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Zougs, Muriel. "Les gestes professionnels d’adaptation linguistique en contexte multilingue : le cas des professeurs des écoles dans leur gestion de l’hétérogénéité des élèves en langue de scolarisation." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0194.
Повний текст джерелаOur research is based on a comparative analysis of what we call the Professional Skills of Linguistic Adaptation (PSLA) in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) employed in France, and in particular, in international sections at primary school. It is aimed at understanding how primary school teachers, working in a multilingual context, adapt themselves to pupils’ heterogeneity in the language of instruction. Our study focuses on ordinary classes (classes taught in French and English section classes) and groups of French as a foreign language and English as a second language, in the nursery and elementary schools of a state-run International School in PACA. Through a comparative approach, we wish to understand how the status of the language of instruction (vernacular or vehicular), the pupils’ ages and the level of linguistic heterogeneity influence the PSLA teachers use. For each of these three factors, we compare two sessions in ordinary classes and two sessions conducted in support schemes aimed at facilitating pupils’ integration to the language of instruction, in order to illustrate also the impact of the type of teaching (ordinary or specialised) on the primary school teachers’ use of PSLA. We compare the number, category and type of PSLA used by teachers and also the forms they take through “the teachers’ concerns structuring the didactic environment” (Bucheton, 2011), the instances when teachers employ them through “the quadruplet of the structure of the teacher's action” (Sensevy & Mercier, 2007), and for what purposes through the “4 Cs” (Coyle, 2002)
El, Ajel El Ghazi. "Eléments pour une formation continue des maîtres bilingues au Maroc : constat diagnostique et propositions." Paris 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA030097.
Повний текст джерелаEssawy, Dina. "L'autonomie de l'enseignant de français dans les écoles publiques égyptiennes : quel avenir, quelle formation ?" Paris 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA030074.
Повний текст джерелаDuring thet last decade, several factors helped the importance of the concept of teacher autonomy : transition from applied linguistics to didacology of languages-cultures, eclectism, new technologies, ethical dimension of learning language. In this perspective, autonomus teacher has several roles : researcher, creator of pedagogical material. He is also the one who accompagy students to autonomy. The autonomus teacher is also a researcher ; his task consists on permanent questionning of his own practices. The research initiation develops critisism ability and helps teacher to refuse ready made material, he feels able to conceive his own pedagogical material. This material should not simply promote transmission of Knowldge, but developps self-learning. The present thesis studies how to autonomize teachers of french in egyptian schools through a survey with educators, descision makers. Then we will conceive a project of teacher training intended for the futur teachers of french in Egypte. His project has not intend to be neither authoritarian nor exhaustive, it follows the lines of didactology of languages-cultures who is suggesting but not imposing
Leroy, Denis. "Contribution à la description des gestes d'enseignement - Un cas d'analyse didactique comparée : les aides-éducateurs et les professeurs des écoles." Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00348725.
Повний текст джерелаNous appelons geste l'action d'un professeur qui se donne pour but de mettre en relation des élèves à des objets de nature diverses : techniques, connaissances, objets matériels, symboliques.
Nous étudions la nature de ces aides déployées par des adultes tuteurs - professeurs des écoles et aides-éducateurs - auprès d'élèves de cours moyen première année dans des conditions ordinaires d'enseignement au moment où les élèves ont en charge la résolution individuelle de problèmes qui leur sont proposés.
La recherche compare ces aides selon trois dimensions :
. la discipline (mathématiques/français)
. l'expérience des professeurs (première année de fonction, 15 ans d'ancienneté)
. le statut de ces tuteurs (enseignant/aide-éducateur)
L'hypothèse principale est que l'activité manifestée par tout tuteur didactique consiste à contrôler trois grandes fonctions didactiques : la part de responsabilité des élèves relative au savoir, l'aménagement de milieux pour apprendre et l'avancement d'un temps qui règle l'ordre et la vitesse d'apparition des savoirs.
Nous montrons que les différences d'aide entre des tuteurs didactiques occupant des positions différentes dans l'institution proviennent des différences dans les façons de contrôler ces trois fonctions.
Nous mettons également en évidence que les gestes d'aide à l'étude se modifient en fonction des disciplines et des savoirs enseignés et que le contrôle des fonctions s'y réalise différemment.
La recherche montre que certains gestes affectent de façon assez prévisibles les fonctions didactiques et créent les conditions d'apparition de certains phénomènes décrits dans la littérature didactique alors que d'autres dépendent au contraire très fortement des contextes.
Kassimi, Chryssafo. "L'école primaire grecque et ses enseignants face aux enfants d'immigrés : entre réalités et alibis." Paris 8, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA082324.
Повний текст джерелаIn the present research we refer to the principles underpinning the schooling of immigrants' children in Greece. Considering this relatively new population for Greek elementary school as a privileged starting-point in order to study the relation of Greek teachers to the difficulty, language, cultural diversity and the profession, we focus on the representation of the linguistic difficulties and of the teaching language. The aim of this research is to study how Greek teachers deal with the presence of these pupils and to demonstrate what their difficulties and school condition imply as well as to diffuse the principles with which teachers are preoccupied and the contradictions the latter face, taking into account the lack of explicit objectives concerning immigrants' education
Baba-Ali, Mohammed. "L'enseignement du français et la formation des maîtres à l'école primaire marocaine." Paris 8, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA082122.
Повний текст джерелаThis research reminds us about Moroccan educational system throughout history. It tells us about the progress occurred since the independence period in arabisation, moroccanisation, unification and the time when school became a right for everyone. The implementation of French as a first language within the Moroccan primary school system has encountered quite a few hindrances so that it has resulted into the regress of pupils' level in French language and aroused parents' anger. The Moroccan primary school teacher hardly deals with linguistic, morphological and syntaxical problems of the French language. Teachers' training centers do not despatch high standard programs yet. The methods used, the programs taught, the pedagogical items and bocks are too old. This research may help the Moroccan primary school teacher to deal with French phonetic sounds, rhythm, intonation and the way they work together in comparison with Arabian phonetic. It also gives advice about the way French must be taught and how new words must be introduced in oral classes. Moroccan primary school teaches must be aware of the difficulties of the oral language and know what progression has to be followed for the first few weeks of the teaching. The second chapter introduces the way primary school teaches are taught how to teach French at school. The timetable, the methods used in training centers are hardly efficient. The didactic items used and the great numbers of pupils per class are obstacles to any kind of progress. The primary school teacher fails when he enters a countryside primary class whit pupils of different school levels, whit no electricity &water. This work may help him to make up his mind about his future as a French teacher
Kister, Paul Stéphanie. "L'enseignement du français langue seconde - langue de scolarisation (FLS / FLSco) aux élèves allophones arrivants accueillis en classe ordinaire à l'école élémentaire." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016STRAC008.
Повний текст джерелаThis research aims at studying the representations of elementary school teachers about the specificities of the French language used at school, in order to guide and optimize the educational materials needed by allophone pupils recently arrived in France, included into ordinary classes. The first part of the thesis proposes an inventory of French teaching at allophone pupils immersed in an elementary school without any support. Next, some clarification of the concepts of French as a second language (FSL) and French as the language of schooling is done. It will help enlightening the analysis of the surveys of school teachers questioned about the specificities of French used at school, such as a specific communication language, a language as subject and a language of the other subjects. The collection and the analysis of the answers compose the second part of this thesis. The results obtained serve as a support to make didactic and pedagogical proposals to facilitate school inclusion of newly arrived allophone children, and also, of all pupils who have difficulties with French of / at school
Durrieu-Gardelle, Magali. "Langage et recherche collaborative : effets de la construction d’une communauté discursive d’enseignants en grammaire sur leurs modes d’agir, parler et penser et sur ceux de leurs élèves dans la discipline." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0398.
Повний текст джерелаOur doctoral work focuses on oral language for teaching and learning in grammar at the end of French primary schools. It examines the effects of collaborative research into language for learning in grammar in cycle 3 (9-10 years old), on teachers‘ classroom practices, their pupils’ use of language and their awareness of oral language and grammar as a subject. It is rooted in a historical and cultural perspective that leads us first to look back to the establishment of school grammar as a discipline in order to understand the difficulties faced by teachers. Following in the footsteps of Vygotski (1934/1997), our roots lead us to attribute a major role to language, conceived as a semiotic, dialogical tool with contextualised uses (Bakhtin, 1984), and to the teacher's mediation of language in the construction and appropriation by pupils of the knowledge deposited in culture. We are thus led to mobilise, the concept of the Communauté Discursive Disciplinaire et Scolaire (Jaubert, Rebière and Bernié, 2003) at the class level to understand, and at the language level, the teaching-learning co-activity that enables pupils to appropriate ways of acting, speaking and thinking that are specific to grammar. This position leads us to question the dominant model of the masterly grammar lesson followed by drill exercises inherited from the Middle Ages, which leaves little room for the cognitive and linguistic activity required by pupils to negotiate the meaning of grammatical activity and the knowledge they need to acquire. Moreover, the ministerial injunction to develop language for learning in every subject leaves many teachers bewildered. We therefore hypothesise that collaborative research into the question of language for teaching and learning in grammar could help the teachers involved to become aware of the importance of the language of the various players in the classroom and to modify their practices for the benefit of pupils' cognitive and language learning and to strengthen their disciplinary awareness (Reuter, 2007). We set up a 2-year collaborative research project, based on activity analysis (Clot & Faita, 2000), with four cycle-3 teachers We had films and verbatims of 8 grammar sessions conducted by the teachers on the notion of simple/complex sentence, before and at the end of the research, 12 verbatims of self-confrontations, cross-confrontations and group work sessions as well as two series of student questionnaires aimed at (1) identifying their written language practices in grammar and (2) defining their awareness of grammar and oral grammar, at the beginning and end of the research. The comparison of the verbatims of the sessions enables us to observe transformations in the actual teaching practices (corpus, activity solicited, discursive interventions, handling of errors, knowledge taught) as well as the speaking time of the actors, the nature of the verbal interactions, the enunciative positioning and language uses of the pupils. The analysis of the interview transcripts shows that the elements of practice that were transformed were all the subject of discourse, either reformulated or questioned, or debated or even reconfigured as a sign of cognitive and linguistic shifts on the part of the participants. Finally, the initial processing of the student questionnaires showed changes in their use of written language, a disciplinary awareness more in tune with grammatical activity and the beginnings of an objectification of oral language for learning grammar
Charrier, Marie-Cécile. "Imaginaire des professeurs des écoles et apprenance." Nantes, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NANT3046.
Повний текст джерелаDepth imagery has been deep-rooted since time immemorial. However, it also plays an important role in contemporary world. Isn’t fear of linear time that mankind tries to solve in mythical stories both timeless and universal ? In a context of long-standing growth established as an essential requirement for the good health of the States and companies, the employee’s responsibility will include his/her own education which he/she will have to take on throughout his/her life. The notion of “learnance” is born. It raises its own questions of temporality. What imaginary story does it tell us? How do the subjects, heroes of their own mythical universes deal with the connection to knowledge viewed as a myth? This is the question the present research work tries to answer, in an understanding and qualitative approach, exploring the specific environment of primary school teachers and being essentially based on the Structures of the Imaginary brought in light by G. Durand under the terms “héroïque”, “mystique”, “synthétique”. Thus, the myth of ‘learnance’ being outlined, we explored the imaginative world of 5 primary school teachers thanks to two complementary approaches. First, semi-directive interviews dealing with the initial and continuing education of these teachers were analysed in the light of the symbolism of their terms. Then, everyone was invited to carry out the Archetype -Test with 9 elements (AT. 9) worked out by Y. Durand to see how G. Durand’s work stands to the test. Each participant was given the opportunity to react to their test session report. The analysis of the different data gradually drew the portrait of single heroes who, in their style, by means of their personal tools and/or weapons come to a compromise with the dramatic elements of the “learnance”. Depth imagery has been deep-rooted since time immemorial. However, it also plays an important role in contemporary world. Isn’t fear of linear time that mankind tries to solve in mythical stories both timeless and universal ? In a context of long-standing growth established as an essential requirement for the good health of the States and companies, the employee’s responsibility will include his/her own education which he/she will have to take on throughout his/her life. The notion of “learnance” is born. It raises its own questions of temporality. What imaginary story does it tell us? How do the subjects, heroes of their own mythical universes deal with the connection to knowledge viewed as a myth? This is the question the present research work tries to answer, in an understanding and qualitative approach, exploring the specific environment of primary school teachers and being essentially based on the Structures of the Imaginary brought in light by G. Durand under the terms “héroïque”, “mystique”, “synthétique”. Thus, the myth of ‘learnance’ being outlined, we explored the imaginative world of 5 primary school teachers thanks to two complementary approaches. First, semi-directive interviews dealing with the initial and continuing education of these teachers were analysed in the light of the symbolism of their terms. Then, everyone was invited to carry out the Archetype -Test with 9 elements (AT. 9) worked out by Y. Durand to see how G. Durand’s work stands to the test. Each participant was given the opportunity to react to their test session report. The analysis of the different data gradually drew the portrait of single heroes who, in their style, by means of their personal tools and/or weapons come to a compromise with the dramatic elements of the “learnance”
Le, Bihan Jean-Claude. "La formation en langue des maîtres du 1er degré : problèmes épistémologiques et pratiques : le cas de l'anglais." Compiègne, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999COMP1204.
Повний текст джерелаMatari, Hermine. "Les instituteurs dans la société gabonaise : positionnement social, formation et diversité du métier." Amiens, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AMIE0014.
Повний текст джерелаAl, Dilfy Mohsen Ali Mhaibis. "L'influence de l'environnement familial, social et professionnel sur la situation psychique des instituteurs et institutrices en milieu rural et urbain de Bagdad." Paris 7, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA070081.
Повний текст джерелаSaillot, Eric. "Ressources professionnelles des professeurs des écoles en situation d'aide personnalisée." Caen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011CAEN1627.
Повний текст джерелаSince 2008, French school-teachers have to face a new professional situation called « aide personnalisée » in order to help pupils in difficulties. This research aims at describing and understanding which resources are used and built by teachers in those new situations. How do they use words to make clear problematic knowledge or skills? How do they interview pupils to make them explain their thought processes? The importance of words makes us use pragmatic analysis (Austin, 1970 ; Searle, 1972 ; Moeschler J. & Reboul, A. , 1998 ; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 2005) to complete the framework of professional didactic (Pastré, Mayen, Vergnaud, 2006), which is found on psychology of development (Vygotski, 1934), ergonomic studies, field observations, analysis of practices, and interviews based on traces of work. We have filmed five school teachers with pupils aged between eight and ten. We have written each word pronounced by teachers and pupils. Then, we have interviewed these teachers about their own words and actions we could see on each filmed class. We have made a classification of didactic functions based on teachers’ aims we have gathered. We have progressively described twenty didactic functions and the professional resources that make up their skills. We wanted to approach closely the professional reality of school teachers when they talk to pupils in difficulties to help them. All these professional pragmatic skills build a kind of “explicit pedagogy”
Haas, Michèle. "Grundschullehrer et professeurs des écoles au travail : construction des relations professionnelles." Metz, 2006. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2006/Haas.Michele.LMZ0619.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаThe constraints of space and time of work, of schooling policies, of cultural contingencies being taken here as a general context, we try to find some answers among the various devices ( from the thinner to the most organised) which make links between them and which operate their socialization. The methodology is a qualitiative empirical approach of an elementary school in France and two in Germany ( "Grundschullen"), where the sociabilities, routines and various organisational devices activated by the teachers during a school year were observed. Various dimensions are considered : the spatial frame (objects making links, objets for action, social markers, artefacts) inside which the described routines and sociabilities are given their meaning, the personal and professional profile of the actors and various organisational equipements (meetings, projects coordinations, celebrates, etc. . )which give rythm to the contacts between teachers and offer derivatives during the school year. Finally, the professional identities of the 'professeurs des écoles" and of the "Grundschullehrer" appear to be sui generis : where as the " professeurs des écoles" perform functional relationship and have to collaborate to fulfill bureaucratically organised common ends, the "Grundschullehrer" perform a comminicational relationship and cooperate for tasks according to the model of occupational organisations
Berbain, Alexandra. "Etude des interactions verbales entre des èléves et leur professeure dans le traitement de conflits. La part du langage dans la rencontre de l'Autre au sein d'une institution scolaire pluriculturelle." Thesis, Normandie, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NORMR137/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe questions of living together and our relationship to the otherness ponder researchers and practitioners. These questions have become even more vivid since the crisis at the beginning of the century. The encounter with the other continues for the school children and takes place in the institutional setting of elementary school, during conflicts, among others. Our research analyzes the interactions between school children and their teacher during the handling of conflicts. How and in which manner do pupils explain - in the presence of their teacher - the facts facing the other, and what are the language practices of each of them to solve (or not) the conflict? To answer these questions, we have constituted a body at the elementary school, which we analyze with tools derived from pragmatics and works on verbal interactions. It is a question of finding out the way in which each person, in his or her language practice, apprehends the other; What are the students' strategies to report conflicts; how does the teacher seek to encourage the encounter with the Otherness through the treatment of conflicts and to develop, for its pupils, a training to a citizen behavior
Kugel, Veronika. "Les instituteurs formation d'une nouvelle elite indienne? (valle del mezquital, mexique)." Toulouse 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996TOU20024.
Повний текст джерелаThe first chapter, the mezquital valley nahnu (otomi), gives a general description of the nahnus' known history, some elements of the social and cultural situation of mezquital indians today as well as an account of the economical context in which they live. The second chapter, state and power in indigenous regions, delineates the relationship between the ethnic group and the nation parting from the mechanisms of power and mediation from a historical point of view, proposing a theoretical interpretation that will be the back drop for the analysis of the mezquital situation. The mezquital valley - a "pilot" region for the relationship-between indians and state, chapter iii, is the setting, in the mezquital valley, of the previously described general mechanisms. Different social actors are described in their relationship with regard to one another, with the aim of portraying the situation in which the ethnic group as well as the indigenous teachers live, act and relate themselves to other social actors nowadays
Jang, Hyun-Mi Kim. "La construction de l'identité professionnelle chez l'instituteur en maternelle et l'éducateur au centre d'accueil des jeunes enfants en Corée : les métiers auprès des jeunes enfants sont-ils des métiers de femmes ?" Nantes, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NANT3005.
Повний текст джерелаThis research, which concerns the masculine teacher in the nursery school and the masculine teacher in the centre of the reception of young children in South Korea, required approach interdisciplinary. The feminization of these professions is perceived as a universal phenomenon. How they build their professional identity in this universe of the women? To answer this question, we used two methodologies: a quantitative methodology with students in formation of nursery school to be interested in the representation concerned the future profession and another qualitative methodology with ten men professionals of these jobs. These jobs aren’t impossible, but untenable. These modern men assert a masculine claim. The necessity of their presence was obvious to favor the harmonious development of the young children who socialize in a first instructive place
Roux-Paties, Isabelle. "La professionnalisation des professeurs des ecoles comme experts de l'enseignement-apprentissage : discours et pratiques des professeurs des écoles débutants." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0278/document.
Повний текст джерелаTo meet the growing needs in formation in modern societies, school is expected to have greater efficiency in its instructional and educational objectives. With regard to this context, we can understand the primacy of a conception that teaching is more an applied science than an art. From this view, the efficiency of the school implies that teachers are "experts of the teaching-learning process". This model underlies the official texts governing the training of teachers in the contemporary period. Consequently, it is at the heart of the teacher professionalization. The central question addressed in this doctoral dissertation concerns the status of this model in primary school teachers at the beginning of their professionalization. For this purpose, three types of observational data were collected from novices primary school teachers at different stages of initial training, and in different contexts: discourses from interviews; classroom practices; responses to a questionnaire. Our analyzes showed a teacher professionalization in tension between institutional recommendations and difficulties in the classroom monitoring. The weight of the professional constraints practices superseded the emphasis on scientific and educational knowledge. Representations of novice primary school teachers appeared to highlight the skills of the classroom management, as the relations between teacher and students, rather than the theoretical expertise and didactical engineering
Kilic, Aksel. "La culture professionnelle des professeurs des écoles : l'école primaire vue des coulisses." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCB176.
Повний текст джерелаOur thesis examines the professional culture of primary school teachers by looking the coulisses at primary school. Behind the scenes represent all the places outside the classroom and they are studied in a methodological approach of ethnographic type. Our research is based on fieldwork composed of participant observations in two schools with contrasting social backgrounds and 44 semi-directive interviews with primary school teachers. We will dealing with giving outlines and meaning to this professional culture that unfolds in the margins of institutional curricula. Our investigation thus opens up a knowledge of the profession from a less studied point of view because it is more distant from the ordinary image of the school teacher and the elementary school. The interest of the concept of professional culture lies in its ability to encompass and bring unity to a diverse norms and practices within the profession. More broadly, professional culture is a set of positioning and solutions shared by members of the same profession. It is also a discussion space marked by tensions, cleavages around themes that may include an ethical dimension. It is also a vector of transmission and professional influence, therefore of horizontal socialization and at the same time of local socialization. Finally, it is a space in which professional autonomy is deployed through the interpretation play, relaxation or reinforcement of institutional and hierarchical injunctions. This informal professional culture is a set of norms, practices and values. It holds its unity in its ability to socialize and train teachers on the job. By so doing, it provides ways to answer to questions or professional difficulties. Informal professional culture is a particular form of socialization that appears as a kind of "informal continuing training" that complements institutional training and, above all, answers concretely the daily professional questions that it does not take into account. The dynamics of this professional culture also strengthens the professional group in its specificity of identity. This informal professional culture has the particularity of being created in an interaction system that counts colleagues and users (pupils and their parents). Interactions with co-workers on the one hand and parents of pupils and their children on the other, thus constitute for primary school teachers two regulation figures in the sense that they constitute a sphere of socialization which contributes to the professionalization of primary school teachers. The context in which the interactions unfold is decisive and modifies the norms and practices. Our study will be developed the contours of this informal professional culture through the norms that define the good teacher, the relations between colleagues and those with the users of the primary school
Hayat, Meshal. "L'instituteur et la responsabilité civile en droit français et kowei͏̈tien." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002STR30015.
Повний текст джерелаIn France the responsibility of the schoolteacher bases itself on the law of April 5th, 1937, the art. 1384 a1 8 of the Civil code and the art L 911-4 of the Code of the education stemming from the prescription n°2000-549 of June 15th, 2000. The victim who has to steer her action exclusively against the State will have to prove the fault of the schoolteacher (defect of surveillance) with the courts of the judicial order to hope to obtain repair. The responsibility of the State substituting itself for that of the schoolteacher public and deprived that it is about a personal fault or about a service of the schoolteacher. In Al Kuwait the victim has the choice to assign at the same moment the State and the schoolteacher (whom the fault is presumed) even if he is public. In both countries, the State can exercise in certain cases an appeal against his schoolteacher. This action lapses by three years as from the realization of the damage according to the French law and as from the knowledge by the victim of the damage according to the Kuwaiti right
Delcroix, Céline. "Professeur-e-s des écoles : carrières et promotions. Les identités professionnelles sexuées des enseignant-e-s du premier degré." Thesis, Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100109/document.
Повний текст джерелаIn our societies, each individual is categorized as woman or man. We use this difference of nature in order to culturally and socially build the visible differences between the genders. That is why, the own models’ transfer to the construction of identity has a key part in the perception of the sexual identity of each individual. Otherwise, the issue concerning the occupation of the positions in the « Education Nationale », in relation with the social and professional characteristics of women and men and with the definition of the roles and tasks according to the gender, has been slightly studied by the sociologists. On the basis of questionnaires and interviews of some school teachers and referencing to their career, to their choices related to it and to the promotions that they have had or considered, the target of this research is to deal with the appropriation or the refusal of the sex standards in the construction of the school teachers’ identity. And how these « feminine » and « masculine » models guide their professional path. It is a matter, in particular, of carrying the thought on the perception of the gender standards to the school teachers and showing their thought lightening their sexed professional standing compared with the gender’s socialization.Therefore, ask about the sexed professional school teachers’ identity issue, involves to examine, in a first place, the access path to the profession in order to understand how proceeds the profession’s apprehension and what is the function of the gender’s identity in the appropriation and the execution of the profession, and in a second place, how this professional identity evolves considering the contemplated careers and the possible promotions
Skoc-Gérôme, Fabienne. "Un concours de circonstances : l'identité des professeurs des écoles des années 1990 et 2000." Paris 10, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA100179.
Повний текст джерелаThis research tries to understand how the identity of the newly-formed teachers is built. We postulate that those new teacher's identity is subordinate to a dynamic interaction process. Since 1991 all French teachers from a pre-elementary level to the seventh grade -that is, who teach in nurseries, primary schools, elementary schools and secondary schools- are trained in the "Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maitres" (below IUFMs). In that quite particular context, we have studied the identity of nursery and primary school teachers, that is to say the identity of the new "professeurs des écoles". We wondered about the identity of that category of teachers (who becomes a "professeur des écoles", how does one become a "professeur des écoles", what reason(s) motivate(s) such a choice in teaching. . . ). As regards the problematics of identity, we have used theoretical referents stemming from sociology of workers, sociology of identity and clinical sociology. We handed out a questionnaire in a IUFM, exactly the very first year when the status of the new "professeurs des écoles" was instituted (in the 1993-1994 academic year), and ten years later (in the 2003-2004 academic year). Then we have drawn a significative sample of 30 trainee teachers for a semi-directed clinical biographic interviews (i. E. Whixh focalizes on the uniqueness of each person). Last, analyzing the clinical biographical interviews shows there are three ways of building up one's identity, which enables us to draw up a typology of identites : a confirmation identity, a reservation identity and a restoration identity
Daguzon, Marc. "L'influence de la prescription sur le développement professionnel des professeurs des écoles débutants." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00660841.
Повний текст джерелаFerrero-Boutrais, Magali. "Le "je" professionnel en construction des professeurs des écoles débutants : Une approche psychophénoménologique." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CERG0751.
Повний текст джерелаOur research studies the practice of the primary school teachers beginners starting from an approach by description from their real-life experience, their point of view, i.e. in first person. The selected method of collection of the data is the elicitation interview method of Vermersch, with an aim of better understanding how the professional “I” of the primary school teachers beginners in construction. This accompaniment brings the person interviewed to recontact, with close, its past real life experience. The entries of charge thus collected concern, according to our choice, descriptions of situations of class. Starting from the analysis of these data, we highlighted professional gestures of adjustment (Jorro) of the primary school teachers beginners which are the result of acquisitions of information and very short decision makings in situation. The principal indices which draw the attention of the primary school teachers beginners are relating to the pupils: their movements, their words, their expressivity (the glance, the absence of reaction, smiles, etc.). We highlighted emergent competences of the primary school teachers beginners, which concern transverse competences. For us, an emergent competence is a professional know-how drived by an intention, a under-goal, which is in construction at the primary school teachers beginners, which, often is not conscientized yet, but which is present in description in first person of the real life experience on class. This know-how belongs to the given cognitive process of the action and will cause awakenings by the cognitive process of reflecting. Emergent competences that we could identify are four : to make the pupils to verbalize, support the interactions between the pupils, to listen to and to take into account the word of the pupils, to use teacher's body and its positioning in the classroom. Two categories of emergent competences appear: importance of the body of the teacher by the primary school teachers beginners, on the one hand, and the importance of the taking into account of the word of the pupils, on the other hand. These two objects of awakening seem fundamental in the control of the class, to found a climate of trust and to ensure a teaching relation favourable with the training of the pupils. Our research highlights the competences conscientized by the beginners primary school teachers. They are already present at the conscience of the primary school interviewed teachers, or were the object of an awakening during our research. They consist of what the primary school teachers beginners know that they can do. These conscientized competences are part of the professional gestures (Jorro). These occupational gestures contain historical know-how of the trade and integrate competences which the professional adjusts according to his perceptions and the intersubjective relations, in situation. We showed that emergent competences and conscientized competences, constituting professional gestures, were underlain by values for the primary school teachers beginners of our corpus. These values are : to create a climate of trust in the class, to give confidence in them to the pupils, to help the pupils in difficulty and to make the pupils autonomous. These subjacent values are incarnated by the primary school teachers beginners through a posture of listening and respect of the pupils, knowing to also handle humour, a posture of accompaniment of the pupils (in the direction to be “at side”, “to reassure” and “to encourage”). These values represent the two pillars of the professional “I” in construction of the primary school teachers beginners: importance of the relation to the pupils and importance of the release-catch. We formulate the assumption that this “I” professional evolves throughout the career of the primary school teachers
Loigerot-Trubert, Andrée. "Le mémoire professionnel des professeurs des écoles : un analyseur des contenus de formation ?" Aix-Marseille 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX10035.
Повний текст джерелаGesson, Benjamin. "Comment devient-on enseignant ? : les trajectoires de socialisation professionnelle des professeurs des écoles." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0188/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis proposes an analysis of the teachers’ professional socialization through a theoretical and conceptual-interactionist framework. It is based on various empirical methods (observation, individual and collective talks, followed by troop qualitative). Four major elements come out of this thesis: 1) initial training has a deep influence on the soon-to-be teachers concerning the way they act and both the way they work and the way they7consider their work. The act of “social manufacturing” they undergo during their formation enables them to acquire elements for their career (linguistic, temporal, rhetorical or relational elements). 2) During their initial training, the future teachers create a “student culture” which aims at negotiating, translating or transgressing the formal and official standards conveyed by the authority of socialization. Accordingly, the abstract or semi-official standards produced within this subculture have a major influence on the comprehension of the process of professional socialization. 3) There exists a plurality of professional identities adopted by the teachers at the time they begin their career. These are founded on the trajectory which led the individuals to teaching, and also on how they deal with the training and their work. Far from the disillusioned figure of the young teacher in suffering one might expect, the beginning of a career appears to be fulfilling and to be a source of achievement. 4) Three forms of careers and professional identities emerge from our diachronic investigation: a pragmatic identity, an identity created by “relative frustration” and an autonomous identity. Moreover, the professional identity adopted at the time of the first years of teaching tends to persist in time, revealing the structuring force of the objective dimension of the teaching careers (predetermined gradations of advance statutory and professional mobility, constraints related to the separation of the private and the professional spheres…). The thesis concluded on the need for questioning a functionalist vision of initial training and an administrative design of the teaching career currently dominant
Lécot, Line. "L'observation et l'écoute sensible dans la pratique éducative." Paris 8, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA081248.
Повний текст джерелаMy reflections, in a first time, essentially turned towards, a neutral outlook, were then transformed to learn to look with an open and sensitive, and more personal way according to my personal experiences which had hidden meanings. This research is more of a testimony to what was lived in the classroom and in my life, than a mixture of proof or strange explanations to my own implication that would allow onc to show an 'regard froid', on the activities described, observed, seen and heard. Having observed and having an open ear for the children of my kindergarien class and ofmyself allow me to affirm today that one must be a member, natural, competent, and affiliated, in order to observe a particular situation, but one must also bc in tunc to himself and the others. Whether a person is a researcher or a practitioner, one must always have an open car in order to capture the slightest detail that would allow one to understand the interations between oneself and the others, that could bring light into the well being in a classroom. "how and why did 1 react as i did in this situation ?" that is the question that must be asked in order to understand what happens in an interactive situation. The link between the students and the teacher must be felt, by all parties, in the various situations that are lived in a classroom. I lence, the observer participates and becomes a member, and must recognize the various situation markers, and the role of the other members who interact. It is in this sense that i would like to specify that the observer must be a member, natural, competent, and affiliated. Aside from this remark, another seems necessary and complementary : the observer must be able to speak in the first person, listen to others and oneself, know oneself, and see oneself in others, one could summarize my thesis work by stating that the observer is also human in nature
Agostini, Marc. "Analyse des besoins de formation lors de la prise de fonction, à travers le suivi de professeurs des écoles sortants : étude effectuée dans le Pays-Haut (Meurthe-et-Moselle) : emergence et ré-élaboration des compétences professionnelles au fil des discours relatifs à la prise de fonction(s)." Nancy 2, 2001. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/NANCY2/doc213/2001NAN21019_1.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаWhatever the situations of work met, the taking of (s) - studied here over a three school years period, which we baptize "phase of takeoff" - arises like a moment impossible to circumvent and determining for the effective appropriation of a base of professional competences by the beginning "professeurs des écoles" getting out of the "IUFM"s. While intervening on the articulation between the interiorization of a theory and the implementation of a stammering practice, the professional environment plays a considerable role in this adaptation. When it is imposed, during the first working year, the passage by the "Pays-Haut" (Meurthe-et-Moselle) serves as revealing of the search of a balance which the beginners try to establish between their public life and their private life and which they will then try to preserve on a suitable mode. The competences released by the means of freely-given speeches, particularly when held apart from any hierarchical pressure, exceed the field of a technical professionnality strictly speaking such as it can show through in the reference frame of trade established by the "Education Nationale". While inserting them in a professional model built thanks to a ideal-typical method, we fully make raise these competences of two large components which we perceive here like narrowly connected, whereas they usually appear to us as distinct within a professional framework. We thus associate an emotional register which we depict as unlimited with an operational slope that we seize like much more codified. Consequently, by considering that this period of "formation initiale continuée" has a paramount importance in the career of the primary schoolteacher, we will be located in the logic of an accompaniement which would be negociated beforehand with the interested parties
Cardona, Correia Antunes Maria Joao. "Modèles de formation initiale et développement professionnel : les instituteurs de l'école maternelle au Portugal." Caen, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001CAEN1327.
Повний текст джерелаPetit, Roland. "L'identité professionnelle des instituteurs devant les changements de la société." Paris 8, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA081845.
Повний текст джерелаAl, Aisri Amur Mohamed Amur. "L'Enseignement du langage dans les écoles maternelles au Sultanat d'Oman." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENH030/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe objective of this thesis is to provide an inventory of practices and teaching conditions to identify the effects of education on language acquisition and to evaluate the effectiveness of the Omani system for kindergartners. the first part of the thesis presents a theoretical reflection on teaching in nursery schools in the world and particularly in Oman. The second part includes two empirical studies : the first is a survey made a general analysis of the education system for Omani kindergartens, using questionnaires to teachers (n = 429 ) , supervisors (n = 34) and administrative staff(n = 100 ) in 100 kindergartens in 10 regions of the country; the second consists of observations of language teaching practices in Omani kindergartens. Observation grids were carried out to analyze the language-teaching activities (n = 50 classes in 50 schools in 6 regions). Students (n = 475 ) were evaluated in language by pre-and post - tests. The results show that the Omani preschool welcomes 3 years old children have features construction and development as well as a pupil / teacher ratio rather good but negative points are noteworthy. Kindergartens are private and charges, do not facilitate access to education. In schools , parent associations are either absent or inactive , linked perhaps with a low cultural and educational level of parents, despite their high socio -economic level. Moreover, two languages (Arabic and English) are teached, following a guide from the Ministry of Education, but there is no common program to all kindergarten schools. Most teachers have a low degree and lack of training. The results of the observation grid highlight ten types of activities that are defined from the point of view of their content in relation to language learning. The practice of language activities spends most of the time by lecturing and takes place in a collective fashion contrary. In addition, the results to pre-and post- test, show firstly the scores change more strongly in LAC (language comprehension skills) but also existing in LAS (phonological awareness skills) and LALE (reading-writing Skills) between the pre-and post –test. In the multilevel analysis, the relationship is not the same between the pre and post- test in all schools. Pretest explains very little of both inter-individual variations that variations between classes and there are many differences between schools and between students. It appears that there is no influence of the variables "gender and years of schooling" and "characteristics of teachers" (qualification and experience). As against, there is a «region " effect. It also appears that the influence of management type mode of conduct (TM, TCM) is stronger than the method (implicit, explicit and masterful), which is stronger than the manner of conduct (individual and collective). Note that in the method and mode of conduct, values relating to the activities of code are better than those relating to the meaning. Variables that have emerged as effective in language learning are implicit sense, code -TCM, TCM sense and collective sense and Omani preschool system would benefit from their inclusion. In addition the recent training has a significant effect (efficacy teachers is higher for those who have benefited)
Stumpf, Alexia. "Rapport au métier, rapport au savoir : une recherche sur les nouveaux professeurs des écoles." Strasbourg, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009STRA5004.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis aims at analyzing the link between primary-school teachers and their job, at this turning point in their career when they begin teaching. In fact, there are fewer researches on them than there are on high-school teachers. When reading books about the teaching profession, you cannot but notice there are various relationships to this job, based on the different relationships primary-school and high-school teachers entertain with disciplinary knowledge. (Duru-Bellat, Van Zanten (1999) ; Isambert-Jamati (1985) ; Terrail (2004)). These works particularly highlight the fact that high-school teachers seem to be far more attached to disciplinary knowledge. However, there is no research on how primary-school teachers view their job. Thus, this thesis aims at expanding the understanding of the link between primary-school teachers and their job through the lens of their relationship to disciplinary knowledge. What is specific about the link between primary-school teachers and their job? Does their own relationship to disciplinary knowledge influence/affect their way of teaching/ their relationship with pupils? These are the questions we kept in mind while studying the corpus of 30 primary-school teachers’ interviews we made. They had been teaching for one to three years, and we decided to proceed to a discourse analysis of the corpus thus obtained
Rauscher, Jacques-Benoît. "Les professeurs de Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles : une élite au service des élites ?" Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010IEPP0052.
Повний текст джерелаTeachers of Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles have an important place in the selection and the socialization of the elites in France. This research examines the characteristics of this group, its heterogeneity and its behavior in changing situations. This work is based on interviews, on a questionnaire sent to all French teachers and on an historical study about teachers' associations. This study highlights the fact that these teachers are more a specific “segment” in their professional group than a professional elite. In such a context, this research shows that teachers can take advantage of both a normative legitimacy and pragmatic legitimacy. These two types of legitimacy explain why the teachers of Classes Préparatoires, in contrast with the other French teachers, do not adopt a defensive posture, when changes occur in their institution. This work finally puts forward how this group is marked by disparities relating in particular to the status of the institution and the local context of practice
Bastide, Didier. "Les professeurs de l'enseignement primaire : entre images et expériences professionnelles, la construction de soi." Toulouse 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOU20078.
Повний текст джерелаThe purpose of the research is to describe and analyze construction of the self in today's primary-school teachers. It is based on the hypothesis that, following a crystallization of self-feeling instrumental during teacher training, prior to actual classroom experience, the self is contextually invented, in the course of the teacher's classroom career. The empirical study invloved two categories of French schoolteachers who change position or position type, within the framework of village primary schools in rural aeras. Data collected by observation and interview was compiled with sociological interventions during continuing-training sessions, as well as by a series of analyses of such texts as professional journals, biographical accounts of university scholars who were formerly primary school teachers, and disserations. Following a presentation of the images likely to influence the identity-forging processes, the dissertation analyzes the social frameworks offering identity niches to primary school teachers. In part three, the schoolteacher-recruitment process and the sense of "becoming" a schoolteacher are reviewed historically up to the 1980s. The last section is a study of the "reality" of teaching work in the classroom and in primary school
Smaldone, Angèle. "Le professeur des écoles dans la spirale de l’ethnicité." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0328.
Повний текст джерелаThis qualitative research is based on a triangulation of methods which involved compiling around sixty questionnaires, observing what happens in a school situated in an urban hotspot over a period of nearly four years and interviewing thanks to semi-leading questions, approximately fifteen primary-school teachers in the Lorraine region of France. While carrying out their duties, teachers are confronted with a process of “ethnicization” in their relationships concerning both knowledge and social skills. Some teachers see themselves as the last defenders of our republican values: they express their discomfort in the face of a number of assertions and demands which originate from different communities. Yet, they often hide their own involvement in this process of “ethnicization”. They can resort to categorizations that sometimes lead to discrimination which ends up fuelling the spiral of ethnicity. Religion is also a real stumbling block for teachers. Memorable professional and personal experiences have shaped teachers’ day-to-day reality in terms of ethnicity, and this has an influence on their teaching methods, and also on their perception of cultural diversity and laïcité. We have drawn up teachers’ profiles based on their perception of ethnicity and laïcité : - The secularist type : pacifist / atheist or anti-religion - The indifferentialist type : nihilist / universalist - The patriot type : nationalist / republican - The modernist type : paternalist / humanist. The teachers’ identities and professional positions are the result of a progressive construction in which their connection to ethnicity overlaps with their own personal sense of ethics
Moreira, Joana Adelaide Cabral. "Saber docente, oralidade e cultura letrada no contexto da educação infantil: análise da prática docente à luz dos autores da Escola de Vigotsky." http://www.teses.ufc.br, 2009. http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/3231.
Повний текст джерелаSubmitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-09T12:23:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_JACMoreira.pdf: 1868336 bytes, checksum: dab562bc5d8a8a0cef8a4b57021abd78 (MD5)
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Pesquisa sobre saber docente concepções e práticas pedagógicas de professoras da Educação Infantil de escolas públicas de Fortaleza no Estado do Ceará Tal investigação objetivou captar e interpretar os saberes docentes acerca da aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem na infância e analisar as suas manifestações no trabalho pedagógico realizado no contexto da Educação Infantil Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnometodológico - estudo de caso duplo - realizada com quatro professoras de uma escola pública federal e duas profissionais de uma instituição municipal Como arcabouço teórico que deu ancoragem ao estudo destacam-se os autores da Escola de Vygotsky de vertente histórico-cultural, Alexander Luria Aléxis Leóntiev e Lev S. Vygotsky; os pesquisadorores do saber docente e da prática situada: Donald Schön António Nóvoa Maurice Tardif e Jacques Therrien assim como autores da teoria crítica do currículo e da cultura: Jürgen Habermas Henri Giroux Peter McLaren e Paulo Freire Para realizar um diálogo crítico com o objeto de estudo, elegeu-se como categorias interpretativas do real: o saber docente e a prática situada a linguagem e a mediação e, no decorrer do trabalho emergiu também a categoria teórica atividade A análise dos dados revelou que a concepção de linguagem verbal das professoras pesquisadas resulta das suas histórias de vida e formação bem como dos saberes que se fazem nas experiências cotidianas Mostrou também que os saberes que incorporam como “crenças” repercutem diretamente em suas escolhas pedagógicas e na forma como arquitetam sua prática profissional A investigação constatou que entre os saberes e as habilidades necessários à docência na Educação Infantil destacam-se: o conhecimento de como a criança se desenvolve e aprende “a capacidade de pesquisar a criticidade a rigorosidade metódica a ética a afetividade e a dialogicidade” (FREIRE, 1996) bem como a autonomia a autoridade e a autoria (KRAMER 1994) dos professores Por fim sublinha-se que uma política pública de educação decente deve garantir uma formação inicial e continuada de modo consistente além de condições humanas e materiais de trabalho que possibilitem a profissionalização docente e a constituição de um contexto educativo que respeite as necessidades e especificidades da infância
Lemmonier, Jore Françoise. "Paradigmes géométriques et formation initiale des professeurs des écoles en environnements papier-crayon et informatique." Paris 7, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA070038.
Повний текст джерелаThe theoretical framework of this research distinguishes two paradigms in school geometry : on the one hand Gl (spatio-graphical geometry), whose objects are physical and validations perceptive, and on the other hand G2 (proto-axiomatic geometry), whose objects are theoretical and validations hypothetic-deductive. At the beginning of their training, the relation of pre-service elementary schoolteachers (PE1) with geometry poses problems because they will have to make their pupils work essentially in Gl, whereas they have to use G2 for solving the geometry problems set in by the competitive examination that they have to sit. This work highlights the procedures used by PE1 to draw a perpendicular bisector with instruments under different constraints and in their degree of expertise in perpendicular bisector, through the study of their adaptability to these constraints. Such an adaptability is in fact connected with the cognitive 'availability' of the G2 paradigm. This research confirmed that the PE1 work within various paradigms : Gland G2, but also a local and Personal 'pseudo-paradigm' linked with both Gl and G2. Besides, the 'obviousness' of the drawing, the lack of knowledge and competence in G2, the automation of construction procedures which empties them of any meaning, constitute as many determining factors for the fact that they are not able to work in G2 when the situation requires it. Nevertheless, this work shows that an awareness of these paradigms can be set up through a specific engineering focused upon the writing and justification of construction scripts. This allows the students, at least in the short run, to evolve towards G2 and improve their skills in G2
Bouchetal, Thierry. "Parcours de professeurs des écoles en cours de carrière : épreuves, ressources pour quel développement professionnel ?" Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO20090/document.
Повний текст джерелаOur research has 2 objectives: to define the careers of primary school teachers and to consider their long term work commitment. The work of primary school teachers has recently been changed, on the one hand the number of required working years has been lengthened and on the other there has been a multiplication of reforms in order to improve pupils' results with regard to the international league tables. These decisions affect school teachers' careers and their activity on a daily basis, two aspects which are rarely considered together. Linked to that, we are envisaging our research from the notion of professionnal development which seems appropriate to us in order to find the indicators of construction of skills and identity, underlying reorganisations in the progress of careers. In order to do this, our enquiry is based on the narratives of mid-career primary school teachers reflecting on their professional lives. The analysis shows a system of events and resources which is possible to categorise, less in an orderly logic than in a revealing perspective of dynamics of commitment to work. In order to confront the complexity of their work, it turns out that primary school teachers restructure their activity and their career(s) in accordance with the difficulties experienced in their work (their nature, intensity, rhythm...) and with the resources used in such circumstances. So the necessary conditions for professional development are coherent with biographical elements (career paths, consistent motivation and elements of the family spheres...) and are combined with the elements of the activity in context (the working environment of the different positions held, the crossed effects of national and local educational politics,...). All in all, being a primary school teacher today and intending to remain so, requires a constant updating of experience and identity
Wentzel, Bernard. "De la transition discursive entre formation à l'IUFM et prise de fonction : quelques cas singuliers de professeurs des écoles." Nancy 2, 2004. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/NANCY2/doc223/2004NAN21015_1.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаSince 1991, teachers have been trained in University Training Institutes for Teachers. According to the title of the rapport by Mr. Bancel, rector of educational district, the aim was to "go on a new drive for the training teachers", by outlining the building of such a profession through its skills and knowledges. Changing the status and the training of young teachers is a part of a process allowing them to see their work as a profession in itself. Trying to understand as clearly as possible the issue, our work questions and analyses what some young school teachers think about their peculiar experiences led between the second training year and the first year they took up their duties, and the way they see the building of their profession. One's relationship to the world, when experiencing a training period, is seen both in its complexity and subjectivity. Even when acting in a social environment that he is trying to make its own and on which he is attempting to have an impact, one remains the bearer of representations, ideas, values, needs and affects overwhelming him both during the learning process of his training period and in the way he tried to act professionally. Either asking questions about oneself, projecting oneself, identifying oneself, groping, developing tactics and strategies of appropriation, manipulating and conciliating strained logics or waving reflexive attitudes, the variety of behaviors one a dots during training period is at the heart of the peculiar and subjective building of one's profession
Askouni, Kanella. "Les enseignants des lycées techniques en Grèce : approche sociologique d'un groupe professionnel hétérogène." Paris 5, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA05H019.
Повний текст джерелаThis study concerns the technical high schools teachers in Greece, a very heterogeneous group, constituted from traditional teacher categories (those of general education) and some others more recents (those of technical education). The first part presents an analysis of the social, morphologie of this group (social characteristics, studies, professional paths) as well as of the process of his constitution. The second part shows the relation between the different teacher's individual characteristics and their educational practices
Quinson, François. "Quitter la classe : la mobilité professionnelle en cours de carrière des enseignants du premier degré, épreuve cruciale individuelle et analyseur du groupe professionnel." Lyon 2, 2004. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2004/quinson_f.
Повний текст джерелаBarège, Dominique. "Le rapport au savoir professionnel des enseignants du premier degré : le cas du rapport au référentiel de compétences en début de parcours professionnel." Toulouse 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU20024.
Повний текст джерелаThis research deals with the evolution of the link to professional knowledge of primary school teachers and in particular the link that students, trainne teachers and graduates have with the frame of reference of skills. The issue leads to two hypotheses connecting the evolution of the link to the frame of reference with the "in-order-to motives" of the staff, that is to say the projected situation of the actors in the perspective of the CRPE (competitive exam to recruit primary school teachers), of starting on the job and during the career. This study is based on the results of a survey done with a questionnaire and auditions. The analysis of the data has shown three distinctive phases of professionalisation. In each of these phases, the role of the frame of reference as a support and an orientation of the professionalisation applies only secondarily and always via the mediation of "in-order-to motives"
Jollivet, Chantal, and Eric Blanchard. "L'apprentissage coopératif dans la formation continue des enseignants du premier degré." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002STR1PS04.
Повний текст джерелаThe objectives of our joint research are to demonstrate how the concept of educational reciprocity encourages the ongoing personal and professional development of teachers, and secondly, from a sociological point of view, to explore how teachers in a group situation begin to cooperate in terms of attitudes and knowledge. Moreover, our thesis which is based on the notion of reciprocity, is doubly centered on constructive cooperation, this is in effect both the aim and the means of our interactive research. The aim of our joint research consists of the putting into practice and the analysis of a teacher training mechanism on the basis of cooperative work. Cooperation is also the means of our research. This research is innovative in the sense that it places two researchers in a personal and sometimes cooperative thought process, where they need to construct the various stages of the undertaking using parallel approaches. We explore issues concerned with the professional development of teachers : how to help professionals to become reflective practitioners and how to help them appreciate what can be gained from cooperative teaching. Our proposition is to put in a place a training facility that not only analyses current practice, but takes into account the parallel layers of knowledge and understanding. First hand experience has shown us that personal enrichment is developed through the participation of all partners and is based on a collegial approach. It has also shown of that if cooperation is necessary to surmount complexity, there are also a certain number of challenges to overcome, due the variety of different approaches. The challenge of such a cooperative training program is that teachers, in their professional setting, can with the cooperation of teacher trainers and university researchers construct a training program that unites classroom practice and theory
Gimonnet, Bertrand. "Les notes à l'école ou le rapport à la notation des enseignants de l'école élémentaire." Paris 10, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA100103.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis would like to highlight the factors which assist the understanding of the continuity of school marking in elementary schools. It attempts to outline the teachers' "marking relationships", i. E. All the behaviors and practices in pedagogical marking that they implement in elementary schools. The teachers' discourses indicate the conviction that stimulation, emulation and competition are intrinsic functions of school marking; however, many contradictions influence the act of assessing. This research postulates the existence of a causal link between school marking and school form. Born more than a century ago, the school form determines paradoxical educational situations: the requirements of a competitive society and conformity determined by the "tradition" of practices, in which teachers try to accommodate their discourses and their practices
Villers, Dominique. ""Apprentissage tout terrain" : les vicissitudes de la formation pratique des instituteurs." Paris 10, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA100013.
Повний текст джерелаThe purpose of this research is a study of the teacher's initial training in primary school. This research is based on an analysis of the statutory rules published since 1794 and on an examination of speeches selected from a group of host teachers specialized in the reception of student teachers, as the host teachers are le most involved in setting to work the practical part of this training. This research shows a break in the teachers on the job training conceptions. A pattern conception where exiting practices recur become an interactive conception were the student teachers built their own specifics skills and knowledge, adapted an adaptable to a new professional context in evolution. The last part of this work proposes an analysis and a decoding of the knowledge used during the period of training
Léonard, Franck. "Différentes manières de faire l'instituteur." Bordeaux 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002BOR20963.
Повний текст джерелаOur subject is two-fold. The 1st aspect is about training : how have primary school-teachers been recruited and trained from the time of the first "écoles normales" to our current "teachers' training colleges" ? Who are they ? through what process do they become primary school teachers ? How did they use to be trained ? How are they trained nowadays ? The 2nd aspect is about being a teacher and deals with individual practices, what teachers actually do in their class and what representations they have of the pupils and of their profession. Our work is an endeavour to link the two. The creation of the IUFM (Teachers' Training Colleges) in 1991 could have occasioned a break because it created a new status among primary school teachers. This idea has been put forward by previous studies which mention a crisis or regret a "golden age". Since 1991, the former teachers who were recruited at an early age, just after the baccalaureate or after only a two-year course at university, have had to work with their new, highly educated, better paid colleagues who have been trained differently. No sign of a crisis has appeared yet. Our thesis is rather that of a continuity, a slow change of a professional body adjusting to new situations. It takes into account 3 variables deemed discriminatory : the length of services, the location and the teachers' professional and social background. It is a sketch of a very old and yet very modern profession
Dequiré, Anne-Françoise. "Essai d'analyse sociologique des critères de sélection au concours de professeur des écoles : les jurys d'entretien à l'épreuve de la docimologie." Lille 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005LIL30029.
Повний текст джерелаVantourout, Marc. "Etude de l'activité et des compétences de professeurs des écoles et de professeurs de mathématiques dans des situations "simulées" d'évaluation à visée formative en mathématiques." Paris 5, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA05H037.
Повний текст джерелаWe situate this research within the general framework of reflexions on the professionality of teachers In this research, we study the activity of eighteen pre-service elementary and middle school mathematics teachers, all at the end of their formation at the IUFM (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres) during their formative assessment of pupil's work in mathematics This work is carried out according to a double didactic orientation : didactic of mathematics and professional didactic. Our approach is comparative and descriptive. The device of research, organised around a "simulator", allows sparing identical "experimental" conditions for all teachers. We presented to the pre-service teachers, during three sessions, the results as well as the unfolding of the work o two "fictious" binomials of pupils of grade 5, (CM 2) for the elementary teachers (Professeurs des écoles), and of grade 6 for the middle school teachers (Professeurs de lycée et de Collège de mathématiques) solving proportionality problems using charts. The study of these teacher's activities enable us, on the one hand, to analyze the totality of the evaluative judgements expressed by each one of them, and, on the other hand, to reach professional competences and the evaluation processes which originate them. The study of competences mainly consists in inventoring knwoledge and proposing a categorization of it comprising three poles : "disciplinary", "evaluation" and "professional". The comparison of the study of knowledge and that of the evaluation process enables us to better understand the activity of the appraisers. We reach then their steps, their expectations and the finalities which they allot to this evaluation. This work shows first of all that the expression of two evaluative judgements, seemingly identical, can rely on a diversity of knowledge and processes. It then clarifies the essential role that disciplinary knowledge plays during formative evaluation in mathematics. In addition, the possibility of comparing, for similar work, the activity of evaluation of elementary teachers (grades 1 to 5) and middle-school (grades 6 to 9) constitutes a particular approach of the transition "elementary school - middle school"
Collot, Henri. "Position professionnelle de l'enseignant de cycle II (grande section maternelle, CP, CE1) au regard de ses représentations de la difficulté de l'élève : étude psychodynamique." Paris 5, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA05H023.
Повний текст джерелаThis research is about teachers’representations of pupils’difficulties in the so called "cycle II» of the French education system, i. E. The last vear of nursery school, the first and second year of prirnary school. It refers to clinical psychology from psycho analytic inspiration and addresses the concepts of difticulty, cathexis, apprehension, space and psychic position. The analysis of a series of clinical interviews highlighted comprehension axes, as regards the evolution of teachers’position. The latter has been questioned by the structural changes of the last decades brought about both by the public’s and the school administration’s expectations. The study stresses the weakening of the subjects’identity. They feel their position is changing and unsettling and that their psychic space is threatened and reduced. The psychodynarnic study of the situation has revealed the distress and discomfort of teachers
Toux, Betty. "Le professeur des écoles à l'épreuve du handicap entre souffrance et créativité." Rouen, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ROUEL007.
Повний текст джерелаThe chance and equal rights, the participation and the citizenship of the disabled people promulgated by the law of February 11th 2005 caused a slight increase amongst pupils in situation of disability in ordinary medium in the first degree. This research, undertaken according to a clinical approach of psychoanalytical orientation, aims at understanding how the primary school teachers subjectively live with of a disabled pupil in their class. If the teachers agree on the principle of this law, the feeling of a disturbing-strangeness and the loss of competence related to confrontation with those pupils lead them to moderate their enthousiasm. The study of those testing periods shows that, initially, it causes at the psychic level a process of mental block source of suffering. Then, if certain conditions are present, the process of connection can take over and give to the teacher the access to his creativity, it can also take part of his professional development