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Dias, André. "Development of a scanning MOKE system with a 10 T pulsed magnetic field source." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAY099.

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Nous avons développé un système de mesure magnéto-optique à balayage basé sur l’Effet Kerr(MOKE). Le montage permet mesurer des cycles d'aimantation en balayant de larges surfaces (150 x 150 mm 2 ) sous un champ magnétique pulsé allant jusqu’à 10 T à température ambiante. Les champs magnétiques intenses sont produits par des bobines millimétriques (diamètre interne = 3 mm) connectées à un générateur de courant bipolaire pulsé. Nous avons pu démontrer que ce système présente un fort potentiel pour l'étude combinatoire de couches magnétiques dures. Pour cela, nous avons dressé grâce à notre système MOKE la carte 2D des courbes d’hystérèse pour des couches de SmCo et NdFeB élaborées par pulvérisation et présentant un gradient de composition et comparé avec des mesures de composition d'alliage (EDX) et l'analyse de la structure cristalline (XRD)
The aim of this PhD project is to study diamagnetic levitation at the micro-scale in a quantitative fashion and to explore its use for the precise positioning and controlled movement of micro/nano-objects. Diamagnetic materials will be prepared with controlled shape and size (µm-mm range). Micro-magnets will also be developed to levitate the diamagnetic objects or to levitate above diamagnetic surfaces. To complement the study, a fully automated scanning MOKE system will be developed in order to characterize the quality of our samples fabricated using the triode sputtering machine and applying techniques called micro magnetic transfer and micro flux concentrators. First simple micro-robotic devices will be designed, and hopefully tested
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Jenkins, Catherine A. (Catherine Ann) 1981. "Pulse-field actuation of collinear magnetic single crystals." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/32717.

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Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, 2004.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-34).
Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) are a class of alloys that exhibits the shape memory effect, as in the alloy nickel-titanium, sometimes known as Nitinol. In FSMAs, though, the shape changes are not brought on just by changes in temperature or mechanical stresses, but can also be driven by the application of a relatively small magnetic field. The large strains exhibited by such materials are a result of the coexistence of several features, including a thermoelastic martensitic transition, and a ferromagnetic martensite (non-equilibrium, low-temperature) phase. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy must also be large, as seen in similar alloys such as iron-palladium (Fe₇₀Pd₃₀) [1]. Nickel-manganese-gallium is an FSMA that has shown up to 10% strain in certain orientations as an effect of unconstrained magnetic actuation [4]. To achieve cyclic actuation in FSMAs, the field-induced extension has conventionally been reversed by a compressive mechanical stress from a spring or field orthogonal to the actuating field. The use of a second FSMA crystal to provide the reset force was unreported. Collinear single crystals are shown here to be able to induce a 2.8% reset strain against one another when subjected alternately to individual pulsed magnetic fields in a custom designed and constructed apparatus. A setup of this type could be used in a bistable microswitch, linear motion actuator, or shutter controller where a low actuation stress is sufficient or the electrical contacts required to activate a piezoelectric device are undesirable.
by Catherine A. Jenkins.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Салам, Буссі. "Електромагнітно-акустичні перетворювачі для ультразвукового контролю металовиробів". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48184.

Повний текст джерела
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук (доктора філософії) за спеціальністю 05.11.13 «Прилади і методи контролю та визначення складу речовин» – Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут». Дисертація присвячена розробці нових ультразвукових електромагнітно-акустичних перетворювачів з джерелом імпульсного поляризуючого магнітного поля, методів підвищення чутливості контролю та діагностики металовиробів з використанням перетворювачів такого типу. Виконано аналітичний огляд та аналіз сучасних засобів і методів контролю та діагностики електромагнітно-акустичним методом [1–3] феромагнітних і електропровідних або тільки електропровідних виробів в умовах дії постійних та імпульсних поляризуючих магнітних полів з урахуванням наявності когерентних завад різного типу, технічного рівня сучасних електромагнітно – акустичних перетворювачів, схемотехнічних рішень засобів їх живлення, прийому з виробів ультразвукових імпульсів та їх обробки, визначення відомих переваг, недоліків та можливостей використання в дослідженнях і розробках. Визначені та обґрунтовані напрямки дисертаційного дослідження: розробка електромагнітно-акустичного перетворювача у вигляді спрощеної одновиткової моделі [4] джерела магнітного поляризуючого поля з феромагнітним осердям та високочастотною котушкою, яка розміщена між осердям та металовиробом; шляхом моделювання [5] розподілення індукції поляризуючого магнітного поля на торці осердя джерела магнітного поля та в поверхневому шарі як феромагнітного так і неферомагнітного металовиробу визначено особливості розташування високочастотної котушки індуктивності під джерелом магнітного поля для ефективного збудження зсувних ультразвукових імпульсів (в центральній частині торця феромагнітного осердя) або поздовжніх ультразвукових імпульсів (біля периферійної частини торця феромагнітного осердя) [6]. Збільшення кількості витків котушки намагнічування при наявності феромагнітного осердя призводить до значного збільшення часу перехідних процесів при включенні живлення імпульсного джерела поляризуючого магнітного поля і при його виключенні. В результаті час дії імпульсу живлення збільшується до 1 мс і більше, що призводить до збільшення сили притягування ЕМАП до феромагнітного виробу, додаткових втрат електроенергії, погіршенню температурного режиму перетворювача. Для зменшення часу дії імпульсу живлення джерела магнітного поля необхідно зменшувати кількість витків котушки намагнічування, але це призводить до зменшення величини магнітної індукції навіть при наявності феромагнітного осердя. В результаті раціонального вибору конструкції джерела магнітного поля встановлена необхідність виконання його котушки намагнічування плоскою двовіконною трьохвитковою і виготовляти з високоелектропровідного високотеплопровідного матеріалу [7-9]. Осердя повинно бути розміщено в вікнах котушки намагнічування тільки торцями. В результаті час дії імпульсу намагнічування зменшено до 200 мкс, що достатньо для контролю виробів товщиною до 300 мм. Високочастотна котушка індуктивності виконана з двома лінійними робочими ділянками, які розташовуються під вікнами котушки намагнічування [9]. При протилежних напрямках високочастотного струму в цих робочих ділянках в поверхневому шарі виробу збуджуються синфазні потужні імпульси зсувних ультразвукових хвиль. При цьому відношення збуджуваних амплітуд зсувних та поздовжніх імпульсів перевищує 30 дБ. Тобто когерентні імпульси поздовжніх хвиль при контролі луна методом практично не будуть впливати на результати діагностики феромагнітних виробів. Розроблені варіанти конструкцій електромагнітно-акустичних перетворювачів з одновитковими [7], двовитковими [8] та трьохвитковими [9] котушками намагнічування джерела імпульсного поляризуючого магнітного поля. При одновитковій котушці [7] перехідні процеси при включенні імпульсу живлення мінімальні. Проте необхідно збуджувати в котушці струм з силою в кілька кА, що ускладнює температурний режим перетворювача та апаратуру живлення. При трьохвитковій котушці [9] намагнічування амплітуда донних імпульсів по відношенню до амплітуди завад перевищує 24 дБ, що дозволяє проводити контроль та діагностику значної кількості металовиробів. При використанні шихтованого осердя [9] відношення амплітуд корисного сигналу і шуму збільшилося до 38 дБ, що дає можливість проводити ультразвуковий контроль лунаметодом. Розроблено метод [10 ] ультразвукового електромагнітно- акустичного контролю феромагнітних виробів, суть якого заключається в збудженні ультразвукових імпульсів шляхом формування в поверхневому шарі феромагнітного виробу двох рядом розташованих короткочасно намагнічених ділянок з протилежним напрямком векторів магнітної індукції поляризуючого поля, збудженні в намагнічених ділянках пакетних імпульсів електромагнітного поля з протилежно направленими векторами напруженості тривалістю в кілька періодів високої частоти заповнення, при цьому збудження імпульсів електромагнітного поля виконують в момент часу, який дорівнює часу перехідних процесів з встановлення робочої величини індукції поляризуючого магнітного поля, а прийом ультразвукових імпульсів відбитих з виробу виконується в період часу tпр, який визначається за виразом T – t1 – t2 – t3 < tпр = t1 + t2 + t3 + 2H/C, де Т – тривалість імпульсу намагнічування; t1 – час перехідних процесів з встановлення робочої величини індукції поляризуючого магнітного поля; t2 – час дії пакетного імпульсу електромагнітного поля; t3 – час затухаючих коливань в плоскій високочастотній котушці індуктивності; Н – товщина виробу або відстань в об’ємі виробу, які підлягають ультразвуковому контролю; С – швидкість поширення зсувних ультразвукових хвиль в матеріалі виробу. Встановлено [9] [9], що завади в феромагнітному осерді, обумовлені ефектом Баркгаузена та магнітострикційним перетворенням електромагнітної енергії в ультразвукову при збудженні ультразвукових імпульсів, практично виключаються за рахунок виготовлення осердя шихтованим, матеріал пластин осердя повинен мати низький коефіцієнт магнітострикційного перетворення, пластини осердя повинні бути орієнтовані перпендикулярно провідникам робочих ділянок плоскої високочастотної котушки індуктивності, а також заповненням щілин між пластинами осердя рідиною із значною густиною, наприклад гліцерином. Показано, що чутливість прямих ЕМА перетворювачів з імпульсним намагнічуванням при живленні розробленим генератором пакетних зондуючих високочастотних імпульсів [11 ] та прийомі малошумлячим підсилювачем [12 ] забезпечують виявлення плоскодонних відбивачів діаметром 3 мм і більше при частоті зондування 40 Гц, піковому високочастотному струмі 120 А, частоті зсувних лінійно поляризованих ультразвукових коливань 2,3 МГц, тривалості високочастотного пакетного імпульсу 6…7 періодів частоти заповнення, тривалості імпульсу намагнічування 200 мкс, густині струму намагнічування 600 А/мм2 та при зазорі між ЕМАП і виробом 0,2 мм [9] [9]. При цьому амплітуда луна імпульсу відбитого від дефекту по відношенню до амплітуди завад досягає 20 дБ. Розроблені ЕМАП захищені 2 патентами на корисну модель.
Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Engineering (Doctor of Philosophy), specialty 05.11.13 "Devices and methods of testing and determination of composition of substances" - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". The dissertation is devoted to development of new ultrasonic electromagnetic-acoustic transducers with a source of pulsed polarizing magnetic field, methods of sensitive testing and diagnostics of metalware with the use of transducers of this type. Analytical review and analysis of modern means and methods of testing and diagnostics via electromagnetic-acoustic method [1-3] of ferromagnetic and electrically conductive or strictly electrically conductive products under conditions of impact of constant and pulse polarizing magnetic fields taking into account the presence of coherent interferences of different types, technical level of modern electromagnetic circuits, means of their power supply, reception of ultrasonic pulses from metalware and their processing, determination of known advantages and disadvantages, and opportunities of their use in research and development. The direction of the research is defined and justified: development of electromagnetic-acoustic transducer in the form of a simplified single-wind coil model [4] of a source of a magnetic polarizing field with a ferromagnetic core and a high-frequency coil, which is located between the core and the sample; by modeling [5] the distribution of induction of polarizing magnetic field at the end face of the core of the magnetic field source and in the surface layer of both ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic metallurgy the features of the location of the high frequency coil of inductance under the magnetic field source are effectively determined for the effective excitation of shear ultrasonic pulses (near the peripheral end of the ferromagnetic core) [6]. The increase in number of winds of magnetization coil in presence of a ferromagnetic core leads to a significant increase in time of transients during the process of powering of a pulsed source of a polarizing magnetic field and during its switching off. As a result, the duration of the power pulse increases to 1 ms or more, which leads to an increase in the force of attraction of EMAP to the ferromagnetic product, additional losses of electricity, deterioration of temperature conditions of the transducer. To reduce the duration of powering pulse of magnetic field it is necessary to reduce the number of winds of the magnetizing coil, but this leads to a decrease in magnetic induction magnitude, even in presence of a ferromagnetic core. As a result of rational choice of the design of the magnetic field source, the flat coil of magnetization must be made with a two-window three-wind and made of high-conductive high-heat-conducting material [7-9]. The core should be placed in the windows of the magnet coil only by the ends. As a result, the action time of the magnetization pulse is reduced to 200 μs, which is sufficient for testing of samples up to 300 mm thick. The high-frequency inductor coil is made of two linear working sections that are located under the windows of the coil [9]. In opposite directions of high-frequency current in these working areas, in-phase powerful pulses of shear ultrasonic waves are excited in the surface layer of the product. The ratio of the excited amplitudes of the shear and longitudinal pulses exceeds 30 dB. That is, the coherent pulses of longitudinal waves in the testing of the moon by the method will practically not affect the results of the diagnosis of ferromagnetic products. Design variants of electromagnetic-acoustic transducers with one-wind [7], two-wind [8] and three-wind magnetization coils [9] of a source of a pulsed polarizing magnetic field are developed. With a single-coil [7], the transients are minimal when the power pulse is winded on. However, it is necessary to excite in the coil a current of several kA, which complicates the temperature conditions of the transducer and power equipment. With a three-coil [9] magnetization, the amplitude of the bottom pulses in relation to the amplitude of the interference exceeds 24 dB, which allows for testing and diagnostics of large variety of samples. When using the charge core [9], the ratio of amplitudes increased to 38 dB, which makes it possible to monitor the echo by the method. The method [10] of ultrasonic electromagnetic - acoustic testing of ferromagnetic products is developed. vectors of intensity with duration of several periods of high filling frequency, n and this excitation of the pulses of the electromagnetic field is performed at a time equal to the time of transients to establish the operating value of the induction of the polarizing magnetic field, and the reception of ultrasonic pulses reflected from the product is performed in the time period tпр, which is determined by the expression T – t1 – t2 – t3 < tпр = t1 + t2 + t3 + 2H/C, where T is the duration of the magnetization pulse; t1 is the time of transients to establish the working value of the induction of a polarizing magnetic field; t2 - time of packet pulse of electromagnetic field; t3 is the time of damping oscillations in the flat high frequency inductor; H is the thickness of the product or the distance in volume of the product to be ultrasound; C is the velocity of propagation of shear ultrasonic waves in the material of the product. It is established [9] that the interferences in the ferromagnetic core caused by the Barkhausen effect and magnetostrictive transformation of electromagnetic energy into ultrasound are practically excluded by production of the core blended, usage of the material of the core plates which has a low coefficient of magnetostrictive conversion, perpendicular core plates orientation in relation to the conductors of the working areas of the flat high-frequency inductor, as well as filling of the gaps between the plates with a high density fluid, such as glycerol. It is shown that the sensitivity of direct EMA transducers with pulse magnetization when powered by a batch high frequency probe pulse generator [11] and when receiving via a low noise amplifier [12] provide detection of flat-bottomed reflectors with a diameter of 3 mm or more, probe frequency of 40 Hz, peak high-frequency current of 120A, shear linearly polarized ultrasonic oscillations of 2.3 MHz, high frequency packet pulse duration 6…7 filling frequency periods, magnetization pulse duration 200 μs, magnetization current density of 600 A / mm2 and at the gap between the EMAP and the product of 0.2 mm [9]. The amplitude of the echo momentum reflected from the flaw in relation to the noise amplitude reaches 20 dB. The EMATs developed are protected with 2 utility model patents.
Стилі APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO та ін.

Салам, Буссі. "Електромагнітно-акустичні перетворювачі для ультразвукового контролю металовиробів". Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48181.

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Дисертація на здобуття вченого ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.11.13 – прилади і методи контролю та визначення складу речовин. Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Харків, 2020. В дисертаційній роботі вирішено актуальну науково-практичну задачу з розробки нових типів ЕМАП для ефективного ультразвукового контролю металовиробів. В роботі виконано комп’ютерне моделювання розподілу магнітних полів ЕМАП при імпульсному намагнічуванні феромагнітних та немагнітних виробів. Встановлені шляхи побудови перетворювачів з максимальною чутливістю. Розроблено метод збудження імпульсних пакетних ультразвукових імпульсів за рахунок послідовного в часі формування імпульсного магнітного та електромагнітного полів. Розроблено технічні рішення пригнічення когерентних завад в осерді та у виробі. Визначені геометричні та конструктивні параметри джерела імпульсного магнітного поля, що дало можливість збуджувати потужні синфазні пакетні імпульси високочастотних зсувних коливань в ОК. Показано, що чутливість прямих ЕМА перетворювачів з імпульсним намагнічуванням забезпечують виявлення плоскодонних відбивачів діаметром 3 мм і більше при частоті зондування 40 Гц, частоті зсувних лінійно поляризованих ультразвукових коливань 2,3 МГц, піковому струмі високочастотних пакетних імпульсів 120 А, тривалості пакетних високочастотних імпульсів струму в 6 періодів частоти заповнення, тривалості імпульсу намагнічування 200 мкс, щільності струму намагнічування 600 А/мм2 та при зазорі між ЕМАП і виробом 0,2 мм. При цьому амплітуда луна-імпульсу від дефекту по відношенню до амплітуди завад досягає 20 дБ, що дає можливість забезпечити якісну дефектоскопію металовиробів.
Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Engineering, specialty 05.11.13 – Devices and methods of testing and determination of composition of substances. National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, 2020. A relevant scientific – practical problem on development of new types of EMAP for effective ultrasonic control of metal products is solved in the dissertation. Computer simulation of EMAT magnetic fields distribution in pulse magnetization of ferromagnetic and non-magnetic products is performed. Ways to build transducers with maximum sensitivity are established. The method of excitation of pulsed batch ultrasonic pulses due to the sequential formation of pulsed magnetic and electromagnetic fields is developed. Technical solutions for suppression of coherent interference in the core and in the product have been developed. The geometrical and structural parameters of pulsed magnetic field source were determined, which made it possible to excite powerful in-phase packet pulses of high-frequency shear oscillations in a sample. It is shown that the sensitivity of direct EMA transducers with pulse magnetization provide detection of flat-bottom reflectors with a diameter of 3 mm and more at a probing frequency of 40 Hz, a frequency of shear linearly polarized ultrasonic oscillations of 2.3 MHz, a peak current of high-frequency packet pulses of 120 A, duration of batch high frequency current pulses in 6 periods of filling frequency, magnetization pulse duration of 200 μs, magnetization current of 600 A and at the gap between EMAP and product of 0.2 mm.
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Jiang, Yuxiang. "A Unipolar Pulse Electromagnetic Field Apparatus for Magnetic Therapy: Design, Simulation and Development." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/37854.

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As a magnetic therapy apparatus with medical benefits, the Unipolar Pulse Electromagnetic Field (UPEMF) apparatus is presented to produce unipolar pulsed magnetic waveforms with an intensity, shape, and frequency that meet medical requirements. The unipolar pulse is the most significant advantage, as the implemented apparatus is considered to be the first improvement in Pulse Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs). The magnetic field is generated by a specially designed electromagnetic unit. In this unit, an electromagnet is concentrated by a designed concentrator to strengthen the magnetic field at the north pole and weaken the field on the opposite end. An electromagnetic shield is adopted to eliminate the effects of the south pole but allow the output from the north pole. Excited by a designed pulsed waveform generator, the electromagnetic unit generates a strong alternating-current magnetic field. In my work, the detailed design and development of the electromagnetic unit for UPEMF are introduced, therein being modeled and tested using Finite Element Method simulations. The model is characterized mathematically in three parts: the concentrator, the electromagnetic shield, and the overall unit. The testing and performance measurements of the actual Unipolar Pulse Electromagnetic Field apparatus are achieved using a Gauss meter and oscilloscope.
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Forsberg, Andreas. "Spatial variation of radio frequency magnetic field exposure from clinical pulse sequences in 1.5T MRI." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för fysik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-90391.

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Cell biological exposure studies in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment, where a complex mixture of strong magnetic fields are present, have attracted considerable interest in recent years. The outcome of such studies might depend strongly on the conditions, for example exposure parameters and spatial variations of exposure. The aim of this thesis has been to give a detailed description of how the radio frequency (RF) magnetic field varies with position and sequence choice within an MRI bore from a patient perspective and to highlight the need of better consistency in future research. Method: A straightforward theoretical description on the contribution to the RF magnetic field from a birdcage coil is given. A one dimensional coaxial loop antenna has been used as a probe to measure spatial variations of the RF magnetic field in a 1.5T MRI scanner. An exposure matrix containing RF magnetic field strength (H1-field) amplitudes in three dimensions was constructed and used to study several clinical protocols and sequences. A qualified correspondence measurement was also made on a 3T MRI scanner. Results: Around isocenter, for a common field-of-view (FOV), changes in exposure conditions were small; however, rapid changes of exposure conditions occurred upon approaching the end rings. The dominating H1-field component switched from lying in the xy-plane to pointing the z-direction and was roughly 3 times larger than in isocenter. Practical difficulties indicate even larger differences at positions not measurable with the equipment at hand. The strongest H1-field component was 32.6 A/m at position (x,y,z)=(-24,8,24) cm from the isocenter. Conclusions: Machine parameters such as repetition time, echo time and flip angle have little to do with actual exposure. Specic absorption rate (SAR) values correlated well with the square of measured root-mean-square (RMS) values of the magnetic field (B1,RMS) but not with peak values of the magnetic field (B1,peak), indicating that peak values are not unlikely to be part of compromising factors in previous contradictory exposure research on genotoxicity. Furthermore exposure conditions depend strongly on position and unfavorable situations may occur in the periphery of the birdcage coil. Potentially elevated risks for conducting surfaces, for example arms or external fixations, in the proximity of the end rings, are proposed. Aside from spatial variation consideration on which type of geometry exposed cell-biological samples are placed in should be held since eddy currents, hot-spots and proper SAR depend on geometry. Conditions may vary considerably between in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo studies since geometries of test tubes, petri dishes and humans differ.
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Liu, Jean. "Constraining the Source Distribution of Meltwater Pulse 1A Using Near- and Far-Field Sea-level Data." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/30241.

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Meltwater pulse 1A (MWP-1A) is the largest land ice melt event of the last deglaciation. In a period of no more than 340 years, between 14.65 and 14.31 ka (Dechamps et al, 2012), ~10% of the total deglacial sea-level rise occurred (Hanebuth et al, 2000; Peltier and Fairbanks, 2006; Deschamps et al, 2012), resulting in the highest reported rate of global mean sea-level rise in the geological record, which may have exceeded 4 m per century (Deschamps et al, 2012). Yet, the implications of MWP-1A for constraining the rates of the underlying processes and its role in the sequence of climate events during Termination 1 remain unclear due to the lack of information on its melt source distribution. While glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling experiments (Clark et al, 2002; Bassett et al, 2005; Deschamps et al, 2012) and recent assessments of ice-sheet histories (Carlson and Clark, 2012) suggest that at least 50% of the event may have come from Antarctica, other interpretations of Antarctic ice-extent and sea-level records suggest a substantially smaller (including zero) Antarctic contribution (Ackert et al, 2007; Mackintosh et al, 2011; Whitehouse et al, 2012). In this study, we show that after reassessments of local MWP-1A amplitudes at Barbados and Sunda Shelf based on the well-constrained timing derived from the Tahiti sea-level record (Deschamps et al, 2012), the sea-level data from Barbados, Sunda Shelf, and Tahiti do not provide as tight of a constraint on the Antarctic contribution as previously thought. We find that between 1 to 10 m sea-level equivalent (sle) could have melted from the Antarctic, compared to 7 to 15 m sle from previous analyses (Clark et al, 2002; Bassett et al, 2005; Deschamps et al, 2012). To better constrain the source of MWP-1A, we also consider sea-level data from Scotland (Shennan et al, 2000), which have, until now, been excluded from MWP-1A fingerprinting experiments because they are strongly influenced by local ice unloading. To overcome this, we isolate the elastic MWP-1A amplitude (i.e. fingerprint signal) at this location using a suite of models that provide optimal fits to the Scottish data, and thereby remove near-field contamination. Preliminary results show that the inclusion of these data leads to an improved MWP-1A source distribution constraint compared to that obtained using the far- and intermediate-field data alone.
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Eichel, Rüdiger-Albert. "New concepts in two-dimensional pulse electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy : resolution enhancement by magnetic field modulation /." Zürich : [s.n.], 2001. http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/show?type=diss&nr=14394.

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Kurpad, Krishna Nagaraj. "Transmit field pattern control for high field magnetic resonance imaging with integrated RF current sources." Texas A&M University, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/2755.

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The primary design criterion for RF transmit coils for MRI is uniform transverse magnetic (B1) field. Currently, most high frequency transmit coils are designed as periodic, symmetric structures that are resonant at the imaging frequency, as determined by the static magnetic (B0) field strength. These coils are excited by one or more voltage sources. The distribution of currents on the coil elements or rungs is determined by the symmetry of the coil structure. At field strengths of 3T and above, electric properties such as the dielectric constant and conductivity of the load lead to B1 field inhomogeneity due to wavelength effects and perturbation of the coil current distribution from the ideal. The B1 field homogeneity under such conditions may be optimized by adjusting the amplitudes and phases of the currents on the rungs. However, such adjustments require independent control of current amplitudes and phases on each rung of the resonant coil. Due to both the strong coupling among the rungs of a resonant coil and the sensitivity to loading, such independent control would not be possible and B1 homogeneity optimization would involve a time consuming and impractical iterative procedure in the absence of exact knowledge of interactions among coil elements and between the coil and load. This dissertation is based on the work done towards the design and development of a RF current source that drives high amplitude RF current through an integrated array element. The arrangement is referred to as a current element. Independent control of current amplitude and phase on the current elements is demonstrated. A non-resonant coil structure consisting of current elements is implemented and B1 field pattern control is demonstrated. It is therefore demonstrated that this technology would enable effective B1 field optimization in the presence of lossy dielectric loads at high field strengths.
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Shore, Robert Michael. "Improved description of Earth's external magnetic fields and their source regions using satellite data." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/8935.

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In near-Earth space, highly spatio-temporally variant magnetic fields result from solar-terrestrial magnetic interaction. These near-Earth external fields currently represent the largest source of error in efforts to model the magnetic field produced in the Earth’s interior. Starting in 1999, the Decade of Geopotential Field Research (Friis-Christensen et al., 2009) has greatly increased the amount of available low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite magnetic data. These data have driven many advances in field modelling, yet have highlighted that LEO measurements are particularly susceptible to contamination from external fields. This thesis presents a series of studies attempting to describe the external fields in more detail, in order that they can be more effectively separated from the internal fields in magnetic modelling efforts. A range of analysis methods, different for each study, are applied to satellite and ground-based observatory data. Mandea and Olsen’s (2006) method of estimating the secular variation (SV) of the internal field from satellite data via ‘Virtual Observatories’ (VOs) is applied to synthetic data from the upcoming Swarm constellation satellite mission of the European Space Agency. Beggan (2009) found VOs constructed from CHAMP satellite data to be contaminated with external field signals which appeared to have a significant local time (LT) dependence. I find that utilising the increased coverage of LT sectors offered by the Swarm constellation geometry does not significantly decrease the contamination. Following this surprising result I tested a wide range of methods aimed at reducing the VO contamination from each parameterised external field source region. In anticipation of future studies using real data, I used the results of the tests to provide a more complete description of the external field variations affecting analyses of geographically-fixed magnetic phenomena when using satellite data and spherical harmonic analysis (SHA). Ionospheric electric currents flowing at LEO altitudes are known to violate the assumption of measurements taken in a source-free space, required in SHA-based models of the magnetic field. In order to better describe the electromagnetic environment at LEO altitudes, I use data from the Ørsted and CHAMP satellites to calculate the current density from Amp`ere’s integral. Vector magnetic data from discrete overflights of the two satellites (at different altitudes) are rotated into the along-track frame to define the integral loop and its ‘surface area’, permitting estimation of the predominantly zonal current density flowing in the region between the two orbital paths. I designed selection criteria to extract geometrically-stable overflights spanning the range of LTs twice in the 6 years of mutually available satellite vector data. From these overflights I resolve current densities in the range 0:1 μA=m2, with the distribution of current largely matching the LT progression of the Appleton anomaly. I applied detailed tests to check for biases intrinsic to the method, and present results free of systematic errors. The results are compared with the predictions of the CTIP (Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere) model of ionospheric composition and temperature, showing a typically good spatiotemporal agreement. I find persistent current intensifications between geomagnetic latitudes of 30 and 50 in the post-midnight, pre-dawn sector, a region which has been previously considered to be relatively free of currents. External fields induce currents in the Earth’s conducting mantle, the magnetic fields of which add to the field measured at and above the Earth’s surface. The morphology of the long-period inducing field is poorly resolved on timescales of months to years, reducing the accuracy of mantle induction studies (a key part of the Swarm mission). I improve the description of its morphology via the method of Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs), which I apply to over a decade of ground-based observatory data. EOFs provide a decomposition of the spatiotemporal structures contained in the magnetic field data, with partitions arising from the data themselves, overcoming the relatively simplistic assumptions made about the inducing field morphology in LT. The results of vector data EOF analyses are presented, but I rely primarily on scalar analyses which are more fitting for this study. I overcome the limitations of the irregular observatory distribution with a novel spatial weighting matrix, combining the output from multiple EOF analyses to greatly improve the data coverage in LT. I find that the seasonal variation of the inducing field is more important than the variation of the symmetric ring current on annual periods, and that dawn-dusk asymmetry should be accounted for to increase the accuracy of mantle conductivity estimates based on data covering the decadal timescales of the solar cycle.
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Massire, Aurélien. "Non-selective Refocusing Pulse Design in Parallel Transmission for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain at Ultra High Field." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA112180/document.

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En Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique (IRM), l’augmentation du champ magnétique statique permet en théorie de fournir un rapport signal sur bruit accru, améliorant la qualité des images. L’objectif de l’IRM à ultra haut champ est d’atteindre une résolution spatiale suffisamment haute pour pouvoir distinguer des structures si fines qu’elles sont actuellement impossibles à visualiser de façon non-invasive. Cependant, à de telles valeurs de champs magnétiques, la longueur d’onde du rayonnement électromagnétique envoyé pour basculer les spins des protons de l’eau est du même ordre de grandeur que l’objet dont on souhaite faire l’image. Des phénomènes d’interférences sont observés, ce qui se traduit par l’inhomogénéité de ce champ radiofréquence (RF) au sein de l’objet. Ces interférences engendrent des artefacts de signal et/ou de contraste dans les images IRM, et rendent ainsi leur exploitation délicate. Il est donc crucial de fournir des solutions pour atténuer la non-uniformité de l’excitation des spins, à défaut de quoi de tels systèmes ne pourront atteindre leurs pleins potentiels. Pour obtenir des diagnostics pertinents à très haut champ, il est donc nécessaire de créer des impulsions RF homogénéisant l'excitation de l'ensemble des spins (ici du cerveau humain), optimisées pour chaque individu. Pour cela, un système de transmission parallèle (pTX) à 8 canaux a été installé au sein de notre imageur à 7 Tesla. Alors que la plupart des systèmes IRM cliniques n’utilisent qu’un seul canal d’émission, l’extension pTX permet de jouer différentes formes d’impulsions RF de concert. La somme résultante de ces interférences doit alors être optimisée pour atténuer la non-uniformité observée classiquement. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de synthétiser ce type d’impulsions, en utilisant la pTX. Ces impulsions auront pour contrainte supplémentaire le respect des limitations internationales concernant l'exposition à des champs radiofréquence, qui induit une hausse de température dans les tissus. En ce sens, de nombreuses simulations électromagnétiques et de températures ont été réalisées en introduction de cette thèse, afin d’évaluer la relation entre les seuils recommandés d’exposition RF et l’élévation de température prédite dans les tissus. Cette thèse porte plus spécifiquement sur la conception de l’ensemble des impulsions RF refocalisantes utilisées dans des séquences IRM non-sélectives, basées sur l’écho de spin. Dans un premier temps, seule une impulsion RF a été générée, pour une application simple : l’inversion du déphasage des spins dans le plan transverse. Dans un deuxième temps, sont considérées les séquences à long train d’échos de refocalisation appliquées à l’in vivo. Ici, l’opérateur mathématique agissant sur la magnétisation, et non pas son état final comme il est fait classiquement, est optimisé. Le gain en imagerie à très haut champ est clairement visible puisque les opérations mathématiques (la rotation des spins) voulues sont réalisées avec plus de fidélité que dans le cadre des méthodes de l’état de l’art. Pour cela, la génération de ces impulsions RF combine une méthode d’excitation des spins avec navigation dans l’espace de Fourier, les kT-points, et un algorithme d’optimisation, appelé Gradient Ascent Pulse Engineering (GRAPE), utilisant le contrôle optimal. Cette conception est rapide grâce à des calculs analytiques plus directs que des méthodes de différences finies. La prise en compte d’un grand nombre de paramètres nécessite l’usage de GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) pour atteindre des temps de calcul compatibles avec un examen clinique. Cette méthode de conception d’impulsions RF a été validée expérimentalement sur l’imageur 7 Tesla de NeuroSpin, sur une cohorte de volontaires sains
In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the increase of the static magnetic field strength is used to provide in theory a higher signal-to-noise ratio, thereby improving the overall image quality. The purpose of ultra-high-field MRI is to achieve a spatial image resolution sufficiently high to be able to distinguish structures so fine that they are currently impossible to view in a non-invasive manner. However, at such static magnetic fields strengths, the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves sent to flip the water proton spins is of the same order of magnitude than the scanned object. Interference wave phenomena are then observed, which are caused by the radiofrequency (RF) field inhomogeneity within the object. These generate signal and/or contrast artifacts in MR images, making their exploitation difficult, if not impossible, in certain areas of the body. It is therefore crucial to provide solutions to mitigate the non-uniformity of the spins excitation. Failing this, these imaging systems with very high fields will not reach their full potential.For relevant high field clinical diagnosis, it is therefore necessary to create RF pulses homogenizing the excitation of all spins (here of the human brain), and optimized for each individual to be imaged. For this, an 8-channel parallel transmission system (pTX) was installed in our 7 Tesla scanner. While most clinical MRI systems only use a single transmission channel, the pTX extension allows to simultaneously playing various forms of RF pulses on all channels. The resulting sum of the interference must be optimized in order to reduce the non-uniformity typically seen.The objective of this thesis is to synthesize this type of tailored RF pulses, using parallel transmission. These pulses will have as an additional constraint the compliance with the international exposure limits for radiofrequency exposure, which induces a temperature rise in the tissue. In this sense, many electromagnetic and temperature simulations were carried out as an introduction of this thesis, in order to assess the relationship between the recommended RF exposure limits and the temperature rise actually predicted in tissues.This thesis focuses specifically on the design of all RF refocusing pulses used in non-selective MRI sequences based on the spin-echo. Initially, only one RF pulse was generated for a simple application: the reversal of spin dephasing in the transverse plane, as part of a classic spin echo sequence. In a second time, sequences with very long refocusing echo train applied to in vivo imaging are considered. In all cases, the mathematical operator acting on the magnetization, and not its final state as is done conventionally, is optimized. The gain in high field imaging is clearly visible, as the necessary mathematical operations (that is to say, the rotation of the spins) are performed with a much greater fidelity than with the methods of the state of the art. For this, the generation of RF pulses is combining a k-space-based spin excitation method, the kT-points, and an optimization algorithm, called Gradient Ascent Pulse Engineering (GRAPE), using optimal control.This design is relatively fast thanks to analytical calculations rather than finite difference methods. The inclusion of a large number of parameters requires the use of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) to achieve computation times compatible with clinical examinations. This method of designing RF pulses has been experimentally validated successfully on the NeuroSpin 7 Tesla scanner, with a cohort of healthy volunteers. An imaging protocol was developed to assess the image quality improvement using these RF pulses compared to typically used non-optimized RF pulses. All methodological developments made during this thesis have contributed to improve the performance of ultra-high-field MRI in NeuroSpin, while increasing the number of MRI sequences compatible with parallel transmission
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Golze, Christian. "Tunable High-Field/ High-Frequency ESR and High-Field Magnetization on Single-Molecule Clusters." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2008. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-ds-1199739868406-44757.

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In this work, low dimensional iron group clusters have been studied by application of high magnetic fields. The magnetization has been probed with an MPMS as function of temperature and field. The combination with pulse field measurements up to 52\,T allowed determination of the magnetic exchange coupling parameters, and to probing the effective spin of the ground state. The main focus was on tunable high-field/high-frequency (tHF) ESR in static fields &lt; 17 T and pulse field ESR up to 36 T. This magnetic resonance method has been used for the characterization of the local magnetic properties: The detailed analysis of the field dependence of dedicated spin states allowed to determine the magnetic anisotropy and g-factors. The results were analyzed in the framework of the appropriate effective spin Hamiltonians in terms of magnetization fits and ESR spectrum simulations.
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Bartolini, Vieri. "Multiwavelength analysis of the radio source 3C111 through VLBA observations." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2022. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/25356/.

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This thesis will present the results of the analysis of multi-wavelength observations of the active galaxy 3C111, obtained with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). The observations were made at 5, 8.5, 15, 21, 43, and 86 GHz. Radio emission from active galaxies (AGNs) is one of the most interesting and information-rich phenomena among those accessible using the VLBI technique. AGNs are excellent laboratories for a variety of extreme physical processes. The standard model of AGNs suggests the presence of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of the galaxy, which accretes matter and is surrounded by obscuring torus. The complex dynamics around the SMBH and the presence of intense magnetic fields, may lead to the production of two plasma streams of charged particles, emitting synchrotron radiation, called jets with opposite orientation to each other. Given its proximity, 3C111 is an excellent object to study the physics of jets with mm-VLBI.The data gathered with the VLBA are calibrated, yielding source images with the highest resolution possible for this 86 GHz array. In addition to the total intensity images, polarization maps are also calculated for all bands. By comparing the total intensity images, spectral index maps can be calculated for all adjacent frequency pairs. Moreover, for some triplets of frequencies it is also possible to compute rotation measure (RM) maps. In order to provide relationships between distinct features in the jet, the spatial distribution of the emission in each band is modeled with a set of circular Gaussian components. For each of them, it is provided an estimate of the brightness temperature and the magnetic field. For each of the physical quantities found during the model fitting of the components, a relation is provided that is more or less accurate, depending on the parameters considered.
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Golze, Christian. "Tunable High-Field/ High-Frequency ESR and High-Field Magnetization on Single-Molecule Clusters." Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, 2007. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A24034.

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In this work, low dimensional iron group clusters have been studied by application of high magnetic fields. The magnetization has been probed with an MPMS as function of temperature and field. The combination with pulse field measurements up to 52\,T allowed determination of the magnetic exchange coupling parameters, and to probing the effective spin of the ground state. The main focus was on tunable high-field/high-frequency (tHF) ESR in static fields &lt; 17 T and pulse field ESR up to 36 T. This magnetic resonance method has been used for the characterization of the local magnetic properties: The detailed analysis of the field dependence of dedicated spin states allowed to determine the magnetic anisotropy and g-factors. The results were analyzed in the framework of the appropriate effective spin Hamiltonians in terms of magnetization fits and ESR spectrum simulations.
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Cloos, Martijn Anton Hendrik. "Parallel transmission for magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain at ultra high field : specific absorption rate control & flip-angle homogenization." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00732658.

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The focus of this thesis lies on the development, and implementation, of parallel transmission (pTx) techniques in magnetic resonance imaging for flip-angle homogenization throughout the human brain at ultra-high field. In order to allow in-vivo demonstrations, a conservative yet viable safety concept is introduced to control the absorbed radiofrequency (RF) power . Subsequently, novel methods for local SAR control and non-selective RF pulse-design are investigated. The impact of these short and energy-efficient waveforms, referred to as kT-points, is first demonstrated in the context of the small-tip-angle domain. Targeting a larger scope of applications, the kT-points design is then generalized to encompass large flip angle excitations and inversions. This concept is applied to one of the most commonly used T1-weighted sequences in neuroimaging. Results thus obtained at 7 Tesla are compared to images acquired with a clinical setup at 3 Tesla, validating the principles of the kT-points method and demonstrating that pTx-enabled ultra-high field systems can also be competitive in the context of T1-weighted imaging. Finally, simplifications in the global design of the pTx-implementation are studied in order to obtain a more cost-effective solution.
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Aleksandar, Poznić. "Povećanje ukupnog kočnog momenta magnetoreološke disk kočnice primenom kombinovanog režima rada." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, 2017. https://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=104395&source=NDLTD&language=en.

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U doktorskoj disertaciji razmatra se unapređenje konstrukcije magnetoreološke disk kočnice sa ciljem povećanja vrednosti ukupnog kočnog momenta. Radi potpunog razumevanja međusobnog odnosa materijala i magnetskog polja na prvom mestu je izvršeno utvrđivanje magnetskih svojstava materijala. Unapređenje konstrukcije je izvršeno kroz više iteracija i prototipova. Merenje vrednosti ukupnog kočnog momenta je podeljeno na merenje više njegovih komponenti pri različitim vrednostima broja obrtaja i upravljačke struje namotaja.
In this thesis magnetorheological disk brake construction improvement is considered, with the goal to increase the overall braking torque value. For purposes of better understanding of material to magnetic field relationship, series of magnetic field testing were conducted. Construction improvement has been carried out through several iterations and different prototypes. Overall braking torque value measurements have been divided into several component measurements, utilizing different rotational speeds and coil control currents.
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Hudson, Robert Dearn. "Development of an integrated co-processor based power electronic drive / by Robert D. Hudson." Thesis, North-West University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/3723.

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The McTronX research group at the North-West University is currently researching self-sensing techniques for Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB). The research is part of an ongoing effort to expand the knowledge base on AMBs in the School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering to support industries that make use of the technology. The aim of this project is to develop an integrated co-processor based power electronic drive with the emphasis placed on the ability of the co-processor to execute AMB self-sensing algorithms. The two primary techniques for implementing self-sensing in AMBs are state estimation and modulation. This research focuses on hardware development to facilitate the implementation of the modulation method. Self-sensing algorithms require concurrent processing power and speed that are well suited to an architecture that combines a digital signal processor (DSP) and a field programmable gate array (FPGA). A comprehensive review of various power amplifier topologies shows that the pulse width modulation (PWM) switching amplifier is best suited for controlling the voltage and current required to drive the AMB coils. Combining DSPs and power electronics to form an integrated co-processor based power electronic drive requires detail attention to aspects of PCB design, including signal integrity and grounding. A conceptual design is conducted and forms part of the process of compiling a subsystem development specification for the integrated drive, in conjunction with the McTronX Research Group. Component selection criteria, trade-off studies and various circuit simulations serve as the basis for this essential phase of the project. The conceptual design and development specification determines the architecture, functionality and interfaces of the integrated drive. Conceptual designs for the power amplifier, digital controller, electronic supply and mechanical layout of the integrated drive is provided. A detail design is performed for the power amplifier, digital controller and electronic supply. Issues such as component selection, power supply requirements, thermal design, interfacing of the various circuit elements and PCB design are covered in detail. The output of the detail design is a complete set of circuit diagrams for the integrated controller. The integrated drive is interfaced with existing AMB hardware and facilitates the successful implementation of two self-sensing techniques. The hardware performance of the integrated coprocessor based power electronic drive is evaluated by means of measurements taken from this experimental self-sensing setup. The co-processor performance is evaluated in terms of resource usage and execution time and performs satisfactorily in this regard. The integrated co-processor based power electronic drive provided sufficient resources, processing speed and flexibility to accommodate a variety of self-sensing algorithms thus contributing to the research currently underway in the field of AMBs by the McTronX research group at the North-West University.
Thesis (M.Ing. (Electrical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Venugopal, S. "Study On Overmodulation Methods For PWM Inverter Fed AC Drives." Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/278.

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A voltage source inverter is commonly used to supply a variable frequency variable voltage to a three phase induction motor in a variable speed application. A suitable pulse width modulation (PWM) technique is employed to obtain the required output voltage in the line side of the inverter. Real-time methods for PWM generation can be broadly classified into triangle comparison based PWM (TCPWM) and space vector based PWM (SVPWM). In TCPWM methods such as sine-triangle PWM, three phase reference modulating signals are compared against a common triangular carrier to generate the PWM signals for the three phases. In SVPWM methods, a revolving reference voltage vector is provided as voltage reference instead of three phase modulating waves. The magnitude and frequency of the fundamental component in the line side are controlled by the magnitude and frequency, respectively, of the reference vector. The fundamental line side voltage is proportional to the reference magnitude during linear modulation. With sine-triangle PWM, the highest possible peak phase fundamental voltage is 0.5Vdc, where Vdc is the DC bus voltage, in the linear modulation zone. With techniques such as third harmonic injection PWM and space vector based PWM, the peak phase fundamental voltage can be as high as (formula) (i.e., 0:577Vdc)during linear modulation. To increase the line side voltage further, the operation of the VSI must be extended into the overmodulation region. The overmodulation region extends upto the six-step mode, which gives the highest possible ac voltage for a given (formula). In TCPWM based methods, increasing the reference magnitude beyond a certain level leads to pulse dropping, and gradually leads to six-step operation. However, in SVPWM methods, an overmodulation algorithm is required for controlling the line-side voltage during overmodulation and to achieve a smooth transition from PWM to six-step mode. Numerous overmodulation algorithms have been proposed in the literature for space vector modulated inverter. A well known algorithm among these divides the overmodulation zone into two zones, namely zone-I and zone-II. This is termed as the 'existing overmodulation algorithm' here. This algorithm is modified in the present work to reduce computational burden without much increase in the line current distortion. During overmodulation, the fundamental line side voltage and the reference magnitude are not proportional, which is undesirable from the control point of view. The present work ensures a linear relationship between the two. Apart from the fundamental component, the inverter output voltage mainly consists of harmonic components at high frequencies (around switching frequency and the integral multiples) during linear modulation. However, during overmodulation, low order harmonic components such as 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th etc., are also present in the output voltage. These low order harmonic voltages lead to low order harmonic currents in the motor. The sum of the lower order harmonic currents is termed as 'lower order current ripple'. The present thesis proposes a method for estimation of lower order current ripple in real-time. In closed loop current control, the motor current is fed back to the current controller. During overmodulation, the motor current contains low order harmonics, which appear in the current error fed to the controller. These harmonic currents are amplified by the current error amplifier deteriorating the performance of the drive. It is possible to filter the lower order harmonic currents before being fed back. However, filtering introduces delay in the current loop, and reduces the bandwidth even during linear modulation. In the present work, the estimated lower order current ripple is subtracted from the measured current before the latter is fed back to the controller. The estimation of lower order current ripple and the proposed current control are verified through simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK and also experimentally on a laboratory prototype. The experimental setup comprises of a field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) based digital controller, an IGBT based inverter and a four-pole squirrel cage induction motor. (Pl refer the original document for formula)
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Beiki, Majid. "New Techniques for Estimation of Source Parameters : Applications to Airborne Gravity and Pseudo-Gravity Gradient Tensors." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Geofysik, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-143015.

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Gravity gradient tensor (GGT) data contains the second derivatives of the Earth’s gravitational potential in three orthogonal directions. GGT data can be measured either using land, airborne, marine or space platforms. In the last two decades, the applications of GGT data in hydrocarbon exploration, mineral exploration and structural geology have increased considerably. This work focuses on developing new interpretation techniques for GGT data as well as pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from measured magnetic field. The applications of developed methods are demonstrated on a GGT data set from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa and a magnetic data set from the Särna area, west central Sweden. The eigenvectors of the symmetric GGT can be used to estimate the position of the causative body as well as its strike direction. For a given measurement point, the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue points approximately toward the center of mass of the source body. For quasi 2D structures, the strike direction of the source can be estimated from the direction of the eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues. The same properties of GGT are valid for the pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from magnetic field data assuming that the magnetization direction is known. The analytic signal concept is applied to GGT data in three dimensions. Three analytic signal functions are introduced along x-, y- and z-directions which are called directional analytic signals. The directional analytic signals are homogenous and satisfy Euler’s homogeneity equation. Euler deconvolution of directional analytic signals can be used to locate causative bodies. The structural index of the gravity field is automatically identified from solving three Euler equations derived from the GGT for a set of data points located within a square window with adjustable size. For 2D causative bodies with geometry striking in the y-direction, the measured gxz and gzz components of GGT can be jointly inverted for estimating the parameters of infinite dike and geological contact models. Once the strike direction of 2D causative body is estimated, the measured components can be transformed into the strike coordinate system. The GGT data within a set of square windows for both infinite dike and geological contact models are deconvolved and the best model is chosen based on the smallest data fit error.
Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 730
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Dupuis, Cédric. "Matériaux à effet magnétocalorique géant et systèmes de réfrigération magnétique." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00566193.

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La réfrigération magnétique est une technologie émergente de production de froid. Elle constitue une alternative à la technique classique utilisant des fluides frigorigènes polluants. L'effet magnétocalorique qui en est à la base se traduit par le refroidissement ou l'échauffement de certains matériaux sous l'action d'un champ magnétique. Ce travail de thèse se situe dans le domaine de l'étude de ces matériaux et des dispositifs de réfrigération magnétique à aimants permanents autour de la température ambiante. Ainsi, des composés à effet magnétocalorique géant à l'ambiante de formule Mn1−x(Ti0.5V0.5)xAs ont été étudiés. D'autre part, un système complet de réfrigération magnétique à aimants permanents initié par une thèse précédente a été réalisé et testé. Enfin, pour relier ces deux thématiques, un dispositif de test a été réalisé. Il permet d'évaluer et de comparer les performances de ces nouveaux matériaux dans les conditions réelles de fonctionnement dans un bloc réfrigérant.
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Němcová, Simona. "Zobrazování chrupavek na magnetické rezonanci." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-316833.

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This thesis deals with the cartilage imaging using magnetic resonance. At first, there is mentioned physical principle of the magnetic resonance phenomenon and the most commonly used excitation sequences, followed by the description of the 9.4 T MR imaging system Bruker BioSpec 94/30 USR, which was used for measurement in the practical part. The next part is dedicated to the composition of cartilages and describes the temporomandibular joint, due to its suitability as an object for cartilage imaging. The series of MR scans of temporomandibular joint were taken with different acquisition parameters and evaluated by program designed through the MATLAB software. The program can be used for viewing scanned images, evaluating their contrast and determining the T1 relaxation time of the tissues by creating T1 maps.
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Walek, Petr. "Magnetoterapeutický přístroj pro léčbu dětské mozkové obrny." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-218726.

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Project Magnetotherapeutic device for Child Neurology in his forepart paies medical use of Pulsatile Magnetic Field. Summaries a therapeutic effects of field which is interacting with biotic issue and determines which of those effects are acceptable for treatment of Infantile Paralysis. Below it describes single Bio-Parametres of Pulsatile Magnetic Field and analyses reasons and effects of Infantile Paralysis. In second part is described a block diagram of magnetotherapeutic device for treatment of Infantile Paralysis. Described is principle of function of blocks. In third part is defined circuit solving of controlling, supervisory and generating part of magnetotherapeutic device. Function and wiring of components is described in detail. There is also created a Printed Circuit Board. Device is controlled by three microcontrollers, therefore there are described flowcharts and controlling programs for microcontrollers.
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Aboelhassan, Mustafa Osman Elrayah. "Robustní řízení synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety a spínaným tokem." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-233605.

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Je jasné, že nejúspěšnější konstrukce zahrnuje postup vícefázového řízení, ve kterém každá fáze může být považována za samostatný modul. Provoz kterékoliv z jednotek musí mít minimální vliv na ostatní, a to tak, že v případě selhání jedné jednotky ostatní mohou být v provozu neovlivněny. Modulární řešení vyžaduje minimální elektrické, magnetické a tepelné ovlivnění mezi fázemi řízení (měniče). Synchronní stroje s pulzním tokem a permanentními magnety se jeví jako atraktivní typ stroje, jejíž přednostmi jsou vysoký kroutící moment, jednoduchá a robustní konstrukce rotoru a skutečnost, že permanentní magnety i cívky jsou umístěny společně na statoru. FS-PMSM jsou poměrně nové typy střídavého stroje stator-permanentní magnet, které představují významné přednosti na rozdíl od konvenčních rotorů - velký kroutící moment, vysoký točivý moment, v podstatě sinusové zpětné EMF křivky, zároveň kompaktní a robustní konstrukce díky umístění magnetů a vinutí kotvy na statoru. Srovnání výsledků mezi FS-PMSM a klasickými motory na povrchu upevněnými PM (SPM) se stejnými parametry ukazuje, že FS-PMSM vykazuje větší vzduchové mezery hustoty toku, vyšší točivý moment na ztráty v mědi, ale také vyšší pulzaci díky reluktančnímu momentu. Pro stroje buzené permanentními magnety se jedná o tradiční rozpor mezi požadavkem na vysoký kroutící moment pod základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního momentu) a provozem nad základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního výkonu), zejména pro aplikace v hybridních vozidlech. Je předložena nová topologie synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety a spínaným tokem odolného proti poruchám, která je schopná provozu během vinutí naprázdno a zkratovaného vinutí i poruchách měniče. Schéma je založeno na dvojitě vinutém motoru napájeném ze dvou oddělených vektorově řízených napěťových zdrojů. Vinutí jsou uspořádána takovým způsobem, aby tvořila dvě nezávislé a oddělené sady. Simulace a experimentální výzkum zpřesní výkon během obou scénářů jak za normálního provozu, tak za poruch včetně zkratových závad a ukáží robustnost pohonu za těchto podmínek. Tato práce byla publikována v deseti konferenčních příspěvcích, dvou časopisech a knižní kapitole, kde byly představeny jak topologie pohonu a aplikovaná řídící schémata, tak analýzy jeho schopnosti odolávat poruchám.
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Chuang, Chun-Ti, and 莊畯滌. "Magnetic Circuit Design and Analysis of Permanent Magnetic Field Source in Magnetism Refrigerating System." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/91683229194619716581.

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Room temperature magnetic refrigeration is a new refrigeration method with great application potential. It has advantages such as environment-safe and high efficiency based on the phenomena of magneto caloric effect (MCE). Although mature in low temperature field, magnetic refrigeration is still in the state of exploration in general. The magnetic circuit designs to promotes the intensity. In this paper,magnetic field source is permanent magnet at this system. The value simulates analyzes the system. We can designs the effective permanent magnetic field source. In this paper ,the magnetic circuit design is influential regarding the magnetic field intensity. In order to ,the magnetic field source promotes the magnetic field intensity. The magnetic field source designs by the hollow circular cylinder in magnetic circuit design. After analysis, the magnetic field intensity achieve to 2.4T in working space. The magnetic field source produces the magnetism leaks phenomenon. Improvement magnetic field source is designed. The magnetism leaks phenomenon have obvious improvement. The magnetic field intensity promotion rate can reach 12.04%. In experimental result ,the magnetic field intensity can achieve 2.9 times.
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Osinskaya, J. V., A. V. Pokoev, and K. s. Yamschikova. "Phase formation in aluminum alloys aged in the constant and pulse magnetic field." 2019. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A38645.

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In the report the results of phase formation and magnetoplastic effect (МPE) researches in five alloys on the Al-basis with additives Mg, Li, Zn, Cu, Si, Fe and Mn, aged in a constant magnetic field (CMF) and pulse magnetic field (PMF), are presented. Preliminary the samples subjected to annealing in the furnace at the air atmosphere, then quenched in water at a room temperature. Further the quenched samples are artificial aged in vacuum in CMF and PMF and without it. Microstructure, MPE, phase content and parameters of thin structure of a residual α-matrix of samples have been investigated by methods of metallography, microhardness, X-ray structure and phase analysis.
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Tseng, Yan-Han, and 曾彥翰. "Microscopic magnetic resonance imaging under magic-angle-spinning using shaped pulse field gradients." Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/28317798167172642624.

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Hung, Shih-Yen, and 洪世彥. "A Pulse Electromagnetic Field System Design for Investigating the Effect of Magnetic Stimulation on Osteogenesis." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/66253268574255673919.

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Abstract Osteonecrosis is a disease of bone, which ultimately leads to collapse of the articulating joints such as the hip joint, and may potentially require the need for a total hip replacement. Osteoporosis is a common type of bone disease where by degradation of bone matter may lead to potential fractures. The medical treatment designed to offset or reduce Osteoporosis is not a suitable treatment for patients with liver disease or patients with Osteonecrosis. The particular treatments increases stress on the liver and the use of the aforementioned treatment has a number of restrictions, Therefore patients with Osteonecrosis and Osteoporosis are forced to seek other more suitable treatments. Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) stimuli were used successfully in 1979 and were useful in accelerating fracture repair. However, the molecular mechanism of PEMF effect on human osteogenic cells remains unclear, and no long-term studies of PEMF application have been done. This research will investigate the effects of high-dose, single-pulsed, short-duration electromagnetic field (HMSD-EMF) on the proliferation and osteogenesis potential of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMCs). In addition, the objective of this study is to investigate the effect of PEMF system on the proliferation and osteogenesis potential of hBMCs. The conceptual design for the HMSD-EMF system is to include functions providing a high grade of magnetic field intensity of 1.0 Tesla, and providing a short-duration pulse period of 5 milliseconds. The system consists of a circuit-controllable-mould control power-storage device of charging and discharging to the electromagnetic coil, and producing the HMSD-EMF of high-grade magnetic field intensity. The full-load voltage, the wave of the full-load voltage for output and the magnetic field intensity of plane is calibrated. The conceptual design for continuous type of the PEMF system is to include functions providing a parameter of regular magnetic field (frequency 15 Hz and intensity 20 gausses). The system consists of a pulse oscillator circuit, a power amplifier, and Helmholtz coils. The values of external adjust voltage, the pulse signal of a pulse oscillator circuit for measuring, and the magnetic intensity of space distance between two coils. The prototype of HMSD-EMF and PEMF system are completed, and investigating the effect of electromagnetic field on the proliferation and osteogenesis. The results of IV correction of HMSD-EMF system show that the electric energy which used 800 V can finish intensity of 1.0 Tesla, providing a magnetic field type of sine-wave, producing uniform and consistency of the intensity of magnetic field for N, S plane. The results of correction of PEMF system show that the electric energy which used 27 V can finish intensity of 20 gauss, providing the continuous type of oscillation frequency are 15 Hz, maintained 20 gauss of intensity of space. The results in HMSD-EMF treated cultures show that the cell proliferation was increased at day 4 of treatment; the ALP activity was significantly increased. The results in PEMF treated cultures show that the cell proliferation was decreased cultures at day 2, and day 4, the ALP activity was significantly decreased after 5-7 days of treatments. This system could provide different signal waves of the magnetic field stimulant for osteogenesis potential of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and investigated therapeutic effects of practices.
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ZHANG, YU-JING, and 張宇靖. "CdMnS thin films growth by pulse laser evaporation and optical properties at zero magnetic field." Thesis, 1993. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/78564622601344229574.

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HUANG, GUAN-WEI, and 黃冠瑋. "Magnetic Field Source Mapping System Based on Multi-Channel Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Sensor Array." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/67c8c2.

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This study focused on the improved magnetic field scanning method and the inverse problem of two-dimensional current distribution. A 16-channel AMR (Anisotropy Magneto-Resistance) sensor array was implemented and used for magnetic field mapping. To investigate the achievable spatial resolution, printed circuit boards of different current paths were designed as samples according to the parameters. The circuit board was mounted on a two-dimensional translation stage so that the sensor array can scan the magnetic field at a fixed number of times. The scanning system and the inverse problem were all written using LabVIEW software. The algorithm used to calculate the current density distribution was the two-dimensional Fourier transform method with a Hanning filter. The experimental results showed that the spatial resolution of the current distribution is 2 mm when the sensor array height is 2 mm. This system is expected to be useful for high-efficiency non-destructive testing, such as magnetic metal foreign object detection, magnetic field disturbance scanning for mobile devices and circuit detection on printed circuit boards.
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Maitra, Chandreyee. "High Magnetic Field Neutron Stars : Cyclotron Lines and Polarization." Thesis, 2013. http://etd.iisc.ernet.in/2005/3410.

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This thesis concerns with the study of X-ray binaries which are gravitationally bound systems consisting of a compact object (either a neutron star or a black hole) and usually a non degenerate companion star, both rotating around the common centre of mass. The compact star shines brightly in the X-ray regime. Emission from these systems are powered by accretion which is the most radioactively efficient mechanism known in the universe by the release of gravitational potential energy when matter from the companion star falls on the compact object. Accretion onto high magnetic field neutron stars are special as the magnetic field plays a crucial role in governing the dynamics of gas flow and the flow of the matter close to the compact object. The radiation emitted from these systems are anisotropic and for a distant observer, the intensity is modulated at the spin period of the neutron star, hence these objects are called accretion powered pulsars. The angular pattern of the emitted radiation is also highly anisotropic and depends on the mass accreted and hence the luminosity. The beaming pattern commonly known as the pulse profiles exhibit a wide variety in the pulse shape and pulse fraction and vary with energy as well as intensity. They also exhibit cyclotron absorption features in their energy spectrum which are a direct probe to the magnetic field geometry of these systems. This thesis is dedicated to the study of the magnetic field and emission geometry of accretion powered pulsars through the pulse phase resolved studies of the cyclotron absorption features which are a direct probe of the magnetized plasma. In order to study these features in detail broadband continuum modeling of the energy spectrum is done, taking care of all other factors which may smear the pulse phase dependence. Another prerequisite for detailed continuum modeling is accounting for the low absorption dips in the pulse profiles of many these sources. The dips are presumably formed by phase locked accretion stream causing partial covering absorption when the stream is along our line of sight towards the emission region. Studying the pulse phase dependence of this partial covering absorber also provides us with important clues on the local environment of the neutron star and the structure of the accretion stream. All of these studies are performed with data from the broadband and most sensitive instruments onboard the Japanese satellite Suzuki. Lastly we provide estimates of the polarization expected to be detected from these sources by a Thomson scattering polarimeter being developed to observe the polarization of X-rays in the energy range of 5--30 keV. Along with the X-ray pulsars, we also make an estimate of the likelihood of detection of X-ray polarization from black hole X-ray binaries in different spectral states. This is a particularly interesting topic as it will play a crucial role in providing additional handles on the magnetic field geometry in accretion powered pulsars as well as constrain the fundamental parameters of a black hole like its spin.
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Lho, Taihyeop. "A study on inductive plasma source and m=0 pseudosurface and helicon wave propagation at low magnetic field." 2000. http://www.library.wisc.edu/databases/connect/dissertations.html.

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Chen, Sei-Da, and 陳思達. "Improving the brilliance of accelerator light source by developing a strong magnetic field superconducting undulator with extremely short period length." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47721752394303383311.

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Insertion devices play important rule in synchrotron accelerator facility. By designing different kind of insertion devices (ID), the spectrum of the synchrotron radiation from the insertion deices can provide a variety of high brilliance and variable polarized photon spectrum. Therefore, the insertion devices can promote the synchrotron accelerator facility to provide a great diversity of synchrotron light for many kinds of application experiments. An important future development is to improve the brilliance and efficiency by developing undulator with new materials to increasing the magnetic flux density in an extremely short period, and this is the main purpose of this study. New technologies about superconducting materials, like the NbTi-wire, YBCO-wire and YBCO-bulk, having potential to produce higher magnetic field of an undulator, were considered. Hereinafter, the medium energy accelerator facility can have the enhanced brilliance and the improved energy of hard x-ray. In other words, the beam energy can be lower down, and the construction price of the accelerator facility hence decreases. On another aspect, developing various polarized high field undulator is also one main purpose of this study. It was considered to improve the efficiency by employing the property of circular polarized light. In this study, the improvement of theory of synchrotron radiation, superconducting magnet design, manufacture, measurement and analyzing were all mentioned. For the development of undulator: first, the development of superconducting elliptical polarized undulator was discussed; then, the YBCO-bulk material was introduced to make a stagger undulator, which is in a preliminary stage; a high field magnetizing system was constructed for the research of YBCO-bulk undulator. Meanwhile, some new points of view about spectrum were proposed based on the study work of the theory of synchrotron radiation. Besides, one issue about Terawatt (TW) X-ray free electron laser was also discussed by analyzing transverse photon beam distribution.
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become an invaluable tool in health care. Despite its popularity, there is still an ever-increasing need for faster scans and better image quality. Multi-coil MRI, which uses multiple transmit and/or receive coils, holds the potential to address many of these MRI challenges. Multi-coil MRI systems can utilize parallel transmission (pTx) technology using multi-dimensional radio-frequency (RF) pulses for parallel excitation. The pTx platform is shown to be superior in high-field MRI. Therefore, this dissertation is focused on the RF pulse design and optimization on an MRI system with multiple transceiver coils.
This dissertation addresses three major research topics. First, we investigate the optimization of pTx RF pulses when considering both transmitters and receivers of the MRI system. We term this framework multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) MRI. The RF pulse design method is modeled by minimizing the excitation error while simultaneously maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the reconstructed MR image. It further allows a key trade-off between the SNR and the excitation accuracy. Additionally, multiple acceleration factors, different numbers of used receive coils, maximum excitation error tolerance, and different excitation patterns are simulated and analyzed within this model. For a given excitation pattern, our method is shown to improve the SNR by 18-130% under certain acceleration schemes, as compared to conventional parallel transmission methods, while simultaneously controlling the excitation error in a desired scope.
Second, we propose a pTx RF pulse design method that controls the peak local specific absorption rates (SARs) using a compressed set of SAR matrices. RF power, peak local SARs, excitation accuracy, and SNR are simultaneously controlled in the designed pTx RF pulses. An alternative compression method using k-means clustering algorithm is proposed for an upper-bounded estimation of peak local SARs. The performance of the pTx design method is simulated using a human head model and an eight-channel transceiver coil array. The proposed method reduces the 10-g peak local SAR by 44.6-54.2%, as compared to the unconstrained pTx approach, when it has a pre-defined lower bound of SNR and an upper bound of excitation error tolerance. The k-means clustering-based SAR compression model shows its efficiency as it generates a narrower and more accurate overestimation bound than the conventional SAR compression model.
Finally, we propose two machine learning based pTx RF pulse design methods and test them for the ultra-fast pTx RF pulse prediction. The two methods proposed are the kernelized ridge regression (KRR) based pTx RF pulse design and the feedforward neural network (FNN) based pTx RF pulse design. These two methods learn the training pTx RF pulses from the extracted key features of their corresponding B1+ fields. These methods are compared with other supervised learning methods (nearest-neighbor methods, etc.). All learned pTx RF pulses should be reasonably SAR-efficient because training pTx RF pulses are SAR-efficient. Longer computation time and pre-scan time are the drawbacks of the current pTx approach, and we address this issue by instantaneously predicting pTx RF pulses using well-trained machine learning models.
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