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Catalani, Marco <1988&gt. "Rivalutazione turistica della località Nevegàl: strategie e proposte per la creazione di uno smart territory." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/3838.

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Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Frucquet, Pascal. "Politiques de "Smart City" et (co-)création de valeur publique locale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024PAUU2167.

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Le nombre de publications académiques consacrées à la "Smart City", toutes disciplines confondues, a été multiplié par plus de dix entre 2015 et 2021 (Sharifi et al. 2021). Depuis, cette dynamique s'est amplifiée et s'accompagne d'une très grande diversité de définitions. Toutes ont cependant comme point commun de positionner les technologies numériques et les données massives au service d'une ambition de création de valeur multidimensionnelle au bénéfice de l'ensemble des champs d'activités et des fonctions de la gestion urbaine et territoriale.Toutefois, le succès international de la "Smart City" n'a pas été accompagné par une dynamique équivalente en Management Public. Pourtant, plusieurs auteurs ont alerté sur l'importance de comprendre les impacts de la mise en œuvre des politiques de "Smart City" sur la gouvernance et le management des organisations publique locales, afin qu'elles soient créatrices de valeur publique (Grossi et al., 2020; Rodríguez Bolívar, 2019).Aussi, l'objectif de cette thèse a été de penser la "Smart City" en tant que « situation de gestion » (Raulet-Croset, 2008, 2016), en identifiant un objet d'étude, les politiques de "Smart City", et en posant la question de recherche suivante : Comment les politiques de "Smart City" peuvent-elles être créatrices de valeur publique ?Ainsi, un dispositif méthodologique a été élaboré conjuguant revue narrative et systématique de littérature, et observations empiriques. Celles-ci ont été réalisées dans le cadre de deux recherches-actions, d'une série d'entretiens exploratoires, puis de quatre études longitudinales de cas enchâssés. Les collectivités locales françaises ont été choisies comme terrain d'étude compte tenu de la diversité des déploiements du concept de "Smart City" et de la richesse de « la réalité des territoires connectés » (Data Publica & KPMG, 2021).Nos travaux permettent d'abord de proposer un schéma général d'analyse du processus de création de valeur publique par les politiques de "Smart City". Ils conduisent ensuite à mettre en évidence la transformation de la gouvernance locale consécutive à la conduite de telles politiques dans le sens d'une approche équilibrée entre proactivité et ouverture (Carassus et Baldé 2020). Nous précisons également les impacts différenciés de ces deux dimensions sur les types de valeur publique créés, en soulignant la capacité de la gouvernance ouverte à adresser tous les types de valeur publique, à la différence de la gouvernance proactive. Toutefois, nous identifions un phasage plus ou moins subi entre proactivité et ouverture. Il s'explique par l'importance des questions de management des systèmes d'information et l'ampleur des transformations organisationnelles, qui induisent de fortes tensions sur les ressources en charge des pratiques de co-création.Ainsi, nous mettons en évidence un risque de création partielle, voire de destruction, de valeur publique par les politiques de "Smart City". L'enjeu est donc de réinterroger constamment le niveau et la nature des ressources affectées, en travaillant en transversalité et de manière agile. Dans cette dynamique, les démarches d'évaluation et de co-évaluation apparaissent comme importantes.Au final, cette thèse contribue à l'agenda de recherche international sur la création de valeur publique par les politiques de "Smart City" en proposant trois contributions théoriques : la conceptualisation de la "Smart City" sous forme de politiques publiques, l'opérationnalisation du triangle stratégique de la valeur publique de Moore (1955), et l'adaptation des cadres d'analyse de la gouvernance locale aux politiques de "Smart City". Ces contributions sont doublées d'un plan d'action à destination des managers publics locaux pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de politiques de "Smart City" créatrices de valeur publique. Enfin, nous esquissons plusieurs axes de recherche à destination des chercheurs en Sciences de Gestion souhaitant approfondir le sujet
The number of academic publications devoted to the Smart City, across all disciplines, increased more than tenfold between 2015 and 2021 (Sharifi et al. 2021). Since then, this trend has gathered pace, and is accompanied by a huge diversity of definitions. What they all have in common, however, is that they position digital technologies and massive data in the service of an ambition to create multidimensional value for the benefit of all the fields of activity and functions of urban and territorial management.However, the international success of the Smart City has not been matched by an equivalent dynamic in public management. Yet several authors have warned of the importance of understanding the impact of implementing Smart City policies on the governance and management of local public organizations, so that they can create public value (Grossi et al., 2020; Rodríguez Bolívar, 2019).Therefore, the aim of this thesis has been to think of the Smart City as a "management situation" (Raulet-Croset, 2008, 2016), by identifying an object of study, Smart City policies, and by posing the following research question: How can Smart City policies create public value?A methodological approach was developed, combining a narrative and systematic review of the literature with empirical observations. These were carried out as part of two action-research projects, a series of exploratory interviews and four longitudinal studies of embedded cases. French local authorities were chosen as the field of study given the diversity of deployments of the 'Smart City' concept and the richness of 'the reality of connected territories' (Data Publica & KPMG, 2021).Our work firstly enables us to propose a general framework for analyzing the process of creating public value through 'Smart City' policies. It then highlights the transformation of local governance resulting from the implementation of such policies, with a balanced approach between proactivity and openness (Carassus and Baldé 2020). We also specify the differentiated impacts of these two dimensions on the types of public value created, emphasizing the capacity of open governance to address all types of public value, unlike proactive governance. However, we identify a more or less deliberate phasing between proactivity and openness. This can be explained by the importance of information systems management issues and the scale of the organizational transformations, which put considerable strain on the resources responsible for co-creation practices.In this way, we are highlighting a risk of partial creation, or even destruction, of public value by "Smart City" policies. The challenge is therefore to constantly re-examine the level and nature of the resources allocated, working across the board and in an agile manner. As part of this process, evaluation and co-evaluation are important.In the end, this PhD dissertation contributes to the international research agenda on the creation of public value by Smart City policies by proposing three theoretical contributions: the conceptualization of the Smart City in the form of public policies, the operationalization of Moore's (1955) strategic triangle of public value, and the adaptation of local governance analysis frameworks to Smart City policies. These contributions are accompanied by an action plan for local public managers to design and implement Smart City policies that create public value. Finally, we outline several lines of research for Management Science researchers wishing to delve deeper into the subject
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Козловський, Д. О., та Ж. В. Лінчук. "Управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіону". Thesis, Чернігів, 2021. http://ir.stu.cn.ua/123456789/25344.

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Козловський, Д. О. Управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіону : випускна кваліфікаційна робота : 281 «Публічне управління та адміністрування» / Д. О. Козловський, Ж. В. Лінчук ; керівник роботи Н. В. Ткаленко ; НУ "Чернігівська політехніка", кафедра публічного управління та менеджменту організацій. – Чернігів, 2021. – 108 с.
Кваліфікаційна робота присвячена методам та механізмам управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіону. Метою виконання кваліфікаційної роботи є проведення теоретичного дослідження та розробка практичних заходів з управління соціально економічним розвитком на рівні регіону. В першому розділі розкрито теоретичні основи соціально-економічного розвитку регіону, а саме закономірності, особливості управління та організаційне забезпечення соціально-економічного розвитку регіону. У другому розділі проведено діагностику соціально-економічного розвитку конкретного регіону: загальна характеристика, аналіз експортно імпортної діяльності підприємств, аналіз показників розвитку промисловості та сільського господарства регіону. У третьому розділі запропоновано реалізувати стратегії смарт спеціалізації, визначено методичний підхід до відбору та оцінки проектів об’єднаної територіальної громади, визначено соціальний ефект від проектів територіальних громад.
Qualification thesis is devoted to methods and mechanisms of management of social and economic development of the region. The purpose of the qualification thesis is to conduct theoretical research and develop practical measures to manage socio-economic development at the regional level. The first chapter reveals the theoretical foundations of socio-economic development of the region, namely the laws, features of management and organizational support of socio-economic development of the region. The second chapter diagnoses the socio-economic development of a particular region: general characteristics, analysis of export-import activities of enterprises, analysis of indicators of industrial and agricultural development of the region. The third chapter proposes to implement smart specialization strategies, defines the methodological approach to the selection and evaluation of projects of the united territorial community, defines the social effect of projects of territorial communities.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Zucchinali, Valeria <1995&gt. "Smart Cities in Giappone: Influenza del territorio sullo sviluppo urbano sostenibile." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/16729.

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A partire dagli anni Settanta, con la nascita del concetto di sostenibilità ambientale e il miglioramento della tecnologia, lo sviluppo delle città è stato influenzato da politiche sempre più green e improntate sulla creazione di città tecnologiche. Dando così nascita a città intelligenti, le smart cities, costruite per soddisfare le esigenze di uno sviluppo sostenibile, una spinta economica per le aziende e i luoghi interessati e il miglioramento della qualità di vita del cittadino. Anche in Giappone sono stati attuati dei progetti per la costruzione di alcune smart cities. Ma il territorio giapponese è caratterizzato da una forte instabilità tettonica, che porta il paese a dover affrontare molte catastrofi naturali. In questa ricerca si vuole andare ad analizzare come i problemi ambientali caratterizzanti del territorio giapponese hanno influenzato la progettazione delle smart cities giapponesi. In particolare, si vuole esaminare come il triplice disastro dell’11 Marzo 2011 abbia influenzato lo sviluppo delle città in Giappone. Si possono riscontrare principalmente due ondate di progetti riguardanti le smart cities in Giappone, la prima ondata è datata 2010, l’anno precedente al disastro. Successivamente nel 2012 vengono ideati altri progetti. La ricerca vuole confrontare due smart cities, Keihanna Eco City (progettata nel 2010) e Fujisawa SST (progettata nel 2012), per verificare se sono presenti differenze significative per quanto riguarda le loro caratteristiche base, e se queste differenze possono essere imputabili al bisogno delle città giapponesi di prevenzione ai danni ambientali.
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Testoni, Chiara. "Towards Smart City. Amministrazione Pubblica e città italiane di media dimensione: strategie di governance per uno sviluppo intelligente, sostenibile e inclusivo del territorio." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11392/2389087.

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Grossi, Francesca <1983&gt. "Climate smart agriculture : beyond the theoretical definition." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/11973.

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It has been long recognized that effective climate policies need to account for economic, environmental and social impacts, exemplifying the notion of “triple-wins”. In the context, of rapid population growth and urbanization rate, this rationale has acquired even more impetus through the notion of climate smart agriculture applied to urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA), i.e. farming practices that take place within or on the fringe of a city. Notwithstanding, this increasing popularity of UPA as climate-smart strategy, substantial challenges still remain, especially in terms of impacts’ assessment. This research aims to contribute to fill existing knowledge gaps, through the development of triple-wins comparative analysis, enabling the practical investigation of UPA´s impacts, and thus a better understanding of whether and to which extent these farming practices can support the building of more resilient and sustainable cities in low and middle-income countries. Accordingly, it builds upon a multi-methods research design comprising of: qualitative content analysis, case study research, and a multiple criteria decision analysis method, the PROMETHEE II.
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Ciattaglia, Francesco. "L’architettura a supporto della Smart-Valley dell’Esino, mobilità smart per i centri minori della città diffusa del territorio delle Marche: il caso studio della Vallesina." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/242986.

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La ricerca messa in campo ha tentato di confrontarsi con l’attuale tematica delle smart-cities declinandola nel contesto dei centri minori delle Marche. Partendo dal riconoscimento di uno smart-land, la ricerca ha identificato nella Vallesina (smart-valley) un ambito territoriale tipo del territorio della Regione. Dalla costatazione che l’approccio alle smart-cities avviene con un’ottica multi-tematica che coinvolge diversi sotto-sistemi (economia, governo, mobilità, persone, abitare e ambiente), la ricerca ha tentato in prima battuta di sperimentare una piattaforma all’interno della quale poter inter-relazionare queste tematiche, inquadrandole all’interno di un processo metodologico orientato alla definizione di obiettivi ed azioni per uno sviluppo territoriale. La seconda parte del lavoro verte sull’applicazione della metodologia accennata al territorio di studio. La ricerca indaga come il mutamento dei modelli di mobilità abbia influito sulle dinamiche insediative dei centri minori, sugli impianti urbanistici delle loro espansioni e sul loro carattere edilizio fino a definire un quadro aggiornato. Le prospettive di analisi hanno sondato anche il rapporto che i sistemi infrastrutturali per la mobilità hanno tessuto con il territorio rurale e quello naturale costituito dall’ambito fluviale. Con un’ottica inter-scalare, tra sistema territoriale ed aree progetto pilota specifiche, la ricerca ha portato alla definizione di obiettivi ed azioni relativi alla tematica della mobilità. Nella prospettiva di ottimizzare l’utilizzo del mezzo privato sono state ipotizzate modifiche alle percorrenze dei trasporti pubblici e l’introduzione di una più spiccata e coordinata intermodalità tra i vari modi del trasporto puntando sulla separazione dei flussi, ottenuta con il potenziamento dell’infrastruttura ferroviaria valliva e il rafforzamento dei sistemi di trasporto trasversali di adduzione tra fondovalle e centri di crinale. Lo studio ipotizza anche l’introduzione del car-pooling e del trasporto a chiamata. La ricerca fornisce delle strategie e strumenti per il potenziamento del sistema della mobilità ciclabile alla scala intercomunale. La verifica di tali indagini è stata introdotta tramite delle sperimentazioni progettuali eseguite su aree progetto pilota dislocate in specifiche posizioni all’interno dell’area di studio della Vallesina.
The research fielded attempted to deal with the current issue of smart-cities declining it in the context of the smaller towns of the Marche Region. Starting from the concept recognition of smart-land, the research identified in Vallesina (smart-valley) a territorial type of the Region. By noting that the approach to smart-cities is done with a view multi-issue involving different sub-systems (economy, governance, mobility, people, living and environment), the research has tried at first to experience a platform which can inter-relate these issues, setting them within a methodological process-oriented definition of objectives and actions for territorial development. The second part of the work focuses on the application of the methodology mentioned in the study area. The research investigates how the change mobility patterns have influenced the settlement dynamics of the smaller towns, especially their expansion and the building up of their characters up to the actual image. Prospects analysis probed the relationships that the infrastructure systems for mobility have woven with the rural and natural territories. Using an inter-scalar view system between territorial areas and specific pilot project, the research has led to the definition of objectives and actions related to the theme of mobility. With the aime of optimize the use of private cars, changes to travel time of public transport and introduction of a stronger and coordinated intermodality between the different modes of transport were assumed focusing on the separation of flows, obtained with the upgrading of railway infrastructure and strengthening of transport systems cross-feed between the valley and ridge centers. The study also suggests the introduction of car-pooling and a new format of transport on demand. The research provides strategies and tools for the strengthening of bike mobility into the Vallesina territory. The test of these investigations was introduced by the design experiments performed on the pilot project areas located in specific locations along the Esino Valley.
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LAMPUGNANI, DAVIDE. "SMART CITIES E PROCESSI DI TRADUZIONE SOCIO-TECNICA. IL CASO DI TORINO SMART CITY." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/6764.

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La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del rapporto tra tecnologia e società all’interno del fenomeno delle smart cities. In particolare, facendo riferimento all’approccio dei Science and Technology Studies, il lavoro di ricerca si propone di indagare i processi di traduzione socio-tecnica dell’idea di “smart city” riferendosi empiricamente al campo italiano ed al caso della città di Torino. A livello concettuale e metodologico, si sottolinea la necessità di far dialogare ed integrare lo studio dettagliato dei processi socio-tecnici con il più ampio contesto storico entro cui questi si trovano inseriti. A livello storico, invece, la tesi traccia una traiettoria che, partendo dalla città reticolare moderna della metà dell’800 e risalendo fino ai movimenti delle intelligent cities e della smart growth degli anni ’90, arriva fino al rilancio globale della smart city nel biennio 2008-2009. Infine, a livello attuale, il lavoro pone in evidenza il rapporto ambivalente tra le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione socio-tecnica veicolate dagli attori imprenditoriali ed istituzionali internazionali e le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione sviluppate dalle città. Attraverso l’analisi del caso di Torino Smart City la tesi mostra le potenzialità insite nell’idea di “smart city” ed i rischi connessi alla riproduzione di forme di tecno-determinismo e tecno-utopismo.
The object of the thesis is the study of the relationship between technology and society within the phenomenon of smart cities. In particular, referring to the Science and Technology Studies approach, the research aims at investigating the processes of socio-technical translation of the “smart city” idea by empirically addressing the Italian field and the case study of the city of Turin. At conceptual and methodological level, we show the necessity of a dialogue and an integration between the thick description of socio-technical processes and the wider context within which these are embedded. At historical level, the thesis traces a trajectory that, starting from the modern networked city of mid ‘800 and continuing up to intelligent cities and smart growth movements of the 90s, reaches the global raising of the smart city in 2008-2009. Finally, at present, the work underlines the ambivalent relationship between narrations and forms of socio-technical translation pushed by entrepreneurial and international institutional actors and narrations and forms of translation developed by cities. By analyzing the case of Torino Smart City the thesis shows both the inherent potentialities of the “smart city” idea and the risks connected with the reproduction of forms of techno-determinism and techno-utopianism.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

LAMPUGNANI, DAVIDE. "SMART CITIES E PROCESSI DI TRADUZIONE SOCIO-TECNICA. IL CASO DI TORINO SMART CITY." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/6764.

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La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del rapporto tra tecnologia e società all’interno del fenomeno delle smart cities. In particolare, facendo riferimento all’approccio dei Science and Technology Studies, il lavoro di ricerca si propone di indagare i processi di traduzione socio-tecnica dell’idea di “smart city” riferendosi empiricamente al campo italiano ed al caso della città di Torino. A livello concettuale e metodologico, si sottolinea la necessità di far dialogare ed integrare lo studio dettagliato dei processi socio-tecnici con il più ampio contesto storico entro cui questi si trovano inseriti. A livello storico, invece, la tesi traccia una traiettoria che, partendo dalla città reticolare moderna della metà dell’800 e risalendo fino ai movimenti delle intelligent cities e della smart growth degli anni ’90, arriva fino al rilancio globale della smart city nel biennio 2008-2009. Infine, a livello attuale, il lavoro pone in evidenza il rapporto ambivalente tra le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione socio-tecnica veicolate dagli attori imprenditoriali ed istituzionali internazionali e le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione sviluppate dalle città. Attraverso l’analisi del caso di Torino Smart City la tesi mostra le potenzialità insite nell’idea di “smart city” ed i rischi connessi alla riproduzione di forme di tecno-determinismo e tecno-utopismo.
The object of the thesis is the study of the relationship between technology and society within the phenomenon of smart cities. In particular, referring to the Science and Technology Studies approach, the research aims at investigating the processes of socio-technical translation of the “smart city” idea by empirically addressing the Italian field and the case study of the city of Turin. At conceptual and methodological level, we show the necessity of a dialogue and an integration between the thick description of socio-technical processes and the wider context within which these are embedded. At historical level, the thesis traces a trajectory that, starting from the modern networked city of mid ‘800 and continuing up to intelligent cities and smart growth movements of the 90s, reaches the global raising of the smart city in 2008-2009. Finally, at present, the work underlines the ambivalent relationship between narrations and forms of socio-technical translation pushed by entrepreneurial and international institutional actors and narrations and forms of translation developed by cities. By analyzing the case of Torino Smart City the thesis shows both the inherent potentialities of the “smart city” idea and the risks connected with the reproduction of forms of techno-determinism and techno-utopianism.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Afaneh, Ahmad. "GIS – based urban information system for Sustainable and Smart Cities : application to "SunRise – Smart City" demonstrator." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL10220/document.

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La thèse porte sur l'utilisation du système d'information géographique (SIG) pour la construction du système d'information urbaine pour les villes durables et intelligentes. Le travail comprend à la fois le développement d'une méthodologie pour la construction du système d'information urbain basé sur le SIG et son application sur un démonstrateur à grande échelle de la ville intelligente et durable (projet SunRise Smart City).La thèse comporte quatre parties :La première partie comporte une analyse bibliographique des travaux réalisés sur les thèmes relatifs à ce travail de thèse à savoir : l'émergence de la ville, les concepts de Ville Durable et de Ville Intelligent, le système d'information géographique (SIG) et son application sur l’environnement urbain.Le deuxième chapitre présente l'application du SIG pour la construction du système d'information urbaine du campus scientifique de l'Université de Lille, qui est utilisé comme site de démonstration pour le projet « SunRise Smart City ». Le système d'informations urbaines comprend des informations sur les bâtiments du campus, ainsi que les réseaux urbains.Le troisième chapitre présente l'utilisation du SIG pour la visualisation des données dynamiques des réseaux urbains, qui sont collectées par des capteurs intelligents. Le chapitre présente la méthodologie suivie pour la visualisation dynamique de ces données, ainsi que l'application de cette méthode sur les données de consommation d'eau.Le dernier chapitre présente l'utilisation du BIM dans le système d'information urbain SunRise. La méthodologie est d'abord présentée, puis elle est appliquée sur un bâtiment du campus
The thesis concerns the use of the Geographic information system (GIS) for the construction of urban information system for Sustainable and Smart Cities. The work includes both the development of a methodology for the construction of the GIS-based urban information system and its application on to the large-scale demonstrator of the Smart and Sustainable City (SunRise Smart City).The thesis is composed of four parts. The first part includes a state of the art on the emergence of the Smart City Concept and the achievements in this area. It also presents the Geographic Information System (GIS) and its use in both environmental and urban areas.The second chapter presents the application of the GIS for the construction of the Urban Information System of the Scientific Campus of the University of Lille, which is used as a demonstration site for the project SunRise Smart City. The urban information system includes information about the campus buildings as well as the urban networks. The third chapter presents the use of the GIS for the visualization of dynamic data concerning urban networks, which is collected by smart sensors. The chapter presents the methodology followed for the dynamic data visualization as well as the application of this methodology on the water consumption data.The last chapter presents the use of the BIM in the SunRise urban information system for the management of buildings. The methodology is first presented then it is applied to a building of the Campus
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Bertollo, Manuel <1996&gt. "Smart Territories e rilancio del Turismo Rurale Un possibile Ecosistema Digitale di Business per il territorio dell'Oglio-Po." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/20850.

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L'elaborato si pone come obiettivo quello di presentare una possibile soluzione di territorio smart per l'ambito territoriale Oglio-Po in Lombardia. La scelta del territorio ricade sul fatto che esso è sito geograficamente in una posizione equidistante da importanti centri quali Mantova, Cremona e Parma, ma allo stesso tempo soffre di difficoltà logistiche e di movimentazione, in quanto racchiuso tra due fiumi e non ben servito dalle arterie stradali e ferroviarie. Inoltre, è territorio diviso fra due Gruppi di Azioni Locale diversi, il che incide profondamente sulle modalità di gestione della pratica turistica. Punto di forza è comunque la forte componente rurale e paesaggistica che, fondendo insieme elementi naturali e culturali, crea un paesaggio culturale unico che bene si presta a seguire il movimento di rilancio dei territori rurali post-covid.
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CARCIOTTI, SARA. "SMART CRUISE DESTINATION un approccio innovativo a network nella gestione delle connessioni tra il turismo crocieristico, le destinazioni turistiche e il territorio." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11368/2997299.

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In un periodo come questo, di crisi economica, di crisi ambientale e di crisi delle risorse, la gestione dei flussi nella città-porto può consentire il passaggio da una crescita incontrollata del turismo a uno sviluppo circolare della destinazione turistica e in senso più ampio del territorio. Perché questo sia possibile, è necessario introdurre il concetto di governance a rete i cui aspetti caratterizzanti sono la gestione di informazioni multidirezionali, complesse e di diversa origine e natura. La costante necessità di etichette, come ad esempio “turismo sostenibile e responsabile”, rivelano immediatamente l’esistenza di un problema legato all’impatto che l’industria del turismo può avere sul territorio e sulla società. Finora, in molte destinazioni la valorizzazione degli aspetti economici del fenomeno turistico ha prevalso sull’esigenza di salvaguardare l’ambiente urbano, l’ambiente naturale e le persone promuovendo azioni slegate tra di loro. In questo quadro d’insieme, la domanda che la tesi si pone è se il turismo, e nello specifico quello crocieristico, sia in maggior misura un’opportunità di sviluppo o un’attività intrusiva per la destinazione, indagando su come mitigare o compensare gli aspetti negativi dei flussi turistici di massa. Essendo questo tipo di turismo apparentemente un fenomeno inarrestabile risulta importante mettere in discussione le strategie di governance finora applicate e sfruttare questo periodo di stasi dovuto dalla pandemia COVID-19 per ripensare gli strumenti di gestione in un’ottica più sostenibile. Dallo stato dell’arte emerge come in molte destinazioni caratterizzate dai flussi crocieristici (ad es. Venezia, Dubrovnik e Barcellona), la domanda turistica supera l’offerta urbana, e di conseguenza, avvicinandosi al limite della capacità di carico, la destinazione diventa invivibile sia per i residenti che per i turisti. Al giorno d’oggi, la destinazione turistica che desidera essere al passo con i tempi ha la necessità di essere sempre più uno spazio che si configura come un insieme di luoghi attrattivi, di servizi, di domande e offerte, di azioni globali e contemporaneamente locali, oltre che uno spazio caratterizzato da elementi personalizzabili. Cambiare rotta è una sfida difficile, tuttavia sviluppare una consapevolezza del rapporto multimodale tra turismo e territorio può essere l’inizio per estrarre valore dal territorio piuttosto che creare valore dallo stesso. Questa tesi approfondisce il dibattito in corso concentrandosi su una categoria innovativa di intervento soft, volta a riequilibrare i rapporti nella città-porto del Mediterraneo caratterizzata dal boom del turismo crocieristico. La ricerca mira a definire un modello di gestione integrato della domanda e dell’offerta attraverso l’uso delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (ICT), che consenta di: migliorare il benessere del residente nella destinazione, aumentare la soddisfazione da parte del turista dell’esperienza turistica, rispettare il territorio in un’ottica sostenibile, utilizzare il network per creare nuove opportunità, aumentare il valore economico della destinazione e incrementare le ricadute positive sulle attività degli stakeholder che ne fanno parte. A supporto di questi intenti, la tesi propone la Smart Cruise Destination, un modello di gestione che si basa su una categoria di intervento volta a co-creare la destinazione turistica intesa come servizio sia per i residenti che per i turisti attraverso l’uso di una piattaforma tecnologica. Il contributo principale di questa tesi è l'introduzione in questo contesto di un Sistema di Supporto alle Decisioni (DSS). Il framework proposto consiste in una combinazione di conoscenze e dati distribuiti e accessibili che possono dare a tutti gli stakeholder l'opportunità di basare le decisioni riguardanti le politiche, lo sviluppo e le attività su basi solide e razionali.
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Mosannenzadeh, Farnaz. "Smart Energy City Development in Europe: Towards Successful Implementation." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2016. https://hdl.handle.net/11572/368407.

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Smart energy city (SEC) development is a component of the urban development initiative smart city, which has been a popular response to the global energy challenge in Europe during the past two decades. SEC development aims to increase the sustainability of urban energy systems and services. Since 2011, SEC development has been supported by the European Commission as part of the Strategic Energy Technology plan (SET-Plan) and through the European Union Programmes for Research and Technological Development (specifically FP7 and Horizon 2020). This, along with the promising vision of SEC development and considerable financial support by the private sector, has encouraged numerous European cities to initiate SEC projects. Successful implementation of these projects at the urban scale is crucial to achievement of urban energy objectives and sustainability of future urban development. The here presented thesis aims to support urban decision-makers towards successful implementation of urban scale smart energy city development in Europe. The study includes three stages. The first stage is dedicated to conceptual analysis. Within this stage, I conceptualized smart city through a keyword analysis of existing literature on the concept. Then, within the context of the smart city concept, I defined SEC development through literature review and expert knowledge elicitation. The second stage is dedicated to empirical investigation. Using the definition of SEC development, I distinguished and investigated 43 previously implemented SEC projects to identify common barriers that hinder successful implementation of SEC development. In addition, I proposed a new multi-dimensional methodology that allows a simultaneous prioritization of barriers against their probability, the level of impact, scale, origin, and relationship with other barriers. The third stage of the thesis is dedicated to learning methodologies that allow efficient transfer of knowledge from the past SEC experiences to the new SEC developments. I introduced the application of two learning methodologies that support decision-makers to predict barriers to the implementation of a new SEC project: case-based learning and decision tree learning. The former predicts barriers based on internal similarities between the new SEC project and the past projects. The latter uses the past projects and creates a predictive model for each barrier based on internal and external project characteristics. These models are later used to predict barriers to a new SEC project. Both methodologies were tested in a new SEC project, named SINFONIA. The conceptual analysis revealed that application of information and communication technologies, the collaboration of multiple stakeholders, integration of multiple urban domains, and sustainability evaluation are the constant characteristics (i.e. principles) of smart city and SEC development. It resulted in, to the best of my knowledge, the first multi-dimensional and comprehensive definition of SEC development, revealing its principles, objectives, domains of intervention, stakeholders, time and spatial dimensions. Furthermore, a list of smart energy solutions in each SEC domain of intervention was provided. The empirical investigation of the past SEC projects resulted in the identification of 35 common barriers to the implementation of SEC development, categorized in policy, administrative, legal, financial, market, environmental, technical, social, and information and awareness dimensions. The barrier prioritization showed that barriers related to collaborative planning, external funding of the project, providing skilled personnel, and fragmented ownership should be the key action priorities for SEC project coordinators. Application of case-based learning methodology resulted in identifying five past SEC projects that were the most similar to the SINFONIA project in terms of project internal characteristics. Investigating the barriers to the similar projects revealed that fragmented ownership is the most probable barrier to implementation of SINFONIA project. Application of the decision trees methodology resulted in generation of 20 barrier models, four of which showed a very good performance in prediction of barriers: lack of values and interest in energy optimization measures, time-consuming requirements by European Commission concerning reporting and accountancy, economic crisis, and local unfavorable regulations for innovative technologies. None of these four barriers were predicted to occur in the SINFONIA project. The application of this method in the SINFONIA showed a higher predicting power when a barrier was absent. The findings of the here presented thesis contribute to successful implementation of SEC development by supporting decision-makers in different phases of SEC projects. The results of the conceptual analysis contribute to a common understanding and foster the dialogue on the concept among various SEC stakeholders, particularly decision-makers and urban planners. The results of the empirical investigation lead to a better comprehension and evaluation of the barriers to the implementation of SEC projects in order to efficiently allocate resources to mitigate barriers. The proposed learning methodologies proved to be promising in helping decision-makers to identify similar projects to a new SEC development and to predict barriers to the implementation of new SEC projects. The thesis concludes that SEC is an outstanding urban development that can make a valuable contribution to the sustainability of urban energy systems. The specific characteristics of SEC development pose new challenges to the future smart and sustainable urban planning. Nevertheless, SEC development brings about unprecedented opportunities for integration and application of advanced quantitative techniques with current urban planning methods. This allows efficient knowledge transfer in not only intra-urban but also inter-urban levels in order to provide a collaborative, integrated and constructive movement towards successful implementation of SEC projects and sustainability of future urban development.
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Mosannenzadeh, Farnaz. "Smart Energy City Development in Europe: Towards Successful Implementation." Doctoral thesis, University of Trento, 2016. http://eprints-phd.biblio.unitn.it/1758/1/PhD_Thesis-Mosannenzadeh-2016.pdf.

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Smart energy city (SEC) development is a component of the urban development initiative smart city, which has been a popular response to the global energy challenge in Europe during the past two decades. SEC development aims to increase the sustainability of urban energy systems and services. Since 2011, SEC development has been supported by the European Commission as part of the Strategic Energy Technology plan (SET-Plan) and through the European Union Programmes for Research and Technological Development (specifically FP7 and Horizon 2020). This, along with the promising vision of SEC development and considerable financial support by the private sector, has encouraged numerous European cities to initiate SEC projects. Successful implementation of these projects at the urban scale is crucial to achievement of urban energy objectives and sustainability of future urban development. The here presented thesis aims to support urban decision-makers towards successful implementation of urban scale smart energy city development in Europe. The study includes three stages. The first stage is dedicated to conceptual analysis. Within this stage, I conceptualized smart city through a keyword analysis of existing literature on the concept. Then, within the context of the smart city concept, I defined SEC development through literature review and expert knowledge elicitation. The second stage is dedicated to empirical investigation. Using the definition of SEC development, I distinguished and investigated 43 previously implemented SEC projects to identify common barriers that hinder successful implementation of SEC development. In addition, I proposed a new multi-dimensional methodology that allows a simultaneous prioritization of barriers against their probability, the level of impact, scale, origin, and relationship with other barriers. The third stage of the thesis is dedicated to learning methodologies that allow efficient transfer of knowledge from the past SEC experiences to the new SEC developments. I introduced the application of two learning methodologies that support decision-makers to predict barriers to the implementation of a new SEC project: case-based learning and decision tree learning. The former predicts barriers based on internal similarities between the new SEC project and the past projects. The latter uses the past projects and creates a predictive model for each barrier based on internal and external project characteristics. These models are later used to predict barriers to a new SEC project. Both methodologies were tested in a new SEC project, named SINFONIA. The conceptual analysis revealed that application of information and communication technologies, the collaboration of multiple stakeholders, integration of multiple urban domains, and sustainability evaluation are the constant characteristics (i.e. principles) of smart city and SEC development. It resulted in, to the best of my knowledge, the first multi-dimensional and comprehensive definition of SEC development, revealing its principles, objectives, domains of intervention, stakeholders, time and spatial dimensions. Furthermore, a list of smart energy solutions in each SEC domain of intervention was provided. The empirical investigation of the past SEC projects resulted in the identification of 35 common barriers to the implementation of SEC development, categorized in policy, administrative, legal, financial, market, environmental, technical, social, and information and awareness dimensions. The barrier prioritization showed that barriers related to collaborative planning, external funding of the project, providing skilled personnel, and fragmented ownership should be the key action priorities for SEC project coordinators. Application of case-based learning methodology resulted in identifying five past SEC projects that were the most similar to the SINFONIA project in terms of project internal characteristics. Investigating the barriers to the similar projects revealed that fragmented ownership is the most probable barrier to implementation of SINFONIA project. Application of the decision trees methodology resulted in generation of 20 barrier models, four of which showed a very good performance in prediction of barriers: lack of values and interest in energy optimization measures, time-consuming requirements by European Commission concerning reporting and accountancy, economic crisis, and local unfavorable regulations for innovative technologies. None of these four barriers were predicted to occur in the SINFONIA project. The application of this method in the SINFONIA showed a higher predicting power when a barrier was absent. The findings of the here presented thesis contribute to successful implementation of SEC development by supporting decision-makers in different phases of SEC projects. The results of the conceptual analysis contribute to a common understanding and foster the dialogue on the concept among various SEC stakeholders, particularly decision-makers and urban planners. The results of the empirical investigation lead to a better comprehension and evaluation of the barriers to the implementation of SEC projects in order to efficiently allocate resources to mitigate barriers. The proposed learning methodologies proved to be promising in helping decision-makers to identify similar projects to a new SEC development and to predict barriers to the implementation of new SEC projects. The thesis concludes that SEC is an outstanding urban development that can make a valuable contribution to the sustainability of urban energy systems. The specific characteristics of SEC development pose new challenges to the future smart and sustainable urban planning. Nevertheless, SEC development brings about unprecedented opportunities for integration and application of advanced quantitative techniques with current urban planning methods. This allows efficient knowledge transfer in not only intra-urban but also inter-urban levels in order to provide a collaborative, integrated and constructive movement towards successful implementation of SEC projects and sustainability of future urban development.
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BERNARDI, MONICA. "Sharing Cities. Governance Models and Collaborative Practices in the Urban Contexts." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/96087.

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The dissertation describes and investigates the collaborative practices and the governance model adopted by cities that choose the sharing and collaborative economy as frontier of experimentation to try to solve some of the main urban challenges in economic, environmental and social terms. The widespread dissemination of ICTs, among the other effects, is generating solutions more open, transparent and participatory, based on sharing and collaboration and voted to savings, money redistribution and socialization. More and more cities are wondering about the potential of the emerging new service models, reflecting on their organizational and cultural weight and on how to integrate them into existing regulatory frameworks without limit or stifle their development. The work starts from an in-depth analysis of the concept of sharing economy, given its innovative nature that makes difficult to find a clearly, established and shared definition. The research highlights its benefits, potentialities, weaknesses and limits trying to offer a better understanding of the phenomenon and an overview of its intrinsic features, what, who and how to share in the city. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of the city context that is better able to embrace this type of alternative economy. The focus is on the smart and slow nature of the so-called sharing cities, on its governance model and on the role of the public administrations, extensively discussed. The third part presents two cases of cities that in a well-shaped way are supporting sharing economy services and platforms and are promoting themselves as sharing cities: Milan in Italy and Seoul in South Korea. These cities adopted two different approaches: in Milan the reflection has emerged spontaneously from the bottom and has found in the public administration an attentive listener and a strong supporter; in Seoul the initial push came from the Mayor and his administration, that launched a wave of innovation that is generating a real ecosystem of sharing. Even if the city are different for culture, features and dimensions, the same rhetoric, labels, epistemic communities and strategies can be detected. The research was conducted adopting specific methodological tools: the analysis of the institutional and scientific materials and of other sources on the topic; the adoption of the participant observation’s approach in the study contexts; the administration of a questionnaire and the tool of the semi-structure interview to the key players of ‘Milan Sharing City’ and ‘Sharing City Seoul’. All these elements allowed retracing the origin of the process, its general framework, current outcomes and future possibilities. The dissertation aims to reconstruct the phenomenon in its constituent factors, given its recent insurgence, the momentum that is gaining and the lack of a mature scientific reflection on the topic. The ICTs penetration, the civil society engagement, the openness of the government, together with the emphasis on social innovation and the growing attention for the social economy, seem to be key ingredients to build a collaborative and sharing city. Local solutions adopted in the two cases study show the importance of the above ingredients and the absence of a “one-fit-all” solution. Instead, it is possible to build customized solutions, starting from the key ingredients, because the phenomenon allows to renegotiate with the local communities alternative governance practices more suitable for the context, and overcome established practices but less efficient.
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Aïdi, Naïma. "Vers un dispositif d'intelligence territoriale pour élucider la signification de la smart destination dans des territoires touristiques en mutation." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Gustave Eiffel, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UEFL2008.

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Le tourisme contemporain se situe au coeur d'une période de transitions et de mutations qui est principalement soutenue par deux éléments : la technologie et le développement durable. La croissance des mobilités touristiques, l'incorporation des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans tous les interstices de la chaine touristique et les impératifs écologiques obligent les acteurs à repenser la relation entre les territoires touristiques, les pratiques, la technologie et la préservation de l'environnement. En moins d'une décennie, le concept de la smart destination a fait l'objet d'une production prolifique de travaux, notamment dans la littérature internationale, et entend faire usage de la technologie pour développer des territoires touristiques innovants et durables, bénéficiant à la fois aux touristes et aux résidents. Cette thèse de doctorat vise à mieux comprendre la signification d'une smart destination en questionnant sa capacité à répondre aux problématiques d'un territoire touristique qui est traversé par des mutations technologiques, environnementales et sociétales. Pour y parvenir, nous faisons le choix d'aborder le concept de la smart destination par une approche de l'intelligence territoriale, en proposant un cadre d'analyse structuré à partir des notions d'écosystème, de résilience et de dispositif. Ce cadre d'analyse se traduit par un dispositif d'intelligence territoriale qui donne la possibilité d'effectuer une analyse multi-échelle de la smart destination, pour mettre en lumière sa complexité et son processus de développement. Notre ancrage disciplinaire en sciences de l'information et de la communication nous permet de nous inscrire dans un cadre pluridisciplinaire en mobilisant la théorie des parties prenantes, la théorie de l'acteur-réseau et la théorie systémique des communications afin de décrire, comprendre et expliquer plus finement le développement d'un projet de smart destination, dans le but d'apprécier sa portée innovante et durable au sein d'un territoire touristique. Au regard du développement international de la smart destination, nos trois études de cas menés à Florianópolis (Brésil), Málaga (Espagne) et Nice (France) nous donnent matière pour démontrer que la smart destination constitue un dispositif socio-techno-touristique qui sert davantage à stimuler l'innovation technologique que l'innovation sociale
Contemporary tourism is at the heart of a period of transitions and changes which is mainly supported by two elements: technology and sustainable development. The growth of tourist mobility, the incorporation of information and communication technologies in all interstices of the tourist chain and ecological imperatives force actors to rethink the relationship between tourist territories, practices, technology and preservation of the environment. In less than a decade, the concept of the smart destination has been the subject of a prolific production of work, particularly in international literature, and intends to use technology to develop innovative and sustainable tourist territories, benefiting both tourists and residents. This doctoral thesis aims to better understand the meaning of a smart destination by questioning its ability to respond to the problems of a tourist territory which is crossed by technological, environmental and societal changes. To achieve this, we choose to approach the concept of the smart destination through territorial intelligence, by proposing an analysis framework structured from the notions of ecosystem, resilience and dispositive. This analysis framework results in a territorial intelligence dispositive which makes it possible to carry out a multi-scale analysis of the smart destination, to highlight its complexity and its development process. Our disciplinary anchoring in information and communication sciences allows us to be part of a multidisciplinary framework by mobilizing stakeholder theory, actor-network theory and systemic communications theory in order to describe, understand and explain in more detail the development of a smart destination project, with the aim of assessing its innovative and sustainable scope within a tourist territory. With regard to the international development of the smart destination, our three case studies carried out in Florianópolis (Brazil), Málaga (Spain) and Nice (France) give us material to demonstrate that the smart destination constitutes a socio-techno-tourist dispositive that serves more to stimulate technological innovation than social innovation
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Azlal, Ayoub. "Déploiement d‟une stratégie Smart City à l‟échelle de la ville : application à la ville de Saint-Quentin." Thesis, Lille 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LIL1I056.

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Ce travail de thèse porte sur le déploiement du concept Smart City à l’échelle de la ville, avec une application à la ville de Saint-Quentin. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit contribuent à enrichir la recherche dans le domaine de la Smart City avec pour objectif de combler l’écart de connaissance entre la théorie et la pratique.L’objectif principal est de développer une méthodologie pour l’élaboration d’une feuille de route "Smart City" comme première phase de l'implémentation d'une démarche Smart City.Le travail comporte 5 parties.La première partie présente une synthèse l’état de l’art des recherches et des pratiques sur la Smart City dans le monde.La deuxième partie présente la méthodologie développée pour conduire une démarche Smart City. Elle constitue une base scientifique solide pour mener à bien et concevoir une stratégie globale "Smart City".La troisième partie présente l’application de la méthodologie développée à la ville de Saint-Quentin. Après une analyse profonde du territoire, nous avons réalisé un diagnostic en vue d’un déploiement du concept Smart City. Ce travail a comporté une identification des enjeux de la ville et les pistes d’amélioration. A cet effet, une série de projets pilotes a été proposée.La quatrième partie présente une description du patrimoine immobilier de la ville de Saint-Quentin, ainsi qu’une analyse de leurs consommations énergétique et émissions de CO2.La dernière partie présente les travaux réalisés pour la transformation intelligente des bâtiments municipaux de la ville de Saint-Quentin. Deux sites d’expérimentation pilotes sont présentés : une salle de concerts et un groupe scolaire maternelle et primaire. Le chapitre présente également la méthodologie de déploiement des capteurs pour mesurer et suivre, en temps réel, les paramètres de confort et de sécurité ainsi que l’utilisation de ces données
This thesis work focuses on the deployment of the Smart City concept at the city level, with an application in the city of Saint-Quentin. The work, presented in this manuscript, contributes to enrich the Research in the field of the smart city with the objective of bridging the knowledge gap between theory and practice.Thus, the main objective is to develop a methodology for the development of a "Smart City" roadmap as the first phase of the implementation of a Smart City project.This thesis report is divided into five main parts.The first part presents a synthesis of the state of the art of research and practice on the Smart City in the world.The second part presents the methodology developed to conduct a smart city approach. It constitutes a solid scientific basis for carrying out and designing a global “Smart City” strategy.The third part is about the application of the methodology developed to the city of Saint-Quentin. After a deep analysis of the territory, we carried out a diagnosis with a view to deploying the Smart City concept. This task included identifying the challenges facing the city and areas for improvement. A series of pilot projects have been proposed.The fourth part consists on describing the real estate assets of the city of Saint-Quentin, as well as analyzing their energy consumption and CO2 emissions.At last but not least, the fifth part aims to reflect the work carried out for the intelligent transformation of municipal buildings in the city of Saint-Quentin. Two main test sites are presented : a hall for concerts and shows and a nursery and primary school group. This chapter also presents the methodology for deploying sensors to measure and monitor comfort and safety parameters in real time as well as the use of these data
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Borne, Olivier. "Vehicle-to-grid and flexibility for electricity systems : from technical solutions to design of business models." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLC023/document.

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Les ventes de Véhicules Electriques ont été en constante augmentation ces dix dernières années, stimulées par l’adoption de politique publique favorisant la décarbonation du secteur automobile. Dans un contexte d’accroissement des énergies renouvelables dans le mix énergétique, entraînant des besoins plus important en flexibilité, la diffusion massive des véhicules électriques pourrait constituer une nouvelle source de contrainte pour les gestionnaire de réseaux d'électricité si la recharge n’est pas gérée de manière intelligente.La gestion de la recharge des flottes de Véhicules Electriques peut aussi constituer une opportunité pour apporter cette flexibilité, en particulier si les véhicules sont équipés de chargeurs bidirectionnels, capables de réinjecter de l’électricité dans le système pour équilibrer les réseaux.La recherche s’est principalement intéressée à la conception d’algorithmes permettant cette recharge « intelligente », qui prennent en compte les besoins en mobilité des utilisateurs, tout en fournissant différents services de flexibilité.Cette thèse s’attache à aller au-delà de l’aspect algorithmique, en balayant l’ensemble des aspects qui permettraient d’aboutir à un modèle d’affaire viable, et en se focalisant sur la fourniture d’un type de service : la réserve primaire (Frequency Containment Reserve), qui constitue le service identifié comme ayant la plus forte valeur pour des flottes de Véhicules équipés de chargeurs bidirectionnels
Transport industry being one the first CO2 emitters, there is an urgent need to decarbonize this sector, which could be achieved by the conjunction of the electrification of the vehicles and decarbonization of the electricity generation mix. In conjunction with increasing flexibility needs to support the introduction of Renewable Energy Sources, the development of Electric Vehicles could add new constraints for System Operators if charging process is not managed in a smart way.However, considering mobility requirements, there is a flexibility in the charging pattern of the vehicles, which could be used to offer flexibility services to System Operators, using smart-charging algorithms. Moreover, this flexibility could increase with the possibility to have reverse flow from the battery to the grid.Research focused mainly, during last years, on the design of algorithms to provide services with electric vehicles, taking into account mobility needs of users. In this thesis, we try to go beyond this design of algorithms, going through the different steps to elaborate a viable business model. We focus on the provision of one service – Frequency Containment Reserve – identified as the most valuable for Electric Vehicles equipped with bidirectional chargers
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De, Paolis Maria Chiara. "Life Cycle Assessment di confronto nella produzione di un NexMeter AS IS e di un NexMeter Green." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022.

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La sostenibilità è un concetto chiave della società moderna ed è ampiamente utilizzato per valutare organizzazioni, aziende o istituzioni. A tal proposito, il presente studio è stato realizzato per Pietro Fiorentini Spa, con l’obiettivo principale di valutare il confronto degli impatti, in particolare delle emissioni di gas serra come CO2 equivalente, generati dalla produzione di due contatori gas. Il NexMeter AS IS, è un contatore costituito da sole componenti di plastica vergine, mentre il NexMeter Green, realizzato dall'azienda per la multiutility Gruppo Hera, è primo nel suo genere a livello internazionale per tecnologie all’avanguardia e funzioni di sicurezza anche in termini di riduzione delle dispersioni di gas in atmosfera, realizzato con oltre il 68% di componenti plastiche riciclate ed è già utilizzabile per la distribuzione in rete dell’idrogeno (fino a un massimo del 20% di compatibilità), con una sperimentazione sul campo prevista nei prossimi mesi. È stata condotta, quindi, un’analisi LCA in grado di quantificare l’intera gamma degli impatti ambientali imputabili a un prodotto o a un servizio a causa dei flussi materiali da e verso la natura e consentire il confronto di prodotti diversi con uguale funzione. L’ulteriore obiettivo dello studio è stato quantificare il profilo ambientale dell’intero ciclo di vita dei singoli contatori, per poter individuare i processi maggiormente impattanti e di conseguenza intervenire con soluzioni migliorative che possano mitigare le pressioni ambientali. In questo modo l’analisi ha permesso di individuare quali sono le categorie che provocano gli impatti più rilevanti, per permettere all’azienda di intervenire con adeguate soluzioni migliorative che le consentano di operare nella maniera più sostenibile possibile. A seguito dei risultati ottenuti, alcune possibili soluzioni sono state direttamente proposte ed analizzate nell’elaborato seguente.
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Greiner, Nicolas. "Le déploiement spatial du numérique : temps long et effets nationaux. Étude comparative des espaces industrialo-urbains dans l’espace transfrontalier de la Grande Région." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LORR0120.

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L'imprégnation du numérique au sein des espaces urbains renouvelle les pratiques de l'urbanisme et les modes de gouvernance. La notion de smart city s'est imposée dans le débat public pour qualifier ce processus. L'idée généralement admise est qu'il s'agit d'une dynamique principalement métropolitaine pour un phénomène ubiquiste quels que soient les pays. À rebours de ce parti pris, l'objectif est ici de questionner l'ancrage du numérique au sein d'espaces non métropolitains, en l'occurrence les espaces industriels et miniers et dans des espaces nationaux différents. À travers l'analyse du développement de ces espaces sur le temps long, et à travers une mesure des pratiques observées sur les plateformes et les réseaux sociaux, la recherche permet de tester les facteurs jouant le plus directement sur l'imprégnation du numérique entre, d'une part, l'hypothèse de la longue durée des trajectoires et, d'autre part, l'hypothèse du contexte national d'appartenance. Des entretiens semi-directifs permettent enfin d'apprécier les stratégies et les représentations des acteurs afférentes au processus d'imprégnation du numérique au sein de leur territoire. Le terrain d'étude est l'espace transfrontalier de la Grande Région, dont l'intérêt est de comporter des régions développées dans le sillage de la deuxième révolution industrielle, appartenant à quatre pays différents (Allemagne, Belgique, France et Luxembourg). Parmi les résultats, il ressort que l'appartenance nationale et la trajectoire constituent des facteurs de différenciation des pratiques observées dans l'usage des outils numériques, comme dans les modalités de leur déploiement. Enfin, les nombreux freins organisationnels hérités des dynamiques sociotechniques du siècle dernier s'observent dans l'ensemble des territoires
The penetration of digital technology into urban spaces is renewing urban planning practices and modes of governance. The concept of ‘smart city' has emerged in public debate to describe this process. The widely accepted idea is that this is a predominantly metropolitan dynamic for a phenomenon that is ubiquitous in all countries. In contrast, the aim of this research is to examine the digital anchoring in non-metropolitan areas, in this case industrial and mining areas, and in different national contexts. By analysing the development of these areas over long time, and by measuring practices observed on platforms and social networks, the research enables us to test the factors that play the most direct role on the digital penetration of digital technology between, on the one hand, the hypothesis of trajectories and, on the other, the hypothesis of national contexts of belonging. Lastly, semi-directive interviews were used to assess the strategies and representations of the players involved in the process of digital penetration within their territory. The field of study is the cross-border area of the Greater Region, which includes regions developed in the wake of the second industrial revolution, and belonging to four different countries (Germany, Belgium, France and Luxembourg). The results show that national contexts and trajectories are factors that affect the practices observed in the use of digital tools and the ways in which they are deployed. Finally, many organisational obstacles inherited from the socio-technical dynamics of the last century can be observed in all regions
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Mouttaki, Adil. "Rabat ville intelligente : entre ambitions et réalisations." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024COAZ2017.

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Les villes se développent rapidement. En conséquence, elles s'exposent à des pressions sociales et urbaines croissantes, notamment en termes d'accès aux services administratifs, de santé, de logement et d'emploi. Pour relever ces défis, elles optent pour des approches de gouvernance basées sur les technologies numériques. Cependant, l'enjeu n'est pas seulement d'acquérir les innovations numériques, mais aussi de garantir la rationalité des décisions prises et la participation juste et effective de toutes les parties prenantes, notamment les habitants des quartiers défavorisés. C'est dans ce contexte de mutation numérique que Rabat, capitale du Royaume du Maroc, vise à rendre son dispositif de ville intelligente réactif aux préoccupations contemporaines. Elle vise à tirer parti de ses potentialités historiques, géographiques, administratives, et culturelles distinctives. En 2023, Rabat occupait le cinquième rang parmi les villes arabes au classement de l'Institut suisse (IMD), dépassant ainsi sa concurrente voisine, Casablanca. Cependant, la même étude a montré que Rabat a un bilan mitigé en matière d'usage des technologies numériques, en particulier dans les domaines d'accès aux services de santé, d'enseignement, de loisir, et aux financement destinés aux entreprises. Ce constat constitue un des éléments phares qui nous a guidés dans le choix du sujet de cette thèse. Ainsi, notre problématique de recherche s'articule autour du questionnement suivant : Peut-on qualifier le projet de « Rabat : ville intelligente » de projet démocratique, équitable et participatif ? Sans remettre en cause la crédibilité de ce projet, la question de l'acceptabilité sociale, notamment de ceux qui devraient, théoriquement, en être les premiers bénéficiaires nous interpelle à plusieurs égards. Cela nous ramène à la question initialement soulevée par Vincent Meyer en 2017 concernant les mesures prises pour que la transition digitale ne devienne elle-même un facteur supplémentaire d'inégalités. Pour approcher ce sujet, nous avons fait appel aux méthodes et techniques déployées à la fois par les géographes et par les chercheurs en sciences de l'information et de la communication. S'agissant d'une thèse en cotutelle internationale à l'interface des deux disciplines, le matériel mobilisé s'appuie à la fois sur l'exploitation d'une littérature riche pour le cadrage théorique et sur des études empiriques de terrain pour la compréhension du processus de fabrique du projet « Rabat-ville intelligente » et de son fonctionnement. Cette recherche est organisée en 7 chapitres intéressant 3 niveaux : Le premier se focalise sur le cadre théorique, la problématique de recherche, les hypothèses et la méthodologie utilisée. Le deuxième aborde les notions d'intelligence humaine et du solutionnisme numérique, avant d'enchainer (de 3 à 5) sur le contexte géographique, historique et sociodémographique de la ville de Rabat, puis sur les enjeux de gouvernance urbaine. En dernier lieu, les chapitres 6 et 7 présentent les enseignements tirés de cette recherche, en essayant de mettre en évidence les forces et les insuffisances enregistrées en matière de participation, d'acceptabilité sociale, de communication et de financement
Cities are growing rapidly. As a result, they are exposed to increasing social and urban pressures, particularly in terms of access to administrative, health, housing and employment services. To meet these challenges, they are opting for governance approaches based on digital technologies. But the challenge is not only to appropriate digital innovations, but also to guarantee the rationality of the decisions taken and the fair and effective participation of all stakeholders, particularly residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods. It is in this context of digital transformation that Rabat, capital of the Kingdom of Morocco, aims to make its smart city system responsive to contemporary concerns. It aims to capitalize on its distinctive historical, geographical, administrative and cultural potential. In 2023, Rabat ranked fifth among Arab cities in the Swiss Institute (IMD) ranking, surpassing its neighboring competitor, Casablanca. However, the same study showed that Rabat has a mixed record in the use of digital technologies, particularly in the areas of access to health services, education, leisure and business financing. This observation constitutes one of the key elements which guided us in the choice of the subject of this thesis. Thus, our research problem revolves around the following question: Can we qualify the “Rabat: smart city” project as a democratic, equitable and participatory project? Without calling into question the credibility of this project, the question of social acceptability, particularly of those who should, in theory, be the first beneficiaries, challenges us in several respects. This brings us back to the question initially asked by Vincent Meyer in 2017 concerning the measures taken to ensure that the digital transition itself does not become an additional factor of inequality. To address this subject, we called on the methods and techniques deployed both by geographers and by researchers in information and communication sciences. As this is a joint international thesis at the interface of the two disciplines, the material used is based both on the exploitation of a rich literature for theoretical support and on empirical field studies for understanding the manufacturing process of the “Rabat-intelligent city” project and its operation. This research is organized into 7 chapters comprising 3 levels: The first concerns the theoretical framework, the research problem, the hypotheses and the methodology used. The second addresses the notions of human intelligence and digital solutionism, before addressing the geographical, historical and socio-demographic context of the city of Rabat, then the issues of urban governance. Finally, Chapters 6 and 7 present the lessons learned from this research, trying to highlight the strengths and gaps recorded in terms of participation, social acceptability, communication and financing
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Le, Bot Nils. "Quel avenir pour les gares métropolitaines françaises et allemandes ? analyse prospective de la dialectique « système gare » : ville, face au devenir des politiques publiques françaises & allemandes en matière de transport." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU20068/document.

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Cette thèse d’urbanisme s’est donnée pour objectif de réfléchir à l’avenir des gares métropolitaines françaises et allemandes à horizon 2050. Elle porte une interrogation sur les fondements de la gare comme objet urbain conceptuel (abordé comme un système) et pose comme hypothèse qu’il serait en quelque sorte doté de propriétés autonomes. Parmi ces propriétés, c’est le processus d’expansion et de dialogue sans cesse renouvelé et conflictuel, entre la gare et son tissu urbain environnant, qui guide cette recherche ; notamment dans le rapport qu’il entretient avec l’hypermobilité des métropoles. Pour ce faire, cette thèse convoque quatre terrains d’études : les gares principales de Cologne et de Stuttgart en Allemagne et les gares de Paris-Montparnasse et Lyon-Part-Dieu en France ; et commence par un historique détaillé de leurs évolutions morphologiques, pour dégager une série de variables architectoniques et urbaines. Il procède dans un deuxième temps à une série d’analyse prospective, permettant de juger de l’influence possible des politiques publiques en matière transports et de mobilité, sur l’avenir conceptuel des gares. Cette thèse propose alors le concept de système-gare, pour décrire l’expansion et l’intégration des gares métropolitaines avec leur environnement urbain ; un processus de négociation dialectique qui ne trouve pas sa résolution dans le concept de gare comme lieu de vie/ville. Elle invite alors à penser la gare comme une hétérotopie, et propose une lecture dépolarisée et déhiérarchisée de ces espaces, en introduisant les concepts d’orchestre de gares et de métagare. Cette recherche propose enfin une lecture critique de la « ville numérique » et du concept de « mobilité comme service. » Pour éviter une mise en flux tendus potentiellement dommageables, l’application de ces concepts en gare ne pourra se soustraire à une augmentation simultanée des espaces physiques
This urban planning thesis aims to reflect on the future of French and German metropolitan stations by 2050. It questions the foundations of the station as a conceptual urban thing (considered as a system) and suggests as a hypothesis that it might somehow have autonomous properties. Among these properties, it is the process of expansion and ever renewed and conflictual dialogue between the station and its surrounding urban fabric which guides this research; particularly its link to metropolises’ hypermobility. To do this, this thesis calls up four study sites: the main stations in Cologne and Stuttgart in Germany, and the Paris-Montparnasse and Lyon-Part-Dieu stations in France; and starts with a detailed history of their morphological evolutions, to identify a series of architectonic and urban variables. In a second stage, it proceeds to a series of prospective analyses, allowing us to evaluate the possible influence of public transport and mobility policies on the conceptual future of stations. This thesis then puts forward the concept of a station-system, to describe the expansion and integration of metropolitan stations within their urban environment; a process of dialectic negotiation which does not resolve itself within the concept of stations as a living/urban space. It therefore invites us to think of stations as a heterotopia, and puts forward a depolarised and dehierarchised reading of these spaces, introducing the concepts of station orchestras and metastations. Finally, this research suggests a critical reading of the “smart city” and the concept of “mobility as a service”. To avoid that stations move to a just-in-time model which could potentially be damaging, the application of these concepts to stations cannot avoid a simultaneous increase of physical spaces
Diese Doktorarbeit im Bereich der Stadtplanung zielt darauf ab, sich mit der Zukunft der französischen und deutschen Metropol-Großbahnhöfe bis zum Jahr 2050 auseinanderzusetzen. Sie hinterfragt die Grundprinzipien des Bahnhofs als konzeptuelles urbanes Objekt (welchem sich als System angenähert wird) und formuliert die Hypothese, dass der Bahnhof als Objekt oder System in gewisser Weise autonome Eigenschaften hat. Zu diesen Eigenschaften gehört der diese Forschungsarbeit prägende Prozess der Expansion und des ständig erneuerten und konfliktgeladenen Dialogs zwischen Bahnhof und umliegenden städtischen Strukturen. Ein Augenmerk liegt hierbei auf der Beziehung dieses Expansionsprozesses und Dialoges zur Hypermobilität von Ballungsräumen. Zu diesem Zweck beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit vier Forschungsgegenständen: den Hauptbahnhöfen Köln und Stuttgart in Deutschland und den Großbahnhöfen Paris-Montparnasse und Lyon-Part-Dieu in Frankreich; und stellt zu Beginn eine detaillierte Geschichte der morphologischen Entwicklung derselben dar, um eine Reihe von architektonischen und urbanen Variablen zu identifizieren. Anschließend werden prospektive Analysen durchgeführt, die es ermöglichen, den möglichen Einfluss der aktuellen und geplanten Verkehrspolitik auf die Zukunft des Konzepts Bahnhof zu bewerten. Sodann wird das Konzept des Bahnhofssystems (système-gare) vorgeschlagen, um die Expansion von Großbahnhöfen und deren Integration in ihr urbanes Umfeld zu beschreiben; ein dialektischer Verhandlungsprozess, der vom Konzept des Bahnhofs als Lebensraum und Stadtraum/-ort nicht hinreichend erfasst wird. Die Arbeit lädt dazu ein, Bahnhöfe als Heterotopien zu betrachten und schlägt eine entpolarisierte und de-hierarchische Lesart dieser Räume vor, indem die Konzepte Bahnhofs- Orchester und Meta-Bahnhof eingeführt werden. Schließlich erfolgt eine Auseinandersetzung mit der “Smart City” und dem Konzept der “Mobilität als Dienstleistung”, die sich insbesondere kritisch mit dem Umstand befasst, dass beide Ansätze den aufgrund der Zunahme des Verkehrs und zur Vermeidung einer potentiell schädlichen Just-in-time Organisation in Bahnhöfen notwendigen Ausbau der Bahnhöfe nicht vermeiden können
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Trommenschlager, Marion. "Évolution du commerce et des formes urbaines à travers la transformation numérique." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN20008/document.

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Avec l’accélération sociale de la « modernité tardive », de nouveaux enjeux politiques et économiques occupent une place de plus en plus importante dans les compositions territoriales, en les confrontant à une recomposition forte des temporalités qui affectent le monde vécu. La transformation numérique n’en est pas la cause mais s’inscrit dans cette dynamique « d’éphémérisation du présent » et la renforce vraisemblablement selon des modalités concrètes, à divers niveaux d’échelle. Il s'agit dans ce travail de comprendre comment les relations entre les formes commerciales et les formes spatiales sont recomposées, redessinées pas la mutation numérique, en étudiant, dans le cadre d'une CIFRE, les évolutions respectives des commerces et du territoire du centre-ville de Rennes. Le projet de recherche proposé ici vise à comprendre l'articulation entre les pratiques de la ville, les pratiques commerciales, les lieux et espaces, mais également les temporalités. Ce programme de recherches, s’inscrit de façon très large dans les problématiques « Entre formes et normes » de l’équipe PREFIcs. Il repose sur une conception étendue des logiques d’information et de communication qui considèrent que l’information, pour être mise en sens, symbolique, doit être également un processus de mise en forme, prenant en compte l’articulation des formes organisationnelles. Cette recherche questionne donc la reconfiguration de l’espace-temps, celle des sphères publiques et des affectations matérielles comme cadre pour les logiques commerciales et les imaginaires de consommation
Due to the social acceleration of "late modernity", new political and economic issues are taking more space in territorial compositions. Confronting them with a strong recomposition of temporalities that affect the lived world. The digital transformation is not the cause but is part of this dynamic "ephemeral present"? And is likely to strengthen it in concrete terms at various levels of scale. The aim of this work is to understand is to understand how the relations between commercial forms and spatial forms are recomposed, redrawn by the numerical mutation. By studying, within the framework of a CIFRE, the respective evolutions of the shops and the territory of Rennes’s city center. The current research program will help you understad the link between city practices, commercial practices, places and spaces, but also temporalities.This research program takes part of the "Between Form and Standards" program of the PREFIcs team. It is based on an extended conception of the logics of information and communication which consider that information, to make sens, symbolically, must also be a process of formatting, considering the articulation of organizational forms. This research paper therefore questions the reconfiguration in space and time, those of public spheres and material assignments as a framework for commercial logics and consumption imaginaries
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Cavina, Andrea. "Recycling the city: a sustainable planning framework to reduce, reuse and recycle urban residual spaces." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/8710/.

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Cities are key locations where Sustainability needs to be addressed at all levels, as land is a finite resource. However, not all urban spaces are exploited at best, and land developers often evaluate unused, misused, or poorly-designed urban portions as impracticable constraints. Further, public authorities lose the challenge to enable and turn these urban spaces into valuable opportunities where Sustainable Urban Development may flourish. Arguing that these spatial elements are at the centre of SUD, the paper elaborates a prototype in the form of a conceptual strategic planning framework, committed to an effective recycling of the city spaces using a flexible and multidisciplinary approach. Firstly, the research focuses upon a broad review of Sustainability literature, highlighting established principles and guidelines, building a sound theoretical base for the new concept. Hence, it investigates origins, identifies and congruently suggests a definition, characterisation and classification for urban “R-Spaces”. Secondly, formal, informal and temporary fitting functions are analysed and inserted into a portfolio meant to enhance adaptability and enlarge the choices for the on-site interventions. Thirdly, the study outlines ideal quality requirements for a sustainable planning process. Then, findings are condensed in the proposal, which is articulated in the individuation of tools, actors, plans, processes and strategies. Afterwards, the prototype is tested upon case studies: Solar Community (Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna) and Hyllie Sustainable City Project, the latter developed via an international workshop (ACSI-Camp, Malmö, Sweden). Besides, the qualitative results suggest, inter alia, the need to right-size spatial interventions, separate structural and operative actors, involve synergies’ multipliers and intermediaries (e.g. entrepreneurial HUBs, innovation agencies, cluster organisations…), maintain stakeholders’ diversity and create a circular process open for new participants. Finally, the paper speculates upon a transfer of the Swedish case study to Italy, and then indicates desirable future researches to favour the prototype implementation.
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Correia, Amaro Fernando da Fonseca. "Cidades inteligentes: uma reflexão sobre a cidade do Porto desde 1985 - contribuição da governação e das políticas públicas para a soberania do território." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10284/7119.

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No século XXI a governação é um elemento central na vida dos cidadãos e no crescimento das cidades, enquanto espaço entendido como um lugar onde se concentra uma oferta diversificada de serviços (comerciais, industriais, culturais, religiosos, infraestruturas ou de consumo) e que reúne os mais diversos fluxos e atividades humanas. Centramos a investigação no “elemento” cidade, com as suas variadas interpretações ao longo dos tempos, havendo condições expectáveis para alargar o conceito de governação e soberania às regiões e/ou áreas metropolitanas. Quanto à soberania do território a abordagem é mais abstrata, porque se refere a uma entidade, que não conhece nenhuma entidade superior na ordem externa, nem igual na ordem interna. Ora, a soberania do território tem de ser reequilibrada a este nível, já que o digital altera as relações de poder e a limitação do espaço físico confinado às fronteiras. A proposta apresentada, tem como objetivo, validar modelos de Governação em Cidades Inteligentes na aplicabilidade de políticas públicas que conduzam a um reforço da soberania do território, que passará pela criação de novas fronteiras que possibilitem aos Estados a sua reorganização em rede e que garanta ao mesmo tempo a sua sobrevivência, bem como da sua soberania. Uma oportunidade de se entender a evolução do Porto – caso de estudo – ao longo dos últimos anos na perspetiva do planeamento, da gestão demográfica e da governação, ao nível da decisão política, já que a grande aposta europeia, em cidades Smart é, e será uma “janela de oportunidades” para a regeneração da cidade, da sua renovação e até da reabilitação, pois passará por ser uma aposta capacitiva de se auto-sustentarem, aumentando as oportunidades económicas para quem vive e para quem passa pela cidade, minimizando os custos das comunicações, bem como os danos ambientais e ainda a facilidade e acesso à informação.
In the twenty-first century, governance is a central element in citizens' lives and in the growth of cities as a place where a diversified range of services (commercial, industrial, cultural, religious, infrastructure and consumer services) is concentrated. The most diverse flows and human activities. We focus research on the "element" city, with its varied interpretations over time, with expected conditions to extend the concept of governance and sovereignty to regions and / or metropolitan areas. As for the sovereignty of the territory, the approach is more abstract, because it refers to an entity, which knows no higher entity in the external order nor equal in the internal order. However, the sovereignty of the territory has to be rebalanced at this level, since the digital one changes the relations of power and the limitation of the physical space confined to the borders. This proposal aims to validate models of governance in smart cities in the applicability of public policies that lead to a reinforcement of the sovereignty of the territory that will pass through the creation of new frontiers that will enable the States to reorganize them into a network and at the same time guarantee their survival, as well as their sovereignty. An opportunity to understand the evolution of Porto - case study - over the last few years in the perspective of planning, demographic management and governance, at the political decision level since the big European bet in Smart cities is and will be, a "window of opportunity" for regeneration of the city, its renovation and even rehabilitation, since it will be a capacitive bet to self-sustain, increasing the economic opportunities for those who live and for those who pass through the city, minimizing the costs of communications, as well as environmental damage, and ease of access to information.
Au XXI siècle, la gouvernance est un élément central de la vie des citoyens et de la croissance des villes en tant que lieu de concentration d'une gamme diversifiée de services (commerciaux, industriels, culturels, religieux, d'infrastructure et de consommation). Les flux les plus divers et les activités humaines. Nous focalisons la recherche sur la ville «élément», avec ses interprétations variées dans le temps, avec les conditions attendues pour étendre le concept de gouvernance et de souveraineté aux régions et / ou zones métropolitaines.Quant à la souveraineté du territoire, l'approche est plus abstraite, car elle fait référence à une entité qui ne connaît aucune entité supérieure dans l'ordre extérieur ni égale dans l'ordre interne. Cependant, la souveraineté du territoire doit être rééquilibrée à ce niveau, puisque le numérique change les rapports de pouvoir et la limitation de l'espace physique confiné aux frontières.Cette proposition vise à valider les modèles de gouvernance pour les villes intelligentes dans l'application des politiques publiques qui conduisent à un renforcement de la souveraineté du territoire qui nécessitera la mise en place de nouvelles frontières qui permettent aux États de la réorganisation du réseau et en garantissant en même temps son la survie, ainsi que leur souveraineté.Une opportunité de comprendre l'évolution de Porto - étude de cas - au cours des dernières années dans la perspective de la planification, de la gestion démographique et de la gouvernance, au niveau décisionnel politique puisque le grand pari européen dans les Smart cities est et sera, une «fenêtre d'opportunité» pour la régénération de la ville, son renouvellement et à la réhabilitation, tout comme étant un pari capacitif autonome, l'amélioration des possibilités économiques pour ceux qui vivent et ceux qui traversent la ville, tout en minimisant les coûts de les communications, ainsi que les dommages environnementaux et la facilité d'accès à l'information.
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SBARDELLA, MARCO. "Una comunicazione sostenibile per il territorio. Comunicazione generativa, marketing territoriale, capitale sociale e nuovi paradigmi di sviluppo: il caso San Casciano Smart Place." Doctoral thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/976480.

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Il presente lavoro è frutto di una ricerca pluriennale che ha inteso indagare, sia attraverso l’analisi delle fonti bibliografiche che l’applicazione diretta al caso di studio presentato (il progetto San Casciano Smart Place), il ruolo della comunicazione – nello specifico adottando il paradigma della comunicazione generativa, che da anni viene studiato e applicato ai progetti del Communication Strategies Lab (CSL) dell’Università di Firenze – nelle strategie di promozione e di valorizzazione del territorio, soprattutto in ambito rurale.
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