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Thiesse, Anne-Marie. "Écrire la France : le mouvement littéraire régionaliste de langue française entre la Belle Époque et la Libération." Lyon 2, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1990LYO20006.
Повний текст джерелаIn the 1890's, claims for a political and cultural decentralization of france were voiced by the younger writing generation, thus giving birth to a new movement known as regionalism. Literary regionalism spread out and achieved public success in the first half of the 20th century. It formed a part of a new description of france wich appeared also in developing folklore studies, tourism and primary education. During the third republic, cultural regionalism came be to considered as one of the grounds of national agreement. This reference to regionalism was finally taken up by petain's regime with a reactionary twist, and became a keynote of petainist policy
Germi, Claudette. "Les régionalismes du français parlé entre Gap et La Mure." Grenoble 3, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992GRE39050.
Повний текст джерелаThe regionalisms specific to the variety of french spoken in the area in and around gap constitute the basis of the central argument of this doctoral dissertation. A phonetic, morphological and syntactic study presents the relation existing between the meaning, form and origin of, on the one hand, different regional terms, and on the other, those of standard french, providing elements useful in the fields of spelling and classification. It also studies the links exist between this other type of frnch and the dialectical substratum it draws its origins from. This analysis is accompanied by research dealing with the use and spread of regionalisms and the linguistic awareness of its speakers. A firts study basez on a corpus of 373 terms whose presence in literary works bear witness to their being used in cap during the early 20th century allows us, firstly, to assess the use made of them today according to different criteria : urban rural setting. Integration into phonetic systems or into a french lexical family, and secondly, to gather data from informers relations to the concept of regionalisms. The objective of a second study conducted along the drac valley concerns the geographic extension of these regionalisls within the transitory bounds of two linguistic fields : occitanian and francoprovencal, explaining them with reference to the substrata, bringing to light regionalisms related to vaster areas, terms more assuredly from gap, with their equivalents in corps, cordeac, mens and la mure. The overall object to this study extends beyond the specificity of gap itself to express a certain number of hypotheses relative to
Serme, Jérôme. "Un exemple de resistance a l'innovation lexicale : les "archaismes" du francais regional." Lyon 2, 1998. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/1998/jserme.
Повний текст джерелаThe regional vocabulary of french is partly made up of words that used to be part of the standard variety of that language; in the course of the evolution, they have disappeared except in geographically restricted usages, where they have been maintained. This resistance to lexical change in peripheral varieties of french appears to be connected with the presence of contact languages in the very areas where those words, now archaic in standard french, have been maintained. The majority of those languages - replaced by french -, belong to the same linguistic sub-group as french(the gallo-rom ance group) and therefore share strong lexical affinities. Very often, words that have been lost by french in the course of its evolution have been retained by its kin languages. Those languages are known to exert an influence on the varieties of french spoken in the same areas as them, and in our case slow down the evolution of regional french. The lexical affinities between those languages and french have enabled, as a substratum effect, certain lexical items to be preserved in regional french, whereas those items have disappeared in the standard variety which was not under this conservative influence. Language contact can sometimes act as a brake upon evolution
Greub, Yan. "Les régionalismes lexicaux du moyen français et la formation des français régionaux : d'après l'exemple d'un corpus de farces (1450-1550)." Paris 4, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA040037.
Повний текст джерелаThis work wants to be a contribution to the description of the "diatopic" variation of an old state of French. In a 65 farces 2000 by A. Tissier achieved corpus, I observed the geographic distribution of all the vocabulary (actually, all the "diatopicly" specific vocabulary) with the help of available documentation (lexicography, secondary literature) ; this section of the work, organized in 640 monographs, is the largest chapter of my thesis, it is accompanied by 340 maps. An other organize this materiel threw each studied text ; it succeeds to localise with plausibility of assurance most of them. .
Filippi, Paul-Michel. "Le français régional de Corse : étude linguistique et sociolinguistique. Pratiques langagières du français en Corse : approche descriptive et problème glottopolitique." Corte, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992CORT0011.
Повний текст джерелаThe regional french of corsica is constituted by a group of pronunciation points morpho-syntactical and lexical particularities which proves a contact between french and corsican tongues. Among the young, this contact ends at original speech, the francorse. Sociolinguistic analysis shows in talking behaviours a dialectic of anguish and derision whereby the linguistic community has tried to manage the diglossic conflict. Transcending the present situation requires an examination of glottopolitical parties which govern this situation, and organizing a new pedagogy for french and corsican teaching, and another definition of the corsican tongue statute
Tamine, Michel. "Essai de microtoponymie ardennaise à partir du vocabulaire topographique du canton de Nouzonville." Paris 13, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA131016.
Повний текст джерелаThe following study propose to examine the conditions required to realise a microtoponymic atlas concerning the ardennes, a county of strongly contrasting linguistic characteristics. After having made an exhaustive inventory and computer treatment of the locality names dating back from the napoleonic land survey (about 165,000 items), we propose to study the linguistic changes and the location of microtoponyms all over the county, based on a systematic research completed in the district of nouzonville. The first stage consists in classifying these forms according to linguistic criteria : simple words, derivatives, compounds and thereby look for all possible kinds of alterations, of dialectal origine or not. The second stage aims at confronting those linguistic data with the topographic reality, which will subsequently allow us to validate or not our initial hypotheses. The linguistic identification of numerous microtoponyms, -particulary monosyllabics or words pertaining to a specific lexicon, such as animal names- is rendered complicated by homonymy and alterations mainly due to paronymic attraction. Focusing on such confusions -which requires a thorough knowledge of local dialects and the implementation of historic dialectal phonetics- is basically necessary to the realisation of maps. This being completed, the problems posed by the geographic distribution of those units, the relationhip between names and microtoponyms, the fixing up process can be studied
Fouillet, Alex. "Régionalismes en Norvège et en France : passerelles et traduction." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUL151.
Повний текст джерелаThis work aims to study, through a comparison between the Norwegian and French situations when it comes to dialects, the possibilities the translator can use to translate or adapt local particularisms in literary works
Turcsán, Gábor. "Le mot phonologique en français du Midi : domaines, contraintes, opacité." Toulouse 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU20045.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation deals with theoretical problems concerning the phonological definition of the word. It is argued that any non-contradictory (transparent) treatment must take into account the opaque character of the word in surface strings and has to split the constraint set into two disjunct subsets : lexical and postlexical. A phonologized view of lexical domains is shown to be necessary to deal with opacity inside the lexicon. The discussion is couched in the framework of Head-driven Phonology (van der Hulst & Ritter 1999), a principles and parameters approach. Several types of opaque phonological phenomena are analysed from the point of view of the lexical - postlexical dividee, including various segment-zero alternations and the behaviour of so called " ambisyllabic " consonants. Fragments of the lexical phonology of Midi French are given a dependency treatment. Data mainly come frome Southern French dialects collected in the PFC project (Durand & Lyche 2003) and English
Bossone, Alessandra. "Le Dictionnaire des régionalismes du français médiéval (DRFM) : principes méthodologiques, résultats et perspectives." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPSLP046.
Повний текст джерелаThis study aims to describe and analyse the linguistic variation of Medieval French, focusing on lexicon. The geographical area that I analyse includes the North-Eastern regions of France: Lorraine, Bourgogne, Franche-Comté and Champagne. First, I will identify the words who reveal a regional distribution in a corpus of texts from the 13–14th centuries; I will analyse each regional word though a lexicographical article with a focus on the etymology and the semantic changes. Secondly, I will categorize the regional vocabulary aiming at identifying its origin and its spread in the medieval linguistic space
St-Gelais, Xavier. "L'antériorisation de /ɔ/ en français contemporain : une étude acoustique comparative entre Québec et France". Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/34779.
Повний текст джерелаLa présente étude porte sur l’antériorisation de /ɔ/, souvent étudiée en France, mais relativement peu au Québec. Pour mieux explorer la variation diatopique liée à ce phénomène et clarifier sa relation avec le contexte consonantique, une analyse acoustique comparative des trois premiers formants de 3835 voyelles produites en position accentuée dans des mots et pseudo-mots monosyllabiques (C)VC par 78 étudiants universitaires de Saguenay et de Québec (Québec) et de Lyon (France) a été menée. Des modèles de régression linéaire à effets mixtes appliqués aux données permettent de constater une différence importante du F₂ de /ɔ/ entre les villes, cette voyelle étant plus antérieure à Québec qu’à Saguenay et à Lyon qu’à Saguenay. Les voyelles québécoises et françaises se distinguent également, dans une moindre mesure, sur le plan de F₁ et de F₃. Dans tous les cas, quelle que soit leur position (antéposée ou postposée), les consonnes antérieures (ex. /t, d/) favorisent le F₂ le plus élevé et les consonnes labiales (ex. /p, b/), le F₂ le plus bas. Ces résultats indiquent que l’antériorisation de /ɔ/ à l’échelle acoustique est bien présente chez les jeunes locuteurs québécois et qu’elle est variable tant au niveau micro-géographique que macro-géographique, tout en étant largement affectée par la coarticulation chez tous les locuteurs.
This study is concerned with /ɔ/-fronting, a phenomenon widely studied in France, but that has received little attention in Quebec French. To better understand the regional variation of /ɔ/-fronting and to further investigate its relationship with the consonantal environment, a contrastive acoustic analysis of the first three formants of 3835 stressed vowels uttered in (C)VC monosyllabic word and pseudo-words by university students from Saguenay and Québec (Quebec) and Lyon (France) was conducted. Linear mixed effects regressions fitted to the data show substantial variation in F₂ across cities, /ɔ/ being more fronted in Québec than in Saguenay and in Lyon than in Saguenay. F₁ and F₃ also vary between France and Quebec French. In all cases, no matter their position (before or after the vowel), front consonants (ex. /t, d/) favor the highest F₂, while labial consonants (ex. /p, b/) are associated with the lowest F₂. These results suggest that /ɔ/-fronting, at the acoustical level, is alive and well among young Quebec French speakers and that it is variable both at the micro- and macro-geographical levels, while also being largely affected by coarticulation across all speakers.
Nduku, Kasang. "Les particularités lexicales du français en Afrique : analyse graphematique, morphematique et lexicosémantique du français au Zai͏̈re (R. D. Congo)." Paris 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA030031.
Повний текст джерелаThe variation that can be observed in french spoken and written in africa manifests itself in different ways, and is related to various types of linguistic reality which are to be found in other french-speaking countries. This variation can only be effectively studied in a relatively homogeneous linguistic environment, in which the language is subjected to the same influences, and varies within the same basic framework. Zaire (r. D. Congo) one of the biggest french-speaking countries offers, thanks to the variety of languages spoken on its territory and the diversity of its culture, as well as its political upheavals, many teresting cases of linguistic variation, which are especially apparent in the dynamism and the richness of its lexical creation. The creation of new words concerns two main categories of lexemes: loan-words borrowed from local languages, and french terms which have undergone modifications, at the level of expression as well as at the level of content. These terms, which we have called "lexical idioms", are analysed here within a framework which breaks down the word into its various constitutive units are organised into inter-related networks called "strata". On the level of expression, variation can be found in the phonematic and graphematic strata, which are concerned with modifications of units on a phonic and graphic level. As far as content is concerned, variation can be found in the morphematic and lexematic strata. Here, the changes observed affect both lexical and grammatical morphemes. In the lexematic stratum, variation affects the word in its totality, in its "dictionary form". Finally, a large part of this study is devoted to the semantic variation of these idioms. This variation is also present in different forms: already present in the form of morphematic and lexematic variation, it shows itself more clearly through the play of movement throughout the semic structure of the word
Valette, Marie-France. "Le francais regional de saint-pierre et miquelon." Caen, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991CAEN1088.
Повний текст джерелаThough located in north america on the doorstep to canada, the small french archipelago saint-pierre et miquelon has managed to safeguard its own particular specificity with regards not only to the culture and the habits of its inhabitants, but also to their language. Isolated in the north atlantic, normans, basques and bretons lived together then were united to make up one entity totaly centered around everything pertaining to the sea, the only source of wealth. Its language, the french from mother country, vehicle of communication between the different ethnic groups has been tossed about by political and social upheavels after having retained the inhabitants'local expressions. What remains today of this language spoken by a minority on french soil enclosed in an english-speaking sphere ? french syntax and french vocabulary for a local way of speaking studded with archaic and nautical terms, local expressions and anglicisms. After a short introduction concerning the archipelago in its politico historical, economical and linguistic context, the study of regional french of saint-pierre et miquelon deals with the spoken language as it is today
Rizzolo, Olivier. "Du leurre phonétique des voyelles moyennes en français et du divorce entre licenciement et licenciement pour gouverner." Nice, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NICE2016.
Повний текст джерелаRiverin-Coutlée, Josiane. "Variation et changement phonétiques chez les jeunes adultes québécois." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/35007.
Повний текст джерелаSecond dialect acquisition (SDA) may be defined as the process by which a geographically mobile individual adapts their linguistic practices to those in use intheir new environment, without learning a new language per se. Typically, this acquisition occurs at the phonetic level, as reflected in the intuitive idea that people who move away “change their accent”. Scientific accounts of SDA have only recently increased in number, as previous linguistic work has mostly focused on the practices of sedentary speakers. At the same time, pronunciation has long been thought to be settled from adolescence on. SDA is a widespread phenomenon given the increasing geographic mobility of individuals, although its phonetic outcomes are especially heterogeneous. Studies addressing this issue highlight the extensive array of factors that might explain why results vary across individuals and linguistic contexts. Internal factors such as the regularity of the rules that need to be learned, or external like the speakers’ integration to their new environment or concern to remain faithful to their origin, have been put forward. Depending on the theoretical perspective, SDA has been interpreted as an automatism, or as a process mediated by various aspects of the communication situation, the relationship between the speaker and their interlocutor, the frequency and recency of the phonetic properties of ambient speech, etc. This contribution is a sociophonetic study of SDA in Quebec. More precisely, 33 native speakers of Quebec French aged 18 to 22 were recruited upon enrollment in an undergraduate program at Université Laval. Eighteen of them were mobile speakers : they had just moved in Quebec City in order to start university, but were from somewhere else in the province. Born and raised in Quebec City, the 15 remaining participants were sedentary. On recruitment (T1), the speakers were recorded in a sound-attenuated booth while reading target words in isolation or inserted in carrier sentences. These target words featured all of the oral vowels of Quebec French in stressed syllable. The vowels were analyzed acoustically : their duration and the frequency and dynamics of their first three formants (F1, F2 and F3) were measured. The participants also completed questionnaires assessing their social integration, belonging to the socio-psychological phase of emerging adulthood and, for the mobiles only, faithfulness to their origin. The experiment was replicated a year later (T2). Results show that fine-grained acoustic changes occurred over time. The vowels moved closer to each other in the F1/F2plane. Frequency of F3 and formant dynamics decreased in some vowels. A reduction of the articulatory movements thus seems to have occurred. However, these changes took viplace in all speakers, whether they be mobile or sedentary. Neither of the other external factors taken into account (integration, emerging adulthood, faithfulness) could explain the changes. Therefore, we hypothesized that the way the participants perceived the experiment had evolved over time. As for the lack of more substantial phonetic shifts in mobile speakers, it could be explained by the short time span between the two experiments, since the first changes taking place during SDA do not usually happen at the phonetic level. Another possibility is that there are not enough dialectal features in Quebec City for the mobile speakers to change systematically, whereas, furthermore, the local population might not even be the main linguistic influence of university students.The mobile participants nonetheless proved aware of differences between their own speech and that of their new environment, suggesting that enhanced linguistic sensitivity may play a role in phonetic change. Further progress in understanding the link between speech perception and production mayalsoshed light on the mechanisms underlying the first stages of SDA. Our results add to those from a growing body of studies evidencing that a certain phonetic flexibility is maintained throughout adulthood.
Duku, De Tshiangolo. "La diversité linguistique en Angola et son influence sur l'enseignement / apprentissage du français langue étrangère." Toulouse 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU20017.
Повний текст джерелаExpect from the portuguese and same native khoïsan languages speaking in the south, Angola is a bantoue languages country. There are nine different regional languages speaking : kikongo, kimbundu, umbundu, nyaneka-humbe, osihelelo, cokwe, ngangela, osiwanbo et osindonga. More portuguese wich is the official language for administration and studies, our study is about three regional idioms (kikongo, kimbundu et umbundu) because of their demographic relevance in the country. The linguistic mixing of portuguese and regional languages creates intrusions or interferences in FLE teaching. This interferences appear in different subjects : phonetic and phonology, morpho-syntax, lexico-semantic, culture, etc. We propose some correction for these differents types of mistakes. For phonetic problems we use verbs-tonal method that takes like starting point the learner's erroneous perception and that considere that a good perception entails a good production
Galimard, Kalinka. "La limite oïl / oc dans le département de la Charente : deux siècles d'enquêtes(1807-1990)." Paris 13, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA131035.
Повний текст джерелаThe aim of this thesis is an overview of attainments and lacks that constitute the knowledge of the concept of the frontier zone between the two great linguistical areas oil and oc : the "crescent". The introduction presents the limits of research that the author chooses (approach to the linguistical limit by the study of speakers's linguistical awareness) according to the debate between dialectologists and sociolinguists about able correlations between linguistical aspect and non linguistical one. In the first part, the analysis of eleven dialectological studies leads to show constitued parts of the crescent : cited localities, way of naming speech of the cited locality, linguistical aspect of the named speech. The rule of linguistical awareness and its arguments (which is the result of investigation relations) has been shown. And we can see that some research rules which are recommended by sociolinguists, exist in dialectological studies like rousselot or terracher's ones, for instance. The second part is the approach to the linguistical limit by the study of speakers's linguistical awareness and proves the tracing of the linguistical limit. The correlation with study of matrimonial movment (terracher's concept) is completed by analysis of socio-economical and ethnological data
Freart, Brigitte. "La part du dialecte dans la langue contemporaine orale : le parler du Carembault et des confins de la Gohelle." Lille 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LIL30018.
Повний текст джерелаBourel, Jean-Claude. "La terre et les jours en pays gallo (region de plaintel - saint-julien - cotes-du-nord). Etude dialectologique et ethnographique." Caen, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987CAEN1023.
Повний текст джерелаPesce, Isabella. "Le parler ordinaire d'immigrés liguriens établis dans le Perche (1923-2000)." Paris 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA030010.
Повний текст джерелаThe subject of this research is the compararative study of the Ligurian immigrants' language in the Perche province, comparing the language of these immigrants with their Italian dialect and the local language. The research work reveals a particular idiolect with its lexical and morphosyntactic creations. Three parts are included : phonetic description, morphosyntactic study, lexical study. The methodology of geolinguistics has been used because it is adapted to the study of language contact. Three indexes of the Tiglietese, Norman and Percheron words complete the work
Roullet, Stefania. "Accent et intonation dans deux parlers francoprovençaux de la vallée d'Aoste (Sarre et Cogne)." Grenoble 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999GRE39013.
Повний текст джерелаA systematic analysis of word stress, group stress and sentence stress as well as the development of the intonational contour of each word, of each phrase and of each full sentence, in affirmative (declarative) and interrogative (yes/no question) sentences has been carried out to evaluate among other things the influence exerted by the position of the stressed syllable in the word and of the word in the sentence on accents and intonational patterns. The method followed in the acquisition of data - essentially based on the use of a fixed corpus (the results were also proved by means of free tape-recordings and spontaneous language) - has permitted of no limitate the attention on variations of fo, but to extend to the values of duration and intensity, thus dividing into its three principal parameters in correspondence of its vocalic segments. Besides, this method has assured us the possibility to dispose realizations that from a semantic point of view are little connotated and has made it possible to identify intonational patterns in the affirmative and interrogative utterances of the considered varieties. By means of essentially phonetic and instrumental approach, we have thus examined the principal prosodic phenomena which characterize the two francoprovencal varieties of aosta valley as well as the regional italian spoken in the two villages analysed. In this way we have the opportunity to verify the existence of phenomena such as "persistence" and variation in the use of the two different linguistic codes by the same speaker. The choice of these two villages (sarre and cogne) was based upon the aim to verify the presence vs. Absence ofcommun elements in the two varities which, though belonging to the same linguistic area, are perceived as being very different
Le, Harzic Katell. "Le français régional de la région de Morlaix, Basse-Bretagne : enracinement sociolinguistique et fonctionnements." Rennes 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REN20035.
Повний текст джерелаWhat does the expression 'breton accent' often heard in Low Brittany mean? In Low Brittany, french and breton, two languages of different origins had once their defined limits. For historical reasons, french has gradually spread into breton. At the beginning, the penetration was inconscious, the breton language acquired a lot of new words that described new ideas, customs and objects. Over the years, french has become the common language for Low Brittany, something that breton, with its dialectal diversification, has never been. The french introduced to Low Brittany is necessarily influenced by the breton language. The vocabulary of the spoken french in Low Brittany is not only permeated with breton words and expressions, but the breton also influences the phonology, intonation and morphology of the french in Low Brittany. Theses contacts are of course noticeable in spoken french as well as in its written literaly form. The different researches have shown that the regionalized french reveals the Breton's attachment to their local traditions and the breton language. Since the breton can no longer mark breton identity and particularity, Low Brittany's french has taken over this function and is able to distinguish the Bretons from other linguistic communities. All these issues constitute the subject of this research. The regional french in Low Brittany is analysed functionnaly and sociolinguistically. Finaly the thesis is essential to sociolinguistic studies in Brittany and also, from a human point of view, to the entire linguistic community of Low Brittany
Bergeron-Maguire, Myriam. "Le français en Haute-Normandie aux 17e et 18e siècles : aspects lexicaux, phonétiques et grammaticaux." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0329/document.
Повний текст джерелаAttempts to describe regional variation in French during the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth centuries have mainly relied in the past few years on literature, lexicography, regional glossaries and overseas varieties of French. Although these type of sources have offered reliable findings – we also use them extensively in this study –, regional and non standard varieties of French of the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth centuries still remain only partially described. Another type of source, which we examine in this work, has not been sufficiently considered until now : non-literary private writings. This neglect may be explained at least partly by the lack of reliable editions and the great mass of archival material.Drawing on an original corpus comprised of unpublished sources, which includes accounts, records, personal correspondence and minutes, this study describes Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century French in Upper Normandy, with specific attention to its regional and popular features
Mareschal, Claire de. "Français de France et français des Antilles à l'époque coloniale : étude de particularismes phonétiques, grammaticaux et lexicaux relevés dans les Prize Papers (1665-1793)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024SORUL144.
Повний текст джерелаStudies on 17th‑ and 18th‑century French generally give rise to an unitarist vision of a classical French based on the written language of a few great authors. However, researchers are more and more turning their attention to documentary sources that can reveal the full extent of the variational phenomena that characterize the history of the language. A non-literary source has recently attracted renewed interest from linguists: the French Prize Papers fund, i.e. documents seized by the English privateers on captured French ships, to be used as evidence during the trial determining whether they were taken legally or not. As these ships carried the mail exchanged between the French people settled in the West Indies and their Metropolitan relatives and connexions back home in Metropolitan France, these documents, held by the National Archives in London, are mainly letters. Most of them were written by writers with low literacy, revealing a variety of diatopic, diachronic and diastratic variants of phonetic, morphosyntactic or lexical nature. Although writers are indeed subject to the pressure of standards, as can be seen from the formulaic nature of the letters, at least they have an imperfect command of them; these attestations therefore provide a better understanding of the state of French as it was actually practised at the time. Furthermore, the study of the Prize Papers contributes to the reconstruction of what must have been colonial French, which was the origin of the French currently spoken in the West Indies, and was the input of French-based Antillean creoles
Gorenc, Michèle. "Les poètes du pays natal (1870-1890) : l'exemple de Jean Aicard et de François Fabié (Contribution à l’étude de la littérature régionaliste de langue française)." Toulon, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOUL3002.
Повний текст джерелаAprès la guerre de 1870, Jean Aicard publie Poèmes de Provence (1873), une louange de son pays natal. A sa suite, plusieurs jeunes poètes composent la « petite légende » de leur province, tel François Fabié qui présente dans Le Clocher (1887) une écriture de la remémoration. Valorisant les provinces au moment où le développement économique accélère l’exode rural et la transformation des campagnes, cette poésie fournira des arguments aux revendications régionalistes de la Belle Epoque. Un état des lieux de cette question dans le corpus critique et dans les panoramas littéraires montre que ce mouvement participe à une tradition de poésie de la Nature et qu’il s’exprime sous l’influence du romantisme et du Parnasse. Une étude des Poèmes de Provence et du Clocher analyse le fonctionnement de ces louanges (composition, thèmes, style) et leur dimension argumentative, de l’image de l’auditoire à celle du poète, des figures de style à l’inscription de l’affectivité
After the 1870 war, Jean Aicard publishes Poèmes de Provence (1873), a poetic homage of his native country. Following his example, several young poets compose their own “small Légende des Siècles” in praise of their province, including François Fabié whose Le Clocher (1887) is a self-conscious act of remembering. Celebrating provincial life at the time when economic development is speeding up both the rural exodus and the countryside’s transformation, these poets will fuel regionalist claims during the Belle Epoque. Looking at this question in the existing criticism and literary surveys, shows that this movement belongs to a tradition of Nature poetry, and that its expression is influenced by romanticism and the Parnassian movement. This study of Poèmes de Provence and Le Clocher deals with how these praises function in terms of composition, themes and style. It analyses the mode of their arguments : the image of the reader, the representation of the poet, together with the stylistic figures involved in the expression of feeling
Fournier, Dominique. "La variation microtoponymique en Normandie : étude microtoponymique de l'interfluve défini par les vallées de la Dives et de la Vie." Paris 13, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA131018.
Повний текст джерелаThis work shows that pertinent microtoponymic variation is perceptible on a relatively reduced scale, and can be account ed for in most cases. The analysed data consists mainly of the contents of the napoleonic cadastral survey of eighty communes (former parishes , several of which have merged into larger units) in lower normandy, situated between the dives and the vie valleys. Thi s area includes parts of the plaine de caen and the pays d'auge. And straddles the calvados and orne departements. Previous and subsequent oral or written forms complete this data. Variation is analysed from a phonetic, lexical and morphosyntactic point of view. Phonetic variation is studied in relation with the main isoglosses that cross or skim past the concerned area, and which define the local idiom : treatments of latin k + a , germanic w , stressed latin e: and i in open syllables, recent palatalization of k. . . The lexical units appearing in microtoponyms are analysed thematically from a dialectal and etymological point of view. Finally, variation in the morphosyntactic structures of microtoponyms and its relation with the object described are poi nted out and formalized. It appears that the main factors of variation (which have unequal extents in space and time ali ke) are of a dialectal, historical, geographical, social or political nature. Besides these factors, a series of micro-variation phenomena is attributable to very localized toponymic trends
Gasquet-Cyrus, Médéric. "Pratiques et représentations de l'humour verbal : étude sociolinguistique du cas marseillais." Aix-Marseille 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX10021.
Повний текст джерелаNahon, Peter. "Les parlers français des Israélites du Midi." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020SORUL017.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis deals with the dialects spoken down to our own day by the descendants of the two historic Jewish populations established in Southern France. The more ancient of these two populations was located in Southeastern France and comprised Jews of the former Papal State of Avignon and the adjacent territories known as le Comtat Venaissin (Carpentras, Cavaillon, l’Isle-sur-Sorgue), and now as the Department of Vaucluse. The second, located in Southwestern France is of more recent vintage, having been founded in the sixteenth century by descendants of fugitives from the Iberian Inquisitions. Today neither of these two groups numbers more than a few dozen individuals and their unique varieties of French, hitherto almost unstudied, are teetering on the verge of extinction. We describe and study these dialects based upon all extant written documents and the results of an ongoing in loco investigation. The thesis opens with a linguistic history of the populations and a critical status questionis concerning the varieties of Gascon and Provençal, which have now died out and been replaced by the above-mentioned French varieties. Their description, then, takes on the form of a lexicographic and lexicological inventory of the two varieties’ differential vocabulary (c. 1500 units), in which each form or word is the subject of an etymological and historical study. The description is followed by a linguistic analysis of the material, taking into account inter alia the phonetics, the phonology and the constructional morphology of it. We examine then the potential impact of the study of this almost neglected linguistic material towards the general understanding of language contact and diastratic variation
Makanga, Mboumba Joséphine. "Approche linguistique et sociolinguistique du français parlé à Port-Gentil : éléments pour une autre didactique du français au Gabon." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012STRAC042.
Повний текст джерелаPort-Gentil (as far as Libreville) is defined as the hope of better living conditions and one membership in the elite which passes by a “certain practice” of the French language. The absence of a national language, the proliferation of the mixed marriages, the membership identity, etc will propel and consolidate the French language well beyond what it had been at the time of colonization. Supporting Us on an analysis sociolinguistics and morphosyntaxic spontaneous interactions taken in the school, the markets and the family unit, we tried to show the existence of a high spoken variety and its impact in school. In perpetual cohabitation with the local languages and by its omnipresence, the French language is seen allotting a new amount of heterogeneity which supports hybrid forms distinguished according to the diastratic variation. One will distinguish various varieties of which the form mésolectale which is the highly vehicular variety, that which one finds in mediums formal and abstract, that to which the Gabonese speaker is identified and which conveys a kind of endogenous standard. It is presented as a high variety of the French language because it unifies the heterogeneous population characterized by a diversity of speech communities and cultural. This form, characteristic of Gabonese French spoken (FPG) appearing in urban areas about the country and carrying an endogenous standard marked by a prevalence about semantic interferences, affects in school where it gets busy at the sides of the form of French” the good use “in the written and oral productions
Gomez-Bellomia, Catherine. "Construction - reconstruction identitaire dans le discours des Pieds-noirs : étude de cas." Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00466559.
Повний текст джерелаWissner, Inka. "Les diatopismes du français en Vendée et leur utilisation dans la littérature : l'œuvre contemporaine d'Yves Viollier." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040111/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis doctoral dissertation studying the use of French regionalisms, or diatopicisms, in literature, is situated in the fields of variationist linguistics and of discourse analysis. The study offers a detailed description of the concepts and current terminology in the recent discipline of Francophone differential linguistics as well as in the related branches of French discourse analysis. It pays particular attention to the methods applied in the identification of diatopic elements and the interpretation of existing sources – completed by field studies conducted by the author – as well as for an appropriate discourse analysis of diatopicisms in literature. Developing a new sociopragmatic paradigm, the author analyses the strategies that present meta-linguistically highlighted diatopicisms and their textual distribution in order to interpret what these procedures say obliquely about the diatopicisms in terms of their pragmatic and sociolinguistic characteristics. The large corpus analysis is presented in the form of dictionary articles, based on a model developed in French differential lexicography, and enriched by sociopragmatic sections. The author analyses all highlighted diatopicisms in the twenty-six popular novels of Yves Viollier which belong to the latter's sociolinguistic community (Vendée). The study shows that the strategies highlighting diatopicisms in the analysed novels – published from 1972 to 2009, realist and partly regionalist – are relatively rare. The ethos of the novelist's home region is partly created by the use of diatopicisms – but this is achieved through original choices, rather than largely shared stereotypes
Zanoaga, Téodor-Florin. "Contribution à la description des particularités lexicales du français régional des Antilles. Étude d’un corpus de littérature contemporaine : les romans LʼHomme-au-Bâton (1992) et L’Envers du décor (2006) de l’auteur antillais Ernest Pépin". Thesis, Paris 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA040274/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to contribute to the study of the French variation in the Lesser Antilles, analyzing lexical particularities in a contemporary literary corpus: the novels L’Homme-au-Bâton (1992) and L’Envers du décor (2006) written by the Antillean author Ernest Pepin.After a short presentation of several specific phenomena from the francophone Caribbean area, we will make an inventory of the main sources we had at our disposal for the lexicological study of the Antillean regionalisms.Different types of regionalisms were discovered and they will be commented: heritages, bor-rowings, formal and / or semantic innovations. The two novels written by Ernest Pepin repre-sent a good corpus to illustrate the lexical productivity of the variety of French from the Lesser Antilles and its multiple possibilities of expression.The best represented semantic fields are: food, music, flora, fauna and spiritual life. At the formal level, the compounding is the most productive type of word formation. At the seman-tic level, some phenomena of semantic restriction and extension, and the building of new meanings by metaphor and metonymy among others can be observed.The lexical analysis of the regionalisms in a literary corpus raises many methodological problems (making the distinction between regionalisms and idiolectal phenomena, rebuilding the history of the words, ethical problems, difficulties related to lexicographic tools and tech-niques, working with disparate and ambiguous data).Our doctoral thesis could be a step forward towards a complex dictionary of the variety of French in the Lesser Antilles, but a lot of ideas are for the moment still on drawing board and the researches should continue in this direction
Johansson, Sofia. "La Langue française en Europe." Thesis, University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:his:diva-136.
Повний текст джерелаLe rôle de la langue française a beaucoup changé au cours des siècles. Dans ce mémoire, j’ai choisi d’étudier les changements dans le rôle de la langue française pour essayer d’en tirer des conclusions concernant l’avenir du français en Europe. Dans ce but j’ai commencé par décrire le développement de la langue française en bref en comparaison avec la situation présente et puis continué en présentant des théories concernant l’avenir de la langue française dans le monde, et plus particulièrement en Europe. Pour examiner comment le rôle de la langue s’est transformé, j’ai utilisé des sources factuelles mais aussi des rapports et textes de séminaires pour montrer les attitudes par rapport aux changements dans la langue. Je vais aussi présenter mon analyse et ma conclusion. Mes principales sources sont issues d’articles de journaux et de textes français sur les pages Internet de l’Académie et des organisations différentes de la francophonie. Le français est une langue issue des formes orales et populaires du latin, graduellement transformées par l’usage. Aujourd’hui près de 119 millions de gens dans le monde ont le français comme langue maternelle ou d’usage courant, 63 autres millions sont des francophones partiels et 82 millions de jeunes ou adultes apprennent le français, soit un total de 264 millions de personnes ayant le français en partage.
Depuis que l’Union européenne est élargie, la coopération entre les pays membres augmente, mais cela aussi eu pour conséquence une concurrence plus forte sur le plan politique et au niveau de la langue. La concurrence de l’anglais représente une réelle menace
pour le français, même dans la vie courante, et les importations anglo-américaines dans le lexique sont devenues trop massives. Par conséquent les autorités gouvernementales ont été amenées, depuis une trentaine d’années, à compléter le dispositif traditionnel de régulation de la langue. La promotion de la langue est une question prioritaire pour les pays francophones et il existe aujourd’hui des associations qui travaillent avec des problèmes concernant la diversité linguistique de la langue française, et essayent de réserver et de protéger la langue contre l’uniformisation que trop d’influence des mots anglais implique. Un plan pluriannuel pour le français à la conquête des nouveaux publics a aussi été lancé. Mais ce sont seulement quelques exemples des projets de promotion de la langue. Comme la situation dans le monde continue à bouger il est difficile de savoir quel rôle le français va jouer dans l’avenir, mais il est clair que c’est une langue forte et vivante qui est en développement constant.
Karangira, Alexis. "Le roman zaïrois de langue française." Paris 12, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA120041.
Повний текст джерелаThe zairean literary works in french language owe their origin to the combined efforts of five principal factors : the introduction of french in the educational system of the belgian congo, the establishment of public libraries in the colony, the creation of socio-cultural circles with literary competition for the educated natives, the admission of blacks to press writings and finally, the alteration of the colonial literary works by the replacement of their approach to african realities. During the colonial period, the congolese narrative literature was marked by the works of paul lomami-tshibamba, one of the rare belgian congo writers to describe the awful change of the traditional african societies in contact with western civilisation. The extensive work of the traditional novelist exploits the relationship, established by the african mythology, between the visible world and the supernatural forces. Particularly inspired by the myth founders, inspired by the myth fonders, the authors magnified the greatness of traditional african civilisation with an effort to put its values in the modern world. Presently, the remarkable stride in the production of zairean literary works points in two directions : the intellectual writers who question the coming of the west into africa and the realist writers that challenge and condemn the bad management of public affaires by post-independent african leaders. Having attained maturity and autonomy in the mastery of writing, the zairean literary works now look forward to a nationwide spread. Their future is remarkably tied to that of francophony in africa
Touré, Kitia. "La nouvelle radiophonique en langue française." Paris 4, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA040032.
Повний текст джерелаPatalauskaitė, Indrė. "L'accentuation de la langue française et lituanienne." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2005. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2005~D_20050601_203223-65921.
Повний текст джерелаGandonou, Albert. "Roman ouest-africain de langue française : étude de langue et de style." Paris 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA040104.
Повний текст джерелаCamoun, Abdelhamid. "Études de psycho-systématique française et arabe." Paris 4, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA040144.
Повний текст джерелаMillet, Agnès. "Quelques aspects sociolinguistiques de l'orthographe française." Grenoble 3, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990GRE39002.
Повний текст джерелаThis research presents a sociolinguistic examination of the French writing system. The orthographical practices of the French language and how they are used will be observed. The degree of acceptability of the samples obtained will not be taken into account. Samples were taken from university students' notes, examination papers, and letters soliciting an eployment. Analysis of these samples points to evidence that writing system styles and the use of orthographical signs differ according to several sociolinguistic variables. Information gathered during interviews with students, faculty members, and professional users of French orthographical system complete these findings. Evidence also reveals that also the French spelling system is highly criticized in its social function, it does represent an indefinable linguistic component, an inexpressible norm. In such an environment a myth is likely to emerge. It will also be shown that the formulation of these representations is affected by the age and the scholastic level of the subjects interviewed. These factors determine the degree of interest the subject will show and the attitude he she will adopt vis-à-vis the French spelling system
Sebraoui, Ahmed. "Approche sociolinguistique de la langue française au Maroc." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212755.
Повний текст джерелаWilhelm, Frank. "Études sur la littérature luxembourgeoise de langue française." Paris 4, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA040210.
Повний текст джерелаLabarrère, Georges. "La dégradation de la langue française dans l'administration." Paris 4, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA040150.
Повний текст джерелаThe endless stream of written material which issues daily from the civil service makes it the most prolific body of writers in our country. No other professional group in france - apart from the teachers - plays as important a role with regard to the french language as civil servants. Unfortunately, despite being france's leading writer in terms of quantity of material produced, the civil service is anything but when it comes to quality. Indeed, the last three or four decades have seen a slow, insidious, but very marked decline in the standard of its written french. Part i consists of a collection of badly written official documents. Part ii focuses on the causes of the decline in standards. Part iii lists measures already taken to cope with this decline. The thesis concludes with a number of recommendations
Zorzi, Giorgia <1988>. "Role Shift in LSF (Langue des Signes Française)." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/3339.
Повний текст джерелаSmaali-Dekdouk, Dalila. "La langue française en Algérie : fonctionnement et appropriation." Aix-Marseille 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX10111.
Повний текст джерелаThe linguistic situation in Algeria can be characterized by a complicated multilinguistic system, in which french, facing with a voluntary policy of arabisation and because of the recognition of vernacular languages, knows a dialectal diversification and autonomisation due to its differents varieties Among the ways of using french it seems to emerge an endogenus variety involved in a process of normalisation and recognition. This essay aims at discribing this situation according to two different point of view : sociolinguistic and linguistic. It mainly focusses on the lexical problems which will be studied on two different levels : semasiologic and onomasiologic. We will base our study on a inventory of lexical particularisms
Voisin, Emilie. "Analyse syntaxique et formalisation d'énoncés en langue des signes française." Bordeaux 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR30095.
Повний текст джерелаThe question of the linguistic study of the sign french language ( LSF) is relatively recent considering the historical difficulties of the recognition of sign languages ( LS) in Europe and more particularly in France. The work of this thesis we led joins in a syntactic perspective. First of all, our research has concerned the syntactic organization of the simple sentence. Then we focused more particularly to the notion of verb. This study takes support on the study compared by different languages such as French, and other oral languages, LO, (such as African or Amazonian languages) but also LS such as american sign language( ASL), quebecois sign language ( LSQ) for example. The goal of this research is to update correlations between the linguistic systems of LO and LS. Indeed, we notice that the verb presents resemblances in its functioning with Amazonian tongues : the flexion of the verb in LSF can be as a mark of the nominal incorporation. It is this phenomenon in particular that we described from a syntactic point of view. Afterward, we propose a formalization of this phenomenon (nominal incorporation) in the theoretical frame of the generative grammar. The thesis asks the question of the point of view to be adopted on a particular linguistic system and tries to answer it by opening to a wider comparison between the LS and LO with the aim of enriching both systems
Kampanthong, Orapin. "Compétence de lecture en langue maternelle et en langue française chez les étudiants thai͏̈landais." Grenoble 3, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993GRE39047.
Повний текст джерелаThe aim of this thesis is to study the reading proficiency in the mother language and in the french language among thai students learning french. On the other hand, in this thesis, the construction of meaning in both languages is also studied. The methods and postulates of experimental research concerning the subject of the thesis are presented in the two first chapters. The four subsequent chapters concern the statistic studies of the social, economic, cultural questionnaire and the speed reading comprehension. The analysed results reveal a correletion between both surveys. Consequently, among the students of four universities, there are two major types of reading : "the decipherers" and "the readers". The last chapter includes the research in the construction of meaning through the reading test among two groups of thai students as well as a group of french students. Cultural and linguistic variables between the three groups are brought to the fore by means of text analysis
Lilti, Anne-Marie. "Ecriture poétique, langue maternelle et langue étrangère : contribution à l'histoire de la poésie française." Cergy-Pontoise, 1999. http://biblioweb.u-cergy.fr/theses/99CERG0072.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаMzioud, Hajar. "Langue française et urbanité au Maroc : l’exemple de Rabat." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015REN20016.
Повний текст джерелаThe status of Rabat as the country’s biggest political and administrative center arouses a particular linguistic interest. Rabat is both a modern and ancient city, this implies heterogeneity and an unseen conflict between his inhabitants. This thesis tends to focus on the differences in language in the streets of Rabat and the presence of the French language in the streets through signs, street names and the way people speak. Thus, we have opted for two large areas in the capital : one popular and the other one residential, which reveal a flagrant duality. We have made a comparison between the ways people belonging to this areas speak by means of recording real interactions in public places.We have noticed the use of the French and of a more formal language in the residential area given the socioeconomic status of its residents. On the other side of the coin, the popular area is more archaic as far as infrastructures and language are concerned.The objective of this thesis is to study, in a first step, the presence of the French language in Morocco’s political capital, through its streets and neighbourhoods, paying a particular attention to signs, space marking and street names. And as a second step, the real language interactions in the city of Rabat, by recording verbal exchanges in public places. This allowed us to determine the place held by the French language in the way people speak. The analysis of facts of language has also interested itself in the morphological changes that the borrowed French words have undergone to the point of not being able to detect them
Biekšienė, Živilė. "L’étude diachronique de la langue française ( au niveau phonétique )." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2005. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2005~D_20050525_233422-18909.
Повний текст джерелаPoirier, Christine. "La Shoah dans la littérature québécoise de langue française /." Thesis, McGill University, 2004. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=83139.
Повний текст джерелаDubé, Stéphanie. "Validation transculturelle en langue française du "Political Skill Inventory"." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/2840.
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