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Marel, Marine. "Lutte biologique contre le tétranyque à deux points (Acari: Tetranychidae) sur le rosier : lâchers de phytoséiides et échantillonnage binominal des tétranyques." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/27790/27790.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаPhytoseiid and spider mites are poorly studied in nursery systems. The objectives of this study were 1) to test the efficacy of combined versus single releases of these two predaceous mite species, Neoseiulus fallacis Garman and N. californicus Mc Gregor, for the suppression of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch on roses (Rosa rugosa); and 2) to develop a sampling method for spider mites on R. rugosa. The first objective was tested in the greenhouse. Our results showed a similar efficacy for the monospecific releases and the combined releases; and 2) equivalent proportion of occurrence at which N. californicus and N. fallacis were found on individual plants, suggesting that these two predatory species are compatible. The second objective was tested in the field. We found that the proportion of infested rose leaflets was highly correlated with spider mite densities; revealing that a binomial sampling method could be developed in the future. Keywords: acarine predators, binomial sampling, biological control, multiples natural ennemis, Neoseiulus fallacis, Neoseiulus californicus, ornamental nursery, Rosa rugosa, Tetranychus urticae, twospotted spider mites.
Lambelin, Laurine. "Identification de gènes candidats dans la résistance quantitative du rosier à la maladie des taches noires causée par le champignon Diplocarpon rosae." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Angers, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ANGE0040.
Повний текст джерелаBlack spot disease (BSD), caused by the fungus Diplocarpon rosae, is one of the main foliar diseases of garden roses. Resistant cultivars are an efficient alternative to the use of fungicides, but the genetic basis of resistance is not well known. Yet, understanding the underlying mechanisms of resistance is essential for the efficient and durable deployment of resistant cultivars. A hybrid of Rosa wichurana (RW) exhibits quantitative resistance to BSD. Analysis of an F1 progeny from a cross between the susceptible cultivar Rosa chinensis ‘Old Blush’ and RW had shown that its resistance results mainly from two quantitative trait loci (QTLs), located on linkage groups (LG) 3 (QTL B3) and 5 (QTL B5). The objectives of this PhD were to characterize the molecular mechanisms associated with these QTLs and to identify potential candidate genes. To this end, RNA sequencing was performed on RW and four F1 individuals having different QTL combinations (B3, B5 or both QTLs). QTL B3 was associated with “classic” resistance mechanisms, involving pathogen detection and defense signaling cascades leading to ROS production, callose apposition and localized cell death. In contrast, individuals having QTL B5 shared few differentially expressed genes, making it difficult to link it with global mechanisms. Expansion of the F1 progeny and KASP marker genotyping was a successful approach to refine the confidence intervals (CIs) of the QTLs and identified two distinct QTLs on LG 5. Examination of the genes in the CIs of the QTLs revealed hemizygous genes and genes with genomic variants that represent interesting candidates for BSD resistance. This study constitutes a first step towards cloning the genes underlying the resistance QTLs and identifying molecular markers for their use in garden rose breeding
Anglade, Jean-Yves. "Etude d'impact écologique après implantation de rosiers en zone débrouisallée." Aix-Marseille 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995AIX30034.
Повний текст джерелаAlaphilippe, Aude. "Effets secondaires de l'utilisation d'un agent de lutte biologique : rôle des metabolites primaires de surfaces des feuilles dans l'interaction entre l'agent de lutte biologique et Cydia pomonella L." Paris, AgroParisTech, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AGPT0039.
Повний текст джерелаMasih, Emmanuel Isaac. "Lutte biologique contre Botrytis cinerea, agent de la pourriture grise de la vigne." Dijon, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005DIJOS049.
Повний текст джерелаGrey mould disease caused by Botrytis cinerea is one of the most important diseases of the grapevine. The intensive use of the chemical products to irradicate the grey mould disease resulted in environmental pollution, and appearence of the resistant varieties of the pathogen. This study of research showed the antagonism between the B. Cinerea and the bacteria and yeast, and the different isolates of the genus Pythium. The selected antagonistic microbes to Botrytis cinerea, were identified using morphological as well as genetical tools and the study of their mode of action was initiated. The enzymatic activities and the elicitation capability were also studied. These activities have a direct relationship with the trigerring of the natural defence mechanisms of the grapevine. In the following context, the use of the selected micorobes as biocontrol agents can be undertaken for the effective control of Botrytis cinerea
Capini, Christelle. "Immunisation active anti-cytokine dans la lutte contre les maladies auto-immunes." Paris 6, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA066395.
Повний текст джерелаPelat, Thibaut. "Obtention et ingénierie d'anticorps recombinants thérapeutiques et/ou prophylactiques dirigés contre les agents du risque biologique provoqué." Montpellier 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009MON20093.
Повний текст джерелаRecombinant antibodies isolated from non-human primates represent very promising medical countermeasures against bioweapons. The advantages and methodological aspects of this approach have been described. An scFv, neutralizing the lethal toxin of Bacillus anthracis (2LF: KD= 1. 02 nM) and directed against the “lethal factor” subunit was isolated from a phage-displayed immune library, and characterised. Another scFv, 43RCA, neutralizing ricin, was obtained with the same methodology and tested (in particular: KD= 40 pM). This approach may also be used beyond bioweapons, as an scFv directed toward Aspergillus fumigatus was also isolated (MS130i-IIIC3: KD= 0,96 nM). On-line sequence analysis with IMGT tools allowed to show the high degree of similarity between these scFvs and their human counterparts. Antibody fragments were engineered, including an in vitro affinity maturation (KD initial = 3. 4 nM; KD final = 0. 18 nM). Utilizing IMGT standardisation and on-line tools, a “germline humanization” - utilizing FR derived from IgM, encountered by every Human, as opposed to IgG FR - was realized in order to ensure an optimal tolerance for one of our scFvs. A primatized IgG was tested in vivo and showed therapeutic and prophylactic capacities
Bourgouin, Catherine. "Les Toxines de Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis et de Bacillus sphaericus leur utilisation en lutte biologique contre les vecteurs de maladies tropicales /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376121877.
Повний текст джерелаSy, Abdoul Aziz. "Lutte biologique contre la pyriculariose du riz (Pyricularia oryzae cav. ) : stratégie et applications." Toulouse, INPT, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987INPT025A.
Повний текст джерелаTachapattaworakul, Thunwadee. "Optimisation de la culture et de la traçabilité de la culture de Trichoderma atroviride destiné à la lutte biologique." Montpellier 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006MON20076.
Повний текст джерелаCacas, Jean-Luc. "Rôle des lipoxygénases et des lipides acyles-hydrolases de type patatine dans l'exécution du processus de mort cellulaire hypersensible chez les plantes." Aix-Marseille 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX22010.
Повний текст джерелаLeroy, Valentin. "Décontamination des grains de blé et d'orge par traitements aux ultrasons." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27917.
Повний текст джерелаDemeule, Elizabeth. "Effet répressif de Bacillus subtilis et de Bacillus pumilus envers Rhizoctonia solani sur tomate et concombre de serre." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/66758.
Повний текст джерелаMousques, Adeline. "Mise en évidence d'une nouvelle substance antifongique produite par une souche de Pseudomonas cepacia isolée du sol : action sur Botrytis Cinerea." Bordeaux 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BOR20446.
Повний текст джерелаMalembic, Sylvie. "Evaluation de la stratégie planticorps comme méthode de lutte contre les mollicutes phytopathogènes : Action in vitro d'anticorps recombinants sur Spiroplasma citri : Résistance de tabacs exprimant des anticorps recombinants à l'infection par le phytoplasme du stolbur." Bordeaux 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001BOR28900.
Повний текст джерелаPhytoplasmas are phloem-restricted wall-less bacteria of the class mollicutes which have resisted in vitro cultivation so far. They are responsible for numerous plant diseases and there is no curative method for disease control. An antibody-based resistance method is evaluated in our laboratory for the stolbur phytoplasma. It consists in expressing scFv recombinant immunoglobulins (Ig) specific for this phytoplasma in tobacco plants, natural hosts for this pathogen. First we demonstrated that both native Ig and recombinant scFv, specific for the major surface protein of the culturable phytopathogenic mollicute Spiroplasma citri, inhibit its growth in vitro. Secondly, we engineered various anti-stolbur scFv constructions for their expression in tobacco plants via the apoplastic (35-pel-scFv plants) or symplasmic (35-scFv and RSS-scFv-KD) pathway, to evaluate their production into the phloem sap were phytoplasmas are located. Our results indicate that scFv, although produced in large amounts in 35-pel-scFv tobaccos, were probably not, or only slightly, present in the phloem sap. Only a transient disease resistance was observed in these plants. Indeed, it has been recently demonstrated that many phloem sap proteins are produced in the cytoplasm of companion cells and that they move towards sieve tubes via plasmodesmatas. Transgenic tobaccos plants in which scFv expression was targeted to the cytoplasm either constitutively (35-scFv) or specifically to phloem tissues (RSS-scFv-KD), in spite of a good transcription of scFv mRNAs, did not produce detectable amounts of scFv. These tobaccos, as previously, showed little resistance to the disease. As scFv inhibit in vitro growth of phytopathogenic mollicutes, the plantibody strategy appears to be well adapted to control phytoplasma diseases. However, targeting scFv in the phloem sap has to be optimized and various alternatives for sap targeting are discussed
Jousse, Cyril. "Contribution à la lutte contre les maladies du bois de la vigne, en particulier l'esca." Phd thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00185265.
Повний текст джерелаNous avons étudié les propriétés de PA, PC et EL, en particulier l'impact sur leur croissance de fongicides commerciaux et de fongicides systémiques synthétisés au laboratoire, ainsi que de molécules naturelles. Ces pathogènes ne présentent pas la même sensibilité à ces molécules et l'un d'eux (PA) est peu affecté par divers traitements. En parallèle, nous avons étudié les propriétés d'ambimobilité de l'acide salicylique (AS) et de quelques-uns de ses dérivés halogénés.
Nous avons montré que F 30, un dérivé acide du fenpiclonil, est mobile dans les boutures de vigne après application foliaire. Il est en partie retenu dans le bois et libère la molécule parent dans les racines. L'acide 5-chlorosalicylique (5-ClAS), connu pour être plus actif que AS pour stimuler les défenses naturelles, présente une mobilité voisine de celle de AS. Sur ces bases, F 30 et 5-ClAS ont été retenus pour des tests préliminaires de traitement par voie foliaire de boutures de vigne infectées.
Cette recherche exploratoire souligne la complexité de la problématique, une lutte chimique (fongicide), génératrice de contraintes, devant s'intégrer dans une stratégie globale de contrôle.
Mille, Bruno. "La rhynchosporiose de l'orge à Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud. ) DAVIS : élaboration de nouvelles stratégies de lutte, importance relative des différentes sources d'inoculum." Paris 11, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA112110.
Повний текст джерелаNew cultural practices against barley scald disease were proposed and some epidemiological characteristics of the fungal pathogen Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud. ) Davis, especially importance of seeds, assessed both directly showing its presence and indirectly by field trials. The first analysis method, a "classical" one, associated barley seeds disinfection with ethanol, sodium hypochlorite and bactericidal and fungicidal solution, before placing them on the elective ("barley") and selective medium (terramycine + iprodione + procymidone + 2,4 D). But the experiments were not adequatly successful. The second method, immunofluorescence, allowed routine analysis of seeds samples. Moreover, a higher specificity of immunsera was obtained by complex immunization procedures including different antigenic forms. The chemical treatments of seeds and sprayings of fungicides on the soil that were tested allowed estimation of the comparative importance of "seeds" and "soil" inoculum. They also demonstrated that such applications can be useful as cultural techniques. Lastly, varietal mixtures can be used as a strategy to limit disease spreading in the crop
Martoub, Maria. "Impact global de l’huile minérale blanche sur le pathosystème plante-puceron-virus : vers de nouvelles perspectives de lutte contre les virus non persistants." Amiens, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AMIE0121.
Повний текст джерелаMineral oil weekly spray has been shown to efficiently reduce non persistent PVY transmission in the field. To date, its mode of action is poorly understood. In this project we assessed mineral oil effect on each partner of the plant – aphid – virus system. We showed that potato plant treatment prior to viruliferous aphid infestation, led to significantly reduced virus YNTN transmission. Besides, it affects M. Euphorbiae behaviour and physiology. Indeed, we characterized negative effects on adult orientation and nymphal survival. Other probiotic effects characterized were: enhanced longevity and reproduction of surviving adults, and some parameters related to feeding behaviour as well. Surprisingly, we demonstrated that direct aphid exposure to mineral oil is sufficient to trigger similar aphicid and probiotic effects. Eventually, we show that plant treatment triggers cellular events similar to pathogen perception and signalling response. Our results highlight the high-potential use of mineral oil as alternative method in virus transmission control, for its efficacy and environment friendly use as well
Gbedjissi, Louis Ghélus. "Relations mollusques - diptères sciomyzidae, implications dans la lutte contre les distomatoses au Bénin." Avignon, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AVIG0312.
Повний текст джерелаSeven Sepedon and 1 Sepedonella are found in Benin. Population levels fluctuate following permanent or temporary states of aquatic habitats, rainfall and human activities. Complete life cycles are gave for 6 species. Larval predation is tested with various snails, Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Lymnaea natalensis, Bulinus forskalii, known to their implication as intermediate-host of animal or human distosomiasis. Sepedon knutsoni and Sepedonella nana attack and consume only on aquatic oligochaeta Aulophorus furcatus. This annelidophagous behavior is probably derived from the habitual malacophagous known for all Sciomyzidae larvae. Sepedon ruficeps larvae are both malacophagous and annelidophagous. S. Umbrosa larvae are parasitoid of the terrestrial gastropoda Subulina octona which is attacking by forcing its mouth. S. Trichrooscelis larval are parasitoi͏̈d of Succinea campestris, occasionnaly eat Lymnaea natalensis. With a higth predation by their instar larvae, S. Ruficeps is a very good species in a tentative to reduce the snails levels implicated in the distosomiasis. But, the larval predation to depend on size and snail behavior
Martini, Jessica. "Acteurs et dynamiques d’action publique autour de la lutte contre les maladies chroniques dans un pays sous régime d’aide: Le cas de la lutte contre le diabète au Mali." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/308303.
Повний текст джерелаDoctorat en Santé Publique
Marchive, Chloé. "Identification et caractérisation fonctionnelle d'un gène codant un facteur de transcription de type WRKY chez la Vigne, VvVRKY1 : implication dans les mécanismes de défense." Bordeaux 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006BOR13144.
Повний текст джерелаAffia, Hicham. "Évaluation de différents sels et mélanges de sels pour lutter contre "Pseudomonas cichorii" dans la laitue." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26797.
Повний текст джерелаAudette, Carolane. "Interaction entre le nématode à kyste (Heterodera glycines) et Phytophthora sojae chez le soya." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/33829.
Повний текст джерелаThe soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, is the leading cause of economic losses in soybean in the United States. In Canada, it has been found in Ontario in 1988 and continues to spread every year. It was identified for the first time in Quebec in 2013 and soybean growers have already begun to deploy management tools. The most commonly used control method against SCN is the use of quantitative resistance genes and crop rotation. However, the most damaging organism in soybean in Quebec currently is Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora sojae. This root disease can also be controlled by genetically resistant cultivars (qualitative resistance with Rps genes). Because SCN is now present in regions struggling with P. sojae, it is important to determine if the cultivars will express sufficient resistance against these two major pathogens. In this context, the main objective of this project was to evaluate the interaction between these two organisms on soybean, according to the resistance (qualitative Rps genes/ or quantitative resistance to SCN) of the cultivars used. This study, in a hydroponic system, demonstrated that P. sojae has a negative impact on SCN capacity to produce cysts produced. This suggests that P. sojae might influence SCN development. On the other hand, resistant cultivars were not affected by the presence of both pathogens and the presence of the nematode did not influence the efficacy of qualitative Rps resistance gene against P. sojae. As a result, cultivars resistant to both pathogens are a good option for preventing and controlling these diseases.
Bouchard-Rochette, Mathieu, and Mathieu Bouchard-Rochette. "Bacillus pumilus et Bacillus subtilis pour lutter contre la pourriture grise chez la tomate et le concombre de serre." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38128.
Повний текст джерелаCette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche destiné à évaluer le potentiel d’utilisation en horticulture des bactéries Bacillus pumilus souche PTB180 et Bacillus subtilis souche PTB185. Elle avait pour objectifs (1) d’évaluer in vitro l’activité antagoniste contre Botrytis cinerea des souches PTB180 et PTB185, (2) d’estimer leur capacité à survivre sur la phyllosphère de la tomate et du concombre et 3) d’évaluer leur effet sur le développement de la pourriture grise (B. cinerea) sur des plants de tomate et de concombre cultivés en serre. L'activité antagoniste de PTB180 et PTB185 a été évaluée en boîtes de Pétri sur géloses, sur tissus foliaires de tomate et de concombre et sur fruits de tomate. Les deux souches ont inhibé très fortement la croissance mycélienne et la germination des spores de B. cinerea sur géloses. Sur feuilles de tomate et sur disques foliaires de concombre, PTB185 et le mélange (1:1) des deux souches ont réduit significativement (p ≤ 0,01) la croissance mycélienne de B. cinerea comparativement aux témoins. PTB180 a réprimé significativement la croissance mycélienne de B. cinerea sur les fruits de tomate. Afin d'estimer la survie de PTB180 et PTB185 sur la phyllosphère, des plants de tomate et de concombre ont été pulvérisés jusqu'à ruissellement avec une suspension (1×107 unités formatrices de colonies [UFC]/mL) de PTB180, PTB185 ou d'un mélange (1:1) des deux souches. Les populations de chaque souche ont ensuite été suivies au cours du temps sur les feuilles. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les souches survivent au moins 21 jours sur les plants de tomate et de concombre avec un taux de survie variant de 43% à 100%. De plus, pratiquement aucune variation dans les proportions de chaque souche n'a été observée au fil du temps lorsque PTB180 et PTB185 étaient appliquées en mélange. Enfin, l’application foliaire de PTB180, PTB185 et du mélange (1:1) des deux souches a permis une réduction significative de l’incidence et de la sévérité de la pourriture grise chez des plants de tomate et de concombre inoculés avec B. cinerea et cultivés en serre. Les souches PTB180 et PTB185 ont montré au cours de cette étude une forte activité antagoniste envers B. cinerea, la capacité de survivre sur la phyllosphère de plants de tomate et de concombre et de réprimer le développement de la pourriture grise chez ces derniers. Ces souches pourraient éventuellement être utilisées comme agents de lutte biologique contre la pourriture grise du concombre et de la tomate de serre.
Riffaud, Christine. "La bactériose du melon : écologie et stratégies de lutte contre Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata." Lyon 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LYO10017.
Повний текст джерелаSt-Laurent, Marianne. "Amélioration de la lutte biologique contre le tétranyque à deux points en framboisières sous grands tunnels : essais d'un supplément nutritif, de plantes-réservoirs et de brumisation." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29866.
Повний текст джерелаHigh tunnels show many benefits for raspberry production, including increased yield and improved fruit quality. However, this crop management approach also provides an environment that fosters outbreaks of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. Although some miticides are available, pre-harvest application intervals and pesticide resistance development can be problematic. Phytoseiid predatory mites, such as Neoseiulus fallacis, are recognized for their efficacy in controlling spider mites. However, repeated introductions often must be made during a season, resulting in significant cost. To reduce these costs and thereby make biological control more attractive to growers, we tested a food supplement for predators, a banker plant and misting. The main objective of this study was to improve the effectiveness of integrated control against spider mites while decreasing the number of predator introductions in raspberry production under high tunnels. The specific objectives were to determine the effectiveness of four integrated pest management (IPM) strategies in raspberry under high tunnels and estimate their cost ($ / ha) in comparison to conventional control (mitices only) methods. The tested approaches combined different strategies: introduction of Neoseiulus fallacis predators; addition of Sorbaria sorbifolia as a banker plant; use of a pollen-based food supplement for predators, “Nutrimite", from Biobest; and misting. Tests were conducted at two raspberry farms in the greater Quebec City (Quebec, Canada) area. Data collected by monitoring populations of both spider mites and predators show that the pollen supplement has a positive effect on the predatory ability of N. fallacis and that misting tends to reduce T. urticae densities.
Ali-Haimoud, Djamel-Eddine. "Contribution à l'étude de la lutte biologique contre Drechslera teres (Sacc. ) Shoem. , parasite de l'orge." Toulouse, INPT, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994INPT007A.
Повний текст джерелаCedeno, Virna. "Prévention des maladies et amélioration génétique de la crevette : Litopenaeus vannamai en Equateur." Montpellier 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000MON20243.
Повний текст джерелаGravel, Valérie. "Lutte contre Pythium ultimum chez la tomate de serre : une approche microbienne." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24523/24523.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаAllaire, Mathieu, and Mathieu Allaire. "Diversité fonctionnelle des Pseudomonas producteurs d'antibiotiques dans les rhizosphères de conifères en pépinières et en milieu naturel." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/18046.
Повний текст джерелаLa production de millions de semis voués à la reforestation est affectée par les problèmes de pourritures racinaires. Afin de développer des agents de biocontrôle adaptés aux pépinières, nous criblons les populations de Pseudomonas spp. des rhizosphères d’épinettes provenant de pépinières et de milieu naturel, pour détecter des gènes de production d’antibiotiques. Nous avons isolé plusieurs souches portant des gènes de production de phloroglucinol, de pyrrolnitrine, de cyanure d’hydrogène et de phénazines. L’analyse de ces gènes montre que pour les producteurs de phloroglucinol, un génotype est dominant dans les pépinières, alors qu’un génotype différent est dominant chez les souches provenant de milieu naturel. Ces dernières possèdent également les gènes de synthèse de la pyrrolnitrine et leur capacité d’inhiber Cylindrocladium floridanum in vitro est supérieur. De plus, en se basant sur la séquence du gène phzC, nous avons isolé trois groupes de producteurs de phénazines, dont deux provenant de milieu naturel et un de pépinière. L’analyse du gène de la portion 16s de l’ARN ribosomal confirme que ces trois groupes appartiennent à différente espèces.
Fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. that produce antibiotics such as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and phenazines show biocontrol activity against many important soil borne fungal pathogens. We isolated several strains of Pseudomonas carrying genes for DAPG and PCA synthesis from the rhizosphere of black spruce (Picea mariana) and white spruce (Picea glauca) in two different conifer nurseries and in one natural stand. Sequence analysis of a portion of the phlD gene revealed that one dominant genotype was present in both nurseries and that a different genotype was dominant in the natural forest. Strains from the natural forestwere also found to have the genes for pyrrolnitrin synthesis but lack pyoluteorin biosynthesis genes. Furthermore, in vitro anitfungal assays against Cylindrocladium floridanum showed a much stronger inhibition by strains isolated from natural forest than from nursery. Analysis of phenazine genes revealed 3 groups of phenazines-producers; one from a nursery and two from natural stand.
Fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. that produce antibiotics such as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and phenazines show biocontrol activity against many important soil borne fungal pathogens. We isolated several strains of Pseudomonas carrying genes for DAPG and PCA synthesis from the rhizosphere of black spruce (Picea mariana) and white spruce (Picea glauca) in two different conifer nurseries and in one natural stand. Sequence analysis of a portion of the phlD gene revealed that one dominant genotype was present in both nurseries and that a different genotype was dominant in the natural forest. Strains from the natural forestwere also found to have the genes for pyrrolnitrin synthesis but lack pyoluteorin biosynthesis genes. Furthermore, in vitro anitfungal assays against Cylindrocladium floridanum showed a much stronger inhibition by strains isolated from natural forest than from nursery. Analysis of phenazine genes revealed 3 groups of phenazines-producers; one from a nursery and two from natural stand.
Bouchard-Rochette, Mathieu. "Bacillus pumilus et Bacillus subtilis pour lutter contre la pourriture grise chez la tomate et le concombre de serre." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38128.
Повний текст джерелаBarrera, Gaytan Juan Francisco. "Dynamique des populations du scolyte des fruits du caféier, hypothenemus hampei (Coléoptera : Scolytidae), et lutte biologique avec le parasitoi͏̈de Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera : Bethylidae), au Chiapas, Mexique." Toulouse 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994TOU30085.
Повний текст джерелаBala, Kanak. "Biological control of Botrytis cinerea, a destructive plant-pathogen." Dijon, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007DIJOS047.
Повний текст джерелаThe pesticides used in agriculture for controlling phyto-pathogens have hazardous health effects on plants, animals and humans. Massive application of toxic pesticides is a serious problem today in almost all developing countries. Developing safer, environment-friendly biological products may help in overcoming the risks posed by pesticides and may also help in protecting public health, thereby promoting safer means of pest control. This thesis aims at the Biological control of plant diseases by non-phytopathogenic microorganisms, isolated from soil of vineyards and rhizosphere of crop fields. Introduction of these microorganisms leads to a twofold benefit 1. Biological control of the disease by the antagonist effect of the micro-organisms; 2. Enhanced disease resistance in plants to phytopathogens. Hence, these microorganisms could serve as an alternative to chemical control of plant diseases. Grapevine is challenged every year by fungal and viral and bacterial parasites. Among the fungal, the major ones are downy mildew by Plasmopara viticola, powdery mildew by Uncinula necator, black rot by Guignardia bidwellii, phomopsis leaf, cane spot and fruit rot disease by Phomopsis viticola, Eutypa Dieback by Eutypa armeniaceae and grey mould by Botrytis cinerea. Crown gall by bacterial parasite Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and viral diseases includes Peach Rosette mosaic virus disease, tomato ringspot and tobacco ringspot by nematode Xiphinema americanum. .
Pichard, Brigitte. "Bacillus polymyxa, inhibiteur de parasites microbiens du chou-fleur." Brest, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992BRES2018.
Повний текст джерелаLeyronas, Christel. "Avancées dans la compréhension des Neotyphodium et Epichloe, clavicipitacées endophytes des graminées fourragères et à gazon : méthodes de lutte." Paris, Institut national d'agronomie de Paris Grignon, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005INAP0001.
Повний текст джерелаDelannoy, Etienne. "Caractérisation de péroxydases associées à la défense du cotonnier ("Gossypium hirsutum") contre "Xanthomonas campestris" pathovar "Malvacearum"." Montpellier 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003MON20175.
Повний текст джерелаPoilleux, Francine. "La fédération girondine de lutte contre les maladies respiratoires : adaptation d'une structure à l'évolution de la pathologie respiratoire." Bordeaux 2, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994BOR2M222.
Повний текст джерелаBernatchez, Alex. "Étude des propriétés antibactériennes de composés d'huiles essentielles contre des agents pathogènes d'aquaculture." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/40301.
Повний текст джерелаMarcillaud, Laurence. "Etude des propriétés antimicrobiennes d'un extrait végétal : applications dans les domaines viticole et œnologique." Bordeaux 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BOR20632.
Повний текст джерелаTremblay, Vanessa. "Évaluation de différents extraits végétaux et sels organiques et inorganiques pour lutter contre la tache bactérienne de la laitue." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/34485.
Повний текст джерелаPellan, Lucile. "Décryptage des mécanismes impliqués dans le biocontrôle des champignons mycotoxinogènes des céréales." Thesis, Montpellier, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020MONTG036.
Повний текст джерелаDeciphering the mechanisms involved in the biocontrol of mycotoxinogenic fungi of cereals.Cereals are the first factor of consumer exposure to mycotoxins, toxic secondary metabolites synthesized by particular moulds and which present a risk for human and animal health. The species Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium verticillioides are thus responsible for the production of trichothecenes and fumonisin-like mycotoxins, respectively, with a high impact especially in pre-harvest. With the decrease of pesticide use due to their toxicity, an alternative strategy to control these fungal diseases in the field may be the use of antagonistic microorganisms. Non-pathogenic, these biocontrol agents (BCAs) are able to limit the progression of Fusaria and their synthesis of mycotoxins through various biological mechanisms, however still poorly understood. In this context, the objectives of this study are to evaluate by which mechanisms three selected BCAs (Streptomyces griseoviridis, Trichoderma asperellum, Pythium oligandrum) can modulate the growth and mycotoxin production of Fusarium pathogens, in vitro and in situ. Antagonistic activities and varying levels of inhibition of growth (up to 80%) and mycotoxinogenesis (up to 90%) have been observed in vitro depending on BCAs, pathogens or culture conditions. The hypotheses are then verified and completed thanks to the development of a toolbox of tests specific to certain modes of action. Their chronology is evaluated throughout the interaction, from pathogenic spore germination to the formation of perithecia, by testing a wide variety of BCA mechanisms: synthesis of anti-germinative compounds, mycophagy, chitinolytic enzyme synthesis, emission of volatile antifungal compounds, inhibition of mycotoxin biosynthesis pathways, mycotoxin bio-transformation, spatial and nutritional competition or impact on pathogen conservation. S. griseoviridis presents nutritional competition capacities, but its main strategy is based on antibiosis, through the synthesis of numerous antifungal compounds that offsets a significant deficit in spatial colonization capacity. However, it can stimulate the mycotoxin production. T. asperellum is capable of activating a very wide range of defenses and attacks combining the synthesis of various antifungal compounds (metabolite, enzymes, VOCs), with different targets (spores, mycelium, mycotoxins), and a direct action by mycoparasitism. The efficacy of P. oligandrum is mainly due to its strong capacity to colonize the environment, with a direct action via microbial predation and reduction of perithecia formation. These in vitro performances could also be analyzed in F. graminearum in situ throughout its life cycle (from colonization of ears to survival in culture residues), and put into perspective with the different modes of action identified in each of the BCAs. The whole project has led to important advances in deciphering the mechanisms of action of BCAs and proposes ways of improvement to optimize the use and efficacy of these antagonists. Thus limit the use of chemical plant protection products, while maintaining a healthy production with low levels of mycotoxins
Adamolle, Cécile. "Le virus de la sharka : obtention et caractérisation partielle d'anticorps polyclonaux spécifiques de protéines non structurales : approche de la bio-écologie de deux sérotypes épidémiques en verger." Bordeaux 2, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993BOR28233.
Повний текст джерелаAnastasi, Carole. "Innovation moléculaire à visée thérapeutique : Conception, synthèse et évaluation des propriétés antivirales de nouveaux dérivés de la 2',3'-didésoxy-3'-thiacytidine : Mécanisme d'action : drogue et prodrogue?" Aix-Marseille 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AIX22068.
Повний текст джерелаSamain, Erika. "Étude des interactions PGPRs/génotypes de blé tendre dans la lutte contre la septoriose." Thesis, Amiens, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AMIE0027.
Повний текст джерелаSeptoria tritici leaf blotch (STB) caused by Mycosphaerella graminicola is regarding as the most important disease in wheat. The present work aims to study the durability and efficiency of the plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)-induced resistance (IR) against STB. Many of PGPR were screened, in single and co-inoculations, for their root colonization, plant growth promotion (PGP) and IR, using different wheat genotypes. However, two effective PGPR-mixtures were identified, Mix2; Paenibacillus sp. strain B2 (PB2) with an effective approval strain AA and Mix3; PB2 with Microbacterium SSM001 and Arthrobacter SSM004, in equal portions. PGPR in Mix2 and Mix3 showed ecto- and endophytic root colonization until the flag-leaf growth stage (FL), with a helper impact on root colonization by PB2. Only, with Mix2 and 3, PGP was observed. Under drought stress, the IR by Mix2 and 3 was more efficient compared to PB2. However, all of them showed high and durable IR against STB until FL, which seems to be more correlated to PB2 and depends on plant-genotype, growth-stage and M. graminicola strain. Interestingly, the high PGPR-IR against STB was confirmed under field conditions. Using the non-sterile field soil, they didn’t show significant impact on the soil microbial communities (SMC), using the 16S rDNA and ITS MEGA sequencing. But, a significant reduction in the PGPR’ efficiency was recorded, only, for PB2 and Mix3, and in some tested cultivars. Gene expression analysis of the PB2-, Mix2- and Mix3-IR showed upregulations of gene markers involved in the basal defenses, JA, phenylpropanoids & phytoalexins and ROS pathways, with stable priming inductions of Pr1, glucanase, and flavonoide, suggesting them as protection markers. We identified an effective PGPR-mixture induces high and durable and stable resistance against STB and drought stresses, promotes plant growth, and without disturbance on the SMC. The global results may help to reduce gap between laboratory and field results
Schneider, Olivier. "Analyse des effets du mode de gestion des résidus de colza sur l'initiation du cycle de Leptosphaeria maculans." Paris, Institut national d'agronomie de Paris Grignon, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005INAP0007.
Повний текст джерелаClain, Marie Élodie. "Valorisation des éco-extraits de plantes médicinales réunionnaises dans la lutte contre les maladies virales émergentes de l'océan Indien." Thesis, La Réunion, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LARE0033/document.
Повний текст джерелаEmerging and re-emerging vector-borne viral diseases such as dengue, chikungunya or zika are responsible for many severe epidemics worldwide. Recently, the rapid spread of zika virus (ZIKV) worldwide and the serious neurological complications associated with ZIKV infection have prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare ZIKV a public health emergency. Today, preventive or curative measures against ZIKV infection are almost non-existing. On the other hand, the endemic flora of Reunion Island is known as a rich, renewable and promising source of natural anti-infective products. The registration of 19 medicinal plants from Reunion Island in the French pharmacopoeia highlights the therapeutic potential of natural substances derived from local biodiversity. The work was dedicated to the identification of natural anti-ZIKV substances from a selection of seven medicinal plants from La Reunion registered in the French pharmacopoeia. In a first step, in collaboration with a local start-up (Bourbon Extracts), a solvent-free microwave-assisted extraction was applied to the seven selected plants in order to obtain eco-extracts. In a second step, the screening for antiviral activity, using a ZIKV molecular clone with a reporter gene, allowed the identification of two candidate plants: Aphloia theiformis and Psiloxylon mauritianum. After verifying the absence of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the active extracts, the antiviral activity was also demonstrated on other types of extracts using traditional extraction methods (infusion, decoction and maceration). The antiviral activity has been validated on different strains of ZIKV (historical and epidemic) as well as on the four serotypes of the dengue virus. Finally, the mode of action of the two active extracts has been studied. It has been shown that the eco-extracts from A. theiformis and P. mauritianum target the early steps of the viral cycle by inhibiting the attachment of the virus to the host cell. Using electron microscopy, it has been shown that the eco-extract of A. theiformis deforms the viral particle preventing its attachment to the membrane of the host cell. These results demonstrate the importance of medicinal plants from Reunion Island as a source of natural anti-infectious substances
Boucher-St-Amour, Vincent-Thomas. "Développement d'outils de sélection génomique assistée par marqueurs pour la lutte au nématode à kyste du soja." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/37894.
Повний текст джерелаMathew, Ritta. "Some species of Pythium isolated from burgundian vineyards and their possible roles in the biological control of the grapevine pathogen, Botrytis cinerea." Dijon, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006DIJOS025.
Повний текст джерелаTwenty-three strains of Pythium were isolated from the different Burgundian vineyards. Four of these were characterised, using morphological, taxonomical and molecular tools. One of them is described as a new species: Pythium viniferum. The presence of these oomycetes in the vineyards, is not ‘par hasard' since, in this study, we have shown that the oomycetes show a profound antagonism against Botrytis cinerea, the causative agent of the grey mould disease of the grapevine. Moreover, they have perfectly adapted to the vineyard conditions as they can tolerate high concentrations of copper. They can induce defence mechanism in the grapevine and one of these has been shown for the first time to produce a homologue protein CBEL (Cellulose Binding Elicitor Lectin). The present study also deals with the mechanism of action involved in the antagonism. Several hydrolytic enzymes like, β-1, 3 glucanase, chitinase, and xylanase have been studied. The genes responsible for β-1, 3 glucanase and xylanase activities have been characterised and sequenced. In short, the work presented here reveals the presence and the role of certain species of Pythium in the Burgundian vineyards. The antagonism between these oomycetes and the grapevine pathogen Botrytis cinerea opens up new horizons in the field of biological control. The use of such microorganisms will not only decrease the quantity of chemical fungicides used in the vineyards, but also enhance the defence mechanism of the grapevine
Guérin, Fabien. "Mise en évidence d'une population génétiquement différenciée de Venturia inaequalis, agent de la tavelure du Pommier, associée au contournement du gène majeur de résistance Vf." Angers, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ANGE0021.
Повний текст джерелаStrategies of genetic control against the phytopathogenic fungus Venturia inaequalis are mainly based on the use of major resistance genes which confer a complete resistance towards the disease. By the end of the Eighties, strains virulent against Vf, the most used resistance gene were evidenced. This thesis was aimed at understanding the evolutionary dynamics of pathogenic populations confronted to selection pressures exerted by a major gene of resistance. Thanks to the use of molecular markers, such as microsatellites and AFLP, we followed up the genetic structure of V. Inaequalis populations in several locations over several years. Our results showed that the genetic diversity of virVf populations drastically decreased as compared to the avrVf populations, revealing the typical structure of a founder effect. In addition, we showed that virVf populations were strongly differentiated from the avrVf populations and that they were stochastically dispersed over Europe from a common source of virulence. Finally, we revealed the maintenance of the genetic differentiation in space and time between virVf and avrVf populations. The lack of gene flow between virVf and avrVf compartments indicated a reproductive isolation of virVf strains, which could be partly explained by the avirulence spectrum of these strains towards some of the non-Vf hosts in the studied orchards. Results obtained from this work allowed us to discuss on the origin and the dispersion of the Vf virulence and then to propose topics to investigate in order to preserve the efficiency of the Vf resistance gene
Bourcier, Elsa. "Lutte contre l'iatrogénie liée aux prescriptions d'hypnosédatifs chez le sujet âgé hospitalisé." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS383.
Повний текст джерелаFew data exist regarding SHs initiation among hospitalized older patients, associated risk factors and efficiency of interventions promoting their good use. The objectives were (1) to determine the proportion of SH initiation in acute hospitalization units, the proportion of SH renewal at discharge and to study associated risk factors (SÉDATIF) and (2) to identify and assess regulatory and educational interventions designed to improve the appropriate use of SHs (HYPNOREV). In the retrospective multicenter study SÉDATIF, SH initiation occurred in 21.5% of patients 20 days after admission. SH renewal at discharge occurred in 38.7% of patients who had initiated it during their stay and were discharged home and in 56.0% of patients discharged to rehabilitation facilities. No risk factor could be highlighted. SH initiation after the first 6 days was associated with a lower risk of renewal in patients discharged to rehabilitation facilities (OR = 0.19, p = 0.02). Regarding the systematic review of the literature HYPNOREV (1980-2015): 31 studies assessing educational or regulatory interventions were included. Multi-faceted educational interventions reporting the involvement of healthcare professionals and patients and the spread of information through mass media were successful. Further better designed studies are needed to study this type of interventions in the hospital setting