als chirale Brønsted-Säuren in der asymmetrischen Katalyse / Stephan C. Hammer. Betreuer: Bernhard Hauer." Stuttgart : Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1069815446/34.

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Fridlind, Ann M., Xiaowen Li, Di Wu, Lier-Walqui Marcus van, Andrew S. Ackerman, Wei-Kuo Tao, Greg M. McFarquhar, et al. "Derivation of aerosol profiles for MC3E convection studies and use in simulations of the 20 May squall line case." COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/624334.

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Advancing understanding of deep convection microphysics via mesoscale modeling studies of well-observed case studies requires observation-based aerosol inputs. Here, we derive hygroscopic aerosol size distribution input profiles from ground-based and airborne measurements for six convection case studies observed during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Cloud Experiment (MC3E) over Oklahoma. We demonstrate use of an input profile in simulations of the only well-observed case study that produced extensive stratiform outflow on 20 May 2011. At well-sampled elevations between -11 and -23 degrees C over widespread stratiform rain, ice crystal number concentrations are consistently dominated by a single mode near similar to 400 mu m in randomly oriented maximum dimension (D-max). The ice mass at -23 degrees C is primarily in a closely collocated mode, whereas a mass mode near D-max similar to 1000 mu m becomes dominant with decreasing elevation to the -11 degrees C level, consistent with possible aggregation during sedimentation. However, simulations with and without observation-based aerosol inputs systematically overpredict mass peak D-max by a factor of 3-5 and under-predict ice number concentration by a factor of 4-10. Previously reported simulations with both two-moment and sizeresolved microphysics have shown biases of a similar nature. The observed ice properties are notably similar to those reported from recent tropical measurements. Based on several lines of evidence, we speculate that updraft microphysical pathways determining outflow properties in the 20 May case are similar to a tropical regime, likely associated with warm-temperature ice multiplication that is not well understood or well represented in models.
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Marulli, Giuseppe. "Detection of Squamos Cell Carcinoma Antigen (SCCA) in early and end stage Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): molecular substrates and clinico-pathological correlations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3426462.

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BACKGROUND Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), morphologically characterized by usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), represents a progressive disease of unknown aetiology that continues to be associated with poor prognosis. The cardinal pathological features are the epithelial damage/activation, fibroblastic/myofibroblastic foci formation and extracellular matrix remodelling. The current paradigm suggests a pivotal role of the epithelium in the disease pathogenesis. Epithelial injury and subsequent deregulated repair results in profibrogenic cytokines (like TGF-?1) release with consequent abnormal mesenchymal cell activation and proliferation. Therefore, epithelial instability seems a crucial step in the development and progression of the disease, including neoplastic transformation. Few molecular tissue markers have been studied in IPF in order to clarify the pathogenetic mechanisms leading to the disease. Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA) is a serine protease inhibitor (serpin) physiologically found in the normal squamous epithelium and typically expressed by dysplastic and neoplastic epithelial cells of various origin, more often in squamous cell tumours. No information is actually available on its expression in IPF. MATERIAL AND METHODS In this study we analysed SCCA and TGF-b1 expression in surgical open-lung biopsies from 22 IPF patients with early-stage disease (GROUP A), in native lungs from 48 IPF patients with end-stage disease (GROUP B) who underwent to lung transplantation and in 20 control cases (GROUP C, 10 normal lungs from cadaveric donors, 10 lungs from patients with other interstitial diseases). In vitro study using A549 pneumocytes was also conducted to investigate the relationship between SCCA and TGFb1 expression. SCCA and TGFb1 epithelial expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Time course analysis of TGF-b1 expression in A549 pneumocytes incubated with different SCCA concentrations was assessed by real time RT-PCR. The quantitative immunohistochemical assessment of SCCA and TGF-?1 was undertaken in each IPF sample by counting at least 500 cuboidal cells. A quantitative assessment of different pathological parameters (fibrosis, fibroblast foci and honeycombing changes) have been also considered in each samples. Clinical data including lung function and cardiovascular parameters were correlated to pathological features. In GROUP A lung function tests were re-evaluated at 8-12 months after biopsy. RESULTS Alveolar SCCA expression was present in IPF patients, but was not detected in alveolar cells in any of control cases. In GROUP A SCCA was positively correlated with the extension of fibroblastic foci (r=0.49, p=0.02), expression of TGF-b1 (r=0.78, p<0.0001) and with DLCO decline at follow-up (r=0.59, p=0.01). In vitro experiments showed that incubation of cultured cells with SCCA induced TGF-b1 expression, with a peak at 24 hours. In GROUP B SCCA and TGF-b1 values were high and positively correlated (r=0.45, p<0.001), while an inverse correlation was found between SCCA and DLCO (r=-0.43, p=0.005) and TGF-b1 and DLCO (r=-0.42, p=0.04). Interestingly, among metaplastic alveolar epithelial cells, a significant difference in SCCA expression was found between cuboidal, bronchialized and squamous cells, with increased expression for squamous cells that also presented a significant higher grade of dysplasia. CONCLUSION The over-expression of SCCA and TGF-?1 in the alveolar epithelium corroborates the hypothesis that disturbed epithelial alveolar regeneration and abnormal secretion of the cytokines are important steps in the pathogenesis of remodelling and fibrosis of IPF. SCCA could have a double role influencing the epithelial proliferation (autocrine action) and promoting fibroblast proliferation/fibrosis through increased TGF-?1 secretion (paracrine action). SCCA may be considered a potential marker of disease activity being strictly correlated with impairing lung function.
INTRODUZIONE La fibrosi polmonare idiopatica (FPI), caratterizzata morfologicamente dal correlato patologico di polmonite interstiziale usuale (UIP), rappresenta una malattia ad eziologia sconosciuta, ad andamento progressivo e prognosi infausta. Gli elementi anatomo-patologici cardine sono il danno/attivazione epiteliale, la formazione di foci fibroblastici/miofibroblastici ed il rimodellamento della matrice extracellulare. La teoria patogenetica più accreditata attribuisce un ruolo determinante alla disfunzione epiteliale alveolare. Il danno epiteliale ed i successivi meccanismi deregolati di riparo portano al rilascio di citochine pro-fibrogenetiche (come il TGF-b1) con conseguente attivazione e proliferazione di cellule mesenchimali. Di conseguenza, l’instabilità epiteliale sembra un elemento cruciale nello sviluppo e progressione della malattia, inclusa la trasformazione neoplastica. Pochi markers molecolari sono stati studiati e descritti fino ad ora nella FPI, per meglio chiarire i meccanismi patogenetici della malattia. Lo squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA) è un inibitore delle serin proteasi (serpine) fisiologicamente presente nell’epitelio squamoso normale e specificamente espresso dalle cellule displastiche e neoplastiche epiteliali di varia origine, più spesso nei tumori a cellule squamose. Non sono ancora disponibili informazioni specifiche sulla sua espressione nella FPI. MATERIALI E METODI In questo studio abbiamo analizzato l’espressione di SCCA e TGF-b1 in tessuto polmonare ottenuto da biopsie chirurgiche di 22 pazienti affetti da FPI in stadio clinico iniziale (Gruppo A), in polmoni nativi di 48 pazienti con malattia end-stage e sottoposti a trapianto di polmone (Gruppo B) e in 20 polmoni controllo (Gruppo C, 10 polmoni normali ottenuti da donatori cadaveri, 10 polmoni di pazienti affetti da altre malattie interstiziali). Abbiamo inoltre condotto uno studio in vitro utilizzando pneumociti della linea A549, per investigare il rapporto tra la produzione di SCCA e l’espressione di TGF-b1. L’espressione di SCCA e TGF-b1 nelle cellule epiteliali è stata valutata con tecniche di immunoistochimica e reazione a catena della polimerasi-trascrizione inversa (RT-PCR). La produzione di TGF-b1 nei pneumoniti A549 incubati a diverse concentrazioni di SCCA è stata verificata con real time PCR. La valutazione quantitativa immunoistochimica di SCCA e TGF-b1 è stata eseguita in ciascun campione contando almeno 500 cellule cuboidali. Una valutazione quantitativa dei differenti parametri patologici (fibrosi, foci fibroblastici e honeycombing) è stata eseguita ugualmente in ciascun campione. I dati clinici, inclusi la funzione respiratoria e i parametri cardiovascolari sono stati correlati ai dati patologici. Nel Gruppo A i test di funzionalità polmonare sono stati ripetuti a 8-12 mesi dalla biopsia. RISULTATI L’espressione di SCCA nelle cellule epiteliali alveolari era presente nei pazienti con FPI, mentre era assente nei controlli. Nel Gruppo A l’SCCA era correlato positivamente con l’estensione dei foci fibroblastici (r=0.49, p=0.02), l’espressione di TGF-b1 (r=0.78, p<0.0001) e con il declino della DLCO al follow up (r=0.59, p=0.01). L’esperimento in vitro ha dimostrato che l’incubazione di pneumociti con SCCA induceva l’espressione di TGF-b1, con un picco a 24 ore. Nel Gruppo B i valori di SCCA e TGF-b1 erano elevati e correlati positivamente (r=0.45, p<0.001), mentre vi era una correlazione inversa tra SCCA e DLCO (r=-0.43, p=0.005) e TGF-b1 e DLCO (r=-0.42, p=0.04). Tra le cellule epiteliali alveolari metaplastiche, abbiamo riscontrato una diversa espressione di SCCA tra le cellule cuboidali, bronchializzate e squamose, con una crescente espressione per le squamose che inoltre presentavano un maggior grado di displasia. CONCLUSIONI La over-espressione di SCCA e TGF-b1 nell’epitelio alveolare corrobora l’ipotesi che una alterata rigenerazione epiteliale alveolare e una secrezione anormale di citochine sono elementi importanti nella patogenesi del rimodellamento e della fibrosi della FPI. L’SCCA potrebbe avere un duplice ruolo influenzando la proliferazione epiteliale (azione autocrina) e promuovendo la fibrosi/proliferazione dei fibroblasti attraverso lo stimolo alla maggior secrezione di TGF-b1. L’SCCA potrebbe essere considerato un marker potenziale di attività della malattia essendo strettamente correlato con la perdita di funzione polmonare.
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VILAR, Rafaella de Araújo Aires. "Condições de tempo severo e formação de tornados em Brasília-DF: um estudo de caso." Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2016. http://dspace.sti.ufcg.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/riufcg/1168.

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Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-12T19:42:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAELLA DE ARAÚJO AIRES VILAR – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGMET) 2016.pdf: 3521923 bytes, checksum: 8abe82b0df1c51917eb7f25334055e37 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-12T19:42:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAELLA DE ARAÚJO AIRES VILAR – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGMET) 2016.pdf: 3521923 bytes, checksum: 8abe82b0df1c51917eb7f25334055e37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26
A formação de tornados é um fenômeno pouco frequente no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. O registro de um tornado em Brasília-DF em 01 de outubro de 2014 evidencia a importância da utilização de métodos que permitam compreender melhor os vários mecanismos atmosféricos dominantes em episódios de tempo severo e monitorar esse fenômeno meteorológico com alto potencial de destruição. Este estudo teve como propósito analisar a estrutura vertical da atmosfera que prevaleceu no desenvolvimento de condições atmosféricas adversas e identificar parâmetros convectivos adequados para determinação de padrões atmosféricos que favoreceram o desenvolvimento de tempo severo. A técnica estatística Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP), índices de instabilidade e imagens de radar meteorológico foram os principais métodos de análise utilizados. Os resultados mostram que a combinação entre o alto grau de instabilidade atmosférica, temperaturas elevadas e vento intenso acompanhado de rajadas foi determinante para o desenvolvimento do tornado. Entretanto, os valores dos índices de instabilidade diferem dos limiares normalmente utilizados como indicadores da formação de tornados. Linhas de instabilidade em forma de arco (“bow echoes”) detectadas pelo radar durante o período de chuva intensa com danos em superfície são os indícios mais fortes do tornado que atingiu a região. Registros fotográficos de linhas de energia, telhados, árvores e carros danificados pelo vento (95 km/h) também são apresentados.
The frequency of tornado formation in Central-West Brazil is low. A tornado observed in Brasília-DF on 01 October 2014 highligths the importance of using methods that allow a better understanding of the various atmospheric mechanisms that dominate in severe weather episodes, and the monitoring of this meteorological phenomenon with high destructive potential. The aim in this study was to analyze the vertical structure of the atmosphere that dominated the development of adverse atmospheric conditions and to identify convective parameters that are adequate for determining atmospheric patterns that favor severe weather development. The statistic technique Principal Component Analysis (PCA), instability indices and meteorological radar images were the main analysis methods employed. The results show that the combination of high degree of atmospheric instability, high temperatures and intense wind with gusts was determinant for tornado development. However, values of the instability indices differ from those normally used as indicators of tornado formation. Arc-shaped squall lines (“bow echoes”) detected by radar during the period of intense rainfall with damages at the surface are the strongest evidence of the tornado that hit the region. Photos of power lines, roofs, trees and cars damaged by the winds (95km/h) are presented also.
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Moore, Tina Mae. "Population characteristics of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758, from geographically distinct locations in Atlantic Canada during the summer and fall of 1996." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ33823.pdf.

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BORDIER, CATHERINE. "Caracterisation et purification de lipides d'interet industriel extraits de l'huile de foie d'un requin benthique : le squale chagrin de l'atlantique (centrophorus squamosus)." Paris 6, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA066027.

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Differentes methodes de derivatisation et diverses techniques analytiques ont permis de caracteriser les lipides extraits de l'huile de foie d'un requin benthique (centrophorus squamosus). Ce corps gras contient 45% de squalene et 2% de cholesterol ; 40% d'acides gras et 10% de 1-o-monoalkylglycerols, composes possedant des chaines hydrocarbonees lineaires, saturees et mono-insaturees, constituees respectivement de 14 a 24 et 14 a 18 atomes de carbone. Contrairement a de nombreuses especes marines, l'huile hepatique de ce squale n'est pas une source appreciable d'acides gras poly-insatures car seules des traces de c18:4, c20:5, c20:4, c22:5 et c22:6 ont ete detectees. Excepte le squalene, les trois autres familles de derives lipidiques se retrouvent sous forme de lipides simples dans l'huile brute (essentiellement sous forme de triglycerides et de 1-o-monoalkyl-2,3-diacylglycerols). Deux protocoles, l'un base sur la distillation moleculaire, l'autre sur l'extraction liquide-liquide ont ensuite ete mis au point pour preparer simultanement le squalene et les ethers de glycerol ; ceci a permis la recuperation d'une fraction squalenique (purete: 98,9% et rendement: 99%) et d'une fraction de 1-o-monoalkylglycerols (purete: 95% et rendement: 43%). A partir de la fraction purifiee en ethers de glycerol, une methode basee sur la complexation a l'uree a permis la preparation d'une fraction enrichie en 1-o-monoalkenyglycerols, comprenant principalement de l'hexadec-9-enylglycerol (80%) et de l'octadec-9-enylglycerol (10%). Les protocoles developpes peuvent s'appliquer a d'autres huiles d'origine variee et etre facilement extrapoles a l'echelle preparative. Des tests de separation par chromatographie a contre-courant des acides gras issus des triglycerides (lipides simples source des acides gras poly-insatures de cette huile), ont montre par la purification de l'ester methylique du c22:6, que cette methode peut etre applicable a leur preparation
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Erasmus, Christina Petronella. "The concentration of ten metals in the tissues of shark species Squalus megalops and Mustelus mustelus (chondrichthyes) occuring along the Southeastern coast of South Africa." Thesis, University of Port Elizabeth, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/328.

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The southeastern coast of South Africa is deemed unpolluted and with the exception of a few localized areas, is believed to be pristine. This study aimed to (1) assess the concentration of metals in the water and sharks (Squalus megalops, Mustelus mustelus) from different sites along the southeastern coast, (2) determine the effects that metals have on each other and investigate the accumulation and storage of metals in different shark tissues, (3) determine the effects of length and sex on metal concentration and the presence of metallothioneins in the liver. Metal concentrations in water from seven sites along the southeastern coast revealed concentrations below the detection limit of the extraction method, except for iron at St. Francis Bay which was below the recommended levels as supplied by DWAF. Met al concentrations in S. megalops from the seven sites revealed significantly elevated levels in individuals from Algoa and St. Francis Bay when compared to the other 5 sites. This was observed for all metals except manganese, which had a higher concentration at Cape Agulhas. After comparing the metal levels in muscle tissue (S. megalops) with data from the Department of Health it was concluded that the sharks caught at Algoa and St. Francis Bay were unsuited for human consumption. Liver and vertebral tissues from both S. megalops and M. mustelus were deemed unsuited for human consumption but further research should be conducted especially on vertebral metal concentrations. Comparing the metal concentration in different tissue types of S. megalops and M. mustelus significant difference were observed and attributed to differences in the maturity (thus age) of the two species. Significant differences in the metal concentration of males and females for both the species were observed. A higher number of differences were however observed in M. mustelus than in S. megalops, most probably due to the differences in maturity. Length and weight vs. metal concentration regressions in the males and females of both species revealed more negative than positive trends. This was found to be in accordance with other studies from around the world. Using the life stages of S. megalops, significant differences in the average concentration of metals were observed between the life stages, with embryos usually having the highest concentration. The metal concentration series determined for S. megalops were similar to that which have been reported in the literature in that iron and zinc occupied the highest concentration positions while cadmium, copper and manganese occupied the last three. The spleen usually had the highest metal concentration except for aluminium in skin and arsenic in muscle tissue. Pearson correlation revealed significant negative correlations between cadmium and the mentioned metals suggesting that cadmium replaces essential metals such as manganese, iron and copper as. Negative correlations between essential metals were observed most probably due to the competition for binding positions on ligands. Positive correlations were observed between metals in sp ecific tissue types and may be indicative of synergistic effects, e.g. aluminium may result in the accumulation of other metals such as cadmium. Positive and negative correlations between a specific metal and different tissue types have also been observed and it appears that there are movement of metals between tissue types. Positive correlation for essential metals between yolk and other tissue have been observed, although no correlations for non-essential metals were observed. This could potentially indicate a mechanism that prevents the accumulation of nonessential metals in embryos. Though no metallothioneins were isolated form the liver, the presence of cadmium in other proteins indicate that that cadmium is substituted for essential metals, and as this may result in deleterious physiological effects, further studies should be conducted. In conclusion it can be said that although some of the results were expected there are still quite a few unanswered question and further studies should be conducted.
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Alcântara, Clênia Rodrigues. "Um estudo da relação entre jatos de baixos níveis e linhas de instabilidade da Amazônia." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/14/14133/tde-25062013-202138/.

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O enfoque deste trabalho é contribuir para a compreensão dos processos que definem a propagação de linhas de instabilidade tropicais da Amazônia. Foi feita a análise de 9 anos de imagens de satélite definindo casos de linha de instabilidade e relacionando sua ocorrência com as do seu ambiente. Foi ressaltado o papel dos jatos de baixos níveis na propagação das linhas de instabilidade e verificadas possíveis diferenças entre os sistemas que se propagam e os que não se propagam. A partir da análise observacional foram feitas simulações numéricas com o modelo BRAMS para explorar a sensibilidade da propagação das linhas de instabilidade às características cinemáticas do ambiente. Como resultado principal, obteve-se que a maioria dos casos observados foi de linhas que não se propagaram, permanecendo quase estacionárias nas proximidades da costa norte do Brasil. Do total de casos de LI identificadas nas imagens de satélite, apenas 20% foram de linhas se propagaram mais de 400 km. O perfil do vento para seu ambiente de formação e desenvolvimento possui características que reúnem um jato em baixos níveis, um jato em altos níveis e pouco cisalhamento na intensidade e na direção. O jato em baixos níveis foi predominante de leste com intensidade média de 9 ms-1 e ocorreu em torno de 800 hPa. Ele foi mais intenso e mais profundo para as linhas que se propagaram mais de 400 km e menos intenso e menos profundo para as linhas costeiras. Os anos de 2005 e 2006 tiveram um aumento considerável de casos, em especial para as linhas que se propagaram. 2005 foi um ano atípico, pois foi verificado um aumento na temperatura da superfície do mar do Atlântico tropical, o que permitiu especular que aumentos como o que foi verificado, em certas áreas do Oceano Atlântico, pode levar ao aprofundamento do JBN através da intensificação das ondas de leste e assim favorecer a formação de mais LI na costa norte do Brasil. O JBN tem papel importante no processo de desenvolvimento das torres de cúmulos que compõe as linhas de instabilidade. Não só são responsáveis pela organização do sistema em linha, mas influenciam diretamente nos processos internos das nuvens, como ventilação e entranhamento, a formação de correntes descendentes e a formação de frentes de rajada em superfície que, em última instância, definem as características de propagação.
The aim of this work is to contribute to the understanding the processes that define the propagation of Amazon Tropical Squall Lines (ASL). 9 years of satellite images were analyzed defining ASL cases and their relationship with environment characteristics. The low level jet (LLJ) in ASL propagation has emerged as an important feature and possible differences between the systems that propagated and systems that did not propagate were analyzed. The observational analyzes suggested a series of numerical simulations with BRAMS model to explore the sensitivity of propagating ASL with respect to the kinematic characteristics of environment. Main results show that the larger number of ASL cases was of non propagating coastal lines. From the total, only 20% of ASL propagated more than 400 km (SL2). The wind profile of ASL formation and development environment had a LLJ, an upper level jet and to small values of speed and directional shear. The LLJ was from east with intensity of about 9 ms-1 and it was occurred around 800 hPa. It was more intense and deeper for SL2 than CSL. The 2005 and 2006 years had an considerable increase of ASL cases, specially for propagated lines. The 2005 year was atypical, because had an increase of sea surface temperature of Tropical Atlantic Ocean, allowing to speculate that this kind of increase, in certain areas of the Ocean, can lead to the deepening of LLJ through of easterly wave intensification, and thus favoring the formation of more ASL in the North coast of Brazil. The LLJ has a important role in the development processes of cumulus towers that compose the ASL and not only it were responsible for organization of the system, but it directly influence the internal processes of clouds, like inflow into the cloud.
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