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Chantreau, Katell. "Transmettre une langue minoritaire autochtone à ses enfants : le cas du breton." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022REN20018.
Повний текст джерелаStarting from the parents’ point of view, this thesis in educational sciences studies the family transmission of Breton, in a context of linguistic revitalization that follows the almost total rupture of the intergenerational transmission in the 1950s. A field survey of Breton-speaking parents aged between 23 and 48 in 2018 forms the basis of this research and has made it possible to collect a large amount of quantitative and qualitative data from 50 semi-structured interviews and two questionnaires (450 respondents for one and 306 for the other). It highlights the diversity of family strategies for transmitting the Breton language, in terms of parent-child communication and the environment, ranging from strong, very proactive transmission practices to weak or non-existent transmission practices. It also highlights their dynamic nature, often in the sense of a weakening of transmission as the child grows up. The analysis of parents’ linguistic choices reveals the influence of many factors relating to the environment (family, school, work), the context of the interaction (spouse, child, presence of a third party) and the parent speaker himself or herself (language socialisation, gender, feeling of competence), which combine to form a unique configuration that may or may not allow for language transmission. The transmitting parents report on the educational, personal, family, cultural and political issues involved. The thesis concludes with a series of recommendations for a potential future language policy in favour of the family transmission of Breton
Pichon, Denis. "Normalisation d'une langue régionale dans la sphère économique : de l'utopie à la réalité : le cas de la langue bretonne." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016REN20049/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis research work considers reverse language shift in economy as a project. This involve defining a starting point and understanding how this situation came up. It is the aim of the first part which shows the evolution of breton language on several centuries, the appropriate scale to understand language evolutions. Then comes the environment conditions, three aspects are studied : language tools, numbering and level qualifications of the speakers in front of current supply and demand situation. Then, the last tool considered is the methodology and the follow-up of minority language revitalisation. The second part is dedicated to tensions generated in economy between the evolution speed of human activities versus numeric ones. Then comes valorisation of contemporary initiatives regarding language revival in companies. Two main aspects are considered : the possibilities offered by minority languages and managing human aspects linked to such initiatives. Last, the third section is dedicated to an experimental minority language revitalisation performed in the company of the author of this work, which allowed him to put face to face utopia and reality of such an initiative
Al labour imbourc’h-mañ a ginnig sellout ouzh advuhezekaat ar yezhoù minorel er bed an armerzh evel ur raktres. Ar pezh a dalv spisaat al lec’h loc’hañ, ha penaos emeur degouezhet eno. Pal al loden gentañ an hini eo, hag a ziskouez emdroadur ar yezh a-hed ar c’hantvedoù, skeul amzer dereat evit meizañ emdroadurioù ar yezhoù. Dont a ra war-lerc’h aozioù an endro ha tri anezho zo bet studiet : ostilhoù ar yezh, kementañ hag adrummañ ar vrezhonegerien e-keñver kinnig ha goulenn al labour, hag a-benn ar fin, metodologiezhoù evit lakaat e pleustr ha heuliañ advuhezekaat ur yezh. An eil lodenn a ziskouez tennderioù diabarzh war dachenn an armerzh etre tizh emdroadur faktorioù denel ha niverel. D’an talvoudegezh an intrudu a-vremañ er bed an embregerezhioù, eo gouestlet ar peurrest eus al lodenn. Daou dra a zo bet studiet pizh : peseurt implij eus ar yezh vinorel ha penaos merañ faktorioù denel liammet gant an difrae. Evit echuiñ, an trede lodenn a zo gouestlet d’ul labour pleustrek advuhezekaat ar brezhoneg en embregerezh oberour al labour-mañ, ar pezh en deus roet dezhañ da lakaat tal-ouzh-tal utopiezh ha gwirvoud an difrae
Douguet, Jean-Marc. "Systèmes agraires et soutenabilité : un enjeu pour la préservation d'une eau de qualité en Bretagne, une question d'évaluation." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000VERSA004.
Повний текст джерелаLe, Moigne Roland. "Les plantes de Bretagne : étude de leurs noms vernaculaires dans quelques langues de l'Europe de l'ouest." Rennes 2, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993REN20028.
Повний текст джерелаThe precise identification of a plant known only by its common vernacular names sometimes poses problems : different forms may have identical names, while some have been known by several hundreds of names. The first task was to compile a list of vernacular names of plants from works in such fields as botany, ethnography, and folklore. This research took in 30 languages of western Europe and a total of 165 dialects, collecting together more than 60,000 terms. A number of programs were created especially to allow an analysis of the basic data (representing 3,5 megaoctets of memory). The second phase of the work consists of a critical analysis of the documents studied, taking into consideration printing errors, mis interpretations, incomplete etymological information, etc. Next, certain characteristics of the vernacular names are highlighted. The criteria used at the origins of the names, their early development, their geographical location, their different local variations with the passage of time, and their exact meaning. After this, certain problems are touched concerning the relation between the breton language and culture and the plant word: the exact definition of names used in the 'Leyde manuscript', the Myth of the 'golden herb', etc. In conclusion, this research sets out to clarify the meaning of the vernacular names of plants. Showing links of polysemy an polygeny, these names provide evidence of a great unity in terminologic practice in western europe vis-a-vis the plant world, and one which dates back a very long time
Broudic, Fañch. "L'interdiction du breton en 1902 : la IIIe République contre les langues régionales /." Spézet : Coop Breizh, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36164734t.
Повний текст джерелаBarré, Ronan. "Contribution critique à la sociolinguistique des langues minoritaires : les langues celtiques dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle." Caen, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005CAEN1427.
Повний текст джерелаReijers, Marie-Sophie. "L'enseignement des langues étrangères par la télévision éducative : étude comparative entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne." Paris 4, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA040185.
Повний текст джерелаThis research, in a comparative study between both Great-Britain and France, looks at the way educational television deals with the teaching of French in the united kingdom and the teaching of English in France, especially at secondary level. Its aims is to understand how schools language broadcasts can influence foreign language learning, with the help of both linguistic theories and comparative studies in education, as well as the study of the power of television and the importance of the image in a learning process. In the first half of the study, the theoretical background to the educational potential of both British and French terrestrial television channels in the 90s is established to then look at their influence as regards modem foreign languages. Having described that, the history of linguistic theories can be described until the current communicative approach which integrates television as a learning tool. In the second half of the study, language broadcasts are analyzed according to their movements of thought, with three programs studied in particular in both countries. The legal side is then dealt with to understand the problems of the use of television broadcasting in the classrooms. The question of a possible methodology in the modern foreign language classroom is then raised to open the discussion on the new deal of the twenty first century and on the future of language broadcasts in this new context
Le, Harzic Katell. "Le français régional de la région de Morlaix, Basse-Bretagne : enracinement sociolinguistique et fonctionnements." Rennes 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REN20035.
Повний текст джерелаWhat does the expression 'breton accent' often heard in Low Brittany mean? In Low Brittany, french and breton, two languages of different origins had once their defined limits. For historical reasons, french has gradually spread into breton. At the beginning, the penetration was inconscious, the breton language acquired a lot of new words that described new ideas, customs and objects. Over the years, french has become the common language for Low Brittany, something that breton, with its dialectal diversification, has never been. The french introduced to Low Brittany is necessarily influenced by the breton language. The vocabulary of the spoken french in Low Brittany is not only permeated with breton words and expressions, but the breton also influences the phonology, intonation and morphology of the french in Low Brittany. Theses contacts are of course noticeable in spoken french as well as in its written literaly form. The different researches have shown that the regionalized french reveals the Breton's attachment to their local traditions and the breton language. Since the breton can no longer mark breton identity and particularity, Low Brittany's french has taken over this function and is able to distinguish the Bretons from other linguistic communities. All these issues constitute the subject of this research. The regional french in Low Brittany is analysed functionnaly and sociolinguistically. Finaly the thesis is essential to sociolinguistic studies in Brittany and also, from a human point of view, to the entire linguistic community of Low Brittany
Martin, Colleen Caitrin. "L'effet du contact de langues sur la réalisation de deux langues maternelles : le breton et le français en France, et le gallois et l'anglais en Grande-Bretagne." Paris 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA030112.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis is a comparative study of the segmental and suprasegmental features of two Celtic languages, Breton and Welsh, and the dominating languages spoken in their lands, French and English. 8 bilingual speakers (4 Breton-Franch and 4 Welsh-English) were recorded. We compare the voicing and aspiration features as well as the places of articulation of the consonants and the features of nasality, length, and stability (monophthongs or diphthongs) of the vowels. We also analyse word level accentuation (stress). Following these comparisons and a perception test, we show that the geographically related languages (Breton with French and Welsh with English) share certain resemblances at the segmental level but that there is no apparent link between the languages at the level of accentuation. In conclusion, we see that the minority languages have been able to remain phonetically and phonologically independent to the dominating languages
Michel, Youenn. "De la tolérance a l’intégration : l’école et l’enseignement des langues régionales en france, du régime de vichy aux années 198." Paris 4, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA040155.
Повний текст джерелаThe history of Education in France, for regional languages and cultures, mirrors the relations between State and local authorities. It also hinges on the history and evolution of Education policies and teaching, the study of identity representations and the sociology of Education. Since the French Revolution, one of Education’s main goals has been integration through the teaching of the French language. So what has become of the teaching of regional cultures in French schools during the second half of the XXth century? From the Vichy regime to the 80’s, albeit some differences from one region’s aim to another, the teaching system has evidenced a strong will to raise awareness to local cultural heritage and to encourage optional lessons in regional languages. This is why research must investigate the motivations of the teachers and students involved, as well as what determines the introduction of local cultural references into the culture of Education
Le, Corre-Huteau Suzanne. "Communication, interactions et incidence des réalités éducatives, sociales et linguistiques : pour une théorie des langues minoritaires et majoritaires à l'école : les cas de la région Bretagne et de la communauté autonome Basque." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC048.
Повний текст джерелаThis matter focuses on the comparative analyses between several sociolinguistic phenomena within two different geographical, historical and political areas (Brittany and Basque autonomous community). This analysis is founded on an accurate and scientific study of various parameters : minority and / or majority language – educational situation (methods of teaching, immersion, transmission) – societal and political situation (influence of society and State upon the school) – the communication or the importance of the human factor (relations, adaptations). Our analysis proposes a set of theory based on two essential vectors : the archisystem and the archistructure ; a theory which collects moving, non static or uniform elements and which therefore recognizes that certain manoeuvre margins are narrow or that certain situations are fixed. However our theory allows, either to establish a consensus by a reasoned mutualisation of the means, or to draw aside factors of tensions, by pulling up the need of a peaceful conjunction of principes
Costecalde, Pierre. "Les télévisions celtiques (TG4, S4C, BBC ALBA, FRANCE 3 Bretagne, Brezhoweb) : de l’espace des lieux à l’espace des flux : territorialisation et déterritorialisation." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REN20026/document.
Повний текст джерелаThe television channels broadcasting in a Celtic language (TG4, Ireland), S4C (Wales), BBC ALBA (Scotland), FRANCE 3 Bretagne’s programmes in Breton and BREZHOWEB (France/Bretagne) rest on languages whose linguistic demographics is worrying. These languages are supported by laws and strategies and by the European Charter on Regional and Minority Languages. In a bilingual environment, they depend on favourable public opinions and on language education. Their expression and promotion is boosted by the Celtic television channels. Faced with a very strong competition in a hyper-fragmented mediascape, they are centers of resistance against globalization, located .in the “space of places” (Manuel Castells), broadcasting for “imagined” language communities (Benedict Anderson). Their dependence on financial flows (Arjun Appadurai) creates a permanent tension between economy and media. The financial and economic crisis has triggered a reduction or a stagnation of these channels’ budgets, resulting in social and economic difficulties for them and their independent producers. Most of the channels are now deterritorializing some of their programmes through internet. They increase their audience rates among their diasporas and the public at large by resorting to optional subtitles andadapting international formats such as soap operas or sitcoms. Part and parcel of convergence, these channels are available on numerous digital platforms. Therefore, their future will depend on a post-Brexit agreement, on the implementation of the European Digital Single Market, but above all on the younger generation’s approach towards learning Celtic languages and their use on the many audio-visual digital platforms
Heimburger, Franziska. "Mésentente cordiale : langues et coalition alliée sur le front ouest de la Grande Guerre." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0068.
Повний текст джерелаPrevious scholarship on the Allied coalition during the First World war has tended to stress the misunderstandings and distrust between the individuals representing their countries at high command level. There is an unexplained tension between this mésentente and the durable nature of the coalition and eventual victory of the French, British and Americans on the Western Front which leaves the lower echelons underexplored. By dialectically crossing communication practice and military logistics we can write a history which tells us both how these exchanges were possible and to what extent they contributed to the Allies' victory. Official and private archival material enables us both to read traces of language from the perspective of the history of international exchanges and also to understand choices in military logistics from the point of view of interpreting and translation studies. France and Britain had very different military language strategies throughout the 19th century. Secret negotiations between 1905 and 1912 established a strategy consisting of attaching English-speaking French soldiers to British units. From August 1914 these untrained military interpreters were put to the test and had to learn to position themselves among the British officers, French authorities and the local civilian population. Battlefield liaison and the handling of written documents were two further important elements in this fragile but successful balancing act which was further challenged in 1918 with the progressive integration of the US troops in the Allied operations and the shift from the trenches back to mobile warfare
Scheidhauer, Christophe. "La convergence européenne des politiques de promotion de l'enseignement des langues régionales, fruit de la quête d'héroi͏̈sme des promoteur." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004IEPP0009.
Повний текст джерелаMermet, Michel. "Informatique et maîtrise de l'oral en maternelle bilingue breton-français : modèle de l'élève dans le dialogue enfant-ordinateur et ergonomie de la parole." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00199337.
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