Дисертації з теми "Space industry"
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Andersson, Schaeffer Jennie. "Communication space : Spatial design in manufacturing industry." Licentiate thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-11857.
Повний текст джерелаDeViP and Kaikaku
Zervos, Vasilis. "The economics of the European space industry." Thesis, University of York, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.369272.
Повний текст джерелаDavidian, Kenneth John. "Accumulation model processes of human suborbital space transportation industry emergence." Thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/28439.
Повний текст джерелаFilip, Nikitas Metallinos Log, and Lipic Persson Sandra. "Learning in New Space : Knowledge Sourcing for Innovation in Northern Swedish New Space Companies." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-173042.
Повний текст джерелаTrepczynski, Susan J. "Edge of space : emerging technologies, the 'new' space industry, and the continuing debate on the delimitation of outer space." Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=101829.
Повний текст джерелаThe opening chapter examines the fundamental changes that have occurred since the beginning of the space age, both in terms of the technology and the space exploration infrastructure. The background of the delimitation question is then provided, followed by a discussion of the legal significance of the boundary issue. The final chapter analyzes the spatialist and functionalist approaches to the delimitation of outer space, looking at the pros and cons of each position.
Karasopoulos, Harry A. "Supply, demand, and entrepreneurial ventures in the space launch industry." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/8885.
Повний текст джерелаIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 202-221).
Responsive, affordable space transportation, using reusable launch vehicles (RL Vs) to place payloads into orbit at a fraction of today's exorbitant costs, will become a reality within the next few decades. As the railroads unlocked the American West, and as the modern airplane shrank our planet, reusable launch vehicles will open space with vast scientific, commercial, humanistic, and military payoffs. The large amount of financing required for commercial RLV development coupled with significant market risk, the employment of a myriad of high-risk technologies, the lack of Federal assistance beyond early stage RLV technology development, and numerous other barriers to entry have greatly undermined successful RLV system development. Historically, the U.S. government has stepped into the fray of past transportation technology and infrastructure development with investments and funding incentives. Over the past two decades, however, the U.S. government's record in RLV development has been dismal, characterized by repeated attempts to leapfrog critical technologies rather than applying a pragmatic, stepping stone, "build a little, fly a little" approach that was so successfully utilized in experimental aircraft development a few decades before. Despite a number of failed launch vehicle development endeavors since the development of the Space Shuttle, a wave of private entrepreneurial firms are currently attempting to develop innovative reusable launch vehicle concepts independently of the U.S. government. Originally bolstered by a late 1990s bullish low Earth orbit (LEO) market, the success of these endeavors may be destined to echo that of an analogous wave of failed entrepreneurial expendable launch vehicle development efforts from a few years before, especially now that the LEO market has declined so drastically. This thesis addresses several aspects of the development of reusable launch vehicles. Demand for space launch is examined, with attention on commercial satellite trends and emerging markets. Space launch supply is assessed, with discussion of the current situation of launch vehicle over-capacity and high global competition. Several reusable and expendable launch vehicle development programs are examined, including the efforts of both small entrepreneurial ventures and large national programs. An introduction to barriers to entrepreneurial RLV development is also presented, focusing on legitimacy issues and the problems of financing such high-risk ventures. Finally, technology and market entry competitive strategies for entrepreneurial RLV ventures are discussed and recommendations offered.
by Harry Karasopoulos.
Suzuki, Kazuto. "The policy logics and institutions of European space collaboration." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.341074.
Повний текст джерелаDrake, Dale. "Technical training for the application of L*a*b* color space to spot color matching." Online version, 2004. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/2004/2004draked.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаBuzdugan, Adrian. "Space Transportation and Exploitation Missions offered by the VEGA Transportation System that could reshape the European Space Industry." Thesis, KTH, Farkost och flyg, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-259357.
Повний текст джерелаSyftet med denna rapport är att formulera uppdragskraven, motsvarande fas noll i ett rymdprojekt, för VEGA Transportation System (VTS). Minskningen i storlek och massa hos satelliter har öppnat upp för att VEGA, som är byggd för små nyttolaster, kan bidra till och utöka den europeiska uppskjutningskapaciteten och tjänsterna för olika rymdtransporter. Denna studien följer till stora delar metoderna som presenteras i “Methodology for requirements definition of complex space missions and system” samt “Reusable space tug concept and mission”. I dessa publikationer understryks behovet av både funktionell analys samt operationskonceptet som fundamentala aktiviteter för att bedöma och formulera uppdragskraven. Resultatavsnittet går igenom de framtagna uppdragkraven med de ovan nämnda metoderna. I diskussionsavsnittet analyseras nuvarande trender inom rymdsektorn och hur VTS kan vara med och forma utvecklingen samt den tänkta marknaden för systemet. Det diskuteras hur flera rymduppdrag kan slås ihop så att så få system som möligt kan hantera dessa uppdrag. Slutligen görs en jämförelse mellan arbetet inom AVIO-projektet med ett REXUS-sondraketprojekt, med tankar och lärdomar från båda projekten. Slutsatser dras utifrån portföljen av uppdrag som tagits fram för VTS i studien. VTS kommer framöver att fortsätta analyseras samt motiveras med flera argument för dess förbättring.
Schulte, Jan. "A Software Verification & Validation Management Framework for the Space Industry." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sektionen för datavetenskap och kommunikation, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-1194.
Повний текст джерелаLewis, Robert David. "Industry and space : the making of Montreal's industrial geography, 1850-1918." Thesis, McGill University, 1992. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=39790.
Повний текст джерелаJohnson, Mark. "High-risk and long-term : future narratives of the space industry." Thesis, University of York, 2015. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/8926/.
Повний текст джерелаSchlenker, Lars, Carmen Neuburg, and Anja Jannack. "Lernwelten 4.0 – Ein Open Work Space zur GeNeMe 2017." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-234656.
Повний текст джерелаЮринець, Ю. Л., and S. A. Loetska. "Parliament opens space to private companies." Thesis, Vector, 2020. https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/44764.
Повний текст джерелаDordlofva, Christo. "Qualification of Metal Additive Manufacturing in Space Industry : Challenges for Product Development." Licentiate thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Innovation och Design, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-66699.
Повний текст джерелаWinters, Nathan J. "Enabling the commercial space transportation industry at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/5526.
Повний текст джерелаThe focus of this paper is on how to energize the space industrial base as directed by the National Security Space Strategy of 2011. Using a case study of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS), an analysis of how to enable the commercial space transportation industry will be discussed. A look at previous government ventures that have been privatized, along with the history of commercial space transportation, sets the stage for evaluating the future of the industry. An in-depth analysis of FAA and NASA regulation was done to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each and provide insight on the future regulation of the industry. Past launches, government funding, and future plans are all studied to determine a forecast for demand. Recommendations are provided to the MARS on how to enable their commercial space transportation industry and conclusions are drawn on the importance of the commercial space transportation industry to National Security.
Enström, Alice, and Andrea Paulsson. "Space-as-a-service: a disruptive concept for the real estate industry?" Thesis, KTH, Fastigheter och byggande, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-277086.
Повний текст джерелаDen tekniska utvecklingen av teknik har möjliggjort strukturella förändringar på fastighetsmarknaden, där man går från att sälja yta till att erbjuda ett koncept. Yta-som-tjänst har växt fram från begreppen delningsekonomi, digitalisering och tjänstefiering för att möta efterfrågan på flexibla lösningar på den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden. Idén med yta-som-tjänst är att erbjuda enkel och flexibel tillgång till ytor samt att tillhandahålla tjänster till hyresgäster för att skapa mervärde. Ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv är avsikten att minska behovet av nyproduktion och dra nytta av det befintliga fastighetsbeståndet för att möta efterfrågan på lokaler. Tidigare forskning relaterat till yta-som-tjänst fokuserar främst på coworking och delade ytor, men det saknas studier på konceptet ur ett bredare perspektiv och dess framfart på fastighetsmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om konceptet yta-som-tjänst är disruptivt för fastighetsbranschen samt fastighetsägares inställning till denna utveckling. Resultatinsamlingen genomfördes med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där både strukturerade och semistrukturerade intervjuer med kommersiella fastighetsägare i Sverige användes för att få en djupare förståelse för konceptet yta-som-tjänst. Studiens akademiska förankring grundar sig i teorin om Disruptiva Innovationer som används för att granska disruptiva tecken av konceptet yta-som-tjänst. Vi kan dra slutsatsen att drivkrafterna bakom konceptet yta-som-tjänst främst är ökad efterfrågan på besvärsfrihet och flexibilitet i tjänsterna som idag erbjuds av fastighetsägare. Detta skapar en ny och komplex konkurrensmiljö som sätter nya krav på fastighetsägare, de blir tvungna att rättfärdiga för mer än bara läget på en lokal för att behålla sin konkurrenskraft. Vilka roller som fastighetsägare väljer att ta i detta nya landskap varierar sig. Attityderna mot yta-som-tjänst är generellt positiva, men det upplevs finnas flera risker som tillsammans med externa aktörer och regelverk motverkar utvecklingen. Resultatet visar att attityder och trösklar i utvecklingen motsäger varandra och att ett tankeskifte är nödvändigt i flera olika led. Resultatet av vår studie visar att konceptet yta-som-tjänst uppfyller karaktärsdragen för en disruptiv innovation och förväntas expandera till en bredare marknad framöver.
Schlenker, Lars, Carmen Neuburg, and Anja Jannack. "Lernwelten 4.0 – Ein Open Work Space zur GeNeMe 2017." TUDpress, 2017. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A30912.
Повний текст джерелаHiriart, Thomas. "Two studies in statistical data analysis for the space industry: cyclicality in the industry, and comparative satellite reliability analysis." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/36533.
Повний текст джерелаHAUCKE, TIM A., and N. ALBIN ÖSTMARCK. "An Analysis of the Co-working Space Industry in Stockholm froman Entrepreneurial Perspective." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-224216.
Повний текст джерелаKhan, Farzad Rafi. "Beyond child labour in Pakistan's soccer ball industry : hard times in imperial space." Thesis, McGill University, 2004. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=85175.
Повний текст джерелаArticulating a case study of the Sialkot soccer ball child labour project in Pakistan (1995-2003), the thesis explores the communication constraints that are faced by weak actors in interorganizational domains (a social problem and a set of organizations having a stake or interest in that problem) located in the developing world. Relying on both written documents (private and public) and field interviews, especially with women soccer ball stitchers at the village level, a typology of communication constraints is developed. These constraints are examined from the perspectives of those at the bottom of the international supply chain and the injuries these groups suffer from them are documented in the thesis. It is found that the ability of weak actors to use communication to influence a domain is highly contingent on how space and time are configured in a domain. Domains have temporal rhythms and spatial configurations. The thesis identifies two types of temporal rhythms (technocratic and subsistence clocks) and a spatial configuration (imperial space) that severely militate against weak actors exercising agency in a domain through communication. Strategies (e.g., emergent collective struggle) that can prevent weak actors from becoming subalternalized (voiceless) in a domain are also discussed. The case study permits an investigation of contemporary transnational activism that often sires interorganizational collaboration projects in developing countries. The thesis identifies two types of transnational activism (thick and thin), delineates the various elements constituting them, and shows how thin activism can lead to interorganizational projects hurting weak and powerless groups that are intended to be assisted.
Mugarra, Leire. "Legal aspects of commercial space transportation." Thesis, McGill University, 2008. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=112607.
Повний текст джерелаKirkam, Kechil. "The user concept in the space industry and how this frames satellite missions, with a focus on social development in Africa." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/27815.
Повний текст джерелаPalmqvist, Rickard, Björn Lindell, and Jerry Karlsson. "The Fight for Shelf Space : Regional Meat Producers Facing Retail Labels." Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, EMM (Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Management), 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-702.
Повний текст джерелаSweden has experienced a surge in retail labels within the food industry the last decade and this increase has meant great changes within the meat industry. Producer brands have been faced with issues of strategy formulation and changing power structures that has affected small-and medium sized companies more than others. The purpose of this thesis is to, from a small- and medium sized producer perspective; investigate the impact the increase in retail label products have on selected producer brand producing companies in the Swedish meat industry and if they constitute a major threat to the producer brands. Furthermore, the thesis addresses issues such as the present structure of the industry and future views of the meat industry.
A qualitative research method was used in order to investigate the impact of the increase in retail labels. Interviews were conducted with three cured meat producers operating in the region of Småland. Furthermore, a market leading producer and representatives from the market leading retailer was also included in the study to gain a deeper understanding of market conditions.
The results of the interviews shows an industry that is mature and experiencing slow and sometimes even declining growth where companies are pretty much set in their ways. The fiercest competition, over shelf space, is between producers with similar strategies instead of between producers and retailers. The increase in retail labels has meant a drastically reduced shelf space for producers to compete over. However, the three producers have taken steps in order to secure that the threat from retail labels is kept at a minimum. Nevertheless, new retail labels that will be closer to producer brands in terms of quality and price are coming. These are seen as a greater threat than the existing labels.
Canaveras, Amparo (Maria Amparo Canaveras Galdon). "The impact of the TV white space unlicensed spectrum on the wireless industry competition." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/100358.
Повний текст джерелаCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-125).
In November 2008, the United States FCC voted to allow unlicensed use of the spectrum designated for TV broadcasting. After the analog-to-digital transition was completed in June 2009, space between channels was no longer needed for the successful transmission of TV signals. These unused portions of the UHF spectrum, popularly referred to as white spaces, represent a new opportunity for wireless networks, offering the potential for more unlicensed bandwidth and long transmission ranges. This thesis aims to throw light on the real potential of the newly released spectrum TV white space (TVWS) to enhance unlicensed networks features and to enable new services, by studying existing standards and previous deregulations, using historical data as a reference. This work arrives at the conclusion that due to strict laws and spectrum-sharing challenges, rural wireless service providers are the ones most likely to be using this spectrum as a Wi-Fi enhancement in their access points. This research assesses the real impact of the TVWS in wireless industry competition. Using a System Dynamics model, it analyzes the influence of TVWS new propagation conditions on the relationship between network user adoption, coverage, and service price, to model the evolution of the industry. The model has been calibrated with real data from telecom equipment market prices. Subscriber and coverage information from the main US mobile markets are used as inputs to adjust the network user adoption parameters. The results show that the new frequency will enhance the adoption of unlicensed networks but will not significantly affect subscribers of traditional licensed networks. This research also analyzes TVWS adoption scenarios and arrives at the conclusion that the scenario that would maximize TVWS social benefits would be the one in which both licensed and unlicensed operators accommodate and deploy networks in those regions that are profitable for them. This accommodation requires cooperation between unlicensed and licensed operators and could be done in several ways. For example, it could be done by means of direct negotiation, as is actually the case in the 5GHz band, where the Wireless Internet Service Providers operators directly discuss issues with interfering links. However, incumbents in the TVWS band are larger and more numerous, and therefore the author's recommendation is to have a regulatory framework in place that could help define the appropriate areas for licensed and unlicensed use. Thus regulatory bodies could preserve fairness while ensuring proper market competition. Before companies and authorities take any action, it is important for them to be aware of the factors that can modify the role/influence of the TV white space on whether subscribers choose licensed or unlicensed services. Thus, the thesis assesses how external factors, such as application/service availability or white space spectrum efficiency improvement, can substantially enhance TVWS network features, inducing subscribers to switch from licensed to unlicensed networks, and thereby affecting the licensed operators' subscribers. Finally, this thesis recommends that the authorities advocate for an accommodation of licensed and unlicensed operators based on an analysis of technology and economic modeling. However, the thesis does not discuss the legal aspects, such as the interactions of FCC authority and US antitrust laws.
by Amparo Canaveras.
S.M. in Engineering and Management
TCHAKERIAN, RAFFI. "Entrepreneurial space industry : the role of design in a newly emerging socio-technical system." Doctoral thesis, Università IUAV di Venezia, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11578/278648.
Повний текст джерелаSimpson, Catherine. "Imagined geographies: women's negotiation of space in contemporary Australian cinema, 1988-98." Thesis, Simpson, Catherine (2000) Imagined geographies: women's negotiation of space in contemporary Australian cinema, 1988-98. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2000. https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/312/.
Повний текст джерелаSimpson, Catherine. "Imagined geographies : women's negotiation of space in contemporary Australian cinema, 1988-98 /." Simpson, Catherine (2000) Imagined geographies: women's negotiation of space in contemporary Australian cinema, 1988-98. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2000. http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/312/.
Повний текст джерелаTorstensson, Niclas. "An Analysis of the Cost for Adhering to the ECSS Standards in the Space Industry." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sektionen för datavetenskap och kommunikation, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-2556.
Повний текст джерелаWainwright, Emma M. "Gender, space and power : discourses on working women in Dundee's jute industry, c. 1870-1930." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/12450.
Повний текст джерелаEerbeek, van Peter. "Thai local brokers in the Swedish berry industry : Roles and positions across time and space." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för geografi, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-160800.
Повний текст джерелаAhmad, Ehsan, and Bilal Raza. "Towards Optimization of Software V&V Activities in the Space Industry [Two Industrial Case Studies]." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Avdelningen för programvarusystem, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-3379.
Повний текст джерелаUtveckling av programvara för hög funktionssäkra rymden applikationer och system är en formidabel uppgift. Med nya politiska och marknadsmässiga trycket på rymdindustrin att leverera mer mjukvara till en lägre kostnad, optimering av deras metoder och standarder måste utredas. Industrin har att följa standarder som absolut uppsättningar kvalitetsmål och föreskriver tekniska processer och metoder för att uppfylla dem. Det övergripande målet för denna studie är att utvärdera om den nuvarande användningen av ECSS standarder är kostnaden effektivt och om det finns sätt att göra processen smidigare och samtidigt bibehålla kvaliteten och för att analysera om V & V verksamhet kan optimeras. Detta dokument presenterar resultat från två industriella fallstudier av företag inom den europeiska rymdindustrin som är Följande ECSS krav och ha olika V & V verksamhet. Fallstudierna redovisas här fokuserat på hur ECSS standarder som används av företag och hur detta påverkat deras processer och hur deras V & V verksamhet kan optimeras.
Olukayode, Falayi Elijah. "Statistical Analysis of Geomagnetic Storms Global Effects and Space Weather Influence on Energy and Fuel Industry." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.506921.
Повний текст джерелаArkaraprasertkul, Non. "Locating Shanghai: Globalization, Heritage Industry, and the Political Economy of Urban Space in a Chinese Metropolis." Thesis, Harvard University, 2016. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:33493323.
Повний текст джерелаAnthropology
Smiech, Teissandier Magdalena. "Internationalization of small firms : influence of institutional logics and firms' responses to institutional complexity : case of subcontracting SMEs in the space industry in France." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU10041.
Повний текст джерелаOur thesis has for purpose to explain how subcontracting SMEs evolving in changing and globalized space industry respond to institutional complexity whilst going international. We refer to the literature on SMEs’ internationalization: processual approaches, International Entrepreneurship, research investigating more specifically subcontracting firms and their modes of internationalization, as well to institutional logics perspective. We conducted a single-embedded qualitative case study in the space industry in France with five subcontracting SMEs, carried out 4 open-ended interviews, 35 semi-structured interviews, took part in 2 international events and 3 professional meetings and analyzed 830 pages of field material related to the space industry. Our analysis shows that social actors involved in space activities and SMEs perceive two institutional logics: Space as National Pride and Space as Global. These both logics drive institutional change which creates institutional uncertainty and institutional disequilibrium between French and international markets. Despite the same changing context, the five SMEs adapt different strategies reflected in different patterns of internationalization. We suggest that this variation may be explain by each SME’s receptivity to institutional change and more particularly by the meaning associated to the impact of change on firms’ activities perceived as: either local threat, status quo, ambiguity, international threat, or potential growth. Furthermore, we suggest that receptivity to institutional change and more particularly the attitude associated to the French space industry, with namely: loyalty to one big contractor, inconsistency, historical ties, new dynamic needed, and detachment may contribute to reinforce the type of strategy and to shape patterns of internationalization
Повний текст джерелаGabor, Tatar. "Exploring Megaproject Governance with Regard to Collaboration : The case of the International Space Station." Thesis, KTH, Fastigheter och byggande, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-302363.
Повний текст джерелаVårt samhälle är mer beroende av problemlösning på en globalnivå där specifikt Megaprojekt är en form för att lösa denna utmaning. Även om vissa av dem ska ge svar på de allvarligaste problemen i vår tid, är vår kunskap om dem paradoxalt dålig vilket leder till ekonomiska förluster. De områden som särskilt kräver uppmärksamhet är projektarkitekturen, relationer och innovativa styrningslösningar som främjar samarbete. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att undersöka hur megaprojekt styrs gällande samarbetet mellan vetenskapligt fokuserat mellanstatliga projekt. Uppsatsen skapar en ökad förståelse av megaprojekt, styrning och samarbete. Därefter identifieras hur styrning påverkar samarbetet över motsägelserna mellan kontroll och flexibilitet inom den International Space Station (ISS). ISS är ett av de mest erkända exemplen på megaprojekt. Man har funnit att både avtals- och relationell styrning bör vara närvarande inom megaprojektstyrning. Eftersom historiskt avtalsmässiga arrangemang är dominansstyrning krävs mer fokus på den relationella motsvarigheten. Den fem huvuddelarna av ISS styrning, rättsligt ramverk, organisationsstruktur, mål, roller och finansieringssystem är huvudsakligen relaterade till avtalsstyrning vilket underlättar kontroll. Delarna visas även ha mekanismer som främjar flexibilitet vilket skapar en plattform för kommande samarbetsmetoder. Den högsta nivån i den rättsliga ramen ger stabilitet medan de lägre nivåerna främjar möjligheter att genomföra förändringar i programmet. Målen med ISS fungerar som en stark motivator som sätter de gemensamma målen framför partnerländernas individuella dagordningar. Gällande finansiering tillhandahåller systemet med naturbidrag genom byteshandel en annan uppsättning incitament jämfört med den traditionellt använda finansieringen och stöder vidare samarbetsmiljön genom att bygga närmare relationer med industripartners. Exemplet på ISS avslöjade värdefulla lärdomar för att bättre förstå mellanstatliga megaprojekt och lösa framtidens utmaningar som påverkar oss.
Ebata, Joanne Michi. "The transition from war to peace : politics, political space and the peace process industry in Mozambique, 1992-1995." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1999. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/427/.
Повний текст джерелаFrench, Shuan. "Bristol and the reconfiguration of financial space in the UK : fields of learning in the life assurance industry." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.266901.
Повний текст джерелаNittler, Josefine, and Mattias Ahlsén. "Key components of building customer trust in the space industry : An investigation of the future of satellite applications." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-447558.
Повний текст джерелаSandström, Anders. "Mining in Zero Gravity." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-150623.
Повний текст джерелаWen, Bin-Yuan, and 溫炳原. "Imagination of New Industry Space." Thesis, 1999. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/37471155761880536008.
Повний текст джерелаWAN, LAN-TSENG, and 王欄蓁. "Exhibited Space Reuse of the International MICE Industry." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/02796175721642931454.
Повний текст джерела國立彰化師範大學
Nowadays in 21st century of innovation, the technology progresses as well as the information expresses rapidly. To enhance the basic structure and to eliminate the rural-urban divide are common goals of most countries, and even more to achieve a globalized development in order to connect to other countries worldwide. In order to master the worldtrend and grasp the opportunity for development, the role of the MICE industry in Taiwan is slightly becoming important. "2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition Taipei in 2005 to the International Association of Horticultural Producers," This exhibition is the first organized large-scale international professional exposition, however, the large Expo will be held with the planning subject to comprehensive and long-term considerations, the exhibition will invest a lot of manpower and materials need to be imposed even large tracts of land, proper planning of the overall exhibition Exhibition of use value, the current hot topics, and subsequent use of large-scale exhibition pavilion space has also become an important urban planning a ring. In this study, the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition cases collected Taipei City Government International Flower Fair Foundation reserves the detailed planning for the exhibition hall, and then through the questionnaire analysis and in-depth interviews, pavilions surrounding residents and businesses for the Taipei International Flora Expo Exhibition Museum subsequent utilization of the view, with reference to foreign success Stories View Taipei International flower Expo venues underutilized, for the problems faced by the pavilion and related recommendations. 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo has officially ended in 2011, but this event is not only Taiwan one step closer international stage also brought about a major transformation in the overall appearance of Taipei, the government needs to take better planning and to establish the future development goals, the pavilion space reserved toward the development of sustainable utilization.
Chuang, Chen-Yih, and 莊政益. "Job Scheduling in Machinery Industry with Space Constrain." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/66764543895500728029.
Повний текст джерела東海大學
In Taiwan, the government's Two Trillion, Twin Star industry plan has prompted the development of the large-sized TFT-LCD panel industry. The new equipment demand from TFT-LCD manufacturers drove local TFT-LCD equipment makers growing rapidly. TFT-LCD equipments have to be assembled in high-cost clean room. The factory space for assembly is one of critical resources for TFT-LCD equipment makers. In the past, many researches discussed job shop or single machine scheduling problems with time constraint. In machinery, factory space constrains scheduling. The most common way for scheduling jobs in machinery industry is to assign jobs based on experience. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to derive a method to schedule jobs for machinery industry, develop new dispatching rules, and investigate effects of traditional and new dispatching rules under different performance measures. In this research, we develop an algorithm, Northwest corner searching algorithm to schedule jobs into the shop floor. In addition, two space dispatching rules, largest space requirement (LSR) and smallest space requirement (SSR), are also developed for sequencing jobs. We employ randomized block design to investigate how different dispatching rules perform under different measures. After the simulation experiments and analysis of results, the LSR rule performs well under two performance measures (makespan and mean space utilization) and EDD performs well under three performance measures (makespan, total tardiness and mean flow time). We find dispatching rules affect most of performance measures significantly (except number of tardy jobs). The idea of this study caused from TFT-LCD equipment industry, but the algorithm and scheduling program can applied to similar machinery industry. They can help production planers to analyze the performances of scheduling in advance.
Bostad, Mathew Curtis. "A case for strategic change in the new space age." Thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/ETD-UT-2010-12-2357.
Повний текст джерелаtext
Chyn, Chuen-Maw, and 秦椿茂. "The Optimal Allocation of Shelf Space in Distribution Industry." Thesis, 1997. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/12902258190498079270.
Повний текст джерела大葉工學院
To promote the sales of a retail store in the distribution industry, we used to focus on all kinds of promotion methods but ignore the value brought by display techniques. According to past experiences, the way the products displayed on the shelves affects sales volume. An appropriate display technique may create a selling place that the customers can watch, select, and purchase products easily, and may prevent product shortage in the stores.There are varieties of products along with large volumes in a shop. However, the shelf space is limited. If the methods adopted to classify and display products is inappropriate, the customers can hardly buy what they want. Even with hundreds and thousands of products, it is absolutely useless for sales increase. Therefore, to fully utilize the sales space, it is very important to find an efficient method to allocate products onto shelf space.In this research, we first investigated factors such as consumer behaviors, facility equipment, and cost structure that affect shelf space allocation behavior. From the results, we constructed a mathematical model by defining the decision variables, the objective function, main factors and their corresponding constraints. Through proper solution procedures, we then determined the best shelf space allocation plan.In order to verify the correctness and the applicability of the model, we apply a set of real data as the test basis. Through the sensitivity analysis, we conducted further analysis about factors of the shelf space allocation model and tried to find their effects. The results derived from the research can truly offer the distribution industry a reference tool to allocate the shelf space for different products.
Chung, Yi-Ling, and 鍾依伶. "Consumer Culture of Creative Industry: Social Space and Audience." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/x4u3nw.
Повний текст джерела國立交通大學
Abstract In Taiwan, Culture Creative Industry was promoted by the government. The revisiting of Culture Policy was seen as an economy growth driver. Therefore, the government rebuilt the social spaces as fields- Cultural parks. For the audience, to engage and to experience leisure is to be social included and being life-improving. In the study, ‘social policy’, ‘social spaces’ and ‘consumer culture’ are invoked as analysis frame to understand how the cultural parks could benefit the participants of the culture creative industry, also, to know the thoughts of the audience about the relationship between culture creative industry and the meaning of consumption behavior. In the research, in-depth interview, participant observation and second hand data analysis, three quality research methods are conducted to understand the core issues of culture creative industry happening in Taiwan. The most important findings are: the culture creative industry is conducting without coordinated policy and industries; the cultural parks are the main fields for the industry growth, however, the most activities happened here are based on the consumer culture. Which means the government tries to create a national aesthetics through culture creative industry provision, but it turns out to make the audience become slaves to the consumer culture. Keywords: Culture creative industry, Cultural policy, Social space, Cultural park, Consumer culture
CHEN, Ching-Pei, and 陳靜珮. "Sugar Refining Industry: Historical Imprints on Place and Space." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/44272908133998493166.
Повний текст джерела國立臺灣大學
Abstract The sugar is close to everybody''s daily life; it involves agriculture, industry and commerce section as the product. The sugar industry once influenced more than hundreds of thousands of peasants and landscape in Taiwan for hundred years. In this article the sugar industry is considered as an intermediary of people and land on the smaller scale of region (Chi-Wei). The author aims to explore local characters, the time-space process of sugar industry developing, interaction between people and land, the cultural turn after sugar industry declining with a structuration approach and thick description and narrative method. The results of study appear: National economic policy influences critically local sugar industry for a long time. Official interfering in Ch’ing era, people from China copied the life style in the native land, developed the sugar culture on Chi-Wei and replaced aboriginals by better agricultural knowledge. Japanese Occupation, the governor dominated local sugar industry by political power, and established Chi-Wei in the leading position to development of sugar refining industry in region. The systems of police put down ethnicity''s conflict, promoted them into peasants and staff in sugar refining industry too. Through much better farming and sugar refining technique peasant involved in the rhythm of sugar refining industry, the sugar refining industry strengthened the interaction between peasant and land. The Nationalist Party and government followed the old system of Japanese Occupation to promote the sugar refining industry. However, after accumulating enough foreign currency, the industrialized policy damaged the sugar industry. The local sugar industry given up entirely due to labor cost raising, the international sugar industry declining, the market unstable changing, sugar import opening (1991), sugarcane cultivation stopping (1995), business of refining sugar stopping (2002), and Taiwan joining WTO. Recently, the sugar refining industry convert its cultural value because it constantly influence on people and land more than hundreds years. Several suggestions will be made for the local culture transition in this research: 1. Connect the local and regional (Chishan & Meinung) characteristics for taking more power and conviction. 2. Begin disscusion for common understanding of sugar industry and local characteristics identification, and win over the management of the sugar culture. The cultural transition of local sugar refining industry relies on local people and place; therefore, the discourse or relevant meaning of sugar refining industry will be more consequential. 3. Benefit from the peasants and staff of sugar refining industry who contributed to sugar industry in the past. They are all the key media and pushing hands of sugar culture.
Chen, Jen-Jie, and 陳振杰. "Taiwan's Yacht Industry Development Context in Time and Space." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/75057796319717851068.
Повний текст джерела國立高雄師範大學
The purpose of this study are as follows: first, to find out the inheritance of the transformational process by discussing the development of Taiwan’s yacht insustry in time and space; secondly, to expore the innovative network of the industry clusters by analyzing the production networks and the way towards industrial innovation; finally, to propose some suggestions to overcome the obstacles to the development of yacht leisure industry with a close look at the local demand of the yacht leisure industry, the institutional environment as well as the development constraints. The meothds of this study are document analysis and in-depth interview with 43 interviews. The results show that the U.S. armies stationed in Taiwan introduce the yacht industry and Taiwan’s yacht manufacture had the chance to develpe the technology. Howerver, with the stable profits from OEM, the manufactures lacked the stress and motivation to develope their own brands. Because of this, it is difficut to learn new skills to avoid the the effect of the lock-in. With weak demand in the global yacht market from late 1980s, Taiwan's yacht industry was in rapid decline. Many manufacturers had closed down or laid off. Parts of the factories moved to China to produce small yachts, while the remaining yacht manufacturers in Taiwan strived to transite towards the development of large-scale and customization, and reduced dependence on a single market. In the beginning, the yacht manufactures were distributed along the Tamsui River near Sanchih, Bali and Jinshan. With the increasing number of yacht manufacturers and the consideration of the labor market, land and wage costs, yacht manufacturing location was no longer confined to the northern region. The new yacht factories were located in the industrial zones instead of along the river or coast. Howerver, as the yacht develops in size, restrictions on the transportation makes the yacht factories move to the coastal location. Under the OEM mode, Taiwan yacht manufacturing is the type of BDCCs. Therefore, it is difficult to have the autonomy of design and marketing. With the increase of manufacturing costs, Taiwan yacht industy jumped from OEM production to brand customization. On the one hand, geographical proximity of the firms and contractor's liquidity make yacht skills diffusion. Meanwhile, friendship between the engineers accelerates the flow of knowledge within the region through formal and informal exchange. This is the embeddedness of the cluster. On the other hand, USDDC offers technology development and personnel training. MIRDC helps fims set up industry alliance to overcome skill problems. Through the above ways, the innovative learning of the yacht cluster makes the industry sticky to the local. Because of the marine ban in the early stage, there was no yacht domestic market in Taiwan. Nevertheless, with the rise of domestic maritime activities, it is worthwhile to develope the yacht lesiure industry. This study proposes four recommendations to promote yacht industry. (1) Having the yachts dedicated agency. (2) Establishing more marinas and encouraging private investment in the industry of the yacht. (3) Enhancing the needs of yacht activities and focuing on the private personal use of the yacht. (4) Establishing the yacht Clubs to plan for the marine leisure activities. If there is lack of domestic market in the yacht industry, it is hard to promote the related economic development. The yacht manufacturing only supported by the social resources will never become the so-called "yacht industry." Therefore, promoting yacht lesiure industry enables people to enjoy the yacht recreation, and it is helpful to consolidate the basis of the yacht industry. The yacht made and desinged by the user in Taiwan will be a better brand benefit.
Hsu, Yen-Jui, and 許延睿. "The Exploration of Industry Opportunity for Intelligent Dwelling Space." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/j75bnq.
Повний текст джерела國立臺北科技大學
The main theme is the importance of worldwide real estate for 15 years the tide of the economy, for the government to actively promote the development of Taiwan the intelligent dwelling space’s related industries. And for the need’s of global social, economic and technological developments, and to meet the people living environment for the safety, health, convenience, comfort, energy-saving, that are wisdom of the intelligent dwelling space has become the computer, cell phone, the wisdom of vehicles under a technology integration innovative carrier as its main purpose of the research area. This research method are from the intelligent dwelling space into the demand, for use of Quality Function Deployment (QFD)as the principle, that are able to successful to found the intelligent dwelling space’s related products, systems and services’ opportunities and predict the further screening worthwhile investment related industries. Finally, through the results of the research will be the key to successful industrial research and competitive factors in Chinese manufacturers made into priority projects proposed industrial strategy.