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Eya'a, Obame Daisy Fabiola. "Pour une réflexion écocritique postcoloniale : lecture de Petroleum de Bessora, Les neuf consciences du Malfini de Patrick Chamoiseau, The Conservationist de Nadine Gordimer et la trilogie postcoloniale de Kate Grenville (The Secret River, The Lieutenant, Sarah Thornhill)." Thesis, Brest, 2021. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03789590.
Повний текст джерелаThe imperialist and anthropocene logic has given rise to practices whose traces are to be found in an environmental type of hegemonism and a difficult apprehension of the connection to the living, to this different, human or non-hum another, who nevertheless participates in the relation. A postcolonial ecocritical analysis shows that these exploitations which are perpetuated in the contemporary world have a link with the ecological crisis. A comparatist approach to the works of Bessora, Patrick Chamoiseau, Nadine Gordimer and Kate Grenville highlights this state of crisis: it guides the reader to wards new realities and announces the evolving contours of a changing natural environment. These works also teach humans to look at the surrounding nature in a different way and convey cultural values that are likely to enrich the relationship with the living. In this sense, literature shows that reconciliation cannot be achieved without man’s awakening to an environmental conscience, that is to say the modelling of the interaction between humans and the environment to preserve nature. Reconciliation means that the working together of the literary imagination and the inclusion of socio-cultural realities will lead to a sensitive poetics of inhabiting the world. Since the cultural trajectory of a group is linked to the earth, ecological awareness must first be developed by local cultures to then influence global cultures. In other words, it is necessary to decolonize ecological know ledge in order to restore the natural environment and the relationships between the different forms of life. The goal is therefore to identify the elements that enable a reconciliation between anthropocentric requirements and environmental ethics
Smart, Kirsten. "National consciousness in Postcolonial Nigerian children's literature." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/22880.
Повний текст джерелаPeeters, Erik Christian. "Resistant misfit subjectivities in selected postcolonial literary texts." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.439582.
Повний текст джерелаGardner, Barbara J. "Speaking Voices in Postcolonial Indian Novels from Orientalism to Outsourcing." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2012. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/english_diss/85.
Повний текст джерелаKeller, Laura. "“Terrible in its Beauty, Terrible in its Indifference”: Postcolonial Ecocriticism and Sally Mann’s Southern Landscapes." W&M ScholarWorks, 2018. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1530192830.
Повний текст джерелаTemiz, Ayse Deniz. "Gens inconnus political and literary habitations of postcolonial border spaces /." Diss., Online access via UMI:, 2008.
Знайти повний текст джерелаRochester, Rachel. "Postcolonial Cli-Fi: Advocacy and the Novel Form in the Anthropocene." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/23736.
Повний текст джерелаAl-Abbood, Muhammed Noor. "The cultural politics of resistance : Frantz Fanon and postcolonial literary theory." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.310373.
Повний текст джерелаLaVine, Heidi Lee. "Paradoxes of particularity: Caribbean literary imaginaries." Diss., University of Iowa, 2010. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/695.
Повний текст джерелаVan, Dam Hendrika. "Making it right? : writing the other in postcolonial neo-Victorianism." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2016. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/97579/.
Повний текст джерелаMoisander, Malin. "Can the Nonhuman Speak? : A Postcolonial Ecocritical Reading of David Malouf’s Remembering Babylon." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-24039.
Повний текст джерелаDavis, Caroline. "Postcolonial literary publishing : Oxford university press in Africa and the Three crowns series." Thesis, Open University, 2010. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.528253.
Повний текст джерелаSvensson, Martin. "Postcolonial Literature in Swedish EFL Teaching: : A Didactic Consideration of Teaching Postcolonial Literary Concepts with Examples from Arvind Adiga's The White Tiger." Thesis, Jönköping University, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-49912.
Повний текст джерелаMcWilliams, Amber. "Our lands, our selves: the postcolonial literary landscape of Maurice Gee and David Malouf." Thesis, University of Auckland, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2292/5617.
Повний текст джерелаLarcher, Sabine. "Mentally Garrisoned Imagination : A Canadian (Postcolonial) Gothic Literary Approach to Fred Stenson’s The Trade." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Engelska, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-35973.
Повний текст джерелаSiddiqa, Ayesha. "Relational identities and politics in African-American and postcolonial Pakistani women's literary counter-narratives." Thesis, Durham University, 2017. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/11955/.
Повний текст джерелаMcWilliams, Amber. "Our lands, our selves : the postcolonial literary landscape of Maurice Gee and David Malouf /." e-Thesis University of Auckland, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2292/5617.
Повний текст джерела"Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Doctor of Philosophy in English, the University of Auckland, 2009." Includes bibliographical references.
Paddock, Alexandra Angharad. "Beastly spaces : geomorphism in the literary depiction of animals." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:117bf706-74c4-4682-8ecb-36bc1af34562.
Повний текст джерелаRoupenian, Kristen Carol. "Dodging the Question: Language, Politics, and the Life of a Kenyan Literary Magazine." Thesis, Harvard University, 2013. http://dissertations.umi.com/gsas.harvard:11239.
Повний текст джерелаPujolràs, i. Noguer Esther. "An African (Auto)biography: Ama Ata Aidoo's Literary Quest." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/4922.
Повний текст джерелаLa tasca d'escriure que envolta a escriptors/es es defineix per una necessitat de trobar la seva pròpia veu en el món literari. Si bé aquesta cerca de la veu pròpia ve marcada per un impuls entusiasta per deixar una empremta en el món de les lletres, o si bé està segellada per la càrrega que suposa la superació del que Harold Bloom anomena l' "angoixa de la influència," és a dir, la presència omnipotent de totes aquelles veus d'escriptors/es anteriors que impedeixen l'articulació d'una veu indiscutiblement independent i única, la veritat és que un autor s'ha d'enfrontar i ajustar a una tradició de textos que intenta emmotllar a la seva pròpia imaginació i experiència.
Ama Ata Aidoo és una escriptora africana. Nascuda l'any 1940 a la regió central de Ghana, Aidoo ha conegut el colonialisme de primera mà -Ghana era l'antiga colònia britànica anomenada Gold Coast-, ha estat implicada directament amb la lluita per la independència del seu país -els britànics varen empresonar el seu pare, Abeadzi Kyiakor, per la seva participació en la lluita per la independència de Ghana-, ha disfrutat i celebrat els anys immediatament posteriors a la independència, ha patit i criticat l'onada neocolonialista que seguí el període d' independència i, durant tota la seva vida ha mantingut una perspectiva clarament feminista. La seva cerca literària -la seva lluita per trobar una veu pròpia- és un intent de reconciliar aquells aspectes diferents i discrepants que han configurat la seva experiència com a dona a l'Àfrica. La seva obra literària no es pot entendre sense tenir en compte les realitats sovint ambivalents, ambigües i contradictòries que forgen la seva identitat -la seva (auto)biografia- com a escriptora, dona i africana.
En l' obra d'Ama Ata Aidoo la llegendària lluita entre l'àmbit personal i l'àmbit públic de l'escriptor, entre l'individu com a ésser tancat en sí mateix i ésser polític, s'articula dintre de la realitat sobrecollidora dels estats moderns africans, un llegat que, no es pot oblidar, és patrimoni de l'època colonialista. Quan Harold Bloom mostrava, des d'una perspectiva crítica, la seva preocupació sobre la tradició literària que els escriptors es veuen obligats a confrontar per a poder definir una veu pròpia, singularment seva, ho feia trepitjant terreny occidental, és a dir, ho feia considerant únicament i exclusivament la tradició literària d'occident. Però què passa quan la veu que s'està cercant i intentant definir és el resultat d'una herència polèmica, una herència marcada per una tradició literària occidental, per una banda, i una experiència indiscutiblement i inequívocament africana, per l'altra?
L'any 1994, Vincent Odammten, dedicà un llibre sencer a l'anàlisi de l'obra d'Aidoo: The Art of Ama Ata Aidoo: Polylectics and Reading Against Colonialism. L'anàlisi que Odammten fa de l'obra d'Aidoo es centra en el fet de que els seus textos són un exemple de la lluita literària contra el colonialisme, però, en cap moment, fa referència a la cerca personal de l'autora per definir la seva veu pròpia. El meu argument és que aquesta lluita per definir la seva veu com a escriptora és fonamental per una apreciació crítica de la seva obra, i, afegeixo que aquesta cerca de la veu pròpia està indissolublement lligada a la seva essència com a dona i com a africana.
L'obra d'Ama Ata Aidoo desestabilitza el discurs eurocèntric d'una manera insidiosa, consistent i incansable. El terme "eurocèntric" és un prèstec del llibre de Patricia Hill Collins, Black Feminist Thought, i interpreto "discurs" de la manera que Foucalt ho va definir a The Archaelogy of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language. Així doncs, la meva utilització del terme "discurs eurocèntric" obeeix a, en primer lloc, la interpretació de l'adjectiu "eurocèntric" que trobem en el llibre de Hill Collins i que defineix com a la condensació de dues coordenades: blanca -occidental- i masculina; i, en segon lloc, a la interpretació Foucaldiana de "discurs" com a combinació de pràctica i manera de parlar la naturalesa de la qual determina el criteri pel qual els seus resultats es jutgen com a exitosos. D'aquesta manera, es produeix un cercle viciós, ja que, si masculinitat i occidentalitat són els dos aspectes que alimenten i determinen els criteris mitjançant els quals aquest discurs, aquesta combinació particular i específica de pràctica i manera de parlar, es considera satisfactòria, aleshores, tot sembla indicar que no hi ha cap camí el suficientment satisfactori que ens allunyi de la masculinitat i l' occidentalitat. Mes, com l'obra d'Aidoo demostra, aquest no és el cas.
La literatura africana en llengua anglesa està estigmatitzada pel fantasma de la novel.la de Conrad, Heart of Darkness (Cor de Tenebres). Aquesta novel.la, altament controvertida, publicada l'any 1898, turmenta la imaginació dels escriptors africans per la seva representació del continent africà com a buit negre. Malgrat tot, Heart of Darkness, s'ha de llegir com un text ambivalent, ambigu, terriblement i espantosament contradictori i que s'ha de tenir en compte en qualsevol estudi d'escriptors africans anglòfons que s'emprengui. La meva lectura de la novel.la de Conrad està influenciada per l'obra del crític Edward Said que defineix Heart of Darkness com a una primera i incipient crítica del discurs eurocèntric. Podem afirmar que el motiu que va empènyer a Joseph Conrad a escriure Heart of Darkness va ser el seu desig de plasmar i denunciar l'explotació cruel i brutal que Bèlgica portava a terme en el Congo. Aleshores, i aquí radica l'ambivalència i la importància de l'obra, si aquesta era la intenció de Conrad, com és que Àfrica es descriu com una terra nullius, i els africans es representen com a animals? En altres paraules, perquè la crítica del discurs eurocèntric que sembla desprendre's del text de Conrad cau en el més nefast de l'eurocentrisme: el racisme i el masclisme? Said respón a aquesta pregunta d'una manera parcial: Conrad, mitjançant la seva novel.la, copsa la incapacitat de l'individu que, volent expressar una experiència contrària a l'imperialisme, acaba caient en l'esperit imperialista que vol denunciar i això és degut al fet de que aquesta experiència l'intenta articular mitjançant un discurs eurocèntric, que Said defineix com a marcadament occidental. Com he assenyalat anteriorment, la resposta de Said és parcial perquè, en cap moment, reconeix la masculinitat que desprèn la novel.la de Conrad. Hi ha hagut re-escriptures importantíssimes de Heart of Darkness per part d'autors africans anglòfons -Paradise d'Abdulrazak Gurnah (Zanzíbar), Waiting for the Barbarians de J.M.Coetzee (Sudàfrica), Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart (Nigèria)- però cap ha reconegut en la seva re-escriptura crítica la masculinitat que junt amb l'occidentalitat conforma el discurs eurocèntric. Amb una excepció: Ama Ata Aidoo i la seva obra Our Sister Killjoy or Reflections of a Black-Eyed Squint, que suposa una re-escriptura brillant -i, m'agradaria afegir, poc reconeguda- de la novel.la de Conrad.
La meva tesi doctoral consta de dues parts: The Cave: Colonialism Black and White i The Cave Revisited. Towards a Subjectification of Africa and African Women. La primera part la conformen dos capítols: Unveiling the Ghost: Heart of Darkness or Africa-Chronotope Zero i (Auto) Biographical Fiction: The Facing and De-Facing of Africa-. Aquests dos primers capítols són una anàlisi de la ambigüitat del text de Conrad que encara avui dia és una realitat fantasmagòrica en l'imaginari africà anglòfon, per una banda, i una crítica de la masculinitat que amaga el moviment literari de la Négritude que sorgí com un intent per part d'autors africans d' omplir el buit que l'imaginari occidental havia deixat en el continent africà, per l'altra. La segona part se centra en l'estudi de les obres que configuren la primera fase de la cerca literària d'Aidoo -The Dilemma of a Ghost i Anowa (drama), No Sweetness Here (contes) i Our Sister Killjoy or Reflections from a Black-eyed Squint (text genèricament inclassificable)-, uns textos que s'enfronten a un legat literari que nega o, en el millor dels casos, dilueix, la experiència de les dones africanes.
Per demostrar com Ama Ata Aidoo desestabilitza el discurs eurocèntric exposant les seves ambivalències, contradiccions i inconcebibilitats m'emparo en l'obra crítica de Luce Irigaray i, concretament, Speculum of the Other Woman (1974). En aquesta obra, Irigaray desmonta el pensament filosòfic occidental evidenciant la mirada marcadament masculinista que ha interpretat el món i que ha deixat a la dona rellegada a un simple -i sovint molest- apèndix de l'home. L'última part del llibre ( Plato's Hystera) és una anàlisi minuciosa d'un dels fonaments del pensament occidental: la caverna de Plató. La seva lectura deconstruccionista de la caverna de Plató determina la línea argumental de la investigació, dividint la tesi doctoral en les dues parts prèviament definides. Part I. The Cave. Colonialism Black and White i Part II. The Cave Revisited. Towards a Subjectification of Africa and African Women. La crítica que Irigaray fa de la caverna de Plató exposa un camí de pensament linear -marcadament blanc i masculí- que allibera als presoners, sempre i quan aquests siguin homes. Dins del pensament platonià les dones no fugiran de la caverna, el camí linear no funciona per a elles però la realitat de la caverna, i això és el que demostra Irigaray, és més complexa que un simple camí linear; a la caverna hi ha bifurcacions, a la caverna s'hi pot trobar el que ella anomena "el camí oblidat" (the forgotten path) que és el que s'ha de recuperar si volem avançar més enllà del discurs eurocèntric. Irigaray no fa referència d'una manera sistemàtica a la occidentalitat blanca del discurs eurocèntric, sí que ho fa, incansablement, a la masculinitat que es desprén d'ell. L'obra d'Aidoo s'emmotlla perfectament a una crítica basada en el pensament d'Irigaray més, en aquest cas, el discurs eurocèntric que l'autora africana dissecciona desplega la seva masculinitat junt amb la seva occidentalitat blanca. En altres paraules, les dues coordenades que fixen la crítica al discurs eurocèntric en els textos d'Aidoo són el gènere i la raça.
França, Junior J. L. "Verses, subverses and subversions in contemporary postcolonial poetry : the arts of resistance in the works of Linton Kwesi Johnson and Lesego Rampolokeng." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/11910.
Повний текст джерелаThis dissertation seeks to analyse insubordination and resistance manifested in postcolonial and post-apartheid poetry as ways of subverting dominant Western discourses. More specifically, I focus my analysis on textual strategies of resistance in the poetry of Linton Kwesi Johnson and Lesego Rampolokeng. The syncretistic quality in the oeuvres of both poets is related to diaspora, hybridity and crealisation as forms of writ[h]ing against (neo)colonially-based hegemonic discourses. Postcolonial critiques at large will frame this analysis of strategies of domination and resistance, but some discussions from the domain of history, sociology and cultural studies may also enter the debate. In this regard there is a great variety of theories and arguments dealing with the contradictions and incongruities in the question of power relations interconnecting domination and resistance. This study is arranged in three pivotal debates. There is firstly an in-depth discussion of underpinning theories that deal with strategies of domination and resistance in the postcolonial domain This is a threefold task carried out by scrutinising (a) the origins of colonial discourse and its binarist tendencies, (b) the pitfalls of anticolonialist resistance based on dualistic opposites, and (c) the hybrid and insubordinate nature of resistance as an efficient alternative to transcend such binaries. Afterwards I seek to investigate how strategies of diasporic resistance and cultural hybridism employed in the poetry of Linton Kwesi Johnson can contribute to moving away from the limitations of dichotomies and also subvert hegemonic power. And finally, I look at crealisation, mockery and insubordination as strategies of resistance in the postapartheid poetry of Lesego Rampolokeng. Besides that, this project is concerned with the increasing importance of academic studies on postcolonial literatures. The present research aims therefore to analyse postcolonial and post-apartheid poems as strategic techniques to decentre dominant Western rhetoric that tries to naturalise inequalities and injustices in the relations between power holders and the powerless in both local and global contexts.
Müller, Anette. "London as a literary region the portrayal of the metropolis in contemporary postcolonial British fiction." Augsburg Wissner, 2005. http://d-nb.info/986808954/04.
Повний текст джерелаMüller, Anette. "London as a literary region : the portrayal of the metropolis in contemporary postcolonial British fiction." Augsburg Wißner, 2007. http://deposit.d-nb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?id=3042771&prov=M&dokv̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.
Повний текст джерелаAl, Janabi Hazam K. A. "Postcolonial nationalism and contemporary literary theory : Algerian and Iraqi novels from 1962 to the present." Thesis, University of Leicester, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/43044.
Повний текст джерелаGill-Khan, Chloe. "Postcolonial European governance in question : a comparative case of British and French diasporic literary expressions." Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2012. http://eprints.soas.ac.uk/14696/.
Повний текст джерелаAlcorn, Haili A. "Beauty and the Beasts: Making Places with Literary Animals of Florida." Scholar Commons, 2018. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/7462.
Повний текст джерелаJackson, Lisa Marie. "Ocean views: women's transnational modernism in fiction by Elizabeth Bowen, Hagar Olsson, and Katherine Mansfield." Diss., University of Iowa, 2018. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/6595.
Повний текст джерелаBen, Abdallah Sondes. "La femme face à la société néolibérale : regards écocritiques, écoféministes et postcoloniaux sur la littérature italienne contemporaine." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020MON30003.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis addresses the presence of female characters in the contemporary Italian Novel from the viewpoint of care relationships, in relation to ecology and democracy. From an ecofeminist and postcolonial perspective, we attempt to study the relationship of the female protagonists of the contemporary Italian Novel to the 'places' they inhabit. Through the literary analysis of three essential novels, our work consists of showing the role of literature in the reinstatement of aesthetics in ethics by presenting women in literature as a symbol of resistance to the ecological crisis, to uprooting and unrestrained neoliberalism. In the vast panorama of contemporary Italian literature, we have chosen to get closer to these women who, like polluted or confiscated lands and colonized populations, are voiceless because they are subordinate to neoliberal culture. Studied from an ecofeminist, postcolonial point of view and according to the ethics of care, the image of the protagonist woman of the contemporary Italian novel can offer a new reading of the challenges facing current feminism. Marilina Labruna by Carmen Covito in La bruttina stagionata, Estrellita in L'Iguana by Anna Maria Ortese or immigrant women in contemporary Italy in the novels Amiche per la pelle by Laila Wadia, Adua d'Igiaba Scego and Pecore nere are all different expressions of democracy in the sense that they represent figures of resistance to uprooting and cultural assimilation
Hamam, Kinana. "Confining spaces, resistant subjectivities : toward a metachronous discourse of literary mapping and transformation in postcolonial women's writing." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2013. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.594642.
Повний текст джерелаBarclay, Fiona J. "Postcolonial France? : the problematisation of Frenchness through North African immigration : a literary study of metropolitan novels 1980-2000." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2006. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/3248/.
Повний текст джерелаLornsen, Karin. "Transgressive topographien in der turkisch-deutschen post-migrantenliteratur (Transgressive topographies in turkish-german post-migrant literature)." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/420.
Повний текст джерелаChang, Ti-Han. "The Role of the Ecological Other in Contesting Postcolonial Identity Politics : an Interdisciplinary Study of the Postcolonial Eco-literature of J.M Coetzee and Wu Ming-yi." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSE3014/document.
Повний текст джерелаThis thesis presents the literary works of two contemporary writers—John Maxwell Coetzee (1940-), originally from South Africa, and Wu Ming-yi (1971-) from Taiwan—whom it analyses as key exponents of postcolonial eco-literature. The thesis offers an interdisciplinary study of their works in their theoretical, political and literary aspects. The texts selected for analysis are those that seek to present a dystopian image of the exploited natural environment or nonhuman entities, while, at the same time, associating and articulating these representations with the suppressions and exploitations carried out within colonial frameworks in different parts of the world. As regards the theoretical perspective of the thesis, it addresses the subject of how contemporary continental philosophy takes nonhuman animals and other kinds of ecological beings into account and rethinks the philosophical question of the other. With respect to politics, it contextualises this philosophical questioning by looking at the history of various postcolonial countries, notably South Africa and Taiwan. Lastly, as far as literature is concerned, it examines the writings of Coetzee and Wu in order to show how their texts depict the ecological other as a way of contesting postcolonial identity politics
Roy, Patricia. "Shakespeare’s Midsummer Fairies: Shadows and Shamen of the Forest." Scholar Commons, 2004. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/1226.
Повний текст джерелаPårs, Joakim. "The Great Okonkwo´s Demise : A Feminist and Postcolonial Literary Analysis of the Concept of Emasculation in Things Fall Apart." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Engelska, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-29686.
Повний текст джерелаCoelho, Teresa Sofia Nobre dos Santos. "Cante Alentejano, um lugar textual: contributos para o estudo de sentidos e materialidades literárias." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/27837.
Повний текст джерелаvan, Uitert Catherine Gardner Guyon. "Paradox and Paradise: Conflicting Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Nature in Aminata Sow Fall's Douceurs du bercail." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2010. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/2352.
Повний текст джерелаNewport, Sarah. "Writing otherness : uses of history and mythology in constructing literary representations of India's hijras." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2018. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/writing-otherness-uses-of-history-and-mythology-in-constructing-literary-representations-of-indias-hijras(d884b37f-417b-478d-9f19-e00d2129c327).html.
Повний текст джерелаBurns, Brian. "Hybridization of the Self, Colonial Discourse and the Deconstruction of Value Systems : A Postcolonial Literary Theory Perspective of Literature inculpating Colonialism." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-35112.
Повний текст джерелаLin, Tzu Yu. "Detoured, deferred and different : a comparative study of postcolonial diasporic identities in the literary works of Sam Selvon and Weng Nao." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/10582.
Повний текст джерелаMattar, Karim. "The Middle Eastern novel in English : literary transnationalism after Orientalism." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:dae20213-59d9-4889-9cc2-e64c66668115.
Повний текст джерелаFarrington, Tom Joseph William. "'Breaking and Entering' : Sherman Alexie's urban Indian literature." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/10589.
Повний текст джерелаLauwers, Margot. "Amazones de la plume : les manifestations littéraires de l'écoféminisme contemporain." Thesis, Perpignan, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PERP1193.
Повний текст джерелаBy focusing on the writings which have accompanied the ecofeminist movement’s heated history, this thesis offers an overview of the literary manifestations of contemporary ecofeminism and argues that literary criticism is in fact at the heart of the ecofeminist movement instead of being a mere manifestation of it. The first part of our work retraces the complex history of ecofeminism and feminist ecocriticism, from its beginnings in the 1970s to the present day, which puts it back into its historical context. This allows a closer look at the essentialist problem which is often associated with ecofeminism, this debate’s sterility appears by itself when one takes into account the changes that this movement can help establish from the one hand, and from the other, this allows us to concentrate on the (eco)feminists roots of ecocriticism. Our second part offers a broad outlining of a transversal ecofeminist praxis by unearthing ecocriticism’s feminist roots and by focusing on the way feminist ecocriticism deals with the sense of place, corporeality and its relationship towards language; three main themes of feminism and environmentalism of the past forty years. Finally, the third part of the thesis emphasizes the object of feminist ecocritical studies: literature. We offer our own feminist ecocritical analysis of a selection of contemporary texts. This allows for a practical use of the transversal ecofeminist praxis which our second part sheds light on and illustrates our main argument: theory is, indeed, useful to guide and inform a critical reading, but literature can also guide and inform critical practice and activism
Phillips, Sandra Ruth. "Re/presenting readings of the indigenous literary terrain." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2012. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/50838/1/Sandra_Phillips_Thesis.pdf.
Повний текст джерелаMcKagen, Elizabeth Leigh. "Visions of Possibilities: (De)Constructing Imperial Narratives in Star Trek: Voyager." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/99063.
Повний текст джерелаDoctor of Philosophy
In this dissertation, I argue that contemporary cultural narratives feature continuing Euro-American imperialism that prioritizes Western bodies and ideas. These embedded narratives recreate centuries of Western imperial encounters and attitudes, and severely hinder possible responses to the present environmental crisis of the 'modern' era. Taking inspiration from postcolonial theorist Edward Said, I use interdisciplinary methods of narrative analysis to examine threads of imperialism written into popular American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001). Voyager follows the Star Trek tradition of exploring the far reaches of space to advance human knowledge, and in doing so inscribes Western imperial practices of difference and power into an idealized future through features of exploration, modernity, and progress. In order to move away from these imperial modes of thinking, I then propose alternatives for new narrative approaches that offer possibilities for non-imperial futures. As my analysis will demonstrate, Voyager is unable to provide new worlds free of imperial ideas, but the possibility exists through the loss of their entire world, and their need to constantly make and remake their world(s). World making provides opportunity for endless possibility, and science fiction television has the potential to aid in bringing non-imperial worlds to life. These stories push beyond individual and human centered attitudes toward life on earth, and although such stories will not likely be the immediate cause of change in this era of environmental crisis, stories can prime us for thinking in non-imperial ways.
Rine, Dana. "Small Flowerings of Unhu: the Survival of Community in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Novels." Scholar Commons, 2011. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/3312.
Повний текст джерелаLobo, Jansson Stefan. "Lord of the Rings, Lord of Nature : A postcolonial-ecocritical study of J.R.R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and its implications in the EFL classroom." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-76582.
Повний текст джерелаEvans, Taylor. "Genetic Engineering as Literary Praxis: A Study in Contemporary Literature." Master's thesis, University of Central Florida, 2012. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/5200.
Повний текст джерелаID: 031001413; System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.; Mode of access: World Wide Web.; Adviser: James Campbell.; Title from PDF title page (viewed June 14, 2013).; Thesis (M.A.)--University of Central Florida, 2012.; Includes bibliographical references (p. 180-187).
Arts and Humanities
English; Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies
Alvandi, Nazanin. "Literary Theory in Upper Secondary School : Should It Be Used Before Higher Education?" Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-44612.
Повний текст джерелаDenti, Chiara. "La traduzione alla prova dell'eterolinguismo : il caso dei testi letterari postcoloniali francofoni." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100063.
Повний текст джерелаWritten at the intersection of languages, postcolonial texts show evidence of the phenomenon that Rainer Grutman has called “heterolingualism”, that is to say the coexistence of different languages in a literary text. Focusing on a corpus of ten postcolonial novels written in French, published in France from the year 2000 onwards, this thesis, on the one hand, deals with the inclusion of heterolingualism in source texts – its forms and the way it works – and on the other hand, analyses how it is translated in the Italian as well as the English and Spanish versions. The problem of rendering linguistic heterogeneity is the core of this research. Our analysis will allow us to demonstrate how translation can take up the challenge of heterolingualism. Far from being an insoluble problem, linguistic heterogeneity can be rendered as long as the translation overrides the principles of transparency and readability on which it is usually based
Grimes, Jodi Elisabeth. "Rhetorical Transformations of Trees in Medieval England: From Material Culture to Literary Representation." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2008. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc12130/.
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